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<Intro goes here. At present, deliberately left empty.>

This is a civilization-type quest. You...


Healing-type writer
<Intro goes here. At present, deliberately left empty.>

This is a civilization-type quest. You will take the reins of one of five countries—Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark or Iceland—and guide it through what is perhaps its greatest challenge yet.

Shall they lead the way to a glorious future, or fail, and fall face-down into a ditch? You will decide.

It will follow the CK2 system, but rather loosely. Expect fluff to take precedence over crunch if they ever conflict.

Oh yes. It's based on Stand Still. Stay Silent - the webcomic.

("What are you doing?" You ask. "Another quest?"

This one will not have as many in-character story elements. Oh, there'll be some, but don't go in here expecting Hyperdimension Rising. I'm having fun with the dice, that's all... we'll see how long it lasts, I suppose.)
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<Character sheets go here. Character selection currently in progress.>
Intro: Norway
Day 0

John Johnsen
Minister of health, Norway

"—I suppose what I am saying is, in summary, won't someone please think of the children?"

There was a low murmur through the Storting at that line. Petersen had always been known as somewhat of a joker, but something about his visits to the mainland had broken him, and his humour was growing increasingly dark. Privately, I thought he was simply trying to cope with a stressful situation.

We were half an hour into an hour-long presentation on the latest attempt to, to quote, 'Harmonise academic rating systems throughout the Euro-zone'. Which Norway wasn't a member of, a fact which—to our frustration—mostly meant having to follow their rules while not having a vote. Not without kicking and screaming all the way, and some of that kicking and screaming was happening right here and now.

Even Petersen's always present smile had turned twisted. What was going on down there, I wondered?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He looked down at his notes, seemingly fighting with himself. His hands were visibly trembling. Finally, coming to a decision—

"This is—nonsense. Their entire system. Testing theories is well and good, but they're refusing to look at their own results. What's the point of standardised tests, if it means our children will end up worse off in the end? Well, I'm telling you here and now: I've talked to the experts, and no-one, literally no-one with any experience thinks this is a good idea. It may cause some trouble, but I think it's worth making school transfers a little harder, if it means a better system of education. Now, I'll go on if you wish, but the rest of my presentation is more of the same."

Same old Petersen. You could take the kid out of school, but I guess you couldn't take school out of the kid. We'd known each other for decades, and I'd felt absolutely zero surprise that he'd gone for this position.

We were both members of the Progress Party, one of the rising stars of the Norwegian political system. I didn't agree with a lot of their policies—god knows, I wasn't a racist—but neither could I stand back and pretend that the issues they claimed existed were nonexistent. At least they acknowledged them. 'Fix the system from the inside,' was what my family had said, and it seemed to be working out; two or three more decades, which is what I figured I had before retirement, and we might be getting somewhere.

Meanwhile, most of the Ting was nodding along. Petersen's speech had been nominally addressed to the president of the Ting, per procedure; now he was taking stock of the atmosphere and coming to a conclusion.

"Informally, then. Who agrees with his conclusions?"

I raised my hand. So did most everyone else.

"The ayes have it. This was a purely informational presentation…"

"The committee of education will be ready with a formal proposal in a month's time. Naturally, if we are choosing to break with Europe, there are a number of other improvements that can be made."

I gave Petersen a nod as he returned to his seat. Well done.

The president went on. "Next on our agenda, a presentation on the state of… flood preparations in Vestlandet."


I tried to wrap my brain around that idea. Wasn't that part of the country all cliffs?

Instead of listening, I looked at the latest dispatch from the ECDC. The rash had spread to three more countries; still no sign of a cure; still no sign of any of the patient zeroes getting better, for that matter. It was starting to worry me a bit. A ninety-five percent infection rate meant that it'd practically put the country out of order for a month, even if the patients got better on schedule.

If it were politically feasible, and practically possible, I'd have pushed for quarantine—the way Iceland was doing right now.


"I say screw roads! Let's let it wash away once and for all, and start relying on boat traffic!"

"Speak for yourself! I have things I need to go get. Like… my poor grandmother!"
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Intro: Iceland
Day 0

Sigrún Magnúsdóttir, minister of environment and natural resources
Icelandic Althing

"—The ayes have it."

The national parliament dissolved into murmurs, each of the members thinking of the best way to present their decision to the people at large. Quarantining the country was an extreme measure. Quarantining it for mainly economic reasons would have a lot of people angry at them, but they simply didn't have the healthcare capacity to handle that many people sick at once. It could have gotten nasty.

"Sigrún? Hold on a second."

"What's the matter?"

I looked to Armund, who was tightly gripping a stack of paper in his hands. He didn't seem to have noticed he was tearing them. He looked a little haunted—well, he had only barely won his re-election.

