Star Wars: It's Treason Then - Roleplaying Thread


Anakin waited in the antechamber to the room Yoda had selected for their meeting. He stared straight ahead, jaw set, the heavy shag of his still growing beard serving to accent the hollows of his cheeks and eyes. He looked older.

The general's knee shivered and kept a steady bounce belying the agitation beneath his grim composure.

Anakin waited in the antechamber to the room Yoda had selected for their meeting. He stared straight ahead, jaw set, the heavy shag of his still growing beard serving to accent the hollows of his cheeks and eyes. He looked older.

The general's knee shivered and kept a steady bounce belying the agitation beneath his grim composure.


Master Yoda arched his back as he pulled the cane used to help him walk towards him with a slight flick of his wrist. The last few days had been harrowing to say the least. The Temple was in an uproar at everything going on and worse with the loss of young Ecara. Yoda had taken the time to speak to his master, Master S'enco, and he hoped to help her get past the grieving and loss she felt. And it was this emotion that brought Yoda to the present.

He knew Anakin Skywalker was in agony. Every time Yoda felt the force surrounding him he felt chaos that consumed the young man. He never directly touched Anakin, he giving him the space he had requested, he knowing that the boy needed time to figure out his own thoughts. He was just glad that Anakin had finally agreed to meet with him.

He exited the door and gave off a calm demeanor as he did. "Greetings Anakin, glad you have returned I am. Please, follow and discuss what you wish."
He exited the door and gave off a calm demeanor as he did. "Greetings Anakin, glad you have returned I am. Please, follow and discuss what you wish.
Anakin rose and fell in next to the diminutive gob of green Jedi.

"Master Yoda. I'm sorry..." He trailed off. "I'm unsure where to begin. It's--everything is moving so fast, but it lacks the clarity of battle."
Anakin rose and fell in next to the diminutive gob of green Jedi.

"Master Yoda. I'm sorry..." He trailed off. "I'm unsure where to begin. It's--everything is moving so fast, but it lacks the clarity of battle."

"Hrmm.. yes. Engaged in battle it is easy to follow that thought process. Fight, survive, help those around you. Simple and to the point, yes?"

Yoda walked over to a pedestal that he used to mediate and hoped up on it and sat down, waving for Anakin to sit on another next to his. "Sorry, you should not be. Much has happened yes... events that even I have trouble wrapping my head around."

He paused and looked at Anakin, a smile appearing. "Alone in this, you are not young Skywalker. Conflict, even chaos effects us all. Told this to Master S'enco I did, for she feels loss as well. Know the Chancellor and you were close.."

He hrmpft out loud giving the young man the chance to respond if he wished.

The LAAT/i Delta Squad took to the Jedi Temple had a shriek-hawk's head as nose art, making Boss frown at the obvious Mandalorian symbol, but he didn't comment on it. After all, the pilot was a Clone like him, and it was unthinkable that a Clone would be anything but completely loyal to the Republic. It entered one of the Jedi Temple's hangars and the Clones disembarked, making their way between Jedi Interceptors, LAAT/i gunships and hurrying Jedi.
Finding Yoda was a bit of a mess - Jedi were running hither and to and nobody knew where the diminutive Master was - but at the end Delta Squad found him in the Temple's command centre. Leaving the rest of his team at the door, Boss entered the room and made a beeline to Yoda.
"General Yoda," he said by the way of greeting.

"Greetings Boss, hope this day fines you well, hm?" Yoda answered as he moved towards a projector that was more secluded from the rest of the Jedi and Clones operating in the command center that served the Jedi for the war.

"You seek a mission, one that I might provide. Keep the Confederacy off balance we must. Allow them to take advantage of the chaos here on Coruscant we can not."
"Greetings Boss, hope this day fines you well, hm?" Yoda answered as he moved towards a projector that was more secluded from the rest of the Jedi and Clones operating in the command center that served the Jedi for the war.

