Er.. Tell me if I should delete this or not..

Looks interesting judging from the picture though.
Gereschkt- The Disillusioned Rebels
The Rebel Battleship Gereschkt

The crew of the Gereschkt used to be Rebels under Dietz, but defected when they felt that Dietz had betrayed the spirit of the rebellion by not enacting the reform they had desired. Led by the pureblood Gamilon Suse Aerni, the mixed crew of Zaltzian dissenters and Gamilon revolutionaries seized an Imperial Guard Haizerad-class Battleship and fled to the farthest reaches of the Gamilon Empire. They have since made extensive modifications to the vessel, the least of which being a new red paint job that is unfinished due to a shortage of red paint. Other additions include two additional 133mm turrets salvaged from an Imperial Loyalist Guipellon they destroyed, additional AA guns, and scrap they welded to the prow to act as additional armor plating. She boasts additional speed due to modifications made to the main drive, along with many layers of Migobueza coating looted from a lightly-defended Imperial research base. While she is more fearsome than any normal Haizerad in the fleet, she is still only one Battleship which relies on its torpedo armament, and as a result the crew pick and choose their battles carefully. She is also stocked full of torpedoes, so if her armor is breached she's liable to go up in flames.

Commander: Suse Aerni
Gender- Female
Race- Gamilon
Appearance- Blue skin, shoulder-length purple hair, sharp eyes and soft complexion. 5'8''
Personality- Indignant and Defensive. Self-righteous and idealistic. Only values the opinions of her close friends and cares little for her public image.
Background- Captain Aerni is a former officer of the Astro Navy, and became disillusioned with the Empire after serving with Zaltzians for many Seasons on the front lines. She desires a more democratic Gamilon government, and dislikes the concept of an empire. She has a reckless command style, and gained infamy when she launched a frontal assault with her Kelkapia on Gatlantean forces to rescue a Second-class Gamilon Destroyer Wing that was cut off from the main force. She resigned her commission when she was reprimanded for her actions.
She joined up with the rebels as soon as she heard of them, but her dream for a democratic Gamilas never came to be. She now fights for the dream of a Gamilas for the people, led by the people.

Second-in-Command/Helm Officer: Luzia Sehlmann
Gender- Female
Race- Zaltzian
Appearance- Light brown skin, short cropped brown hair, soft eyes and youthful complexion. 4'6''
Personality- Quiet and reserved. Analytical and observant. Luzia is quick to offer her view on the situation but rarely pushes if met with opposition.
Background- A former combat pilot, Luzia became an ace in the Gamilon Astro Navy quickly, but was prevented from attaining promotion by her spiteful Gamilon superiors. Her skills with a Czvarke are exceptional, and as a squadron leader she shines. She joined Suse's crew when the Guipellion she was forced to serve on was destroyed by the Gereschkt. Rather than fight to the last, she surrendered and her skills and situation were quickly recognized by Suse, who made her second-in-command.

Tactical Officer: Kiefer Staack
Gender- Male
Race- Zaltzian
Appearance- Light skin, short, cropped blonde hair, hard eyes with angular face. 6'1''.
Personality- Brash and Aggressive. Greedy. He tends to hold grudges and will often harass others.
Background- Kiefer was a gunnery officer on a Second-class Gamilon ship, but defected to the rebellion as soon as he was able. Despite being invaluable to them, he grew angry when he discovered that he wouldn't be granted any special status in the new Gamilon Empire, and thus rebelled from the rebellion. He ended up in Suse's band of outcasts, and was her second-in-command for a while. He feels upstaged by Luzia, and takes every opportunity he gets to make her life miserable, short of actually jeopardizing the operation of the ship.

