Uncertain time has come. The fall of the emperor and the fracture remain of the empire scrabble for the corpse while the emperor's right hand man sized power while in the galactic north 2 war lord scrabble for control while the rebellion have gotten its victory the war is far from over. And these uncertainties shall create a new order.
A Moff duty is to uphold the sector loyalty to the galactic empire from The galactic north to the galactic south
But as a Moff assigned to the secret reconstruction of the old Sith capital of Dromund Kaas with the dark side being moved off planet by some means the and many dark side forge users fled or died as the emperor fell at the second Death Star her location remains safe or not it depends on you.
(To be fact I am using a mix of legend the real canon and my own head canon so no more plot armor and stormtrooper aim is good since there were supposed to be the cream of the crop and imperial have competent commander and the rebel/new republic have them to)
Imperial favor: 5
Starting credit: 300 million
The excavation of the ruin of Kass city have unveil many thing what was it choose 1
[ ] The hidden army of old
When Dromund kaas fall 2 army groups of old sith troopers hide in cryogenic pods.
Gain 20000 sith trooper with the accoupying support
[ ] The hidden shipyard
When you found it you almost die from an heart attack a working Sith empire fleet with it crew in cryogenic pods.
Gain 4 harrower class ship 6 terminus class destroyer and 30 sith era escort. With her crew.
[ ] Why are you here?
In the imperial citadel lie 10 sith inquisitors and their fury class interceptor most in working order. They may be loyal to you are they may not it is all in force hand now
Gain: 10 medium level hero unit.
[ ] Darth nox
A middle aged woman was found in a cryogenic pod. DNA tests have found her as Darth nox, one of the dark council members. Will she be grateful and don't murder you it is the her hand now.
Gain: high level hero unit Darth nox.
What is Your flagship
[ ] Imperator I class
Star fighter complement: 72
Cost none
[ ] Imparator 2 class
Star fighter complement: 74
Cost none
[ ] Sucutor class star destroyer
Star fighter complement: 144
Cost 2 imperial favor
[ ] The Allegiance-class battlecruiser
Star fighter complement: none
Cost 2 imperial favor
Requisition terminal (expensive stuff)
-[ ] Bellator Class (Imperator big brother) -3 imperial favor
-[ ] Mandator III (smaller than the Assertor) -4 imperial favor
-[] Assertor Class (smaller but much more focused towards combat) -5 imperial favors
-[] Executor Class (larger but more focused towards command) -5 imperial favors
[ ] let the dice decide
Pray to god you get a good ship that don't waste all your favor
Extra ship (recommended) current fleet 3 ISD 1, 2 ISD 2, 5 Victory 2 class, 20 arquitens class, 40 nebula class frigates + your flag ship. Choose 1
[ ] Moreeeeeee ship
Add 2 ISD 1, 1 ISD 2 and 3 victory class 10 arquitens class and 20 nebula class.
Cost 3 imperial favor
[ ] moreee escort
Add 10 victory 2 class 20 arquitens class and 50 nebula class.
Cost 3 imperial favor
[ ] carrier carrier for everyone
Add 1 sucutor class 2 Venator class 6 ton-falk Carrier.
Cost 4 imperial favor
Army group choose 2
[ ] personal militia
[ ] personal bodyguard
[ ] extra army trooper legion - 1 imperial favor
[ ] Extra Stormtrooper legion -1 imperial favor
[ ] Storm Commando 14 storm commando -2 imperial favor (death trooper)
[ ] A remaining Emperor hand have been station here to "guard you" cost 3 imperial favor (a 1d 10 will roll to decide what Emperor hand you will get this include Mara jade)
What did you do before the battle of Endor?
[ ] shipyard supply can be taken 2 time
Around the planet orbit many ruin shipyards from the capital yard to the light frigate yard. Maybe you should repair them. Start with a shipyard already repaired at 50% operational.
Cost 2 imperial favor
[ ] Industry repair limit 1 time
Repair the broken factory district starts with a 50 % operational industrial district producing 25 consumer good and 20 capital good.
Cost 2 imperial favor
[ ] Hydroponics farm
The ruins of kaas city have many collapsed or under-maintained parts but have you ever wondered how they supply themselves in the siege of kaas city? Hydroponic farm deep below the city lies the farm.
