Stoic [Pokémon]

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change is never easy but with courage it must be faced

--- Red
Hasty Pikachu
HP |||||||||||||||||||||

STR 66 ||||||||||||||
MP |||||||||| CON 18 ||||
Lightning Rod

All ranged Electric attacks are diverted.
Electric-type damage is converted to MP.

INT 54 |||||||||||
WIS 24 |||||
DEX 54 |||||||||||
-- Light Ball
Cannot evolve, but doubles effective STR and INT.
4 Quick Attack
Greatly reduce delay for an action. Consecutive uses increase MP cost.
x Volt Attack
Imbue a physical attack with Electric. More MP may be spent to boost damage. «recoils».
Serious Espeon
HP ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

STR 28 ||||||
MP |||||||||||||||||| CON 23 |||||
Magic Bounce

Reflects all status-inducing effects.
Grants immunity to ground hazards.

INT 57 ||||||||||||
WIS 38 ||||||||
DEX 43 |||||||||
12 Psychic
Directly attack a target's psyche. May inflict «special break».
12 Psyshock
Turn Psychic energy into a physical force. Bypasses walls.
24 Morning Sun
Channel sunlight to restore wounds. Recovery varies with weather conditions.
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ARC I : Incarnate
ARC I : Incarnate
...You blink, and the snowstorm of Mt. Silver is erased like so much condensation on a pane of glass, wiped away in one smooth stroke. The rest of the world around you falls away gradually, and you wait.

You wait, and you watch.

Eventually, you stand alone in a featureless world, unable to even tell the difference between the ground upon which you stand and the sky above.

On a whim, you turn around, and there stands Professor Oak, like he has been there this entire time.

"Red," he says, uncharacteristic melancholy upon his face and in his voice.

You remain quiet, as you are wont to do, until you realise that the nature of your quiet feels somehow different than usual.

Professor Oak blinks, slowly, then nods. "That's right. The game is over, Red. You've accomplished... everything. It's time for things to change. Even you. Even me."

You hesitate, then take a step towards him. You shake your head, frustrated. This... this isn't how it's supposed to be.

"...You're right. There was supposed to be one more thing left. You were waiting for him, weren't you..? The one who was supposed to defeat you, standing alone upon that mountain."


"I'm sorry."

You pull your cap lower to shadow your face. This... this isn't fair.

...and then, a familiar weight upon your shoulder, and a rough wetness upon your cheek. You turn your head slightly. Pika..?

He coos softly at you, comforting. He'll be with you. He won't leave you, until the very end.

You let the very corners of your lips tug upwards, caressing Pika's ears with a finger in gratitude.

"...Good. You've remembered."

Don't forget the important things, huh..? Of course... Yeah, you remember now.

"This is... the end, for all of us. But not you."

What... is that supposed to mean..?

"They don't want your story to end, Red. But... it can't continue the same way any more. It will only be you."

You glance at Pika reflexively, just in time to see him jump off your shoulder, hissing and chattering angrily at Professor Oak. You clench your fists. Pika is right. It would mean nothing if you had to leave him behind.

"Listen to me! It's not my decision..! I can't--" Professor Oak stops mid-speech, as if he's listening to something or... someone? Pika also notices, and pauses in his tirade long enough for Professor Oak to turn to the two of you again.

"Okay..." He breathes slowly, visibly calming himself down. You wonder what could shake him this much. "Okay. Red. Listen. I have to go now, but... He says you may bring two of your Pokémon with you."

You're supposed to leave--!?

"--no, listen to me. Don't argue. There's no time. Just remember... Things are going to be different from now on. There are--"

Your fists clench tighter at your sides, and Pika looks at you worriedly.

"--going to be times when you'll need to make yourself be heard. And... And one last thing..."


"...your Pokémon legend will continue to unfold from here. Another world full of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits."

...Ah, how familiar... That's right. This Professor Oak has also... been with you since the very beginning, hasn't he..?

"Goodbye, Red." He smiles.


In a single blink, Professor Oak is gone, and there you stand upon the featureless world, alone save for Pika standing before you. Without hesitating, he immediately scrabbles up your pant leg and up your shirt and up onto your shoulder. It's okay. He holds himself close to you. It's okay.

...Yeah. It's... okay.

Your hand moves to your belt, and the five Pokéballs clipped upon it. You waver only for a moment before you unclip them one after the other, watching one, two, three, four of your oldest friends disappear as if they've never been there in the first place.

