Souls of Beyond, Returned to Protect (Kantai Collection)

Prompt (GM)

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
You remember... Flames. Flames consuming you as you stare tiredly at the nation you once served so loyally, yet now they condemn you to die, tossed aside, or maybe given one final moment of glory. You really cannot decide which one it is. Yet at the same time, you remember another life, a life where you were an average college student, studying engineering in the Philippines. Both your lives, lived by the same soul. Both are so tired. But.... you cannot help but want to serve your nation once more. "General Quarters.... The.... Everyone is dying... Wait.... Someone Save us!" You can hear the desperate cries of military personnel and civilians alike. You want to help them, oh so desperately. But.... Slumber sounds.... so good...
(Location, Pearl Harbor)


You remember the first day you died, an idea, tossed to the side as your elder sister sank, poorly designed and only half complete. You remember sobbing, shouting in denial that your cousins would ever sink, but they both did. Shinano, Musashi, Yamato... All lost to the waves while you sat, tossed aside, an embryo who would never be able to serve the country who conceived you. And the second, the second life, a second opportunity, which you WASTED. You took everything for granted, and now, you lie dying, in some ditch. Killed by some idiot who needed money you didn't have. You Chuckle bitterly, uncaring of the bloody that accompanies it. Then..... nothing.
You awaken to the sound of screams, and the call of...
"Kurama! I need your help!"
(Location, Yokosuka)
You remember the docks, how the United States cast you aside in favor of the carriers. Though you will not blame them, it would have been nice to have been wanted. Then, you were scrapped. Tossed aside to clear the dry docks for even more carriers. You didn't mind, though you where understandably upset. After all, who needed someone or something from a bygone age. Nevertheless, you were given a second chance at life.... if you could call it that. You were socially inept, and ended up trying to give yourself peace.... it didn't work, almost as if some higher power though you were a wonderful source of entertainment. Once more, understandably furious, you were surprised when suddenly, you were wanted. Thousands of people cried out for help, and you knew, deep within you, that you could actually help them.
(Location, Pearl Harbor)

You remember a car. That blasted creation speeding towards you, and then, nothing. Someone must have made a cosmic mistake, because you wake up, and are a GIRL. Seriously, WTF man? I mean, I was male.... Nevertheless, you seem to be in a place that is on fire. Lots of Fire. And that can't be good. You someone remember things that you never experienced. You swear you can hear something, and the ocean calls to you.....

(Location, Yokosuka)


You've always been a diligent commander, and a observant man, so when an unknown force attacks Yokosuka, you're already prepared. Unfortunately for you, modern weaponry seems to do JACK SHIT against those blasted nightmares. You're at the end of your rope, desperately trying to keep things together, and are the last ranking officer alive in this hellhole. So when the Kami seem to answerer your prayers by sending 4 girls..... to fight.... the nightmares, your understandably upset.

Your day started off pretty shitty. Your coffee machine broke, your car broke down on your way to work, and eldritch abominations from the sea attack pearl harbor. So when someone said you looked upset, you where understandably furious with them. After ripping into the man who sassed you, you turn your attention to the horribly one sided massacre that is happening to YOUR BASE. It pisses you off, and when the higher powers send 5 girls to fight the abominations..... your anger intensifies.

"Fuck.... My.... Life...."

You knew you shouldn't have lost your temper with that man... It just ended with you getting shot. But now, you have a second chance. A chance to help people for a change. A chance to do something right for once! You have a chance to make a difference!

"General Quarters, Cascadia!"
(Location: Pearl Harbor)
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Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manisfestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manefestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And wth that, your surroundings fade into black...

My eyes blink as they receive the light of a new day- huh?

Where am I? What is this place? This isn't home. I don't live in some kind of empty void!

A voice, I can hear a voice, but I can't pinpoint the source. It's like it's everywhere around me.

What do you mean I'm dead?! I just had a normal night's sleep! It's not like I had some fatal disease where I could pass away in my slumber. I don't believe this!

B-become the s-soul of a ship? What?! That's way too familiar. I roleplayed that very recently, where I was the Lexington-class carrier Pacific, and I had Saratoga at my side, but that can't possibly be real! I don't wanna get caught in that war. I don't wanna get myself killed by Abyssals, or worse, become one of them...!

Wait, why is everything becoming dark? Who's turning off the lights? My eyes are feeling heavy...

You remember... Flames. Flames consuming you as you stare tiredly at the nation you once served so loyally, yet now they condemn you to die, tossed aside, or maybe given one final moment of glory. You really cannot decide which one it is. Yet at the same time, you remember another life, a life where you were an average college student, studying engineering in the Philippines. Both your lives, lived by the same soul. Both are so tired. But.... you cannot help but want to serve your nation once more. "General Quarters.... The.... Everyone is dying... Wait.... Someone Save us!" You can hear the desperate cries of military personnel and civilians alike. You want to help them, oh so desperately. But.... Slumber sounds.... so good...
(Location, Pearl Harbor)

Images pass by, which I recognize as flashbacks of my own life...


