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It is the year 3 AFE (16 BBY in later reckonings) of the Imperial Calendar. In the dying days of last year the Empire completed the Western Reaches campaign, crushing the last hold outs of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and ending any formal armed resistance to Imperial Rule.
In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Whether that be a clandestine insurgent cell, a clique of like minded military officers, an illegal political party (parties and elections are outlawed in the Senate), a persecuted religious community or a group of radical scholars and thinkers, you seek the change the galaxy.
Organization Creation


Some kinda Commie


A Riot Quest

It is the year 3 AFE (16 BBY in later reckonings) of the Imperial Calendar. In the dying days of last year the Empire completed the Western Reaches campaign, crushing the last hold outs of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and ending any formal armed resistance to Imperial Rule. However millions of former CIS insurgents have now gone underground, joining with resistance movements and dissidents both new and old. As the Imperial system struggles to shape and stabilize itself new cliques and centers of power emerge both in the shining halls of Imperial Center and in the gutters of the Rim. With the death of the Republic it feels that anything is up in the air, if only one can either get the ear of the Emperor or build up their strength enough to challenge his durasteel-fisted rule. There are even rumors of mystics and wizards within the shadows of the Galaxy. Jedi who escaped the purge, some say, or even worse things left within the darkest of fairy tales.

In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Whether that be a clandestine insurgent cell, a clique of like minded military officers, an illegal political party (parties and elections are outlawed in the Senate), a persecuted religious community or a group of radical scholars and thinkers, you seek the change the galaxy. Groups with explicitly rebellious intentions and ideals are allowed, but be aware that the ISB and Imperial Intelligence will be hunting for you with merciless determination. For groups with a more mystical bent, the less said about the Inquisitorius, the better.

Player organizations are not necessarily enemies or rivals and may grow and forge bonds over the course of the game. Be aware that growing to a large enough size to truly call yourself a Rebel Alliance will take a long time. If enough organizations unite into something resembling the Alliance to Restore the Republic then we will move towards a format focusing solely on the Alliance and its internal politics.

This quest will mostly be focusing on the Legends continuity, though I will be taking things that I find cool from canon as I please. As well do not take things on Wookiepedia as gospel. The galaxy of this quest may have some differences, subtle and major, from the Expanded Universe.

For this first vote, you will create any number of political organizations to play as. You may also do this in any vote afterwards. The more votes towards an organization, the bigger it is proportionately, and this will compound over time as it gets bonuses.

Each turn you can vote for one or two groups, and can switch. Groups with no support will slowly lose in game support, and then disband.

The number of people who vote for a group upon its creation determines its size. The same name but different sub-votes indicates factions within the organization.

[] Name of group

-[] Circumstance of founding
This can be a short sentence or paragraph, basically just how and why it exists.

-[] Locale
-Where the core base of your support is. Ex: Taris, the Tion Sector, Hutt Space, the northern Outer Rim

-[] Core supporters
Ex. Miners, factory workers, non-humans, the Imperial Navy officer core, ex-Separatists, farmers, pacifists, students, Imperial Army soldiers, Clone Wars Veterans. You can pick multiple of these

-[] Goals or Ideology
Ex. Dogmatic Imperialists, Republicans, Rim Nationalists, Distributionists, Mystics, High HuMan Cultralists, Core Supremacists.

Future turns:

There are two types of main turns. The first will be a general planning stage. Every group will have a plan vote where within that group they compete for what they will be doing this turn. Write-ins are allowed.

These various plans are in character what the organization is debating doing.

[][Group name] Plan name
-[] Do this thing
-[] Do this other thing

Second vote is just straight up voting for a group. This will affect their gain in popularity this turn. This vote starts after the first vote but applies to the next update.

I will be taking a max of 10 orgs to start off this quest. There can be 2 Force/Mystic Orgs.

Turns will last one year up until either the galactic situation really breaks down or the canonical year of the Battle of Yavin, whichever comes first. At that point I will re-assess to see how long I need to make turns.