Science Officer: Marga Nagelberg
Gender- Female
Race- Gamilon
Appearance- Dark blue skin, short red hair done up in a ponytail, deep eyes with a mature complexion. 5'4''.
Personality- Inquisitive and Perceptive. Excitable and Amicable. Marga has an enthusiasm perhaps contrary to her age.
Background- Marga was a physicist who taught at a university on Alteria. She successfully evacuated during their uprising, and watched in horror as the planet and all its inhabitants were annihilated by the Imperial Guard. From that point onward, she vowed to fight against the regime that would commit such atrocities. She never quite believed that Dietz would right the wrongs of the Gamilon Empire, as he did nothing to prevent Alteria's destruction. As a result, she joined Suse when it was clear that all they were helping was a regime change. She is friendly, but keeps her colleagues at arm's length, not quite willing to get close to anyone after losing her Alterian friends.

Renheit & Offanborng

The Renheit and Offanborng are modified Kripitera-class Destroyers that defected from the rebellion along with the Gereschkt. Their automated systems were reinforced and their main drives augmented.
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Richelieu- The French Space Battleship
Space Battleship Richelieu

The Richelieu was the product of the European Union's attempt to construct a ship capable of making the journey to Iscandar. While other nations such as Russia's Kirov-class missile battleship, and America's Arizona-class Battleship went with older, more reliable technologies, the EU went with a design that incorporated even more new and untested technologies than the Yamato itself. She supports a prototype dual Wave Motion Gun, quad-mounted 15 inch Shock Cannons, and a substantial missile armament. She also can utilize the same Wave Motion Shield technology that the Yamato uses. Other than the Yamato and the Arizona she is the only Cosmo Reverser Plan ship that survived, as Russia and many other countries scrapped their respective ships.

Lois Moreau:
Rank: Captain
Ethnicity: French
Appearance: Caucasian, shoulder-length brown hair, soft complexion, 6'2"
Personality: Easy to get along with, honorable, takes after her father, who was in the Cosmo Navy before her.
Background: Was born roughly 10 years before the war with Garmilias started, but she does not hate the Garmilians for attacking her home. Lois only cares about protecting the Earth from future attacks. She is popular with her crew, but behind closed doors, she is constantly worried about failing her next mission. There are rumors about her being in a romantic relationship with her second-in-command, Michael Hawkins. Hates the invention and liberal use of the Wave Motion Gun. She served on the Space Battleship Dunkerque for nearly 3 years before being chosen for the Richelieu's crew.

Second-in-Command/Helm Officer
Michael Hawkins:
Rank: Commander
Ethnicity: British
Appearance: Caucasian, short-length blonde hair, slightly angular face, 6'4"
Personality: Laid-back and relaxed, jokes around when not on duty. When on duty and during combat, Michael shows no mercy to his enemies. Like his commanding officer, he only cares for the defense of Earth and his mission, race does not matter to him.
Background: Was born roughly 11 years before the war with Garmilias, and only cared about the cause of the planet-bombs. His parents and family died in a planet bomb attack, and he joined the Cosmo Navy shortly after. He first served on the the Space Battleship Repulse as Tactical Officer, and was transferred to the Space Battleship Richelieu 2 years later.

Tactical Officer
Heinz Bauer:
Rank: Lieutenant
Ethnicity: German
Apperance: Tall, lanky, dark blonde hair, younger looking, 6'0"
Personality: By the book, friendly, wants to impress his superior officers.
Background: Bauer, as he prefers to go by his last name, first served on the Space Destroyer Z-29. He proved himself during a skirmish a small Gamlion attack force, after he was forced into command when a blast killed the ship's captain. He is well liked by the crew for his skills and his friendly demeanor. He always strives to be better, as he one day wishes to command a space battleship of his own.

Science Officer:
Dr. Anya Vahlen:
Ethnicity: Swiss
Appearance: (Literally Vahlen from XCOM Enemy Within)
Personality: Proud, Eccentric, easy to get along with.
Background: Dr. Valhen is an expert in many fields, ranging from Xenobiology, to quantum physics, she is one of the top scientists in the world. She helped design the modifications and upgrades made to the Richelieu's Wave Motion Engine, and wishes to see how they perform first hand.

