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So, another story huh? Yeah I know. But I'm back in the hospital again, and hopefully I'll be...
Beginnings 1.1


Insomniac Supreme
The East
So, another story huh? Yeah I know. But I'm back in the hospital again, and hopefully I'll be out by Wednesday. Now I don't know what the fuck is going on with me be recently as in as of December, I've been having dreams. Which is already weird enough as I haven't dreamed or at least remembered a dream in over a decade, but some really weird dreams.

And they kinda lead to this idea that dawned on me this morning.

I enjoy feedback and criticism greatly, and also enjoy conversation so it'd be cool if any who read drop in and say something. Musical accompaniment will likely be scattered through out this thing.

Not sure exactly where this is gonna go as my writing style tends to attempt to Xanatos Speed Chess together a story, but hey! Should be fun right?

Essentially this is a story about a guy, the main character of this weird thing, Yamura Riel a pretty normal guy, and his adventures and misadventures in a world that he thought he knew as normal. Unfortunately for him it's really a big ass fantasy kitchen sink hidden from the eyes of the average person where world ending threats come ever couple months, entire battles that wreck cities are covered up regularly, gods, demons, and even some eldritch beings live it up with the mortals, and super powers of the magical kind or otherwise aren't all that uncommon.

So lets start.
My name is Yamura Riel, age 26, born 1/13/1990. I have long, kinky black hair, brown skin, and light brown eyes. Despite my name I'm not Japanese, though to be honest despite people commenting on the shape of my eyes. My pops got the name from his favorite childhood movie Grand Prix. I'm one hundred percent Afro-American...well not really, you don't even get past my dad for me to get nationally mixy or my grandma for racially, to be honest but that's neither here or there.

I'm your average dude from New York living in Florida going to college at the University of Florida. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, and I don't do parties so I don't do much besides work, hoop, study, and game. But ah...recently things have been weird. A couple months ago, my godbrother died. We were ah...close you know. Didn't talk all that much despite that but he wasn't much of a talker and sometimes words aren't needed. Since the literal day after, I've been...for lack of a better word I've been seeing goddamn ghosts. Literal
fucking ghosts. They pop up and...sometimes it's obvious that they're ghosts...sometimes I'm having a goddamn conversation with some random person on the bus and then everyones staring at me like I'm a lunatic and suddenly I'm sitting by myself.

I've got no idea what's going on but...I'm worried I'm going crazy. I'm thinking of going to see someone about this but...

Yamura sighed as he stopped writing and looked at what he wrote. Then he grabbed a match and proceeded to burn the paper.

"Yeah writing about it's not fucking helping. So much for that." He muttered darkly.

"Careful you don't set a house fire." A female voice offhandedly.

He glanced out the window and flinched slightly as he saw a rather pretty caucasian woman wearing denim overall shorts and a red shirt, long blonde hair, and green eyes lazily looking at him, leaning over and through the window of his apartment which should only be showing the night sky. Literally. As in it's actually closed and she was leaning through the damn glass.

"Ok." He said calmly as he dipped the burnt unreadable paper in a glass of water. "Now, would you kindly, get outta my apartment?" Yamura snarled.

The woman rolled her eyes and asked "Why so serious? I just want some decent conversation. Every other ghost 'round here is just complaining about how much it sucks being dead and stuff."

"No offense. Not my problem. I'm sick of seeing shit that ain't there like you!" Yamura said annoyed pointing accusingly at the woman.

The blonde blinked curiously before commenting "Just because other people can't see us doesn't necessarily mean we ain't there."

The long haired young man rolled his eyes. "Sure whatever ghost lady."

The aforementioned ghost lady pouted and stated "I have a name you know? It's Rose Blouse-"

That was about as far as she got before a claw ripped through her chest like a pencil through wet tissue.

At that moment, two things ran through Yamura's head as he immediately turned and ran to get the hell out his apartment. One was 'Holy shit! That chick got torn apart by I don't even know man!' and the other was 'Well that's kind off an ironic end to her considering what she was saying her name was.'

"Shit, shit, shit." Yamura muttered.

He looked back when he heard a bone chilling roar and his eyes widened.

Behind him, chasing him, was a giant malnourished dog maybe two stories tall slobbering with drool, and eyes glowing a vibrant purple like colored headlights.

A small sarcastic part of him said 'I don't think Fido wants a hug.'

"Oh fuck me." Yamura whispered before he double timed it.

'You know' he thought 'I know I said that other people can't see it, and it's not real, and it's all just in my head but goddamn it that seems pretty real to me and I need help!'


Almost immediately after, a sickening squelch and splat sound coming from behind him and he froze.

"Yeah, yeah stop your yelling you big baby. It's just your average Soul Eater you know?"

