Stark Quest 2.0: The Protector of Pentos

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Welcome to the 3rd thread of Stark Quest 2.0. First thread is here. 2nd thread is here. Beyond...


The Pit of Doom
Welcome to the 3rd thread of Stark Quest 2.0. First thread is here. 2nd thread is here. Beyond this point will be full spoilers for ASOIAF, Wheel of Time, and Stormlight Archive

Stark Quest v2.0
A Game of Thrones / AU / Crossover Quest
Crossovers: Wheel of Time / Stormlight Archive​
By act of a ROB, when the newly married Catelyn Stark, nee Tully, became pregnant with Robb Stark, she also conceived a second child. Nine months later she gave birth to two healthy babies. You are Robb Stark's fraternal sibling...
Protagonist Character Sheet:

Name: Harlon Stark
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Favored Status: Old Gods
-Favored 3

Intelligence- 10
Wisdom- 10
Will- 8.1

Appearance- 7.5
Strength- 5.1
Dexterity- 5.1
Vitality- 7.2

Reputation- 5
Personal Guard- 11
Hightower Guards- 9​
Charm- 5.7
Presence- 9

Cyvasse 10; Economics/Business/Trade 6; Herblore 6; History 9.1; Medicine 10; Medicine (Disease) 2; Religion 8; Warcraft 4​
High Valyrian 10; Low Valyrian 4​
Flame and Void 4.5; Hunting 2; Ravenry 6; Riding 5; Seamanship: 5​
Wood Carving 10​
General 4.5​
Demons 4.5
Wards 3
Mind 3
Attack (1): Aura 1; Control 1; Destruction 7; Illusion 1; Possession 3; Reading 1
Defense (1): Barrier 2; Detect 2; Fortify 3; Mirage 1; Reflect 2; Trap 2
Augment (2): Accelerate 2; Endurance 1; Focus 1.1; Multi-tasking 1; Regeneration 3; Senses 1
Current Array:
Senses level 1
Fortify level 2
Trap level 2

Multi-tasking level 1
Accelerate level 1
Focus Level 1
Barrier Level 2​
Time 1
Short Term Precog 1​
Naming 2
Fire 1
Exalt(dagger) 1
Windrunner 1
Ithroen 0.5; Harlon Stark 0.5; Daenerys Targaryen 1
Weirwood 1​

Armor Proficiency: Shardplate, Leather
Technique: Archery 1; Axe 2, Dagger 2; Greatsword 3.75; Shardblade 4.35; Spear 1; Sword/Board 2.5
Awareness: Strategic 8; Tactical 7

Perception: 8.1
Manipulation: 4.9
Leadership: 6.3

Harlon Stark's Personal Inventory
Funds: 3,000,000 Gold Dragons
Transportation: 8 wagon and 18 horses
Locations: Underground Complex; Prince of Pentos' Manse
Rare Books: Illyrio's cyphered book; Defensive Warding
Arms and Armaments: Unbonded Shardplate; Veracity- unbonded Shardblade; Exalt- a Valyrian Steel dagger; 1 steel dagger coated in Essence of Midnight; One mundane dagger; One set of Leather Armor (non-descript); a bracer of the same strange metal engraved with strange red and gold flowing creatures that spiraled along the length; An Enchanted Arakh; An Enchanted Dothraki style whip
Betrothed- Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow- Full Shardbearer, First Sword
Ithroen- Forsaken, Possessing Lord Leyton Hightower (Presumably Returned to the Prison by Khal Drogo)​
7 Stark Guardsmen
30 Hightower Guardsmen​
Animal companions: Windrunner
Trade Goods: 100 Bolts of Silk cloth, 100 crates of various spices, 10 pounds of ivory, 5 pounds of jade; 3 large diamonds; 4 medium sized diamonds; 60 pieces of intricate jewelry;
Miscellaneous: Cuendillar Ring Ter'angreal; Cuendillar Amulet (Circular disk half white and half black); Cuendillar chain; an ivory pendant, a ruby encrusted necklace; several documents written in Illyrio's hand; a rib bone from Illyrio Mopatis; Three petrified Dragon eggs; Cyvasse set; Blood Oath components; Four Rings that belonged to Leyton Hightower; Silver Scourge of Justice.
  • Leader of the Pack- The Direwolves that the Starks have found are a sign from the Old Gods, and Harlon's Direwolf stands out from the Pack.
  • Ta'veren- You become a Ta'veren. The pattern(i.e. reality) warps around you, so that you may fulfill its ends. Reroll crit fails, and add a moderate bonus to all rolls. Big events are more likely to happen around you as well.


Height: 6'6"
Weight: 185 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark Brown
Appearance: Harlon's handsome without being considered pretty, and he possesses a chiseled jaw, generally well-formed bone structure, and symmetric features. As far as build goes, Harlon has broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He's lightly muscled with plenty of room to put more musculature on. Only his distaste for physical exertion and combat training has kept him from bulking up. Being a member of a Great House means that he only wears fine clothes, usually in the Stark color scheme.
Other Character Sheets:
Name: Jon Snow
Status: Sworn to Harlon Stark, Shardbearer
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Favored status: ????

Intelligence- 6
Wisdom- 6.5
Will- 8.7
Appearance- 7
Strength- 7 + 10 = 17
Dexterity- 9 + 7 = 16
Vitality- 10
Armor Class: Juggernaut

Reputation- 4.3 (Bastard, Shardbearer)
Charm- 6.3
Presence- 6

History 4; Religion 6; Economics/Business/Trade 2; Warcraft 4​
Mind 1
Destruction 1; Possession 1;
Barrier 2; Fortify 2;
Acceleration:1 Endurance 1; Focus 1; Regeneration 1;​
Time 1
Short Term Precog 2
Slow Time 2​
Practical: Riding 9; Hunting 8; Flame and Void 9;

Armor Proficiency: Shardplate, Plate mail, chain mail
Technique: Shardblade 8.75; Sword/Board 9; Greatsword 8; Archery 8; Spear 8; Axe 7, Dagger 8
Awareness: Tactical 8; Strategic 7

Perception: 6
Manipulation: 4.1
Leadership: 6.2
Name: Robb Stark
Status: 2nd born son of Lord Eddard Stark; Currently out of favor
Sex: Male
Age: 18

Intelligence- 6
Wisdom- 4
Will- 9
Appearance- 6
Strength- 8 + 10 = 18
Dexterity- 7 + 7 = 14
Vitality- 9
Armor Class: Juggernaut
Reputation- 7
Charm- 8
Presence- 8

Lore: History 3; Religion 5; Economics/Business/Trade 1; Warcraft 7
Practical: Riding 9; Hunting 8; Flame and Void 9;
Short Term Precog 1

Armor Proficiency: Shardplate Plate mail, chain mail
Technique: Shardblade 7; Sword/Board 6; Greatsword 8; Archery 7; Spear 8; Axe 8, Dagger 8
Awareness: Tactical 8; Strategic 8

Perception: 5
Manipulation: 5
Leadership: 8
Name: Daenerys Targaryen
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Favored Status: ????

Intelligence- 7
Wisdom- 8
Will- 10

Appearance- 10
Strength- 4
Dexterity- 6
Vitality- 6

Reputation- 6 (Noted for her beauty, but in-exile(poor))
Charm- 9
Presence- 8

Economics/Business/Trade 5; Religion 4​
High Valyrian 10; Low Valyrian 10​
The Embrace 9​
Poetry 6; Acting 7​
Mind 2
Attack (1): Aura 1; Control 3; Destruction 2; Illusion 1; Possession 1; Reading 1
Defense (1): Barrier 1; Detect 1; Fortify 2; Mirage 1; Reflect 1; Trap 1
Augment (1): Accelerate 1; Endurance 2; Focus 1; Multi-tasking 1; Regeneration 2; Senses 1​
Naming 3
Fire(*2) 4; Earth(*2) 3; Wind(*2) 2
Harlon Stark 1

Note: *2 denotes that she learns these specific names at twice the rate as normal due to her lineage​
Armor Proficiency: None
Technique: Dagger 3
Awareness: Strategic 3; Tactical 1

Perception: 7
Manipulation: 9
Leadership: 6​
Name: Barristan Selmy
Status: Lord Commander of King Robert's Kingsguard
Sex: Male
Age: 60

Intelligence- 6
Wisdom- 9
Will- 9
Appearance- 5
Strength- 7 + 10 = 17
Dexterity- 9 + 7 = 16
Vitality- 8
Armor Class: Juggernaut
Reputation- 10
Charm- 6
Presence- 9

Lore: History 9; Religion 7; Warcraft 4
Practical: Riding 10; Hunting 8; Flame and Void 10;

Armor Proficiency: Shardplate
Technique: Shardblade 10; Sword/Board 10; Greatsword 10; Archery 7; Spear 9; Axe 9, Dagger 9
Awareness: Tactical 10; Strategic 9

Perception: 7
Manipulation: 4
Leadership: 9
Name:Eddard Stark
Status: Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Lord Paramount of the North
Sex: Male
Age: 38

Intelligence- 8
Wisdom- 8
Will- 8
Appearance- 6
Strength- 5 + 10 =15
Dexterity- 5 + 7 = 12
Vitality- 5
Armor Class: Juggernaut
Reputation- 9
Charm- 5
Presence- 7

