Squelchy Violence: A Turnip28 Grand Strategy Roleplaying Game

Introduction & Rules

Always Watching

Definitely NOT an InventCo shill
Squelchy Violence: A Turnip28 Grand Strategy Roleplaying Game
Churned mud and swampland stretches out into the gloom. Thick fog hangs heavy in the air. Rolling barrows loom out of the murk. A strange root writhes underfoot.

A thousand years after the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz, the world has fallen into decay. Endless war has led to technology stagnating, and beautiful countrysides have been ground to a thick ruin under the boots of a million dead men.

Now, nothing grows. A bizarre and horrible root covers the land, strangling the life from the trees,
poisoning the water, and filling the sky with an acrid mist. Humanity barely endures by harvesting
this disgusting tuber. It twists their bodies and minds, infesting their thoughts with divine visions of lost vegetables.

Bizarre religious orders have formed. They stockpile abandoned weapons unearthed by the twisting roots. Marching in column under fluttering banners, brandishing mud-clogged muskets and rusted bayonets, they are cruel parodies of long-forgotten armies on the march.

Gather your troops. Fix bayonets. Devote yourself to the roots.
- Turnip28 Core Rulebook

Gretch moved forward. The world stank and this thrice-damned fog wouldn't lift, but she still moved forward. Every step thus far had been agonizing. Every step further would be even more so. Yet forward she went, one small part of a might column of soldiery. Behind Charles, but before Berty.

The muddy earth beneath her greedily gobbled every last footfall, her latest Blessing had been a weighty one to her right side, ensuring that foot sinks ever deeper once she plunges it down. And made each pull upwards on every other step forward into an effort worthy of a medal. Or at the very least a nice warm meal.

Mmmmm… Phantom images of tasty tasty meats seemed to dance their way across the thin slit of her helm. The thin slit through she could see the back of Charles as he similarly struggled through the wasteland. His own Blessing had made his boots ill-fitting, they weren't meant for feet that wide or toes that dexterous. Ah, but Charles wasn't important right now. What WAS important was Potatish pie… Geets stew… Surprise sausage…

First came the thundercrack, then the impact. The viscera that had been Charles suddenly washes over Gretch, further dampening her already soggy uniform. She wheels around to see the lot of wretches charging forth from the fog, curses and prayers from either side soon filling the air as everyone begins to yell whatever would flit to their minds first.

Gretch's left arm reaches around her neck to clutch the holy hand-shaped parsnip she wore there tight, while her right arm raises the banner of the Radishire Irregulars higher. Her new other right arm and other left arm soon began to affix her bayonet to her rifle. She knew what the order would be even as the congested voice of some Toadie or another bellows it out to what remains of the column.

"Counter-Charge! Counter-Charge!" As Gretch readies herself to do just that, she gets a bit of a lick at some of the Charles in her helm. As wretched as expected. He'd always been a man of poor taste.


Turnip28 is a world where inhabitants dreamt up by Heironymous Bosch high on one too many rancid potatoes engage in warfare more at home in a Monty Python skit than a battlefield. The commanders of said battle are advised on their tactics by a thoroughly drunk cadaver of Napoleon and the screaming of root vegetables.

In this game, players will take on the roles of Regiments, zealous bastards dedicated to one esoteric cause or another, as they wage a war over the foul and pockmarked county of Cist. This is a world as stained in character as it is in hope, where your darlings are sure to die a death most brutal for reasons most silly. It is what they do in the interim, the sights they see, the stories they inspire, the Blessings they nurture, and the Burdens they accrue that matters. The stories of Squelchy Violence will be the tales of how your ragamuffin renegades either shamefully suffocated in the swamps of Cist, or accomplished their heart's desire.

While I personally heavily advise you to go out and check the Core Rules and Swollen Magglette Issue 1 (linked here on this Turnip28 patreon post) for a proper look into the world of Turnip28, it is not required to play Squelchy Violence, with the system being chopped and churned into a form more fitting for a more rules-lite, narrative experience. That being said, joining the Squelchy Violence Discord IS necessary to play, if only for the ease in which questions can be fielded, diplomacy conducted, and battles administered. More information on the world of Cist proper is to come. But for now… Let's see what sort of Regiment you can cook up, following 4 principle ingredients you can toss into the pot to give it some unique flavor. Creed, Burdens, Units, and Blessings.


In Squelchy Violence, Regiments are a collection of violent and pathetic fanatics gathered for a glorious purpose. Most often the veneration of a root vegetable and the bloody suppression of anyone who preaches a different gospel, no matter how minute the difference. Before or perhaps even while you decide what sort of units to fill your Regiment with, keep in mind the Creed of your Regiment.

The Creed will be the preeminent belief of your Regiment. It's what holds them together in the face of panic, the dream they use to inspire raw recruits to replenish the Regiment, and how they cope with living in a world as violent and deranged as Cist. Because the minds of the Cistish aren't exactly steel traps, best to keep the initial outer layer of your Creed to one or two sentences. Even if it has more meaning to it beyond that, you'll need something easily digestible, yet potentially profound to draw people in. Good Creeds can be mission statements for your Regiment, obscure religious beliefs, or a moral doctrine. Great Creeds are all 3.

The door crashed inwards as several large men carrying cudgels and wearing evil grins entered the hovel. The elderly couple grimaced as brutish soldiers helped themselves to their valuables. Through the remains of the door frame the couple peered outside into the evening light. A horde of shuffling men and women marched through the village square, their formation resembling something less like an army and more like a millipede with a limp. Hunched and crooked, they stumbled forward in a grumbling mass to the chanting of Hedge Priests and the barking of Snobs.

Visors locked by rust, bayonets bristling, mossy tufts sprouting from filth- caked bodies; they were the Regiment…
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1


Troops in a Regiment are usually a ragged and miserable lot, broken up into two categories. The high and mighty Snobs, and their fervent Followers.
From there, Snobs and Followers further diversify. But first, let's start with the Snobs. Armed with only pistols and sabres, Snobs don't typically get their hands dirty, instead preferring to gesture and yell their lessers into positions.

A Regiment is always led by a character known to their Followers as the Toff. Individuals exhibiting odd mutations and outstanding personalities, Toffs represent the fanatic holy men, inspiring commanders, and dubious prophets that aim to gain a reputation in the Swamps.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

The snobbiest of Snobs is the Toff. This is the leader of your Regiment, the one whose dubious charisma holds the Regiment together. Every Regiment has a Toff and following them leads one to greatness. Or at the very least to a more interesting life than standing around a settlement, waiting to die of disease while they harvest from the Root. Every Regiment starts Squelchy Violence with one Toff, and can only ever have one Toff at a time.

Following the Toff like leeches are a collection of squabbling Toadies. These are the snivelling subcommanders that fawn and flatter their self-important Toff on their crusade.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

Second in every meaning of the word comes the Toadies. These lickspittles and yes-men of the Toff are the ones who carry out a Toff's orders to the rest of the Regiment and enact their ineffable will. In combat, Toadies act slavishly on the dubious tactical acumen of their betters, following the orders granted to them to the letter. If the Toff should ever fall, one can expect a Toadie to clamber into position and take up the Toff's place in the Creed of the Regiment. Every Regiment starts Squelchy Violence with one Toadie, but more can be gained or replenished by recruiting at cities. More on recruitment later, but keep in mind you can only ever have at most 3 Toadies within a Regiment.

Snobs all start with a number of Followers they can command, depending on the Snob in question. All Toffs are recruited and start the game with 2 units of Followers, Toadies with only 1. Toffs can command up to 4 units of Followers at most, and Toadies 2.

Followers are much more diverse than Snobs, coming in a wide variety of underlings. Their weaponry typically comes in 1 of 3 types. Most common are crude melee weapons such as axes, bayonets or spears. Cruder still if slightly less common for it, missile weapons such as bow, slings, or particularly vicious potatoes are all deadly implements in the right hands. Finally there are the black powder weapons, rusted relics of a lost age. Muskets, blunderbusses, and other things that go boom in their own right.

Forming the core of most Regiments, these Followers are the masses willing to lay down their lives for their odd causes. Malnourished saps, Fodder are gathered together in tight order and pushed onwards by pounding drums and inspiring banners.
-Swollen Maglette Issue 1

The Fodder are the fierce fanatics who won't stop until the enemy has been extinguished or all that can be eaten has been eaten. Usually both. As they march, they grind the world to further muck in their hideous columns at the behest of their strange masters. While compared to the other, more capable Followers below, a collection of Fodder may not seem all that useful or exciting. Until you remember that quantity can be a quality all its own. For every armored brute or daring cavalry unit, there is always the strength of the mob to render it low. A unit of Fodder can also last longer than their contemporaries simply by having more people in their unit to survive getting slaughtered, and can find strength in working with another unit of Fodder as they drown the enemy in bodies. Strength in numbers and all that.

