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This quest is a Ranma 1/2 / Mage The Awakening quest. Mage the Awakening is a RPG by white...
This quest is a Ranma 1/2 / Mage The Awakening quest. Mage the Awakening is a RPG by white wolf, in which the players play Mages who can warp the world with their strange powers, and who are massive mystery junkies. Mages have a Path, which determines which kind of magic they can do most easily by nature. I'll be using modification mix of Mage: The awakening first edition what's been revealed of second edition. If you don't know anything about M:tAw, don't worry- Akane Tendo is new to this all too, and you'll get a chance to learn along with her.

For those who aren't sure who Akane Tendo is, she is from Ranma 1/2, a manga by Rumiko Takashi, featuring Ranma, skilled teenage martial artist who has traveled all around Japan training in martial arts with his father, Genma. Following in incident in china that curses him to turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, Ranma is engaged (over his objections) to Akane Tendo, the youngest daughter old friend of his dad. He ends up with two other finances, several mortal enemies, and a whole lot of chaos and danger in his life, and a great many people trying to dictate his future.

This story isn't about Ranma. Ranma 1/2 is about Ranma. This is about Akane Tendo, who is nice, if deeply insecure girl unless you insult her, in which case she's a violent maniac. She has horrific luck with boys, some skill in martial arts, and the unfortunate fate of being both the main love interest and a side character in someone else's story. This is story about how Akane discovered magic, and ended up addicted to mysteries, and made everybody's life a lot more strange and confusing.

Finally, I'm planning on this story largely being a comedy, with some mystery and horror. Please don't take anything too seriously.

Your name is Akane Tendo. You are a japanese high school student who likes martial arts, cute things, your friends Yuka and Sayuri, and Dr. Tofu. You dislike swimming, people not talking you seriously, and lecherous boys who make your life miserable. You're the best martial artist in you school, aside from the idiotic kendo club captain Kuno, and your life's been pretty normal so far.

Well, except for that one thing. You noticed something some time ago, and you just haven't been able to leave it alone. What is it?
[] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[] Near where you live, there's an dead-end alley that's been walled off a long time. A while ago, you checked over that wall and found that there was a cherry tree, blooming in that space, with birds among it and fruit on it's branches. Water burbled out of the concrete walls into a stream on the ground. You took some fruit and some petals drunk some water, but the fruit and petals vanished. You went back a second time after school, and there was nothing there but a solid brick wall. You went back a third time, and the space was all back, but massively huge, and behind the cherry tree and the fountain, you could see what looked like a whole school, pristine but empty, in this tiny space. You backed off that time, but you've seen it again and again, going further in each time. Soon, you'll get to the principals office, up in the bell tower.

[] The dating scene. Kuno at his, friends are rather notorious for chasing whatever girl catches their eye. It's about pride, not about the girl, and everybody knows it. So, Yuka wanted to ask some boy she knew- Hikaru- out, but then a sudden some judo club lecher wouldn't leave her alone, so she went to you. You were able to teach the judo lecher a thing or two, but apparently Yuka fell really ill all of a sudden, and then she threw up on the boy, and that really ended things. You didn't think much of it. A few days later Sakura her to keep a kendo club member away so she could walk home with the boy she liked, and the boy who got sick this time and had to be taken home. When Ino also asked you for help, but the lunch she had prepared had somehow rotted in its case, you started getting suspicious- and serious.

The rest of your attempts to help went about as well as the first three, but you were keeping track of things now, keeping an eye on who fate was trying to keep apart. Things began to spoil and rot and break around you, but you didn't care. When Kuno made his declaration about defeating you, the first thought that went through your head was *SO who wanted to ask me out?* You wanted to investigate, But you got a cold that week. And didn't get better the next. You're still sick, You've been feeling worse than ever, and everyone's starting to get really worried...

[] There's a pond behind the school. There's no stream in or out that anybody can see, but you've never seen go dry. You got curious when it didn't flood in a early typhoon this year, so you went to take a look. You accidentally fell in- that was scary enough, but you clawed your way out, everything looked- and felt!- like the dead of winter. But then you blinked the water out of your eyes, and you were back. But you still felt the snow, at least until you dried off.

