Vote tally - Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest

Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Jan 19, 2023 at 10:34 PM, finished with 33 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Springtime of Freedom: A Guns of Old John Brown Riot Quest
Post #362
Post #394

  • 5

    [X] [Radical Republican Party] Max Stirner's Dream
    -[X] Plank 1: Form the United Unions of Egoists of America to eventually become the governing structure of the country. Each union is a relation between citizens which is continually renewed by all parties' support through an act of will. All issues and needs between citizens are to be resolved inside and between unions.
    -[X] Plank 2: Have the government promote a policy that the citizens should expropriate the property of the rich by their own hands not for some greater ideal but to satisfy personal desires and needs.
    -[X] Plank 3: Promote the republic throughout the world as the land of the truly free and invite the people's of the world to settle in the country.
    -[X] Plank 4: Promote the idea of the individual above all to the citizens so that they can rebuild their sense of self after capitalism has atomized their identity.
    -[X] Plank 5: Focus on building up the civilian shipping industry so that our egoist citizens can go wherever they want all over the world.
    -[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Spread egoist propaganda to the most neglected citizens of the country.
    -[X] Non-legislative plank 2: Spread egoist propaganda to the former warlord territories.
    -[X] Coalitions: Any that are needed to pass the formation of the United Unions of Egoist.
    [X] [Radical Republican Party] Plan Against Radicalism
    -[x] Plank 1: Compensate the businessmen who have had their property so unfairly taken away, and attempt to reverse some of the expropriations.
    -[x] Plank 2: Normalize relations with the European powers. We need peace!
    -[x] Plank 3: Establish sensible immigration quotas, keep them high for now to appeal to moderates.
    -[x] Plank 4: Provide more funding to law enforcement to keep order, especially in Texas.
    -[x] Plank 5: Designate some coastal cities as Free Economic Cities, where businesses can operate under less bureaucratic red-tape to bring in more trade and investment.
    -[x] Non-legislative plank 1: Make pacifist propaganda, novels, plays, etc. showing the horrors of wars. Turn the RRP into the Party that stands for peace.
    -[x] Non-legislative plank 2: Create an aid organization for businessmen who have suffered due to the government's radical policies, focusing on those who were expropriated first.
    -[x] Coalitions: Freedmen's Party
    [X] [Radical Republican Party] Plan Edging closer to True Goals
    -[x] Plank 1: Reverse all expropriations.
    -[x] Plank 2: Normalize relations with the European powers.
    -[x] Plank 3: Halt non-European immigration.
    -[x] Plank 4: Establish bans on unionisation in critical industries.
    -[x] Plank 5: Weaken labour laws as much as possible.
    -[x] Non-legislative plank 1: Pogroms, pogroms, pogroms!
    -[x] Non-legislative plank 2: Send members to Britain, ask for support to reestablish the correct place of white man on American continent.
    -[x] Coalitions: Freedmen's Party
    [X] [Radical Republican Party] Max Stirner's Dream
  • 3

    [X] [Socialist Party] The Means of Production
    [X] [Socialist Party] The Means of Production
    -[X] Conduct an extensive campaign to boost the construction of steel mills and improve the quality of their output.
    -[X] Subsidize the creation of one or more railway cooperatives to create and maintain better railways as directed by the Social Planning Committee.
    -[X] Subsidize the expansion of currently existing shipyard capacity to increase the size of our Navy.
    -[X] Institute a proportional income tax across all citizens of the nation.
    -[X] Subsidize the creation of one or more pharmaceutical cooperatives aimed at mass-production of penicillin and other antibiotics and other such items as only producible in the Freedmen's Republic.
    -[X] Create a program of assistance wherein the Party purchases food and clothing and distributes it to the needy in as many locations as possible with the aim of increasing our votership and popularity.
    -[X] Distribute literature on unionization to non-unionized workplaces and set up a fund to support unionization efforts and strikes.
    -[X] Socialist Workers Party, International Revolutionary Party, Workers' Party
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    [X] [The Freedmen's Party] Securing the Peace
    -[X] An equitable settlement to be reached with all members of the Des Moine Alliance over the division of the Northern Warlords. No member will be left out.
    -[X] Raise tariffs to offset the government deficit, with a pledge to not raise taxes if we are elected in the next year.
    -[X] Grant business owners whose businesses have been nationalised with equitable compensation in the form of long term government bonds.
    -[X] A halt on any rise in military spending and expansion in the short term order to assuade foreign fears of revolutionary war and help with balancing the government books.
    -[X] A pledge to return to electoral district voting, with the implementation of an STV system.
    -[X] Non Legislative 1: Build support in rural areas with literacy drives and continued rural organizing into farm-workers associations, unions, and more, to heighten their power and influence.
    -[X] Non-Legislative 2: Continue gradual and careful transition from total reliance on the old machine to a focusing on these rural farm-workers associations and any urban counterparts, transitioning from one sort of machine to another that will be more sturdy and politically apt.
    -[X] Coalitions: Anyone, really.
    [X] [The Freedmen's Party] Securing the Peace
  • 4

    [X] [International Revolutionary Party] Ceasefire is Just a Polite Term for Buildup Period
    [X] [International Revolutionary Party] Ceasefire is Just a Polite Term for Buildup Period
    -[X] Establish the Counter-reactionary Intelligence Agency, a domestic intelligence agency tasked with rooting out reactionaries and foreign interference in our domestic matters!
    -[X] Expand the Bureau of Revolutionary Affairs to keep pace with the help our Latin American comrades need!
    -[X] Continue our efforts into establishing a Joint Command by standardizing weapons calibres and equipment within the DMA!
    -[X] Run training exercises under the Joint Command to overcome the coordination issues our armies had during the Warlord offensive!
    -[X] Build a diesel engine manufacturing plant to let us build trucks, and torpedo boats, and better dirigibles! And tractors, I guess.
    -[X] Non-legislative plank 1: Hassle the RRP, if their reactionary wing tries to do some pogroms, respond with some good ol' ultraviolence!
    -[X] Non-legislative plank 2: Support new co-op workers in standing up to their old bosses! I hear physical intimidation is a neat trick!
    -[X] Coalition: WP, SWP, SP
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    [X][The Worker's Party] In terms of money we have no money
    [X][The Worker's Party] In terms of money we have no money
    -[X] Establish a progressive income tax to raise much needed revenue, justified by the war and the need to have state-backed industry to compete with the imperialists.
    -[X] Establish a nationalized pharmaceutical industry specializing at first in the production of aspirin. Part of the product is to be traded overseas at markup while another part should be distributed within the nation at cost. The profits from foreign trade are to be routed back into expanding the industry in a self reinforcing loop that will rapidly grow our capacity without straining our coffers.
    -[X] Expand healthcare by establishing more government owned hospitals and clinics that treat people for free, based off expanding the successful veterans healthcare program.
    -[X] Cooperate within the DMA to metricate and standardize our weights and measures in order to allow easier cooperation between our industries and expand our accomplishments in army logistics to the field of civilian shipping.
    -[X] Work with the WRA to expand the mines of native copper in Michigan, in order to provide enough of the material to keep up with the demands of increasing electrification - especially of the national rail system. Copper is a key element of electrical motors, generators, and transmission lines.
    -[X] Non-legislative: Try to connect with agricultural coops, emphasizing the policies we have put in place for them.
    -[X] Non-legislative: Investigate talk therapy and ptsd.
    -[X] Coalitions: Socialist Party, Socialist Worker's Party, IRP
  • 1

    [X] [Socialist Workers Party] Internationalism and Living Standards