"You seek a mission, one that I might provide. Keep the Confederacy off balance we must. Allow them to take advantage of the chaos here on Coruscant we can not."
"A fine day is one way to put it, Sir." Boss wasn't known for his verbosity, after all. "And yes. If I may speak freely... Delta's wasting its time here on Coruscant, Sir. We should be out there fighting the Seps, Sir."
He paused and looked at Anakin, a smile appearing. "Alone in this, you are not young Skywalker. Conflict, even chaos effects us all. Told this to Master S'enco I did, for she feels loss as well. Know the Chancellor and you were close.."

He hrmpft out loud giving the young man the chance to respond if he wished.

Anakin sat. "We were. Closer I think than any in the Order. I see now some of the shape of his designs, but what does it say that I can understand the mind of a Sith better than the Council?"

"I went back to his office, where he...he all but confessed to me. It had been despoiled and my suspicions point back here. It sickens me. I cannot agree with you Master Yoda. We are all very much alone in this."
"A fine day is one way to put it, Sir." Boss wasn't known for his verbosity, after all. "And yes. If I may speak freely... Delta's wasting its time here on Coruscant, Sir. We should be out there fighting the Seps, Sir."
"Yes yes, your skills are better used to help keep the Separatist unbalanced. Have selected a mission that might fit you skills that hope you will agree with." He switched the projector on and centered it onto a planet. "Know this planet you should, important it is, disturbing Separatists efforts here could help the Republic in its time of need."
"Yes yes, your skills are better used to help keep the Separatist unbalanced. Have selected a mission that might fit you skills that hope you will agree with." He switched the projector on and centered it onto a planet. "Know this planet you should, important it is, disturbing Separatists efforts here could help the Republic in its time of need."
Boss looked at the planet Yoda indicated. His face was not visible below his helmet's visor, but he smiled nonetheless. Yes, he could see what good Delta could do there. "I understand, Sir. I assume you want Delta to start moving forthwith, Sir?"
Anakin sat. "We were. Closer I think than any in the Order. I see now some of the shape of his designs, but what does it say that I can understand the mind of a Sith better than the Council?"

"I went back to his office, where he...he all but confessed to me. It had been despoiled and my suspicions point back here. It sickens me. I cannot agree with you Master Yoda. We are all very much alone in this."

"Hm.. disturb me this does. Cloud the minds of us all this war has, changed the Order has become from when joined I did."

He lowered his head for a moment as he tried to put thoughts into words. "Meet the council still must, find the truth we must. But changed we have become. But know this Anakin, alone you are not. Obi-Wan helping you is he not? Come to me to talk have you not? Talked to close friends you have hm? Drawn to them, us, for comfort and support you are. Give it gladly they do they not? No, alone you shall never be, and forget not that the Force is always with you."

He became quite somber for a moment as he spoke again. "Great the pull of the Darkside, powerful it is. Pull it in it wishes, yet only hurt those you care for it does. Yes gives you much power, yes it fuels you to get things, but loss you will feel, only darkness and despair, and truly loneliness Anakin."
Boss looked at the planet Yoda indicated. His face was not visible below his helmet's visor, but he smiled nonetheless. Yes, he could see what good Delta could do there. "I understand, Sir. I assume you want Delta to start moving forthwith, Sir?"

"Speed vital it is. They will move to capitalize on the chaos we find ourselves. Stop this must. Dangerous it will be, and support will be lacking I fear. Thus if the risk it too much, say and cancel the mission I shall. Loss of your team, harmful to our cause I believe would be."
"Speed vital it is. They will move to capitalize on the chaos we find ourselves. Stop this must. Dangerous it will be, and support will be lacking I fear. Thus if the risk it too much, say and cancel the mission I shall. Loss of your team, harmful to our cause I believe would be."
"We'll take this, Sir. That's the sort of mission we were bred for, Sir. We survived Geonosis and the Prosecutor, we'll survive this, too. We're the Republic's best; we won't let you down, Sir." Boss thumped his chest armour for emphasis.
He became quite somber for a moment as he spoke again. "Great the pull of the Darkside, powerful it is. Pull it in it wishes, yet only hurt those you care for it does. Yes gives you much power, yes it fuels you to get things, but loss you will feel, only darkness and despair, and truly loneliness Anakin."
Anakin stared at the floor. "Obi-Wan has been a friend, a brother. But I look to him on those terms, not as a member of the Order to another. I speak to you because I cannot look Master Windu in the face and demand..."

