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A fusion of Earth Bet and the Earth of Parts 1-6 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Most of the events...
1.1 - Jitterbug into my Brain
A fusion of Earth Bet and the Earth of Parts 1-6 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Most of the events of both series more-or-less happened, with the biggest differences beginning in Stardust Crusaders, with some characters living where others died as a result of Parahumans existing, and having a very different ending. An ending that eventually leads many Stand Users to form their own hero group sponsored by the Speedwagon Foundation, which had always had a mission to combat supernatural threats to the world, and to help the Joestar Family.

Another minor change is that the events of Part 6 happen one year earlier, so as to better coincide with Worm's beginning.

Other big changes will be revealed as the story progresses.

In 1889, a vampire was sent to the bottom of the sea.
In 1939, the perfect lifeform was launched into space.
In 1982, there are sightings of a golden man flying over the ocean.
In 1983, a vampire rises from the sea.
In 1984, a man awakens as the first Parahuman Stand User.
In 1986, several stone arrows are found.
In 1987, Parahumans reveal themselves to the world.
In 1988, a bizarre adventure begins.
In 1989, a bizarre adventure ends.
In 1992, the first Endbringer appeared.
In 1993, the Protectorate and PRT formed. Soon after, the Speedwagon Foundation created their own sponsored superhero team, led by former New York independent hero "Captain Saturn".
In 1996, the second Endbringer appeared.
In 1999, a serial killer is defeated, and for the first time, an Endbringer outright fled from battle.
In 2001, the Italian villain group Passione gained a new leader.
In 2002, the third Endbringer appears.
In 2005, Leviathan sinks Newfoundland.
In 2009, the Simurgh attacks Madison.
In 2010, Jolyne Kujo and her boyfriend, Romeo Jisso, hit a man with a car, and hide the body at Romeo's request. A few days later, she's arrested as a suspect, and later is sent to be transported to Green Dolphin Street Prison.

November, 2010

"Hey, what do they mean by administrative center?" Jolyne asked, "Do they mean the prison island? The guy sitting next to the driver said that we'll reach it in ten minutes once we cross the bridge."

The other girl simply narrowed her eyes, looking confused, "What are you talking about? How can you hear them?"

At that moment, the driver's window looking into the back of the prison transport opened a crack, and he informed the guard there of what she had just told Ermes, that they would be at the island in ten minutes.

Jolyne frowned at Ermes expression, "Then, you couldn't hear them? Do you have hearing problems or something?"

"My hearing is fine." Ermes said.

Jolyne didn't like her chances. She had felt strange ever since she met with lawyer and cut herself on that amulet her Dad apparently wanted her to have. In all honesty, Green Dolphin Street Prison was a terrible place to be. It was well-known that any Parahumans who were sent there found themselves brain-dead. No matter how much they searched, they never found the guy who did it, but it hadn't stopped.

They stopped sending Parahumans there, of course, but there were always accidents. Nobody really knew how Parahumans happened, after all. One day you just wake up with powers. That happens in prison too. And when it does, if they aren't transferred out quick, they ended up brain-dead too.

Ever since she left the meeting with her lawyer, it seemed her sense of hearing had increased dramatically. She could hear things people were saying in other rooms, that she was sure she wouldn't have noticed before.

It was just a small thing, explainable though a hundred different ways.

Or, she might be a Parahuman.

In which case, Green Dolphin was a death sentence. Panacea didn't do brains, and while Great Diamond did, neither of them would be marched out to help some random girl in Florida who was found guilty of manslaughter. She had gone to juvie before, for stealing a motorcycle, so she wasn't afraid of prison. She was more worried about her education and what her Mom felt about it, up to this point.

But if she was what she was beginning to think she was, she couldn't go in there, under any circumstances.

And with that iron-clad thought in her mind, she stared as in response, her hand began to unspool, a long white thread of string extending from her finger and reaching out, through the bars, around the guard's gun, and into the small window. She wrapped the thread around the steering wheel, and yanked it.

Simultaneously, the guard's gun was pulled from his hand, and the transport veered suddenly to the left.

"Shit!" Ermes cried, pressing herself to the wall and grabbing onto the bars, as Jolyne pulled the string back into her hand, the holes in her flesh re-appearing, and the gun getting dragged through the bars to her.

"Let me out!" Jolyne shouted, aiming the gun at the guard, who now looked terrified.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ermes growled, "How did you get the gun?"

"I'm a Parahuman!" she shouted, and she could feel all four other people in the transport's hearts skip a beat. "I can't go to Green Dolphin Street." she said, "So, let me out, or I'll- I'll shoot someone!"

Ermes made a nervous smile, "Look, Jolyne, this is a dumb thing to do."

"I can't go in there. I'll go brain-dead, like every other Parahuman who goes in there."

"Look, look, lady, there's no need to get unreasonable about all this." the guard said quietly, as his hand slowly went down to his belt.

With a moment's thought, another string wrapped around his belt, yanking it from his body and dragging his club and taser with it to her side. Ermes, having watched the objects fly through the air to Jolyne's hand, simply tried to stay back as far as possible.