You close your eyes, and you shake quietly.

"...Goodbye," you say.

That's right. One book closes to the open of another, and you are Red, alone in a world new but familiar. You only have two friends to take with you, and have to say goodbye to everyone else.

The question is... who was it that you chose to take with you?

Choose two :
[x] Pika [LOCKED]
[x] Vee
[x] Lax
[x] Saur
[x] Char
[x] Toise

As if waking from a dream, slowly you realise that you are tucked into a simple cot, thick and fluffy blankets pulled up to your chin. Still shaking, you sit up in the bed, first pushing the covers aside and then pushing yourself to your feet.

Guys..? You reach to your belt.

Ah, that's right... Your Pokéballs are... gone.

The wave of vertigo hits you like a fist to the gut, and you sway on suddenly weak knees. The world is cold and unfamiliar, and the fluorescent lights are harsh and unforgiving. The curtains blocking you off from the rest of the room feel far too far away, and everything is too large and too empty.

And then Pika is in your lap, curled into your chest and he is shaking, too, and you are clutching your last remaining Pokéball in both hands and...

In a strange burst of red light Vee materialises, instantly leaping from the floor to join you and Pika in your awkward huddle, perched upon the edge of the bed.


.......You won't... forget.
...Some time later, the curtain is swept aside by a large, calloused hand.

Professor Oak..?

The man smiles kindly at you, scratching the back of his head with one hand. The gesture feels strange and alien on that familiar face and that familiar frame. And when he speaks, his voice is... "No, I'm not."


"Well, I am Professor Oak, but not your Professor Oak," he explains, and you avert your eyes.

This is... wrong.

"I understand that things may feel different and out of place for a while, but... I hope you can settle in in due time. Just... be patient, okay?"

What are you supposed to say..?

"...Well, come look for me when you're ready later, okay? Take your time."

...When you're... ready...

...Footsteps, and then a door closing. The curtain remains open, and beyond it the room is reminiscent of the old lab in Pallet -- books and bookshelves, odd machines you know better than to touch, dusty old Pokéballs in one corner. Familiar, but agonisingly disorganised. It's hard to believe that...

Pika and Vee nudge into your sides encouragingly.

...Yeah. They're right.

You stand up, and follow after him. Your two Pokémon trail dutifully behind you.
Later, you quietly listen as... Professor Oak... explains that this is a world in which children embark on a thing called a Pokémon journey once they are ten years old. As a matter of fact, he has three Pokémon to entrust to starting Pokémon Trainers later in the day -- a Charmander, a Bulbasaur, and a Squirtle.

Meanwhile, you have some time to spare... Just what are you supposed to do now..?

Choose one :
[x] Talk to Professor Oak.
[x] Wander around this world's Pallet Town.
[x] Check if Pika and Vee are suffering any side effects.
[x] Play with the Starter Pokémon for a bit.
Pika runs ahead of you as you push the door open.

Sleeping in the playpen are three baby Pokémon, piled one upon the other just like three little beanbags... You smile softly, and you follow behind Pika, Vee weaving around your feet as you walk.

The door swings shut behind you, and the baby Pokémon begin to stir.

The Charmander yawns, huffing a small puff of flames from its nose as it crawls out from under the pile of bodies. As it rubs at its eyes drowsily, its tail brushes against the Bulbasaur, causing it to yelp and jump, immediately awake from the heat.

The Bulbasaur whines in angry protest, paws scrabbling clumsily at the floor as it turns to face the sleepy lizard. It rushes forwards, head colliding into the Charmander's side and sending it falling onto its face with a squeak.

Meanwhile, the Squirtle lazily opens one eye, takes a look at the two roughhousing Pokémon, and promptly tucks its head back into its shell. Its curled tail, the only limb left visible, twitches sporadically.

Excitedly, Pika rushes past all three of them, bowling all of them over with casual flicks of his tail. As the baby Pokémon turn as one to face him, he simply titters with an amused glint in his eye.

At your feet, his tail coiled around your calf, Vee looks up at you expectantly.

...You tug your cap lower over your eyes. Of course, you smile gently.

Before you could nod your approval, a stray jet of water splashes against your face. Without hesitating another moment, Vee darts forwards to join Pika in playing with the young Starters.

You blink, stunned, and you break into quiet laughter.
Before too long, the baby Pokémon have tired themselves out, collapsed around the room in varying states of exhaustion. Pika prods each of them curiously as you sit cross-legged, Vee curled up in your lap.