This had potential.


I blinked.

"I'm going around, asking people for their emergency plans. What would happen if we can't lift the quarantine? How are our strategic mineral reserves?"

"Minimal?" I hazarded.

"Well, we don't have any mines, and the geologist practically laughed in my face when I asked about it. There have got to be contingencies, right?" He looked around. "Education, power, industry… let me get back to you. Try to dig something up."

He ran off towards the minister of trade, showing not even the slightest bit of composure.

What on Earth was that about?

— — —

"There's no way they would pull off a thing like this if they weren't a tiny island. All they have to sell is horses anyway."

"And fish."

"Hey, I'm happy for them! They'll do fine on their own for a long time, they've got their food to eat and their endless free energy. That's all anyone needs."
Intro: Denmark
Day 3

"…This makes Denmark the first non-island nation to close its borders in an attempt to hinder the spread of the so-called 'rash illness' to the country.

All traffic over the Øresund bridge to Sweden, and across the southern border to from Germany will be suspended at 16.00 today, and international boat traffic will be redirected into Swedish waters.

The various authorities behind this decision have taken a 'better safe than sorry' stance because of the unpredictable spread of the illness. It was first diagnosed only five days ago. The first patients were a group of eleven illegal refugees arriving on a boat to Spain last week, and so far both the nationality of the refugees and the genealogy of the pathogen remain unknown.

The pathogen has an incubation time ranging from several days to almost two weeks. It is already contagious during this period, and affects both humans and other mammals.

The pathogen does not survive long outside a host, but spreads easily through the airways. The first visible symptoms are the distinctive patches of rash-like skin ailments, commonly followed by vomiting and sporadic fever spells.

Very few details about the current status of the initially affected patients have been released to the general public, but the illness has caused no fatalities.
Intro: Finland
Day 5

Anne Toivakka
Minister of foreign trade and development, Finnish parliament

"And in other un-exciting news: There is still no news about whether our government is going to limit traffic into our country or not."

"Figures. I bet the clowns are playing political chicken with their Swedish colleagues."


I turned off the radio.

"Well, are you?" The teasing noise came from the back seat of my car. "Cluck. Cluck, cluck—"

"Quiet, you, or you won't get that magazine."

Anu drew an exaggerated breath. "Anything but that! If I can't have my magazines, I'm just going to dieee…" She drew out the 'e'. "You know I saved my allowance for that, right? It's my right to have it."


"I want a magazine too!"


"Got it." I heard them scuffle for a few moments. Elias squealed, before falling silent. At times like this I always wondered what I'd find if I looked back; how did she silence him so easily?

If I asked, she just said "You don't want to know, Mom."

I allowed myself a fond smile before pulling out onto the main road. At twelve years, Anu was the best daughter I could have asked for—smart, fast to make friends and quick on her feet—and Elias was no chump either, even if he was barely six.

It was why I didn't want to worry them. I'd let Anu talk me into this car ride, but it'd be her last one. We'd already stocked up on non-perishable food, and we had a perfectly good internet connection at home. I could handle things from there.

The rash illness worried me. Really worried me. It had been a week, and to the best of my knowledge no-one had died yet, but they weren't getting better either. That's why, if it came to that, I'd send them to their father at his retreat. We'd split up several years back, but only because of personal differences; I was sure he loved them just as much as me.

If it came to that.

If it came to that, it meant I wouldn't see them again.

Cluck, I cursed internally.

— — —

"Dying on a boat is a heroic way to go. I prefer it to dying at home from some weird illness."


"I want you to know that I loved you. Both of you."

Intro: Sweden
Day 9

Gabriel Olafsen
Minister for Health Care, Public Health and Sport, Sweden

"Locations with significant infected populations will be put under martial law. A ban on public gatherings. Complete isolation of the country, no exceptions; partial quarantines of all cities. Checkpoints."

I looked around the committee, staring each one in their eyes.

"Are you out of your mind?"

They didn't flinch.

"This would destroy our economy. To say nothing of the consequences for public confidence!"

They still didn't flinch.

"Give me something!" I pleaded, watching from stone-faced expert to stone-faced expert. "At least say this is a short-term thing!"

"With all due respect, sir—" I stared at Ole through bloodshot eyes. He paused for a second. "The consequences for the economy will be a lot worse if we're all dead. This isn't a joke, and it isn't short-term. It'll get worse before it gets better; much worse. Let me just repeat the report again."

"Oh god, you don't have to—"

He went on mercilessly. "Seven dead, of the original eleven. Six hundred of the secondary and tertiary infected, mostly in Spain, but we've now passed fifty in France. Two right here in Sweden; five in Denmark, one in Norway. We may still be able to contain it, but the rest of Europe can't. We need to take extreme measures, and soon, if we want to have any chance of maintaining society. You have no choice, sir. No… I suppose you do have a choice."

