Star Trek: Badlands Abound


Welcome aboard the USS Pathfinder (NCC-75727), the first of the new Pathfinder-class Heavy Explorers being commissioned by Starfleet. The Pathfinders, have been designed to be a large cousin to the new Intrepid-class, are designed for long-range missions and are capable of being out on their own for years at a time. The Pathfinder has recently launched from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards located in the Sol System and finds itself docked at SpaceDock orbiting Earth. The Year is 2370...

The crew of the ship has been selected and is now assembling for its maiden voyage, with personnel and cargo arriving daily as it prepares to launch. With Staff assembling, the ship has been given the mission of heading to the frontier of the Federation and exploring into Deep Space to find new life and new civilizations on the edge of Federation space. Unbeknownst to the crew and staff events are taking place across the Federation that will alter the course for both ship and crew...

Technical Data for the USS Pathfinder (NCC-75727)
Ship Specifics:
  • Length: 658 Meters
  • Beam - 524 Meters
  • Height: 200 Meters
  • Structural Strength: 45
  • Decks: 40 Decks
  • Crew: 700 (280 Officers, 420 Enlisted)
  • Passengers: 260
  • Emergency Compliment: 2,500
  • Cargo: 2,250 Cubic Meters (90 Cargo Units)
Ship Systems:
  • Operations Systems - Class 4 (Reliability - Class A)
  • Life Support - Class 4 (Reliability - Class A)
  • Sensor Systems - Class 4 (Reliability - Class A)
  • Tractor Beams x3 (2 Forward, 1 Aft)
  • Transporters:
    • 8x Personal Transporters
    • 8x Emergency Transports
    • 4x Cargo Transporters
  • Shuttlebay
    • 4 Class 2 Shuttlecraft
    • 6 Class 1 Shuttlecraft
Propulsion Systems:
  • Impulse System - Class 6 (Max C = .9c) (Reliability - Class B)
  • Warp System - Class 8 (8/9.6/9.982) (Reliability - Class E)
Tactical Systems:
  • Beam Weapons - 14x Type X Phaser Arrays (9 Forward, 5 Aft) (Reliability - Class A)
  • Missile Weapons - 4x Type VI Torpedo Banks (2 Forward, 2 Aft) (Reliability - Class A)
  • Deflector Shields - Class 6 (Reliability - Class B)

Crew of the USS Pathfinder (NCC-75727)​
  • Captain: Captain T'Rae (Vulcan) (@UbeOne)
  • First Officer: Commander Evrithinzia "Vrithe" Sh'rhiavos (Andorian) (@CobaltCloyster)
  • Ships Councilor: Lieutenant Commander Andzisa "Andi" Ihaan (Betazoid) (@Kensai)
  • Chief Engineer: Commander Joci Malra (Bajorian) (@Jeeshadow)
  • Chief Operations Officer: Commander Vivian Vaughan "V.V." (Human) (@Scrivener)
  • Chief Tactical Officer: Lieutenant Elektra Nguyen (Human) (@Jenny)
  • Chief of Security: Lieutenant Commander Jacob Macdonald (Human) (@triumph8w)
  • Chief Medical Officer: Commander Cristina Costa (Human) (@Carol)
  • Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Commander Zara ka'Athnon (Andorian) (@AKuz)
Application Template: Remember the start date is 2370 so if you don't wish to be Human keep that in mind when selecting a race.

Position Requested:

Welcome one and all to Star Trek: Badlands Abound! This is my first jaunt into running a Play by Post RPG on SV and in the Star Trek Universe but I am no stranger to RPGs and have run plenty of games within the Grand Strategy part of the forum. I hope to see you all join our game here and have a fun experience running into strange new worlds and exploring space with our intrepid crew and ship!
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I'm thinking of a sociable Vulcan Captain, fascinated by the infinite diversity and complex puzzles that are people and cultures. Sheet to come soon.
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Commander Evrithinzia "Vrithe" Sh'rhiavos
Race: Andorian
Age: 29
Position Requested: First Officer
Strengths: Level-Headed, Kind, Detail-Oriented, Hardworking, Multilingual
Weaknesses: Cagey, Workaholic, Overthinking​

Vrithe's family never wanted her to join Starfleet. Her parents all expected their child to take over the family business on Andoria, find a few nice people to marry, and settle down. They were very insistent about this. Instead, she left home, changed her name to one she felt suited her better, attended the Laikan Military Academy and then Starfleet Academy after she chose to enroll in the organization. Running away wasn't her sole motivation, however. Vrithe wants to help people and see the galaxy, and Starfleet lets her achieve these goals.