Autonomous Shipboard Analysis Unit:
AU-10 aka Analyzer Mk II:

Appearance: Blue paint, Cylindrical, 4'0"
Personality: Purely analytical, but will often show emotion.
Background: AU-10 is a copy of the original Analyzer stationed on the BBY-01 Yamato, he retained all of his "father's" memories.
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Arizona- Battleship Reborn
Space Battleship Arizona
The Arizona was the American Sector's contribution to the Armed Exodus Ark Ship Program—also known as the Izumo Plan in the Far Eastern Region—whose purpose was to ferry a select group of humans to a planet distant from Gamilas forces. With the arrival of Yurisha Iscandar, the Arizona, nearing 80% completion in 2198, was quickly rebuilt to new specifications to accommodate the new mission to Iscandar, though it was too far in construction to incorporate the newly-designed plans for the Wave Motion Gun. Near the start of 2199, the shipyard was attacked by a Gamilon Interplanetary Ballistic Missile. The remains of the American fleet stationed at the shipyard sacrificed themselves to destroy the IPBM before it struck, however the blast was large enough to severely damage both the shipyard and Arizona, which meant the Yamato would take its place. Despite this, the wreckage was remarkably mostly intact, and reconstruction began almost immediately—this time with a Wave Motion Gun. After the Yamato returned in 2200, the rebuilt Arizona was fitted with one of the two Wave Motion Cores in Earth's possession.

The Arizona mounts very similar weaponry to the Yamato, however heavier emphasis was placed on missiles and torpedoes. She carries a squadron of experimental Cosmo Mustangs and other support craft. Her main battery consists of 3 triple-mount 508 mm positron shock cannons, with seven quad pulse laser turrets on each side of the conning tower.

Abraham Gideon
Appearance: Dark brown skin, graying-white beard and mustache with short hair, 6'4" — basically like Morgan Freeman
A veteran of the the war with Mars, Abraham Gideon served as one of the main commanders of the American cosmo fleets during the fateful Battle of Mars. Rallying the remains after the slaughter, he worked with Admiral Okita to finally drive the Gamilons back. He harbors a distrust of Gamilons despite the reparations they have been sending, however he is grateful that there will be no more fighting. His stern exterior hides a fatherly attitude towards his subordinates.

Derek "Wildstar" Jordan
Appearance: Short white hair, dark brown skin, 6'1"
Brash and hotheaded, Derek's fiery temper is famous throughout the 3rd Fleet. Nevertheless, he possesses a keen organizational mind and is willing to put aside differences in the heat of battle. Afterwards, on the other hand, is a different story. He is known to harbor intense grudges, none so intense as the one against Gamilas for the devastation of Earth and his family.

Tactical Officer
Amy "Supernova" Forrester
Appearance: Black hair tied up in a ponytail, pale white skin, gentle features with a scar over her eye, 5'7"
There are very few who could claim to have held off an entire squadron on their lonesome; Amy is one of them. Her prowess in the cockpit is only matched by her tactical mind, however she has a tendency to view people as little more than pawns to be advanced—for the betterment of mankind, of course. Despite this she is a very kind soul to her close friends, that they could probably be counted on one hand notwithstanding.

Science Officer
Stephanie Orion
Appearance: Shoulder-length dreadlocks with big round glasses, 5'3"
A young graduate who was drafted into the war, Stephanie boasts an idealism that remarkably bloomed in the cynical wasteland of wartime Earth. Yamato's return with not only the promised wonder device, but with promises of peace from Earth's former adversary only reinforced it. She truly believes in science as a unifying force, and is looking forward to further cooperation between Earth and Gamilas.

