[x] Plan: And Now for Something Completely Different v 1.1 -[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies --[x] The Particularists --[X] The Anti-Particularists -[x] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations --[X] Irrita Food Production Aid (0/?) -[X] [Free] Peek into what's going on with the Moths -[X] [Melody Choice] Struggle
[X] Plan: War Prep Focus -[X] New Boarders for a New Age -[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
-[X] Free Psykana (Paths)
[X] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations -[X] Habitat Stations (0/?) -[X] Production Line Rationalization Programs (0/2) -[X] [Free] Peek into what's going on with the Moths