Spark Quest(no, not that one)(Girl Genius)

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A heretical collection of interactive narrative, collected and preserved by The Incorruptible Republic of the Immortal Library of the Grand Architect as evidence for the author's upcoming trial.


No Glory Save Honor
Where you can still smell the sky
Welcome, pursuers of fallible semi-histories, plumbers of the depths of the mythical information super-highway, and various other creators of originality-adjacent media to a world ruled by MAD SCIENCE!


Perhaps, dear readers, you have heard of the marvelous tales of Agatha Heterodyne, Europa's greatest and most beloved Spark, the thrilling adventures she has embarked upon with a truly enormous cast of colorful characters, expertly told by the Professor and Professoressa Kaja and Phil Folio (aided greatly by their trans-dimensional color theorist Dr. Cheyenne Wright), whose quality is so magnificent they had to withdraw from the Hugo awards because they were winning too many of them.

This, of course, will be much better than that garbage.

For I, professional under-intern Jeffernocke Atramento-Os, through my revolutionary Universal Quest Abandonment Theorem, have developed a new revolutionary interactive narrative where you, yes you dear reader, will play the revolutionary role of a Mad Scientist, more commonly known as a Spark. Yours will be the power to build devices of unimaginable wonder and destructive potential. Yours will be the chance to unravels the secret mysteries of the universe, and other universes beyond. Yours will the butt that has to be pulled out of the fire when the thousand perils that plague Europa start to notice you.

"Well then," I hear you say "Stop with the walls of text and get on with it then. I don't have all day."

Alright, alright, don't be pushy, give me a moment to find my notes.

Ah, here are. You can't be a Mad Scientist without an equally Mad dream to shoot for, now can you? This is it, the thing you seek above all else. The holy grail that drives you forward, the desire burned into your brain so deeply you couldn't stop reaching for it any more than you can stop breathing.

[ ] Enlightenment: An oldy but a goody. You seek to Know, to relive that brief flash of absolute understanding you saw during your Breakthrough.​
[ ] Elysium: this one is rather unpopular. You wish to do what is right. To make the world better, the fight for a truly just cause, and eventually to die from it. You could care less about power or glory, the world is messed up and you're going to be the one to fix it.​
[ ] The Lightning Crown: once, there was the Storm King, who conquest of Europa and eventual tragic fall has been recounted by more story-tellers then years of your life. The sheer scale of his greatness was and is unprecedented. Until you, that is. You will reclaim the Storm King's throne and reach even greater heights. All will bow to you, and the empire you create will reach to the stars themselves.​
[ ] Immortality: you will not die. Your works will not crumble, your name will not be forgotten. You will hold back the jaws of death until the last second of eternity, by any means necessary.​
[ ] One of the Greats: what use is power, to be another petty dictator to fill a paragraph in a history book. But you will not be a footnote, you will be eternal. Albia, Van Rijn, the Storm King? Hah! They will pale in comparison to you. A thousand dynasties from now, students will try and fail to reclaim a fraction of your art.​
[ ] Second Breakthrough: there are stories, rarely told and seldom believed, that certain Sparks throughout history managed to repeat their Breakthroughs, becoming Gods in the process. This…appeals to you. Although, to be fair, there are even darker stories, of a grin surrounded in flames who seems to find sport in hunting these Gods down.​

And now, the good part. As part of your Breakthrough, you receive a brief flash of insight into one of the fundamental forces of reality. The works of Mad Science draw power and form by tapping into these fundamental forces and twisting them. Most Sparks specialize in one, but the most powerful of Sparks are at least competent in all of them. Maybe that could be you, someday. This will the be the foundation upon which your build your inventions, choose one please.
[ ] Reaction: combustion and oxidation, crystallization and dissolution. Breaking things down at their most fundamental level and building them back up into something new. Focuses on permanent changes, Reactions work once and are at least as difficult to reverse as they were to create. Leads into Alchemy and true Transmutation.​
[ ] Propulsion: momentum and rotation, pressure and clockwork. The basic force behind every Clank, Propulsion is the force that makes impossible contraptions work, despite all logic to the contrary. Leads into Automatons and Colossi.​
[ ] Vitality: the violent and irrepressible urge of life to live, to grow, change, and reproduce. Harnessing this force has allowed Sparks since before the word itself to create the most beautiful miracle and horrendous monstrosities. Leads into Elan Vital and Revival.​
[ ] Vibration: every object in the universe has a frequency at which it vibrates, including the universe itself. Some heretical theoreticians state that Sparks can hear this universal music and vibrate in harmony. Truth or not, vibration is the force that governs and improves everything, but is comparatively weak by itself. Leads into vocal Harmonics and the Singing of the Spheres.​
[ ] Magnetism: the inherent love that all matter has for itself, more strongly pronounced in certain metals. Requires rarer materials, but creates spectacular effects. Leads into Aciekenesis and Nullification.​