Autonomous Shipboard Analysis Unit
Appearance: Analyzer but with white paint and blue highlights
The IQ series was the Americas' counterpart to the Far Eastern AU analyzer units. This iteration of IQ-09, known as Dexter to Arizona's crew, possesses the data from Yamato's AU-09 Analyzer.
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Gamilas Fleet Stats
Gamilas Astro Fleet

Gaiderol-class battleship - Capital

Armor: 1/1
V: 3/3
NV: 12/12
S: 14/14
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV: 25, V:1, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:40, NV:15, V:1, AA:1
Point-defense battery (L) - S:15, NV:1, AA:50
Torpedo tubes - 33
Vital Systems
Engine - 1-5

Haizerad-class battleship - Capital

Armor: 2/2
V: 3/3
NV: 15/15
S: 15/15
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:50, NV: 30, V:1, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:40, NV:15, V:1, AA:1
Point-defense battery (L) - S:15, NV:1, AA:50
Torpedo tubes - 33
Vital Systems
Engine - 1-5

Gelvades-class battlecarrier - Capital

Armor: 3/3
V: 3/3
NV: 15/15
S: 16/16
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:60, NV:40, V:10, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:65, NV:30, V:5, AA:1
Retractable battery (M) - S:60, NV:35, V:8, AA:1
Point-defense battery (L) - S:15, NV:1, AA:50
Vital Systems
Runway - 1-5
Hanger - 6-10
Engine - 11-15
3 squadrons—(12) DWG 262
1 squadron—(12) DMB 87
Operational Limit of 2 Squadrons

Dekubuz-class light carrier - Capital

Armor: 1/1
V: 2/2
NV: 8/8
S: 10/10
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV: 25, V:1, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:40, NV:20, V:1, AA:1
Point-defense battery (L) - S:15, NV:1, AA:50
Torpedo tubes - 8
Vital Systems
Runway - 1-5
Hanger - 6-10
Engine - 11-15
1 squadron—(12) DWG 262
1 squadron—(12) DMB 87
Operational limit of 1 squadron

Destroia-class heavy cruiser - Medium

Armor: 1/1
V: 1/1
NV: 3/3
S: 5/5
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV: 25, V:1, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:40, NV:20, V:1, AA:1
Torpedo tubes - 4

Kelkapia-class high speed cruiser - Medium

V: 1/1
NV: 2/2
S: 4/4
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV: 20, V:1, AA:1
Torpedo tubes - 6
Missile launchers - 6

Kripitera-class destroyer - Small

V: 1/1
NV: 1/1
S: 3/3
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV:15, V:1, AA:1
Secondary battery (L) - S:50, NV:10, V:1, AA:40
Torpedo tubes - 6
Missile launchers - 16


Special Ships

Haizerad-class battleship Gereschkt - Capital

Armor: 4/4
V: 3/3
NV: 15/15
S: 15/15
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:60, NV: 50, V:10, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:65, NV:45, V:5, AA:1
Tertiary battery (M) - S:65, NV:40, V:1, AA:1
Point-defense battery (L) - S:15, NV:1, AA:55
Torpedo tubes - 33
Vital Systems
Engine - 1-5

Kripitera-class destroyer Renheit & Offanborng - Small

V: 1/1
NV: 2/2
S: 4/4
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:50, NV:20, V:1, AA:1
Secondary battery (L) - S:60, NV:15, V:1, AA:40
Torpedo tubes - 6
Missile launchers - 16
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Gatlantis Fleet Stats
Gatlantis Astro Fleets

Kukulkan-class attack destroyer - Small

V: 1/1
NV: 1/1
S: 3/3
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV:10, V:1, AA:20
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, AA:45
Torpedo tubes - 2

Lascaux-class assault cruiser - Medium

V: 1/1
NV: 2/2
S: 3/3
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:40, NV:15, V:1, AA:20
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, NV:1, AA:45
Missile launchers - 10
Torpedo tubes - 2

Uxmal-class battlecruiser - Medium

Armor: 1/1
V: 1/1
NV: 3/3
S: 3/3
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:45, NV:20, V:2, AA:20
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, AA:45
Torpedo tubes - 4