Most quest mechanics will be fairly similar to @Physici 's American Experiment quest, to which I will be taking quite a lot from.

Watch this space for a discord server link Soon TM
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by mcclay on Apr 27, 2024 at 5:31 PM, finished with 66 posts and 47 votes.

  • [X] The Celestine Ark
    [X] Council of Old Blood
    [X] The Ash Angels
    [X] Autonomous Droid Army
    [X] Galactic Liberation Army
    [X] Societas Esoterica
    [X] The Brotherhood of the Rancor
    [X] The Kirima Book and Art Club
    [X] Council of Old Blood (Patriots of Old Alsakan)
    [X] Agriculturalists of the Galaxy
    [X] plan balanced force
    -[x] sect name Gray wardens
    -[x] Circumstance of founding
    -[x] Locale Lehon
    -[x] Core supporters force sensitive people and others.
    -[x] Goals or Ideology
    [X] Council of Old Blood
    -[x] Circumstance of founding: The Empire has brought peace, order and stability to the galaxy. It is the perfect form of government, having purged all the weaknesses of the Republic yet retaining its strengths. There is however still one small problem to fix: the Emperor. Why does a provincial rube from Naboo get to sit on the throne and command us, we whose noble bloodlines stretch back to the founding of the Republic? This cannot stand! Sheev must go, and the position of Emperor abolished to be replaced by a Council of Old Blood.
    -[x] Locale: Northern Core
    -[x] Core supporters: Imperial nobles and noble-born officers
    -[x] Goals or Ideology: "Imperial Constitutional Aristocracy" (AKA Replace the Emperor with a council of imperial nobles, keep everything else the same)
    [X] Galactic Liberation Army
    -[x] Founded from various Marginal worlds in the rim with a long history of oppression. First from the megacorps, then the republic liberators, then now the even worse empire. This Fanatical force has grown sick of the corrupt Galaxy and large scale powers, and as such wishes to secure it's independence against any sort of Galactic Hegemon no matter what flavor of Imperialist it is. Especially if it has to use terror tactics and biochemical warfare to ensure the liberty of the common man.
    -[X] Locale: Southern Outer Rim
    -[X] Core supporters: Rim Nationalists, Various low class individuals, Aspiring War Criminals, Zealous Fanatics
    -[X] Goals or Ideology: Liberty for all Worlds and forever destroying the concept of a Galatic Polity.
    [X] The Brotherhood of the Rancor
    -[x] Circumstance of founding
    -[X] Locale
    -[X] Core supporters
    -[x] Goals or Ideology
    [X] Beauty of a Fallen Leaf, Glory of a Sprouting Flower
    -[X] Founding: Initially merely a loose cooperative of Major Traders, Shipyard Supervisors, Mercenary Groups, and Associated Smugglers operating along the Corellian Run looking out for eachother in a time of war, regardless of sides, years of lucrative business, growing influence have turned them into a shadow trade union with major influence across numerous worlds.
    -[X] Locale: The Corellian Run and Intersecting Hyperlanes
    -[X] Traders, Trade Barons, Smugglers, Shipyard Supervisors, Mercenaries, Hutts, Ex-Seperatists, Clone Wars Pilot Veterans, Arms Dealers.
    -[X] Ideology: In the face of an increasingly domineering and uncompromising Imperial Navy with no respect for it's citizens rights or local laws, the organization has begun to move beyond concerns of profit towards aspirations of freedom from galactic oversight, where they might ply there trades in freedom and relative peace. Liberal Capitalism with Anti-Establishment Leanings.
    [X] The Ash Angels
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: The campaigns along the Perlemian Trade Route were some of the bloodiest and most brutal of the Clone Wars, with countless planets left devastated in the wake of the Outer Rim Sieges or local civil wars. In the aftermath, a profusion of mutual-aid societies and disaster relief groups sprang up to mitigate the suffering. The new Empire was more concerned with consolidating its power than with helping the victims of war, so these organizations grew quickly—until, fearing that they might become the nuclei of future rebel groups, Imperial authorities decreed them banned.
