[X] Warcasket Pattern Excalibur - Designed to be nimble and maneuverable, the Excalibur pattern is a specialized melee platform, built lanky and well proportioned compared to the typical dreadnought. Wielding an upscaled power sword or maul (pilots choice) in one hand and equipped with a heavy ion shield gauntlet in the other. They also possess integrated flamers for the clearing of infantry. While less armored than the traditional dreadnought the Excalibur pattern is much more nimble and capable of dodging. (Someone familiar with the Aeldari might remark on its resemblance to a wraith construct, but it's a case of convergent evolution more than anything).
[X] Warcasket Pattern Hellfire Reborn - An homage to the Promise of Rebirth that carried Chapter Master Amadeus 'Chyron' Chyropheles, May His Name Ever Be Remembered for so many years, the Hellfire Reborn is armed in as similar a manner to the Hellfire Deadnaught as possible, with a heavy plasma cannon, missile launcher, smoke launchers and twin-linked heavy bolters. It's basically a brick with heavy armor and a lot of guns, but it pays significant respect to the origins of the modern Lamenter order, and is thus one of their most-used designs.
[X] Warcasket Pattern Arquebus Much differently from the Excalibur pattern, the Arquebus is designed as an extreme range artillery platform that can reconfigure for a terrifying sort of direct fire. Quadrupedal (the designers tried for Quintipedal but couldn't make it work) and surprisingly fast on the move, The Arquebus pattern is equipped with two twin linked long range weapons, generally either missile pods, modified artillery batteries or lascannons but more exotic weapons have been known to be used (notably prototype railguns, which transform the Arquebus into a rather terrifying sniper platform). Its modular hardpoints allow these to be swapped out relatively easily if necessary, and its terrain anchoring system results in impressively sturdy footing. While not designed for close combat, an integrated ion shield allows for resistance to counter artery fire and flamer attachments provide infantry defense.