As an officer, Commander Sh'rhiavos excels in all technical aspects of her job and is undeniably hardworking and competent. However, she is distant from her crew. Her own awkwardness around others and reticence to discuss herself and her past cause her to come across as cold and uncaring, even if this is not the case. She recognizes this flaw but does not know how to address it. Instead, she prefers to throw herself further into the responsibilities of her job that she excels at, even to her own detriment.
Gimme a sec, I have to sort through my dozens of character concepts to find an appropriate one
I call dibs on the captain!!!!!
Name: Lieutenant-Commander Zara ka'Athnon
Race: Andorian (1 quarter Aenar!)
Age: 28
Position Requested: Science Officer
Strengths: Esoteric Sciences, Hardworking, Lucky
Weaknesses: Lacks common sense, no sense of personal space or danger, weirdness magnet

Born on Andor in 2342, Zara is from a long line of Andorian Imperial Guard officers. However the call of adventure was stronger than that of tradition and Zara became the first of her family to join Starfleet instead of staying home and serving in the Guard.

Attending Starfleet Academy from 2360 to 2364, Zara spent her time exploring Earth and Sol when not attending classes and parties, causing her to develop sleep patterns that have been called "chaotic" by her friends.

Well liked and intelligent, Zara graduated in the top 5% of her class, specialising in Trans Dimensional Field Theory and writing several forward thinking papers on the topic. Due to her already burgeoning accomplishments she was accepted onto a front line exploration craft, USS Courageous as that venerable craft departed on her eighteenth five year mission.

During her two years aboard USS Courageous, Ensign (and later Lieutenant) ka'Athnon was injured in the course of duty on ten separate instances. Most notably, Zara was officers mind-controlled by the Ihrloth entity in 2365, and was one of several crew who disappeared for several days in 2366 and subjected to experiments by extra-dimensional entities.

When USS Courageous was crippled during the last days of the Federation-Cardassian Border Skirmishes, instead of waiting for USS Courageous to reenter service, Zara chose to transfer to the ageing Constellation class starship USS Docana to serve as one of that craft's science staff as the ship conducted second contact missions.

Kidnapped on no less than four separate occasions (in one case by agents of the Orion Syndicate) ka'Athnon notably was able to find her own way home each time, often by using her scientific knowledge and technical skills to defeat her captors. She was also one of a half dozen officers contacted in their dreams by a nameless trans dimensional entity who was later revealed to be a dissident of the old Orion Empire who had transcended time and space and was now looking to find their way home.

Promoted off Docana in 2369, now-Lieutenant-Commander Zara ka'Athnon has spent nine months as the commander of the Meridia VI Research Colony where she has acquitted herself well, notably for maintaining morale on the remote outpost.

However strange stars (and stranger dimensions) call, and Lieutenant Commander ka'Athnon has repeatedly requested that the Starfleet Bureau of Personnel return her to the front lines of exploration.


Personality wise Zara ka'Athnon is a deeply driven person, who has been reprimanded several times for taking risks while conducting research.

However, Zara is no reclusive researcher but a woman who enjoys making friends as much as she likes looking at strange new phenomena, and is known for attempting to make friends with anything that moves.
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Chief of Operations Vivian Vaughan "V.V."
Race: Human
Age: 28
Position Requested: Chief Operations Officer
Strengths: Level-Headed, Meticulous, Hardworking, Intelligent
Weaknesses: Overworked, Grouchy, Stubborn, Distant​

As a child, Vivian had always wanted to explore the stars. Leaving her home of Swansea for Starfleet Academy in Los Angeles, Vivian excelled at her studies, and was quickly given a position... at Starbase One. It wasn't quite the posting she had hoped for, but the young woman swore that one day, after clawing her way up the ranks of administration, she would get to see and explore the stars. For six years she has served, and she has served well.