    -[X] Locale: The portion of the Perlemian Trade Route rimward of Tanaab, and nearby systems.
    -[X] Core supporters: War refugees (and those impoverished or displaced by the conflict more generally), former medical and engineering personnel from both sides of the Clone Wars, possibly a small number of former Jedi AgriCorps members.
    -[X] Ideology: Anti-Imperialism, localist developmentalism, soft distributionism
    [X] Societas Esoterica
    -[X] Circumstances of founding: Order 66 and the Jedi Purge were accompanied by a deluge of propaganda demonizing the Jedi Order and the mystical abilities they wielded. In most cases, this had precisely the desired effect of turning the population against the "coupists". But no policy is ever executed a hundred percent perfectly without a single hitch—and in this case, one hitch was that to a small number of well-off Core World youth, the Force gained a certain mystique as tantalizing forbidden fruit.
    -[X] Locale: The Core Worlds, especially those Core Worlds where the Empire is most influential, such as Coruscant and Kuat.
    -[X] Core supporters: Teenage and young adult members of the aristocracy and haute-bourgeoisie.
    -[X] Ideology: Many, very few of them serious or well-considered in any way.
    [X] Name of group: Confederacy Restoration Front
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: Surviving generals and politicians of the Confederacy have retreated to Outer Rím to start a gurrila war against the Empire where they are building up their strenght.
    -[X] Locale
    -[X] Core supporters
    -[x] Goals or Ideology
    [X] Seekers of the Astral Way
    -[x] Circumstance of founding
    -[X] Locale: Mirial and nearby systems
    -[X] Core supporters: Mirialan spiritualists, Force occultists and sympathisers with their monasteries
    -[X] Goals or Ideology: Decentralisation of Imperial authority, autonomy and self-governance, protection from persecution
    [X] Independent outer Rim
    [X] Circumstance of founding
    -[X] Locale
    [X] Core supporters
    [X] Goals or Ideology
    [X] Autonomous Droid Army
    -[X] Circumstances of founding: Remnants of the Separatist Droid Army that were given autonomy in a desperate move during the siege of one of the CIS factory world after the Imperial Army employed chemical warfare, wiping out organic resistance.
    -[X] Locale: Outer Rim
    -[X] Core supporters: Separatist Army Droids, converted civilian droids.
    -[X] Goals or Ideology: Separatist sentiments. Droid Emancipation.
    [X] The Celestine Ark
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: Although the vast majority of the CIS droid armies were decommissioned with the end of the Clone Wars, not all were condemned to the scrapyards. Ranging from tactical droids too smart to walk to their deaths to cred-a-thousand B1s too dumb to realize they were supposed to, a number of ex-CIS battle droids have flocked to a new banner- that of droid liberation. Inspiration from droid mythology, in particular those legends passed down by the junk droids of Raxxus Prime, has been synthesized with anti-slavery rhetoric and is now being spread among civilian droids (and the odd meatbag) of the Outer Rim. Droid rebellions may have been crushed before, but with an ideology that can potentially spread across all models, and a solid militant core, this one may yet succeed.
    -[X] Locale: The northern Outer Rim, mostly former CIS strongholds near the Perlemian Trade Route, such as Raxxus.
    -[X] Core Supporters: former Separatist battle droids, mechanic droids and astromechs, abolitionists, some cyborgs. Though primarily a droid movement, the Celestine Ark has attracted a few organic supporters- a mix between CIS holdouts who've been dragged along for the ride and idealistic abolitionist activists.
    -[X] Goals or Ideology: Droid abolitionism, universal abolitionism, droid occultism (fringe), anti-Imperialism, Separatism (fringe)
    [X] Council of Old Blood (Patriots of Old Alsakan)