"Well?! Let me out!"

"Do what she says." the guard said, shouting it to the two drivers.

She heard the sound of one of the drivers pressing a hand to a radio, clicking it on, when she sent another thread- noticing for the first time that the people were all watching her hands, rather than the thread shooting from them -and it hooked around the radio, she tightened the loop, until the plastic cracked.

"No calling for help. Get out of the chair right now, or I'm going to shoot!" she growled at the driver. He opened the door, and she listened as his foot-steps carried him to the back of the transport.

He unlocked the door, and she kicked it open, running for it. Ermes, who wanted to get inside Green Dolphin in the first place, remained where she was seated, holding her hands up. The other female prisoner did so as well, neither wanting to get blamed for what Jolyne did.

They all watched as she fled down the street.

February, 2011

It was easy enough to steal a car, and whatever else she needed, with her new power.

At first, she thought that perhaps it had been her father's amulet that gave her the power, somehow, but she eventually dismissed it as untrue. Researching Parahumans a bit more, and finding out a little about Trigger events, she decided that it was probably instead that the stress of being jailed and unable to speak with Romeo or her mother, or something, awakened her power then.

Her power, as she understood it, had four parts.

The first was her super-hearing. It was like her entire body was an ear, and she could hear even further by using the second part, her invisible string. She guessed it was actually probably telekinesis, as no one else could see the string, and it was intangible unless she wanted it to be tangible. The third part was that she could spool up that string in various ways. The most natural form being a blue humanoid. It was like having a second, super-strong body that no one else could see. She could see from its eyes, hear from its ears, and feel what it touched, or, alternatively, she could just send it out and control it without any of the feedback. It could even act differently from herself. She could watch her own back, and move her four hands in four different ways.

Finally, was the oddest part of her powers.

She could identify other Parahumans, and hurt them.

While she had her blue humanoid, every other Parahuman she met, when they used their powers, had a weird thing instead. The best way she could describe it was a cross between a worm and a squid. It poked from out of their heads like a plume, usually the worm was small, less than foot long, and usually it was an off-gold color, but just like her string and her projection, no one but her could see them. Even she had trouble sometimes. If the Parahuman wasn't in a fight, the thing was barely there, transparent and fuzzy, but if they were in a fight, they almost blazed to life.

The worms were also unique to the Parahuman. She wouldn't bet on it, or anything, but the power was usually reflected some way in the worm, either in its patterns or movements or in its decorations. Tinkers tended to be very small, if they could summon one kind of substance or another, the worm's tendrils seemed to be coated in it, whether it was fire, or water, or lightning.

And then there were the ones that were just plain weird. Occasionally, she would see one that was silver, rather than gold, that looked like it was overgrown or damaged. At other times, especially when seeing the more famous heroes, rather than looking small and worm-like, they would be massive octopi-like things, practically obscuring the area around them with the size. The only time she had seen that was when catching a glimpse of Chevalier while she was in Philadelphia.

Strangely, the worms acted for her much like her own abilities worked for others. They were usually transparent, practically invisible. When a minor villain in a small town let her stay at his hide-out for a few days, she was barely bothered at all, the only time it drew attention being when he tried to force her to make a gang with him, upon which she found the 'hurting' aspect of it.

Her string and her projection could touch the worm, and the Parahuman attached to it would feel the touch. But it didn't work both ways. After all, the worm had no eyes, no nose, no ears. He couldn't use it to fight back, and it was utterly intangible, while Jolyne could choose whether or not to make her own power tangible.

The man had the power to create ten small balls that would orbit around him. They would automatically deflect projectiles and block physical blows. Called himself Solar System.

But all Jolyne had to do was reach over with her power's invisible blue hand, and squeeze the worm. His power shorted out, balls vanishing or going out of control, the man himself screaming about a headache before he collapsed.

Of course, it wasn't like she had an instant 'turn the Parahuman off' button. It was only when the worm was practically blazing gold that it was tangible enough for her ability to touch it.

She had been making her way North bit by bit over the course of the last few months, never staying long in any one place. Beside Philadelphia, she tried to avoid towns with an active PRT headquarters and without active Protectorate involvement.

Usually, all she had to contend with were regular cops, as well as the occasional independent small-town superhero or villain. Some villains were more than welcoming, while others wanted to boot her out the moment she set foot in their territory. Luckily, her own power wasn't exactly a slouch and she was able to avoid or beat back most who tried to take her down.

Right now, her goal was a simple one. To blend in. While it was true that staying in small towns meant that it was unlikely a large group of heroes would arrive to take her in, it also meant that wherever she went, her usage of her powers would stand out like a sore thumb. She knew that if she was going to settle down, it would have to be in a place where she could blend in, and where the local authorities would have bigger fish to fry than a small-time thief who was tangentially involved with a single person's death.

Bigger fish like Nazis, or goddamn Lung. Someone like her would disappear into the cracks, without a doubt.

Brockton Bay was practically crawling with villains, according to just about any source she looked at. It would be a perfect place to blend in.