Nowadays, Vivian is disillusioned. Yes, she is a senior officer now, but after being buried in bureaucracy and the management of hot-headed and difficult drunk junior officers, she's simply overworked and tired of it all. Even that magical experience of setting foot on another world (in this case, the moon of Io) had been tarnished by her diplomatic duties. There was no feeling of wonder and exploration to be found, only the dull, dreary work of overseeing a floating space station.

Despite the change in environment from a starbase to a starship, the USS Pathfinder looks to be no different than her other lower-ranked postings. Nothing new is likely to happen here.


Personality-wise, Vivian is the type of person who has had that sense of wonderment crushed by the weight of office bureaucracy. Being stuck in the role of a secretary on a floating starbase will do that to a person, after all. Despite being overworked, distant to her fellow officers, and in her weak moments hot-tempered, she is intelligent and possesses a sense of duty, and is highly meticulous and hardworking at her job.
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Name: Jacob Macdonald
Race: Human
Age: 40
Position Requested: Chief of Security
Strengths: Level-headed, hardworking, diligent
Weaknesses: Solitary, depressed, stagnating

All told, Jacob has led a rather bland life.

Being an only child Jacobs adolescence was unremarkable. He lived in the north american region on Earth, achieving decent grades in his schooling, before finally graduating and having his life laid out before him. Like many children of the Federation, he was enamored with Starfleet. And like some, he set out to join them. Starfleet Academy. It proved far more difficult than he anticipated, as it so often occurred to many who undertook the rigorous schooling to join the prestigious organization. Yet while he faltered briefly, Jacob found the real, true challenge exhilarating, and dove in headfirst. His graduating grades were—while not truly exceptional—struck out as higher than average.

Placed into Security, Jacob has bounced around a dozen starbases—mostly Starfleets Deep Space operations—and a few minor ships, slowly rising in the ranks until his latest transfer to USS Pathfinder, netting a promotion in the process.

To many in the Pathfinder crew, Jacob Macdonald is the epitome of a Security officer; taciturn, strict, bland, and an utter ruiner of fun. To the man himself, this is simply another in the long line of quiet postings. Still, whether its a top of the line starship or a dusty space station stuck in a backwater, Jacob intends to do his job to the best of his ability.