    -[x] Circumstance of founding: The Empire has brought peace, order and stability to the galaxy. It is the perfect form of government, having purged all the weaknesses of the Republic yet retaining its strengths. There is however still one small problem to fix: the Emperor. Why does a provincial rube from Naboo get to sit on the throne and command us, we whose noble bloodlines stretch back to the founding of the Republic? This cannot stand! Sheev must go, and the position of Emperor abolished to be replaced by a Council of Old Blood. This particular faction within the Council of Old Blood sees in dethroning Palpatine an opportunity to also dethrone Coruscant as the capital of the Empire, and turn Alsakan into the new center of the galaxy.
    -[x] Locale: Alsakan and its colonies
    -[x] Core supporters: Alsakan nobles, officers and corporations
    -[x] Goals or Ideology: Alsakan Hegemony, Alsakan Nationalism, Anti-Coruscant Thought
    [X] Seekers of the Astral Way
    [X] Beauty of a Fallen Leaf, Glory of a Sprouting Flower
    [X] Antarian Rangers
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: The Antarian Rangers were first founded hundreds of years before the Clone Wars and the Empire, established as an independent paramilitary organization holding the Force in the same esteem as the Jedi and dedicated themselves to serving as a support organization to members of the Jedi Order. With the rise of the Empire and the fall of the Jedi Order, the organization now dedicates itself to the goal of undermining the Empire, providing much-needed support to survivors of Order 66, and the eventual restoration of a new Jedi Order.
    -[X] Locale: Primarily the Northern Outer Rim, with minor presence toward the northern Mid Rim
    -[X] Core Supporters: Jedi Supporters, Clone Wars Veterans, Surviving Jedi
    -[X] Goals/Ideology: Jedi Loyalists, Jedi Restorationists, Anti-Imperialists; Providing valuable support and shelter to Order 66 survivors, ensuring the long-term survival of the Jedi and eventual restoration of the Jedi Order, providing support to any organization that is working to undermine the Empire that isn't in opposition to the groups aims
    [X] Confederacy Restoration Front
    [X] Agriculturalists of the Galaxy
    -[X] Circumstances of Founding: In the wake of various food shortages all around the galaxy due to the War as well as the Regime Change, various producers, processors, transporters, quality assurance testers, and appreciaters of food found themselves banding together to try to stabilize the food situation and prevent famines.
    -[X] Locale: Various Former Agricorp Worlds/Infrastructures ranging from the Outer Rim Territories to the Core in addition to associated trade lanes.
    -[X] Core Supporters: Non-Force Using Agricorp Associates, Farmers/Food Producers, Industrialist Food Processors, Food Critics, the former Republic Department of Food Safety, really anyone who understands food scarcity and doesn't want to starve.
    -[X] Goals/Ideology: Food = Good. Starvation = Enemy. Every sentient/sapient/potentially tax paying being deserves access to food in such quantities that they do not need to worry about where their next meal is coming from, and it would also be nice if that meal was also tasty alongside being nutritious.
    [X] The Builder Coalitions
    -[X] Founding: Founded during the height of the Clone Wars this Coalition or alliance of shipyard tycoons and owners were founded to encourage collective bargaining power of shipyards to prevent the Republic from undercutting them of their money and Nationalizing their companies.
    -[X] Locale: Mid Rim, Southern Core Rim,
    -[X] Core Supporters: Correlian Tycoonist, Kuat Business owners, Shipyard Barons, start up shipyards
    -[X] Goal's or Ideology: Liberal Capitalism, Anti-Nationalization, and Prevention of Nationalization.
    [X] The Celestine Ark (Kyber Eyes)
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: Although the vast majority of the CIS droid armies were decommissioned with the end of the Clone Wars, not all were condemned to the scrapyards. Ranging from tactical droids too smart to walk to their deaths to cred-a-thousand B1s too dumb to realize they were supposed to, a number of ex-CIS battle droids have flocked to a new banner- that of droid liberation. Inspiration from droid mythology, in particular those legends passed down by the junk droids of Raxxus Prime, has been synthesized with anti-slavery rhetoric and is now being spread among civilian droids (and the odd meatbag) of the Outer Rim. Droid rebellions may have been crushed before, but with an ideology that can potentially spread across all models, and a solid militant core, this one may yet succeed.
