Strong as Stone- Dwarf Quest

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In the land of Sosas, there are four species. The declining Elves, the mysterious Humans, the...


Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
In the land of Sosas, there are four species. The declining Elves, the mysterious Humans, the young Orcs, and the ancient Dwarves.

Empires rise and fall. Species die out and are replaced. Even the once-mighty Elves are in the twilight of their species lifespan. But no matter what, one thing is always true.

Dwarves endure.

Since the dawn of time, since the creation of the world, Dwarves have stood firm. The Dwarven kingdom was larger then any other, spanning most of the world, and had only been significantly threatened three times in the past- By the first Skittering Mass infestation, by Dark Lord Kouki and his endless army, and by the merciless legion that is Humanity.

You are a member of this proud race, and one day, every Dwarf will sing your name in praise.

Character Creation:
[X] Male
[X] Female

[X] Write-in name (Must be German.)

[X] You are a warrior. After spending a year training, learning to use a weapon and to set traps in the tunnels of the Dwarven kingdom front lines, you were sent to aid in the war against Humanity.
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.
[X] You are a wanderer. You spend your time on the surface, mostly in Elven land and near The Outskirts. You hunt monsters for a living, as did the rest of your family, before they encountered a different kind of monster.
[X] Write-in (Must be GM Approved)
[X] Female
[X] Catarina
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.
[X] Male

[X] Leuchte Zauberer

[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male
[X] Leuchte Zauberer
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.

[X] Male
[X] Hannes Glenn
[X] You are a wanderer. You spend your time on the surface, mostly in Elven land and near The Outskirts. You hunt monsters for a living, as did the rest of your family, before they encountered a different kind of monster.
[X] Male
[X] Urist LavaBeard
[X] You are a warrior. After spending a year training, learning to use a weapon and to set traps in the tunnels of the Dwarven kingdom front lines, you were sent to aid in the war against Humanity.

All these people trying to be un-dwarf like. If we don't relish in the death's of our enemies in hand to hand combat then Armok will turn his everlasting wrath towards us.
[X] Female
[X] Catarina
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male
[X] Urist LavaBeard
[X] You are a warrior. After spending a year training, learning to use a weapon and to set traps in the tunnels of the Dwarven kingdom front lines, you were sent to aid in the war against Humanity.
[X] Male

[X] Erwin Krindler

[X] You are a blacksmith, a forger of great and mighty weaponry and armor. Further, you had learned a bit of enchanting and runecraft, to further improve your creations and make them even greater. You search for even greater ways to improve your craft.

Nothing more Dwarfy than a master blacksmith.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
[X] Male

[X] Erwin Krindler

[X] You are a blacksmith, a forger of great and mighty weaponry and armor. Further, you had learned a bit of enchanting and runecraft, to further improve your creations and make them even greater. You search for even greater ways to improve your craft.

Blacksmith Dwarf, classic.
[X] Male

[X] Erwin Krindler

[X] You are a blacksmith, a forger of great and mighty weaponry and armor. Further, you had learned a bit of enchanting and runecraft, to further improve your creations and make them even greater. You search for even greater ways to improve your craft.
[X] Male

[X] Erwin Krindler

[X] You are a blacksmith, a forger of great and mighty weaponry and armor. Further, you had learned a bit of enchanting and runecraft, to further improve your creations and make them even greater. You search for even greater ways to improve your craft.
[X] Male

[X] Erwin Krindler

[X] You are a blacksmith, a forger of great and mighty weaponry and armor. Further, you had learned a bit of enchanting and runecraft, to further improve your creations and make them even greater. You search for even greater ways to improve your craft.
[X] Female
[X] Catarina
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.

I just want magic, damn it.
[X] Female
[X] Catarina
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.
[X] Female
[X] Catarina
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.
[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[x] your a journeyman engineer. Just yesterday your Master announced your apprenticeship was completed and now you were to take your first steps into your craft without your master there to guide you.