Arriving in the city very early in the morning, she took a self-guided tour of the place, getting the lay of the land from within a stolen car she would get rid of before she decided on a place to stay.

That is, she was meaning to do that, right up until she turned a corner and saw bright golden tendrils in the distance. Hundreds of them, branching and reaching and touching and feeling every building- going into the buildings. She considered reversing, but she was caught up in staring, as the branches became thicker and thicker. Hundreds became thousands became maybe millions.

A car passed where she was idling in the middle of the road, the driver giving her a rude gesture, before going into the thick of the blinding gold tendrils. Jolyne watched, tense, and then let out a sigh of relief as she saw nothing happen to him. The tendrils even moved around the car.

She began driving again, cautiously, watching as the gold seemed to surround her on every side, and looked at where the tendrils grouped together the thickest, in alleyways and by garbage can, dipping inside of sewer grates and following the lines of what she assumed was the sewer. Focusing, she tried to look at what was real, at ignoring the gold, trying to make it more transparent in her head than it really was.

Soon, the tendrils were even more concentrated, until Jolyne was able to see the source of it-

A girl jogging.

She stared, wondering what was going on. The girl's worm wasn't a massive as Chevalier's, but it was larger than most she had seen. The sheer number of tendrils it had reaching out in every direction for nearly three blocks was terrifying to look at.

Jolyne nearly had a heart attack when a tendril suddenly stopped on the glass in front of her, and Jolyne realized what she was looking at. The tendril was connected to a small moth.

Was every single one those a bug?

She hadn't heard about anything like this in Brockton Bay.

Soon, however, the tendrils pulled away as the girl continued on her jog, the tentacles instead reaching out to connect to even more bugs along the way.

Continuing on her tour, Jolyne began to consider her choices again. Maybe... maybe she should continue, to Boston. But Boston was far more organized than Brockton, and if she wanted to avoid getting pulled into the Teeth, she'd have to avoid stepping on Blasto or the Ambassadors' toes. No. Any way she looked at it, it would be better if she could just stay in Brockton.

For all she knew, that girl wasn't even that powerful. Her power just looked terrifying because of its range. Hopefully.

Heading for the poorer parts of the city, Jolyne pushed the girl from her mind, her goal was to find a place to stay for the night. Anything else could probably wait til morning.
I find it difficult to believe that a prison where inmates keep going into comas would be allowed to stay open. That it's always parahumans means the PRT SHOULD be going over the place with a fine-toothed comb, since it's obvious that something nasty is going on there. An unregistered parahuman simply neutralizing possible competitors, or even stealing their powers with the comas as a side-effect?
I find it difficult to believe that a prison where inmates keep going into comas would be allowed to stay open. That it's always parahumans means the PRT SHOULD be going over the place with a fine-toothed comb, since it's obvious that something nasty is going on there. An unregistered parahuman simply neutralizing possible competitors, or even stealing their powers with the comas as a side-effect?

Well, there are any number of reasons why it isnt shut down..Government experiments, Cauldron, something strange from the Jojoverse...The big reason they arent shut down is probably the relative rarity of Parahumans themselves, since there is no telling HOW many inmates are in the prison itself, and even assuming thousands of regular humans, thats less than two dozen parahumans. Overall, less than 2 percent of Humanity are parahumans in canon worm. That is accounting for mass deaths resulting from so much crap happening. Heck, even ONE percent is a lot from Wildbow's given numbers.

Its very likely that the number of victims dont even reach 10, much less 20. Shutting down a large prison for such a small number of inmates is simply too much work for the current state of the Wormverse, and its easier to divert parahumans whilst investigating instead. Again, assuming no larger scale conspiracy preventing a shutdown.
1.2 Jitterbug into my Brain
November 2010

It was a very careful balance Enrico Pucchi kept. He often wished that DIO had been around to witness the world's reaction to the Endbringers, to witness what the world had become.

Few people understood Stands as well as Enrico Pucchi. In all his years, he had stolen hundreds of Stand Disks. But Stand Users were a naturally secretive lot. After all, the more one knew about your ability, the easier it would be to find out how to beat it. If a Stand User fought Pucchi, and lost, a panic wouldn't go up. Natural Stand Users were truly rare, and ones who had their Stand gifted by an Arrow tended to be isolated, up until the moment they began to be drawn to their enemies.

However, and this was something that took him a long time to truly understand, Parahumans were not Stand Users. His White Snake could steal from them their Stand and Memory Disks, same as Stand Users, and insert them into new Users. But what was most different, was that Parahumans didn't- couldn't, see what their powers truly were.

When Stand Users fought, it was their souls that battled. When Parahumans fought, it was... something else.

Parahumans didn't seek anonymity, beyond a simple mask. Parahumans weren't rare.

A battle between Stand Users often ended up with multiple casualties, but before the 90s, those casualties were simple mysteries. Now, everyone had something they could point to when the supernatural occurred. It meant that if someone with powers was in prison, it was probably because of those powers. That everyone around them knew they had those powers.