Everyone needs a leg up in the world, you'll be one of the rare few that actually gets it. Choose one.

[ ] Soft Breakthrough: the process through which a relatively normal human becomes a Spark is always traumatic, and sometimes gets them killed. Taking this will allow you to ease into your Breakthrough, and allow you some amount of control over your first device.​
[ ] Formal Education: you were lucky enough to have a tutor in the Sciences. You may choose one other Force to have basic understanding of.​
[ ] Friend in high places: you have a connection to someone in the main cast of characters, substantial enough to ask one significant favor of them.​
[ ] Smoke in the Wind: you have partial training in the arts of the Smoke Knights. You can stealth like nobody's business and can escape an impossible situation once per encounter (provided nobody is looking at you).​
[ ] Science Hero: not only are you brilliant in mind, your body ain't nothing to sneeze at either. You're strong enough to hold your own with Jagers and tough enough to walk away afterwards​

But of course, we don't want things to be too easy, now do we? You must choose one.
[ ] Wild Spark: you don't know what you're doing. You only have partial control over what you build, but that control will increase as you learn more.​
[ ] Wasting Disease: you've been exposed to something that's slowly killing you. You will get weaker and more fragile as the sickness progresses, and people will shun you as your symptoms get more noticeable. There is a cure, and you can search for it in the world or just invent it yourself if and when you become powerful enough.​
[ ] Other's Directive: a sinister force called the Other nearly destroyed Europa with their army of revenants, controlled via small insects called slaver wasps. You don't know it, but you have been infected with a slaver wasp as well. On top of that, before they were defeated the Other gave you an instruction that you must follow. You don't know what that instruction is, but it will guide your decisions until you figure out how to fix it.​
[ ] Dim Spark: your Spark doesn't burn as brightly as others, it takes you longer to research projects, and your inventions won't be as effective unless you put extra effort and materials into them.​
[ ] Enemy= one of the main cast hates you with a burning passion, will attempt to hurt or kill you should you meet, and will dedicate time and energy to work against you.​

And finally, where are you going to debut as the world's new rising Spark?
[ ] Drowned England: the island may have sunk beneath the waves, but the sun hasn't quite set on Britain. Ruled by the great goddess Albia the undying, you are more than willing to die for her and your country. You ought to make an excellent contribution to her collection.​
[ ] Paris: the great city of lights, set apart from the rest of Europe through the not inconsiderable power of the Master Voltaire himself, who has decreed the city to be a safe and peaceful place for the expression of art. And if you break this decree, well…one thing a city of art and science can always use is raw material.
[ ] The Wastelands: if we're being honest, most of Europa. The bits between cities, at least. Remnants of the Great War, and even ones before it roam the deep forests and hills of this desolate place. Aside from the monsters, it's mostly populated by adventurers, veterans, Jagermonsters, and the occasional traveling circus. The Baron Wulfenbach controls this area, and Sparks that he hears about have a tendency to…disappear.​
[ ] The Iron Caliphate: the rapidly growing empire of the Iron Sheikh, a lifelong friend of the Heterodyne boys, who seems to be trying to emulate the Baron's attempts at reconciling warring Spark nobles in the south-east. His methods are not nearly as ruthless as the Baron's, which may be why the Caliphate is much less stable than the Wulfenbach Empire.​
[ ] The Hunting Grounds: by now everybody has heard of the Gilded Duke's attempted uprising against the Baron, and how poorly that turned out. Before his untimely death, the Duke's favorite game was to hunt peasants for sport. Now, his estate is so infested with mechanical "hunting parties" and traps that the Baron just sealed the place off, trapping the few survivors inside.​
And please, for the sake of whatever sanity I have remaining, PLAN FORMAT​
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If you're going to be GMing, I recommend making it so that people can actually PM you. It's easier to get feedback, advice, etc. if people don't feel as though they need to fear dogpiling for voicing a contrary opinion.

