[X] Plan Schwimmpanzer
-[X] Drop the GK-4 and the KTW-2 from consideration.
-[X] Inquiries:
--[X] Ask Skoda what changes or improvements we can expect on the SzW-2 over the current model.
--[X] Request more complete technical information from Commorate about their entry while it is in transit.
-[X] Modifications:
--[X] Improve crew hatches and bilge pumps in Np-1.
[X] Disqualify the GK-4 from further testing.
[X] Modify the NP-1's ammo storage in accordance with @FortTell's suggestions
[X] Inquire with Skoda how the SkW-2 is progressing, and what improvements they intend to make from the SkW-1
[X] Ask all remaining entrants to look into better bilge pumps on their tanks
[x] Drop the KTW-2 and GK-4
[x] Advance the Nasspanzer-1 [x] keep the SkW-2 in until the SzW-2 arrives. [x] Have someone remind Skoda and Commorate to ensure an adequate number of escape hatches as well as a proper bilge pump.