When all the Stand Users in the prison go brain dead, one by one, it's a few random people afflicted with something unexplained. When a Parahuman prisoner goes brain dead, and then another one, and then another one, people begin asking questions.

His sole saving grace was that no one could point to him being the one doing it. The staff was investigated, compared to similar villains, but there were no matches. It wasn't some costumed vigilante who was stealing their powers, it was someone with a brain. It also helped that most who did have powers were too afraid to come, and those who were brave enough, he simply ignored, making them doubt his continued presence anyway.

The simple fact of Pucchi not possessing a Corono Pollentia was enough to clear him of being responsible.

Without being able to find him, and it being too expensive to close down an entire island filled with a half-dozen prison facilities, they simply stopped sending Parahumans to Green Dolphin.

He hadn't expected it to backfire like this, however. Framing Jolyne Kujo for murder and getting her into the prison wasn't difficult. He had checked, and she was born long after DIO's death. She wasn't a Stand User by inheritance, she wasn't a Natural Stand User, or it would have been present from birth, and she would have showed behaviors she simply didn't show.

She should have been a normal human, who would submit to the power of his prison, and act as perfect bait for the damnable Jotaro Kujo, luring him into Green Dolphin despite its so-called reputation. Pucchi had even avoided taking any disks for over a year in advance, even going so far as to create a few Parahumans with his disks, who would then be transferred out unharmed, to try and dispel the reputation.

But no. The girl becomes a Stand User, or perhaps simply a regular Parahuman, and then she escapes, and his preparations all come to nothing. No Jotaro, no memories of DIO's Journal, no Heaven.

It was all such a waste.

He'd have to go for less tasteful alternatives to drag Jotaro into his grip. Frowning, he began making calls. After all, it wasn't as if all of his assassins were in the prison. There were any number of mercenary Parahumans looking for a client, although if she was a Stand User, he didn't think they'd stand much of a chance.

There were always DIO's children, as well as DIO's former Agents. Several of his men perished in their battle with the Joestar group, but just as many were merely hospitalized. And then, if he really needed to, he could simply make more Stand Users. There were rumors about people selling super-powers in exchange for favors, and he would easily be able to do the same.

Either way, Jotaro was too slippery to catch on his own, but Jolyne wouldn't be. And if she was in danger, Jotaro would eventually follow.

February 2011

Jolyne's power lent itself towards sewing fairly well.

Within the first week or two, she had already finished the design, and once she had that, all it took was some raw materials to make it reality. Indigo bodysuit, with a white web pattern across her entire body. Mask was pretty simple, kind of ninja-like. She wasn't about to start changing her hairstyle every time she changed her costume, so she made sure the hood that came with it would easily cover her air. Kind of gave her some vague kitty-ears too, which she guessed was cute.

So, here she was in the evening, waiting in a parking garage. She didn't particularly know who her target was, but she did know he parked his car here every Friday morning before dawn.

Right on time, he showed up, and she stepped out of the shadows, her power materializing in its humanoid form at her side. The man in the car stopped, then, staring at her. She didn't slow down, walking over to the car, and simply having her power reach in and pull him out by his jacket.

"Hey! Hey, hey, what the hell is going on here?"

She dumped him outside of the car, flicked him off, and climbed into the front seat.

"Wait! Wait, no, do you know how much that car costs-"

She was already driving away, sighing. She felt kind of bad going back to old patterns like this, but it made good money, she didn't usually have to hurt anyone, and it was something she knew how to do.

As she drove, her power unfurled, strings reaching for her power and reversing it, pulling away the mask, turning her clothes inside-out even as she drove, until she was no longer recognizable as "Dragline" the car-jacker, and was now simply back to being Jolyne, who, technically, was the worse criminal with manslaughter and threatening to shoot prison guards on her record.

As she started pulling into the worse part of town, she reversed the process again, the costume going back up, and she was Dragline once again. Before she got any farther, she began to check the various side pockets, compartments, cup-holders, under the lights, and under the seats, fishing around with strings to gather anything the former owner had lying around. Finally, she had gathered a good amount of stuff, expensive sunglasses, a knife, some insurance information she shredded, flashlight, water bottles, etc.

The Merchant's gang signs started appearing on ever other building, and the quality of the town took a turn for the worse. Considering it was around 5 in the morning, there was almost no one around, which suited her fine. Some Merchants were dumb enouh to actually try and car-jack her.

Eventually, she reached where she wanted to be, and waved to the two tired-looking guards in front of a run-down car wash.

"Nice one." the first guard said, "Squealer's gonna freak."

"Yep." Jolyne said, "Something nice, new, and loud, just like she asked."

The garage door opened, and she could already hear the sounds of Squealer's screaming. Three or four terrified 'assistants' rushed from place to place, getting her everything she needed as she dissected what might have once been a six-wheeler. If she knew Squealer, the woman had pulled an all-nighter stripping it down.

As Jolyne drove the car into the garage, she poked her head up, grinning wide, "I like that fucking sound!" she pulled her hands free of the engine block, her minions caught mid-step, not really sure what to do now that her mood changed, "Dragline, you brought me something good?"

