Souls of Beyond, Returned to Protect (Kantai Collection)

You remember a car. That blasted creation speeding towards you, and then, nothing. Someone must have made a cosmic mistake, because you wake up, and are a GIRL. Seriously, WTF man? I mean, I was male.... Nevertheless, you seem to be in a place that is on fire. Lots of Fire. And that can't be good. You someone remember things that you never experienced. You swear you can hear something, and the ocean calls to you.....
(Location, Yokosuka)

I groan, my head throbbing, as I blearily looked around me. The fires and the screams filling the air causes me to wake me up and make my headache worse.

"Wha... what's going on?"

USS Cypher
Pearl Harbor

"Sara to Cypher, thanks,"
"Think nothing of it I'll keep this line open in case ya need me fer something" I huff out around my cigarette as I continue steaming towards my prey.

As soon as I get close enough to the destroyers that I feel comfortable doing so I cease my rapid firing and begin taking aim at the rearmost destroyers. As I took aim calculations came unbidden to my head and automatically corrected my guns to best track the destroyers.

"Target those I've decided to protect will ya? That'll cost ya everything fer dat" I rasp out in a taunt to draw the destroyers attention as I prepare fire a full broadside from my rigging only to notice a portion of my guns were jammed after firing.

"Whattaya mean I fired da guns too fast? Ya madmen pushed em a lot harder than this before and it worked out fine!" I growled out. The reply back from the grease covered fairy was as infuriating as it was informative.

"Ya mean ma guns ain't the tweaked ones we had back when I got ma nickname? they're my stock ones!? Agh screw it! get them operational as fast as possible while staying safe ya madmen are all I got in this insane place right now" I barked out noting the fairy disappearing in a haste likely to yell at the gunners to be their insane selves and fix the guns at unsafe speeds contrary to what I ordered.

While half of my main guns were down for now I still fired what I had left of my main guns alongside my secondaries trusting in the calculations guiding my guns to make up the difference in rate of fire while preparing to ram the destroyer if needed.


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Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Yokosuka Harbor, Yokosuka Japan
Time: Unknown, daytime
The Smell of burning flesh. Soldiers dying just to buy civilians a few more seconds. This is what Yokosuka looks like right now. You need to do something. There! The Abyssal Strike force, headed towards all of you! (Regina Maria) You see three carriers under attack from what looks like four abyssal destroyers. What do you do? (PoW) The First thing you notice is a harbor on fire. The second thing you notice is those responsible for that mess. Finally, you note that the bastards shelling the harbor are battleships (3 of them)!

For the second time in mere moments, I froze. There was nothing I could do but take in the horrors of what was going on. Behind me, somehow visible despite not having eyes in the back of my head, a military base burned. I didn't recognize any landmarks, so I wasn't sure if this was an American, or perhaps British base, but it was burning. To my left, a trio of horrible, evil, wrong ships continue their unceasing bombardment of the base. I can see the four-oh-six millimeter shells leaving their guns, and slam home amongst the screams of what can only be military personnel and civilians alike. Ahead of me, something explodes, drawing my attention to the three girls standing on the water. Or are those flat tops? A massive fish looking monstrosity leaps out of the waters before being gunned down by the secondary battery on one of the carriers.

All this destruction, and I can't seem to do anything about it. What can one girl do here? Losing my head won't do a thing, but neither will just standing here like an idiot. I need to help these people, but I don't know what I can do.

The sound of a sword being unsheathed catches my attention, and I can't help but look about for a moment in wonder. Who would bring a sword to a gunfight like this? Me. I'm the idiot who brought a sword to a gunfight, but the elegant longsword in my hand brings a feeling of power. I am not just Thalia Amara, the scared girl who was struck by lightning. I am also Her Majesty's Ship Prince of Wales, a battleship. This is the fight I was built for.

"Carrier task group, this is HMS Prince of Wales. You girls need a hand?" I ask as I begin to move. I can feel my screws bite into the water and begin propelling me towards the carriers. As I move, I aim my guns at the battleships bombarding the base. The sword in my left hand flashes out, and the ten rifles speak their anger as one.

It is good to be back.