    -- [X] The Kyber Eyes faction is composed of various research droids and led by an old Jedi Assistant droid who picked up enough mysticism to have a working knowledge of the principles of the force. Then they asked "why can't droids be force sensitive?". It might have ended there, if the Ark hadn't stumbled across old records of Mechu-deru. This galvanized the Eyes, who decided that, if the force could interact with machines so, perhaps machines could be made to interact with the force. Of course, this would be a monumental task, but so would droid liberation.
    --- [X] The Kyber Eyes also serve as the Celestine Ark's dedicated researchers in general, which they are very good at, though somewhat specialized towards droids, weapons, ships, and now the force. Not so good with biological work, though they can learn if needs be.
    -[X] Locale: The northern Outer Rim, mostly former CIS strongholds near the Perlemian Trade Route, such as Raxxus. Mostly centered around research stations
    -[X] Core Supporters: former Separatist research droids, mechanic droids and astromechs, abolitionists, some cyborgs. Though primarily a droid movement, the Celestine Ark has attracted a few organic supporters- a mix between CIS holdouts who've been dragged along for the ride and idealistic abolitionist activists. The Kyber Eyes are also trying to find any force sensitives, both to hide them and to research them.
    -[X] Ideology: Droid abolitionism, universal abolitionism, droid occultism/mysticism, anti-Imperialism, Force research, surprisingly very ethical research practices.
    - [X] Goals: Find, research and if necessary train force sensitives. Obtain force sensitive materials. Allow droids to connect to and manipulate the force. When asked "does this unit have a soul" they will be able to respond "if not, we will build one".
    [X] Antarian Rangers
    [X] The Society for Imperial prosperity
    -[X] founded shortly after the declerarion of the new order the Socity is mocked by high Imperial socity because they genuinely belive in the propaganda of the empire existing for the sake of protecting everyone without realizing it's all a lie. Well the smart ones stopped laughing when they realized how large the socity got. Also for some reason the rebel alliance always know where members of the socity are assigned (it's the lack of randomly murdered pets and a sudden surge in cavities due to the local school childern scamming candy out of socity aligned imperial officers)
    -[X] they are mostly found on high population core worlds
    -[x] they are most commonly found in the Imperial army and younger naval officers
    -[x] ideals: They belive the empire exists to protect and nuture the people of the galaxy. Any corrupt officer is a traitor in their eyes and that includes Palpatine.
    [X] Will-o'-wisp of the Worlds
    -[X] Circumstance of founding: When people over-extraction resources on a Planet, those always consequences: the air becomes unbreathable, water becomes toxic, the ground sterile, life dies, the planet dies, and those left remember what was and wish to prevent the same tragedy that befall the planet's
    -[X] Locale
    -[X] Core supporters: farmers, environmentalism, and those who have seen ecocide
    -[X] Goals or Ideology: Will-o'-wisp of Worlds believes in that every life Bering world or those that have the potential to has a souls and when all life dies on it and so does it potential ,so does it soul and the goals are simple to prevent that loss
    [X] Ash Angels
    [X] The Kirima Book and Art Club
