[X] - Adventures with Dunk, Ser Rykker wishes to take you and your party with him. He says that you are both second sons and will be able to find a home anywhere. He means to travel the Crownlands and find a ship to travel to Pentos, he means to find himself mercenary work. Although, he did speak of the Velyarons and troubles in the Stepstones. Talk about history repeating itself...
[X] - Adventures with Gaerys Maegyr, a free city mecernary who'd seen your display. He wishes for you and your party to travel to the Wall, North, West, and East. To his home in Lys, apparently, he means to make himself something of a company there. A band of mercenaries, from what you have heard, Essos is the place the last dragons remain...
[X] - Dragonstone. The land in which the Dragons landed and from there, launched their invasion and eventual conquest of Six Kingdoms. Your uncle, Stannis, wishes to host you. He talks of a red witch that wishes to know you.