Stars and souls (Dresden Files/Shaman KIng)

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So, this is something I have planned on writing since some time ago. Shaman King is today...
So, this is something I have planned on writing since some time ago. Shaman King is today mostly dead fandom, but with all of it's flaws, it is fun manga with interesting world and nice characters. I wondered how it would work in crossover, especially one as this, coming from very different medium and narrative. I hope you will enjoy it and help me with writing. Thanks to all who read this.

So first chapter, which is more of a prologue. It is bit bland in writing, and I hope to expand it. Honestly, it is more meant as to set the plot right away, but I hope I can improve it.

Chapter One: Off to see shaman
Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness, monarch of Winter, unquestioned ruler of Unseelie, mistress all dark and deadly things that go bump in night is not to be questioned. When she says jump, you ask how high. Even I, who generally disagreed with her at best and actively insulted her pride, despite-or maybe exactly because of-being her Winter Knight, in the end did what she asked even if I went over it my way. I might be completely confused, I might try to find a way around it, but in the end I should just shut up and do my job before she crucifies me. I pushed limits of such rules many times in past, though thankfully always when we were alone. I shouldn't become reliant on my luck. I certainly shouldn't shout at her.

Survival instincts and common sense were never my strongest points.

'' You want me to what?''

Mab's beautiful, perfect face did not move in slightest. She looked at me with her cold, cat-like eyes, utterly calm and calculating.

''I thought I was quite clear, sir Knight. I want you to travel to another universe and deal with present threats.''

Mab has asked few insane things from me over years of my service. Kill an immortal, break in Underworld and rob god's treasury, that kind of things. But this one topped them all.

''Just how do you expect me to accomplish traveling to another world?'' Hell, was that even possible? And even if it was, it would take energy, raw power and skill I wouldn't have in hundred years.

'' I don't expect you to succeed at that particular task, my Knight.'' Before I could utter a word of protest, she replied, grand and beautiful as stars. '' I shall be one to provide the transport.''

''How?'' Stupid question. Mab was freaking Faerie Queen, the embodiment of Winter. Her power bordered at those of gods. She blinked once, before continuing, talking slowly, as if she was speaking to a quite dumb little child-which I was, compared to her.

''The Nevernever connects all realms across time and space. Any place and point in reality can be reached through it. I will provide you with the Way, and you shall dispatch the threat.''

'' What threat? And why does that require me to leave my entire life behind?'' Going to Demonreach, another country, even Nevernever was somewhat acceptable. Even if you were away from people you loved, ones you called friends and family, you at least knew they were out there somewhere. You knew you could go back. But going to completely another world, with who knows what monsters and rules....

''The adversary.'' Mab whispered, and my face went pale.

Adversary. The chief infiltrator and one of main agents of Outsiders. The horrible, eldritch beings from another reality. Things that made Lovecraft look like bedtime storyteller in comparison. Ancient servants of the Old Ones, these beings, almost completely immune to magic, were so dangerous that Laws of Magic forbid even seeking to learn about them. Punishment for breaking that Law was swift, merciless beheading.

And they were trying to break in our reality. Murder, rape, pillage and burn on cosmic level. The entire Winter Court, most wicked and dangerous and dark of all faeries, were dedicated to protecting the Outer Gates. Adversary-it wasn't safe to refer it by it's name even in thoughts- could sneak beyond Gates, infiltrate mind and twist anybody in utter madness, defying even nature of things without souls, such as faeries. There was almost no way to detect it, and certainly not to defend against it.

''Why would they want that world?'' Mab's ethereal beauty was marred for second by shadow of calm worry and disdain, fleeting and fast as wind.

''That world is a version of Earth, extremely similar to one you are familiar with. Timeline isn't consistent-Earth you are familiar with appears to be ahead for little more than decade- but major events and points are consistent. Shape of continents, politics, history... But your world doesn't exist there.''

''What do you mean by that?'' Damn faeries and their cryptic riddles.

'' Unlike in some worlds, you don't have a double there. Not you, not wizards, not vampires. No White Council, no Church, and even my influence is slim to none. An entire world, undefended and ripe for taking.''

My heart may have stopped beating for a second. I didn't ponder the logistics of that universe. Mab's words were seared in my brain, panic threatening to flood through my veins. An entire planet, unaware and unprotected. Outsiders would thrive there, like sharks in open sea.