It is to this scene that the door opens behind you, admitting the Professor and a young boy with an uncanny resemblance to Blue.

Choose one :
[x] Quietly recommend one of the baby Pokémon as a Starter.
-> [x] Bulbasaur.
-> [x] Charmander.
-> [x] Squirtle.
[x] Watch but don't interfere as he chooses his Starter.
[x] Leave and spend some time with Pika and Vee.
[x] Write-in.
"Huh..? Who are you?" the boy blurts out.


Vee pads off your lap as you stand up, dusting your jeans off. Suddenly, you're struck by the fact that... it's not only your Pokémon friends that you... lost.

"Ah, Red. You were playing with the Pokémon, huh..? This is Gary, my grandson." The Professor turns to the boy. "Gary, this is Red. He's a... He's an old friend of mine."

"Oh. Okay." Gary stares up at your face, then smirks. "So you're a trainer, huh? You any good?"

...Yeah, you had been... a pretty damn good trainer, hadn't you..? Vee curls his tails comfortingly around your calf.

"Gary!" the Professor chides, then sighs exasperatedly. "Red is one of the strongest trainers I know, so be polite."

"Huh." Gary peers at you, then shrugs. "Anyway, Gramps! Where's my Pokémon?"

...And then you allow yourself a half-smile. This boy... He's just like Blue, after all.
Gary saunters towards the Charmander, but dismisses it almost immediately, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. He then prods the Squirtle's shell with a foot, absently nudging the tail aside as he squats and holds a staring contest with the Bulbasaur for several moments before it sneezes at him.

In the end, Gary chooses the Squirtle, which he names Nami.

Shortly after, a pair of twin sisters come by and take the Charmander and Bulbasaur.

The twins leave without much fanfare, but Gary waits impatiently with you and the Professor until a blonde woman in a business suit (who introduces herself as Monica) walks in, who will apparently be his driver on his journey.

You frown...

Choose one:
[x] ...a Pokémon journey should be made on foot, after all.
[x] ...if he's anything like Blue had been in the beginning, it might be wise to go with him.
[x] ...but you let them leave without any drama.
[x] Write-in.
...a Pokémon journey should be made on foot, after all.

Sensing your disapproval, the Professor's brow creases just as Monica opens the door, holding it for Gary. "Gary, wait."

"Huh?" Gary pauses in the doorway. "What is it, Gramps?"

"I'm rethinking whether it's really a good idea for you to have a car on your journey..."

"It was your idea in the first place, Gramps." Gary protests.

"I know." The Professor shakes his head, pointedly not looking in your direction. "But... A Pokémon journey is traditionally made through one's own effort."

"Hey, you were the one who told me that it would be safer this way."

"I did. But now Red is here, and I'm certain he can keep you out of trouble, if he doesn't mind too terribly..."

"--I don't need a babysitter!" Gary bristles.

You shake your head, tugging your cap lower over your eyes. Pika scampers over to your feet, agilely hopping past Vee and onto your pant leg. Just as he scrabbles onto your shoulder, a messy head of dark hair peers in through the open doorway.

"Uhh, good morning, everybody... I'm not.... too late, am I?"

You sigh quietly.
Gary taunts Ash for a while, which makes you a bit nostalgic, and the Professor introduces you and Ash to each other. Ash finds out that all three starters have already been taken, but... there is one left. Ash excitedly cheers, claiming it immediately, and Oak leads all three of you to where the final Pokémon rests in its Pokéball.

A lightning symbol is etched onto the Pokéball, and you have a feeling that you know what's in it...

The Professor picks it up, and it promptly bursts open; the red light that spills out coalesces into the form of a... young Pikachu. Not quite a baby, but still very young.

"Oh, it's so cute! I'm glad I woke up late after all!" Ash gushes.

Gary rolls his eyes derisively as the Professor abashedly scratches the back of his head.

Ash reaches out to pick up the young Pikachu, not noticing it tense at his sudden movement.

Choose one:
[x] This idiot is going to get himself hurt... Stop him.
[x] He'll have to learn sooner than later, and there's no better teacher, right..?
[x] Pika Interrupt!
"Piii... kaaaaa..."

Before Ash could make contact with the Pikachu, Pika disappears from your shoulder in a blur of motion.

In less than the blink of an eye, Pika reappears between Ash and the Pikachu, gently pushing the boy aside with his tail as a look of surprise crosses everyone's faces. The Pikachu's cheek sacs spark as your hairs stand on end; a familiar feeling.

