Space Hulk Deathwing: Claustrophobia Intensifies

So I wasn't able to find a thread via the search bar for this game and thought I must rectify that mistake immediately. We know from the AJS interview that it is coming out next year, but don't have a specific date for it.

Also as these guys did create EYE: Divine Cybermancy we do know that they can do the 'heavy' feeling of these characters just fine.

We have some offscreen gameplay from E3 (no onscreen unfortanately), an interview from the Angry Joe Show and some screenshots

And for good times sakes, some of the older trailers as well.

A) i Don't understand why people hatted on that trailer. It gave the "desperado last stand" feel that kinda goes with that kind of job.
This does look pretty cool. I'm not a huge fan of the marines, but playing Space Marine and the Chapter Master game got me interested. After kicking a whole bunch of ass as an ultramarine, I'm quite interested in seeing some terminator gear at work. Stormbolter was better then I expected, so looking forward to the upscaled version. Also assault cannon, because nothing hoses down mooks like an assault cannon.
1 terminator fires his assault cannon, 34 cultists where killed. This is a good gun.

Deathwing is dark angels, yes? Like I said I'm not a marine fan
New Video! :ninja:

Space Hulk®: Deathwing™ is an upcoming first-person shooter set in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Space Hulk: Deathwing is an adaptation of the Space Hulk board game, developed on Unreal Engine 4 by the team behind E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Streum On Studio. This trailer introduces the basics of the game: its premise, the teammates, the localised damage system, and some of the fearsome enemies players will encounter.

Infiltrate and explore the Space Hulk "Olethros", a derelict collection of space ship and debris filled with hidden dangers and relics. As a Librarian, players can take AI squadmates or have fellow players join them in their investigation into the mystery of Olethros, co-written by renowned Dark Angels writer Gavin Thorpe.

Infesting the Space Hulk are ferocious Genestealers who utilise ambushes, swarming and tactical retreats in order to slowly tear down the player's Terminator armour. Damage is localised, and taking too many hits in certain areas will cause your armour to malfunction. To stop the horde, you'll have access to a wide assortment of weapons, skills, and powers taken directly from Warhammer 40,000 lore to customize your squad of Dark Angel Terminators.

Space Hulk: Deathwing will release later in 2016.


But holy shit am I hyped for this. EYE is one of my favourite games of all time, and its gameplay shows that these guys know how to make you feel like a genuine badass in power armor. All the stuff I've seen has only made me more and more hyped for this.

All I need now is a comp that can run it...
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New Arsenal trailer showing off the weapons and gameplay:

Yea, I'm pretty hyped. Getting a new graphics card so I can play this. Surprised to see my earlier comment, I've come a long way lore wise. Playing Space Hulk really kicked my wiki walking into gear.
Holy shit a 40k game that's on XBOX 1.

Words can't describe how happy I am about that.

Maybe I'm the future they might make a Dark Heresy video game. *Fingers crossed*
So with the release of a new trailer, we have good news: we now have a definitive release date for the game.

Bad news: It's been pushed back to December 9.

I'm honestly pretty happy that they delayed it, the lack of real ingame footage that wasn't staged has had be concerned as of late. The fact that they're pushing it back means they have more time to make it into a genuinely good game rather then the buggy mess that cynicism says it will be.

Though if nothing else it should look pretty and have a decent story.
Looks like someone managed to get actual, unedited gameplay footage:

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