Cost 2 imperial favor
Start with 10 food production.
[ ] rebuild housing sector
From the ruin of the old imperial citadel to the housing district this was one a bristling city now lay in ruin. Maybe you should get a place to sleep and get your people a home.
Cost: 4 imperial favor
Gain medium level of industry power 10% industry restore producing 5 consumer goods and 2 capital good.
Gain 40 housing.
Now shall we start Governor.
How many people do u have settle
[ ] 400 million
Cost: 1 imperial favor
[ ] 500 million
Cost: none
[ ] 60 million
Gain 1 imperial favor
[ ] 700 million
Gain 2 imperial favor
[ ] 800 million
Gain 3 imperial favor
[ ] 900 million people
Gain 4 imperial favor
Extra credit
[ ] 100 million extra
Cost 1 imperial favor
[ ] 200 million extra
Cost 2 imperial favor
[ ] 300 million extra
Cost 3 imperial favor
[ ] 400 million extra
Cost 4 imperial favor
Game rule
For every 100 million people you need 5 housing and 1 food and 2 consumers. But for every 100 million people you will need 1 capital good. For every 100 million people you can raise 1 army group.
Status of the planet stockpile
consumer good
capital good
Status of the planet
Industrial district: 5% producing 2 consumer good and 1 capital good.
Housing sector: 10% operational have 10 housing
Imperial citadel: 100% operational with the sith academy at need a complete rebuild, produce 5 housing and produce 1 consumer good capital of producing light frigate. 20 Bergen available.
Orbital shipyard: 10% operational capable of producing up to a light cruiser. 10 berth available.
Hydroponics district: 10% operational producing 5 food.
To be decided.
The secret project to repair the old sith capital once a grandiose project now lie unmade from the machinations of the rebellion supply that once flow now run dry
Dromund kaas was once a great Ecumenopolis shall the old rise the factory of old shall rise to the tune of war against the republic once more the old shipyard that once put the republic on its final leg shall shun out ship with the fury of old.
Now you stare out of the old window rebuild of course even if most people do not know the Emperor is dead and reports of a scattering fleet of imperial vessels littered the com but when the sensory network detected hyperspace jump what do you find?
( roll 1d 6 you roll a 3)
Gain 3 ISD 2 with 3 victory classes and 5 frigates.
It be too overpower in the early game since sith trooper that were cryogenic preserve from there perspective the war was just yesterday so there ware veteran high level vet from siege combat and the shipyard would be overpower in the late-mid game since if there were modernism 2 Harrower class could take on a ISD2 at a fraction of the cost.
[X] Plan Navy Focus and Food
-[X] The hidden shipyard
-[X] The Allegiance-class battlecruiser
-[X] Moreeeeeee ship
-[X] 700 million
-[X] Hydroponics farm
[X] The old shall rise again
-[X] Darth nox
-[X] Imperator I class
-[X] moreee escort
-[X] Extra Stormtrooper legion
-[X] personal bodyguard
-[X] shipyard supply
-[X] Hydroponics farm
-[X] 800 million
So why did I pick this? We can always build more ships and stuff but we won't be getting any heroes and being able to have an half repaired shipyard will be a good start. We can build up to something better.
Also if you read the end we got more ships free. So why spend more on ships when a head start on infrastructure will be the best.
[X] The old Sith empire rise again
-[X] Why are you here?
-[X] Imperator I class
-[X] moreee escort
-[X] Extra Stormtrooper legion
-[X] personal bodyguard
-[X] shipyard supply
-[X] Hydroponics farm
-[X] 800 million
What you are capable of building the rest you better find the blueprints.
Light frigate yard 100-300
Imperial era light frigate
Cost 14 million credit each
Modernist sith era escort
Cost 15 million credit each
Light cruiser yard
arquitens Class light cruiser
Cost 30 million credit each.
mordernnise Terminus class destoyer
Cost 31 million credit
Heavy cruiser yard.
Vindicator class heavy cruiser
Cost 50 million credit.
Harrower class dreagnoughts
Cost 78 million credit.
404 interdictor.
Cost 60 million credit
Victory class
Unavailable blueprints not found.
Capital yard.
