Star Wars - SI Sith

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Laying on the red sand, he remembers what happened and what his master did to finish the mission. But one other thing as well.
He wasn't supposed to be here at all
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Red Sand - Sith SI
The first thing that I noticed right away was the smell, it was horrible, It smelled like a overcooked steak and it smells like it was coming from me.

Holy Shit.
That is from me and wow...
My skin is blue. And the extra growing things from my head that lay on my shoulders?

i don't... Looking around carefully with this wound I found myself on a red bare planet with this energy that was aiding me. I try to remember what "where is here?" and then something flashing in my head. And more flashed and then...

p A i N

My head was flooded with these memories that I know, should know.
My Mother who was striked down with a bright red weapon.
My father running away.
Me hiding in the darkest spots of the village.

And then a bright future that took me in that has held me for so long but it ended with my master turning his back on me and leaving me for dead as bait.
Abandoning me.

And then I felt furious and my hand was raised and I pulled on this grey silk of peace and grief
It flew right in my hand and I instinctively pressed the button, what followed was me discovering my orange lightsaber and my Hunter species.

As a Sith Togruta.​

First works posting on SV please show me criticism, it will help me and thank you for actually being interested in this quick story-F!O!R
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Red Sand Burning - Sith SI

He feels the force. He can see it flow through even the ugliest of animals and they are filled with content or the desire of hunt. But he walks with his burnt clothes and he can hear it too. The growls and purrs and yowls of dominance and....
he looks around and gets that sound again from his... montrals, he knows that since he finally remembers and his memories were sudden. Like when he looked around the red planet he could hear the empty mechanical battledroid's behind him which was actual his final battle. He felt the lingering pain from his wound but actually healed most of it, not really fully healed with the dust flying right into his burns, Following the sounds, it was a creature that had a blaster burn in its hind leg and it noticed his eyes. It was struggling, growling and whimpering which even how he feels too but he reaches out and feels its emotion.


He was never used to feeling the emotion of anything alive, it was so odd with this force above his head whispering these weird voices of civilians and another side that fuels me to go after the betrayer and make him pay. Shaking his thoughts he bagun to smooth the four legged animal with just indifference and the animal seemed to lock on him and just stare. Taking that little distraction he begun looking at the injury and closing his eyes he concentrated and the process began, seeing the smallest cells aiding in its regeneration faster it was numbing it at least making it less painful and at least giving the animal a good chance to walk again. He also noticed its barely seen scar over his healed hide and the smallest hints of shattered bones, or shrapnel. The memories resurfaces again and its his dear master.
My padawan are you ready to stop the parasites of sith that sell slaves on the world korriban. Just as they did to you after what happened in your life.

Clinging to his head, it hurted.

They were fighting.
His blood was filled with adrendline
then after burying his saber into his opponent the force cries and then he stumbles into the ground.
precise hits on his back.
it was no doubt blaster fire.
His master had pulled the trigger, he saw and then his master ran and continued.
Leaving him with the enemies that were angry and him injured.
To pick up the pieces falling on him.
Clearly he lived.
As someone else new

It hurts but he was much more angrier to not care about that. He wasn't angry that he left him but with a simple thing, his face that show nothing not even anger. He just tossed me away like a useless tool and not even pity was shown. He was not some thing to be tossed, he will hunt him down and his master will pay.
Never again like his father once did.
He will hunt him down.
he will fight even the emperor for his REVENGE.

Look Vios our little Shili'neh
His name?
Soneer Sal'o

(So-Neer, Sal- Oh)

I hope that I did it right by his name and thank you for being interested in this story.
I really don't know the powers of the force when with healing so apologizes for just misinformation on this 😑.
Im making this with pure will and intriguing ideas of sith togruta while playing SWTOR on warrior storyline with a...
you guessed it.
A Togruta
Shili'neh - (SPIRIT)
If the translation was right

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Underneath Red Sand -Sith SI
Soneer noticed them and he can guarantee so could that freshly newly healed companion of sorts too. She, as he discovered, was distancing away from him and hugging to the walls, trailing and he can hear the shifts of the sands underneath. It was impossible to miss it but something else caught his attention.
That aura of anger and abandonment and betrayal like himself yet it was a simple emotion. Beings, he learned himself were such complex people, like himself. Ever so tipped with emotion and like a cornered animal they lash out.
Then that feral beast raised himself smashing the sands with it's rock claws from the sands and screamed with its deafening force. Staggered if only a little he took a stance grabbing his worn out lightsaber, it fitted into his right hand.

Studying the large armored rock-like quadruple beast, he can't really notice anything weak spots but by just fighting. And he would do that he did for his four recruit years with the sith empire and he ran meeting his master, and later on spending those two years with the Jedi with each perspectives sceptical.

Waiting for the beasts move it did so spectacularly, by charging and just letting loose, he jumped back each time it got close but tried used the force to push it back and it didn't work.

The beast still continued it's assault and that angered him.​

His chest thundered and his blood felt heat, too much heat that he wants to kill and maimed this...distraction.