Especially dedicated to the cause and completely addicted to the strange powers of the roots, Brutes are relatively well fed and often heavily armoured.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

Brutes are the elite fighting units, equipped with armor to resist pain and armed with weapons to dish it out. They are also the only baseline Follower that can receive Blessings, a privilege normally reserved for Toffs, on account of them occasionally mustering enough muscle to choke down a holy tuber or two before a commander can get close to seize it for themselves.

Representing the lighter skirmishing troops, Chaff are remarkably terrible shots considering all their boasting, but their ability to distract and confuse opponents proves invaluable in the heat of battle.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

Chaff are skirmishers and scouts, allowing a Regiment the opportunity to have someone to advance forward and report on dangers while traveling, while also providing some sharpshooting skills whilst in the thick of battle. They might not necessarily hit something from that far away, but they'll certainly get the enemy's attention, and keep it away from more valuable troops!

Next up are those Followers lucky enough to have a mount. The Root has warped the animals of Cist into strange things indeed, and once properly tamed, they serve- Well, if not good, then certainly good enough to ride upon once directed to charge in a given direction. Allowing the rider in question to move faster than their fellows.


Roaming the countryside in packs, these riders stalk the endless columns of pilgrims that march through the fog, picking off the starving, the feeble, and the afraid.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

Whelps are cowards, first and foremost. Using their less than noble steeds to ride into danger, strike once, and then dash off again before the enemy can retaliate. Or at least, that's the plan. More often than not, the Whelp in question often overestimates their speed, underestimates the competency of their targets, and rarely considers the willingness of their mount to peel off after having been urged in one direction for so long. But enough manage to execute this ill-conceived notion that most Whelps carry a brazen confidence they can pull it off again later.

The illegitimate offspring of the countless Toadies who travel through the marsh. Eager to prove their worth to their uncaring parents, they thoughtlessly hurtle headlong into the most gruesome combats on their frothing steeds.
-Swollen Maglette Issue 1

Quite unlike the Whelps, Bastards are fierce calvary berserkers. They charge the enemy with their horrifying presence, and will continue pushing through them until they die, the enemy dies, or their Toadie parent finally gives them the oh so coveted Nod Of "You did fine, I guess". The former two are more likely, frankly.

Finally comes the artillery Followers. Of which there is only really one type available to you without taking on a Burden.

Stump Gun
Heads are pulped, legs severed, and arms are torn from their sockets as plumes of blood and mud erupt from the enemy ranks. The ancient relic laughs its bellicose laugh and another cannonball is rammed down its greedy gullet.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

The Stump Gun is the terror of the battlefield, and in its prime could have decided wars in its own right. However, it is a long way from its prime. Whether an actual survivor of the times from before the Root, or simply a poor imitation cobbled together in the times that have emerged since, the Stump Gun unit comes with it's own crew of dedicated cannoneers, who once they have been placed onto a battlefield, will refuse to move until the battle is concluded. They would never abandon their precious grumpy darling! Even should it suddenly combust and take them out with it!

In the bitter and stubborn lands of Cist, ideas tend to live longer than the men who would gladly die and kill for them. A Regiment could be slaughtered almost in its entirety, and so long as even the meekest, most pitiable wretch of Fodder manages to get away, that Regiment still lives on. So long as the Creed is spread thoroughly through the hearts, minds, and other such organs of the Regiment, there will be those willing to pass on its blighted philosophy to other minds, recruiting new units from cities, towns, and settlements, or even giving themselves a promotion to Toff should they suddenly lack one.

While this means that a single bad battle won't doom a Regiment, it also means that warfare is a terrible, abrupt, and vicious thing. To truly wipe out a Regiment is to conduct a battle so hideous and visceral that no trace of your enemy can escape.


In other games, you might seek to flesh out a faction through a collection of perks and flaws, balancing out the good with the bad. In Squelchy Violence there is only the bad. A Burden is a noticeable flaw that your Regiment carries with them, that impacts the way they conduct themselves and wage war. While mostly negative, one can grow strong and hardy from carrying a Burden, and exploit the opportunity such a weight can create. All Regiments must select one and only one of the sample Burdens from the list below.

  • Stranglin' Harry's Wretched Recruitment Manual: Your Regiment has become quite enamored with the writings of one Stranglin' Harry, and have adopted the bellicose drill sergeant's writings as battlefield gospel. While there are one or two solid bits of tactical advice in there, relying on it too much has led to your Toff's strategic thinking becoming stale. At the start of a battle, you'll receive one of Stranglin' Harry's Wretched Tidbits that might fit the situation at hand. Your Regiment will have greater resolve executing a plan that follows this Wretched Tidbit. And have a rougher time doing something original.
  • Leery Marchers: Your Regiment has learned that caution is key, and so will often take longer while traveling the lands of Cist. Avoiding hazards, but also the possibility of encountering anything beneficial. You will always arrive where you want to be… But likely very late for any appointments you had.
  • Doddering Grogs: One of your Toff's Followers will always be a unit of Grogs, senile old fogies who have "been there and killed that" better than anyone. While this old guard are certainly capable, they can only arrive after a battle has actually started, due to them stubbornly trailing behind all the whippersnappers and youngins.
  • Feckless Blunderers: Your Regiment has learned that speed is what decides a battle, and so plunge fearlessly into the wilds of Cist while traveling. While this does mean they're likely to arrive where they intend sooner, it's unlikely for them to do so in one piece.
  • Son Of Tod: Your Regiment has made the mistake of hiring a Son of Tod. The original Tod is an infamous amphibian-like mercenary whose quixotic temperament and annoyingly good fortune ensures he's outlasted the multiple Regiments who failed to learn of his "illustrious" career. And quite unfortunately for you, his sons are all near-identical to their foul father. A Son of Tod is an additional Toadie attached to your Regiment who does not come with any Followers in their wake. They will frequently mess up the best laid plans of you and your enemy, yet will always come out of it otherwise unharmed. They cannot become a Toff, instead skedaddling whenever the cash flow stops.
  • Infamous Armament: Your Toff has uncovered a weapon most foul and grown quite attached to it. The legacy of this ill-reputed blade/pistol/especially heavy rock hangs over it like a stinking miasma, and will draw attention most unwelcome.
  • Verminious Hangers-On: Your Regiment has attracted the adoration of a herd/swarm of root-infested animals who feast on their leavings. The vermin will accompany them from battle to battle, from city to city, infesting and picking at whatever is left in the Regiment's wake. In combat they'll likely get in the way as much as aid, a flood of squeaking, oinking, braying animals taking up space, time, and attention.
  • Noble Comportment: Your Toff has always been one for the finer things in life. Mid-afternoon teas, pinkies firmly outstretched. Fine clothes and soft fabrics. Literacy. This gentile behavior suits the would-be lords and ladies of the city just fine, allowing for easier diplomacy with them. But it also tends to rub anyone and anything else the wrong way.
  • The Grand Bombard: Your Regiment doesn't just have any Stump Gun in their ranks. They have a Grand Bombard! A true terror of Cist! One of your Toff's Followers will always be a Grand Bombard. Immobile and costly to find proper ammunition for, it is a pain to reload and take with you on campaign, but fire it must, because otherwise was the point of dragging it along in the first place!?
  • Homebodies: Your Regiment has in their possession a fort or stronghold. They've become greatly attached to this singular location, whether it be located in the wastes or amidst one of the cities and townships of Cist. They may travel far to accomplish whatever lark the Snobs concoct, but they will do so morosely, lacking the enthusiasm of your average ranging Regiment. They will always long for home, and fight fiercely to return and defend it.
  • Foul Hunger: Hunger more than anything truly defines the Citish. Hunger for roots, hunger for glory, always the hunger for something more. For your Regiment, that hunger is deliriously literal. Ready and willing to cannibalize the enemy, each other, and anything that looks even mildly interesting to put in their mouths, your Regiment will never lack for nutrition post-battle, but as a result will always be yearning for something to stuff in their maw, and bellicose because of it.
  • Urbane Undesirables: Your Regiment might have had their roots as a street gang before they became a group of marauding pilgrims. More used to gutting people in alleyways and urban fighting than a grand battlefield, your Regiment prefers the cities and towns of Cist to its more rural areas, and will find navigation and diplomacy outside of these areas difficult.
  • Rapturous Rootshrine: Your Toff might have quaffed one too many radiant radishes or godly garlics, and has become bloated and insensate. No longer a mere Toff, they have ascended into a Rootshrine, a living holy site to the root and all its manifold glories. Attended to by a clergy of Toadies who interprets the will of the Rootshrine, the Followers of your Regiment have become even more zealous fanatics, charging fearlessly (and often foolishly) into the fray at the behest of their holy relic.
  • March Of The Great Big Beast: Your Regiment has come into the reluctant possession of a terrible tyrant. Whether this be a marsh-stalking horror of Cist, a heavily mutated soldier, or a fucking elephant, your Regiment somehow commands a singular unit of great and terrible power. While effective on the battlefield, caring for this creature's diet and other needs is a constant headache, and if not done so correctly, could lead the Great Big Beast to bite that hand that won't feed it. One of your Toadies commands a Great Big Beast Follower unit. That Toadie cannot command any other Follower units.
  • The Vegetable Growers Association: Your Regiment comes equipped with a group of non-combative Gardeners, fanatic farmers who know exactly how to coax the mud and grime of Cist into potent farmland for their root clippings. They travel with your Regiment in search of prime farmland so as to grow a tuber worthy of a Red Ribbon, and so the Gardeners will help keep your Regiment well-fed as they accompany you. While this does eliminate one worry from your list of woes concerning your Regiment's resources, it does mean that their concerns will frequently inform your decision making on where to take your band of reprobates next. Ignore their grumblings too frequently, and they may just decide to switch sides for a Regiment more receptive to their demands.
  • Concealed Cretinous Crustacean: You've seen it in the distance, stalking your Regiment ever since that ill-conceived expedition to the Southern Marshes. Ever since it got its first taste of you, it seems to have gained an appreciation for your robust flavor and now harries you wherever you go. Now you're seeing it emerging from the ground, snapping its claws and chattering its mandibles in mad reverie. Your Regiment is being pursued by a great big Scuttler, a crab that will spring from the marshes of Cist in the middle of a battle and start wreaking havoc on friend and foe alike. Its primary objective however, remains the consumption of your Toff and all their tasty tasty Blessings.
  • Unburdened: Oh, too good for Burdens now, are we? Well excuse me your majesty, but it seems whether you've gone and lost all your Burdens through happenstance or by deliberately picking this option at game start, you've found yourself bereft of any Burdens. Right, well. Due to your soldiery being average slobs, you'll find traveling Cist to be a bit easier. And that battles with REAL Regiments with REAL Burdens to carry are a tad more difficult.

