Species: Game of Life Game/Quest Thread

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Summary and Information

Somewhere in the endless Universe, in a Galaxy...

Summary and Information

Somewhere in the endless Universe, in a Galaxy, there is an Starsystem. This Starsystem consist of a F9-Type Star with roughly the Mass of the Sun, 3 Terrestial Planets, 2 Gas giants and 1 Asteroidfield. Planet Number 2 with its two Moons lies right at the inner Edge of the Habitable Zone of this Star and his Oceans are teeming with simple Life. Let the Game of Life begin and see where it leads.

Planetary Info:
Equatorial radius: 9.567km
Mean density: 7,33 g/cm³
Mass: 4,5 Earths
Equatorial surface gravity: 2G
Sidereal rotation period: X
Surface pressure: 2,48 Atm
Water Coverage: 65%

Current: Phase 1: Cell
The Players are guiding a Specie of the Simple Life in the Oceans of this Planet and trying to evolve it into Multicellular Life. Every Turn, the Specie gets DNA Points. These can be invested into new Parts or into the Improvement of already existing Parts. The first new Part costs 10 DNA and every new Part/Improvement after these increases these costs by 2 DNA, every 10. Part is multiplied with 2,5%. Every Parts give something, like better Defense or additional DNA per Turn. The Specie starts with 10 DNA and the Simple Cell "Upgrade".

Cell Part Overview:

Blue Links mean that these are required before the Part can be purchased. Red means an alternative Path to unlock that Part.

Stats of the the Cell Phase

  • Defense: Physical Protection against Threads
  • Immune System: Protection against Viruses, Parasites and such
  • Sensory: Basic Ability to sense things with every Sense, adds its Value to all other Senses.
  • Agility: How fast a Specie moves
  • Reaction: How Fast a Species can react to Impulses and Sensory Input
Things unlocked during the Cell Phase

Random Events
After reaching Turn 10, Random Events gets activated, with Options for possible benefits for the Species, like extra DNA. or Harmfull Results like reduced DNA. For this, every Habitat gets an seperate ten-sided Eventdice. 1 are very negative Events, 2 are negative Events, 3-8 are no Events, 9 are positive Events and10 are very positive Events. Positive and negative Events can negate eachother, with the most powerfull counted first. 1 and 10 negate eachother, 2 and 9 negate eachother, 1 gets reduced to a 2 by a 9 and vice versa and 2x2 negates 10 and vice versa.

Movement and Habitats
Overview of the Marine Habitats:

  • Coastal:
    • Sandy or Rocky Shore / Mudflats (15) - Intertidal zone (12) - Estuaries (10) - Ocean banks (10) - Neritic zone (10) - Straits (8) - Continental shelf (7)
  • Open Ocean (Pelagic zone):
    • Surface Waters: Epipelagic (7)
    • Deep Sea: Mesopelagic (6) - Bathyal Zone (5) - Abyssal zone (4) - Hadal zone (3) - Demersal zone (2)
    • Sea Floor: Seamounts (1) - Hydrothermal vents - Cold seeps
To move into a new Habitat, the Specie needs 5 Agility-Points per Habitat, meaning Species with 5 Agility can switch one Habitat per Turn, while a Specie with 1 Agility needs 5 Turns. The Specie can migrate to the next Habitat left or right from the current one. In the Ocean, after reaching the left Habitat of the current Layer, the right Habitat of the higher Layer becomes available for migration and vice versa. (Number) means, that the Specie needs at least this amount of Defense, or it gets a Malus of -5% to its DNA-Generation. To move into the Continental Shelf, the Specie must reach the Epipelagic. Also, after Migrating there is a One Turn Cooldown.

End of the Phase
After evolving the Cell enough (reaching the Evolutionary End of the Cell Tree), it turns into a multi-cellular Creature and the Creature Phase begins for this Specie.

Next Phase: Creature

The Players are now guiding thier multi-cellular Specie. As before, the Specie gets DNA Points per Turn and can this be invested into new Parts or into the Improvement of already existing Parts. As before, every new Part/Improvement increases the costs by 2 DNA, every 10. Part is multiplied with 2,5%. Also, this Phase unlocks many new Things, that are countered further below.

Creature Part Overview:

Plant Part Overview:
Blue Links mean that these are required before the Part can be purchased. Red means an alternative Path to unlock that Part. Green means, that is both needed and an alternative Path to a Part.