Slowly, Yamura turned around to see the monster, wounded, laying on the ground with some strange type of glowing purple essence flowing out of it's wound like blood. Standing on top of him was a nondescript middle aged caucasian man with brown hair of average height wearing a tan duster that seemed to have symbols on the shoulders that flickered in and out of existence, and a white button up shirt, not tucked into his denim jeans which were tucked into boots.

The really notable thing about him was the fucking glowing black sword in his hand.

"Um..." Yamura said drawing out the word. "Shit. Thanks for the save man."

The man blinked. "'re taking this well for a newbie." He said hopping off of the corpse of the beast he'd just finished slaying, sword no longer glowing.

"I'd honestly like to say that this is just a goddamn dream, but no dreams this vivid so I'm just gonna rock with it." He said. "Names Yamura. 'Sup."

Sheathing his sword the man hopped off the corpse and nodded to him. "Ahdee. Walker."

"Wha-?" Yamura asked in confused.

"Ahdee. Its spelled A-d-a-h-y. It's Cherokee." The now identified Adahy said.

"Oh...fucking 'aight...mind telling me what the hell's going on in this neck a' the woods." Yamura asked walking towards him.

"Sure, long as you don't mind feeding me. I'm hungry, and got no money." The sword wielding...something said before pausing. "I'd also like to know where am I."

Yamura glanced at his phone and checked the time. Nine thirteen.

"Gainesville, Florida." He said.

At this Adahy's eyes widened. Then he laughed "Fucking bitch. Ah whatever."

"So, sword dude." Yamura began, cautiously walking up to the sword wielder. "You feeling for an explanation over some Five Guys?"
And this is the beginning of a wild ride.
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Could use a little more description of the scene-- for instance, this:
leaning over and through the window of his apartment which should only be showing the night sky.
Made me think his apartment was on a higher floor, then, this:
Behind him, chasing him, was a giant malnourished dog maybe two stories tall slobbering with drool,
Threw me for a loop because I momentarily assumed the dog was chasing him down the hall. Now, this might just be a slight reading failure on my part, or it might be something to address in the future.

The character descriptions work, though the one at the beginning was a little out of place, if he never intended to publish the note-thing as a story.

The setting intrigues; what's evident in the text makes me think rather strongly of Bleach(invisible monsters that eat ghosts and anything else that can see them, swordguys hunting them), but the foreword rather soundly dispels thoughts of any further parallels.

Overall, I can say I'm impressed. :grin:
Could use a little more description of the scene-- for instance, this:

Made me think his apartment was on a higher floor, then, this:

Threw me for a loop because I momentarily assumed the dog was chasing him down the hall. Now, this might just be a slight reading failure on my part, or it might be something to address in the future.

The character descriptions work, though the one at the beginning was a little out of place, if he never intended to publish the note-thing as a story.

The setting intrigues; what's evident in the text makes me think rather strongly of Bleach(invisible monsters that eat ghosts and anything else that can see them, swordguys hunting them), but the foreword rather soundly dispels thoughts of any further parallels.

Overall, I can say I'm impressed. :grin:
Thanks I usually just make shit up as I go along but I'm trying to make a legit story here so I don't write myself into a corner. Don't expect anything so as when I get caught up in something I tend to go nuts.
Could use a little more description of the scene-- for instance, this:

Made me think his apartment was on a higher floor, then, this:

Threw me for a loop because I momentarily assumed the dog was chasing him down the hall. Now, this might just be a slight reading failure on my part, or it might be something to address in the future.

The character descriptions work, though the one at the beginning was a little out of place, if he never intended to publish the note-thing as a story.

The setting intrigues; what's evident in the text makes me think rather strongly of Bleach(invisible monsters that eat ghosts and anything else that can see them, swordguys hunting them), but the foreword rather soundly dispels thoughts of any further parallels.

Overall, I can say I'm impressed. :grin:
Also, I'm surprised no one commented on shirt.
Could use a little more description of the scene-- for instance, this:

Made me think his apartment was on a higher floor, then, this:

Threw me for a loop because I momentarily assumed the dog was chasing him down the hall. Now, this might just be a slight reading failure on my part, or it might be something to address in the future.

The character descriptions work, though the one at the beginning was a little out of place, if he never intended to publish the note-thing as a story.

The setting intrigues; what's evident in the text makes me think rather strongly of Bleach(invisible monsters that eat ghosts and anything else that can see them, swordguys hunting them), but the foreword rather soundly dispels thoughts of any further parallels.

Overall, I can say I'm impressed. :grin:
Also as for causing confusion with the dog, that may be a problem that I might need to fix on my end if I'm going to write in second person. I kinda mentally went with the fact that while Yamura is a pretty average joe if very intelligent. The dude is not dumb. He's seen enough horror movies to be genre savvy and knows what happens when you turn he kinda books it and doesn't look back till the scene where he can't stand it anymore and is tempted. That's kinda what that is meant to portray.

Which probably doesn't work that well in second person. I'll do my best to be more descriptive in the future thanks.