Later that day, you dipped your old lunchbox in that water, and it looked good as new until it dried off. You've been experimenting ever since, but just recently, you saw footprints coming from the pond across the tarmac.

So that mystery has been something you've been interested for months now. It's been tough, but you've been doing all right. Well, no, that's wrong. You don't want to admit it, but you're way over your head, and you've...well,

[] You've been reading up on Christianity bhuddism, on Onymudo, and on astrology- both west and east. You went through a bunch of things on fung shui before you tossed it all out, eliminating it. You're rooms been filled up with borrowed books on ki and thoughtforms and the summmoning of angels and kami, of your own personal theories, flow charts and diagrams and equations. Your friends have been asking if you're all right, and your grades and training have slipped a little, but it doesn't matter because you've figured it out, you know the answer, you have the solution, you just need to grasp the words for it... Obrimos,

[] You haven't told your your friends anything. You lied to your father, when he asked. What you've feels isolating. Like it's put a wall between you and everybody. Except it's not exactly a wall, it's more like static on the radio, and maybe it's always been there? You find yourself wondering how much your father really hears when you talk to him, how much your words really move him and how much the words he heas move him instead. Yuka and Sayuri, listen, of course, but it's like it's the other way around, you feel heavier, more detached, like you're as close to them as ever, but they have to reach farther to touch out. You stop talking to your family, to everyone but your closest friends, as the dissonance gets into your head whenever to talk, whenever you interact with other people. Only when you're alone do you feel normal, but being alone is starting to hurt. Really hurt, and you're wandering the streets now in what spare time you have, talking to everbody but the people you actually know. Mastigos,

[] You've been burning yourself out. This whole mystery is taking up a lot of time, but you haven't given anything up. Schoolwork, time with friends, martial arts, time with family, investigating this strange thing, helping people at the school, and of course, visting Dr. Tofu whenever you can. You've done a lot of late nights, either on your own investigating or on schoolwork you put off until later because. You haven't been getting enough sleep, enough rest, and people have been telling you to take it easy, that you're killing yourself. You know that they're right, but to easy up, to relax, means giving something up. And you can't bear to do that. Not yet. *but soon*. Moros,

[] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.

You start to freak out, push limits beyond mere neglect. You study hard for exam, but do just as well as you normally do- bad luck, Yuka says. You kiss a boy, pick fights with gangs, go out drinking, and nobody talks, and you luck through the teacher's answers even with the hangover. More and more, everything feels like an anime, where all sorts of insane things happen, but everything's back to normal by next episode, and more and more you start to loose it, trying to get back to reality.

Then Ranma shows up and you completely freak out. Acanthus

[] You've been having a hard time standing school. You love spending time with your friends, but the drama of high school seems so stupid now, since you found something else. You used to really care about looking feminine, but you keep forgetting now- coming into school having forgot to shower, or in the same clothes you left it because you just camped out that night. You're getting irritible, and the voices you keep hearing now aren't helping. You're having less and less patience for those idiot lechers at school. You tell at those weirdo's who just go to grope girls but never ask them should that they just hire a prostitute if they want sex. When Kuno declares that any boy who wants to date you has to beat you first, you spend an hour screaming at him about their stupid macho pride, and how damn complicated he's making everything just because he feels entitled and superior and all sorts of things, then walk out to practice martial arts for the rest of the day. When some brave idiot makes a pass at you the next day, you actually smile; not because you like him, but because he's actually trying seduce you normally, and the voices seem to approve of that. Then you catch what you just actually thought, and wonder what the hell is up with you lately. Thrysus

After this, is the prelude, where I (and Akane) start from the beginning.

If anybody knows how to do proper invistext, please tell me.

Final question. Should I be writing in the second person, or the third person?
[] Second person ("You")
[] Third Person ("Akane")
[x] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[x] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.

[x] Third Person ("Akane")
[x] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[x] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.

