Vote tally - Sterbelicht - One Sacrifice At A Time Against The Galaxy (40K)

Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 5, 2024 at 11:06 AM, finished with 56 posts and 32 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Sterbelicht - One Sacrifice At A Time Against The Galaxy (40K)
Post #11168
Post #11223


  • [X] Plan: Reasonable Compromise Plan
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Hope, Health)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [5x Taurus-Class Troopship]
    --[X] 3x Andromeda
    -[X] [Faith] Cathedrals of the Star Child
    [X] Plan: Reasonable Compromise Plan--Slightly Changed Psykana
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Fire II, Health)
    -[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [5x Taurus-Class Troopship]
    --[X] 3x Andromeda
    -[X] [Faith] Cathedrals of the Star Child
    [X] Plan Reinforce and Rearm
    -[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - 3x Andromeda-Class Command Ships
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X] Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts
    [X] Plan: Military Matters
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X] Directional Ion Shields
    -[X] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - 3x War-Packs]
    -[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [5x Taurus-Class Troopship]
    [X] Plan: Digging In Our Heels
    -[X] Colonize
    --[X] Ultima Sigritta - Sira/Valhidem - Valhidem III
    -[X] [Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Frigate]
    --[X] Taurus-secundus (Taurus-S) Class Troopship
    -[X] [Faith] Cathedrals of the Star Child
    [X] Plan Reinforcements and Logistic Boosts
    -[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - 3x Andromeda-Class Command Ships
    -[X] [Military] Create 3x Blazing Sun War-Packs]
    -[X] [General] Develop The Federations'...
    -[X] Military Industry V
    [X] Plan: Progress to hurt Nurgle
    -[X] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Hope, Health)
    -[X] [Faith] Cathedrals of the Star Child
    [X] Plan: Arsenal of the Faith
    -[X] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
    -[X] [Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Frigate]
    --[X] Andromeda-Secundus (Andromeda-S) Class Command Ship
    -[X] [Faith] Cathedrals of the Star Child
    [X] Plan: books (+nerds), guns, and hurting Nurgle
    -[X] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
    -[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
    --[X] Humanity I, Creativity II, Logic I, Progress I
    --[X] Protection l, Fire l, Sun l, Protection l
    [X] Plan: get stomped on
    [X] [General] Research:
    --[X] Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts
    -[X] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - 3x War-Packs] x2
    [X] Plan: Andromeda
    -[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship - [5x Taurus-Class Troopship]
    --[X] Andromeda x9
    [X] Plan Stealth scouts automation
    -[X] Design a ship - [Destroyer] Circinus-Secundus Class Scout Destroyer
    --[X] Length - 1.400 Meters
    --[X] Width - 300 Meters
    --[X] Acceleration - 8 Gravities -1 DP
    --[X] Armor - Single Hull
    --[X] Shields - One Array -1 DP
    --[X] Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries -2 DP
    --[X] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations(1)/Emergency Maneuver Engines(1)/Missile Swarms(1)/Refractive Hull Coating(2)/Stealth Engine Dampeners(4)/Tiny On-Board Manufactory(3) -12 DP
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X]Shipyard Automatization (0/2)
    [X] Plan Support scouts automation
    -[X] Design a ship - [Destroyer] Circinus-Secundus Class Scout Destroyer
    --[X] Length - 1.400 Meters
    --[X] Width - 300 Meters
    --[X] Acceleration - 8 Gravities -1 DP
    --[X] Armor - Single Hull
    --[X] Shields - One Array -1 DP
    --[X] Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries, Small Hangars -3 DP
    --[X] Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations(1)/Emergency Maneuver Engines(1)/Missile Swarms(1)/Small Troop Compartment(2)/Lattice Hulls(2)/Small On-Board Manufactory(4) -11 DP
    -[X] [General] Research:
    --[X]Shipyard Automatization (0/2)