Stories about Oppression/discrimination written by people who do not understand oppression /discrimination?

Stories about Oppression/discrimination written by people who do not understand Oppression/discrimination?

I would like to bring out Crash, a movie set in the notoriously racially divided Los Angels. With a individual version of racism, where racism is caused by individuals hating minorities instead of centuries of institutional policies passed to insure some people are treated worse than others

To quote Ta-Nehisi Coates
With that said, I don't think there's a single human being in Crash. Instead you have arguments and propaganda violently bumping into each other, impressed with their own quirkiness. ("Hey look, I'm a black carjacker who resents being stereotyped.") But more than a bad film, Crash, which won an Oscar (!), is the apotheosis of a kind of unthinking, incurious, nihilistic, multiculturalism. To be blunt, nothing tempers my extremism more than watching a fellow liberal exhort the virtues of Crash.

Also The first season of Legend of Korra Sufficient Velocity has told me the equalists were meant to be a Fascism allegory. With Hiroshi Sato being a stand-in to the famously antisematic Henry Ford.

This doesn't work as an allegory because I'm pretty sure Jewish people didn't kill Henry Ford's wife. And the hatred of Jews, Roma, Blacks, and other groups fascists hate doesn't come out of whole cloth. It's not like Gentile/Jewish relations where chill tell the Nazi's started to hate Jews. Antisemitism goes way back in Europe with accusations of them kidnapping Christian babies for their blood, the stereotype of The greedy Jew, erect.

In Korra/Avatar it seems like Bender/non-bender Relations were cool with no hint of Benders being ever discriminated against. The Fire Nation did imprison and kill enemy Benders but that was to crush any hope of resistance in their enemies.
The Fire Nation itself employed many Benders and they seem to have been treated equally in the Military. Which means Amon and the Equalists created Bender prejudice out of whole cloth which isn't how any type of prejudice came to be.

And before someone says Zootopia because "predators really are more dangerous then prey" clearly knows nothing of biology as Hippos who kill 500 to Nearly 2000 people per year! Cape buffalo which Hunting websites refer to as "black death" for its dangerous personality. And they are seen as prey/herbivores in the movie and are both incredibly dangerous. Way more dangerous than foxes or weasels.

Also Bioshock Infinite's incredibly poor take on race in America which ends with showcasing (muted) early 20th century racism in the first part before the latter half where pyske that was all a misdirection the Revolutionaries are just as bad as Comstock!! Because extremism is bad!! Wanting the abolition of slavery is radical!!

Infinite could have been set in a space colony with robots and aliens being discriminated against instead of black people and the story would have worked just fine. The setting of 20th century America seems superfluous for the themes and plot. In Bioshock one the time period of the rise of totalitarianism helped the themes and character of Andrew Ryan. As a Jewish man in the 40s Ryan distrust

But I do wonder what an actual take down on American Exceptionalism would go to on gaming and wider culture. Considering that a black women wearing a America was Never Great hat lead to a outrage