Excellent suggestion, how do I do that?
Character Sheet
Name: Amalia von Hohenheim
Gender: Female.
Origin: Academic

Playbook: Spark
Stats: TBD

Goal: Immortality

Specialty: Reaction

Smoke in the Wind: you have partial training in the arts of the Smoke Knights. You can stealth like nobody's business and can escape an impossible situation once per encounter (provided nobody is looking at you).


Wild Spark: you don't know what you're doing. You only have partial control over what you build, but that control will increase as you learn more

Wasting Disease: you've been exposed to something that's slowly killing you. You will get weaker and more fragile as the sickness progresses, and people will shun you as your symptoms get more noticeable. There is a cure, and you can search for it in the world or just invent it yourself if and when you become powerful enough.
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Excellent suggestion, how do I do that?
It's under Privacy, "who can start conversations with you."

Excellent suggestions, thank you.
(...Typically, you then tell people they can post. :p )

Reposted after deleting the earlier one...

I'm ambivalent toward most options, but I am partial to Science Hero and either Wild Spark (It's a classic!) or Other's Directive (it's not a classic!). So, I'll be back tomorrow.
> Reposted
Are votes by line or by plan? I suppose I could work with either.

[x] Plan: The Enslaved Champion

[x] The Lightning Crown
[x] Magnetism
[x] Science Hero
[x] Other's Directive
[x] The Hunting Grounds

Our reign shall be brief... but memorable!
winning to many of them.

[ ] Drowned England: the island may have sunk beneath the waves, but the sun hasn't quite set on Britain. Ruled by the great goddess Albia the undying, you are more than willing to die for her and your country. You ought to make an excellent contribution to her collection.

Aside: Do any of the chargen choices affect gender? I got the feeling we had a male PC, but Albia may be a wee bit sexist; being collected under those circumstances would be impressive, to say the least.

[ ] Smoke in the Wind: you have partial training in the arts of the Smoke Knights. You can stealth like nobody's business and can escape an impossible situation once per day (provided nobody is looking at you).
So uh, could we get a slight buff to this — specifically, to remove the "provided nobody is looking at you?"

*points at cardboard cutout during Library arc*

When one alternative is being able to fight on a jägermonster's (or possibly OTHAR TRYGGVASSEN, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER!'s) level, a one-per-day limited ability should be particularly exceptional. Just look at the comics to see how very much can happen in one day. *cough castle arc cough*
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[X] Plan Fleshwarper
-[X] One of the Greats: what use is power, to be another petty dictator to fill a paragraph in a history book. But you will not be a footnote, you will be eternal. Albia, Van Rijn, the Storm King? Hah! They will pale in comparison to you. A thousand dynasties from now, students will try and fail to reclaim a fraction of your art.
-[X] Vitality: the violent and irrepressible urge of life to live, to grow, change, and reproduce. Harnessing this force has allowed Sparks since before the word itself to create the most beautiful miracle and horrendous monstrosities. Leads into Elan Vital and Revival.
-[X] Friend in high places: you have a connection to someone in the main cast of characters, substantial enough to ask one significant favor of them.
-[X] Wild Spark: you don't know what you're doing. You only have partial control over what you build, but that control will increase as you learn more.
-[X] Paris: the great city of lights, set apart from the rest of Europe through the not inconsiderable power of the Master Voltaire himself, who has decreed the city to be a safe and peaceful place for the expression of art. And if you break this decree, well…one thing a city of art and science can always use is raw material.

Friend in high places is basically mandatory, because this universe, and sparks in general, seems to run on narrative, and basically the only way we are guaranteed of changing the world or even surviving is by hooking up with the main cast. I picked one of the greats because fame and reputation is always a cool goal. Vitality was picked because beast minions are cool and we could prob eventually mod ourselves. I took wild spark because it's the easiest to get rid of, and has the potential to be beneficial. Finally, I picked Paris so we don't die immediately and because of THE INCORRUPTIBLE LIBRARY

Another reason I picked vitality is because I really want to draw fan art of our monster pets

Aside: Do any of the chargen choices affect gender? I got the feeling we had a male PC, but Albia may be a wee bit sexist; being collected under those circumstances would be impressive, to say the least.