He continued flatly.

"You have a choice between locking down Sweden, and maybe saving most of it, or doing nothing and watching the end of our country."

— — —

"…And the rest of the pages are blank. Hm. I suppose they ran out of reporters."
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Wait is this crossing with Jojo? The title and first guy's name is of the appropriate style to be a Jojo. The plague could easily be the work of an enemy Stand.
Wait is this crossing with Jojo? The title and first guy's name is of the appropriate style to be a Jojo. The plague could easily be the work of an enemy Stand.
No. Sorry. No crossovers at all.

So... character selection time, as it were!


Character Selection:

This is not a complete list of pros and cons. Do your research, if you wish to make a truly informed decision.

[ ] Norway

Pros: Small population, strategic resources, easy access to the Atlantic, mountainous terrain.
Cons: Small population, mountainous terrain, already infected.

[ ] Sweden

Pros: Quarantine measures already in place, strategic resources, large forests.
Cons: Agriculturally not self-sufficient. Not uninfected.

[ ] Finland

Pros: Not infected, small population, high-tech industry w/strategic resources.
Cons: Shares a border with Russia. Agriculturally not self-sufficient.

[ ] Denmark

Pros: High-tech industry, advanced educational system, compact, high population.
Cons: Compact, high population. Severely infected. Lacks resources. Agriculturally not self-sufficient. Shares a border with Germany.

[ ] Iceland

Pros: Easy access to the Atlantic. Island nation. Not infected. Geothermal power.
Cons: No mineral resources. Lacks forests. Small. Volcanic. Very small population.
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I suspect that unless quarantine goes unusually well in Sweden, that the agriculture not being self sufficient soon won't be a problem any more. Hopefully Sweden can stock up on fire causing agents, lots and lots of fire inducing agents, preferably the potent ones.
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[X] Finland

Pros: Not infected, small population, high-tech industry w/strategic resources.
Cons: Shares a border with Russia. Agriculturally not self-sufficient.

I have read the comic, so I can give few tips to people. @Baughn, you mind if I spoil few things?
I have read the comic, so I can give few tips to people. @Baughn, you mind if I spoil few things?
Not really. Just be aware that I may change things around a bit, but the—ahem—SV-style competency is why you might this time end up a little better than in canon.

Trying to keep the populace unspoiled is probably an exercise in futility. :p
Norway: We have lots of options. Sea provides food, while Fjords offer protection. Problem will be controlling the outbeak, as the same geography that works for us also works against us. Any place that gets overrun will be damn hard to cleanse.

Sweden: Easy mode much like Iceland. Problem will be controlling the borders. Danes from the south will try to cross to us and unless we take drastic measures, infection will spread in. We have borders in every direction and they are long, so even with the quarantine already in effect, there will be slip us. We will be trying to plug those holes as soon as they appear, so we less acting and more reacting.

Finland: We are going to lose control of most of the nation. Too sparsely populated to maintain proper control. Russian refugees will be problem. However, if we play smart, Finland will offer much to us. Waterways and forest offer food and protection and sparse population limits the spread of the infection. Good quarantine can help us to secure the important parts. We want to secure coastal cities first. Also, mages. Lots and lots of mages (compared to others). If we can maintain control long enough to establish academy for them, we got massive advantage.

Denmark: Yeah, we are fucked. No point trying to save the nation. Save what we can, bunker down somewhere remote and proceed to systematically reclaim the land. We can't hold Denmark, not as a nation. Too infected, too dense. Get somewhere safe and wait until situation calms down. Then cleanse the world with fire.

Iceland: It's basically Tutorial Island. We have food and all. Very easy to quarantine. As long as we don't let infected in or fuck up our own infrastructure, we are golden. But, if any of them gets in or we run out of resources... we are fucked. Horribly.
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The disease isn't just your standard disease either... sure it kills almost everyone... and if it was just that it would merely be absolutely horrific. Sadly it infects pretty much any mammal in general.... and you can contract from those as well. And then we're skipping past the monstrous entities some infected can become... (The monstrous entities are weak to fire though... also ice, they freeze to death)

As such one should probably assume any major city where one can't control the borders of it completely will probably get infected. Typically speaking water borders helps make this a lot easier.


Denmark: As such oddly enough while being problematic, also has a lot of opportunities. Heavily defended militarised islands can keep refugees, and 'other' issues away. Though any islands that get infected will have to probably need extreme quarantine measures or otherwise be 'purified by fire' post haste. The relatively mild winters there only make such issues measures even more necessary. If you play this nation you'll probably have to leave your moral and ethics some what at the door and go Stalin on the place. Food supply is probably easy to maintain properly in this scenario.