These sample Burdens aren't the only Burdens that exist in Cist, but are the only ones that players can start with. Burdens can also be gathered by winning important battles, completing objectives relevant to your Creed, or through performing favors for the rulers of Cities and Towns across Cist. Keep in mind however, many a Regiment has fallen not to the enemy, but by simply being too overburdened with their own flaws to continue, vanishing into the swamps of Cist with naught to show for it but a good yarn passed around at taverns.

Von Sneg salivated under his visor as he leant in to sniff the relic. Carefully, he unclasped the gilded case and prized open the jewelled locket of bone that lay inside. The officer's eyes swam in delirious desire. Within the locket lay a tiny shrivelled potato-like vegetable.

Oh, it was glorious. A root, perfect in its shape, its size, its scent. He had never seen anything like it. At the back of his mind the root reminded Von Sneg of his father.

Uncaring, he reached towards the minuscule object, which was berating him about his long hair, and popped it in his mouth. The root tasted so fine as he massaged it around his gums, savouring the piquance with his tongue.

Suddenly and without warning, his head imploded. In a shower of flesh the remains of Von Sneg's neck and spine sucked violently upwards, coiling in mid-air. What was left of his features coalesced into a mass of wiggling toes and roots. His followers cheered as they clapped him on the back, then hurled his twitching body into the back of the cart.

"Good old Sneg", they murmured in the ranks.
- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

Across Cist, most vegetables that are harvested are simply mesmerizing meals that fill the head of the eater with religious awe to the roots they originated from. But some rare, blessed roots contain within them the divinity of the original root, the one that transformed the world into the squelchy war-ridden land it is today. Once consumed, they transform the eater in a myriad of ways, granting them Blessings that shift their physiology in unknown ways. Some changes are minute, an extra eye or a strange new limb, while others are drastically different.

Take the master Toff tactician Von Sneg for instance. Once a combative and handsome genius, Von Sneg found himself made even more handsome by downing a paternal potato, transforming him into a collection of ambulatory toes that still contain his battlefield prowess. They just now require a translator in the form of Weezel, Von Sneg's right hand.

Pursuing Blessings is for many Toffs the entire reason why they formed a Regiment in the first place, covetous of the power and insight that can be revealed only by consuming the holy tubers that emerge from the muck of Cist. While no player can start with a Blessing, accruing the vegetables that grant them is a worthy pursuit.

Only two types of units can receive Blessings, Toffs and Brutes, though the type of Blessings they receive is not so equal. Brutes tend to gain simple Blessings, ones that simply increase their capability in battle. Toffs, meanwhile, can gain both simpler Blessings and stranger Blessings. Ones that shift their mind and body into drastic new forms and reveal new truths about Cist that may allow them to pursue their Creed more effectively.


Turns of Squelchy Violence are only about a week in length in-game, as the battles of Cist are often quick and frequent, and there frankly isn't that much land to cover in terms of scale. You can get roughly anywhere in Cist in about a week's march, two if you intend to go from one end of the map to another. Though the majority of that will mostly be spent navigating, running into dangers, and posing a danger to others.

Orders must be constrained to 300 words, sent via DMs on SV to the GM, and can be used to perform one action per Snob present in your Regiment. An action can be used to do anything, from gathering information inside a urban area, traveling across Cist, planning an attack, recruitment of fresh blood, replenishment of your forces, building a fortification, learning or spreading rumors, and far more.

Once combat has started, players will be given an overview of the battlefield (depending on their preparations and the situation of said battlefield, additional information might be withheld or given) and asked for 200 word orders that will contain their strategy for the battle in question.

Resolving the outcome of both combat and more mundane actions is the task of the GM, who will post Battle Reports and Reports to reveal the outcome of those respective situations.

Cist is a landlocked county situated somewhere in what remains of Central Europe. Indecently muddy, miserable and home to all manner of foul creatures lurking in the mist. It is far from being a nice place. The inhabitants are equally as foul: a squabbling collection of ragged peasants, scavengers and murderers.

The apocalypse has not been kind to Cist and its people, who in general are a sour lot. They have managed to claw back enough technology to exist in a somewhat medieval state, living as they do in cobbled together fortifications and the remains of slowly sinking slums. If a visitor were to climb up treacherous steps and look out from the highest towers of Geets, the capital of Cist, they would gaze through thick fog out onto a wheezing marshland pimpled with villages. A keen-eyed tourist might spot one of the many hunched parties of puddle farmers or stilt hut scavengers.

The clanging bells and bellicose grumbling of these denizens carries along ancient and hidden paths through the swamp, while the patter of rain on rusted iron and the cry of disturbed marsh animals mark out further mysterious movements lost to the gloom. The county of Cist is an intensely schismatic place and this is reflected in its people. Every person, building and animal belongs to some form of unique cult or holy order dedicated to a root vegetable. Cistish folk—as is their correct demonym—insist on proudly costuming themselves in ancient uniforms and fashions. They will in every case resort to decorating their possessions in as many root themed icons, relics, pendants, banners and tokens as possible.

A persistent unpleasantness, the roots have been part of life for as long as anyone in Cist can remember. What little history can be gleaned from decayed papers suggests that the roots infested the world with their enormous tendrils sometime after the cataclysmic black powder conflict.

Running rampant and thriving in a countryside destroyed by war, the serpentine network of fibrous tentacles has sucked the life from the ground, poisoned the seas and fouled the air. In return for its laborious parasitism it has sprouted many strange and miraculous vegetables, which in turn feed the inhabitants of Cist. These roots have mutating, mind-warping effects, so that the people and animals of Cist and the larger world have changed in many odd ways.

- Swollen Maglette Issue 1

The County Of Cist

Cist is a land home to many strange and unpleasant things, not least of which is your very own Regiment. What follows is the only map of Cist that has ever been made:

Isn't it lovely?

Well, to be more accurate, what you're looking at is a copy of a copy of a copy, with the original having been locked away for one obtuse reason or another. New cities like Grint or towns like Blattenwall have since emerged from the muck after the map's creation while some just wasn't tracked properly the first time a cartographer traveled through an area. Though the map isn't completely useless either. Just unable to track things perfectly.