"I brought you what you asked for, right?" there was a market for stolen cars in Brockton Bay, same as everywhere else in the world, but in this case, there was an entirely different, secondary market.

"Ah! Yes, it still has that fucking new car smell!" she laughed, "If they made perfume of that shit, I'd drink it right from the bottle. You know, Skids has me working with actual, real, trash, you know? Like, actual junkers from literal junk yards, he thinks, some fucker doesn't want their own worthless scrap, maybe I want it?"

Jolyne simply nodded along, before climbing out and holding out the keys for her. Squealer snatched them from her hands, and then walked over to an engine block-turned safe under a bench. Pulling out a ziploc filled with cash, she tossed it to Jolyne, who caught it easily. It'd cover her rent, her food, and her entertainment for the next few weeks, and then all she'd need to do is repeat it all over again.

"Y'know, if you ever wanted to make some real money-"

"I'm not interested in becoming a Merchant, just not really my thing."

"Come on, it'll be better than going on your own." she frowned, "You know Lung is gonna try and snatch you one of these days. A new Asian bitch with powers shows up- hell, you're already dressed like a fucking ninja, you're not gonna last much longer on your own."

"I haven't even gone near the docks." Jolyne said, "But if I'm in real trouble, I'll remember your offer."

"Good." Squealer said, before she snapped her fingers, "Why the fuck am I not holding a plasma cutter?" she snarled, and the drug-addled minions hurried to attention as she turned her eyes on her newest unfortunate four-wheeled victim.

Jolyne took a moment to look at the brightly-glowing worm wriggling from Squealer's head, small, like most tinkers, but it was reaching for the car almost hungrily. Jolyne pushed it out of her head, willing it to become transparent in her view, and smiled, pleased, once it was more-or-less gone.

Walking out of the garage, she began the trudge towards home.

She was only about half-way from her apartment when she began feeling something was off.

Stopping suddenly, she looked behind her. Not seeing anything particularly noteworthy, she continued, irritated. She increased her pace, heading for her apartment at a brisk walk. The feeling pricked at her again, and she moved faster.

Finally, she caught movement in the corner of her eye, stopping, she closed her mouth, and held her breath, trying to be as silent as possible.

Stepstepstepstep. Then stopped. Heavy breathing.

She didn't turn to face him, instead summoning her power behind her, looking through its eyes. Looking at the spot where her follower was waiting. He was... not even looking at her. Based on her hearing, he was around the corner of a building, having slipped behind it. No, he was looking at her. He was facing her, he could tell from his breathing.

Well... That was a problem. Oni Lee? She would have thought that Lung would be bigger, but then again, it could be just about anyone. Her options were either to fight, or run. Considering that, she began to jog again, waiting. Soon enough, she saw her mystery stalker- not anyone she recognized, not from the ABB or any other gang she knew.

For that matter, he didn't seem to be part of the local Protectorate either, although he was defintiely a Cape, going by the transparent golden worms wriggling from his head. Three or four of them, all wrapped around each other, each a different size, but none of them bigger than average. Notably, one of the worms was glowing brighter than the others.

She kept herself moving at a steady pace, and her follower began to act less cautiously, ducking into alleys less, and following her closer. Slowing her pace just a bit, she nearly tripped when she watched the man suddenly move forward in a burst of speed she hadn't been expecting. He was off like a shot, another worm glowing, and Jolyne had to leap to the side to avoid his grab at her.

For a moment, all of the worms had glowed, and Jolyne cursed under her breath. "What the hell do you want with me?"

"To hold still." was her only answer, and all of a sudden, he was almost on top of her, his hands reaching for her thighs, and she grabbed onto her thumb with one hand, before unwinding it into a mass of invisible string. She pulled it tight across her lap, but rather than slicing through his hand as he tried to go for her legs, instead his hand simply passed through it, and continued.

Snarling, she threw herself backwards, falling to her ass, but keeping his strange intangible hands away from her legs.

"Don't be troublesome." he said, "I've been doing this longer than you have."

Then, all at once, he was on top of her, she let out a pained gasp as the air was forced from her lungs by the impact as she was shoved to the ground, all at once, she saw the worms glowing a bright gold, all at once, and felt a strange sensation as one of his hands actually entered her leg, and painfully pulled at something.

Sharp pain was sent coursing through her body, but it drove her mind to act even faster. Her power wound its humanoid form, fists first, into existence, the hands immediately rushing for the man's worms. The man pulled his hand back, to go for another strike to her legs, and she watched the worms carefully, waiting until the moment where all of them were glowing at once- there! Wrapping fingers around them, she grinned as he seemed to go still at her power's touch against his.

She squeezed, hard, and her assailant let out a pained groan as he jumped to his feet. Then, she yanked, causing him to scream. Soon after, worms that had suddenly vanished from her grip as he instintively stopped using any of his powers.

"Fuck!" he growled, "That's it, I hope you enjoyed walking out here, because that was the last time you're ever walking anywhere again."