Cost 150 million credit
Cost 160 million credit
interdictor class star destroyer
Cost 210 million credit
Sucutor class
Cost 320 million credit
Allegiances class battlecruiser
Cost 340 million credit
Super capital yard
Bellator class
Cost 1.4 billion credit
Files corrupted please contact imperial recovery team
[X] The old Sith empire rise again
-[X] Why are you here?
-[X] Imperator I class
-[X] moreee escort
-[X] Extra Stormtrooper legion
-[X] personal bodyguard
-[X] shipyard supply
-[X] Hydroponics farm
-[X] 800 million
Game rule
For every 100 million people you need 5 housing and 1 food and 2 consumers. But for every 100 million people you will need 1 capital good. For every 100 million people you can raise 1 army group.
Academy class
Mini/small/medium/large/imperial class or grand academy/Royal academy's
For exam the Anaxes War College is a grand Academy or the imperial center Royal academy's is Royal Academy's class which is restricted to 4 place, Onderron status lost, Jedi temple status active as imperial palace, Korriban sith academy status Destoy and lastly there dromund kaas Imperial academy status need a rebuild.
When an academy is rebuild no matter how many you have under your control the biggest buff take it place as the only active buff and different grand academy and Royal Academy have different Buff you can choose before entering a battle. And academy also produce crew member for ship and officer candidate and sometime hero unit.
Hero unit
Hero unit can be extremely overwhelming to enemy defense as for example Luke skywalker X wing can take a ISD2 alone if the force is with him and when he fall in battle a roll shall be made a save roll to be exact. A minor hero can be a low level stormtrooper or a intelligence officer while a medium level hero is Jedi or Sith or even Officer in high ranking positions like Moff while lastly a high level hero is hero that have there name written in history the like of Warlord Zinji or Grand Moff tarkin but the last tear of hero is the most powerful Legendary class hero which is people who will alway be remembered by history for the like of Luke skywalker or The outlander or Darth Raven.
maintenance cost
for every ship u build there is a maintenance cost which will start at turn 4 as the imperial navy maintenance grants have been dispelled but for every building you have there is a maintenance cost to continue operational status which will be said in the next turn.
When you make contact with the rest of the galaxy you will gain the diplomacy tree which can be use to consolidate territory or negotiate the integration of minor warlord.
space combat
While u can overwhelm the enemy with 20 ISD a unit cap of 400 will be place to not be overpower only 1 super capital ship can be present in a battle at a time and it also take longer to repair them such is the cost of overwhelming firepower.
Crit roll
There is a hard limit of 6 crit roll
If u roll 6 1d100 and all got 100 I will be very surprised and scared of what u people sacrificed to the dice god.
That the main one
Remembered there is no cannon and maybe u will find the eternal fleet lying some where.
Scheduled vote count started by Wingman404 on Jan 7, 2023 at 6:49 AM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.
[X] The old Sith empire rise again
-[X] Why are you here?
-[X] Imperator I class
-[X] moreee escort
-[X] Extra Stormtrooper legion
-[X] personal bodyguard
-[X] shipyard supply
-[X] Hydroponics farm
-[X] 800 million
[X] Plan Navy Focus and Food
-[X] The hidden shipyard
-[X] The Allegiance-class battlecruiser
-[X] Moreeeeeee ship
-[X] 700 million
-[X] Hydroponics farm
[X] The old shall rise again
-[X] Darth nox
-[X] Imperator I class
-[X] moreee escort
-[X] Extra Stormtrooper legion
-[X] personal bodyguard
-[X] shipyard supply
-[X] Hydroponics farm
-[X] 800 million
[X] The old Sith empire rise again
-[X] Why are you here?
-[X] Imperator I class
-[X] moreee escort
-[X] Extra Stormtrooper legion
-[X] personal bodyguard
-[X] shipyard supply
-[X] Hydroponics farm
-[X] 800 million
Uncertain time has come. The fall of the emperor and the fracture remain of the empire scrabble for the corpse while the emperor's right hand man sized power while in the galactic north 2 war lord scrabble for control while the rebellion have gotten its victory the war is far from over. And these uncertainties shall create a new order. Or an old one who shall rise again and again as the immortal Emporor have.