He called his left hand in to a fist, servos bearing down on the sturdy glove. "There is no comfort in the Temple Master. Too many ghosts, too many secrets and lies and...ignorance masquerading as wisdom."

"I don't think I can ever return. Dark, light, it's nothing but shadows to me."
Anakin stared at the floor. "Obi-Wan has been a friend, a brother. But I look to him on those terms, not as a member of the Order to another. I speak to you because I cannot look Master Windu in the face and demand..."

He called his left hand in to a fist, servos bearing down on the sturdy glove. "There is no comfort in the Temple Master. Too many ghosts, too many secrets and lies and...ignorance masquerading as wisdom."

"I don't think I can ever return. Dark, light, it's nothing but shadows to me."

Yoda was silent for a long moment, he having had to talk to many over the past few years about leaving the Order. It pained him every time to see those who he had watched grow within the Temple's walls leave but in his heart, he knew he couldn't stop them and he would never tell them they could not. Finally, he spoke up.

"Most see only light and dark. Black and white, good and evil. Forgot they do the middle ground. Forgot I have in the past..." He took a deep breath before continuing and looked over at the man that was obviously torturing himself over what had transpired. "Leave I do not wish to see. But stop you I will not. Stopped no one leaving I have through this war, even great friends of many years."

A twinge of pain flashed over Yoda, his usually calm and controlled demeanor cracking ever so slightly before he regained control of his emotions. "Master Windu I have known for many years, respect him I do. But aggressive he has always has been. Determined he is. Think right he did excuse what happened it does not. Hm... scared of what it meant I do believe, scared of what we knew of the Sith, from the past, from when assaulting the galaxy they did. Gone they have been for a thousand years, or so we thought. Yet all here in the Temple knew of them, taught about it we did. Again, comes back to the dark and light...."

He wanted to say more, but he paused to let what he said sink in a bit and allow Anakin to speak what he wished.
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"Master Windu I have known for many years, respect him I do. But aggressive he is always has been. Determined he is. Think right he did excuse what happened it does not. Hm... scared of what it meant I do believe, scared of what we knew of the Sith, from the past, from when assaulting the galaxy they did. Gone they have been for a thousand years, or so we thought. Yet all here in the Temple knew of them, taught about it we did. Again, comes back to the dark and light...."

Anakin frowned. "I'm tired of it Master. Say one thing, do another. Champions, protectors, a thousand years between some fight only we care about and now...and now look. Look at what it's gotten us."

He sighed. "I'm sorry Master Yoda."
Anakin frowned. "I'm tired of it Master. Say one thing, do another. Champions, protectors, a thousand years between some fight only we care about and now...and now look. Look at what it's gotten us."

He sighed. "I'm sorry Master Yoda."

"Convoluted the Order has become. Fixated on the ways of old, stagnate in how we behave in the galaxy. Idolized the Jedi had become, heroes and protectors as you say. Taken to thinking that we have, grown complacent in it."

He glanced at Anakin, his thoughts swarming in his head. The anguish felt by Anakin clearly felt by the Grandmaster of all these years. He had watched the war consume so many of this generation of Jedi, watched friends of old and new be vanquished in the horde of battle and destruction the consumed the galaxy around them. A thought passed into his mind, a thought he had pushed back many times yet now did he dare give it meaning, and admit it to one who was so conflicted that he was ready to fall apart at the seams?

