[X] Plan: Well First of All, Through The Star Child All Things Are Possible, So Jot That Down
-[X]Create two categories, those living/mortal who are deemed Venerable or Blessed after an examination of their deeds to clarify that they and their beliefs are in the highest and most holy regard, aimed always for the Faith, and if they claim to have powers from one of the Five, the source of their powers. The second consists of Saints, who have the former evaluation done during their life or after it, and are granted these titles by the occurance of Miracles, which are to be investigated. They must also be subject to what is known as General Acclaim, being not in some particular the project of one small group or another, but of the Holy Commonwealth itself realizing their virtue.
-[X] Excellence in a field may or may not be a sign of the favor of the Five, but by the Star Child those who aid in recovering STCs or advancing understanding and knowledge in ways that help people, and enrich the world, rather than merely the powerful or in creating new weapons... are to be given consideration, and if they have lived a blameless life, they might be called by the title of "Learned" to go along with Venerable (for those who have done good work over a long lifetime) and Blessed (for those who have done great deeds that exemplify a Faithful, Pious, and Compassionate person) in the set of titles given to the living, and may be then considered for Sainthood.
-[X] As for the matter of whether a nonhuman can be Saint, or Venerable, or Blessed?
-[X] See the following passage of the Droman Creed: "I believe in the Community and Body of the Faith, Holy and Universal--its reach total as all unite in its sacred purpose regardless of species, appearance, or prior faith and creed--such that all the voices of the galaxy might one day be lifted in Song."
-[X] In other words, to deny the possibility of a Blessed, Venerable Martyr, or Saint who is not Pure Human is a heresy, and indeed even a non-human may be a Saint in theory, and to think otherwise is to among other things commit the heresy of underestimating the Star Child and the Five.
-[X] It is the case that in the fullness of time, there shall be Five titles for the living and mortal who yet show the inspiration of the Star Child, as there are Five. While there are three now: Learned, Blessed, and Venerable, as the Star Child's will is revealed so too will two other sorts of great and holy be unveiled.