A Moff duty is to uphold the sector loyalty to the galactic empire from The galactic north to the galactic south
But as a Moff assigned to the secret reconstruction of the old Sith capital of Dromund Kaas with the dark side being moved off planet by some means the and many dark side forge users fled or died as the emperor fell at the second Death Star her location remains safe or not it depends on you.
(To be fact I am using a mix of legend the real canon and my own head canon so no more plot armor and stormtrooper aim is good since there were supposed to be the cream of the crop and imperial have competent commander and the rebel/new republic have them to)
Starting credit: 300 million
Status of the planet stockpile
consumer good
capital good
gaining per turn
30 billion
29.518 billion
1 turn is 3 months, it maybe move up to 6 months in mid to late game.
Status of the planet
Industrial district: 5% producing 2 consumer goods and 1 capital goods.
Housing sector: 10% operational have 10 housing
Imperial citadel: 100% operational with the sith academy at need a complete rebuild, produce 5 housing and produce 1 consumer good capable of producing light frigate. 20 Berth available.
Orbital shipyard: 50 % operational capable of producing up to a heavy cruiser and ISD 1 with 2 berths available for capital production and 50 berths available for anything that is smaller than the capitol yard production Produce 10 consumer good and 5 capital good
Hydroponics district: 10% operational producing 5 food.
Your flag ship
The vigilance: imperator 1 class total maintain cost 7m
Capital fleet
3 ISD 1 total maintain cost 21m
5 ISD 2 total maintain cost total maintain cost 35m
18 VIctory class total maintain cost 108m
Escort fleet
40 Arquitens class total maintain cost 120m
70 nebula class total maintain cost 140m
5 imperial frigate total maintain cost 5m
Total: 429m
Hero unit
Cryogenic preserve Sith inquisitor
Amount 10
Quality: medium
Buff present
Stormtrooper +20 to combat roll
Army trooper +0 to combat roll
Armor group +30 to combat roll on a planet
Fleet garrison
8 stormtrooper legion on ISD 1-2 number around 72000 total maintain cost 16m
2 Army trooper legion number around 26000 garrisons Victory class and the escort fleet. total maintain cost 2m
DROMUND Kaas garrison
10 army group number around 130000 men. total maintain cost 10m
1 legion of stormtroopers around 16000 men. total maintain cost 2m
3 armor groups number around 150 walker and 6000 men. total maintain cost 15m
Personal bodyguard 100 men arm with the best stuff money can buy. total maintain cost 1m
Maintain cost total: 46m
The repair imperial citadel once the bastion of old beside it was the ruin of the imperial academy now lay in ruin your fleet orbit the planet protecting it from any invader but no support shall come since the project is top secret no one but the Emperor know where dromund kaas is you are safe for now.
Military focus you have 4 dice
[ ] reevaluate your army
You need an army and you don't know the capability of what you have, you need to know them.
[ ] reactivate old sith era droids factory
The factory of old producing old sith droids may be a little modernized but technology hasn't progressed that much since the fall of dromund kaas.
Cost 10 capital good and 140 million credit maintain cost 10m
Unlock the sith droid army.
[ ] reactivate old sith era droids factory
The old blaster factory of the sith empire you're sure that they can be gear toward production of the glorious E11 blaster rifle.
Cost 200m and 5 capital good
Maintain cost 10m
[ ] raise new army group
[ ] storm trooper 0-300 cost 20 million credit maintain cost 2m amount 9000 men
[ ] army trooper 0-200 cost 10 million credits maintain cost 1m amount 13000 men
[ ] armor group 0-500 cost 30 million credit maintain cost 5m amount 50 walker and 2000 men
[ ] rebuild the imperial trooper academy
The old academy that once raised an army to rule the galaxy, the Royal academy's of Dromund Kaas needs to be rebuilt and function as an academic school teaching the best and brightest in the art of war.
Cost 10 capital good 20 consumer good and 300 million credit
Upkeep 10 million credit
[ ] now what do you do with this
You have 10 cryogenic preserves sith inquisitor what do u want to do with them
-[ ] Release them and hope they may serve you
-[ ] kill them (just why would you do this)
-[ ] try to talk…. (this may ensure there loyalty toward you)
The fleet you have 2 dice
[ ] evaluate the fleet
How competent is your navy you have to know what are the capabilities of the captain and the crew.
