[X] You need a lawyer. There is, unfortunately, only one being the Federation is aware of who might qualify: Q. Aftempt to summon and then negotiate legal representation from the most notorious entity in Starfleet history.
[x] This is preposterous. The Q are tricksters, not legal experts, and there's no proof of anything she's said. We'll see if we can maybe...devise some kind of jamming technology that could at least stop Q interference? Or maybe slow it down?
[X] You need a lawyer. There is, unfortunately, only one being the Federation is aware of who might qualify: Q. Aftempt to summon and then negotiate legal representation from the most notorious entity in Starfleet histor
[X] You need a lawyer. There is, unfortunately, only one being the Federation is aware of who might qualify: Q. Attempt to summon and then negotiate legal representation from the most notorious entity in Starfleet history.
[X] You need witnesses. This is clearly a time travel based issue, and likely dependent on our recent decision to visit Sha Ka Ree, so we need to call in Starfleet's historical experts on time travel, the Prophets, and Sha Ka Ree. The Q will be serving the targets, so actual existence at this point in time is not necessary.