Stats of the Creature Phase

  • Vitality: How fit and durable the Specie is, adds its Value to Populationgrow
  • Dexterity: How fine the Movements of a Specie is (how good it can grasp, for example)
  • Sense Audio / Visual / Smell / Taste / Soma (Touch, Pain, etc.)
  • Attack: How good a Species can Attack
  • Stamina: How long a Specie can peform Task like Running, Swimming etc.
  • Strenght: How Strong a Specie is
  • Intelligence: Do I need to explain?
Things unlocked during the Creature Phase

Devolving Parts
Any Part of the Creature Trees can be devolved and the Player receives 50% of the Cost spent on the Part. For that, the Order in which the Part was evolved will be considered.

Possibility of Mass extinsions
After reaching the Creature Phase, there is an random Chance for the beginning of an Mass E., can caused by Meteors, Solarstorms, etc. Before the Civ Phase, only indicators are described to save the Species. In the Civ Phase, after researching certain techs, a count down will be displayed.

Apperance of the Specie
It describes the current Apperance of the Specie. It also shows the Amount and Look of Appendages, Organs, Senses, etc. After aquiring the Part "Bilateral symmetry", everything here can be changed with the Option "Change a Aspect". Depending of the Type of Change, it will cost more or less DNA. The more benificial the Change is for the Survival of the Specie, the more it costs. A simple Overview:
Non-beneficial: 10 DNA
Small Benifit: 20 DNA
Medium Benifit: 30 DNA
Big Benefit: 40 DNA
Huge Benefit: 50 DNA

The Things that can be changed depends on the current Apperance and Parts of the Specie, meaning that only Things can be changed, that are already there. Besides this Limitation, anything is possible, if its not to far-fetched or Game breaking.

A little overview to the general Rules in this Section:

  • Increasing the Size, the Costs depends on the targeted Size. If its Milimeter, it costs 10 DNA, including doubling the Size. If its in Centimeter, it costs 20 DNA including doubling the Size. If its in Meter, it costs 40 DNA including doubling the Size. These costs are applied, when its without any benefit like more Appendages etc.
  • Every Part starts, as long as its an Organ, on the Tiny Size. There are 5 Size Levels: Tiny, Small, Medium, Big and Huge, which are indicating the Size relativ to the Body. Increasing the Size of an Organ by One Level adds ¼ of its Base Value to it. This Bonus stacks up with the Level of the Part. The same goes also for the shrinking of an Part, for One Level shrunk, ¼ of its Base Value gets deducted. Also the Cost of the previous Increase gets refunded.

After the Species has evoled 10 Parts of the Creature Stage, it gets a starting Population of 2.000 Individuals. If it goes down to 0, the Specie dies out. Every Turn, the Population grows/decrases based on several Factors. The Formula for Growth is:

Population last Turn
+ Reproduction Rate (determined by certain Techs like Seeds or Oviparity, if no such Tech is unlocked, the Rate is 10%)
+ If its in its Homehabitat, +10% or +5% in Habitats, which are similar to its Homehabitat
+ Boni from Techs, 2% per Prey, if Predator, etc.
+ Vitality (Vitality * every 1.000 born)
= Population Growth
- 2% per Predator, who eats the Specie
- 10%, if in an inhospital Habitat or -5% in Non-Homehabitat
- Mali from Events, Techs, etc.
= Population New Turn

Also with Population comes a new Stats: Hunger/Thirst. It grows/falls depending on the Enviorement. If the Species is well fed, it gets an Bonus to its Growth. If its poorly fed/starve, it gets an Mali on its Growth.

Every 1.000 Individuals, the Vitality-Stat gets added as DNA to the DNA-Generation, to symbolise the increased DNA flow in Populations.

Extended Habitats: Land
The Homehabitat is the Habitat, in which the Specie stayed 4 Turns without migrating. An inhospital Habitat is defined as the extreme Oppisite of the Homehabitat, example, if the Homehabitat is Temperate, Artic and Desert would be considered Inhospital.

Overview of the Land-Biomes:

General Biome Rules for Populationgrow:
- Biomes connected with eachother can be migrated between eachother and are considered friendly for Populationgrowth, if the Species has one of them as its Homebiome.
- Biomes, which are not connected to eachother, are considered unfriendly for Populationgrow, if the Species has one of them as its Homebiome.