Red. Orange. Yellow. White. It's all around me, and it burns so deeply, even from within. The heat, it's too much! My body, my everything, it hurts so much. I can't move at all. I hear a pained scream, which turns out to be my own. Get me out of here! Get me out of here...!

It suddenly fades into darkness, leaving only the void, and me, curled up as if to shield myself from the world.

Ever since I was young, I have been afraid of fire. Just seeing it and feeling its heat would make me want to go away from it. Every time a chef does a flambé in front of me, like when doing teppanyaki? I flinch, pushing my chair away from it. The possibility of being caught in a fire or explosion scares me so. Even the chance of a fire occurring due to say, a laboratory experiment gone wrong, makes me skittish. I find myself nervous in a kitchen, in a welding place. I can't handle cooking, nor a welding torch. Experiments which involve heating oil, like in finding out certain temperatures like flashpoints and fire points? I couldn't do it. I could only watch groupmates do it from a distance. I have difficulty holding a lit candle by its wax, since there's always that chance of the melting wax burning me. I have never even used a match nor a lighter, since I might burn myself.

Finding myself in the middle of a blazing inferno... my god... That has never happened to me. Why did it feel so real, as if I've experienced it firsthand? I don't want it... I don't want it at all... Get me away from it...

I don't know why, but there's this sense of... betrayal, like I did all I could to help, risked my life everyday to protect others, even gotten grievously hurt for it, only to be cast aside, as if I outlived my usefulness. What was the point... but why do I feel that way? That has not happened to me, yet why do I feel as if it has...?

Shouts. The void remains empty, but I can clearly hear them. The voices, they're all around me. General Quarters, the signal for all hands to man their battlestations. I read about that a few days ago. Screams. Cries for help. Requiems for the dying. Part of me wants to shut them out, to get me out of this nightmare, to just rest in peace... yet part of me wants to help, to put an end to whatever is causing such distress... but why...?

An order. Loud and clear. Piercing through the night. Commanding me to wake up. But why is it calling me Sara-

My eyes suddenly open wide. Where am I?

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Hoelun, USS Khatun
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manifestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manifestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And with that, your surroundings fade into black...

Sorry? Don't be. I wanted!!!! I refuse, do you hear me? I refuse! Don't do this to me! Let me have my peace!

The void around me thickens as I scream in anger...

You remember the docks, how the United States cast you aside in favor of the carriers. Though you will not blame them, it would have been nice to have been wanted. Then, you were scrapped. Tossed aside to clear the dry docks for even more carriers. You didn't mind, though you where understandably upset. After all, who needed someone or something from a bygone age. Nevertheless, you were given a second chance at life.... if you could call it that. You were socially inept, and ended up trying to give yourself peace.... it didn't work, almost as if some higher power though you were a wonderful source of entertainment. Once more, understandably furious, you were surprised when suddenly, you were wanted. Thousands of people cried out for help, and you knew, deep within you, that you could actually help them.
(Location, Pearl Harbor)

...someone else's thoughts and memories flash before my eyes. A soldier, willing to do their duty, but cast aside in favor of newer designs. A fate accepted, yet tinged with a hint of sadness at being unable to help. Someone else's? No. Mine now. My thoughts from a different life. Scenes from the life I had just ended come to fore as well. Frightened and nervous yet with a strong feeling of confidence. I was doing the right thing, the only thing I could do. I remember cold metal on my flesh. A loud sound, a moment of pain...and then peace.

I wake up with a start, sweating fiercely. I look around and see a harbor drowning in a sea of flames. I look out to the water and can scarcely believe my reflection. A young, pretty woman stares back at me from the water, deathly pale. This My new form? I'm broken out of my thoughts by the cries of the dying, the smell of cooking 'meat' and piteous cries for help. For a moment I think of just jumping into the water and letting death take me for a second time. But I don't. So many cries for help, and no one to answer. That is what drove me to do what I did, wasn't it? Could I stand by and let others suffer, crying out for aid yet never receiving it? No. I couldn't. Slowly I stand up, tired, afraid and confused but with an inner strength that I never knew I had. One foot in front of the other...slowly...I make my way to where the screaming is loudest....
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

My eyes blink as they receive the light of a new day- huh?

Where am I? What is this place? This isn't home. I don't live in some kind of empty void!

A voice, I can hear a voice, but I can't pinpoint the source. It's like it's everywhere around me.