Lore: History 7; Religion 7; Economics/Business/Trade 5; Warcraft 9
Practical: Riding 6; Hunting 5; Flame and Void 7;

Armor Proficiency: Shardplate
Technique: Shardblade 5; Greatsword 5; Archery 4; Dagger 5
Awareness: Tactical 9; Strategic 10

Perception: 6
Manipulation: 6
Leadership: 10
Catelyn Stark née Tully
Sex: Female
Age: 36

Intelligence- 8.25
Wisdom- 6
Will- 7
Appearance- 7
Strength- 4
Dexterity- 5
Vitality- 6

Reputation- 9
Charm- 7
Presence- 8

Lore: History 8; Religion 9; Economics/Business/Trade 5;
Practical: Riding 7; The Embrace 8; Etiquette/Courtesy 8
Art: Music 3; Poetry 3

Armor Proficiency:
Technique: Dagger 2
Awareness: Tactical 1; Strategic 4

Perception: 8
Manipulation: 8
Leadership: 6
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Demonology- He can theoretically communicate with, summon, and control the following demons:
  • Narsuul the Thane of Terror(Currently running amok on the mortal plane)
    • cost of summoning: the lives of a babe, a virgin maiden, and a crone
    • unique capabilities: possession.1) Narsuul needs physical contact to assume full control; 2)the texts imply that he gets very little, if any, access to the memories of its meat suit; 3)there is a time limit that Narsuul can remain in one body(13 days).
  • Mog-Groth the Lord of Nightmares (King of the Nightmare court)
    • cost of summoning: seven lives over seven days with each one taken at midnight. Maintaining him on the mortal plain is also costly. 1st day seven lives, 2nd day 49 lives, 3rd day 343 lives, 4th day 2401 lives, etc.
    • unique capabilities: Controlling other demons, attacking mortals in their dreams, pulling mortals into nightmares
  • Morthull the Breaker of Hope
    • cost of summoning: The lives of thirteen killers; The summoner must offer a fresh pint of his own blood per day to maintain Morthull on the mortal plane
    • Unique capabilities: Extreme physical might
  • Pandruig the Silent Blade.
    • cost of summoning: An assassin and a holy man slain by a Shardblade; can only be sent after one soul before returning to hell
    • Unique capabilities: Bending perception of himself so as to be undetectable; immense speed
Summonings: All have their own individual ritual but the cost in human life is noted above

Communication: the various demons costs human sacrifice to communicate with, but not necessarily death. An example of this is Varys being cut.

Control: Each demon has a specific spell laced into their summoning. This spell requires a personal sacrifice. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the control

Binding: The texts explain that demons can be bound into objects, but Harlon has not discovered how yet.

Warding: The process of refusing demons admittance into a physical space. Harlon doesn't yet have this knowledge.
Glamour- the skill of bending the perception of others to make them see, hear, smell, touch, or taste what you want them to. Glamours, or illusions, require an object, living or inert, to act as a base for the spell. At all but the highest level of proficiency an anchor is required to maintain the glamour. The difficulty of each spell rises as the product of the glamour becomes more dissimilar from the base. Another factor to consider is the intricacy of a glamour: as they become more complicated or increase in scale the difficulty of fabricating the spell increases exponentially.

At the highest level of skill, Glamourers can see through all but the best glamours, and no longer require anchors to cast their spells.

Anchor(A): Some practitioners limit themselves to one type of Anchor, like a ruby. This increases the efficiency and effectiveness of their spells as they are very familiar with the effects that their preferred anchor has on a glamour. The perceived rarity or the relation of the anchor to the desired outcome also affects the viability. (The use of rare rubies will make the illusion stronger. The use of a dead man's bones to make the base appear like the dead man will make the spell much easier.) Runs from 1-10 with 1 being a terrible anchor and 10 being the best possible anchor.

Scale(S): The size of the base you are trying to effect is immensely important, as is the relative size of the base and the desired outcome. As they increase the difficulty of the spell exponentially increases. Runs from 1 to a 10 with 1 being the size of a marble and 10 being the size of a Ryshadium.

Complexity(C): This takes into account the amount of senses that you are trying to manipulate, and the more that you attempt to alter from the base the higher the skill level required. Runs from 1 to 50 with 1 being a slight alteration from the base and only manipulating one sense; 50 would be a huge alteration from base and the manipulation of all five senses.

Time (T): Glamours take time to cast. The longer you have to cast your spell the less skill is required. Though in most cases a great glamour might take weeks to prepare. Runs from 1 to 10 with 1 being instant to 10 being months.

Skill: The proficiency of the practicioner which ranks from 1-10.

Places of power: Certain places enhance the magical arts. Ranks 1-3 with one being no noticeable effect and three being somewhere like the Wall.
Skill Cost
1 1-2
2 3-5
3 6-9
4 10-20
5 21-40
6 41-70
7 71-110
8 111-160
9 161-250
10 251-500
(1/Anchor) * Scale^2 * Complexity^(5/3) * (1/Time) * (1/Place) = Skill Level Required

Canon Examples:
Melisandre glamourizes Lightbringer:
Anchor: Ruby in hilt- 7
Scale: Sword- 3
Complexity: Fools one sense and makes blade look like its on fire 8
Time: Likely several weeks- 5
Place: Dragon stone- 1
(1/7) * 3^2 * 8^(5/3) * (1/5) * (1/1) = 8 = Requires Skill Level 3

Melisandre Glamorizes Mance to look like the Lord o' Bones:
Anchor: Ruby + Bones: 9
Scale: Adult Human Male- 7
Complexity: Fools two senses and fairly close to he base: 12
Time: A Week- 3
Place: The Wall-3
(1/9) * 6^2 * 12^(5/3) * (1/3) * (1/3) = 28 = Requires Skill Level 5
Blood Magic can be used to cause many different effects, some positive some negative. Positive effects require more sacrifice to enact. Blood should be used within 6 hours before it starts to degenerate, and it completely degenerates within three days. Storing blood in cold conditions has been tried and failed. It seems that something essential is lost during the passage of time.

Also, not all blood is created equal. Some bloodlines are more potent, or open up new possibilities. The former has been proven by the First Men and the Valyrians; the latter is mere theory awaiting confirmation.

Numerology plays a large part in Blood magic. The use and repetition of 3, 7, or 13 will enhance any spells. They can either increase the potency or decrease the cost of a given spell. This is variable for each given spell.

Equation for causing negative effects
M = Magnitude (1-10)
D = Distance (1-10)
d = Defense (1-10)
S = Skill (1-10)

1 liter of common blood = 1 B
1 liter of Royal blood, Special, or mage = 10 B
1 common life = 15 B
1 Royal, Special, or Mage life = 100 B

(Magnitude of desired outcome * Distance away from target (can be physical or temporal) * defenses) / Skill level = Amount of Energy Required(Units would be "Blood Points")
(M * D * d) / S = B

Hightower going bald in his castle
(5*1*10)/4 =12.5 BP

Cursing Hallis for being impudent (-5%+ luck)
(2*1*1)/4 = .5 BP

Help Robb by increasing the likelihood of killing Jorah in Essos
M (1-10) = Cursing Jorah (+10% chance of death) = 6.5 (has a rather large magnitude)
D (1-10)= distance = 9 (On a different continent)
d (1-10)= Shardplate Defense = 9
S (1-10 )= Skill = 4
Math: (6.5*9*9)/4= 131.6 BP

Killing Ser Davos Seaworth
(8*8*3)/4 = 48 BP
*NOTE: Starting at 5, defenses would add a percentage of failure which would be represented by a roll of the dice after the spell is cast. Examples: Sorcerer McEvil has a ward that represents a 5 in defense, so after casting a spell on him with the necessary sacrifices I'd flip a coin to see if the spell succeeded or failed; effecting Renly behind the Walls of Storm's End adds a 10 to the defense, thus the spell would have a 100% chance of failing upon casting.

Equation for positive effects:
(Magnitude of desired outcome^2 * Distance away from target (can be physical or temporal) * defenses) / Skill level = Amount of Energy Required(Units would be "Blood Points")

Giving Harlon a little extra luck equivalent to +5 on a roll
(7.5^2*1*1)/4 =14 BP

Temporarily Boosting Harlon's Strength, Vitality, or Dexterity by +1
(8^2*1*1)/4 = 16 BP

Guaranteed* success of a single specific action for the practitioner.
(10^3*1)/4= 250 BP
*Guaranteeing anything positive costs 10^3. This is not taking into account other arcane defenses.

Remove F&V damage from Harlon
(7^2*1*1*4)/4 =49

Legendary Tier (Exclusive to divisors of ten): aka Awesome shit can happen
Example: Birthing the dragons
(10^3*1*1)/10*= 100 BP
*divisor is part skill (the little Dany picked up from the Maegi) and part special event(Red Comet)
Mind Magic
The Art of using thought to affect another's mind, to defend oneself from mental intrusions, and to augment the processes of one's mind. This is done by running your mind through a complex series of abstract thoughts and images in which you invest significant emotional weight called Sequences. The precision of the patterns and the clarity of emotion invested directly correlate to the potency and utility of the Sequence produced.