So uh, could we get a slight buff to this — specifically, to remove the "provided nobody is looking at you?"

*points at cardboard cutout during Library arc*

When one alternative is being able to fight on a jägermonster's (or possibly OTHAR TRYGGVASSEN, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER!'s) level, a one-per-day limited ability should be particularly exceptional. Just look at the comics to see how very much can happen in one day. *cough castle arc cough*

One moment, working on it.

On the gender thing, I usually prefer to leave the protagonist's gender ambiguous.

Also, my own head canon about what the "collection" is is probably different from yours.

Also also, you're right about the power imbalance thing. I'd forgotten about the cardboard cutout, but I'd always assumed that only high-ranked smoke knights were capable of such bullshit. I think my reaction would be to nerf the bit about Othar.
Friend in high places is basically mandatory, because this universe, and sparks in general, seems to run on narrative, and basically the only way we are guaranteed of changing the world or even surviving is by hooking up with the main cast. I picked one of the greats because fame and reputation is always a cool goal. Vitality was picked because beast minions are cool and we could prob eventually mod ourselves. I took wild spark because it's the easiest to get rid of, and has the potential to be beneficial. Finally, I picked Paris so we don't die immediately and because of THE INCORRUPTIBLE LIBRARY

Another reason I picked vitality is because I really want to draw fan art of our monster pets

Okay, there's a lot to unpack here, but I'm going to focus on the fan art bit because *squeeee*


What kind of fan art are we talking?
Okay, there's a lot to unpack here, but I'm going to focus on the fan art bit because *squeeee*


What kind of fan art are we talking?
Mainly pencil and paper drawings, though I've been recently experimenting with pixel art
I dont draw that well though, so dont get your hopes up
For reference
One of my better drawings

Took me about 2 weeks, though that's mainly because of the scales
[X]Plan The First, and last Enemy is Time.
-[X] Immortality: you will not die. Your works will not crumble, your name will not be forgotten. You will hold back the jaws of death until the last second of eternity, by any means necessary.
-[X] Reaction: combustion and oxidation, crystallization and dissolution. Breaking things down at their most fundamental level and building them back up into something new. Focuses on permanent changes, Reactions work once and are at least as difficult to reverse as they were to create. Leads into Alchemy and true Transmutation.
-[X] Smoke in the Wind: you have partial training in the arts of the Smoke Knights. You can stealth like nobody's business and can escape an impossible situation once per encounter (provided nobody is looking at you).{Could this please be the result of a device we have made rather than training please?}
-[X] Wild Spark: you don't know what you're doing. You only have partial control over what you build, but that control will increase as you learn more.
-[X] Wasting Disease: you've been exposed to something that's slowly killing you. You will get weaker and more fragile as the sickness progresses, and people will shun you as your symptoms get more noticeable. There is a cure, and you can search for it in the world or just invent it yourself if and when you become powerful enough.
-[X] The Hunting Grounds: by now everybody has heard of the Gilded Duke's attempted uprising against the Baron, and how poorly that turned out. Before his untimely death, the Duke's favorite game was to hunt peasants for sport. Now, his estate is so infested with mechanical "hunting parties" and traps that the Baron just sealed the place off, trapping the few survivors inside.​
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[X] Wild Spark: you don't know what you're doing. You only have partial control over what you build, but that control will increase as you learn more.
[X] Wasting Disease: you've been exposed to something that's slowly killing you. You will get weaker and more fragile as the sickness progresses, and people will shun you as your symptoms get more noticeable. There is a cure, and you can search for it in the world or just invent it yourself if and when you become powerful enough.

Did you choose two Tangles by mistake or was that intentional for thematic purposes?
Mainly pencil and paper drawings, though I've been recently experimenting with pixel art
I dont draw that well though, so dont get your hopes up
For reference
One of my better drawings

Took me about 2 weeks, though that's mainly because of the scales

Oh my.

I'm imagining them as being five inches tall with the personality of a cat.

Anyway, if you're willing to spend time making fan art for my crazy little quest, I'll write an omake from the perspective of the canon character of your choice.
Did you choose two Tangles by mistake or was that intentional for thematic purposes?
It was intentional, cause I thought they sounded cool.