It's all he has, after all.
Name: Andzisa "Andi" Ihaan
Race: Betazoid
Age: 34
Position Requested: Counselor
Strengths: Integrity, Diplomacy, Telepathy, Linguist
Weaknesses: Frivolity, Scatter-brained, Traumatic past
Background: Counselor Ihaan joined Starfleet in the same spirit as many of her peers - she wanted to explore the galaxy and help people along the way. She had originally applied for Command track studies, but despite her intelligence and voracious curiosity she was never able to achieve the same level of focus as most of her class, coming dangerously close to washing out of Starfleet Academy on more than one occasion. Immensely popular from the get-go, she scraped through with the help of her classmates and mentors, but it was clear that she didn't really have the mark of command. She did, however, have a clear talent for helping others to shine, and as a result (along with her strong telepathic and empathic abilities) she was tapped for Counselorship.
It was the best of both worlds for her - freed of the crushing responsibilities of command, she could devote herself to observing and tweaking the personality dynamics of her crews, as well as providing valuable advice to her captains. As the ship's frontline diplomat, she also had the opportunity to be the face of the ship to dignitaries and other contacts.
This, unfortunately, also led to a deeply scarring experience. She was Counselor of the USS Oakland (NCC-75012), which had been tasked to provide aid to the Bajorans after the end of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. She was one of the first Starfleet personnel to personally visit Bajor, and witness the devastation wrought on the planet and its people. She worked tirelessly for several months to help the Bajorans as much as she could, and to document the crimes of the Cardassians; eventually the atrocities she had to deal with on a daily basis - and the pain of the people she was helping - wore on her to the point that she suffered a breakdown. Command ordered her on compulsory medical furlough and treatment. She recovered quickly, but was transferred from her duties to avoid a relapse.
Andzisa still feels guilty about having had to abandon the Bajoran people, although she knows that others have taken up her tasks and are carrying them out in exemplary fashion. She stays in touch with many of the friends she made during that time, who embarrass her with their gratitude. She's trying to move past and start a new chapter in her career, but is finding it difficult to let go. Despite her personal feelings, she is determined to discharge her new duties on the Pathfinder as best she can.
Quirks: Andzisa, besides her psychological and diplomatic training, is also a keen linguist despite - or perhaps because of - her telepathic talents. Among other languages, she speaks fluent tlhIngan Hol, and has been known to elicit hysterical laughter from Klingon guests with her ability to swear colourfully in a particularly dignified and almost prissy accent.
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Name: Elektra Nguyen
Race: Human
Age: 26
Position Requested: Tactical Officer
Strengths: Optimism, Tactical Acumen, Fashion Sense
Weaknesses: Naivete, Lack of experience, Neurosis
Elektra was born in Huế, Vietnam, daughter of an artist and an academic... but she wanted more excitement in her life, so she joined Starfleet, studying space combat tactics at the Academy. Assigned to USS San Jose (California-class), she narrowly missed seeing action at Wolf 359, thanks to San Jose's aging warp core acting up again and preventing her from reaching the battle in time. Instead, since graduating the Academy, most of the experience she's gained has been principally in exercises and a few run-ins with Orion Syndicate ships. Still, she's done well in those exercises and incidents, and when her bridge buddy got a post on the Pathfinder-class project, they were in a position to get her onto USS Pathfinder.
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With the crew being fleshed out very well, I am willing to open up other spots if you have a particular area/position you wish to play. Really enjoying all these apps so far!
Name: Tu'Pari
Race: Vulcan
Age: 40
Position Requested: Helm
Strengths: Unconventionality and cunning
Weaknesses: Insubordination and insensitivity
Background: Tu'Pari was raised in a high status Vulcan family and initially dabbled in many pursuits. He washed out of the Vulcan Science Academy before eventually joining Starfleet, where he proved to be a skilled, cunning, and unconventional pilot. Despite his skill, he bounced from Vulcan ship to ship due to his lack of work effort and insubordination (according to his superiors) or unconventionality and tendency to disagree with superiors over what he regarded overly rigid thinking (according to him). Tu'Pari would eventually switch career paths and apply to a mixed species ship, where he hoped he could escape what he saw as the shackles of Vulcan conservatism and his talents could be more appreciated.

Cristina Costa
Race: Human.
Age: 47.
Position Requested: Chief Medical Officer.
Strengths: Compassionate, Curious, Erudite.
Weaknesses: Privileged, Démodé, Obdurate.
Background: Born to the comforts of Sol, Cristina Costa was always free to pursue what she wanted in life. Her childhood was one part utopian and another idyllic. Her parents—having adopted a Denobulan structure for their familial unit—were manifold. They came from a variety of occupations, and each appealed to her in some way. She ultimately decided to pursue a career in medicine since she wanted to help as many people as possible. Her time in Starfleet Academy was an eye-opening experience. There, the people she met were far less fortunate than her. Despite her attempts to understand them, her time in Sol made it hard to see needs unfulfilled and wants unanswered. It did not help matters that she possessed a stubborn streak as well. It was of the steely kind. When she earned her doctorate in medicine, Cristina caught the attention of a highly respected medical officer. She spent her early career as an aide/student to them. Her mentor was very strict about the principles of Starfleet like the Prime Directive and passed the attitude on to Cristina. After her time near the metropole, she decided to expand her range of skills, seeking to heal the wound in the final frontier. The USS Pathfinder suited her purposes and so she transferred as the chief medical officer.
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Well we have a full round out of the roster pretty much, just missing a Chief Engineer! Also open for a couple extra positions if anyone is interested!
Well we got a full roster! Very excited! I am still open to see what are few waiting Apps come up with but also willing to accept a couple more in other positions if you want to join as well! Looking like this shall be an interesting adventure!
Was thinking of having a engineer who is the person who will never get the chief Position but every Chief engineer will fight to keep. Would that be something that will work in this group?
Name: Amerigo Vespucci
Position Requested:Engineer
Strengths:Strong, Decisive, and creative
Weaknesses:Workaholic, near suicidal bravery, Reckless
Background:Born on the U.S.S. Horatio to the then Chef Engineer Aurelio Vespucci he would join starfleet as 18 and serve on U.S.S. nautilus during the Cartesian Border wars. In the conflict he would save the Nautilus form being destroyed though means no one in the engendering department could explain for certain. He would later turn down the Chef Engineer position for multiple ship siting problems with commanding people and being backed by dispensary reports of acting without permission or in spite of orders.