Land-Biome Rules:
- Mountain Forest is a Special Biome, as it is connected to any Biome, if said Biome has a High enough Mountain and is not Tundra or Arctic.
- Desert and Arctic are considered inhospital for Species, that are not having them as thier Homehabitat or are living in an Biome connected to it (Tundra for Arctic, Savannah/Steppe/Mediterran for Desert, Coastal for Both).

Currently, only Desert and Arctic are present on the Planet, as there are no Plants on the Land.

End of the Phase:
For the Civ-Phase, the following is needed: Sophisticated Language (any Kind), Social Groups or Society, Cultural Transmission, any Kind of sophisticated Manipulators and the Species must at least Live mostly on Land.

Species Info

Simple Cell
- Chemical Nutrients (1) - Asexual Reproduction (1)
- Cytoskeleton (1)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon

Simple Cell

- Asexual Reproduction (1) - Fertilization (1) - Meiosis (1)

Players: RulerofNothing

Simple Cell
- Chemical Nutrients (1) - Asexual Reproduction (1)
- Cell Membrane

Stats: Defense 1
Players: WanderingEye
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Evolve Asexual Reproduction: Fission

If we drown them in our off-springs, we win!
EvolveAsexual Reproduction: Fission
Turn 2
Turn 2:
Protocelli evolves Asexual Reproduction: Fission, as it drifts around in the deep oceans.

The Evolution of Asexual reproduction gives the Specie +10 DNA per Round. Every Upgrade of Asexual reproduction gives additional +10 DNA per Round, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 0 + 5 + 10 = 15

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (12 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (12 DNA)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon, RulerofNothing

You also can rename the Specie anytime. And People who want to play just message in the OOC and then vote.
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Evolve Chemical Nutrients.

FOOD! Or at least I think it means food.
Rename: Gul'Tros

The Evolution of Asexual reproduction gives the Specie +10 DNA per Round. Every Upgrade of Asexual reproduction gives additional +10 DNA per Round, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 0 + 5 + 10 = 15

B: Invest DNA into new Part: Fertilization
Turn 3
Turn 3:
As time goes on, something new happens. Protocelli evolves in different directions thus creating a new Species named Gul'Tros.

Protocelli evoles Chemical Nutrients, as it still drifts around the currents.

Meanwhile, Gul'Tros evolves Fertilization.

The Use of Chemical Nutrients gives the Specie +10 DNA per Round. Every Upgrade of Chemical Nutrients gives additional +10 DNA per Round, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 3 + 5 + 20 = 28

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (14 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (14 DNA)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon

The Evolution of Fertilisation allows the fusion of gametes to initiate the development of a new individual organism, therefore increasing the genetic Prosperity of the Specie and giving +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade of Fertilisation gives additional +10 DNA per Round, and It can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 3 + 5 + 20 = 28

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (14 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (14 DNA)

Players: RulerofNothing
The Evolution of Fertilisation allows the fusion of gametes to initiate the development of a new individual organism, therefore increasing the genetic Prosperity of the Specie and giving +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade of Fertilisation gives additional +10 DNA per Round, and It can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 3 + 5 + 20 = 28

B: Invest DNA into new Part: Meiosis X 1

Players: Troglodyte
Turn 4
Turn 4:
As time goes on, another split happens within Protocelli, as one part of it evolves Cytoskeleton, while another part evolves Cell Membrane, thus creating a new Specie, Tcopis.

Meanwhile, Gul'Tros evolves Meiosis.

The Evolution of an Cytoskeleton opens the Way to be able to move on his own, but these Structures must be evolved seperatly. It also plays important roles in both intracellular transport and cellular division. Therefore, it gives an Bonus of 2% for the DNA-Generation for any Nutrients and any Kind of Reproduction. It can be upgraded 4 Times and increases the Bonus per 2% per Upgrade.

DNA: 14 + 5 + 20*2% = 40

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (16/18 DNA)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon

The Evolution of Meiosis is another Step into true Sexual Reproduction. During Meiosis, the Chromosomes are split and recombinant with the Chromosomes of the Partner, thus increasing genetic Diversity and sorting out potential defective Chromosomes. It gives +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade gives +10 DNA per Turn, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 14 + 5 + 30 = 49

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (16/18 DNA)

Players: RulerofNothing

The Evolution of a Cell Membran allows the Specie to protect itself better against the environment, thus giving +1 Defense. If the Specie had the Means of move around by itself, it could go to dangerous places, if the Protection is high enough. Every Upgrade increases the Defense, can be upgraded 4 Times.