With an out of date map, bitter inhabitants, wandering rivals, and a hostile landscape, it's no wonder that travel is so dangerous in Cist. Actions to travel from one place to another will often resolve in strange occurrences, some harmful, some beneficial, and most just plain weird. It is rare for a trip to go exactly as planned in Cist, and you may find yourself queried mid-turn and presented with a conundrum to solve before your Regiment goes on their not-so-merry way.

Accurate information is hard to come by with travel being as difficult as it is. The closest thing to an information pipeline are messenger companies that travel on behalf of the bullish leaders of settlements and cities, the gossip circuits of the peasantry, and Regiments themselves spreading tales at taverns. While large events and the deeds of particularly note-worthy Regiments (foul or fair) will be shouted from the roofs of Geets and travel Cist quickly, smaller events and less interesting stories will fail to gain traction outside of immediate settlements.

The best bet you have on staying informed is by spending an action to Rumor-Monger in a settlement of some kind, learning of strange creatures, fascinating new vegetables, and the locations of Regiments that do their very best to remain hidden from the prying eyes of their peers. Rumor-Mongering also affords a Regiment a chance to inject some trumped up gossip of their own into the information pools of Cist, letting misinformation run rampant.

Recruitment is also an important action one can take in the population centers in Cist, whether that be voluntary or through press-ganging, the settlements, townships, and cities of Cist provide both fresh faces and the materials of war required to keep a unit in fighting form. Not just weapons and armor, but rations, carts, ammunition, socks; all can be pilfered or purchased to suit the Regiment's needs. Whether it be a glorious victory or a crushing defeat, one will rarely walk away from battle unscathed, so turning to a nearby settlement and pillaging it for goods will often be the first thing done to get a Regiment up to snuff.

In settlements and towns, one can only replenish the Regiment's units they had beforehand. But in cities, enough materials are on hand to completely reform your Regiment's Followers into something new. Tired of a mass of screaming Fodder? Why not slap some steeds on them and turn them into Whelps? Or armor them up and make them Brutes. Dig up a Stump Gun from some rotten backwater and hoist it onto their shoulders. Congratulations, they're cannoneers now! It's not just Followers you can gain in cities, but Toadies as well! Semi-literacy is big in these urban areas, as is unwarranted self-importance. And both are vital parts of keeping your stock of Toadies plump.

Naturally with cities, and towns being such a key part of a Regiment's supply line, one may feel tempted to try and seize them for themselves. Unfortunately, you are not the first to think this, and many cities are now home to both Regiments who had this bright idea first, or mighty homeguard companies based entirely around fending off Regimental encroachment for the benefit of the city's lords.

The 49th Shellwood Ironbacks are especially fierce if… Rather… Slow… In their… Advance… And the stilt-striding Lopers of Maudlin Marsh who guard Gerpe's walking stilt huts can cross a battlefield in but a few strides to lance the enemy. These are seasoned Regiments, not easily bested, and it'd take an equally fierce and equipped Regiment to lay them low and seize their homes for themselves. Fortunately, settlements are easy enough to prey upon and take… But without significant investment from the Regiment seizing it, that'll remain true for whichever Regiment happens upon it next.

These more prestigious and sedentary Regiments won't interfere with recruitment drives or fair compensation of the locals for supplies, but they will likely put an end to any plundering or organized criminality attempting to occur. Nor are they the sole NPC Regiments inhabiting such spaces, as many minor ones can be found limping into towns and cities after a particular battle or using it as a rest stop on their way to more glorious places.

Locations On The Map:

Geets - The capital of Cist on account of it being the biggest city, having the thickest walls and the tallest towers. Geets is a robust urban center and a delightfully dangerous place to live. When not afflicted with pox and thus locked down under a loose quarantine, visitors can look forward to dying in any number of colorful ways. From poisoning themselves with street meats of dangerous quality, to taking a wrong turn onto Mugger's Lane, to getting conked on the head by crumbling construction, all the way to getting caught in the crossfire of active skirmishes between Regiments seeking to make a name for themselves. With such resplendent and varied titles like Geets' Greasers and the Greasy Geeters, the only thing such Regiments hate more than originality is any other Regiment trying to muscle into the already quite crowded city.

Krotz - Robust in mineral wealth thanks to the bog iron resplendent through the surrounding swamplands, this once humble mining town has become not so humble. Krotz is fond of boasting, and to be frank, has much to boast about. They've got newly installed pipeworks, a constantly burning forge, high walls and iron gates. And that's not even mentioning the Krottish Footlumps, a Regiment bedecked in the best iron that Krotz can bring to bear. And seeing as they have some of the best in Cist (or so they claim), it's best not to trifle with such blatant braggarts.

Shellwood - Thanks to the Shellmother outside of Shellwood, Shellwood's snails are everywhere. On the walls, in the ground, some have even claimed to see flying snails slime their way slowly through the air. But that's probably the mucus talking. Mucus milking is indeed the primary trade of Shellwood, alongside snail-taming and shell refurbishment. Shellwooders gather the viscous substance from the many many snails of Shellwood and deliver it to neighboring settlements as a building material, diet supplement, sunscreen, and more! Slooooowly rising to meet Shellwood's enemies are the Shellwood Ironbacks, a regiment of Snail Riders who charge headlong, if at a snail's pace, towards their enemies. Those who might mistake their diminished pace for laxity however are sure to be ground to dust... Albeit.... Very....... Slowly..........

Bhir - Perhaps the most amicable of the 3 eastern Cistish cities, Bhir is not known for its weapons or its beasts, but it's brew. Bhir taverns are well-regarded throughout Cist for having some of the finest liquors in all the land, and it's hardy festivals draw many who'd suckle a stump for a sip of such sterling slop. Though how such fantastical fare is produced is likely best left a secret known only to the Bhirrish Booze Barons who command the breweries that produce such fine drink. Such breweries are defended by the likes of the Bhirrish Rots, a Regiment who will fight to the last to defend their home and their drink.

Sallow - A great city along the river Clogg, Sallow is a place of high culture, and higher standards. The people of Sallow place a great deal of importance on fashion, and looking one's best is considered as much a measure of manners as shaking every one of your appendages to demonstrate the lack of weapons attached and not commenting on the leech suckling on your hosts' ear. Though when I do say 'best', the result varies between the social classes of Sallow. The more run down denizens of the vagabond district have parallel fashion movements to those on the grand spire of Sallow, with only the rare bit of overlap. The sole thing everyone in Sallow can agree on is that the wigs of the Wigmaker's Guild are always splendid. Arch Duke Peruke, the head of said guild, has quite the heavy purse as a result, holding several minor Regiments on retainer that can combine into a furious force.

Murke - A popular tourist destination on account of the great big toad sitting in the center of it, Murke is a city that accepts all newcomers who enter, warts and all. Tourists and pilgrims alike come seeking healing and good fortune from simply touching the bulbous warts along the Toadmother's mighty frame. And while they're there, none would fault them for sampling some of the local toad meat delicacies or trying on any manner of toadskin clothing. The fact a good eighth of these visitors often go missing is a concern, but the toadish bric a brac is often well worth the cost! And besides, the Toads of Kistchmarsh Regiment are all too hoppy happy to show what happens when people get a bit too nosy into Murke's secrets, leaping into the fray with their strange footwork.

Gerpe - Describing the town of Gerpe as a town is perhaps giving it not enough credit. It is more akin to a migrational herd. Perched high above the lands of Cist on their stilts, the huts of Gerpe are able to steadily amble about in lazy circles over the swamp. How they do this is a mystery known only to Gerpe, but it might be tied to the hidden groves of strange and fibrous trees they seem to guard so fiercely, and whose lumber they sell to others in need of wood. Trees are a rarity in Cist, due to the root choking out more and more with each generation. So it's little wonder the location of these obscure thickets are kept a town secret. It has often been remarked that though Gerpe has the ability to travel far, they can be reliably found patrolling a particular corner of Cist,so perhaps it is there that they guard their secrets. Keen on silencing such brazen postulating, the Lopers of Maudlin Marsh guard Gerpe against those who desire her hidden arboreal treasures. These Lopers ride into battle atop iron shodded stilts so that they might kick and skewer their prey, and can cross most battlefields with great haste.

Agoz Castle - A crumbling bastille, the original foundation and purpose for this castle has long since sunk into the swamp. Yet the construction of new heights never stops, Agoz Castle being caught in a race between the mire of Cist and its own continual growth upwards. Still, despite its own long term insecurity, there are fewer places safer in Cist. Agoz' walls have a reputation of withstanding even the most stubborn and destructive of assailants. This is also in no small part thanks to their Regiment, the Bogwood Bulwarks. Possessing ordinance as destructive as their wit, the Bogwoods have outlasted besiegers by hurling insults and explosives at those who think they'll be the ones to finally take Agoz Castle.