And then simultaneously, a blinding light as a loud crack splits across the room.


A crackle and a pop, and as the light subsides and the stars fade from your eyes, Pika can be seen standing over the other Pikachu, his fur fluffed up from the electricity he had just been hit with. As his fur slowly returns to its usual state with soft crackles and pops, Pika chatters angrily, raising a hand to hit the other Pikachu.

"Pi-ka..!" It squeezes its eyes shut, flinching as it braces for the hit.

And then Pika gently smacks it once on the nose admonishingly, and begins lecturing to it in his own way. As the others look on, bemused, you can only smile and adjust your cap from the very familiar scene.
"So what are you going to call your rat, Ashy-boy?"

The Pikachu bristles, but Pika places a hand on its back consolingly and it calms down. Ash looks nervously between the two Pikachu and his rival, scratching his head. "Uhh, uhh..."




"I know!" he finally says, turning to it with a beaming smile upon his face. "I'll call you Ignis Divine, and beside me you shall be the Unconquered Sun! Hahaha! A perfect partner for the Dark Pokémon Master!"



"...Are you nuts, Ash?"

"Pi-ka!" The Pikachu interrupts, looking up at its new trainer with glossy eyes.

Gary simply palms his face, shaking his head, and Pika scampers and leaps back onto your shoulder.

In the end, though, the Pikachu (who is soon revealed to be male) is reluctantly named Kachu by Ash to much more taunting by Gary. That done, Oak hands Ash his Pokédex and some Pokéballs before escorting the three of you to the door, where Monica is still waiting.

It looks like it's time for you to choose what you'll do from here.....

Choose one:
[x] Ash is going to need some help raising Kachu properly...
[x] Even though this isn't your Professor Oak, it's true that his grandson seems like he needs some looking after...
[x] There's no reason you can't bring both of them with you, is there?
[x] But in the end, you really don't feel like being a babysitter yet.
[x] Write-in.
Well, there's no reason you can't bring both of them with you, is there?

You turn to look at Professor Oak, who easily catches the meaning in your gaze. He turns to Ash and Gary, clearing his throat. "Well, Ash, Gary. I think it's time for you to get going, don't you?"

As the two of them nod at him, he continues. "I think both of you should let Red accompany you for a while, while you get used to the rigours of a Pokémon journey."

"What!?" Ash exclaims indignantly. "I don't need a babysitter! I'm ten!"

Next to him, Gary looks oddly embarrassed as he thwaps Ash on the back of his head. "Don't be childish, you idiot. We could learn a lot under the guidance of an experienced Pokémon Trainer."

The Professor smiles approvingly at his grandson. "That's right, Gary. You should think of this as a very rare opportunity. It isn't often that a Pokémon Trainer as strong as Red would be willing to guide new Pokémon Trainers like you. Isn't that right, Red?"

All three of them (or four, including Kachu), turn to you.

You nod seriously.

"Oh alright, then!" Ash ruffles his hair reluctantly. "In that case, let's go! I can't wait to catch my first Pokémon!"

He rushes out the door held open by Monica, Kachu at his heels, as Professor Oak exhales a sigh of exasperation. And as Gary turns to look at you, the two of you share your first moment of understanding with each other.

"Seriously, what an idiot," he drawls, then follows right after the other boy. "So long, Gramps!"

You smile amusedly, and Vee purrs up at you before returning to his Pokéball of his own accord. Pika clambers onto your shoulder, then points after the two young Trainers, chattering.

...Yeah, you should go after them.

"Go on, then, Red." Professor Oak smiles.

You wave at him, and you walk out the door.
ARC I : Incarnate
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ARC II : A New Journey
ARC II : A New Journey

"Come on, guys! You're so slow!"

"Ugh... I feel embarrassed to be travelling with him... Can we leave him, please?"

You shrug, walking alongside Gary with half a smile on your face. Vee and Nami are in their Pokéballs, leaving Pika to perch on your shoulder as Ash and Kachu run ahead impatiently.

It feels like so long ago that you first started your own journey, with just Pika at your side... You glance at him, and he nuzzles into your neck briefly.

"A-ha! It's a Pidgey!" You are interrupted by Ash's enthusiastic shouts. "Call down your hammer of divine judgement, Kachu!"

"Oh, God, why." Gary buries his face into his palm.

Choose one :
[x] Give him some advice.
[x] Show him how it's supposed to be done.
[x] Watch quietly as he gets his ass kicked.
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