It is Starfleet hope that daring the USS Pathfinder mission that Ensign Vespucci will come into his own and get passed what is keeping him form being the best officer he can be
Goes without saying everyone who has put up an app is accepted! Love the work you all put into these and we have two more in the wings but a sound group for sure!

Name: T'Rae
Race: Vulcan
Age: 60
Position Requested: Captain

  • Sociable: "The most fascinating learnings among the stars are of people and cultures, truly complex and chaotic puzzles to solve and admire."
  • Open-minded: "Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. We respect each other's differences and similarities."
  • Empathic: "The wellbeing and emotions of others and oneself must be understood and shared, to be factored properly into one's analyses and decisions."
  • Logical: "It is the Vulcan way to master our emotions and temper them with reason."
  • Patient: "All things come with time. The journey is as important and interesting as the destination."
  • Positive-minded: "Studies have shown that positive thinking and self-talk are beneficial for the bodies and actions of oneself and others."
  • Artistic: "The arts are truly an expression of oneself and of people, places, cultures, times, and are as fascinating as the societies that birthed them."
  • Extrovert: "Being among other people is comfortable and energizing. Liveliness is a balm for the mind, heart and soul."

  • Leader: "Coordinator. Coach. Mentor. Advocate. I am all of these, and more. To be among my team, to build friendships, bonds, and success together, it is satisfaction like no other."
  • People expert: "Through my years of life, I have observed many kinds of people, and have learned to understand and appreciate patterns and probabilities of behavior, based on their character. This is coupled with my studies of psychology, sociology, sapient resource management, and industrial engineering."
  • Problem solver: "We at Starfleet are essentially problem solvers, be they regarding people, technology, politics, science, and more. The circumstances, factors and tools may change, but the mindset and process of investigation remains, and both of them, I have learned and mastered."
  • Industrial engineer: "Machines, physics and the like may be outside my expertise, but workplaces, people, organizations, processes, interactions between man and machine, those are where I shine. Running a tight, timely, well-coordinated process, team, department or ship is a puzzle that motivates me."
  • Pilot: "It was not 'peer pressure', but rather, 'an experiment in bravery', that drove me to enroll in shuttle piloting lessons long ago. Nonetheless, I found a talent and satisfaction in flying across the skies and stars under my own power, experiencing the tumbles and turns under my control. Part of my service as a Starfleet officer was being a helmswoman."