Sweden: many borders, but most aren't very easy to cross. The land borders with Norway and Finland are through mountains or extremely cold and fairly inhospitable terrain. Even so you'll likely still get some people through anyway, but could be worse... The nation is fairly well developed further and has resources, so those are pluses. Sadly most of it is contiguous land as well. So the current quarantine measures would need further boosting... Like burning everything around places one wants to keep and trying to build up some kind of defences to stop people just crossing in. Fences, moats, walls, what ever. You'll have to be able to do it quickly though. Interestingly enough the Swedish capital already is pretty split up by water and so... so if one blew up the bridges that could be a good start in partitioning the place?

Finland: has many lakes and water structures, which can be used as bottlenecks. It's biggest issue would be its huge border with Russia... which isn't as inhospitable by far as the Swedish borders and Russia has lots of people in it who will be running to whatever seems safest... Combined with the limited population it's impossible to patrol anywhere near most of the border, which leads to obvious and unfortunate conclusions on what will need to be done. Like giving up most of the nation in the short term, and not evacuating anyone you aren't 100% sure aren't clean... I suppose one could try quarantine measures on people to see if they get sick over a few weeks. But this would of course require figuring out how to do this safely first...

Iceland: is pretty easy, enough energy and so to more or less keep going. But lacks much population or resources to maintain a full tech base on its own... Which means you'd end up with a Schizotech society, using whatever is easiest or most required. For this one the navy would be most important... and the willingness to shoot anything mammal in the seas I guess that approach Iceland. This should be relatively doable over all... so that's something... to bad about the resources though.


Over all aside of Iceland, most places should expect catastrophic losses population wise, while Iceland can expect major regression tech wise due to a lack of resources.

Each of the options have their pros and cons clearly, each one has different options available. Though aside of Iceland nothing but Stalin like levels of quarantine enforcement is going to let you save much of the population at all for other locations. (But they either are better for farming 'Denmark' or Industry 'Norway,Sweden, Finland'.)
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Actually infected don't freeze to death. They fall to sleep, much like insects and reptiles.
No they do freeze to death. Sadly they can avoid it if they can find sufficiently good shelter and group up in large nests. Sufficiently good shelter for instance might constitute cellars and reasonably well made housing. Still it limits where they can stay in the winter.

Also I noticed I forgot Norway..

Well to be short on it Norway has a lot of places that can be more easily isolated from each other, though obviously aside of their more flat and populated Southern Area, these various pockets usually don't have to much population... Thus obviously one is going to go all in thus trying to defend atleast a few of the more populated ones. Defensibility is thus a bit between Denmark and Sweden, with Sweden like resources. Tough game, but some redoubts atleast can probably make it through.


On a positive note... I suppose it's good most military forces have bio-chemical warfare suits?
Can the infected swim? If not we could, if choosing Sweden, fall back and leave the upper half of North (leaving the mines in Kiruna might hurt but we can reclaim them later) and blow the bridges over the rivers. Sweden got a lot of those going south it was a cornerstone of the defence planning for a long time so dusting of the old plans should not be that hard.
Can the infected swim? If not we could, if choosing Sweden, fall back and leave the upper half of North (leaving the mines in Kiruna might hurt but we can reclaim them later) and blow the bridges over the rivers. Sweden got a lot of those going south it was a cornerstone of the defence planning for a long time so dusting of the old plans should not be that hard.

As far as the comic goes, no. They can't swim.

Also, where do you think we could retreat as Sweden? You are essentially taking Sweden and throwing away all reason to pick it! If we let North fall you can bet your ass South will fall too. You are breaking the quarantine, the one strong point Sweden has.
Also, where do you think we could retreat as Sweden? You are essentially taking Sweden and throwing away all reason to pick it! If we let North fall you can bet your ass South will fall too. You are breaking the quarantine, the one strong point Sweden has.
The active mining industry would also come in handy, to be fair. :)
The active mining industry would also come in handy, to be fair. :)

Yeah, and he is suggesting abandoning those. If we choose Sweden, we want to hold to those so we can benefit of them. If our plan is to bunker down, Iceland and Denmark offer better options for that since we are already abandoning most of the country.
Mostly considering refuges from Finland/Russia. When they cross the border they will head south first stop would then be Luleälv (one of the few military bases in Sweden is in Boden next door so that is a plus) sadly Kiruna is north of the river and the main railway from Narvik to Luleå goes through there. On one hand that place is horrible to get to if we lose the railway believe me. :cry:

If there is one place we might lose it will be this area so rather get people with the knowhow and gear out of there.