"Apologise I should, not you. Hmmmm... failed the Order I have. Broken... it has become." He turned to Anakin, and looked into his eyes, opening himself up to the Force to allow Anakin to see him plain. "Help fix it you can Anakin. Help fix what is broken we can. Much work it will take, much suffering we will endure."

"But strong you are, stronger than any other, look up to you many Jedi and those of not the Order do. Made mistakes we have, twisted? Maybe. Good? Maybe. Evil.. hope I do not. But destiny I believe you have, find the Balance within the Order we must." He said matter of factly, lightly slamming his cane on the ground and coming to stand with his head held high.
"But strong you are, stronger than any other, look up to you many Jedi and those of not the Order do. Made mistakes we have, twisted? Maybe. Good? Maybe. Evil.. hope I do not. But destiny I believe you have, find the Balance within the Order we must." He said matter of factly, lightly slamming his cane on the ground and coming to stand with his head held high.

Anakin swallowed hard, wincing at the report of cane on stone.

"Master..." Too much. That hope, that belief, that faith and trust, he didn't deserve them. Not to save the Order.

"Yoda. I'm going to be a father."
Anakin swallowed hard, wincing at the report of cane on stone.

"Master..." Too much. That hope, that belief, that faith and trust, he didn't deserve them. Not to save the Order.

"Yoda. I'm going to be a father."

Yoda took a breath. The news filled his head. He stood there, closing his eyes, allowing his mind to take in the news. So much was happening. Palpatine, Mace, the riots, the war, Dooku, .. now Anakin. Did he feel betrayed... or did he feel like he had finally connected to the strong-willed man that Anakin had become? For revealing that secret to Yoda could not come easy, even more so with all that was happening. And in a way... did he feel that way as he watched child after child grow up and blossom into the people they were now? Watching them grow day after day, helping them learn what they needed to know to survive day to day.

Another breath, calm. Control. Wave back the emotions. Yet was that what was needed? Or should he change? Was this the first stepping block to the change Yoda knew had to happen. Finally, he spoke, opening his eyes and looking at the man before him.

"Hmmm." He let out a soft sigh, still buying time to regain his words. He nodded to himself. "Great strength it took to tell me this. Great strength, and great trust. Follow what you wish to do with this news, I shall. Keep it I shall if that is your wish."

He breathed again pulling the air through his nose and letting it out slowly. His body shook as his mind cleared and he settled into a conferable stance, a smile coming across his face. "See the fear you had now Anakin. A secret you have kept that eats at one not being able to tell anyone of its existence. Take it Palpatine knew yes? A father he was like to you, know this I do..."

"Fear you should not, but feel joy you should. Joy in that life comes to this galaxy in all the turmoil we see. Help you I will. See that your child grows, grows in what you wish, not what an organization wishes. Hmm... spoke of change I did. Spoke of courage, spoke of leadership, spoke of hope. A new dawn for the Jedi we must have, a new dawn for you as well Anakin. Lost much you have, lost one you loved, yet gain a new love you are. Tell me it doesn't not fill you of joy thinking of holding your youngling in your hands for the first time, hm? Him or her looking at your for the first time hm? A new beginning for us all..."
He breathed again pulling the air through his nose and letting it out slowly. His body shook as his mind cleared and he settled into a conferable stance, a smile coming across his face. "See the fear you had now Anakin. A secret you have kept that eats at one not being able to tell anyone of its existence. Take it Palpatine knew yes? A father he was like to you, know this I do..."

"Fear you should not, but feel joy you should. Joy in that life comes to this galaxy in all the turmoil we see. Help you I will. See that your child grows, grows in what you wish, not what an organization wishes. Hmm... spoke of change I did. Spoke of courage, spoke of leadership, spoke of hope. A new dawn for the Jedi we must have, a new dawn for you as well Anakin. Lost much you have, lost one you loved, yet gain a new love you are. Tell me it doesn't not fill you of joy thinking of holding your youngling in your hands for the first time, hm? Him or her looking at your for the first time hm? A new beginning for us all..."