Both hands turned intangible, but luckily, her range was a lot longer than he had been expecting. The fist of her power slammed into his chest, sending the man sprawling.

Wrapping strings around a lamp post, she then tied them around the man's elbows. Pulling back, he found himself held against it.

"Now, who the hell are you?" she asked.

"Watch., mercenary" he said, "Look, this doesn't have to be personal. You let me go, right now, we say that this was a draw. I don't bring you in, you don't explain matters to the PRT."

She considered it, "So, who hired you?"

He was silent.

"Why me? I'm just a car-jacker. I don't think I've caused enough trouble to be targeted like this." she considered him for another moment, before sighing, "Good grief," rearing back her fist, she slammed him in the face, knocking him back, before doing it again, and again, soon, her power's fists were mixed into it as well, "ORAORAORAORAORA!"

Dropping her strings, the mercenary dropped to the street with a meaty thud. He was still alive, but she couldn't say much else about him. She stood up, before wincing at her leg. He had- he had cut the inside of her leg, somehow. Limping a bit as she moved forward, she paused, before looking back at the Merchants territory she had just come from.

Times like these, she needed allies, didn't she?

But then, considering the state of Squealer's teeth, and the sheer amount of burns and scars criss-crossing her arms and face, she decided it was pretty unlikely that the Merchants would actually be able to do anything about her leg. Turning her leg partially into string, creating a hollow tunnel straight through her leg at least alleviated the pain for now.
November 2010

It was a very careful balance Enrico Pucchi kept. He often wished that DIO had been around to witness the world's reaction to the Endbringers, to witness what the world had become.

Few people understood Stands as well as Enrico Pucchi. In all his years, he had stolen hundreds of Stand Disks. But Stand Users were a naturally secretive lot. After all, the more one knew about your ability, the easier it would be to find out how to beat it. If a Stand User fought Pucchi, and lost, a panic wouldn't go up. Natural Stand Users were truly rare, and ones who had their Stand gifted by an Arrow tended to be isolated, up until the moment they began to be drawn to their enemies.

However, and this was something that took him a long time to truly understand, Parahumans were not Stand Users. His White Snake could steal from them their Stand and Memory Disks, same as Stand Users, and insert them into new Users. But what was most different, was that Parahumans didn't- couldn't, see what their powers truly were.

When Stand Users fought, it was their souls that battled. When Parahumans fought, it was... something else.

Parahumans didn't seek anonymity, beyond a simple mask. Parahumans weren't rare.

A battle between Stand Users often ended up with multiple casualties, but before the 90s, those casualties were simple mysteries. Now, everyone had something they could point to when the supernatural occurred. It meant that if someone with powers was in prison, it was probably because of those powers. That everyone around them knew they had those powers.

When all the Stand Users in the prison go brain dead, one by one, it's a few random people afflicted with something unexplained. When a Parahuman prisoner goes brain dead, and then another one, and then another one, people begin asking questions.

His sole saving grace was that no one could point to him being the one doing it. The staff was investigated, compared to similar villains, but there were no matches. It wasn't some costumed vigilante who was stealing their powers, it was someone with a brain. It also helped that most who did have powers were too afraid to come, and those who were brave enough, he simply ignored, making them doubt his continued presence anyway.

The simple fact of Pucchi not possessing a Corono Pollentia was enough to clear him of being responsible.

Without being able to find him, and it being too expensive to close down an entire island filled with a half-dozen prison facilities, they simply stopped sending Parahumans to Green Dolphin.

He hadn't expected it to backfire like this, however. Framing Jolyne Kujo for murder and getting her into the prison wasn't difficult. He had checked, and she was born long after DIO's death. She wasn't a Stand User by inheritance, she wasn't a Natural Stand User, or it would have been present from birth, and she would have showed behaviors she simply didn't show.

She should have been a normal human, who would submit to the power of his prison, and act as perfect bait for the damnable Jotaro Kujo, luring him into Green Dolphin despite its so-called reputation. Pucchi had even avoided taking any disks for over a year in advance, even going so far as to create a few Parahumans with his disks, who would then be transferred out unharmed, to try and dispel the reputation.

But no. The girl becomes a Stand User, or perhaps simply a regular Parahuman, and then she escapes, and his preparations all come to nothing. No Jotaro, no memories of DIO's Journal, no Heaven.

It was all such a waste.

He'd have to go for less tasteful alternatives to drag Jotaro into his grip. Frowning, he began making calls. After all, it wasn't as if all of his assassins were in the prison. There were any number of mercenary Parahumans looking for a client, although if she was a Stand User, he didn't think they'd stand much of a chance.

There were always DIO's children, as well as DIO's former Agents. Several of his men perished in their battle with the Joestar group, but just as many were merely hospitalized. And then, if he really needed to, he could simply make more Stand Users. There were rumors about people selling super-powers in exchange for favors, and he would easily be able to do the same.

Either way, Jotaro was too slippery to catch on his own, but Jolyne wouldn't be. And if she was in danger, Jotaro would eventually follow.