[x] Third Person ("Akane")
The rest of your attempts to help went about as well as the first three, but you were keeping track of things now, keeping an eye on who fate was trying to keep apart. Things began to spoil and rot and break around you, but you didn't care. When Kuno made his declaration about defeating you, the first thought that went through your head was *SO who wanted to ask me out?* You wanted to investigate, But you got a cold that week. And didn't get better the next. You're still sick, You've been feeling worse than ever, and everyone's starting to get really worried...
Is this supposed to be an option? Because it is a bit confusing as is
[X] The dating scene. Kuno at his, friends are rather notorious for chasing whatever girl catches their eye. It's about pride, not about the girl, and everybody knows it. So, Yuka wanted to ask some boy she knew- Hikaru- out, but then a sudden some judo club lecher wouldn't leave her alone, so she went to you. You were able to teach the judo lecher a thing or two, but apparently Yuka fell really ill all of a sudden, and then she threw up on the boy, and that really ended things. You didn't think much of it. A few days later Sakura her to keep a kendo club member away so she could walk home with the boy she liked, and the boy who got sick this time and had to be taken home. When Ino also asked you for help, but the lunch she had prepared had somehow rotted in its case, you started getting suspicious- and serious.

[X] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.

[X] Second person ("You")
[X] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[X] You've been having a hard time standing school. You love spending time with your friends, but the drama of high school seems so stupid now, since you found something else. You used to really care about looking feminine, but you keep forgetting now- coming into school having forgot to shower, or in the same clothes you left it because you just camped out that night. You're getting irritible, and the voices you keep hearing now aren't helping. You're having less and less patience for those idiot lechers at school. You tell at those weirdo's who just go to grope girls but never ask them should that they just hire a prostitute if they want sex. When Kuno declares that any boy who wants to date you has to beat you first, you spend an hour screaming at him about their stupid macho pride, and how damn complicated he's making everything just because he feels entitled and superior and all sorts of things, then walk out to practice martial arts for the rest of the day. When some brave idiot makes a pass at you the next day, you actually smile; not because you like him, but because he's actually trying seduce you normally, and the voices seem to approve of that. Then you catch what you just actually thought, and wonder what the hell is up with you lately.

[X] Second person ("You")

Thyrsus Akane just amuses me with how contrary it is to both the surrounding culture and how her canon personality develops.
Ok, so the Foxes at the Shrine is winning with 3 votes, "nothing you do has any effect " winning with 3 votes, and 2nd person and 3rd person are tied. I'll leave the vote open for another 24 hours, then lock the vote.
[X] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[X] You've been reading up on Christianity bhuddism, on Onymudo, and on astrology- both west and east. You went through a bunch of things on fung shui before you tossed it all out, eliminating it. You're rooms been filled up with borrowed books on ki and thoughtforms and the summmoning of angels and kami, of your own personal theories, flow charts and diagrams and equations. Your friends have been asking if you're all right, and your grades and training have slipped a little, but it doesn't matter because you've figured it out, you know the answer, you have the solution, you just need to grasp the words for it... Obrimos,

[X] Second person ("You")
[x] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[x] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.

[x] Third Person ("Akane")
[X] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[X] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.
[x] There's a shrine near where you live. You've been watching the foxes. They aren't acting right- not like normal foxes. They're too big. They line up in rows, one facing the others, like students facing a teacher. They leave and return in two's- but different pairs each time, so they're not mated pairs. And you caught one of them watching you back the day before yesterday.

[x] Nothing you do has any effect. If you'd merely gotten no results on your mystery, it'd merely be depressing- but you haven't paid any costs, either, and it's starting to feel creepy. You skimp on schoolwork, Yuka and Sayrui give you notes and help catch you up, and you do fine on the exam. You skip your exercises, and you end up doing them later anyway, running to the market for Kasumi when you don't run, get roped into moving heavy boxes around when you skip your weights, and have Kuno declare a contest to defeat you when you start to skip your forms.

[x] Third Person ("Akane")