Maria, NMS Regina Maria

(For those at Yokosuka)
The Smell of burning flesh. Soldiers dying just to buy civilians a few more seconds. This is what Yokosuka looks like right now. You need to do something. There! The Abyssal Strike force, headed towards all of you! @Miho_Chan You, Shinano, and Midway need to launch aircraft. But first to deal with the abyssals attacking Shinano. @pharaoh122 (OOC: Please post) @Jhin Lemon You see three carriers under attack from what looks like four abyssal destroyers. What do you do? @Lt Darkhound The First thing you notice is a harbor on fire. The second thing you notice is those responsible for that mess. Finally, you note that the bastards shelling the harbor are battleships (3 of them)! @Fantasy Nature (OOC: Please post)
Grinning, I order a second salvo, this time missing entirely. Not to be discouraged, I order my third and final Salvo, which hits the previously hit abyssal destroyer, cooking off her magazine. Scratch one enemy destroyer. Shinano has similar success with her own target. Scratch two abyssal destroyers.
Four monstrous destroyers are closing in on a division on aircraft carriers! Unfortunately I'm out of firing range. do I move on water? Running won't be fast enough. As soon as I think that my mind is overwhelmed by information on how I can use my footwear to travel, including the specifications and lots of tiny details complete with mental diagrams. Shaking off the information overload I begin skating towards the destroyers.

As I move at my top possible speed into position to fire as the enemy destroyers the carriers fight back, they even sunk two! As I finally get close enough the other two destroyers are still closing in. With a quick glance at the four 120mm guns on either side of me I momentarily wonder how you use these, a second later my mind is flooded by the necessary information again. Pushing the overflowing knowledge out of my head I grasp the necessary things to aim and fire. Physics calculations fly through my head, factoring in wind, air resistance, gravity, the projected path of the destroyers; it all results in the visualised arc of my projectiles. A few seconds later I've fired four shells, two aimed at each of the remaining destroyers, I pause for a moment before firing again. For good measure, I send a torpedo towards each as well.

"Regina Maria to Carrier Division, I'll cover you." I speak into my radio.

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Prompt (GM)
I groan, my head throbbing, as I blearily looked around me. The fires and the screams filling the air causes me to wake me up and make my headache worse.

"Wha... what's going on?"

Everything is on fire. You look around for Tone, but can't find her. You also notice that Yokosuka is being shelled by four battleships.
"Carrier task group, this is HMS Prince of Wales. You girls need a hand?"
"We do not need assistance at this time, over." Shinano says, looking towards me. I wave at her, a part of me seeking approval of my elder sister, another part of me simply glad that she's alright.
"Regina Maria to Carrier Division, I'll cover you."
"Thanks for the assist Regina Maria! We appreciate any extra firepower." I say, waving at the approaching destroyer. Looks like the torpedo that Regina Maria had launched just detonated another abyssal destroyer. Finally, my planes dealt with the last one.
I welcome the planes back, rearming them and sending them right back out, along with an escort of two Bearcat (F8F) squadrons. I also launched a single Saiun to give any of our surface vessels combat data, and to give myself data on what ship to target first. I notice three different things. I see Vanguard's salvo connect with one of the battleships, causing it significant damage, crippling the enemy warship. I also see a heavy cruiser standing still, taking stock of the situation. Finally, I see the enemy carrier task force! There are exactly four carriers, one of them obviously the flagship, due to it being significantly larger than the rest. I open a fleet wide channel.
"All forces in Yokosuka, this is JS Kurama! I have located the enemy Carrier Task Force. Repeat, I have located the enemy Carrier Task Force. Over."
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Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Tokyo Harbor, Yokosuka, Japan
Time: Unknown, Midday

"We do not need assistance at this time, over." Shinano says, looking towards me. I wave at her, a part of me seeking approval of my elder sister, another part of me simply glad that she's alright.

"Roger. Moving to engage the battlewagons. Prince of Wales, over and out." The carrier had an odd accent that I couldn't quite place, and that was worrying. On the other hand, I hadn't exactly seen much of the world in either of my lives.

Some part of my mind noted that while I had been conversing with the carrier and weighing my suspicions, the shells I had fired at the battleship were going to land soon. In about 3... 2... 1... now. The shells flew long, and landed harmlessly in the water a few hundred meters past the horribly corrupt ship.

I couldn't help but be disappointed that I hadn't succeeded instantly. There was no reason for me to expect instant success, with the inaccuracies of my GFCS, my newness to this form, and the general bad luck that had permeated my life as a ship, but I was disappointed all the same.

Moments later, an adorable little creature popped out of the rigging on my back to report that all the guns were loaded except A3, and were ready to fire.