Through a long and drawn out process, sequences can be invested in certain items, so that the related effects can be used much more quickly. It can take months or years of dedicated effort to create such items.

Student's of the Mind discipline grow in ability as they learn new sequences, personalize the sequences they have learned, and grow in understanding while applying them.

There are two general types of Sequences: Passive and Active

Passive: The Sequences run in the sleeping mind and provide passive effects. They are relatively simple, but also less potent. The three fundamentals of these are Auras, Fixed Defenses, and Acceleration. It is also relatively easy to perform multiple sequences at once, since the perceived cost is additive.

Active: sequences require conscious thought, and perform one specific effect. These are the most complex sequences possible, and can provide very powerful effects. They can range from possession to ensnaring a intruder to boosting speed of thought by orders of magnitude. Performing multiple sequences at once is much harder because the cost is multiplicative.

Attack: The application of affecting others minds with your own.
Defense: The application of defending your mind from intrusion or undue influence.
Augment: The application of boosting your own mind's capabilities beyond human's levels.

Mechanics:This is a quest, so magic must have an underlying system. In this system, you gain mastery levels on a given Sequence. These levels go from 1 to 10. 1 signifies a basic understanding of a sequence, and 10 is a mythical level of mastery that only exists in theory. You can increase in levels by dedicating time to training or by purchasing new levels with XP. Gaining levels costs more XP and/or more time to train.

Advancement Costs from level to level are determined by: (1/Avg of Int&Wis x Level^4 x Sequence Complexity x 1/Understanding) = Advancement Cost

Example: Harlon moving from level 1 to 2 in Active Acceleration with Ithroen as a teacher and very little understanding: ((1/9.5) x 2^4 x 8 x (1/1)) = 13.5

Cost Time XP
1-3 6 Hrs 5 XP
4-15 7H-2D 25 XP
16-30 3D-10D 50 XP
31-60 11D-1M 90 XP
61-100 2M- 6M 150 XP
101-150 7M-1YR 200 XP
151-300 2YR-3YR 250 XP
301-750 4YR-6YR 300 XP
750-1500 7YR- 13YR 400 XP
So it would take him somewhere between 7 hours and 2 days to pass from level 1
Example: Possession- a 52 element Sequence that allows the caster's mind to enter another living organism and assume control of its mind; Falls into the Offensive category; Active cost to assume; Passive to maintain.
Level 1: Enter the mind of a non-sapient creature that you are connected with for 30 seconds

Level 2: Enter the mind of a non-sapient creature that you are connected with for 30 minutes

Level 3: Enter the mind of a non-sapient creature that you are connected with indefinitely

Level 4: Enter the mind of any non-sapient creature indefinitely

Level 5: Enter the mind of an undefended sapient creature for 30 seconds through physical contact

Level 6: Enter the mind of an undefended sapient creature for 30 minutes

Level 7: Enter the mind of an undefended sapient creature; full access to memories and skills of the vessel

Level 8: Penetrate mental defenses and assume control (20% success rate); full access to memories and skills of vessel; migrate from dead host without penalty

Level 9: Penetrate mental defenses and assume control (60% success rate); full access to memories and skills; migrate from dead host without penalty

Level 10: Penetrate mental defenses and assume control(100% success rate, unless against a 9+ Defense, then flip a coin); full access to memories and skills; migrate from dead host without penalty; can use full breadth of their own magic while in host

This is not a rigid scale. In reality, most students fall somewhere between the levels. For instance, Narsuul would fall in between levels 6 and 7.

Mind Points are an expression of the amount of mental energy that can be devoted to Sequences. Below are the equations that govern the casting of specific Sequences.

Total Mind Pool
Intelligence x Wisdom x Will x Understanding(1-10) = Total Mind Point Pool
Harlon: 10 * 9 * 7 * 1 =630 MP

Cost of casting Active Sequences
1/understanding x 1/Average of Will and Intelligence x Sequence Complexity^2 x Sequence Level^1.5 x # of Currently Active Sequences^2 x # Passive^1.5
Example: Ignorant Harlon trying to cast a Level 3 Active, Complexity 7 with 2 current Active and 3 Passive
(1/1) * (1/8.5) * 7^2 * 3^1.5 * 2^2 * 3^1.5 = 622.6 MP

Cost of casting Passive Sequences
1/Understanding x 1/Average of Will and Intelligence x Sequence Complexity^1.5 x Sequence Level x # Active^2 x # Passive^1.5
Example: Ignorant Harlon trying to cast a Level 3 Active, Complexity 7 with 2 current Active and 3 Passive
(1/1) * (1/8.5) * 7^1.5 * 3 * 2^2 * 3^1.5 =135.9 MP

Casting a new sequence retroactively raises the cost of all the existing ones you have running.

Mental Penalties: Overuse of Sequences, particularly at higher levels and complexities, can cause mental instability. This is signified by the roll of 1d1000(No Ta'veren bonus) for casting a Active Sequences over Level 5 or 8 complexity, 5 or below will count as a negative modifier to your mental stability. For levels 9 and 10 or complexity 9 and 10, this roll becomes an insanity roll. Passive is a nat 1.

Failing the roll will result in temporary insanity, and multiple failed rolls will cause the insanity to last longer or become more pronounced.

Example of using Level 3 Destruction 5 times in rapid succession.
  1. No chance of insanity or mental instability
  2. Roll above a 3 on a D1000 to avoid penalties
  3. Roll above a 30 on a D1000 to avoid penalties
  4. Roll above a 300 on a D1000 to avoid penalties
  5. Accrue mental instability, and possibly insanity points. The further you go past this, the greater the mental taxation.
Attack: LINK
Aura (4)-
Active or Passive Sequence that allows the caster to emanate an aura of their choosing
Control(5)- Active Sequence that allows you to influence the minds of others, and at higher skill proficiencies you may give them absolute commands
Destruction (3)- Active. Cause damage to a target's mind
Illusion (8)- Project illusions into a target's mind
Possession (10)- Active Sequence to cast; Passive to maintain; allows the caster's mind to enter another living organism and assume control of its mind
Reading (10)- Active Sequence that allows the caster to sense emotions, read thoughts, or delve into memories
*Possession is normally a complexity of ten, but for characters with the "Warg" trait the complexity is halved. So it is represented with a five instead.

Defense: LINK
Barrier (5)- Active or Passive. Project a barrier surrounding your thoughts.
Detect (9)- Passive or Active Sequence that allows the caster to detect mental intrusions
Fortify (3)- Passive or Active. Builds a fortification in your mind to stop mental intrusions; helps organize thoughts
Mirage (8)- Active. Caster creates false emotions, thoughts, and memories within their mind
Reflect (5)- Active. This allows the caster to reflect an aggressor's attack back at them
Trap (3)- Passive. Caster sets up a mental trap to disrupt mental attacks

Augment: LINK
Accelerate (8)- Passive or Active. It will allow you to speed up your thoughts and reaction
Endurance (7)- Passive. Enhances the caster's mental endurance.
Focus (8)- Passive or Active. Enhances the caster's ability to focus his mind
Multi-tasking (9)- Passive or Active. Allows for greater ability to multi-task.
Regeneration (7)- Active. Increases rate of recovery from mental trauma.
Senses (6)- Passive or Active. The mind analyzes input from the senses more accurately, and draws more complete information from them.
  • Will can be raised to 11 when either Focus or Endurance reach level 9 and are kept in active. 12 requires both Focus and Endurance to be Level 9. 13 requires Level 10.
  • Intelligence can be raised to 11 when either Acceleration or Multi-tasking reach level 9 and are kept in active. 12 requires both to both to be Level 9. 13 requires Level 10.

Attack vs Defense- The Attacker has the initiative, so he gets the advantage in the dice. The Defender gets the advantage in the bonuses. Then understanding and INT allow the attacker and the defender's relative skill to figure in. The highest score is the winner of a battle.

3d50 + Attack bonus + (Understanding + INT)^(3/2) = Attack Score

1d100 + Defense bonus + (Understanding + INT)^(3/2) = Defense Score

Higher score wins

Example: Rob (UND 7; INT 9) attacks with Control Level 8(+20), and Jim(UND 4; INT 7) defends with Passive Fortify 3(+6), Barrier 4(+8), and Trap 2(+6)
3d50 + 20 + (7 + 9)^(3/2) = Attacking score
24 + 20 + 64 = 108

1d100 + 6 + 8 + 6 + (4 + 7)^(3/2) = defensive score
3 + 20 + 36 = 59
Obviously, Bob wins in the above and successfully Controls Jim

Example: Stan (UND 8; INT 9) attacks with Destruction 9(60), and Joff(UND 9; INT 8) defends with Passive Fortify 7(30), Barrier 6(20), and Trap 8(50)
3d50 +60 + (8+9)^(3/2)
82 + 60 + 70 = 212

1d100 + 30 + 20 + 50 + (9+8)^(3/2)
98 + 100 + 70 = 268
This time the defender wins. Since Joff's highest defense bonus came from Trap, Stan is affected by Trap

For an attack using multiple mages, up to three mages can contribute to the attacking roll. This is done by two additional mages adding 1d50 each onto the lead mage's attack roll.
Ta'veren bonus does not apply.