February 2011

Jolyne's power lent itself towards sewing fairly well.

Within the first week or two, she had already finished the design, and once she had that, all it took was some raw materials to make it reality. Indigo bodysuit, with a white web pattern across her entire body. Mask was pretty simple, kind of ninja-like. She wasn't about to start changing her hairstyle every time she changed her costume, so she made sure the hood that came with it would easily cover her air. Kind of gave her some vague kitty-ears too, which she guessed was cute.

So, here she was in the evening, waiting in a parking garage. She didn't particularly know who her target was, but she did know he parked his car here every Friday morning before dawn.

Right on time, he showed up, and she stepped out of the shadows, her power materializing in its humanoid form at her side. The man in the car stopped, then, staring at her. She didn't slow down, walking over to the car, and simply having her power reach in and pull him out by his jacket.

"Hey! Hey, hey, what the hell is going on here?"

She dumped him outside of the car, flicked him off, and climbed into the front seat.

"Wait! Wait, no, do you know how much that car costs-"

She was already driving away, sighing. She felt kind of bad going back to old patterns like this, but it made good money, she didn't usually have to hurt anyone, and it was something she knew how to do.

As she drove, her power unfurled, strings reaching for her power and reversing it, pulling away the mask, turning her clothes inside-out even as she drove, until she was no longer recognizable as "Dragline" the car-jacker, and was now simply back to being Jolyne, who, technically, was the worse criminal with manslaughter and threatening to shoot prison guards on her record.

As she started pulling into the worse part of town, she reversed the process again, the costume going back up, and she was Dragline once again. Before she got any farther, she began to check the various side pockets, compartments, cup-holders, under the lights, and under the seats, fishing around with strings to gather anything the former owner had lying around. Finally, she had gathered a good amount of stuff, expensive sunglasses, a knife, some insurance information she shredded, flashlight, water bottles, etc.

The Merchant's gang signs started appearing on ever other building, and the quality of the town took a turn for the worse. Considering it was around 5 in the morning, there was almost no one around, which suited her fine. Some Merchants were dumb enouh to actually try and car-jack her.

Eventually, she reached where she wanted to be, and waved to the two tired-looking guards in front of a run-down car wash.

"Nice one." the first guard said, "Squealer's gonna freak."

"Yep." Jolyne said, "Something nice, new, and loud, just like she asked."

The garage door opened, and she could already hear the sounds of Squealer's screaming. Three or four terrified 'assistants' rushed from place to place, getting her everything she needed as she dissected what might have once been a six-wheeler. If she knew Squealer, the woman had pulled an all-nighter stripping it down.

As Jolyne drove the car into the garage, she poked her head up, grinning wide, "I like that fucking sound!" she pulled her hands free of the engine block, her minions caught mid-step, not really sure what to do now that her mood changed, "Dragline, you brought me something good?"

"I brought you what you asked for, right?" there was a market for stolen cars in Brockton Bay, same as everywhere else in the world, but in this case, there was an entirely different, secondary market.

"Ah! Yes, it still has that fucking new car smell!" she laughed, "If they made perfume of that shit, I'd drink it right from the bottle. You know, Skids has me working with actual, real, trash, you know? Like, actual junkers from literal junk yards, he thinks, some fucker doesn't want their own worthless scrap, maybe I want it?"

Jolyne simply nodded along, before climbing out and holding out the keys for her. Squealer snatched them from her hands, and then walked over to an engine block-turned safe under a bench. Pulling out a ziploc filled with cash, she tossed it to Jolyne, who caught it easily. It'd cover her rent, her food, and her entertainment for the next few weeks, and then all she'd need to do is repeat it all over again.

"Y'know, if you ever wanted to make some real money-"

"I'm not interested in becoming a Merchant, just not really my thing."

"Come on, it'll be better than going on your own." she frowned, "You know Lung is gonna try and snatch you one of these days. A new Asian bitch with powers shows up- hell, you're already dressed like a fucking ninja, you're not gonna last much longer on your own."

"I haven't even gone near the docks." Jolyne said, "But if I'm in real trouble, I'll remember your offer."

"Good." Squealer said, before she snapped her fingers, "Why the fuck am I not holding a plasma cutter?" she snarled, and the drug-addled minions hurried to attention as she turned her eyes on her newest unfortunate four-wheeled victim.

Jolyne took a moment to look at the brightly-glowing worm wriggling from Squealer's head, small, like most tinkers, but it was reaching for the car almost hungrily. Jolyne pushed it out of her head, willing it to become transparent in her view, and smiled, pleased, once it was more-or-less gone.

Walking out of the garage, she began the trudge towards home.

She was only about half-way from her apartment when she began feeling something was off.

Stopping suddenly, she looked behind her. Not seeing anything particularly noteworthy, she continued, irritated. She increased her pace, heading for her apartment at a brisk walk. The feeling pricked at her again, and she moved faster.

Finally, she caught movement in the corner of her eye, stopping, she closed her mouth, and held her breath, trying to be as silent as possible.

Stepstepstepstep. Then stopped. Heavy breathing.