''Then why didn't you care for it?'' Note of anger was less than subtle in my voice. Mab, of all people-beings-knew what was at the stake. How could she....

''I couldn't. That world is distant from Nevernever. Walls between realms are thick there. Opening Ways is outright impossible in but less than ten places on the planet. Power that it would take to cross between realms is enormous. And even then, those who would cross would be there only in spirit, intangible and invisible, unable to interact with and influence the material world. That is why I'm sending you, a human, instead of legion of Sidhe soldiers.'' Temperature may have dropped for few degrees, for all that Mab kept utterly straight face.

That was...weird. I couldn't figure out how that would work, but in hindsight, I was stupid to assume Mab wouldn't do everything in her power to protect the reality. Cold-hearted bitch and queen of monsters she may be, but she was our cold-hearted bitch.

''Is there magic on that world?'' I couldn't imagine why otherwise Outsiders would be so interested in it. Mortals were pretty damn scary when they needed to be, and an entire planet of them marching against us would be nightmare to behold, but in war between Winter and Outsiders even every man, child and woman armed to teeth with iron wouldn't be enough to turn the tide in Outsider's favor.

''Yes. But not in a shape you would recognize it.''

''Elaborate.'' That made some more sense. Magic had rules, had Laws. You knew what it was doing and how it worked 90 % of time. It had strengths and weaknesses, it had limits and costs. You couldn't just wave hand and magic up solution to every problem. But magic from different world, with different rules could seriously change the game. Hard to play game when your opponents play by entirely different set of rules.

'' Their practicioners, rare as they are, are nothing like you wizards. They use no staffs and no incanations. Their knowledge of thaumaturgy is liminal at best, and of evocations close to none. Wise masters and mentors are scarce, and it is outright impossible for them to craft spells as your people can do. They know nothing of enchantments and potions, and only most skilled can manipulate matter in any way.

They cannot draw power from world, and mundane mortals cannot be taught and made in practicioners. Power they posses is one they are born with, and it is limited. Once they reach upper limit of their potential, it cannot be expanded. In many, talent is buried deep, and can only be unlocked by near death experience. For some, fatal experiences are only way to meaningfully grow. Their practices resemble that of minor talents you know. None of them can hope to live beyond ordinary human lifespan.''

''Then...why?'' More I listened, more this undertaking sounded insane. Why bother so much for a bunch of minor talents.

'' They call themselves shamans, links between human and spirit world, for they alone can see beings of magic. Your magic may seem like thing out of fantasy to them, but their own power would seem like miracles to you. From will and their own soul they draw power, and use it to command spirits. Their magic is focused on partnership with dead and creatures of Nevernever, whether willing... or not. Each of them is a skilled ectomancer, and among them are necromancers that could face Kemmler himself. With right training, even children can amass power to face the Senior Council.

They know how to summon dead, demons, my people, any sort of spirit, and bind them to their will. They know how to siphon off our powers, abilities, skill and knowledge. They can grant us physical shape, and in return we fulfill tasks for them. They know how to turn prayers in spells, and ordinary superstitions in powerful charms. They can craft weapons imbued with our powers, weapons that can harm even immaterial beings. They can heal almost as well as Summer Sidhe, divine future and cast deadly curses. They can break laws of magic and escape corruption, bind and imprison even gods and manipulate very essence of human soul.''

Oh fuck. I saw now what Outsiders wanted. These shamans sounded as if they were made to fight against beings of Nevernever. Perfect army against Winter fey. If they could truly bind gods, they could be threat even to the Queens. And if they were capable of toying with the souls....

There was no way one could break Laws of Magic and escape corruption. Something like that imprinted on you, twisted your mind and drove you mad. Once you started, it became easier and easier, as with every crime. Mab, creature of brutal rationality, of death and ruin and primal, murderous instincts couldn't understand how killing and torture changed people by all too mundane means. It was in her very nature. She didn't even consider it evil, for she had no concept of morality. Those people were mortals, and such deeds would twist them as much as it would twist people of this world, whether wizard or vanilla human. But it was possible they would be immune to magic's effects, to force of life and creation warping your mind until you were cackling mad thing. Which was much more dangerous. You couldn't count on irrationality and unnecessary sadism that would provide you with escape from such people. No gloating and tying one above pool of crocodiles, simply fast and efficient bullet in brain.