Cestlemerp - A mighty fortified town, whose central castle and enclosing walls have passed through Regimental hands multiple times, making plentiful contributions to the Barrows it borders to the south as a result of its multiple Regimental wars. The Bucolic Death Regiment holds sway over Cestlemerp for now, and unlike past attempts, it seems to be growing in number after multiple assaults, not diminishing. The mystery of their increasing success is unknown, but rumors whisper that it's tied to their Creed, the exact wording of which has been lost ever since they took Cestlemerp and ceased proseltyzing.

High Merg - Once, Merg was a singular town, but those times are over. After a dispute whose origin has long since faded into the annals of history, the populace split into two factions that fought a bitter civil war to decide the fate of… Something still unknown. Still, the war ended with one side leaving the city and establishing a new one lower down the river Mergate. The current inhabitants of High Merg are the descendants of the side who remained. They are insistent upon the idea that the fact that they remained and the Low Mergans didn't means that they won the civil war. Forever feuding with Low Merg and their preposterous claims, it's likely a 2nd Merg War may break out between the two Mergs over who won the first.

Low Merg - Once, Merg was a singular town, but those times are over. After a dispute whose origin has long since faded into the annals of history, the populace split into two factions that fought a bitter civil war to decide the fate of… Something still unknown. Still, the war ended with one side leaving the city and establishing a new one lower down the river Mergate. Having left the ruined city of Merg after winning the war (or so the descendants of that side of the conflict claim), Low Mergans claim that the High Merganites are the true losers of the civil war, and as such frequently mock them. Forever feuding with High Merg and their obscene assertions, it's likely a 2nd Merg War may break out between the two Mergs over who won the first.

Jorc - It's Jorc. Jorc won the 1st Merg War. A settlement operated almost entirely by the storied Black Beet Regiment, Jorc arose from a collection of mercenaries and weapons dealers who set up shop outside the city limits of Merg so as to better protect their merchandise. This tradition has endured to the current day, and now they peddle weapons, slanderous newspapers, rare roots, and the mercenarial services of the BBR to both High Merganites and Low Mergans alike. And to everyone else, Merg military memorabilia, binoculars, snacks and heavy duty picnic tarps are all available, so that they might comfortably witness the incoming 2nd Merg War break out in all it's pointless glory.

Mireforp - A slop of a settlement barely worth the time it takes to mention, Mireforp's fishing industry in the local lakes just south of Mireforp is the sole thing that likely landed it on the original map. It has remained through iterations of Cist's map entirely due to every subsequent amateur cartographer making copies seeming to universally agree that the center of the map feels 'empty' without it.

Slops - In stark contrast to Mireforp, Slops is a settlement of far more notable renown. Slops is a holy site to the Church of the White Onion, whose central holy figure was martyred outside the settlement, dying over a century ago on the battlefield to save the people of Cist from a great evil. Or so the church claims. Since then, the Church has remained a recently fairly popular religious movement known for its great cathedrals and sizzling flagellations, that has begun to spread in the cities of Western Cist. Slops being the home of this religion has led to a full conversion of the settlement into true believers, fully dedicated to supporting the Legion of the White Onion, a hardy Regiment that is arming itself for what they believe to be the upcoming end of days.

Slek - A settlement that finds itself in service to Murke. Financially and militarily dominated by their northern neighbor and their froggish customs, Slek finds itself colonized and forced to provide for Murke in nearly every way possible. Rumors of dissent and unease have begun to spread through Slek recently, and it might not be long before they begin to revolt, or show their displeasure through… Subtler means.

The Barrows are, of course, a distinct and different area altogether. A detestably lumpy series of mounds and hills, composed from the detritus and corpses from generations of Regimental squabbling. Meanwhile the Southern Marshes simply swallowed up any attempt at cartography, so any number of things, people, and places could be there, unknown to the wider regions of Cist.

There are also, as mentioned, any number of places not on the map. The roof-rooted city of Grint and its Swelling Seasons. The town of Blattenwall and its riotous Catapult Cotillions. The lonely settlements of Vichor and Britz. Where exactly ARE these places that can't be found on the map? Who's to say? It's entirely likely they can simply be stumbled upon mid-transit to another place entirely.

Submissions will remain open until next week, July the 7th. Generally looking for 8-9 players, as this is my first time running a GSRP, I aim to keep the number of things to account for low in the long run.

To submit a Regiment simply follow this template:

Regiment Name:
Creed Description:
Starting Location:

Toff Name:
Toff Description
Toff Follower Units:

Toadie Name:
Toadie Description:
Toadie Follower Units:

An example would be:

Regiment Name: The 88th Snots Guard
Creed: "Hold your Nose-Root high, for it nose best."
Creed Description: The 88th Snots Guard is dedicated to all root vegetables that resemble the shapes of noses, and as such will scour Cist in search of such strangely shaped veggies. All other roots are lesser, for the Nose-Roots are the one true path.
Burden: Unburdened
Starting Location: Mireforp

Toff Name: Bishop-General Addlebrook
Toff Description: Constantly sneering down his protruding prominent proboscis at a world that he lacks the ability to sense, the Bishop-General mixes religious scripture with military doctrine like other Regiments, but with a far more formal and hierarchical structure. Creating a rabid mass of Followers that will follow his orders to the letter. Ill-tempered and obsessed with the length of noses, Addlebrook endeavors to have the longest in all of Cist in order to properly learn the True Stench of All, a profound prophesied revelation that will only occur to someone who holds a nose worthy to smell it. This religious mission has its origin in his discovery of the Nose-Roots as a child in Low Merg, and his lust for yet more.
Toff Follower Units: Fodder, Fodder

Toadie Name: Deacon-Sergeant Pietro
Toadie Description: Wafting behind the Bishop-General like a bad stench, the pungent Pietro endeavors to aid his Toff in his crusade for more Nose-Roots. While his own nose may lack the length of Addlebrook, Pietro's place in the Snots Guard is earned through his diligence as a battlefield commander and projectile specialist… Which he mainly gained from hucking rocks at small animals as a child.
Toadie Follower Units: Stump Gun
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Regiment: The 826nd Light Touch​

Creed: Soft Dew on Lilac Petals
Creed Description: Of all the root vegetables, there are none so noble and divine as the potato, queen of all spuds. For the 826nd Light Touch, the growth is of the utmost importance, and thus for them a sight equally as enthralling as the root itself are the flowers that spring up from it. Thus that is their path, to watch and encourage the growth of things in the hopes that they too will grow beautiful flowers.
Homeboidies - Tied intrinsically to Flower Root, the 826nd Light Touch fears going too far, lest they miss a scheduled watering.
Starting Location: Flower Root

Toff Name: La Altoparlante of Fior
Toff Description: She insists that's her name, the one she got when she was born. Obviously this means that it is true, and nobody should question it lest they lose their gardening privileges. Alto, as she is sometimes called behind her back, does try to be a gentle soul, or at least she thinks she does. The reality is that she can be every bit as violent as any toff, is equally arrogant, and most of her attempts to encourage the growth of those around her are about as useful as throwing gasoline on a tulip. Like most of her flock, she has little to no practical knowledge in gardening or taking care of plants, but that hasn't stopped her from trying in the hopes that one day she will see the perfect flower bloom.
Toff Units: Chaff, Chaff

Toadie Name: Sister Argenta
Toadie Description: A giant of a woman, Argenta's head is so far from the root that she has nary a thoght at all. That means that she is ill suited to the business of growing crops, even more so than the other members of the Light Touch, sad as that may be. Instead, she handles much of the menial labour, and so her and her followers make up the most solid members of the regiment.
Toadie Unit: Fodder

Regiment: The Lord-Admiral's 45th Landlubber Latoon

Creed: "Only Cowards Fall Before The Great Crustacean"
Creed Description: All actions the Landlubber Latoon takes are judged by the distance it puts them from the Great Crustacean. Closer is bad. Farther is good. True regimental genii manage to thread the needle between making both themselves more virtuous and their rivals (both in-regiment and out) more sinful.
Burden: Concealed Cretinous Crustacean
Starting Location: Mireforpe