Cost 10m
[ ] distance yourself from the empire
Maybe if the new republic found you they may not completely destroy you if u change your uniform to the old sith empire one or maybe they will kill you with more fury, you never know.
Cost 450m 15 consumer good and 5 capital good.
[ ] build new ship You can only build ship from the light frigate yard to the You have 20 berths.
Light frigate yard cost
[ ] Imperial era light frigate Cost 14 million credit each cost 5 crew maintain cost 1m
[ ] Modernist sith era escort Cost 15 million credit each cost 6 crew maintain cost 2m
[ ] Nebula class frigate cost 16 million credit cost 6 crew maintain cost 2
Light cruiser yard
[ ] Arquitens Class light cruisers Cost 30 million credit each. Cost 8 crew maintain cost 4m
[ ] modernize Terminus class destroyer Cost 31 million credit cost 7 crew maintain cost 5m
Heavy cruiser yard.
[ ] Vindicator class heavy cruiserCost 50 million credit. Cost 10 crew maintain cost 6m
[ ] Harrower class dreadnoughts Cost 78 million credit. Cost 15 crew maintain cost 6m
[-] Allegiances class battlecruiser Cost 340 million credit cost 42 crew maintain cost 9.5m
[ ] Rebuild the imperial academy
You need more crew from the starting population of 300 million so you can replace the lost crew, if the worse comes to worse.
Build a normal academy produce 30 crew each turn
[ ] maintenance bureau
Well now that the imperial navy maintenance fund is not getting refilled u better take on the responsibility of maintaining the fleet.
[ ] trading
You don't have a merchant marine, maybe you need one for trading.
Add 10 merchant ship
You really have to repair this great city with the imperial citadel and repair it only a small amount of time until the rest is repaired. You have 6 dice
[ ] repair the housing sector (1-10)
You need more space for people to live and trade and a small industry zone so your going to repair it.
Cost 1b credit 20 capital goods and 10 consumer goods.
Add 10 housing.
[ ] repair the industrial sector (1-20)
The heavy industry of dromund kaas do I have to say anymore.
Cost 2b credit 30 capital good and 5 consumer good
Add 5 housing
add 4 consumer good and 2 capital good to the production.
[ ] repair the hydroponic district (1-10)
Maybe you should produce more food since there may be a population boom in the future.
Cost 1.5b credit 10 consumer good and 2 capital good
Add a production of 5 food
[ ] repair the shipyard (5-10)
The shipyard is already halfway repair, maybe you should finish the mission.
Cost 7b credit 20 consumers good and 40 capital good
Add a production of 2 consumer good and 1 capital good
Add 10 non capital berth.
[ ] expanding the city
You never know when you will need it
Cost 10b 50 capital good
Expand all city production districts by 10.
Imperial treasury you have 4 dice
[ ] the market has been running for a while, time to expand it.
Cost 300m and 10 consumer goods and 5 capital goods.
produce 3m per turn
Maintain cost 30m 3 consumer 1 food and 1 capital good.
[ ] Tax them
Cost 20m
Produce 10m
Now you have a choice what is it Governor Moff what is your destiny will you rise
To be remembered or be forgotten by time as the Sith have been.
[X] The Imperial Exam
-[X] reevaluate your army 2
-[X] reactivate old sith era droids factory 2 dice
-[X] evaluate the fleet 2 dice
-[X] repair the housing sector (1-10) 3 dice
-[X] repair the industrial sector (1-20) 3 dice
@Wingman404 you have two droid factory options down but I think the other is suppose to be one for blasters.
[X] The Imperial Exam
-[X] reevaluate your army 2
-[X] reactivate old sith era droids factory 2 dice
-[X] evaluate the fleet 2 dice
-[X] repair the housing sector (1-10) 3 dice
-[X] repair the industrial sector (1-20) 3 dice
[X] The Imperial Exam
-[X] reevaluate your army 2
-[X] reactivate old sith era droids factory 2 dice
-[X] evaluate the fleet 2 dice
-[X] repair the housing sector (1-10) 3 dice
-[X] repair the industrial sector (1-20) 3 dice
@Wingman404 you have two droid factory options down but I think the other is suppose to be one for blasters.