"What do you mean A3 is jammed? It's only been fired once!" I asked bewildered. The report was disappointing, but acceptable. Inexperienced loaders combined with the panic of a sudden action meant that the gun was jammed, and it would take them some time to clear it. I sympathized with the sentiment, but it was still rather annoying.

The faerie disappeared back into my rigging as I bid the nine working rifles fire on the battleship I had previously targeted.

Maybe my luck would hold this time. Something in the back of my mind told me it wouldn't.

"All forces in Yokosuka, this is IJN Kurama! I have located the enemy Carrier Task Force. Repeat, I have located the enemy Carrier Task Force. Over."

Oh, crap. Kurama had the same accent as that other carrier had had, though they were obviously different ships. But they were Japanese carriers. And this was a Japanese bay, with a Japanese base. Oh crap was an understatement, I realized, as my shipself began panicking.

The sudden lack of mental support gave me a shock to my system, and I nearly froze again. Fighting those battlewagons would be incredibly difficult, as would defending myself should those carriers turn their ire on me instead of the evil looking ships marauding the harbour.

This wasn't good at all. I needed to open the range, get as much room to maneuver as possible. To my right, I could see open ocean past the edge of the bay. I turned my rudder hard over (how odd was it to think of having screws and a rudder instead of legs? I still had legs, but on water they didn't feel like legs. Odd.) and began accelerating to flank speed, aiming for the freedom of the open ocean.
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Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

As Lex and I make our move, a sudden thought barrels its way into my mind.

Purge the aviation gas lines! Don't let the fumes gather! Don't let what happened to Sis, happen to you!


I'm not sure where that came from, but that sounds like very good advice. It's analogous to methane in a mine, waiting only for that one, little spark. Is it a Sara thing, from her experiences? Was it what killed Lex? Well, I certainly don't want to know what it's like to explode!

I immediately mentally order that, much like with using my guns. Rapid, high-pitched chatter echoes in my head, yet I could somehow understand it, as if the gist of it is translated for me. The chibis who manage things for me, like piloting the planes, are already implementing damage control procedures within me, in anticipation of enemy attack, including purging the avgas lines with inert gas. All of them lend a hand, not just the specialists. I've read before that American crews were excellent at this, and now, my fairies put that into practice. They can be likened to the neurons of my body, and their presence, I find odd, yet familiar at the same time.

On that note, I'm still not used to this, being, well, a living warship, not just a human. It's all new to me, yet it's also deja vu, like I've had a lifetime of it before...
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Eva Cassy, USS Cascadia
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

I looked around at the fire, the smoke in the air, and the screams of help sounding off around me. I notice screaming being directed to me. "Cas? Cassy?" A Destroyer and a Destroyer Escort were skating sailing towards me, they looked familiar... "Sammy? Willie?" They pulled up alongside me, Willie was panting but Sammy manages to get something. "Listen Pearl is under heavy assault, We need to get you out of here."

...Pearl...under attack? I felt my boilers heat up to a new temperature as an emotion my former human life was more used to came boiling to an apex. Steam practically blew from my head as I growled. Willie whimpered and Sammy looked shocked. "Uhhhh, You alright Cas?"
@Slick You need to hang back, you know this, but what will you order Willie D and Sammy B to do?
I practically Roar as I steam as fast I could in the direction of the most fighting. "Grraaaaaaahhh!!!" Willie squeaked as she quickly came up to speed as well to catch up. "W-Wait up!" Sammy soon joined me clearly dumbfounded. "Not that I'm complaining, but where did This come from?" I snapped at her in response. "Shut It and Get your Aft in Gear!!! We're going into the Thick of it!" She flinches in surprise, before silently getting in formation.

If these...Things think they can strike the most important home away from home for USN ships and think they can get away with it, They got another thing coming!!!

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Finally having finished launching the last my air group, on of my pilots calls over the radio about believing to know where where the enemy force is. Immediatly I assign him to lead his squadron on an attack run. '' fell like I'm forgetting something.' I think bto myself for a few seconds. My gaze falls on the distant carriers. Oh, that was it. "Lexington class carriers, this is independence class carrier USS Princeton. My air group is on its way to render assistance. I'll put my self under your command for the duration of this battle. If you need my assistance anywhere I stand by ready to assist, so long as you don't put me face to face with an enemy, I wouldn't like that." Now with that out of the way let's wait for orders.

@Miho_Chan @UbeOne
Everything is on fire. You look around for Tone, but can't find her. You also notice that Yokosuka is being shelled by four battleships.

Yokosuka, Japan

Nee-san... where...