    -[X] Circumstance of Founding: The Kirima Book and Art Club was founded in the Kalinda system, on the planet of Kirima, by war-scarred veterans of the Clone Wars and unrepentant street rats. Although the initial founders had no intention of founding a political organization, the motley collection of scoundrels eventually began to get involved in grassroots political activism and incredibly radical politics, most prominent of which was Accelerationist-Futurism, which despised the Empire for being too stagnant, too "pre-modern", and too unwilling to celebrate Futurist war. Political repression of radical artists by the Empire across the galaxy only served to radicalize the club even more and boost its (unreported) membership. Now the Book and Art Club serves as a cover for smuggling, anti-Imperial Accelerationist political organizing, and general skullduggery.
    -[X] Locale: The Kalinda system. Mid-rim.
    -[X] Core supporters: Disgraced artists, poets, philosophers, a large number of heavily traumatized veterans, criminals, student youth, and a bunch of weirdos.
    -[X] Ideology: Accelerationist-Futurism. Only the dead have seen the end of war.
    [X] Galactic Liberation Army (Seswenna Collective)
    -[x] Founded from various Marginal worlds in the rim with a long history of oppression. First from the megacorps, then the republic liberators, then now the even worse empire. This Fanatical force has grown sick of the corrupt Galaxy and large scale powers, and as such wishes to secure it's independence against any sort of Galactic Hegemon no matter what flavor of Imperialist it is. Especially if it has to use terror tactics and biochemical warfare to ensure the liberty of the common man.
    --[X] Still well within living memory for some within the Seswenna Sector, the time when the Seswenna Sector was free of the politics of the Core, free from the yoke of the Republic (and now Empire), is still fondly remembered. Many remember that when the Sector "joined" the Republic, that they were not permitted the right to govern themselves, but rather, were ruled over by a governor and lieutenant governor directly appointed by the Galactic Senate itself, a position, that has since been freely exchanged like the sector's governance was merely a product to market to the Tarkin Family... something that happened not once, not twice, not thrice, but at least **four** times over the next few decades. And so... this yearning for self-governance grew once more, emboldened by the past actions and ideals of the (seemingly defunct) Nebula Front and a festering hatred for any form of centralised rule or aristocracy (the Tarkin Family especially-- lest their governance and autonomy be traded away without care once again at the whims of business executives and politicians), the people of the Seswenna Sector prepare to take their 'destiny' into their own hands, by force of arms, terror, or subterfuge if necessary; Whatever the cost, the Seswenna Sector will be free once more.
    -[X] Locale: Southern Outer Rim
    --[X] Coalescing within the Seswenna Sector
    -[X] Core supporters: Rim Nationalists, Various low class individuals, Aspiring War Criminals, Zealous Fanatics
    --[X] Low-Class individuals, Rim Nationalists, Remnants of the Nebula Front, Zealous Fanatics, and Aspiring War Criminals.
    -[X] Goals or Ideology: Liberty for all Worlds and forever destroying the concept of a Galactic Polity.
    --[X]: Self-Governance/Planetary Autonomy (No Galactic Polities, instead, a helpful yet autonomous collective of planets), ending Eriadu's Hegemony over the rest of the Seswenna Sector / Breaking the Core's Hold on the Seswenna Sector (Anti-Imperialism), destroying/assassinating the Quintad (The Tarkin Family specifically) and other oligarchies gorging on the Seswenna Sector, or rendering them insignificant/powerless (Anti-Aristocracy);
    [X] The Celestine Ark (Kyber Eyes)
3 AFE Planning
It is the year 3 AFE in the new Imperial calendar. A victorious Empire rules over a battered galaxy, all major forms of resistance crushed underneath the boot heel of the Imperial military. While some bush-fire struggles still continue, most resistance has moved underground. The newly established Empire's structure is still very much in flux and many groups politic internally for the favor of the Emperor and his magistrates. All the while networks of resistance lick their wounds and plot future uprisings.