  • Workaholic: "So many important things, so little time."
  • Perfectionist: "While perfection itself is an unreachable ideal, it is worth striving towards, and it is a journey of continuous improvement that I expect of myself and others."
  • Self-neglect: "The needs of the crew, the ship, and the common good outweigh mine. I will be fine."
  • Excessively affectionate: "Statistical and anecdotal data suggests that physical contact, more often than not, supports the wellbeing of the crew."
  • Difficulty with hard sciences: "People, organizations and processes are my specialty. Machines, physics, and other such fields… I find to be more difficult to understand. Mind-boggling, if you will."
  • Clumsy: "My body does not always synchronize with my mind."
  • Extrovert: "Being by myself is… exhausting if prolonged, and the silence can be deafening."
  • T'Rae's background can be described as that of a spacer. Her parents were Starfleet officers, having found love between each other during an exploration voyage, and she was born in the year 2310 aboard a starship. Every few years, she moved between starships and starbases as her parents were assigned to different posts.
  • As such, she found her home to be among the stars, rather than on a planet. She was exposed to many different peoples and cultures, and found fascination in them all. As change was a constant for her, she traveled light, and learned to savor each pleasant, happy moment, each friend she made and spent time with, for such things wouldn't last for long other than in memory.
  • She grew up as a people person, finding satisfaction in mingling with classmates at school. She was also the artsy type, enjoying the art classes whenever they were featured. Her history teachers would present their lessons as stories of all sorts, be they adventures, tragedies, comedies and more, and was how she became interested in the past.
  • She was also the type to be civically active, serving as a class officer and at the local student council, hoping to help her community, optimize their services, and be like a Starfleet officer, doing the right thing. Her talent for leadership began from there.
  • That said, she was also transgender, being assigned male at birth. She realized her identity at a young age and built up her logical foundation for it, hoping to meet the approval of her parents. Once she mustered the courage to come out, they were more accepting than she thought, pointing out that it was illogical to discriminate based on gender, that they loved her for who she was. They supported her throughout the transition process, which was easily achievable with Federation technology.
  • Once she was of age, at 16 years old, she enrolled at the Starfleet Academy and passed the entrance exam the first time. It was there where she learned many of the skills and mindsets that would help her succeed in her career. She was put in the command track, and while she was barely passing at hard sciences like astrophysics and starship engineering, as well as physical classes like phaser shooting and hand-to-hand combat, to her dissatisfaction, she excelled at the more socially-centric classes like leadership, investigation, psychology and management, which she could consider herself proud of. In terms of her social life, it was her ease with people and her driven yet friendly demeanor that endeared her to others.
  • It was on a dare from friends (though she'd say "it was only logical to expand my horizons") that she first enrolled in shuttle piloting classes, a skill that she found herself excelling in. She was even invited to join Nova Squadron, but she respectfully declined so as to focus on her other studies.
  • After graduating with honors despite her struggles, she was assigned as an ensign aboard an Excelsior-class starship named Enterprise-B, primarily working as a process engineer, reviewing and revising the ship's procedures and helping to make the crew as safe, efficient, motivated, and productive as could be, actively working with crewmates to do so. It was a five-year tour of duty on deep-space exploration.
  • As it turned out, the namesake of Kirk's legendary ship ended up in just as many chaotic situations, from Romulans to Klingons to energy beings, lost technology, alternate dimensions and timelines, and so much more, the sort of times that she'd wonder why she signed up for such things, only to reaffirm that bearing witness to wonders amidst terrors, meeting new civilizations, and sharing successes and burdens with friends and close co-workers, was all worth it.
  • At the end of that five-year mission, she was promoted to lieutenant junior grade, and wanting a bit of a break from the roller coaster that was the Enterprise-B, she accepted a transfer to a Constellation-class starship named Stargazer, primarily working as a helmswoman, the one steering the ship, and a sapient resources officer, helping to manage the crew.
  • It was indeed more sedate in comparison to her previous ship, albeit with its own share of adventures. She found that Captain Picard was one to admire, and while the Stargazer was less glamorous and capable than the Enterprise-B, she took it as a challenge to help raise the quality of its crew, so as to perform excellently despite the ship's condition.
  • She was newly promoted to lieutenant when the Cardassian Wars broke out in 2347. The circumstances forced her to step up as a tactical officer, having received extra training to that end. For five years, the ship was engaged in border actions against the Cardassians, and it was where she experienced the greatest loss of her crewmates, and bore witness to Cardassian war crimes, resulting in her nursing a disdain and distrust for the enemy. Her gallantry during the war was what earned her a promotion to lieutenant commander.
  • After the ship's five-year combat tour, it was reassigned to diplomacy and short-term exploration, giving the crew time to recuperate from the war. It was in the year 2353, during an investigatory away mission she participated in, that she lost a good friend and teammate, Jack R. Crusher. Due to circumstances, she was unable to effect a rescue from the accident that trapped and endangered him, and she could only obey the captain's direct order to evacuate without him.
  • It was the year 2355 when the Stargazer was attacked unprovoked by what would later be known as a Ferengi starship. She helped execute the improvised steps for what would later be known as the Picard Maneuver, and she was among the surviving crew that had to abandon ship afterwards. When the captain was court-martialed, she was among the witnesses who defended him.
  • Her next assignment was aboard a Constitution II-class starship named Atlantis, a younger sister ship of the Enterprise-A, primarily working as first officer and chief sapient resources officer. She felt right at home specializing in the overall competency and wellbeing of the crew.
  • The ship's missions were primarily second contacts, medium-term exploration, and disaster relief. While first contacts were as fascinating as was expected, she appreciated being able to familiarize herself in greater depth with cultures that were visited before. It was like getting to spend more time with an acquaintance, business partner, or friend, as compared to meeting them for the first time.
  • Along the way, after a tense yet successful covert mission where circumstances forced her to step up and take charge as acting captain, she was promoted to commander. Things were relatively quiet from thereon, until the ship was called upon to help beat back Cardassian skirmishes in the years 2361-2366. She did her best to prepare her crew for the rigors of warfare, based on her experience from the Stargazer.
  • It was a relief when the ceasefire was called between both sides in 2366, then 2367. She lost good crew and innocents once more to the Cardassians during the hostilities, such that the enmity only became stronger. She did, however, remain professional enough to talk with them as strictly necessary, and she did her due diligence in studying their history, culture and behavioral patterns with what info she could get.
  • For three years, the ship once more went into its regular pattern of exploration, diplomacy, and disaster relief, all of which she helped coordinate with aplomb. Such missions were primarily near Federation colonies near and within the Orion Syndicate's area of operations, so as to guard them from Orion raids. There was one time, however, that, being the nearest ship available, she helped successfully defend a Klingon border colony from a combined Orion-Nausicaan pirate raid. However, the captain was killed in the line of duty, and she had to step up as acting captain. It was through repeated use of sensor decoys and the Picard Maneuver that she was able to help rout the enemy ships.
  • In the year 2370, she was officially promoted to captain, and the first command assigned to her was the Pathfinder, the lead ship of the new Pathfinder-class starships, meant for long-term frontier exploration. She was honored to be given charge of such a shiny new vessel, and was determined to see just what it and her new crew could do.