"He knew. He knew and--"

For a moment Anakin did as Yoda said. He could hear cool water and feel warm sun. She was soft in his arms, ferocious and bawling loud. He was heavy in his lap, so peaceful in sleep. There was fire. There was blood. Pain. Death.


There was a sliver of glass in the knight's heart.

"I cannot see that. It's dark. So dark."
"He knew. He knew and--"

For a moment Anakin did as Yoda said. He could hear cool water and feel warm sun. She was soft in his arms, ferocious and bawling loud. He was heavy in his lap, so peaceful in sleep. There was fire. There was blood. Pain. Death.


There was a sliver of glass in the knight's heart.

"I cannot see that. It's dark. So dark."

"Clear your mind, concentrate you must." Yoda closed his own eyes and let the Force fill him as he tried to feel what Anakin felt, seeing the darkness he spoke of. He relaxed his body and let his mind wander, searching out to help guide the young knight before him.

"There is no Dark, there is no light, balance you must find. Balance the dark and the light and peace find you can. Reach out to the youngling that is to be, feel the peace they bring. Reach out to the one you love, the life you will bring together. Think not on all that has taken place, not on the war, not on death and destruction, but on life. Feel the connection to the Force that life has, feel the life alive around you, feel the life that comes to be born."

Yoda attempted to pass calm and ... love to Anakin. Compassion. He himself had pushed these feelings away from generations of being in the Temple, yet now he allowed them to return. Comfort and Compassion.

"Lost many I have Anakin, more recently over the few years. Felt their loss, seen them gone. Yet never lost hope I did. Believe I do that the Force will take care of us. The Order and you are unbalanced Anakin. Return that balance to you and hurt you the darkness can not. Pain you feel, horrible pain, but past it you can be. Guide yes the Force does, but control us it does not. Plan does it have? Perhaps, but change the plan we can. Happened in the past it has, happening all around us it is now. Change what you see Anakin, change it to what wish to see you want. Change your thinking, change your mindset, with this you shall find the answers you seek. See those that care for you Anakin, the one that loves you, your youngling, Obi-Wan, me. Help you we can."
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"Lost many I have Anakin, more recently over the few years. Felt their loss, seen them gone. Yet never lost hope I did. Believe I do that the Force will take care of us. The Order and you are unbalanced Anakin. Return that balance to you and hurt you the darkness can not. Pain you feel, horrible pain, but past it you can be. Guide yes the Force does, but control us it does not. Plan does it have? Perhaps, but change the plan we can. Happened in the past it has, happening all around us it is now. Change what you see Anakin, change it to what wish to see you want. Change your thinking, change your mindset, with this you shall find the answers you seek. See those that care for you Anakin, the one that loves you, your youngling, Obi-Wan, me. Help you we can."

A snarl, bile dripping, rose in his throat and was strangled by the knot there. Instead he stumbled to his feet.

"Yoda No."
A snarl, bile dripping, rose in his throat and was strangled by the knot there. Instead he stumbled to his feet.

"Yoda No."

Yoda would slump every so slightly, "hrming" to himself. "Ready you are not young Skywalker. Push you I shall not. But here for you I shall be. When ready come to me and help you through this I shall."

Yoda limped back over to his pedestal and hoped back onto it before turning back to Anakin. "Hope I have showed you that trust me you can. Hold onto your news I shall as well, not tell anyone until you wish it be known. Wish you to help me with the Order I do, but much you have on your mind. Much you need to figure out. Speak to the one you love, and to Obi-Wan, tell him you should."
Yoda limped back over to his pedestal and hoped back onto it before turning back to Anakin. "Hope I have showed you that trust me you can. Hold onto your news I shall as well, not tell anyone until you wish it be known. Wish you to help me with the Order I do, but much you have on your mind. Much you need to figure out. Speak to the one you love, and to Obi-Wan, tell him you should."