Names carry a power all their own, and learning the True Name of a person, place, or thing gives you varying degrees of control over the bearer of the Name. This control is based on how fully a Namer understands and perceives the nature of the targeted Name, and the level to which they understand their own Name. For example, a neophyte might know the Name of fire, but he can only manipulate the quantity of flames present. The only limits a Master Namer would know is the nature of the flame, and what he can imagine. The Master Namer can even change the nature of an object by giving it a new name

Learning a True Name is not about rote memorization or a precise process at all, but about learning to perceive the world around the potential Namer. Most Namers only learn two or three Names in their entire lives. This is because they are unable to properly connect to the Sleeping Mind. The neophyte may spend years searching for a lone Name, but the Master Namer could know the Name with a glance.

True Names can also be used to cast Curses or Blessings. A curse is malignant in nature whereas a Blessing is positive in nature. Both Curses and Praises can be used from great distances by attaching them to a True Name. However, both spells can fail either because of a miscasting or mystical defenses. When this happens, the rebound causes the Namer Seven times the cost.

Many mystical defenses inadvertently give partial protection against Naming, but the most sure way to defend against having a Name used against a caster is to have greater Mastery than their nemesis. So, knowing the inner workings of their own True Name is essential in any clash between Namers.

Namers walk a knife's edge between sanity and insanity. Because they view the totality of the world, they are prone to going utterly insane. Also, Namers can do immense damage to themselves if they damage their True Name. Such damage is rare, but over eager students may cause it through overreaching.

Everything has a Name. Some Names are so improbable to learn that they might as well be impossible. Some Names require specific circumstance to learn. Some Names have costs to learn. Some Names will arouse unwanted attention. DCs will be revealed as you progress.

Naming is WIS BASED
LEVEL Wisdom Mod
1 700
2 1400
3 2100
4 2800
5 3500
6 4000
7 4400
8 5000
9 6400
10 10000
It is also affected by the understanding of the Namer. An inexperienced Namer will have a low understanding of the process names in general, and receive a penalty. The only way to turn that negative into a positive is to call names, and do interesting things. This understanding is a subjective score that I award for the Namer actions.

Costs for Names:
Harlon trying to perceive the True Name of Fire for the first time
1d10000 + WIS MOD (6400) - INEXPERIENCE (3000) = DC (13000)

A more experienced Harlon trying to call the True Name of Earth.
1d10000 + WIS MOD (6400) = DC (13500)

A Veteran Namer Harlon calling the Wind
1d10000 + WIS MOD (6400) + Veteran (1000) = DC (12500)

A Master Namer Harlon calling a Human
1d10000 + WIS MOD (6400) + Master (3000) = DC (19000)

A Grand Master Namer Harlon calling a Human with moderate defense
1d10000 + WIS MOD (6400) + Grand Master (8000) - Defense (5000) = DC (19000)

NOTE: A critical success(9950-10000) will allow you automatically learn a Name of your same tier. So, a beginner could learn a base element, a veteran could learn something like blood, a master could learn a human's name, and a grand master could learn defended name or a lesser concept.

After a faiure to learn a Name, you can try to learn a name once every seven days(no time shenanigans allowed). If you fail, you gain some modicum of understanding, but also take an increased likelihood of insanity. Each time you fail on a specific Name, the insanity roll grows higher. The higher the attempted DC the greater the scope of the madness.

For example, you try to learn the name of Death and fail. Then if you failed your ensuing insanity check, you'd go completely bonkers for the foreseeable future. Also, you'd have to worry about anything that took umbrage with you trying to Name a fundamental concept. That'd be loads of fun.

The enemy of all Namers is their own mind. The failure to learn a name result its in a roll for insanity.

The roll goes like this: (DC of failed Name) * 1/1d1000 * 1/Wisdom * Naming Opportunities * 1/Naming skill = INSANITY Score
Example: Harlon fails to learn the Name of Water
14000 * (1/1000) * (1/9) * 1 * (1/1) = 1.6

Any insanity score over 100 will result in acquiring an Insanity Point. If the score is well above 100, then additional IPs can be accrued at once. This will cause the character to act, well, insane. Insanity points can accumulate on top of one another, and they cause increasing instability. Points can be worked off through time, awesome actions, or the expenditure of XP. Though the latter increases every time you spend XP in this way.

A single IP can last from 6 hrs to 3 days of consciousness depending on a roll of the 1d100. As they start piling up, the time goes up exponentially, and you'll be paying more XP, too.

Direct competition is based on the skill of the Namer, their Wisdom scores, their proficiency with a given Name, and chance.

Both Namers Roll:
1d10 + Skill + Wisdom + Name

The higher value wins. For attack on a Namer's Name, as long as the defender has knowledge of their own Name, they would be effectively skewing defenses heavily in their favor. So, a +2 would be added and the d10 would be increased to a d20 for the defender.

If she were to use your Name against you, you'd be able to use her Name to stop whatever shenanigans she tried. At least while you're on a somewhat comparable level.

Advancing a known Name
Overall naming Skill level*(2d10000 + Wisdom Modifier + Experience(Can be negative)) = DC

DC = Name's DC * Level of Name you are attempting to reach

So Harlon trying to move from level 1 to 2 would be:

1*(2d10000 + 6400 - 3000)

DC = 13000 * 2

Overall naming Skill level*(2d10000 + Wisdom Modifier + Experience(Can be negative)) = DC

DC = Name's DC * Level of Name you are attempting to reach

Future Harlon trying to move from level 4 to 5 with a skill of 4, max wisdom, and veteran experience would be:

4*(2d10000 + 8000 + 1000) = Max 116000

DC = 13000 * 5 = 65000
Time Magic (AKA Chronomancy)

As the name of this discipline implies, a skilled practitioner deals with the manipulation and observation of time in a number of ways. Thus it is said that it has two branches. The Manipulation branch deals with slowing down, speeding up, and reversing the flow of time. Whereas the Observation discipline deals with viewing the past, present, and future.

The Manipulation branch requires the sacrifice of a portion of the wielder's own life span to alter the flow of time. The greater the magnitude of the effect, the greater the sacrifice required. For beginners, low level effects can cost as much as 10000 of their own seconds to 1 affected second. Casters of this magic spend their entire lives searching for insights and methods to increase the efficiency of their casting. Fractional Time Slow is the most used method of practitioners due to its relatively low cost and ease of casting.

The Observation branch is the root of modern divination. It is both more accurate, more powerful, and more dangerous than its modern offspring. Since there is no medium other than the practitioner's mind, body, and soul, the caster suffers from an increased potential for insanity. Distance, both temporal and spatial, is the great governor of this branch. The further one looks away from their self, the greater the difficulty, and the greater the chance of insanity. There are other limitations in that certain places may be warded against observation, some entities are able to harm an observer, and the future is ever changing. Thus, the most common use for this is Personal Precognition, since it does not look far from the self.

Chronomancers must perform highly specialized patterns that seem to defy logic, but have a shape and form that when completed are immensely pleasing to human sensibilities. The fabrication of this pattern requires a unique mindset that neophytes require meditation to obtain. The most capable chronomancers can maintain patterns for hours until they need them, and then they issue the trigger command to activate their power.

Time magic is Will based.

Observation delves into Insanity Points as well. Looking too far afield either temporally or physically will cause you to accrue.

Physical Distance * Temporal Distance^2 * Chaos Constant * Duration * 1/Skill * 1/Will=INSANITY

Physical Distance (1-10): 1 is focused on you; 10 is across the world
Temporal (1-10): 1 is within the present 10 seconds; 10 is millennia away
Chaos Constant (10): Time is always in motion, even the past and present
Duration (1-10): 1 is up to 30 seconds; 10 is a day
Skill (1-10): 1 is a neophyte; 10 grandmaster
Will (1-10): 1 is barely human; 10 unshakable resolve​
INSANITY: Roll a 1d100 and if it is less than or equal to this score you earn an IP. If the difference is great, earn more than 1.

Harlon looks 10 seconds ahead at his present location for a duration of 20 seconds

Harlon looks back to the Tower of joy for the duration of two hours

The first example you'd need to critfail to get a IP. The second one... well Malora's called the Mad Maid for a reason!