Paracas-class light carrier - Capital

Armor: 1/1
V: 2/2
NV: 6/6
S: 6/6
Weapon Systems
Point-defense battery (L) - S:20, NV:1, AA:50
Missile launchers - 10
Vital Systems
Runway - 1-5
Hanger - 6-10
1 squadron—(12) Devastators
Operational limit of 1 squadron

Nazca-class strike carrier - Capital

Armor: 1/1
V: 3/3
NV: 8/8
S: 8/8
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:30, NV: 10, V:1, AA:20
Secondary battery (L) - S:40, NV:10, AA:30
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, NV:1, AA:40
Missile launchers - 8
Vital Systems
Hanger - 1-5
Runway - 6-15
2 squadrons—(12) Devastators
Operational limit of 2 squadrons

Medalusa-class annihilation heavy battleship - Capital

Armor: 2/2
V: 3/3
NV: 10/10
S: 6/6
Weapon Systems
Main battery (H) - S:25, NV:20, V:5, AA:1
Secondary battery (M) - S:30, NV:10, AA:20
Tertiary battery (L) - S:35, NV:8, AA:30
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, NV:1, AA:40
Torpedo tubes - 12
Vital Systems
Hanger 1 - 1-5
Hanger 2 - 6-10
Runway - 11-15
Flame Strike Gun (Special Weapon) - 16-20
FSG transport system (Special Weapon) - 21-30
1 squadron—(12) Devastators
Operational limit of 1 squadron

Calakmul-class heavy battleship - Capital

Armor: 3/3
V: 3/3
NV: 12/12
S: 8/8
Weapon Systems
Main battery (H) - S:30, NV:15, V:1 AA:20
Secondary battery (M) - S:30, NV:10, V:1 AA:30
Tertiary battery (L) - S:35, NV:8, AA:30
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, NV:1, AA:40
Vital Systems
Lightning Swirl Gun (Special Weapon) - 1-10

Tallesxanzer-class annihilation battleship - Capital

Armor: 3/3
V: 5/5
NV: 12/12
S: 10/10
Weapon Systems
Main battery (H) - S:30, NV:20, V:5, AA:10
Secondary battery (M) - S:30, NV:10, AA:20
Tertiary battery (L) - S:35, NV:8, AA:30
Point-defense battery (L) - S:10, NV:1, AA:40
Missile launchers - 8
Vital Systems
Flame Strike Gun (Special Weapon) - 1-25
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Combat Mechanics

This will use d100s and will be a ROLL UNDER system. Easier to do modifying calcs with that.

There are two types of units: ships and squadrons

Ships are subdivided into the Small, Medium, and Capital types.

Each ship has several stats: Vital damage, Non-Vital damage, Superficial damage, and Weapon Systems, and Vital Systems. After X number of S hits, it will translate into one NV hit. This number will depend on the ship class. No number of NV hits will destroy a ship, but once a certain number of NV hits are accumulated, the ship will be rendered "Combat Ineffective" or Mission Killed, and cannot fight. A ramming option will be available; this will result in ship destruction and rarely will occur. Once the limit of V hits are reached, the victim ship shall be destroyed entirely with all hands. NV damage can be repaired, but requires a turn. V damage can only be repaired when not in battle. If a ship that has been Mission Killed is struck by another NV damage hit, then it is completely destroyed.

Ships who have been Mission Killed can be repaired out of battle. Small ships must repair all NV damage. Medium ships must repair half of their total NV pool, rounded up. Capital ships must repair one third of their NV pool, rounded up.

Certain ships have Armor. Whenever a ship with Armor suffers direct NV or V damage, the Armor stat takes a hit instead. Armor doesn't protect NV damage from depleting the S damage stat.
Certain ships also have Shields. While the Shield is active, the ship will not suffer any S damage, with all NV and V damage instead depleting the Shield stat.