Toff Name: Lord-Admiral Fotzledorpe "The Fotze" Amaricius III
Toff Description: The Lord-Admiral's Prized and Precious Riding Crab is enormous and majestic by any standard, even when not compared to its jockey's diminutive size. Said jockey, on the other hand, is a nervous, chattering wreck of a Toff for all of his purported military and moral brilliance, spending long hours curled up in his oversized hat creating 'contingency commandments' for battles yet to come. Such eccentricities are surely the mark of a war-weary soul, however. The Fotze, as his reluctantly adoring soldiers call him, has survived through all 45 of the Latoon's iterations. He doesn't talk about it much, or what disaster caused the Great Crustacean to attach itself to the Latoon, far in the distant past. He also doesn't talk about where he acquired his Prized and Precious Riding Crab from. But no. Surely, he couldn't be hiding something. Not the Fotze. Perish the thought.
Toff Follower Units: Whelps (The Lord-Admiral's Core Latoonists [Seasoned In Both Senses, Wary Campaigners, NOT Cowards]), Bastards (Amaricius Family 'Friends' and Relations [Overconfident Lickspittles, Glory-Hungry Niblings, Doomed])

Toadie Name: Chzt
Toadie Description: Nobody knows anything about Chzt, except for perhaps the Lord-Admiral. As far as anyone knows, the hulking crab-person simply turned up one day and started nobly and honorably fleeing from the Great Crustacean alongside the rest of the Latoon. A few genius moral arguments later (it's very easy to trip people when you have 8 legs), and Chzt became the Strong Right Arm of the Landlubber's Latoon. All this despite not speaking a word of anything that wasn't Chzt. Most outsiders wonder why he doesn't simply eat The Fotze and commandeer the regiment. The Fotze has asked himself this many an occasion, snugly tucked away in his tent-hat. As far as anyone can tell, he worships the Prized and Precious Riding Crab as an instrument of God Unholy, and sees the Great Crustacean as the Anti-Blasphemer. The other option is loyalty, and that can't be right.
Toadie Follower Units: Brutes (Disciples of Chzt [Certifiably Insane, Unconfortably Roided, Acceptably Homoerotic])
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I never expected Turnip28 to show up on SV. I backed the kickstarter, I'll have something up shortly
Regiment Name: Knights of the 'Round (Sword)
Creed: The once and future king!
Creed Description:
His and/or Her majesty, whoever they happen to be at the time, is the rightful Monarch of all of Cist. There's no particular evidence behind this claim but the members of the regiment believe it with startling fierceness.

Naturally, as the rightful ruler, all settlements, lords, and armed forces must bend the knee and offer their fealty. Any who do not are, by definition, a rebel against the (notional) crown, and must be dealt with accordingly. In theory, the Regiment is dedicated to the forceful reconquest of all of Cist.

In practice, this mostly means they wander about at random haughtily sneering at whoever happens to be nearby. Occasionally, they will launch a semi-random attack against "rebels". However, it is generally understood that the glorious reconquest is something of a long-term endeavor, so, far more often, local notables hire the Regiment as mercenaries under the guise of "Taking up a noble quest". The "Valiant Knights Errant" then set off to slay whatever "Foul monster or evildoer" (in reality usually just another regiment hired by opposing interests or some rabble rousing local wretches) is causing problems, and then return to be bribed off with payment in the form of enough food-scraps to last them the trip until the next miserable little village, where they will happily become someone else's problem.

Burden: Infamous Armament

The round sword is certainly ancient, it's ancient metal pitted, rusted, corroded (yet somehow never destroyed, even in the face of a grand bombard), and covered in strange scribbles none can read. It is a fearsome weapon to be sure, capable of opening up a great beast from nose to naval (At least, if the wielder is particularly lucky) but being mildly effective at what its supposed to do (An oddity in the land of Cist) is the least strange thing about it.

They say that, at night, when it is quiet, the King(s) can be heard whispering to the sword, and that, on even quieter nights, it can be heard whispering back. They say that holding the sword changes a person, turns even the most cowardly thief and scavenger into a raving, chivalrous loon. They say it is the sword who wields the king, and not the other way around.

Mandess and fables ... surely?

Starting Location: Shellwood

Toff Name: His (or possibly her) Majesty!
Toff Description:

In a time before time (approximately one muddy winter ago), a lonely wretch wandering the hinterlands of Cist stumbled upon the maiden of the mists! A beautiful and mysterious seer (A completely insane hermit living in the middle of indescribable swamps who could only be described as 'beautiful' if one is attracted to degenerative diseases) who spoke unto him a prophecy most holy (Rambled incoherently while blitzed out of her mind on swamp gas) and revealed his true destiny!

As it turns out, this random wretch was, in fact, the long lost heir to the throne of Cist! (though no such thing had ever existed), the last scion of an ancient noble line (The descendant of Squash-salesmen and beggars, in truth) and destined King of all the land!

The Maiden of the mists granted unto him the Sacred weapon of his ancestors, the very symbol of his royal authority, the Round Sword! and bade him to venture forth and claim his birthright!

The prophesied hero-king took two steps out of the swamp, determined to follow his destined path, and was immediately shanked to death and cannibalized by bandits.

A funny thing happened, though, when the leader of the bandits looted to Round Sword off the body of their fallen victim. She suddenly became quite certain that the previously-mentioned destiny was, in fact, hers to fulfill! Visions of gilded crowns and endless potato-feasts danced in her minds eye. She proclaimed her intent to reconquer her kingdom, named her bandits as "knights", and set out to, once again, fulfill the prophecy.

In this fashion a revolving cast of would-be-Monarchs have slowly carved their way through Cist, accomplishing little of note besides convincing large numbers of the foolhardy and mad to take up the cause of the one true heir, no matter how many one true heirs die in the process. Each is as true as the last, each is as unrelentingly dedicated to the quest for dominion.

Upon taking up the mantle, each new heir appears to adopt several traits that are consistent between would-be-kings. Namely, a twisted sense of Knightly Chivalry, and a patently suicidal degree of the madness known as "Bravery". Each and ever king has made it a habit to seek out opposing Snobs for 'duels', and no few of them have died after charging headlong at a creature several times their own size. One was felled attempting to challenge an incoming cannonball.

No matter how many fall, though, there's always someone around, either in the former king's entourage or among the victorious enemies, willing to take up the Round Sword and become the next destined heir.

The current king is a former Knight of shellwood who did exactly that, plucking up the weapon of the corpse of it's former wielder. Now, she leads a posse of newly minted Knights to claim her Kingdom from atop the back of her trusty flail-snail.

Toff Follower Units:
2x Bastards

The 'Knights' make up the bulk of the Regiment, and are composed of armored warriors armed with long lances riding atop rickety chariots, themselves pulled by Oversized, scuttling insects.

Toadie Name: Ser Launcelot

Toadie Description:
Ser launcelot, 17th of his name, is the loyal second of the king (whoever it happens to be at the time), and the single longest surviving member of the Regiment, having outlived nine previous leaders, and having the modesty (or, perhaps wisdom), to not dare try and pick up the round sword for himself.
Embittered, foul-tongued, and eternally sceptical, Launcelot nevertheless faithfully leads his lance of warriors wherever the king wishes. because, as he puts it "Not like me luck's gonna be better anywhere else"

Toadie Follower Units:
1x Bastards
The 'Knights' make up the bulk of the Regiment, and are composed of armored warriors armed with long lances riding atop rickety chariots, themselves pulled by Oversized, scuttling insects.
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Regiment Name: The Fruitseekers of the Thirty-Third Renfil Expedition​

Creed: We shall go further, and find the Root of the Renfil.
Creed Description: If one was to ask the Renfil's they were once noble family (Though conveniently a pig has eaten the papers), now destitute and incompetant with nothin but their titles to go off, as they were scammed. Duke Renfil the First sold his lands to aquire the mythic "Perfected Root", only to have some thieving thief steal it and sell it on the black market! Now, the lands will be refirbished if the Renfil hier consumed the "Perfected Root", and as such every year for the past 33 years (They make sure to adopt a new kid to be raised just before they leave), the current Duke Renfil will set out and search for the mythic fruit (They refuse to believe Roots are Vegetables).
Burden: Noble Comportment: Your Toff has always been one for the finer things in life. Mid-afternoon teas, pinkies firmly outstretched. Fine clothes and soft fabrics. Literacy. This gentile behavior suits the would-be lords and ladies of the city just fine, allowing for easier diplomacy with them. But it also tends to rub anyone and anything else the wrong way.
Starting Location: Mireflop

Toff Name: Duke Renfil the Thirty-Third, son of Renfil the Thirty-Second, Son of Renfil the Thirty-First and a Half, Son of Ronfil the Thirty-First, Son of Renfil the Thirtieth, Son of Renfil the...
Toff Description:
Duke Renfil is the 33rd Patriarch of the Illustriuse House Renfi. Adopted last year as a 30 year old man on a disease ridden horse, Duke Renfil the 33rd marches on to find the Perfect Root and reclaim his birthright! The fact he refuses to eat anything that may not be the Perfect Root changes nothing of his lack of mental facilities! He carries an Illustroius Sceptar (A Wooden Stick with a trumpet tied to the end) while riding the Noble Steed Phillip the 36th (Who many claim is smarter then he is.) But no matter who he is sent to send others to kill, all remains the same! He will... likely die, but in a glorius way that brings honor to his lineage!
Toff Follower Units: Bastards, Fodder.