"What in the hell... I don't have a sister..." I mumble, when I get a sudden flood of emotion. It felt like anger. But not angry anger, something more akin to a petulant indignation.

I glance down at the floor, only there wasn't a floor, heck there wasn't even a ground. I was on fucking water. I nearly shat myself when I heard the roars of very big explosions all around me. There was something attacking the area.

As soon as that realization set in, all my panic abated and I was calm, focused and ready to sail.

"This is IJN Chikuma, requesting for a sitrep." I broadcast on open channels

OOC: could someone in Yokosuka answer. I cant seem to tag anyone
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Finally having finished launching the last my air group, on of my pilots calls over the radio about believing to know where where the enemy force is. Immediatly I assign him to lead his squadron on an attack run. '' fell like I'm forgetting something.' I think bto myself for a few seconds. My gaze falls on the distant carriers. Oh, that was it. "Lexington class carriers, this is independence class carrier USS Princeton. My air group is on its way to render assistance. I'll put my self under your command for the duration of this battle. If you need my assistance anywhere I stand by ready to assist, so long as you don't put me face to face with an enemy, I wouldn't like that." Now with that out of the way let's wait for orders.

@Miho_Chan @UbeOne

What? She wants me to be her commander? While the help is nice, I'm still busy keeping myself and my sister from getting ourselves killed by destroyers. Those monsters really shouldn't be this close in the first place! I don't care if I have the belt armor of a battlecruiser, I'm not risking close combat!

Now I have to do a bit of coordination, while under fire, with limited information, and not knowing immediately if I made the right call. Do you know how troublesome and dangerous that is? It's not something I'm used to!

But I still need to get her something to do...

One of my pilots sees her, a light carrier due to her shorter flight deck, over there by herself. Thinking quickly, I make my response, "Sara to Princeton, thanks for the assist. Find escorts ASAP, and have your fighters escort your bombers. We need help with these five hostile destroyers over here, over!"

The sooner those Abyssal sharks are out of the way, the better, and unprotected things have that tendency to get destroyed, hence the escorts.

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Prompt (GM)
While half of my main guns were down for now I still fired what I had left alongside my secondaries at another destroyer while preparing to ram the destroyer if needed.
Your Shells slam into the enemy destroyers, sending three of them up into glorious fireballs. That'll teach the bastards to not mess with the Guardian Angel's Charges.

This wasn't good at all. I needed to open the range, get as much room to maneuver as possible. To my right, I could see open ocean past the edge of the bay. I turned my rudder hard over (how odd was it to think of having screws and a rudder instead of legs? I still had legs, but on water they didn't feel like legs. Odd.) and began accelerating to flank speed, aiming for the freedom of the open ocean.
You make way towards the mouth of the harbor, only to recoil in horror as you see a line of abyssals blockading the entrance. What the hell are you going to do now?
I practically Roar as I steam as fast I could in the direction of the most fighting. "Grraaaaaaahhh!!!" Willie squeaked as she quickly came up to speed as well to catch up. "W-Wait up!" Sammy soon joined me clearly dumbfounded. "Not that I'm complaining, but where did This come from?" I snapped at her in response. "Shut It and Get your Aft in Gear!!! We're going into the Thick of it!" She flinches in surprise, before silently getting in formation.

If these...Things think they can strike the most important home away from home for USN ships and think they can get away with it, They got another thing coming!!!
You plow into the fray, surprising the ever living fuck out of the abyssal destroyers (the two remaining ones)

For Everyone in Pearl:
The situation is dire. The Kantai Musume are not in contact with the commanders of NB Pearl Harbor, and the three carriers present are unescorted. The lone battleship is also unescorted, though she has scored one kill on an abyssal destroyer. You all need to regroup, and counter attack

For Everyone in Yokosuka:
Your situation is slightly better, at the same time worse than Pearl Harbor's. The abyssal destroyers harassing Shinano and Kurama have been dealt with. However, as one battleship just discovered, the mouth of the harbor is completely blockaded by a mix of abyssal battleships and heavy cruisers. But not all hope is lost. You still have three carriers, two battleships, and one destroyer to break the blockade and free Yokosuka (Midway has just arrived)
For Everyone in Pearl:
The situation is dire. The Kantai Musume are not in contact with the commanders of NB Pearl Harbor, and the three carriers present are unescorted. The lone battleship is also unescorted, though she has scored one kill on an abyssal destroyer. You all need to regroup, and counter attack
The Admiral keeps trying with his staff to get into contact with the ships.
The Admiral keeps trying with his staff to get into contact with the ships.
"Newport News here <static> we're kind of busy dealing with the bastards right now... <sound of main battery firing> Talk to you later!"

