[X] Hans Ledwinka: A mechanic and suspensions expert, Hans knows how to keep what he builds off the ground, no matter what the ground is doing at the time.
[X] Mosten Gotha: An ex-representative from Thryssen, Gotha is an industrial expert and is most likely be the person most likely to know how much of what you can build. Post-Thryssen, he's been working with the unions, seeing what the tempo of the factories is.
[X] Erome Lotanja: A young man from la Merezude, Erome is a fop at first glance, but a closer investigation reveals a sharp fiscal mind and unnervingly steady hand at playing the public confidences.
[X] Frederick Kowolski: An older gentleman in the electronics industry, Frederick has dozens of underlings who are happy to tell you all about how to make an electro-mechanical doohickymabober work