Ship Weapons Systems have 4 types: Heavy, Medium, Light, and Missile. For non-Missile weapons, they have an AA stat, representing their ability to function as point-defense Capital ships can fire their weapon systems 5 times. Medium ships can fire their WS 2 times, and Small ships 1.

Non-Missile weapon types get modifiers based on the ship they're shooting at.
Heavy weapons will always deal V damage against Small ships.
Medium weapons do not get any modifiers.
Light weapons only deal S damage to Capital ships and gain a -10 bonus to hit.

Missile weapons are special. As these weapons have tracking abilities, they will always hit unless shot down. Once fired, the targeted ship can fire one WS to see if the Missiles are shot down. This uses the WS's AA stat. Missiles have a +20 bonus against AA and have must roll a 20 or below to deal NV damage, otherwise they deal S damage. Torpedoes do not gain any bonuses, but will always deal NV damage.

Ships have a certain amount of Missile weapons they are able to fire. Torpedoes are reloaded at a rate of 1 per turn, while missiles are reloaded at a rate of 2 per turn. Missile weapons may be used to intercept other Missile weapons; this consumes one Missile weapon for every opposing Missile.

Special Weapons, like the Flame Strike Gun and Wave Motion Gun are Instakill weapons. Use of these weapons precludes any other actions that "turn" and require a roll for accuracy. If the roll requirement is not met, the shot goes wide/is dodged.

Only Capital ships have Vital Systems. These include Hangers, Runways, and Special Weapons, and depends on the ship class. If the ship is hit with V damage, an additional dice is rolled to determine if a Vital System is hit. If a Vital System is hit, it accumulates damage, otherwise the ship's V stat is depleted. Vital Systems have 3 states: Intact, Damaged, and Destroyed. A Damaged Vital System is unable to function (ie. a Damaged Runway means a Carrier cannot launch planes), but can be repaired out of battle. A Destroyed Vital System cannot be repaired at all.

Squadron mechanics to be added later
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EDF Fleet Stats
Earth Defense Force

Isokaze-class torpedo boat - Small

V: 1/1
NV: 1/1
S: 1/1
Weapon Systems
Main battery (L) - S:50, NV:10, V:5, AA:5
Secondary batter (L) S:30, NV:1, AA:1
Torpedo tubes - 3
Missile launchers - 8

Murasame-class destroyer - Small

Shield—Wave Motion Barrier: 1/1
V: 1/1
NV: 1/1
S: 3/3
Weapon Systems
Main battery (M) - S:50, NV:35, V:10, AA:5
Torpedo tubes - 4

Kongou-class cruiser - Medium

Shield—Wave Motion Barrier: 1/1
V: 1/1
NV: 2/2
S: 4/4
Weapon Systems
Main battery (H) - S:60, NV:40, V:15, AA:5
Torpedo tubes - 8
Missile launchers - 16

Richelieu-class battleship - Capital

Shield—Wave Motion Barrier: 7/7
Armor: 1/1
V: 3/3
NV: 12/12
S: 20/20
Weapon Systems
Main battery (H) - S:80, NV:45, V:15, AA:5
Secondary battery (M) - S:60, NV: 40, V:10, AA:5
Point-defense battery (L) - S:20, NV: 1, AA: 55
Torpedo tubes - 6
Missile launchers - 26
Vital Systems
Engine - 1-5
Wave Motion Gun (Special Weapon) - 6-10

Arizona-class battleship - Capital
Shield—Wave Motion Barrier: 4/4
Armor: 3/3
V: 3/3
NV: 15/15
S: 30/30
Weapon Systems
Main battery (H) - S:70, NV:60, V:30, AA:5
Point-defense battery (L) - S:80, NV: 10, AA: 60
Torpedo tubes - 6
Missile launchers - 32
Vital Systems
Engine - 1-5
Wave Motion Gun (Special Weapon) - 6-10
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