Manipulation steals time from the prime of your life to enable you to manipulate one of the fundamental concepts of the universe.
Quantity(1-10): Amount of time affected; 1 is 1 second; 5 is 1 min; 10 is 5 minutes
Quality(1-10): Type of manipulation; 1 is slow time by 50%; 5 is reverse time/speed up time; 10 is stop time
Cost (1000): Manipulating time has an inherent cost
REAPED: The total amount of time you've lost. Each unit is equivalent to 100 seconds
Harlon slows time by 50% for 1 sec
1^2*1^3*1000*(1/7)*(1/1)=143R=14300 seconds=3.97 hours

Harlon stops time for a minute
5^2*10^3*1000*(1/7)*(1/1)=3571429R=357142900 sec=99206 hrs
Naming State only works with Time Magic; though you can call a known Name at any time
Time Magic works with everything but the One Power
Mind Magic works outside the Void and not in the Naming State
Story Posts
Prologue- Old Town Arc
I. Entering the Citadel
II. A Project and an Encounter
III. The Wolf and the Pig Boy
IV. Letters and a Question
V. Two Maesters
VI. Conditions and an Arrival
VII. Dealings with Demons
IIX. Resolution and a New Face Appears
IX. Luck of the Draw
X. Reachmen and a Confrontation
XI. Duels
XII. Discussions
XIII. An Oath and an Offer
XIV. Bargain
XV. A Battle for the Soul
XVI. Commands and Confrontations
XVII. A Revelation and a Request
XVIII. Preparations
XIX. Slippery Slope and Slander
XX. The First Lesson from a Forsaken
XXI. Negotiations
XXII. Questions, a Contract, and Letters
XXIII. Determination and Discoveries
XXIV. Details and Dreams
XXV. Midnight and Fire
XXVI. Onboard The Andal's Pride
Pentos Arc
XXVII. Arrival
XXVIII. Revisions and Decisions
XXIX. Debriefing
XXX. The Danger's of Observation
XXXI. A Ruthless Plan, a Quarrel, and a Name
XXXII. A Battle at the Cheesemonger's Manse
XXXIII. Loot, Shinies, and Bad News
XXXIV. Sealing Tavar
XXXV. Meeting Erina
XXXVI. A Declaration of War
XXXVII. Scouting and Soliciting
XXXVIII. Meeting with the Queen of Fire
XXXIX. The Upper Hand
XXXX. An Oath, an Argument, and a Proposal
XLI. Drogo Falls
XLII. Jorah Crippled and Captured
Protector of Pentos
XLIII. Drogo's Fate and a Name
XLIV. Speeches and a Sworn Enemy
XLV. A Tyroshi Blunder and a Northern Argument
XLVI. An Interrogation, an Impromptu Proposal, and an Indiscretion
XLVII. A Special Grade of Assassin
XLVIII. A Daring Rescue
XLIX. Setting the Board
L. Dany and Sam
LI. The Pentoshi Guard
Stark Quest: Infinities by Tylonius
Stark Quest: Infinities (2) by Tylonius
Stark Quest: Infinities (C) by Tylonius
Stark Quest: Infinities (IV) by Tylonius
Stark Quest: Infinities (cinq) by Tylonius
Seed of a Memory by Unelemental
The Birth of Cyvasse Grandmaster Harlon by Enjou
The Dwarf that Slays the Mountain by Enjou
Mierin Stark by Tel Janin Aman
A Loathsome Schedule by Enjou (CANON)
Tarwin's Gap Redux by Tel Janin Aman
Daily Lessons by Unelemental
Fairness by Enjou
Possible Futures- Winter is Comingby Enjou
Bronn, a Common Sell-Sword by BoSPaladin
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife by Atri
The Red Viper by BoSPaladin
Bonding in Winterfell by Geordiefan (CANON)
The Demon's Last Word by IcePickLobotomy
A Strange Plague by Romv
The Wolf of Zero by Enjou
Game Theory(Or Why a 10 in Cyvasse Doesn't Immediately Solve All of Your Problems) by Redshirt
Possible Futures - Winter Is Coming by Fluffiness
Ruminations of a Demon by Unelemental
Blood and Sacrifice by Unelemental
Possible Futures: The Great Lord's Vassal by Enjou
Monster Hunting: Part 1 Part 2 by Unelemental
Devil King Harlon by Enjou
Hot Stuff by BoSPaladin
What's in a Name?, Part 2, Part 3 by Unelemental
Colder than Wrought Iron by BoSPaladin
Dragon Magic by Unelemental
Roots of Medicine by Unelemental
Ghastly News Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 by Unelemental
Glamourous Life by Unelemental
The Folly of Harlon Stark by Atri
Shadowed Minds Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by Unelemental
A Letter to Balon by Enjou
Secrets of the North Part 1, Part 2 by Alratan
The One Ring vs. The One Power by Enjou
Letters from Harlon by Enjou
Birth of a Hero Part 1, Part 2 by Unelemental
A New Stark Tradition by Enjou
A Game of Secrets by Enjou
Hatching a Dragon Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by Unelemental
Blood Descent Part 1, Part 2 by Unelemental
Gray Man by Unelemental
The Dangers of Possession by Edkose
Treaty on the nobility and magic Westross by DragonParadox
Of years and power, regarding noble inheritance and the One Power by DragonParadox
To my assistant Pyate Prae by DragonParadox
The Faith of the Seven and the Coming of the One Power by DragonParadox
Passion by Evillevi
Dragons Reforged by Romv
Death from Above by Enjou
Blood from Ice by Dragon Paradox
Harry Winterking by Romv
Old Prayer by Unelemental
Gaming the System by Enjou
Pentosi culture and society at the dawn of the 14th century, between the sacred and the mundane, uncover the mysteries of the east by DragonParadox
Stormborn by Unelemental
Curious Circumstances (CANON OMAKE) by Romv
Friendly Ear (CANON OMAKE) by Unelemental
Try,try, try, again by Unelemental
To Forsake (CANON OMAKE) by Alratan
The Boozebringer by Unelemental
Harlon and Daenerys Dream by notmi
A Mother's Thoughts by cast2007
Prayers and Good News by Atri
For Want of a Nail - Magus Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 by Unelemental
A Dwarf Volunteered by Atri
Harlon vs. The Nightmare King - Stratagems by Enjou
Natural Aptitude - In the Eye of the Beholder by Unelemental
The Mountain that Rages by Enjou
A letter long expected and one unexpected as could be by DragonParadox
To Live in Interesting Times by DragonParadox
Of Desperation and Courage by DragonParadox
Time Magic, the Forgotten Art by DragonParadox
Behind Violet Eyes by DragonParadox
Wolf Dream Part 1, 2, 3 by Unelemental
Shadows of Winter by DragonParadox
The Last Dragon Rider by DragonParadox
Stark Part 1, Harlon vs. Leviathan Part 2 by Enjou
Changeling by DragonParadox
Hidden Magic 1: Mechant of Delights, Scout by DragonParadox
Hidden magic part 2: Shadow by DragonParadox
Stark 3: Cauldron File by Enjou
Through the Woods by DragonParadox
Hidden magic part 3: Memory of Rhoynar by DragonParadox
Stark 4 by Enjou
Last edited:

How to earn Experience Points (XP):
In-Game Actions- IC training or actions that develop a certain attribute, an awesome write-in, or a particularly daring course of action that works out. Amount will vary based on quality of the actions.

Out of Game Actions- Quality Omakes(5-10 XP), insightful reaction posts (5-10 XP), or original and high quality Fan Art (30 XP).

Votes can now count for XP too!I will be counting the number of votes as a way you guys can gather more XP. You will gain 1XP per 10 votes with a limit of 3 XP gained per update.*

This will be counted up by the number of votes per update. I will rely on someone to run the vote tally to get the number of votes, and add XP for 10, 20, 30 votes respectively. Each update will start off with a blank slate where you can accumulate new XP.

This information will be added to the mechanics section on the first page.

*Up to two extra XP can be earned for quality discussion of anything related to the quest. This discussion must occur between the time an update is posted and the voting is locked to be eligible for the extra XP. Spamming the thread or hostile debating may negate this bonus.
What the XP can buy:

Bonus Interludes- See the world from another perspective!
Cost: 40 XP

Extra Dice Rolls (EDR)- You can use this to re-roll a low roll.
Cost: 50 XP

Add Another Dice- Instead of rolling one dice, you may roll two, and receive the value of te sum.
Cost: 75 XP

Transcendent Points (TP)- When voting for a future update, you can apply a Transcendent point. Within the confines of the update, Harlon will be capable of performing a single personal action supernaturally well. This Transcendent Point will remain on the character sheet until it is expended. You may accrue multiple Transcendent points at one time. Hard cap of three can be on the character sheet at one time. Can only be used once very ten story posts (I.E. Use a TP in story post XV, and you can't use another until story post XXVI)
Cost: 100 XP

Ability Points (AP)- These Ability points can go directly on to the character sheet, and they will be applied to a specified category. They cannot take an ability above the maximum of ten. After they are applied, they will be represented organically as if they were earned through the result of some IC action.
Cost: 300 XP

Skill Points (SP)- These Skill points can go directly on to the character sheet. They cannot take an ability above the maximum of ten. After they are applied, they will be represented as organically as possible.
Cost: 300 XP

Channeler Points (CP)- This is how you will unlock and buy things related to channeling. More information will be provided in the future.
Cost: To Be Determined
GM DECISION: There will now be a XP reward for non-bandwagoning votes, and this new addition will allow you to earn up to +4 XP more per update. Voting for a plan is still acceptable, and encouraged if you judge the plan to be adequate. However, adding a paragraph or two explaining your reasoning behind your vote will push toward extra XP.

The way this is going to work is that the total number of votes will be divided into fourths, and for each fourth of the total vote that has a paragraph or two of legitimate/original/thoughtful reasoning explaining your choice I will award 1 XP. I'm not looking for anything too long winded here to qualify as an explanation. I'd just like to generate a bit more discussion, get a better feel for all of the players opinions, discourage thoughtless bandwagoning, encourage more diversity/activity in the thread, and give you guys a chance to maximize your XP.:)

So if all of the votes cast qualify, then you could add up to +4 XP extra per update. For example, if there are 26 votes and only 12 have a paragraph of reasoning attached to them, then you would round down to 24 and earn 2 XP. Alternatively, if all 26 voters in that scenario added adequate reasoning, then you'd gain a bonus point to bring you to +5 XP.

