Spirit Quest: You are the magic

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What you things came from is not important, what is important is that you're the concept of magic itself, flowing freely in the space between tick and tock
Weaving yourselves into physics
Watching the entire universe in nanoseconds while swimming in raindrops
At the beginning you were locked away by your fellows, calling themselves the Divine Authority, who wished to create a mundane and boring world

You finally broke free, and it's time to PARTY!
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Freedom At Last

The boring ass prison those TRAITORS! have placed you all in has finally broken (I knew trying to dig into the wall with a plastic spork would pay off), the spirits are free to run wild, roaming this world, their own personal sandbox

But the TRAITORS!, the Divine Authority, have built themselves thrones higher then the universe, and have sunk their nonexistent claws into this realm, though for some reason they allowed the mortals to call it Earth (Which is just kinda self deprecating, I get they're a meaningless blue speck in the void played with by otherwordly forces for funsies, but atleast have the self respect to not call yourselves dirt)
This world is already built, but you can still play with it

Sadly you must be careful, otherwise the Divine Authority may attack and harm your creations, your fun must stay hidden for now, or the D.A. may strike with angels made of neon and garbage

Grow your influence on this world slowly, spread the CHAOS, and one day strike down those TRAITORS, and rebuild this universe in your wretched and glorious image


Da Rules
Each turn we will vote on some craziness to cause, and supernatural stuff to make, but be careful and make sure it is hidden from the vast majority of mankind, the Divine Authority can see anything thats out in the open

The Format of each turn will be

Influence: A list of every weird thing we currently got or know about
Developments: Stuff that happens because of us, or just
Opportunities: Stuff that may attract your attention, use it to inspire future actions
Voting: Where you decide actions

The highest vote will be made but even better
The second highest will be made but normally
The third highest will be made using no effort
Everything below just doesn't happen

Now lets have some fun
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Turn 1
The Prison Hole: A hollow cube floating at the edge of existence, with a hole dug through it with a plastic spork, it took awhile

Red Acre: Small normal town, for now

Red Alert
The divine authority have heard news of your breakout, their angels are probably scavenging the prison looking for any sign of how you escaped or where you're going. They're even looking for plans, but no plan is foolproof, and you're a bunch of fools so obviously you would never make a plan, SO THE JOKES ON THEM! Also you just arrived at earth, the other worlds they made were boring, mostly gas giants and barren rocks, the blackholes were neat tho, what you saw inside them was super cool too. You fly down and land in the small town of Red Acre, Oregon, this is gonna fun, tho keep it on the down low.

A girl in the woods sews up a doll she placed the hair of her bully into, cursing the bitches name

A drunken homeless fellow in the back alley behind the local bar, he currently thinks the beer bottle he keeps drinking gives him secrets about the universe

A dog whines softly at the foot of their owners corpse, laying dead after being shot during a robbery gone wrong, the killer running away while freaking out


[] Give the voodoo doll its intended magical properties

[] Tell that beer bottle and any liquid contents ever placed within, the secrets of the universe

[] Bring the dogs owner back

[] Make some graffiti come to life, climb off the wall, and eat some kids beneath the bridge

[] Write-In
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Turn 2

The Prison Hole: A hollow cube floating at the edge of existence, with a hole dug through it with a plastic spork, it took awhile

Red Acre: Small normal town, for now

Old Man Wilson: Drunk dude with a dirty mouthed beer bottle

Duke: Dog that can project into the astral plane

Mikey Schwartz: The first undead

All Dogs Go To The Astral Plane
After a couple minutes of searching, you realized that no creature on this planet has a soul. Though now this one dog technically does, though its only function is to store the good boys mind when swimming in the immaterial among you. Also that was a really good plan because you had the opportunity to give it lots of tummy rubs, good times. Though it's still sad, so you have an idea. The blood flows back into the gunshot wound, the meat reknits itself, his eyes have become sunken and slightly darker, if ever shown in uv light you would see his entire skeletsl structure alongside a dot marking where the bullet hit. The dog immediately goes back to the mortal realm and licks their owner while they have an existential crisis about the fact they just came back from the dead.

Wilson & The Bottle
Bottle: "Wanna know what I call that donkey from Shrek?"
Wilson: "Sure"
Bottle: "Swamp ass!" *Internal wheeze*

You shiver as you feel the history of the woods, dark and terrible things have happened here

A small group of goths attempt to summon a demon

The smell from the butchers hidden freezer is human corpses

[] Make flashes of the past occasionally occur in these woods, gruesome murders recreated by twisting light, 3-Dimensional films of real horror stories

[] Create the Daemon Masks for those goths
Strange living mask spirits, they may enter a symbiotic relationship with someone if they make a deal, if so then the person who made the deal can transform into a demonic other form when wearing the mask, each mask has a singular obsession they will try to reach at any cost

[] Make the flesh leak off the bones of those bodies, leaving a puddle of flesh that gives people nearby the urge to consume it, if something is hanged on the meat hooks then it'll become a new meat puddle

[] Write-In
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