Stats: Defense 1

DNA: 14 + 5 + 20 = 39

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (16/18 DNA)

Players: WanderingEye
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The Evolution of Meiosis is another Step into true Sexual Reproduction. During Meiosis, the Chromosomes are split and recombinant with the Chromosomes of the Partner, thus increasing genetic Diversity and sorting out potential defective Chromosomes. It gives +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade gives +10 DNA per Turn, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 14 + 5 + 30 = 49

B: Invest DNA into new Part: Sexual Reproduction X 2

Players: TROGLODYTE, Prince Ire
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The Evolution of a Cell Membran allows the Specie to protect itself better against the environment, thus giving +1 Defense. If the Specie had the Means of move around by itself, it could go to dangerous places, if the Protection is high enough. Every Upgrade increases the Defense, can be upgraded 4 Times.

Stats: Defense 1

DNA: 14 + 5 + 20 = 39

B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18 DNA)
Cytoskeleton, Cell Wall.

Players: WanderingEye

Can't believe I missed this.

The Evolution of Meiosis is another Step into true Sexual Reproduction. During Meiosis, the Chromosomes are split and recombinant with the Chromosomes of the Partner, thus increasing genetic Diversity and sorting out potential defective Chromosomes. It gives +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade gives +10 DNA per Turn, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 14 + 5 + 30 = 49

B: Invest DNA into new Part: Sexual Reproduction X 2

Players: TROGLODYTE, Prince Ire
Turn 5
Turn 5:
As time goes on, Protocelli does nothing and collects DNA.

Tcopis meanwhile evolves Cell Wall and Cytoskeleton.

Meanwhile, Gul'Tros evolves and improves Sexual Reproduction.

The Species does nothing and gets DNA.

DNA: 40 + 5 + 20*2% = 65

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18/20 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (16/18/20 DNA)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon

The Evolution of Sexual Reproduction gives the Specie a new Way to reproduce, as it creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. In a process called genetic recombination, DNA originating from two different individuals join up so that homologous sequences are aligned with each other, and this is followed by exchange of genetic information. After the new recombinant chromosome is formed, it is passed on to progeny. It gives +20 DNA per Turn and every Upgrade gives +20 DNA per Turn. It has 4 Upgrades. It also gets upgraded, giving the Species +40 DNA. It has 3 Upgrades left.

DNA: 15 + 5 + 70 = 90

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (20/22/24 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (20/22/24 DNA)

Players: RulerofNothing, Troglodyte

The Evolution of an Cytoskeleton opens the Way to be able to move on his own, but these Structures must be evolved seperatly. It also plays important roles in both intracellular transport and cellular division. Therefore, it gives an Bonus of 2% for the DNA-Generation for any Nutrients and any Kind of Reproduction. It can be upgraded 4 Times and increases the Bonus per 2% per Upgrade.

The Evolution of a Cell Wall gives the Specie another layer of Protection against the environment. As it is found in Plants, but not in Animals, the Evolutionary Step Animal Cell can't be purchased anymore. Every Upgrade increases the Protection, can be upgraded 4 Times.

Stats: Defense 2

DNA: 14 + 5 + 20*2% = 39

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (16/18 DNA)

Players: WanderingEye
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The Evolution of an Cytoskeleton opens the Way to be able to move on his own, but these Structures must be evolved seperatly. It also plays important roles in both intracellular transport and cellular division. Therefore, it gives an Bonus of 2% for the DNA-Generation for any Nutrients and any Kind of Reproduction. It can be upgraded 4 Times and increases the Bonus per 2% per Upgrade.

The Evolution of a Cell Wall gives the Specie another layer of Protection against the environment. As it is found in Plants, but not in Animals, the Evolutionary Step Animal Cell can't be purchased anymore. Every Upgrade increases the Protection, can be upgraded 4 Times.

Stats: Defense 2

DNA: 14 + 5 + 20*2% = 39

B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18 DNA)
Organelle: Flagelle

Players: WanderingEye

The Evolution of Meiosis is another Step into true Sexual Reproduction. During Meiosis, the Chromosomes are split and recombinant with the Chromosomes of the Partner, thus increasing genetic Diversity and sorting out potential defective Chromosomes. It gives +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade gives +10 DNA per Turn, can be upgraded 4 Times.