'' Your mission, Sir Knight, is to go to that world, blend in and search for Adversary, and participate in and prevent them from winning something called Shaman Fight. You yourself aren't allowed to seek victory in that fight. Once you are finished, you will be immediately returned to us.''

''Shaman Fight?'' What the hell was that?

''My sources weren't forthcoming with information. Apparently it is series of duels between shamans. I trust you will figure out details from locals. You have hour to go to the Well and warn genius loci of your absence. I suggest that you bring your spirit of intellect with you. She may be of use to you, given that you will likely need spirit to compete in those duels.'' And before I could protest, Mab disappeared in flurry of snow, leaving me alone in throne room of Arctis Tor.

''Are we there?'' Bonnie whispered, and I could imagine bright green sparkles flying in eye sockets of wooden skull as she watched tunnels of Arctis Tor through hole in my backpack, with awe and curiosity, intent on absorbing every stray piece of knowledge as Sidhe Guards lead us through labyrinth of black ice and green flames. She knew better than to refer me as dad in presence of strangers-not that it would have changed much. Most supernatural creatures were aware of what happened last time somebody tried to harm one of my daughters.

''Not yet, but soon.'' I said same some fifteen minutes ago. In truth, I neither had idea where we were going, nor would I have remembered even if Mab had showed me where portal lay. Capital of Unseelies extended for miles under frozen ground and amassed snow.

Sidhe guards led us through web of darkness, silent and perfectly disciplined. From experience I knew that trying to start small talk (though more often it resembled snarky insults than not) would result in me being utterly ignored. And that hurt more than getting stabbed sometimes.

I had debated letting Bonnie come with me. No sane, responsible father would ever take child in fight, much less one that was going to be held in another world. But she was no ordinary girl. She was spirit of intellect, born from my psyche and sacrifice of shadow of fallen angel. As spirit, she was practically invulnerable as long as she didn't spend too much time outside of skull, and being what she was, she would be invaluable help in gathering the information.

Plus, I was there to smash anything that dared harm her in pieces.

After who knows how much time, we were led to deep icy cave, decorated with scribbled writings. Purple and green symbols glowed like northern lights upon black ice. Guards left us alone.

'' Hello, godson.'' Soft and sensual voice called out, raising hairs on my neck. Out of the shadows stepped my faery godmother, the Leanansidhe. Her curly red fell beneath hips, her green dress was cut so she could show her impressive chest and long leg, and her yellow eyes sparked with delight upon seeing me.

''Hello godmother. What are you doing here?'' I said with caution. Lea was my godmother, bound to protect and guide me by my mother's bargain. And indeed, she has been fulfilling that role during my entire life. But she was also a high noble of Winter, handmaiden of Mab herself, and her ideas of ''help'' tended to differ from human's at best of days. She spent better part of my life trying to turn me into a hound, and while she wasn't trying that anymore, it was still wise to be wavy of her.

''Oh, child.'' She said, smiling like cat.'' Mission you've been sent to is one of utmost importance. You will need somebody to guide and care for you. And to ensure that you apply some semblance of subtlety.''

''You are babysitting me?'' Shit. Mission with Lea.... How was I supposed to conduct investigation when I would likely spend all of my time stopping her from causing mass slaughter.

Winter faeries, of course. Thought probably didn't even cross Mab's mind. As far as she was concerned, I could drown world in blood as long as I eliminated the threat.

'' If you want to look at it that way. I would prefer to think of it as family trip.'' She walked over me and bent forward, staring at my backpack. I wasn't sure that she couldn't see wooden skull inside.

''I'm so pleased to finally meet your daughter, godson. Hello little one.'' She spoke, too low for anybody to hear. I couldn't see anybody, but glamours and veils were like breathing to fey. For all I knew, walls were spying too.

'' Hello. Who are you?'' Bonnie called out after some time.

'' I'm your father's faery godmother. You may call me auntie Lea, if you desire.''

''Like in Cinderella?''

'' Yes, exactly.'' I cursed myself for reading fairytales to her. Those things were bad places to start for information about fae. Last time lea behaved anything like that, I was going to war.

But then, on second thought, could I disprove that somewhere out there wasn't Summer Sidhe with knack for turning vegetables to vehicles. And I had no way of knowing if Cinderella didn't spill some blood herself.

''That's so cool! I'm glad you are coming, auntie Lea!'' Lea giggled and patted my backpack before taking a blue green crystal out of air and handing it to me.