She didn't turn to face him, instead summoning her power behind her, looking through its eyes. Looking at the spot where her follower was waiting. He was... not even looking at her. Based on her hearing, he was around the corner of a building, having slipped behind it. No, he was looking at her. He was facing her, he could tell from his breathing.

Well... That was a problem. Oni Lee? She would have thought that Lung would be bigger, but then again, it could be just about anyone. Her options were either to fight, or run. Considering that, she began to jog again, waiting. Soon enough, she saw her mystery stalker- not anyone she recognized, not from the ABB or any other gang she knew.

For that matter, he didn't seem to be part of the local Protectorate either, although he was defintiely a Cape, going by the transparent golden worms wriggling from his head. Three or four of them, all wrapped around each other, each a different size, but none of them bigger than average. Notably, one of the worms was glowing brighter than the others.

She kept herself moving at a steady pace, and her follower began to act less cautiously, ducking into alleys less, and following her closer. Slowing her pace just a bit, she nearly tripped when she watched the man suddenly move forward in a burst of speed she hadn't been expecting. He was off like a shot, another worm glowing, and Jolyne had to leap to the side to avoid his grab at her.

For a moment, all of the worms had glowed, and Jolyne cursed under her breath. "What the hell do you want with me?"

"To hold still." was her only answer, and all of a sudden, he was almost on top of her, his hands reaching for her thighs, and she grabbed onto her thumb with one hand, before unwinding it into a mass of invisible string. She pulled it tight across her lap, but rather than slicing through his hand as he tried to go for her legs, instead his hand simply passed through it, and continued.

Snarling, she threw herself backwards, falling to her ass, but keeping his strange intangible hands away from her legs.

"Don't be troublesome." he said, "I've been doing this longer than you have."

Then, all at once, he was on top of her, she let out a pained gasp as the air was forced from her lungs by the impact as she was shoved to the ground, all at once, she saw the worms glowing a bright gold, all at once, and felt a strange sensation as one of his hands actually entered her leg, and painfully pulled at something.

Sharp pain was sent coursing through her body, but it drove her mind to act even faster. Her power wound its humanoid form, fists first, into existence, the hands immediately rushing for the man's worms. The man pulled his hand back, to go for another strike to her legs, and she watched the worms carefully, waiting until the moment where all of them were glowing at once- there! Wrapping fingers around them, she grinned as he seemed to go still at her power's touch against his.

She squeezed, hard, and her assailant let out a pained groan as he jumped to his feet. Then, she yanked, causing him to scream. Soon after, worms that had suddenly vanished from her grip as he instintively stopped using any of his powers.

"Fuck!" he growled, "That's it, I hope you enjoyed walking out here, because that was the last time you're ever walking anywhere again."

Both hands turned intangible, but luckily, her range was a lot longer than he had been expecting. The fist of her power slammed into his chest, sending the man sprawling.

Wrapping strings around a lamp post, she then tied them around the man's elbows. Pulling back, he found himself held against it.

"Now, who the hell are you?" she asked.

"Watch., mercenary" he said, "Look, this doesn't have to be personal. You let me go, right now, we say that this was a draw. I don't bring you in, you don't explain matters to the PRT."

She considered it, "So, who hired you?"

He was silent.

"Why me? I'm just a car-jacker. I don't think I've caused enough trouble to be targeted like this." she considered him for another moment, before sighing, "Good grief," rearing back her fist, she slammed him in the face, knocking him back, before doing it again, and again, soon, her power's fists were mixed into it as well, "ORAORAORAORAORA!"

Dropping her strings, the mercenary dropped to the street with a meaty thud. He was still alive, but she couldn't say much else about him. She stood up, before wincing at her leg. He had- he had cut the inside of her leg, somehow. Limping a bit as she moved forward, she paused, before looking back at the Merchants territory she had just come from.

Times like these, she needed allies, didn't she?

But then, considering the state of Squealer's teeth, and the sheer amount of burns and scars criss-crossing her arms and face, she decided it was pretty unlikely that the Merchants would actually be able to do anything about her leg. Turning her leg partially into string, creating a hollow tunnel straight through her leg at least alleviated the pain for now.

"Yare Yare Daze, I can tell this one's going to be as difficult to talk to as Josuke. Ikuze, 「STAR PLATINUM: THE WORLD」 !"
"I'm not interested in becoming a Merchant, just not really my thing."

"Come on, it'll be better than going on your own." she frowned, "You know Lung is gonna try and snatch you one of these days. A new Asian bitch with powers shows up- hell, you're already dressed like a fucking ninja, you're not gonna last much longer on your own."

"I haven't even gone near the docks." Jolyne said, "But if I'm in real trouble, I'll remember your offer."
Might be cute if she and Squealer end up becoming sort-of friends.
"Yare Yare Daze, I can tell this one's going to be as difficult to talk to as Josuke. Ikuze, 「STAR PLATINUM: THE WORLD」 !"
It's a bit of a necro to be bumping a thread almost a month after it was last active.
Also, you probably shouldn't quote the whole chapter.