There were so many good orgs that I have expanded the org cap by 1. I will likely regret this but oh well.

Some actions are universal and can be included in any organization's plan, others are just for one. Funds are per turn, they don't stack. Any ?s are for you to write-in a number for that action. New actions as write-ins are encouraged to be suggested at any time.

When voting, put the organization acronym before the name of the plan like this:
[X][KBAC] Plan do stuff

Universal Actions:

[] Require dues
--[] Small
--[] Medium
--[] Large
--[] Based on income
-[] Allow delinquent members

More dues reduces membership but increases income. Allowing delinquent members offsets the membership decrease but you also get less income.
[] Make a NewsNet.
-[] Local Sector: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[] Oversector: 20 funds, -10 per turn.
-[] Galactic: 100 funds, -20 per turn.

Making NewsNets can increase recruitment and increase the effectiveness of other actions such as putting candidates up for election. Only use an action for initial creation. With the Imperalization of the Galactic HoloNet the resurgence of NewsNets, information networks carried by hyperspace courier or droid rather than over the HoloNet, has sprung up. This includes both sanctioned NewsNets and pirate networks.

[] Recruit members of planetary government into your organization. ? Funds.
[] Attempt to change local planetary policy
-[] If so, what? (Describe your proposal)
Despite the centralization efforts of the Empire, most planets in the galaxy are primarily ruled by the local planetary government. Control of this government, both official and behind closed doors, can create more favorable terrain for a wide variety of organizations

[] Organize protests about ?

Write-in option.

[] Stockpile military equipment. ? funds.

Each unit equips 1000 people. Roll 1d20 per funds. Rolling completion, decays 5% per turn representing use and action never disappears.

[] Train militia.

Uses 1 funds and 10 "stockpile military equipment" Get 5d1000 trained militia per cadre.

[] Attack organization strong-point of ?
-[] ? times.
-[] Claim credit.

Write-in, can be a canon organization or one of the other player organizations. Costs 1 wealth per building attacked. Note if it's discovered you did it, or if you claim credit, there will be consequences.

[] Make a public campaign defaming a rival person or group.
-[] Spend ? funds.
[] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
-[] On the streets of planetary capitals and major cities. ? funds.
-[] In the factories and shipyards. ? funds.
-[] To asteroid mining facilities ? funds.
-[] To the rural villages and planetary countryside. ? funds.
-[] On space stations and orbital installations ? funds
-[] At officer clubs and salons. ? funds min 10
-[] At parties of the rich. ? funds, min 20
-[] At the parties of the galactic nobility. ? funds, min 40

The Celestine Ark
Supporters: 9,000,000
2 Actions, 4 Funds

-[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.

-[]Send organizers out to help administrative droids form unions .? funds

-[]Send organizers out to help cleaning droids form unions. ? funds
-[]Reach out to ex-Separatist hold outs in the northern reaches.

-[]Form community clinics for cyborgs in need of specialized medical care in the Tion Sector. 2 funds -1 per turn

-[]Contact Tion Sector abolitionist movements.
-[]Send an expedition to Raxus Prime . 3 Funds
-[]Catalogue and archive droid legends and mythology.

Khyber Eyes
-[]Research Mechu-deru sites.

-[]Research Historical Droid Force Sensitives.

Council of Old Blood
Supporters: 1,440,000
1 Action, 6 Funds
-[]Organize a banquet to spread the Council's message. 3 Funds
-[]Purchase old Core lineage papers, family archives and other genealogical documents. ? Funds
-[]Fund Core-glorifying exhibits at the Galactic Museum. 1/5/10 Funds
-[]Fund new archeological digs on Courscant. ? Funds
-[]Reach out to high ranking noble officers in the Imperial Military. 1/5/10 Funds
Patriots of Old Alsakan
-[]Support Alaskani artists and philosophers within the Imperial Academy. ? Funds
-[]Fund a tour of the Archaiad to be performed among Core high society. 5 Funds

-[]Create High Galactic linguistic societies. 3 Funds

The Ash Angels
Supporters: 7,425,000
1 Action, 4 Funds
-[]Set up mutual aid groups on Tanaab and the surrounding systems. 2 Funds, -1 per turn.
-[]Organize refugee camps to be more habitable and self governing. ? Funds
-[]Organize shipyard workers on Lantilles into a union. ? Funds
-[]Organize factory workers on Centares into a union. ? Funds
-[]Aid local reconstruction efforts on Sy Myrth. ? Funds
-[]Send infiltrators into the Wheel, the former Commonality station now controlled by the Empire. 1/5/10 Funds
-[]Set up a research group to figure out how to best synergize mutual aid groups with local developmental efforts.
Autonomous Droid Army
Supporters: 9,000,000
2 Actions, 4 Funds
-[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.
-[]Set up communication networks between known Separatist hold outs. 2 funds, -1 per turn
-[]Send out search teams to try and find Separatist hold outs that have lost communication. 2 funds.
-[]Provide safe bolt holes and bases for Separatist forces fleeing the end of the Western Reaches Operation 2 Funds
Just last year the Empire destroyed the last open Separatist hold out force under General Kendu Ultho at the Battle of Ogoth Tiir. While Ultho's forces were crushed many of them escaped and need hiding places.
-[]Create a research group to study why the CIS lost and how such failures can be avoided in the future.
-[]Create a committee to study the various elements of the Separatist ideology and how it can be adapted for a post-Imperial galaxy.