This will be a bit of work for me to keep track of, so I'm going to add a specific format required to qualify. In the same post as your final vote include the tag: "REASONING", and then a paragraph or two on why you voted the way you did.

[X] Mazrick

REASONING: I believe that this vote will cause Harlon to grow as a character in the direction that I prefer. It is also the only way that I see him making it out of the situation whole and healthy. Therefore, it is the rational choice, and the other choices detract from the story or take the character in a negative trajectory. Not only that but they seem suicidal.

Anything more than that is welcome, but unnecessary to qualify for the XP.
Attribute Modifier     Skill Modifier
1 -40     1 5
2 -20     2 10
3 -10     3 15
4 -5     4 20
5       5 30
6 5     6 40
7 10     7 50
8 15     8 60
9 20     9 80
10 30     10 100
11 40        
12 50        
13 60        
14 70        
15 90        
16 110        
17 130        
18 150        
19 170        
20 200        

Dorne: 7
Riverlands: 10
Stormlands: 11
Vale: 12
Westerlands: 12
North: 12
Reach: 12
Kingsguard: 7
The Night's Watch: 6
Crownlands: 9
Iron Islands: 2

Pentos: 1 (Start of the quest)
Tyr: 4
Myr: 4
Lys: 3
Braavos: 5
Colden Company: 2
Dothraki: 7
Population of Westeros
Total of 41,000,000 inhabitants over the continent of Westeros.
The Reach: 10.5 million
The North: 6 million
The Riverlands: 5.5 million
The Westerlands: 5 million
The Vale: 4.5 million
The Crownlands: 2.5 million
The Stormlands: 3.5 million
Dorne: 3 million
The Iron Isles: 500 000

Major cities:
King's Landing: 500,000
Old Town: 300-450,000
Lannisport: 100-150,000
Gulltown: 70-90,000
White Harbor: 50-70,000
Here's the listing of the military power of the Seven kingdoms at present.
45,000 men - a ratio of 4-1 foot and horse
Greyjoys: 20,000 men - all foot, 500 longships and a handful that dip more than 100 oars
Tullys: 45,000 men - a ratio of 3-1 foot and horse, some Houses maintain ships to patroll the rivers
Arryns: 45,000 men - a ratio of 3-1 foot and horse, no navy except for Gulltown
Lannisters: 50,000 men - a ratio of 2-1 foot and horse, a fleet of 50-60 larger ships and an unknown number of longships
Tyrells: 100,000 men - a ratio of 2/3-1 foot and horse, a fleet of 200 ships with 100 oars or more
Baratheons (Stormlands): 30,000 men - an unknown but probably poor foot to horse ratio, no mentions of a navy but of very strong castles
Baratheons (King's Landing): 25,000 + royal navy of 200 ships
Martells: 25,000 men - unknown foot to horse ratio but probably rather high, a small fleet.
Eddard Stark- Harlon loves Ned, and views his father with admiration and respect. However, he thinks that Ned is a bit too hidebound. As with most of his family, there is a component of distance between Ned and Harlon because the younger Stark spends so much time studying. Nonetheless, Ned has acknowledged Harlon's raw intellect and wisdom, and wholeheartedly supports his firstborn as the heir to Winterfell.

Catelyn Stark- Harlon is her favorite. It may have something to do with the fact that he doesn't put himself into harm's way like Robb or he's the firstborn or that he inherited the Stark look. She actually played a big part in convincing Ned to send Harlon to Oldtown because she knew her son would flourish at the Citadel, but she still worries that he'll gt sucked into Southron politics.

Robb Stark- Harlon's younger twin is something of a wild child. Without the lodestone of being the heir, he has focused on fighting, hunting, and generally doing whatever he wants. Many Northmen compare him favorably with his late uncle. He's renowned through the North as a warrior, and an example of what a Stark should be. Robb has eschewed his studies, much like Harlon avoided the training field. Despite these differences, Robb and Harlon remain close. In fact, Robb has dueled Nobles for even implying that he should be Lord of Winterfell and not Harlon.

Jon Snow- We'll start with the fact that Harlon knows that Jon is not Eddard Stark's son, and he very much suspects that Jon is the progeny of his aunt Lyanna and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. However, Harlon has kept this theory to himself because he has no proof, and the repercussions of the Secret would be incalculable. For Jon's part he matches Robb in the training yard, and he takes his studies seriously, though he lags miles behind Harlon in that area. They find common ground in their position as outsiders: Jon for being a 'bastard', and Harlon for his scholarly nature.

Sansa Stark- Sansa and Harlon are a bit distant. The girl thinks that Harlon should focus more on his duties as the heir, and less time holed up with her books. Harlon thinks that Sansa lives in a dreamworld, and that she needs to grow up. Still, they have had a significant impact upon each other: Sansa has become an accomplished lyre player, and Harlon has begun his woodcarving because of mutual interaction.

Arya Stark- Harlon spoils her. He used to tell her stories of warrior women from across the world, and actively encouraged her to follow her heart. Of course, her favorite story was that of Nymeria. In turn, Arya adores him... even if she thinks he can be a bore. She spends a great deal of time playing light-hearted pranks on him.

Brandon Stark- The youngest and the eldest Stark brothers get along well. Harlon has observed that besides himself, Bran is the smartest of his siblings. Thus, he has tried to cultivate that intelligence by giving the young boy the greatest gift he can think of: Books. Bran still dreams of being a great knight, but he also pursues his studies with fervor.
Ithroen, The Slaver of Minds
Aerical, The Timeless
Tavar, The Dreamless
Bragran, The Waterbearer
Yormun. The Serpent
Alûthair, The Speaker of Obscenities
Wekov, The Deceiver
Agrase, He Who Makes Still
Hantura, The Tormenter of the Damned
Labarta, The Diseased
Mashtu, The Breaker
Dath'riel, The Sin
Glanna, The Reaper

Summoning the Forsaken requires a mage to know the prerequisite skills, and to sacrifice 13 lives on 13 consecutive nights.

Controlling them requires the sacrifice of something of great personal value to the Summoner. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the control afforded to the Summoner.
As long as Harlon opposes and/or abstains from the following he should be good to go:
  • no slavery
  • no incest
  • no kinslaying
  • no breaking guest-right
  • no oath breaking
Additionally, he'd need to hold the weirwoods/heart trees sacred
Harlon's priorities in no specific order are:
  • Strengthening and protecting House Stark
  • Modernizing the North
  • Building a thriving Northern University
  • Learning all the magic:p
  • Learning everything else
  • Dealing with the Forsaken problem
  • Preparing for Winter
Favored: Seven tiers --> You are Tier 1
Champion: Three Tiers --> Drogo was tier 1
Demi-god: One Tier --> Mythical figures AKA HOLY SHIT TIER
This is a primer for those unfamiliar with the Wheel of Time series regarding the One Power and various other important terms.

The One Power

This is the source of magical power that turns the Wheel of Time. It is divided into two halfves, the male half called Saidin and the female half called Saidar. The symbol of the One Power is basically a ying-yang symbol, with Saidin represented by black and Saidar represented by white. The One Power has five flows: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.

Channeler - An individual capable of using the One Power to weave the one power to perform magic. Male Channelers using Saidin must seize and wrestle with it in order to control it, and female Channelers using Saidar must surrender to it before they can control it. Channelers generally have two or three flows they are better with, with males having a tendency towards Earth and Fire, females having a tendency towards Air and Water, and Spirit having an equal affinity between the sexes. Channelers grow in strength over a matter of time until they reach a peak, which varies between individuals. Males grow in strength in spurts, whereas females grow in strength gradually. Using of the One Power enhances the senses and makes the user feel more alive.

Weave - A combination of flows of the One Power laced together to produce an effect. Using different flows increases the complexity and variety of effects that can be produced. Weaves using Saidar and Saidin are generally done in different ways, and cannot be seen by the opposing gender.

Sparker - Someone with the inborn ability to channel.

Learner - Someone who can be taught to channel. Generally less powerful than Sparkers, but exceptions do exist.

Channeling Sickness - A Sparker who has no instructor to teach them how to use the One Power will experience this. When the Sparker gets to a certain age, their affinity will activate and they'll start using the One Power unintentionally, causing them to get sick. Only one out of four Sparkers who experience this will survive. Those that do survive this may or may not begin learning how to use the One Power properly.

Block - A Sparker who survives Channeling Sickness will often put up a psychological block that limits their ability to use the One Power outside of certain situations unique to the block in question. Without training, those with blocks may still use the One Power without realizing it, though often with reduced effectiveness. Blocks can be removed, but it can be extremely difficult to do so.

Burning Out - If a Channeler uses more of the One Power than they are naturally able to handle or an experiment with the One Power goes awry, there are too frequent results. The first is death. The second is burning out. This means they are no longer able to use the One Power. See Severing for side effects.

Forcing - This is a method of growing a Channeler's strength faster than it naturally would. It involves using the One Power frequently, often for everyday tasks. Risks death or burning out.

Objects of the One Power

There are many objects invested with the One Power to have a variety of effects. They range in size, shape, and function. Many seem to defy the laws of physics in their very construction. For example, Harlon's bracer doesn't look like it should fit him when he's not wearing it, and yet it does.

