Imperial Navy, Office of Personnel
Personnel Record - Sett Varian
Birth - [63 BBY]*
Commissioned, Cadet, Anaxes War College - [46 BBY]
Graduated (Honors), Anaxes War College - [42 BBY]
Commissioned, Midshipman, Corulag Planetary Defense Force - [41 BBY]
Assigned, Carrack-class light cruiser Strident - [41 BBY]
Commissioned, Ensign, Corulag Planetary Defense Force - [40 BBY]
Assigned, Deputy Tactical Officer, Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Leviathan - [40 BBY]
Commissioned, Lieutenant, Corulag Planetary Defense Force - [39 BBY]
Assigned, Tactical Officer, Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Leviathan - [39 BBY]
Assigned, Executive Officer, Carrack-class light cruiser Gallant - [37 BBY]
Served, Conflict at Brentaal IV - [33 BBY]
Commissioned, Commander, Republic Judicial Forces - [32 BBY]
Assigned, Commanding Officer, Carrack-class light cruiser Adamant - [32 BBY]
Served, Outer Rim Peacekeeping - [31 BBY]
Commissioned, Captain, Corulag Planetary Defense Force - [24 BBY]
Assigned, Commanding Officer, Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser Behemoth - [24 BBY]
Served, Blockade of Cato Neimoidia - [22 BBY]
Commissioned, Line Captain, Republic Navy - [22 BBY]
Assigned, Commanding Officer, Acclamator-class assault ship Equalizer - [22 BBY]
Served, Battle of Merson - [22 BBY]
Served, Battle of Zaadja - [22 BBY]
Assigned, Flag Captain, Venator-class Star Destroyer Resolute - [22 BBY]
Served, Battle of Bothawui - [22 BBY]
Served, Battle of Ryloth - [22 BBY]
Served, Second Battle of Geonosis - [22 BBY]
Served, Battle of Sullust - [22 BBY]
Commissioned, Rear Admiral, Republic Navy - [21 BBY]
Assigned, 44th Destroyer Squadron, Open Circle Fleet - [21 BBY]
Assigned, Flag Officer, Venator-class Star Destroyer Impetuous - [21 BBY]
Served, Battle of Mon Calamari - [21 BBY]
Served, Battle of Umbara - [21 BBY]
Served, Battle of Kiros - [21 BBY]
Served, Battle of Rendili - [20 BBY]
Served, Battle of Cato Neimoidia - [20 BBY]
Served, Battle of Coruscant - [19 BBY]
Commissioned, Vice Admiral, Imperial Navy - [19 BBY]
Assigned, 21st Destroyer Squadron, Outer Rim Fleet - [19 BBY]
Assigned, Flag Officer, Victory-class Star Destroyer Predator - [19 BBY]
Served, Reconquest of the Rim - [19 BBY]
Served, Pacification of Kashyyyk - [19 BBY]
Served, Ciutric Offensive - [19 BBY]
Served, Noolian Crisis - [18 BBY]
Served, Western Reaches Operation - [17 BBY]
Commissioned, Admiral, Imperial Navy - [15 BBY]
Assigned, Head of Tactical Department, Anaxes Imperial War College - [15 BBY]
Assigned, Vice-Commandant, Anaxes Imperial War College - [11 BBY]
Assigned, Commandant, Anaxes Imperial War College - [9 BBY]
Assigned, Moff, Ciutric Sector - [5 BBY]
Assigned, Flag Officer, Assertor-class Star Destroyer Reaper - [5 BBY]
* - Dates in brackets are converted from the Imperial Calendar