DNA: 14 + 5 + 30 = 49

B: Invest DNA into new Part: Sexual Reproduction X 3
Turn 6
Turn 6:
As time goes on, Protocelli does nothing and collects DNA.

Meanwhile, Gul'Tros improves Sexual Reproduction.

Tcopis meanwhile evolves Flagella and Meiosis.

The Species does nothing and gets DNA.

DNA: 65 + 5 + 20*2% = 90

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (16/18/20/22 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (16/18/20/22 DNA)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon

Sexual Reproduction was improved and gives the Specie +60 DNA per Turn. It has no Upgrades left.

DNA: 24 + 5 + 130 = 159

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (26/27/29/31/33 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (26/27/29/31/33 DNA)

Players: RulerofNothing, Troglodyte, Prince Ire

The Evolution of Flagella allows the Specie to move on its own. Also, Flagella can be used as sensory organelles, as they are sensitive to chemicals and temperatures outside the cell. Thus it gives the Specie +1 in Sensory and +2 in Agility. They can be upgraded 4 Times and gives +1 Sensory/+2 Agility per Upgrade.

The Evolution of Meiosis is another Step into true Sexual Reproduction. During Meiosis, the Chromosomes are split and recombinant with the Chromosomes of the Partner, thus increasing genetic Diversity and sorting out potential defective Chromosomes. It gives +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade gives +10 DNA per Turn, can be upgraded 4 Times.

Stats: Agility 2, Defense 2, Sensory 1

DNA: 5 + 5 + 30*2% = 41

Current Habitat: Hydrothermal vents

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (24 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (24 DNA)
D: Move into a new Habitat (3 Turns for Migration)

Players: WanderingEye
Alright, Protocelli, time to pretend you are a Pokemon!

Evolve Organella: Cillium
Evolve Organella: Flagelle
Evolve: Metosis
Evolve: Fertilization
Evolve: Cell Membrane

Unless I am wrong, that should be 88(4*18 + 16 = 88)
Turn 7:
As time goes on, Protocelli evolves Organella: Cillium, Organella: Flagelle, Meiosis and Fertilization.

Meanwhile, Gul'Tros improves its Meiosis and Fertilization.

Tcopis meanwhile does nothing and collects its DNA.

The Evolution of Cilia allows the Specie to sense more Things. Also, Cilia can be used for locomotion, by moving the Cell itself or fluids around the cell. Thus it gives the Specie +2 in Sensory and +1 in Agility. They can be upgraded 4 Times and gives +2 Sensory/+1 Agility per Upgrade.

The Evolution of Flagella allows the Specie to move on its own. Also, Flagella can be used as sensory organelles, as they are sensitive to chemicals and temperatures outside the cell. Thus it gives the Specie +1 in Sensory and +2 in Agility. They can be upgraded 4 Times and gives +1 Sensory/+2 Agility per Upgrade.

The Evolution of Meiosis is another Step into true Sexual Reproduction. During Meiosis, the Chromosomes are split and recombinant with the Chromosomes of the Partner, thus increasing genetic Diversity and sorting out potential defective Chromosomes. It gives +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade gives +10 DNA per Turn, can be upgraded 4 Times.

The Evolution of Fertilisation allows the fusion of gametes to initiate the development of a new individual organism, therefore increasing the genetic Prosperity of the Specie and giving +10 DNA per Turn. Every Upgrade of Fertilisation gives additional +10 DNA per Round, and It can be upgraded 4 Times.

Stats: Agility 3, Sensory 3

Current Habitat: Hydrothermal vents

DNA: 14 + 5 + 40*2% = 60

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (24/26 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (24/26 DNA)
D: Move into a new Habitat (2 Turns for Migration)

Players: Dromeosaur, Mandemon

Meiosis was improved and gives the Specie +40 DNA per Turn. It has no Upgrades left.

Fertilization was improved and gives the Specie +10 DNA per Turn. It has 3 Upgrades left.

DNA: 13 + 5 + 180 = 198

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (35/37/39/41/43 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (35/37/39/41/43 DNA)

Players: RulerofNothing, Troglodyte, Prince Ire

The Species does nothing and collects DNA.

Stats: Agility 2, Defense 2, Sensory 1

Current Habitat: Hydrothermal vents

DNA: 41 + 5 + 30*2% = 77

A: Wait a Round
B: Invest DNA into new Part (24/26 DNA)
C: Improve a Part (24/26 DNA)
D: Move into a new Habitat (3 Turns for Migration)

Players: WanderingEye