His hands wanted to rip those ridiculous arms of that thing, and he let loose.

He charged and he savagely let his sabers slander the spots of incapacitating the things functions to continue walking. He circled the animal, and it too, was growing even more feral at him just throwing its hardened arms and legs to try and squash him. Finally watching it fall with burn marks located anywhere on the hidious smell,
He approached it and raised his lightsaber and buried it on its head.

Now that.
Pleasured his anger.

Such a foolish animal but he was sated of his fueling revenge for only a little. Pulling his weapon out he looked around and winced his bruised arm that creature impressively actually got a hit on him despite his weakened state. He closed his eyes and looked into the force his head hurted but prevailed. Waiting and listening nothing was in the sand.

For now.

He realizes that with no obstacles he can find that emotion again, following the force it felt oddly like his emotions and he wondered faithful with the force until he stopped at the entrance of a cave which is in summarizing a tomb made for deadliest and history changing Sith Lords.

Hesitating he thinks back with the empire on the history behind the tombs when in dedication and honor them bury them, but some with the will and power come from the grave and kill those uninvited to their burial.

Force Ghost, highly rare skills for one to achieve and to beat, powerful people and someone he doesn't want to trife to become another body in there. He was processing what to do when his head becomes heavy and blurry, he doesn't notice the space in front of him become clear as a pure sith ghost looking at him indifferent.

Soneer's muscles ached and he was under the impression It was of exhaustion and pain from his bare wounds. But in actuality the sith was looking into sal'o, his memories and at his true heart of what he desired. And it was not such a thing he would ever thought for a sith. But with intrigued curiosity, he would let his old friend accompany this chained young sith and watch what actions he would do for his future. Until the time comes for interface of a even larger threat, he would wait and watch.
After the ghost fused into Soneer, a lightsaber shots out of the sand and directly lands in front of Sal'o and waited for its new master to serve again.

To help spill the blood of the traitors that dare turn their backs from his new master.
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Escape...with complications.
Sal'o woke up...

He tilted his head and picked himself up, rolling his shoulders he felt...good.
He definitely swore he had marks on his body but his blue skin was covered with red sand but his clothes only showed black smears and tears. He glared at his gone injuries and tried to think, and looked where he was. The opened tomb but he saw a lightsaber right where his hand was almost touching it.

The lightsaber was uniquely entirely alloy silver around the hilt but with this black smooth silicone that was untouched by the silver, and the detailed design carved as a pattern of a snake, kinda... It looked like it was constructive and squeezing while not shaped as a snake at the same time.

Lightsaber looks/credit towards JOSEPH ZUKERAN

Sal'o picked it up and was not prepared for the emotions of the crystal that projected loud into his head and pondering and waiting he finally understanded. It was old and wise. This old felt like when his former master talked, to him, of the wars of mandolorians and the toll of dead Jedi and mandos alike. Taking a huge breath he was tired of looking at all this sand, getting up he walked opposite of the still cold corpse of the beast laying there. And latched the saber to his left belt securing it and thinking about looking over it at a more peaceful place of solitude.

Later Weeks

He finally had a chance to look at himself proper. He was actually not to bad looking for an alien of course. His blue skin shouldn't have bothered him more than his lekku (ears or limbs?)

But the pattern on his face and lekku color was interesting. His lekku colors were surprisingly dark brown. His white patterns first started above his supposedly eyebrows shaping as three lines reaching his forehead,
Another pattern started in the middle of his nose shaped as a diamond/arrow-shaped and going down to covering his entire upper lips and two needle like shapes on the corners of his lips trailing down to under his jaw.

Though during the weeks stranded,he saw ships coming down on the planet most likely from his guessing of looking for loot, or grave robbing, for a more blunt explanation. Honestly if they died it would be a great karablast day for him to just kill the others and get off this deserted sand pit.

Sal'o watched and watched until he was being watched too. He didn't realize until he could smell them and hear them. They disgusting oil but alcohol smell reeks with the sounds of creaky armor and the blasters clinking with some loose metal from their belts. But
it was only four of them currently, and they were-

Kill Them.


Waking up his eyes opened and he felt relaxed, very odd for being on a planet full with...

r e d s a n d .
. .

r e d s a n d . . .


His eyes felt like they were burning his fingers twitching, his breathing hard but his emotions of feeling bad while murdering these robbers were void.

He loved it.


What. No?! I-

They were insects under our boots, never let this weakness of compassion be discovered.

He couldn't think properly, this voice was full of hate had overruled calculation. But he was...mad and felt the storm inside him, his memories flashed yet he continues and his fingers were boiling until he screamed.

His eyes looked at the sky and thunder rained with the electricity trailed to him and his body lit up with red energy.

Harming but fueling him.
Stinging and Numbing
With this power it will lead him to his victory.

Of vengeance and finally done with this ongoing battle

This power was red with true evil and they all felt it.

Even those of non-birthed younglings and the manipulative one called, Darth Sidious.
He will shiver. If that is the last thing he will get back at this fool who thinks he will get the last laugh.
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