I wanted to take enemy too, but thoughtit a little much... Obviously I am not in the right mindset.

Your thoughts on the smoke knight modification?
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It was intentional, cause I thought they sounded cool.

I wanted to take enemy too, but thoughtit a little much... Obviously I am not in the right mindset.

Your thoughts on the smoke knight modification?


I have ideas for exactly what smoke knights are and how they work.

One of the things I always loved about girl genius is that nobody really believes in magic, it's universally accepted to be sufficiently advanced science. Fortune tellers actually use "prediction algorithms", Gil called Zetha's headband an "inefficient scientific miracle."

Please rest assured that what smoke knights can do is device-based science bullshit, but exactly how that works is one the mysteries you'll have a chance to unravel, so I don't want to spoil it here.

Let's just say that even the main character doesn't know what happens when they instantly replace themselves with a dummy, it's essentially self-hypnosis. Thinking about how it works makes it impossible to do it.
[X] Sing of the Iron Bones
[X] One of the Greats: what use is power, to be another petty dictator to fill a paragraph in a history book. But you will not be a footnote, you will be eternal. Albia, Van Rijn, the Storm King? Hah! They will pale in comparison to you. A thousand dynasties from now, students will try and fail to reclaim a fraction of your art.

[X] Vibration: every object in the universe has a frequency at which it vibrates, including the universe itself. Some heretical theoreticians state that Sparks can hear this universal music and vibrate in harmony. Truth or not, vibration is the force that governs and improves everything, but is comparatively weak by itself. Leads into vocal Harmonics and the Singing of the Spheres.
[X] Magnetism: the inherent love that all matter has for itself, more strongly pronounced in certain metals. Requires rarer materials, but creates spectacular effects. Leads into Aciekenesis and Nullification.

[X] Formal Education: you were lucky enough to have a tutor in the Sciences. You may choose one other Force to have basic understanding of.

[X] Other's Directive: a sinister force called the Other nearly destroyed Europa with their army of revenants, controlled via small insects called slaver wasps. You don't know it, but you have been infected with a slaver wasp as well. On top of that, before they were defeated the Other gave you an instruction that you must follow. You don't know what that instruction is, but it will guide your decisions until you figure out how to fix it.

[X] Paris: the great city of lights, set apart from the rest of Europe through the not inconsiderable power of the Master Voltaire himself, who has decreed the city to be a safe and peaceful place for the expression of art. And if you break this decree, well…one thing a city of art and science can always use is raw materials

I have ideas for exactly what smoke knights are and how they work.

One of the things I always loved about girl genius is that nobody really believes in magic, it's universally accepted to be sufficiently advanced science. Fortune tellers actually use "prediction algorithms", Gil called Zetha's headband an "inefficient scientific miracle."

Please rest assured that what smoke knights can do is device-based science bullshit, but exactly how that works is one the mysteries you'll have a chance to unravel, so I don't want to spoil it here.

Let's just say that even the main character doesn't know what happens when they instantly replace themselves with a dummy, it's essentially self-hypnosis. Thinking about how it works makes it impossible to do it.
That isn't why I am asking about it- rather while I like the ability I don't really want to have the character be a smoke knight or have any affiliations with them.

With 'Wild Spark' I doubt it would be unlikely for us to have made something either externally or internally that would work the same and still be something we don't understand, but I just don't want the story of being even a half succesful mostly failed smoke knight.

That said, it is by no means a sticking point.
I'm a little late to the party, but I'd still like to throw out another plan. I think it'd be fun, if likely to end in our untimely demise.

[X] Plan Lofty Ambition
-[X] Second Breakthrough
-[X] Vibration
-[X] Formal Education (Reaction)
-[X] Wasting Disease
-[X] Paris
That isn't why I am asking about it- rather while I like the ability I don't really want to have the character be a smoke knight or have any affiliations with them.

With 'Wild Spark' I doubt it would be unlikely for us to have made something either externally or internally that would work the same and still be something we don't understand, but I just don't want the story of being even a half succesful mostly failed smoke knight.

That said, it is by no means a sticking point.

The protagonist won't be a failed smoke knight, it's more like Tarvek and Martellus. They received smoke knight training because their family pulled some strings, but they're not part of the order.

Unless I'm completely misremembering the comic, which isn't unlikely.