[X] Plan: Why have one heaven? -[X] These lower gods shall be creatures of incredible, awe-inspiring levels of power, similar to your Creation Trio and the Guardians Trio, with all six of your servants creating avatars that are exact copies of themselves to be included in that group. Each deity shall be given a role by you and will have some sort of hierarchy, mostly based on a trio since you seemed to hit the grove with that. -[X] There will be one, singular afterlife dimension, infinite in size and ever-expanding. All souls that have been and ever will be shall reside there for all of eternity. -[X] You saw a world filled with several large continents, two not so far apart from the biggest one and another above all three, white with snow. You could see that this world was filled with crystals that shone with power that was only restricted to that world itself. You also saw that there were humanoids on this planet. Both species were almost completely identical, but the second species had visible animal characteristics. You decided to call it Remnant. (RWBY) -[X] Yes
[X] Plan Finish Creation -[X] These lower gods are spirits and souls that had been bound to a concept, making them truly immortal manifestations of that concept. While they possess a body of flesh and blood, they can be killed, but their souls will remain intact and reincarnate in a new body eventually, their memories intact. -[X] The afterlife will be several dimensions, each being under the ownership and jurisdiction of lower gods, who will shape them to their liking. These dimensions would not be infinite and thus souls will be cleansed and reincarnated as new living beings in the multiverse. -[X] The world seemed to house several large continents that, despite their size, were quite distant from one another. The world had humanoid races in it, most of them being human-like beings with animal traits that could transform into said animals, but humans were more numerous. The most notable were tribes of highly intelligent humanoids who could transform into dragons. You simply decided to refer to the world as Earth. (Fire Emblem [composite]) -[X] Yes
-[X] There will be one, singular afterlife dimension, however it will not be infinite in size. It will have two pocket dimensions: Heaven for the good souls and Hell for the bad souls, but they will all eventually be cleansed and reincarnated as a new living being in the multiverse in a cycle of reincarnation.
[X] Plan Age of Myths -[X] These lower gods shall be true gods, impervious to time but capable of being felled. They would also represent a concept by their choice or by killing another god in battle and taking their title. Also, they shall live in a dimensional sphere above the multiverse and below the afterlife, creating using specials means to travel into the universe themselves or create weaker avatars as well.
-[X] There will be one, singular afterlife dimension, however it will not be infinite in size. It will have two pocket dimensions: Heaven for the good souls and Hell for the bad souls, but they will all eventually be cleansed and reincarnated as a new living being in the multiverse in a cycle of reincarnation. -[X] You saw a world filled with several large continents, two not so far apart from the biggest one and another above all three, white with snow. You could see that this world was filled with crystals that shone with power that was only restricted to that world itself. You also saw that there were humanoids on this planet. Both species were almost completely identical, but the second species had visible animal characteristics. You decided to call it Remnant. (RWBY) -[X] Yes