Changing channels to what the rest of the fleet was on, she says, "This is the USS Newport News. looks like the destroyers there are mostly dead now. Any idea what we can do about the fellows shelling Pearl?"
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The Admiral keeps trying with his staff to get into contact with the ships.

"USS Princeton here, I read you loud and clear. I kinda got nothing much to do but hope someone is willing to escort me. Anything I can do for you?" I say I begin to task my air group to attack the remaining enemy ships.
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"USS Princeton here, I read you loud and clear. I kinda got nothing much to do but hope someone is willing to escort me. Anything I can do for you?" I say I begin to task my air group to attack the remaining enemy destroyers.
"USS Princeton, this is USS Newport News. Stick with the fleet carriers. I'll be joining you three shortly to try and plan out what to do next. Also, could somebody please try to get the carriers out of harms way?"
"USS Princeton here, I read you loud and clear. I kinda got nothing much to do but hope someone is willing to escort me. Anything I can do for you?" I say I begin to task my air group to attack the remaining enemy destroyers.
The Admiral gestures for the radio operator to hand him the equipment. "USS Princeton, this is Admiral Matthews. What is your current status? "
The Admiral keeps trying with his staff to get into contact with the ships.
"USS Cypher here bit busy <static noises followed by the report of guns> I'll try ta contact ya soon admiral" those are all i get out of my radio before I lose their signal "damned radio! It could lose a signal on a clear day!,get it fixed and switch me over ta fleet on the double!" I bark out at a fairy while lighting another cigarette.

Hearing the signal that I had switched to fleet channel I rasp out "USS Newport News this is USS Cypher I'll see what I can do to get the carriers outta da way" before peeling off from the destroyers and heading to take an escort position near the carriers taking a few parting shots at the destroyers as I go. Using my radio once more I rasp out "Cypher ta carriers looks like I'll be one of ya escorts fer today let's get along shall we?"

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The Admiral gestures for the radio operator to hand him the equipment. "USS Princeton, this is Admiral Matthews. What is your current status? "

"Hello Admital Mathews, glad to see my signal went through ok. My aircraft are in the air, I'm by myself but making my way towards Lexington and Saratoga. I should be there shortly. Other than that things seem alright for me." I say over the radio.
Prompt (GM)
(Pearl Harbor)
Your situation seem less dire now. The Ships attacking the harbor have been confirmed to be WWI era ships, therefore, cannon fodder to the modern guns of a Des Moines or a Montana. As well as the Planes launched from any carrier with their pathetic AA suite. You all prepare to attack the abyssal blockade

Your situation seem less dire now. The Ships attacking the harbor have been confirmed to be WWI era ships, therefore, cannon fodder to the modern guns of Vanguard or Prince of Wales. As well as the Planes launched from any carrier with their pathetic AA suite. You all prepare to attack the abyssal blockade​
The Admiral gestures to his men, "Keep trying to establish contact with the other ships!"

"This is the Montana-class BB, Khatun. Destroyers are down, Pearl, and their equipment was relatively poor. I'm guessing WW1 equivalent or so. I'm regrouping to go on the offensive against the Battleships, over."

Nice! I managed a stable tone the entire time. My heart was beating fast and hard though, I was never good with authority figures and I was still pretty disoriented by the situation.
"Hello Admital Mathews, glad to see my signal went through ok. My aircraft are in the air, I'm by myself but making my way towards Lexington and Saratoga. I should be there shortly. Other than that things seem alright for me." I say over the radio.
"This is the Montana-class BB, Khatun. Destroyers are down, Pearl, and their equipment was relatively poor. I'm guessing WW1 equivalent or so. I'm regrouping to go on the offensive against the Battleships, over."

Nice! I managed a stable tone the entire time. My heart was beating fast and hard though, I was never good with authority figures and I was still pretty disoriented by the situation.
"Excellent." He turns to one of his men while taking off the equipment. "We've got confirmation that the attackers are using equipment from the First World War, so our ships are doing well. Do we have any reports from ground-based forces or our airfields?" He then puts the radio equipment back on and resumes contact. "Khatun, are you able to provide support for the USS Princeton while they regroup with the Lexington and Saratoga? The carriers are unprotected at the moment."