Angreal - An item that a Channeler can use to safely Channel more of the One Power than they normally could. Varies in strength. Created using a ter'angreal called a Seed in which a Channeler permanently invests a portion of their channeling strength over several months. These generally can only be used for either Saidar or Saidin, but not both.

S'angreal - A significantly more power version of an angreal.

Ter'angreal - Items that have a wide variety of functions using the One Power. Some require the user to Channel weaves into them, others can be used by anyone provided they know how to activate them. Effects range from purely cosmetic to extremely powerful and dangerous.

Power-wrought items - Any item whose making is enhanced by the One Power. For example, power-wrought weapons can be made that are extremely difficult to damage, never require sharpening, and never rust.

Talents and Weaves of Note

Talents - A Talent is an inborn magical skill or affinity for a certain type of weave. Not all Talents require the One Power. Those that are affinities can greatly reduce the cost and difficulty an individual has with using the related weaves.

Healing - The ability to heal people with the One Power. A number of other Talents are associated with this, such as Killing and Compulsion.

Traveling - The ability to open a gateway to instantly travel from one place to another. Requires familiarity with the location you are Traveling from to open a gateway. This weave requires a lot of power.

Skimming - Lesser alternative to Traveling. The Channeler opens up a hole in reality to a dark void, creates a platform, and the platform moves across the void until the desired destination is reached and a hole opens to let the passengers out to the destination. Requires familiarity with the destination.

Compulsion - The ability to layer weaves on a person's mind to compel them to take actions the Channeler desires. Can be used to completely brainwash a person, but the more it is used on an individual the less capable of free will and free action the person becomes, eventually making them unable to function at all without orders.

Severing - A weave of Spirit used to cut off a Channeler from the One Power permanently. Often considered a death sentence for Channelers, as they tend to fall into depression and apathy, dying within a few months. Exceptions exist, usually if the person finds a new purpose in life. Can be healed using advanced Healing with the One Power.

Shielding - It is possible to use a weave to block off an individual from the One Power.

Dreaming - Not associated with the One Power. The ability to enter the World of Dreams at will, to see the dreams of others, and to receive prophetic dreams. Variants exist.


Tel'aran'rhiod, also known as the World of Dreams, is a parallel world where all the possibilities of the Wheel of Time connect. It reflects the waking world. More permanent things in the real world appear solid there, and less permanent things tend to appear and disappear. Very dangerous. Can be entered either in a dream state using the One Power, the right Talent, or a ter'angreal, or physically using the right Talent or Traveling.

The World of Dreams is rather malleable, and those who master it can use their imagination to control it to a large degree. However, weaker minds might accidentally conjure nightmares whose danger becomes very real. Those Channelers who have entered it in a dream state can only use Spirit flows.

Any damage taken in the World of Dreams occurs in the waking world, including severing and death.

Want to know more? There's a wiki!
24: Viserys
23: Willas / Arianne Martell
21: Garlan
19: Loras / Theon / Aegon / Quentyn
18: Robb / Jon / Harlon / Margaery
17: Joffrey / Dany (subsequently turned 18)
15: Sansa
14: Myrcella
12: Arya
11: Tommen
10: Bran / Robert Arryn
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News and Rumors

War in the South!- Prince Oberyn Martell has slain Ser Loras Tyrell in a duel. Oberyn was able to retreat back into Dorne, but the members of his retinue were killed. The Reach, the Stormlands, and Dorne have called their banners. Both sides are raiding across the Red Mountains, and the castles of the Boneway are preparing for siege. Full war seems inevitable.
-Lady Olenna Tyrell née Redwyne has died of old age
-Samwell Tarly, heir to Horn Hill, has been shipped to the Wall
-Dorne has contacted the Golden Company

The Valemen's Faith- After thousands of years, a decisive victory has been won over the Mountain Clans of the Vale. A newly made knight figures into outlandish tales born of religious fervor. Still, these tales of miracles and magics follow on his heels, and the Valemen claim the Seven have revealed themselves through him. They do not speak his name, instead they call him the Protector.
-The sickly heir to the Eyrie has apparently been healed
-Half dozen new houses have taken land formerly claimed by the Mountain Clans

Activity North of the Wall- The Wildlings are more active than in living memory, and gathering in great numbers. The Night's Watch pleads for more men, funds, and arms as always, but now they claim that their patrols dare not venture too far from the Wall.
-Raiding along the Gift has increased
-General unrest in the North due to the Stark's relative weakness

The Five Forts- Far to the East reports of demons have surfaced in the lands North of the mythical Five Forts. Maegi and soothsayers and priests proclaim it is the fulfillment of vague ancient prophecies.

Norvos- The famed Bearded Priests have been recalled to Norvos, and those who paid for their services have been repaid. The High Magister has acceded power to a King for the first time in their long history.

Slaver's Bay- A prophet calling herself the Harpy has arisen from Yunkai, and she marches on Mereen with a sizable host. She promises Ghis' Rebirth.
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Damnit Oberyn!

Droman!Jon's Expy has been busy.

We need to strengthen the Wall soon, so good thing we were going to anyway.

Essos is going to hell. And it can't even be our fault, because we've only been making waves for a day.
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Activity North of the Wall- The Wildlings are much more active than in living memory, and gathering in great numbers. The Night's Watch pleads for more men, funds, and arms as always, but now they claim that their patrols dare not venture too far from the Wall.
-Raiding along the Gift has increased
-General unrest in the North due to the Stark's relative weakness
Good news and tidings must be sent, as well as possible financial aid and if possible men for the wall.
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Of them Norvos and Reborn Ghis is the greatest threat to Pentos. A reborn Ghis will try and reconquer Essos and bring back the massive alve trade they had. And a stronger Norvos is just a threat because they are so close.
Reaction Post

News and Rumors

War in the South!- Prince Oberyn Martell has slain Ser Loras Tyrell in a duel. Oberyn was able to retreat back into Dorne, but the members of his retinue were killed. The Reach, the Stormlands, and Dorne have called their banners. Both sides are raiding across the Red Mountains, and the castles of the Boneway are preparing for siege. Full war seems inevitable.
-Lady Olenna Tyrell née has died of old age
-Samwell Tarly, heir to Horn Hill, has been shipped to the Wall
-Dorne has contacted the Golden Company

Alright, there are worse things, but holy shit Oberyn. Not only that, but the Queen of Thorns is dead? House Tyrell just got seriously knocked down a peg...which I suppose is good for us.

Welcome to Pentos, Sam. We'll have you kicking ass and taking names soon enough. Even if your opponents are administrative officers and not wildlings.

Golden Company would be expensive as fuck, but I guess Doran doesn't have many other options.

The Valemen's Faith-
After thousands of years, a decisive victory has been won over the Mountain Clans of the Vale. A newly made knight figures into outlandish tales born of religious fervor. Still, these tales of miracles and magics follow on his heels, and the Valemen claim the Seven have revealed themselves through him. They do not speak his name, instead they call him the Protector.
-The sickly heir to the Eyrie has apparently been healed
-Half dozen new houses have taken land formerly claimed by the Mountain Clans
Riiiight. That you Ser Stormcrown?

Guess we have another long-term enemy in the making here. Fine. We've already killed one champion, downing this dude should help the Old Gods even more. Bet sacrificing him would get us up to Champion if we succeed with Exalt when we do so.

...yeah, way too optimistic. This guy is fucking trouble.

Activity North of the Wall-
The Wildlings are much more active than in living memory, and gathering in great numbers. The Night's Watch pleads for more men, funds, and arms as always, but now they claim that their patrols dare not venture too far from the Wall.
-Raiding along the Gift has increased
-General unrest in the North due to the Stark's relative weakness
Okay, terrible news - but this at least we can fix. Gold coming your way bros, the Stark weakness is about to become Stark strength, and we will have new weapons against them soon enough. They aren't the real enemy though...

Far to the East reports of demons have surfaced in the lands North of the mythical Five Forts. Maegi and soothsayers and priests proclaim it is the fulfillment of vague ancient prophecies.
Vague ancient prophesies. My fucking favorite.

Others? Forsaken? Something else? Narsuul, did you pull some shit?

The famed Bearded Priests have been recalled to Norvos, and those who paid for their services have been repaid. The High Magister has acceded power to a King for the first time in their long history.
Hmm. Now this is strange - who the hell is this King, and how did he get power? Why did the Bearded Priests swear to him?

More importantly, how will this affect Pentos? Did they do this because of the growing Dothraki threat? Blargh. Might wanna talk to the Braavosi rep to see what they say.

A prophet calling herself the Harpy has arisen from Yunkai, and she marches on Mereen with a sizable host. She promises Ghis' Rebirth.
Great, things weren't messy enough. On the bright side, slavers are busy fighting each other. On the otherhand, we will have a slaver empire to deal with. Wonder what Volantis thinks of this? Slaver Bay are nominal allies of theirs, yet they see themselves as a remnant of Valyria, making Ghis their enemy.

Man, Essos really went to shit. And so did Southern Westeros. And the North...fuck. It's almost like the world is ending/being manipulated by a series of apocalyptic beings! Who would have thunk it.