Toadie Name: Claribel, the Twenty-Fifth/Sixth/Sevent/Eighth/Ninth Thirtieth Thirty-First/Second/Third Scapegoat of the Renfil's
Toadie Description: Ever since the disaster with the 4th and 6th expiditions wiping each other out do to thinking the other was trying to trick them, the seventh Expidition onwards has always made sure to bring a Scapegoat; a second in command who the Toff can blame all the problems upon. For the first 24 Scapegoats it all went well; they would either die in a pointless maneuver or be killed by the men when the Toff ineviatably forgets to feed them, until Claribel was selected. Claribel was assigned Renfil scapegoat when she was 3 and spent the past 8 years of her life just. not. dying. Despite being shot, stabbed, trampled, boiled, thrown off a cliff by an angry Toff, lit ablaze, hanged for witchcraft, aquiring the plague on no less then three seperate occasions, and not being allowed to eat for the past 2 expiditions; Claribel endures; making her undeniably the single worst scapegoat in existance. Some delusionals claim she is blessed to help the Renfil find the Perfect Root, other fools think she's not the same kid, with just different small children named Claribel keep showing up at the Renfil residence after an expedition ineviatably implodes. Whatever the case, whenever Duke Renfil needs to blame someone for his own incompetance, the small child is there to take the blame.
Toadie Follower Units: Stump Gun (Claribel likes the noise is makes)
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Regiment Name: The 38th​ Divine Order of the Inquisition of the Holy Cloves

Creed: Salvation through the Divine Aroma
Creed Description: Revere the holy garlic and its Divine Aroma above all lesser roots. Only the true path of the Holy Cloves shall bring salvation. Unwavering faith and adherence to the Codex shall grant us victory over the many heathens.
Burden: Stranglin' Harry's Wretched Recruitment Manual
Starting Location: Agoz Castle

Toff Name: Archchaplain Isabella von Ellegard
Toff Description:
The latest inheritor of a supposedly ancient tradition, Isabella claims to have joined the 38th​ Order in her youth. There are few within the regiment who can corroborate her story, though she says she was the previous Chronicler for the Order before the previous leadership died for not following the Codex to the letter.

Isabella is an obstinate, harsh and strict disciplinarian, lashing out at and punishing her subordinates for the slightest deviation in doctrine or rigor. She is obsessed with maintaining a sort of "order" and "cleanliness." As a sort of ritual, she often polishes her armor and arms with the Holy Cloves, and has compelled many knights in the regiment to follow suit.
Toff Follower Units: Brutes, Fodder

Toadie Name: Chronicler Klaudia Rol
Toadie Description: Although she shares little of Isabella's grim disposition, Klaudia seems to have nevertheless earned herself a high position within the Order's hierarchy, partly thanks to her skill in parsing through the meandering Codex. There are some rumors that she may be a deserter or exiled Toadie from another regiment, and sometimes when Isabella isn't looking, the Chronicler may be more lax in her interpretation and enforcement of the Codex. Nevertheless, the Archchaplain has seen it fit to keep Klaudia on board, perhaps thanks to her outward enthusiasm for the Creed and success in recruitment.
Toadie Follower Units: Brutes
9,678th Cistian Peoples Revolutionary Popular Front Coalition Vanguard Party and Committee of Nationalist Revolutionary Democratic Alliance Against Un-Revolutionary Resistance of Cist

Creed: Long Live the Glorious Revolution (Whatever that means)
Creed Description: A specter is haunting Cist, a specter that isn't the numerous innocents brutally murdered over the mildest of inconveniences or the ever present smell of swampy rot that fills the air of this damn land. Rather, it is the Specter of Revolution as the especially unwashed masses of Cist rise up to overthrow their betters which should naturally result in a perfect Utopia where everything is nice and happy. Until then, the CPRPFCVPCNRDAAURRC will endeavor to stack as many 'Reactionary' bodies and partake in the black magic art of 'voting' until that new Utopia finally comes...

Burden: Anarchy by Committee
Burden Description: Due to the Revolutionary By-Laws of the Ancient Proclamation (Which can really only be recalled from memory and oral tradition) every action taken by the Revolution must be decided by the most ancient and darkest of arts; Voting. Supposedly, in theory, this would ensure that any action made by the Revolution would be backed by popular consensus and because it was "The Right Thing". In reality, this has resulted in a vast quagmire of the most complex byzantine politics any regiment has ever seen with internal factions, parties, tendencies, movements, and more quarreling and debating over any and every action the Revolution makes (The high number in their name is a result of either the regiment being nearly wiped out and reconstituted or because it voted to dissolve itself out of revolutionary spite). As a result, the Revolution often finds itself at risk of grinding to a halt as votes are assembled, tallied, re-counted, lost, re-counted again, tampered with, and sometime forgotten about.

(Actions made by the Revolution will require the Regiment to vote on it, which may result in the Regiment not following through on the desired action, or picking an entirely different action to perform. When the Revolution does vote on an action, it will do everything in its power to accomplish it with a surprising amount of zeal and fervor)

Starting Location: Between Low Merg and High Merg
Reasoning: In recent... days? Weeks? In recent times, the growing conflict and fueding of the Mergs has attracted the admiration and sympathy of the 9,678th CPRPFCVPCNRDAAURRC, and a motion was presented and passed to aid the Mergish peoples in their obviously Revolutionary plight! However, the vote failed to specify Which Merg they agreed to support and the party who proposed the motion murdered each other in a drunken quarrel, so now the Revolution has spent sometime voting to either supporting either town or leaving to spread the Revolution elsewhere.

Toff Name: The Supreme Chairman Premier Generalissimo of the Revolution
Toff Description: Normally, regimental Toffs are figures of a thoroughly venerable breed, a requirement considering how unbelievably deadly life on the campaign trail was. However, the position of Supreme Chairman Premier Generalissimo had such a high turnover rate, it wasn't uncommon to have a new holder of the office every other week. As per the ancient and semi-recent bylaws of the CPRPFCVPCNRDAAURRC, a simple majority vote was all that was required to seize the office whenever it found itself vacant but actually managing to gain enough votes of the fractured Revolutionary Regiment was a monumental feat in and of itself. Mainting it was far trickier, for now the Toff must deal with all the dangers leading a Regiment entail as well as ensure their political career remains intact. In living memory, the longest serving Supreme Chairman Premier Generalissimo was Johaan the Lair who served for a tremendous three years, while other Toffs last only a few hours before their unceremonious departure from the position, living or dead.
Toff Follower Units: Fodder x 2 (Due to being elected by supposedly popular vote, the Supreme Chairman Premier has the questionable loyalty of the largest swathe of Revolutionaries, all eager to fight and probably not die for the Glorious Revolution)

Toadie Name: Commissar Skwelch
Toadie Description: While the Supreme Chairman Premier Generalissimo is a position with a high turnover rate, the role of Commissar is not as evident by the longstanding occupation by Commissar Skwelch. No one is certain when Commissar Skwelch took up the mantle of leader of the Commissariat, what is known is that he's been in the position longer than most people have been a part of the Revolution. Now, some may also say Skwelch abuses his position to ensure his position within the 9,678th remains secure or that he digs into the war chest as the role of Commissar also handles finances, but the diligent Commissar Skwelch has revealed each and every one of these accusations as little more than reactionary and baseless lies intended to deface the revolution.
Toadie Follower Units: Brutes x 1 (Aside from being totally loyal to the Commissar (which might as well be loyal to the Revolution) these Brutes find themselves vital as motivators on the battlefield, Enforcers of the High Chairman Premier Generalissimo, Recruiters of Volunteer Revolutionaries, and occasionally as elite Shock Troops on the battlefield if things become desperate or everyone else sacrificed their lives for the Revolution.)
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1st Worteltroeps
Plump, Purple, Proud. The Cistian heraldic color of delusional overconfidence corresponds to the roots of immortal heroes, or at least that's what the regiment thinks Sputterglide and Clovenier are saying. Only the most amaranthine of vegetables suit the imperial tastes of the Kaptein, and anything less would be a dishonor to the veterans of the regiments. After all, these are still the 1st Worteltroeps, as long as the Mold Guard (eventually) limp onto the field of honor.​
Burden: Doddering Grogs
Starting Location: Slek, having recently raised and equipped the new replacement rabble with bayonets purchased from its famous forges.