Other Notes:
  • For hobbies, she plays a self-contained electric guitar (as in the amplifier and speaker are built-in), does sculptures, and cooks manually, finding that such foods have a certain intangible quality and feel that replicated meals lack.
  • She was encouraged by parents and peers to practice a sport for health purposes, and finding many of them to be too intense for her liking, she went for golf and mok'bara, the latter being a meditative Klingon martial art that she found to be good for body and mind.
  • Her favored holodeck programs are roleplaying games, and tycoon, flight and racing simulators. She has tried dating simulators on occasion as part of her efforts to understand people more, but she finds that they are usually too simplistic compared to actual people.
  • While she is not too fond of playing cards, only doing so casually for socializing purposes, she's more than game for board games.
  • Her promotion rate was relatively slow, because while she was offered several times to promote early out of merit, she found it illogical to rush. Instead, she studied the competency requirements for each rank and made sure that she mastered them before accepting promotion, so as to dispense her increased duties with utmost quality and satisfaction.
  • She has visited Vulcan before, and found that her people outside of Starfleet were… considerably conservative, distant, even arrogant, and as others would say, "stuck-up". She was grateful for the family and upbringing she had, one that was worldly and open-minded in outlook.
  • Her quarters and office are always furnished with many natural elements, for she read studies that the brain is more comfortable and less stressed with natural environments than with artificial ones. She encourages others to include nature in their living and working arrangements, and to have a walk in the park via holodeck every now and then.
  • She is slightly more expressive than the average Vulcan. Logic and reason remain her priorities, and she remains as self-disciplined as ever, but she finds it logical to communicate with and reassure others by showing a small glimpse of her sentiment as needed.
  • Her quarters contain small mementos and sculptures from her travels across different worlds. They're not the originals, however, but replicated copies instead, due to luggage constraints. For her, it's their presence and the memories and sentiments associated with them that are important, for they remind her of the journey she has taken so far, and the many peoples she has met.
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Name: Joci Malra
Race: Bajorian
Age: Born 2340 (30)
Position Requested: Chief Engineer (Commander)
Strengths: Resilient, Experienced, Faithful (in the Prophets and the Federation)
Weaknesses: Standoffish, Rigid in leadership style, More a soldier than explorer