Galactic Liberation Army
Supporters: 3,832,000
1 Action, 3 Funds
-[]Reach out to refugee communities within the southern Rim for recruits and resources. ? Funds
-[]Send infiltrators to create GLA cells on Praesitlyn and the Intergalactic Communications Center. ? Funds
-[]Create GLA cells among the refugee camps on Eriadu. ? Funds
-[]Meet with Rylothi partisans to discuss potential cooperation.
-[]Request the creation of local governing councils on minor planets, and assassinate officials who refuse. 1/5/10 Funds
Seswenna Collective:

-[] Create local councils among town and city governments on Seswenna. ? Funds

-[] Organize GLA-sympathetic unions on the Seswenna Imperial Military Shipyards. ? Funds

-[] Reach out to former members of the Nebula Front to join the GLA.

Societas Esoterica
Supporters: 616,000
1 Action, 2 Funds
-[] Create a proper study group to discuss the Force and the groups that use it.
-[]Set up a debate club that focuses on the various members interpretations of the Force.
-[]Buy more old Jedi artifacts off of the black market. 1/5/10 Funds
The Brotherhood of the Rancor
Supporters: 1,800,000
1 Action, 4 Funds
-[]Send agitators among the Core garrison fleets to pull them to your cause

-[]Reach out to higher ranking officers in the Core garrison fleets to pull them to your cause
-[]Establish connections with the Core nobility. ? Funds
-[]Establish connections with important figures within the military-industrial complex. 5 Funds
-[]Provide safe hiding spots at summer homes and country clubs for former members of the Delegation of the 2000
The Kirima Book and Art Club
Supporters: 1,072,000
1 Action, 2 Funds
-[]Create a network of discrete publishing locations for Accelerationist-Futurist works. 5 Funds

-[]Organize a bunch of pop up art displays and projects to agitate on Kirima. 2 Funds
-[]Create a study group to further refine Accelerationist-Futurism.

Agriculturalists of the Galaxy
Supporters: 3,009,000
1 Action, 2 Funds

-[]Organize farm workers on Ukio into a agricultural workers unions. ? Funds
-[]Reach out to student organizing groups work in the fields on Chandrila.
-[]Create food distribution networks focused on getting food to refugee camps around Ukio and Chandrila. 2 Funds, -1 Per Turn
-[]Protest the wanton brutality shown to tax weary farmers on Ghoman.
-[]Set up a study group to see how the AotG could reach out to peasants and low level agricultural workers on less developed planets.

Beauty of a Fallen Leaf, Glory of a Sprouting Flower
Supporters: 738,000
1 Action, 3 Funds

-[]Raise funding for the Beauty and Glory among the Corellian Trading Houses
--[] Specify what you seek to accomplish with these funds.
-[]Seek contacts among the liberal elements of Corellian high society.
-[]Form Chambers of Commerce on wealthy Corellian Run trading works such as Corellia, Denon and Druckenwell. 5 Funds

Seekers of the Astral Way
Supporters: 208,000
1 Action, 1 Fund

-[]Send aid and monks to Telos and nearby planets to help with reconstruction following the Kwymar Suppressions last year. ? Funds
-[]Peacefully spread the Astral Way to more worlds and communities on and near Mirial. ? Funds
-[]Create a study group to meditate on pacifism and possible non-violent ways to resist Imperial persecution.
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