Vote tally - Strange Aeons: A 40k Xeno Governor Quest

Scheduled vote count started by Leon12431 on Mar 18, 2023 at 3:22 AM, finished with 156 posts and 6 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Strange Aeons: A 40k Xeno Governor Quest
Post #1555
Post #1710


  • [X] Plan Grav Sphere
    -[X] Calculation Heart(s) Assign to Atraxas
    -[X] Improve The PDF DC: 70
    --[X] Private Army x1
    --[X] Nameria
    -[X] Improve the SDF (Major) (Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 4000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 400) (DC: 500)
    --[X] Private Army x5
    --[X] Atraxas(M)
    --[X] Harkar
    -[X] Establish Subsector Spies DC: 62
    --[X] Atraxas(I)
    --[X] Nalka
    -[X] Heart Forge Autocomplete turn 7
    --[X] Atraxas(P1)
    -[X] Rebuilding the Schools (Stewardship) (Suspicion: 20) (Resource: 1000) (Upkeep: 100 Social Services) (DC: 500)
    --[X] Atraxas(P2)
    -[X] Specialist Expertise(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 50 Social Services) (DC: 250) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger Level: Low) (Imperial Creed Anger Level: Low) (Harkar has stated that this is something she would like)
    --[X] Atraxas(S)
    -[X] Economic Studies: (Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
    --[X] Atraxas(P3)
    -[X] Improve the Arbites (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
    --[X] Urma 1st action
    -[X] Contact Cadia directly - (Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 10)
    --[X] Atraxas(D)
    -[X] the second stage of the diplomatic Corps (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Social Services): 20) (DC: 100)
    --[X] Akiona
    -[X] Singularity Chamber (Learning): (Suspicion: 20) (Resources: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 50)
    --[X] (Effect: increases production to 1000 Resources and 400 Alloys, in the future can be upgraded to a variant Wellspring or Phase Forge. Will produce Unknown Laws 10, and 7 and Invoked Law Evolution at 1 per turn)
    --[X] Atraxas(P4)
    -[X] Library Actualization (Learning)(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: Variable on Library)
    --[X] Life: When overspending actions lose a wound for every other action taken (1,3,5,7...), allows for much more effective healing devices and technology relating to mutant/abhumans (DC500)
    --[X] Atraxas(P5)
    -[X] Ruin: Increases Inversion Array bonus vs daemons from 2x to 3x, enables controlled sacrifices for gain, provides a pathway for anti chaos/ruin designs/actions (DC: 700)
    --[X] Atraxas(P6)
    -[X] Tarakan Doctors (Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep: 20 Social Services) (DC: 100)
    --[X] Urma 2nd action
    -[X] Contact Homeworld and trade our favour for 7 Calculation Hearts.
    --[X] Atraxas(P7)
    -[X] Factory Investigation (Suspicion: 20) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
    --[X] Balkavus
    -[X] Nanoplague (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 1000)
    --[X] Atraxas(L)
    -[X] Strange Schematics (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 550)
    --[X] Atraxas(P8)
    -[X] Grav Sphere (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
    --[X] Gravus
    --[X] Atraxas(P9)
    -[X] Study the Alloys (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
    --[X] Atraxas(P10)
    -[X] Warp Sphere (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 600)
    --[X] Atraxas(P11)
    -[X] Study Warp Navigation: (Suspicion: 0) (Resources: 50) (DC: 500)
    --[X] Atraxas(P12)
    -[X] Donate to the local Church (Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
    ---[X] Nameria
    -[X] Donate to the Orphanages (Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
    --[X] Atraxas(F)
    -[X] Design augments of Advisors (Learning) (Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 20-80) for Harkar
    --[X] Atraxas(P13)
    [X] Plan That Time Approaches
    -[X] Improve The PDF
    --[X] Private Army
    --[X] Nameria
    -[X] Assault
    --[X] Dark Age Hulk
    ---[X] Atraxas
    ---[X] Private Army
    -[X] Improve the SDF (Major)
    --[X] Harkar
    ---[X] Araahal
    --[X] Atraxas
    --[X] Urma
    --[X] 4000 R
    -[X] Improve The Diplomatic Corps
    --[X] Akiona
    --[X] 100 R
    -[X] Contact Cadia Directly
    -[X] Establish Subsector Spies
    --[X] Nalka Nirve
    -[X] Rebuilding the Schools
    --[X] 1000 R
    -[X] Economic Studies
    --[X] 5 R
    -[X] Grav Sphere
    -[X] Strange Schematics
    --[X] 10 R
    -[X] Study the Grav Lance
    --[X] Balkavus
    -[X] Learn About Alien Religions
    --[X] 50 R
    -[X] The Heart Forge
    -[X] Discovering Information
    -[X] Library Actualization
    --[X] Life
    ---[X] 50 R
    --[X] Ruin
    --[X] Information
    -[X] Meet the Titan Legion
    -[X] Singularity Chamber
    --[X] 100 Exatari Alloys
    -[X] Study the Invoked Law
    -[X] Interact With A Notable
    --[X] Luraia
    ---[X] 10 R
    -[X] Contact the Homeworld
    --[X] Order 7 Calculation Hearts for Favor
    [X] Plan Preparation Preparation Preparation
    -[X][Military] Improve PDF
    -[X] Improve the SDF (Major)
    -[X][Diplomacy] Contact Cadia Directly -5S
    -[X][Akiona] Second Stage Diplo Corps
    -[X] Establish Subsector Spies
    -[X][Stewardship] Economic Studies +5S
    -[X][Urma] Tarakan Doctors -5S
    -[X][Urma] Tarakan Doctors
    -[X][Learning] Study Strange Schematics
    -[X][Balkavus] Study Warp Navigation
    -[X][Faith] Donate to the Orphanages -20S
    -[X][Personal] Rebuilding the Schools +20S
    -[X][Personal] Buy 10k Alloys and 7 Calculation Hearts from Homeworld
    -[X][Personal] Improve Relations with Moriya -10S
    -[X][Personal] Heart Forge
    -[X][Personal] Library Actualization (Life)
    -[X][Wound] Library Actualization (Ruin)
    -[X][Wound] Discover Information
    -[X][Wound] Actualize Information
    -[X][Wound] Poke Hulk with a Science Stick
    -[X][Wound] Study Warp Sphere
    -[X][Wound] Study Grav Sphere
    -[X][Gravus] Luraia Introduction