"I will consider it," he muttered. "But, I make no promises. Thank you." It was grudging, but sincere. Finally it felt as if the master saw the man, not the promise, potential, risk...just the man.

Anakin swept out. The weight of dread for the future lighter was than it had been in months, but did nothing to cut the bitter feeling of too little, too late.
Private Residence of Orn Free Taa, Western Sea, Coruscant

Through the Force, anything is possible.

It's a truism of the Jedi and the Sith, of their rivals and their offshoots, all the countless creeds scattered across the galaxy. One who can touch the Force can do anything. See the future. Raise the dead. Endure beyond death. Shatter a planet, snuff out a star with nothing but your own will.

Of course, the Force isn't the only means to such ends. To accomplish things that many would consider...unnatural. Consider the very existence of Coruscant itself. The bright heart of the galaxy. The largest gathering of the most wealthy and influential beings to be found...anywhere. So many of them, politicians and beings of business, soldiers and traders, scientists, clerics, all of them packed onto one world, distorting reality around them like gravity.

Until this world city, this millenia old ecumenopolis, this world of spires reaching up into low orbit over forgottent unnels and ancient catacombs burrowing (they say) down to the planet's molten core, of megastructures with more inhabitants than entire planets in the Outer Rim, of trillions living, fighting for the privilege to live packed cheek to jowl with one another, is just...normal. Mundane. Something you don't even think about, you just go about your daily routine completely oblivious to the existence of things like, well, the Western Sea.

To the existence of a continent sized reservoir which exists solely to provide a suitable backdrop for artificial islands, islands which themselves exist to solely house the palatial estates of beings who are (or believe they are) too important to leave the City Of Spires but who want oceanfront property.

On a planet where space is at a premium, where water is supplied by obsessive waste reclamation, minutely calculated harvesting of its polar ice caps, and importation on a mind boggling scale, there is an ocean. An artificial ocean. Built solely so that some of Coruscant's residents can have the privilege of living in island palaces.

Such as the Senator from the great planet Ryloth, Orn Free Taa.

He has a suite at 500 Republica, of course he does, you aren't anyone in the Senate until you have an apartment inside those hallowed walls, but he can hardly accommodate the needs of the many and varied members of the Taa Clan who have made their way to the heart of the Republic to see what doors might be opened there in those (relatively) cramped rooms.

Or enjoy himself knowing that his political rivals are NOT merely a wall away, or hold meetings out from under the watchful eyes (and all too often wagging tongues) of the Senate Guard, the Jedi, and anyone else with connections good enough to have some sort of spy network set up in 500 Republica.

It's serving in the last role today, as a landspeeder touches down on its private landing pad, delivering a singularly distinguished visitor into the Senator's presence. An honor guard waits as the landing ramp descends, a young blue skinned Twi'lek with a lean, athletic build and a trio of nearly identical white skinned, white haired women, all of them clad in armor resembling (deliberately made to resemble) that of the Senate Guard, colored black with gold trim.

Waiting to convey the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to a meeting with Senator Orn Free Taa.
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It's serving in the last role today, as a landspeeder touches down on its private landing pad, delivering a singularly distinguished visitor into the Senator's presence. An honor guard waits as the landing ramp descends, a young blue skinned Twi'lek with a lean, athletic build and a trio of nearly identical white skinned, white haired women, all of them clad in armor resembling (deliberately made to resemble) that of the Senate Guard, colored black with gold trim.

Waiting to convey the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to a meeting with Senator Orn Free Taa.

Anakin followed his welcoming party with as much gravitas as he could muster. Living in rarefied company as he had, travelling to worlds, killing Separatists and dismantling droids across the galaxy had all given him a far more cosmopolitan outlook, but this was something else. It was like the entire place either screamed out the value in credits sunk in to every decoration, or gave you a clear impression of the girth of the occupant's lekku, or perhaps both.

"Does the Senator take many meetings here?" He struck up the conversation with the Twi'lek, not quite sure about the other three.