''Um. What is this?''

'' When we cross over, I will be in same state as her. Disembodied, pure spirit. I will need something for you to house me in. Do not lose it.''

''Okay. I assure you I will take care of your house.''

''Of course you will. You are such a good boy.'' Compliment raised hairs at back of my neck. She said that in same way somebody would compliment a dog.

Low, dull sound echoes across hall, and I saw symbols flash and grow before tiny snow started falling. With a groan, as if Arctis Tor was being grind down, two blocks of black ice parted to reveal swirling, humming nexus of light.

''Well, it seems it is time for us to go. Hurry, Harry.'' My godmother said and giggled. After only second of hesitation, I followed her into light.

The child sleeps.

Is it a child, or a sage? Is it yet to grow, or is it already ancient ? What does it matter to it's keeper, it's unknown guardian, this ancient thing of malice and darkness and bottomless hunger ( is it of dark and death and pain, or are they of it-who knows, who can know, who cares, who dares to ask after all)?

The child may be old to some, may have lived beyond dozen lifetimes, may have been different shapes and forms, may have seen kingdoms rise and fall as centuries pass, may have seen cultures change and languages be born, but it's keeper has seen species come and go in but eye blink, has seen continents rise from magma and fire and seen them fall beneath water and salt. It has seen worlds be born and it has seen them shatter and collapse in ash, and it has played part in both ( mostly in latter). It has seen blasted bright stars come in existence and it will see them extinguished (bright and burning and horrible, it hungers and it will gobble them all up when time is right, down to every last, and whole reality will be cold and dark and silent, finally, after so long, after eons of waiting).

The child is young, and pretty enough, and strong if you take in account how weak all others are, wise if you consider how stupid those worms are. The dark thing grumbles and hungers. Maybe, and it reaches far and wide... Flash of light, a bright warning and reminder and no, it can't, not yet, not until it takes hold, not while child sleeps and has yet to fulfill purpose they plan and plot for child. But maybe someday, if it doesn't prove itself... Oh yes, yes, yes.

But for now, it turns eye to other threads, other plans, other small, bright worlds so easily extinguished...

Well, here is it. Hope you loved it and that you give me criticism and pointers. Thank you!
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Sorry for waiting. Here is second chapter, which because of it's size and content I'm thinking of combining with first. What do you think? Third (or true second, if I go through with plan) shall be from third person, and will start following SK characters. Dresden will meet them and stay at Inn, and we will see some differences between universes, plus Harry and company finally receive information (and Harry will have to keep Ryou from flirting with lea for his own good, of course).
If this stays second, I will name it A Whole New World, because I'm too much fan of Disney movies.

We were falling.

One moment, I was walking straight into light. The next I was falling down at insane speed. I was flying in circles, carried by some strange force like leaf on the wind, as around me shining, pale nebula swirled and gleamed. It was like the worst ride on the most dangerous attraction in the craziest amusement park ever. My stomach was jumping up and down, my limbs were yanked in every direction, my heart was just waiting for chance to explode from my ribcage. And I assure you, I wasn't screaming. Not at all. Whoever claims so is lying.

I couldn't check on Bonnie, and while I couldn't see Lea, I could hear her loud laughter echoing from everywhere and nowhere. Figures-by her standards, only reason why this didn't count as ride amusement park was because there were no holy virgins to sacrifice.

And the abruptly, I hit the ground. Honestly, it didn't hurt much, and I hit only my knees, but god was it unexpected.

''You could have been more graceful, godson. It would have spared us all some embarrassment.'' Lea's purring voice rang out.

I was ready to brush her off with some (not so) smart remark when my eyes fell upon her form. For moment I stood there, with bulging eyes, frozen from shock. Then I broke out in loud, thundering laughter, the sort that makes you cry and grasp your belly.

Lea-my beautiful, alluring, supernaturally stunning godmother who has seduced and dragged thousands of men to their death with a mere glimpse of her face was gone. In her place floated fat green shining ball with huge amber eyes, red locks and wide smirk. A small ball that looked like perfect plush toy.

Lea 's confusion was evident in her eyes. She looked at me as if I had gone mad before casting glance at herself. Her catlike eyes widened and mouth curled and snarled before whirlwind of green stuff that resembled ectoplasm surrounded her, and she returned to her normal form, though floating above ground and little translucent, scowling whole way.

