[X] Practical Theology
-[X] These heresies are wrong, and yet it cannot be said that they are evil. What must be done is two-fold. First, there is the population at large that must be led towards wiser views. Second, and even more importantly, it is the leadership, especially religious leadership, that must be even more clear on the matter.
-[X] Create a document, introductory and ably understood by the layperson even before the education drives of the last decades, that explains the difference between Particularism, Anti-Particularism, and Orthodoxy, and allow the teaching of it further with Sunday schools or ties in with temples and so on.
-[X] Explain Particularism and state its greatest flaw: a "co-equal hierarchy" implies or can imply a segregation of persons or a support for hierarchy, held not in belief of Particularism--which is a mistake but one that should not be punished except by correction--but in the implication of the beliefs of Particularism.
--[X] It is the case that there is a (rather weak, but present) correlation between a defense of Hierarchy or an invocation of Difference, albeit within the bounds of the Federation's politics, and Particularism.
-[X] Explain Anti-Particuarlism and state its greatest flaw: a lack of uniqueness raises questions then on the existence of horizontal association, and indeed there is a (rather weak, but present) correlation between worries about free association leading to tyranny and Anti-Particularism.
--[X] Once again, most are fine, but this is an incorrect reading. Those found out are to be suggested towards educational resources and given the words of Teelin himself on the matter, spoken many centuries ago... but no more than that.
-[X] Explain the Orthodox perspective, which is that in one sense we lack the tools to obtain the knowledge that both Particularists and Anti-Particularists so confidently state. That is to say, the Orthodox position is a safe and sane compromise, because at this stage even the most learned person is not the Star Child. Knowledge should ever-advance, but the hubris to assume that because all might be known, all IS known, is a sort of heresy. Thus embrace that on this, we do not yet understand, and that if a time comes when we do it may be revisited... but that such an understanding will not be easily obtained.
-[X] These documents are to be freely and widely distributed, and are to be common material.
-[X] Similarly, teaching/educational Orders and a greater availability of education on the subject are to be taken as a given, and made more common and by using the Particularists and Anti-Particularists as too little and too much, it makes it easier to calibrate the understanding.
-[X] This educational push, combined with a convocation and a propaganda push, are not going to eliminate either heresy, but it might well defuse them and reduce the dangers and likely will decrease their overall numbers.
-[X] Emphasize again that even being wrong in this matter is something that should be answered by words and corrections, not fists. Buffeting a fellow believer with one's fists or killing them is ALSO a crime and a kind of heresy, and a rather worse one than any Particularism/Anti-Particularism alone.
-[X] Secondly, a push is made to make sure that all missionaries are Orthodox rather than Particularist and Anti-Particularist, and that the beliefs spreading on Voxx Primus and the Families are fully within the Orthodoxy, and that there is not at the highest levels any sort of mistake therein.
--[X] In a deep bit of historical irony, when combined with their experience of religion under the Imperium and the importance of believing the right things, the baffling reality is that the most fully and entirely Orthodox System in the entire Galaxy is, after these reforms are pushed... Voxx Primus.