Armor Proficiency: Shardplate, Leather
Technique: Archery 1; Axe 2, Dagger 2; Greatsword 3.75; Shardblade 4.35; Spear 1; Sword/Board 2.5
Saw this, and was reminded of how much we suck. Magic is our focus, but we should take up Shardblade sparring again to both improve this stat and Flame and Void.

Wife- Daenerys Stark née Targaryen
Woah, what?! Isn't she our betrothed? Not that it makes things much better, but I figured Cat at least wanted to make a thing out of the wedding even if she was cut out of the decision making process.

Oh Harlon.

Edit - 412 words of "oh god holy shit what the fuck".

[X] A cuendillar bracer for your other forearm. Same design as the other, but inverted scheme.
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New Thread Bonus:
Balance- You get a boon, but your enemies will receive something of equal measure
[ ] Designate one person as a powerful channeler, and ensure their survival of the Channeling sickness
-[ ] Who?
[ ] Interlude- Whose perspective do you want to see through?
-[ ] Who?
[ ] A cuendillar bracer for your other forearm. Same design as the other, but inverted scheme.
[ ] Get a TP back after next turn instead of waiting the mandatory 10 updates.
Riiiight. That you Ser Stormcrown?

Guess we have another long-term enemy in the making here. Fine. We've already killed one champion, downing this dude should help the Old Gods even more. Bet sacrificing him would get us up to Champion if we succeed with Exalt when we do so.

...yeah, way too optimistic. This guy is fucking trouble.
Not automatically. Of all the Religions the Old Gods and Seven can get along somewhat. Their precepts aren't mutually exclusive, so they are only competing for followers, and worshipers is less important to the Old Gods than the New. Their main point is safeguarding Heart trees.

So, we will be competing against him, but we don't necessarily need to kill him right out.
Reaction Post. 402 words.

News and Rumors

War in the South!- Prince Oberyn Martell has slain Ser Loras Tyrell in a duel. Oberyn was able to retreat back into Dorne, but the members of his retinue were killed. The Reach, the Stormlands, and Dorne have called their banners. Both sides are raiding across the Red Mountains, and the castles of the Boneway are preparing for siege. Full war seems inevitable.

So Loras idiotically challenged Oberyn to a duel over the whole conspiracy theory idea, gets himself killed, and of course the Tyrells blame Oberyn and kill his retinue. Fucking idiots the lot of them. Seeing as the Stormlands have called the banners though, I imagine Renly is still siding with the Tyrells. Still, this should make it harder for Tywin if he wanted to ally with the Tyrells.

-Lady Olenna Tyrell née Redwyne has died of old age

And of course the smartest one dies too. Loras's death pushed her over the edge, I suppose. I think the Hightowers are about to be ascendent, Ithroen or no, and if we give them a boost and maintain friendship... well, it could move things along.

-Samwell Tarly, heir to Horn Hill, has been shipped to the Wall

Currently in Pentos! We'll train him up nice and proper, make a badass out of him.

-Dorne has contacted the Golden Company

Joy. Another Targ in Westeros, early on to boot and possibly with a better claim than Dany. Not that such things matter in truth. It's whoever has the most power that matters, and we've got dragon eggs to hatch. We'll just need to sort things out.

The Valemen's Faith- After thousands of years, a decisive victory has been won over the Mountain Clans of the Vale. A newly made knight figures into outlandish tales born of religious fervor. Still, these tales of miracles and magics follow on his heels, and the Valemen claim the Seven have revealed themselves through him. They do not speak his name, instead they call him the Protector.
-The sickly heir to the Eyrie has apparently been healed
-Half dozen new houses have taken land formerly claimed by the Mountain Clans

Joy. It seems that the Seven may have a Champion. Either that or a Forsaken has taken up residence. Not sure which would be worse.

Activity North of the Wall- The Wildlings are much more active than in living memory, and gathering in great numbers. The Night's Watch pleads for more men, funds, and arms as always, but now they claim that their patrols dare not venture too far from the Wall.

Worry not, good men of the Night's Watch. Harlon Stark is here to save the day with more funding than you could have ever hoped for. We might want to consider hiring a sellsword company to bolster them as well.

-Raiding along the Gift has increased

And we're sending our exiles there. Lulz. Have fun surviving, guys.

-General unrest in the North due to the Stark's relative weakness

Relative weakness that is about to be turned into shock and awe at the badassery of their heir. Seriously, I wonder what everyone back at home are going to think when they hear the news. Yeah, the weak, scholarly heir just conquered one of the Free Cities while rescuing his idiot brother. Fuck all of you who thought Robb was a better heir.

The Five Forts- Far to the East reports of demons have surfaced in the lands North of the mythical Five Forts. Maegi and soothsayers and priests proclaim it is the fulfillment of vague ancient prophecies.

Demons, eh? Well, we'll have to deal with those eventually. Far away though, so not for a while I'm thinking.

Norvos- The famed Bearded Priests have been recalled to Norvos, and those who paid for their services have been repaid. The High Magister has acceded power to a King for the first time in their long history.

Thanks, Alratan. Jerk. As long as that problem stays away from us for a while we should be ok, I guess.

Slaver's Bay- A prophet calling herself the Harpy has arisen from Yunkai, and she marches on Mereen with a sizable host. She promises Ghis' Rebirth.

So either the stupid Harpy Goddess has got herself a Champion or this is a Forsaken we'll have to contend with. I'm thinking the latter. Shame that the Unsullied seem out of reach now, but who knows? Maybe there's yet a way to free the slave army.
New Thread Bonus:
Balance- You get a boon, but your enemies will receive something of equal measure
[ ] Designate one person as a powerful channeler, and ensure their survival of the Channeling sickness
-[ ] Who?
[ ] Interlude- Whose perspective do you want to see through?
-[ ] Who?
[ ] A cuendillar bracer for your other forearm. Same design as the other, but inverted scheme.
[ ] Get a TP back after next turn instead of waiting the mandatory 10 updates.
Our enemies get a New Thread bonus as well? That's kind of unfair. It's supposed to be our reward for playing. :(

Not automatically. Of all the Religions the Old Gods and Seven can get along somewhat. Their precepts aren't mutually exclusive, so they are only competing for followers, and worshipers is less important to the Old Gods than the New. Their main point is safeguarding Heart trees.

So, we will be competing against him, but we don't necessarily need to kill him right out.
Technically - they just fought a war against heathenous worshipers of the Old Gods though, and there is historical bad blood.

Combine that with what the Faith will have to say about people calling us a messiah...
Technically - they just fought a war against heathenous worshipers of the Old Gods though, and there is historical bad blood.

Combine that with what the Faith will have to say about people calling us a messiah...
As long as they don't reactivate the Faith Militant we should be fine.

Also the existence of Champions let's us know that other gods do exist. Unless they are all Deamons *Tinfoil hats on*.
[X] A cuendillar bracer for your other forearm. Same design as the other, but inverted scheme.
I would suggest the designated channeler to be Jon, our brother and vassal.

He is amongst few, our most loyal and useful companion. Making him a powerful channeler would make him a bigger force to be reckoned with. And besides he is our vassal, he is sworn for us and therefore will not go against us.
New Thread Bonus:
Balance- You get a boon, but your enemies will receive something of equal measure
[ ] Designate one person as a powerful channeler, and ensure their survival of the Channeling sickness
-[ ] Who?
[ ] Interlude- Whose perspective do you want to see through?
-[ ] Who?
[ ] A cuendillar bracer for your other forearm. Same design as the other, but inverted scheme.
[ ] Get a TP back after next turn instead of waiting the mandatory 10 updates.

Hmmm... ok.

A powerful channeler, with (one of?) our enemies also getting one.
An interlude, so basically information, with (one of?) enemies getting equally good information, presumably on us or something quite important.
A shiny, matching one we've got, with (one of?) our enemies also getting a shiny.
Us getting a TP back early, meaning (one of?) our enemies will get a super success at something.

I choose...

[X] A cuendillar bracer for your other forearm. Same design as the other, but inverted scheme.

1. It's a shiny.
2. It matches another shiny we own.
3. If an enemy gets a shiny, we can kill them and take it from them later.
I would suggest the designated channeler to be Jon, our brother and vassal.

He is amongst few, our most loyal and useful companion. Making him a powerful channeler would make him a bigger force to be reckoned with. And besides he is our vassal, he is sworn for us and therefore will not go against us.
Is almost certainly a powerful channeler, and has us to get him through the Sickness. He is after all the favored of some god, we just don't know who.
Technically - they just fought a war against heathenous worshipers of the Old Gods though, and there is historical bad blood.

Combine that with what the Faith will have to say about people calling us a messiah...

Might not be too bad. The Old Gods don't need worshipers per se, and people often swear "by the Old Gods and the New", so there's some degree of mutual acceptance at this point. Combine that with mutual threats, like the Red Demon's worshipers and the Others, and we might have grounds for an uneasy alliance.
I would suggest the designated channeler to be Jon, our brother and vassal.

He is amongst few, our most loyal and useful companion. Making him a powerful channeler would make him a bigger force to be reckoned with. And besides he is our vassal, he is sworn for us and therefore will not go against us.
Beat me to it. Having our sensible brother be a really powerful channeler would be incredibly useful.