I couldn't stop laughing. I though I was going to suffocate.

''Damn Lea...Pity you couldn't see yourself...''

''Yes.'' Lea whispered, her scowl gone, ghost of smile crossing her features. It was enough to stop me. ''Pity no other human could see me either.''

Oh. Right. Mab said in this world only practitioners-shamans- could see magical beings like Lea. Which meant...

I turned around and saw a score of people looking at me, whispering something.. Glance around me and I noticed that I was in Japan.

Perfect. A foreigner, tall as tree, kneeling on dirt, laughing like mad and talking to empty air. It would be miracle if they didn't call mental hospital.

Tiny, wrinkled, half-bald man came to me and rapidly started asking question, with soft, concerned expression. Lea, who stared at scene unfolding around us like a cat presented with bacon, giggled and finally deigned to help me.

'' O, child. You are utterly helpless. Please say this, and try not to mangle language.'' Then she slowly spoke some Japanese words that I tried to repeat as best as possible. Old man looked at me, little unsure, but then he smiled, nodded and patted my shoulder, speaking what I assumed were good wishes. Crowd dispersed after casting me some bemused looks and I got up.

''Lea, what did I just say?'' I didn't ask how she knew Japanese. Knowledge of many languages was useful skill, and even ageless Sidhe got bored. Or better, said especially ageless Sidhe. And especially ones who were old enough to be around when humanity was still figuring out grammar and letters.

''Nothing important child. Just context for your behavior.'' I didn't trust that one bit.


''Well, first you apologized for your behavior and because you disturbed their peace, then you thanked that man for his concern and congratulated him on his politeness, saying that such nice people are rare today, and then you explained that in moment of religious fervor you..''

''That would be enough, little one. As I said, just a context for your peculiar behavior. And you please keep your voice down and look ahead, Harry. Now, we should find out the most we can about this Shaman Fight.''

I grumbled and let it slide for now. In future, I would rely on Bonnie to translate. Or try English. But we had job to do.

''And how you suppose we do that?'' Lea sighed, as if dealing with thick, useless student.

''Well, obviously if those strange ectomancers are so common that they can organize world-wide fights, then ghosts are common. So I suggest we start from graveyards. '' She focused her sight on my bag. '' Now, my dear, you would be of great use to us now. Would you be willing to help?''

''Of course auntie.'' Bonnie said and exited her wooden skull, the trail of green light that possessed passing sparrow. Nobody noticed a thing.

Shiver went down my spine. Last one who called Lea was Molly and well.... I saw how it turned. I would have to be careful and moderate her interactions with Bonnie.

So off we went, following sparrow in search of cemetery to find out how to participate in magical duel.
Worst off all, this wasn't even moderately weird anymore by my standards.
So. So,so,so.
The starborn, oh-so moral Knight and the once contaminated muse, treacherous handmaiden, have finally arrived. Good, good. It was past reasonable time for that little cold girl to make her move already.

The darkness smiles- as much as it can manage to. Its enemies think they control Gates, that they control siege. Fools. Let them plan and resist, plot and sacrifice and try. No matter what, in the end pieces will fall exactly as it intended them to.

Its host races without pause, without rest. It is agent perfect for this task- grand,powerful best, but stupid beast nonetheless. Piece of darkness dwells within it, piece of strength that gives beast power it couldn't have imagined in wildest dreams, and so now it must serve.

What wonder it is, what being can do when mind leading it does not care what will happen when you push it beyond limits. When it does not care about blood freezing, muscles tearing as bones grind in dust while sentience fades away.

And finally, beast arrives to depths of Hell. It is almost familiar to darkness-almost, for it isn't as involved in sins and pains of heart, nor is Hell as hungry.

Its host and champion goes on and on while Hell turns cold,silent,dark. Demons flee until only a Lord of this domain is left, and puny godling falls soon.

Now comes the true task. Bringing forth the force protected and contained within. Burning, shining power from which stars claim descent. It doesn't flee or attack the darkness-it has too much respect and healthy amount fear, but it doesn't trust, it would never trust this dark,deadly thing. Other would have been trusted, but the light is too gentle, too fond of coddling to keep mouths shut.

But this power is foolish, sentimental creature, too bound in loyalty and love, weakness which makes it so easy to bind and exploit. So darkness takes its dying agents voice and offers bait.

"I can lead you to your master."