Kaptein Sputterglide (Toff) - Who could resist commands from such an imperial purple cassock and magnificently walrus-like mustache? Even if those commands are in language similar enough but different from Cistish to seem like they're just mocking you.
  • The Bristling Bayonet Battalion (Fodder) - the dishonorable muddy ranks with only the slightest smear of lavender.
  • The Mold Guard (Grogs) - veterans of the original 1st cultivate a healthy magenta mold, which dyes them the color of courage but does make moving quickly painful enough to avoid altogether.

Korporaal Clovenier (Toadie) - the immensely corpulent and squatishly short corporal actually speaks Cistish and acts as translator, but his accent is so thick as to be nearly indistinguishable from Sputterglide's foreign talk.
  • The Periwinkle Rifles (Chaff) - every Worteltroep is a musketeer, but those who manage to keep their uniforms a purplish shade actually get ammunition.

Regiment: The 48th Ipecac Fishmongers​

Creed: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Grab Fish
Creed Description: The idea of root vegetables eating fish seems anathema, but in the town of Mireforp this the natural state of affairs. So much so that the 48th was created solely to collect, horde, protect, and seize fish.
Squelchy mud between moist toes - the preferred state of affairs is to keep one's feet nice and soaked. Unfortunately leaving the swamp for any amount of time results in uncomfortable dryness and chaffing.
Starting Location: Mireforp

Toff Name: Alfloxplex "Plexipus" Floxflinger
Toff Description: Plexipus (as he is called behind his back) is always down to fling flox at his enemy. What is flox? Doesn't matter, but lead works in lieu of a ready supply of this mystical flox stuff.
Toff Units: Bastards, Fodder

Toadie Name: The Glow
Toadie Description: The Glow once had a name, but people just seem to forget when gazing upon their horrendous, glowing vestigial third eye. The Glow doesn't particularly mind, as it allows them to collect a seemingly endless supply of hypnotically inspired fodder to send on increasing unreasonable fetch quests. After all, why would the eternally sodden-footed need a pair of wellies? Only the Glow knows.
Toadie Unit: Fodder
The 33rd Bargainers Caravan

Creed: "By Letter of the Contract Law"
Creed Description: The 33rd Bargainers Caravan is ran through mish-mash of regulation and legal jargon; in short, literally everything revolves around verbal contracts. Much of the daily life of a member of the Bargainers Caravan is trying to weasel and worm one's way out of necessary and often dangerous duties. And of all those duties, firing Bog-Pushka, the God Cannon itself, is the most dangerous.

Legends say that the progenitor of the First Caravan, the Royal First-Bargain themselves, negotiated with God for the power to end the world with a single shot. While the Bog-Pushka is not quite that powerful, the contract is upheld by a simple loophole. Whoever fires the cannon is ritually killed, meaning that SOMEONE'S world does end with every blast. It is the grim task of all Bargainers to avoid being the one cajoled into lighting the fuse by manner of contract coercion. Most of the worst jobs - the Bog-Pushka pushers, the oilers, the latriners - all happily do their nasty business in exchange for being shunted down the list of those up to fire the Grand Bombard. The thirty-two other derivations of the Caravan ended almost exclusively at the hands of its leader being forced to fire the cannon or forcing someone else to fire it.

In their outside dealings, it is the Bargainer's nature to try to cheat and steal by the letter of contracts maybe not even agreed upon. But to ask them, it's all very above board.

Burden: The Grand Bombard
Starting Location: Bhir

Toff Name: The Royal Crumb-Bargain
Toff Description: The Royal Crumb-Bargain is the epitome of the Bargainer's creed. Once a humble gun-oiler, then Oiler Crumb utilized an unseen and now-forbidden tactic - writing down his contractual obligations. Heaping upon himself the duty of firing the cannon in exchange for command of the 33rd Caravan AFTER the fact, Crumb signed away his life, literally. But then he used the second unseen and now-totally-forbidden tactic - eating his contract. Shocked, aghast, and impressed, the 32nd Bargainers Caravan were swayed by the bravado of Crumb and following a convoluted line of contractual obligations and loopholes, decided to drown their previous leader in snail juice.
Toff Follower Units: The Grand Bombard "Bog-Pushka", Fodder "The Oiler Train"

Toadie Name: Corporate Surveyor Griboff XX
Toadie Description: About nineteen Griboffs ago, the Bargainers aggressively incorporated the Griboff Surveyors Company into their corporate structure. Nowadays, it is the duty of a Griboff to operate under one of the more restrictive contractual environments - namely, do what we say or we violently acquire a new Griboff. Ostensibly to scout out future markets and marks, Griboff XX's Mapping Department is actually a bunch of mounted goons used as the forward poke of the Bargainer's lateral vertical integrations.
Toadie Follower Unit: Whelps "The Mapping Department"

Regiment: The Golden Legion Of Perpetual Sanguinaity​

Creed: A Meal of Gold is Finest
Creed Description: The mere fact that the world has ended does not in any way imply we must give up the finer things in life. Gold, jewels, skills, comfortable hammocks, and even furniture are what a true warrior strives for. The regiment fights for the trappings of ancient wealth and glory, the echoes of splendor. To the Golden Legion, the affect of prosperity makes the most bitter meal go down smoothly. And yes, on account of the literal-minded (or drunk), sometimes the gold goes down, somewhat less smoothly.
Burden: Noble Comportment - the masters of the cities may appreciate the regiment's capacity for putting on a show, but the local porters and population often find themselves carrying cases of exceptional weight, or polishing and polishing plates as they realize to their increasing horror that they have much more important things to do.
Starting Location: High Merg

Toff Name: Marquis Antonioesci Maltoplani
Toff Description: Tall and splendid, perfect in refinement and sublime in bearing, the self-styled Marquis bears the distinct shame of being failing to beat his twin brother into the world. He was forced into subservience, want and desire-- permanently severed from his birthright by ill luck and inferior tactical positioning within the womb. He had none of that full-throated heart and authority that permitted his brother to run roughshod across the peasantry; that power was stolen from Antonioesci. The young and 'Marquis' eventually ran away from the estate-that-was-not-his with enough jeweled candlesticks and filigreed muskets to muster a force of treasureseekers only slightly inferior in lethality to himself. Few in number but unmistakable in their polished and decorated armor. Wherever they march, the people ask: is it worth trying to kill one of them if it makes me really, really rich?
Toff Units: Brutes, Stump Gun

Toadie Name: Sir Jiux of Pomance
Toadie Description: They could almost be taken for a gutter-child, with a short stature attributable to notable malnourishment even for these unenlightened times. However, they came by their title honestly, the sole heir of a respectable enough knightly house swept aside like dust by the Maltoplanis. Once bearing a deep hatred for Marquis Antoniesci as the scion of their father's hated killers, an unfortunate post-battle incident involving a lengthy recuperation in a snowed-in ascetic convent led Jiux to realize they were each alike (and Marquis Antoniesci to realize nothing at all.) With both their regiments decimated at the time by both the fighting then the cold, the pair struck a "A Bargain for Grand and Perpetual Union" that has seen them fighting together ever since.
Toadie Unit: Brutes
Accepted Apps!
Like an overstuffed entree course, I truly was spoiled for choice on apps. With Regiments from revolutionary to ruffian, floral to foul, it was a tough pick narrowing it down to eight. But narrow it I did. My thanks to everyone who applied, and should any of our current candidates drop out, you will be the first ones in line to enter Cist's battlefield. But for now! Our current Regiments are:

1. The 826nd Light Touch ( @Princess_Hex )
2. The Lord-Admiral's 45th Landlubber Latoon ( @Kaboomatic )
3. The Knights of the 'Round (Sword) ( @Swordswain )
4. The Fruitseekers of the Thirty-Third Renfil Expedition ( @Penguinbowler )
5. The 38th Divine Order of the Inquisition of the Holy Cloves ( @Cathari )
6. The 1st Worteltroeps ( @Namaroff )
7. The 33rd Bargainers Caravan ( @Noco )
8. The Golden Legion Of Perpetual Sanguinaity ( @Another Amoeba )

Congratulations to everyone who got in, and once again my personal thanks to everyone who applied! You can look forward to the IC Thread going up by Wednesday, July 10th, and with it, the deadline. Anyone who has been accepted who has not yet joined the discord included in the opening post is strongly encouraged to do so! You quite literally will not be able to play the game to it's fullest without joining via the link!