Joci Malra was born in the Tozhat Province of Bajor in 2340. Her parents were simple mechanics and Malra's initial childhood was as good as one could have considering the Occupation. Yet the Cardassians accused her family of being supporters of the Resistance (or perhaps they had simply angered a Cardassian officer) and while her parents escaped, Malra and several of her siblings were captured by the Cardassians and transported to an offworld labor camp. Conditions were harsh and many died, including all of Malra's siblings that were at the camp. Malra herself managed to survive by applying those few mechanical skills she had learned as a child to make herself a (relatively) valuable worker. Over the years she learned how to maintain not just the equipment the Bajorian slave workers used but also Cardssian technology as well, as many a Cardassian officer found they could avoid awkward questions and paperwork to get work done if they just told Malra to do it. She kept her head down and for a decade it worked.

By fate, or the will of the Prophets, the camp she was at was located near the front with the Federation and one fortunate day Starfleet arrived, saving the inhabitants of the camp. With few skills, a decade of severe traumas, and no way to return to Bajor and find her family, Malra would accept the recommendation to Starfleet when her relative proficiency with technology was discovered by her rescuers, although she would not attend Starfleet Academy on Earth, going to a non-Sol auxiliary campus.

Following her commissioning as an Officer, Malra was generally assigned to the Cardassian Front, considering her understanding of Cardassian technology and military mindset. After several years in the literal trenches, and a promotion to Lieutenant, she was transferred to the New Orleans class USS Lafayette in the engineering division.

The Lafayette was often on the frontlines of the skirmishes with Cardassia, giving her a wealth of experience as a Starfleet engineer in the most trying of circumstances. She was well liked by her peers but was also regarded as standoffish with few acquaintances among her crewmates. Still, she made her way up the ranks, achieving the rank of Lt. Commander and the position of First Engineering onboard the Lafayette. Then suddenly the War came to an end.

Following the ceasefire in 2366, the Lafayette would still often patrol the ceasefire line but it also occasionally embarked on several exploration missions, giving Malra a long delayed taste of what Starfleet was truly meant to do. And Malra liked it. She had never truly dreamed of exploring the galaxy and suddenly she was seeing things she never could have dreamed up when she looked up at the night sky of Bajor as a child.

Yet that would not last and in 2369 the Occupation suddenly ended. Bajor was free, and Malra could return home. While her application for a transfer to DS9 was denied, she was quickly offered a prestigious position in the new Bajorian Militia, desperate for skilled officers. She almost accepted that position and tendered her resignation when the Captain off the USS Lafayette approached her with the offer of a transfer to serve as an engineer for the Pathfinder project and help with the construction of the USS Pathfinder in its final year.

After an agonizing decision, Malra decided this was a message from the Prophets and she remained in Starfleet, moving to Mars. Her work on the Pathfinder project was notable that she was offered a promotion to the rank of Commander and the position of Chief Engineer on the Pathfinder on its launch. The little girl from Tozhat who fiddled with self-sealing stem bolts and looked up at the sky would now see all the wonders the cosmos could hold.