What do you mean I'm dead?! I just had a normal night's sleep! It's not like I had some fatal disease where I could pass away in my slumber. I don't believe this!

B-become the s-soul of a ship? What?! That's way too familiar. I roleplayed that very recently, where I was the Lexington-class carrier Pacific, and I had Saratoga at my side, but that can't possibly be real! I don't wanna get caught in that war. I don't wanna get myself killed by Abyssals, or worse, become one of them...!

Wait, why is everything becoming dark? Who's turning off the lights? My eyes are feeling heavy...

Images pass by, which I recognize as flashbacks of my own life...

Red. Orange. Yellow. White. It's all around me, and it burns so deeply. The heat, it's too much! I can't move. I hear a scream, which turns out to be my own. Get me out of here! Get me out of here...!

It suddenly fades into darkness, leaving only the void, and me, curled up as if to shield myself from the world.

Ever since I was young, I have been afraid of fire. Just seeing it and feeling its heat would make me want to go away from it. Every time a chef does a flambé in front of me, like when doing teppanyaki? I flinch, pushing my chair away from it. The possibility of being caught in a fire or explosion scares me so. Even the chance of a fire occurring due to say, a laboratory experiment gone wrong, makes me skittish. I find myself nervous in a kitchen, in a welding place. I can't handle cooking, nor a welding torch. Experiments which involve heating oil, like in finding out certain temperatures like flashpoints and fire points? I couldn't do it. I could only watch groupmates do it from a distance. I have difficulty holding a lit candle by its wax, since there's always that chance of the melting wax burning me. I have never even used a match nor a lighter, since I might burn myself.

Finding myself in the middle of a blazing inferno... my god... That has never happened to me. Why did it feel so real, as if I've experienced it firsthand? I don't want it... I don't want it at all... Get me away from it...

I don't know why, but I feel this sense of... betrayal, like I did all I could to help, risked my life everyday to protect others, even gotten grievously hurt for it, only not to receive gratitude, and even be cast aside, as if I outlived my usefulness. What was the point...? But why do I feel that way? That has not happened to me, yet why do I feel as if it has...?

Shouts. The void remains empty, but I can clearly hear them. The voices, all around me. General Quarters, the signal for all hands to man their battlestations. I read about that a few days ago. Screams. Cries for help. Requiems for the dying. Part of me wants to shut them out, to get me out of this nightmare, to just rest in peace... yet part of me wants to help, to put an end to whatever is causing such distress... but why...?

An order. Loud and clear. Piercing through the night. Commanding me to wake up. But why is it calling me Sara-

My eyes suddenly open wide. Where am I?

"Sara... SARA.... Good, your awake..." I can barely hold myself together. "We don't have time to catch up. There are eldritch abominations attacking Pearl. It's like December 7th, 1941 all over again Sara, except these Monsters are attacking civilian targets as well." I take a deep breath, calming myself down. "Sara, we need to help them."
"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manisfestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manefestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And wth that, your surroundings fade into black...
Wait what? What the hell do you mean I'm dead. I don't remember dying. No..... you can't be serious. I'm not a hero. I.... ARRRRG. I can't... what are these.... memories.....
You remember the first day you died, an idea, tossed to the side as your elder sister sank, poorly designed and only half complete. You remember sobbing, shouting in denial that your cousins would ever sink, but they both did. Musashi, Yamato... All lost to the waves while you sat, tossed aside, an embryo who would never be able to serve the country who conceived you. And the second, the second life, a second opportunity, which you WASTED. You took everything for granted, and now, you lie dying, in some ditch. Killed by some idiot who needed money you didn't have. You Chuckle bitterly, uncaring of the bloody that accompanies it. Then..... nothing.
You awaken to the sound of screams, and the call of...
"Kurama! I need your help!"
I gather whatever strength is left in my body, and PUSH, breaking through whatever barrier had kept me from my sister. I come too, briefly looking around, and am horrified by what I see. Everything is on fire. But that doesn't matter. My sister, is standing in front of me, trying to fight off some eldritch abomination. I won't let her fight alone!
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Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"Sara... SARA.... Good, your awake..." I can barely hold myself together. "We don't have time to catch up. There are eldritch abominations attacking Pearl. It's like December 7th, 1941 all over again Sara, except these Monsters are attacking civilian targets as well." I take a deep breath, calming myself down. "Sara, we need to help them."

I gasp, and breathe. The first thing I feel is that I'm in a resting position, with my back against a wall. The first thing I hear is a young, feminine voice, calling me Sara, like the ship, USS Saratoga. The first thing I see is a girl's face, one with long light blonde hair, teal eyes and light complexion, filled with worry. She looks unfamiliar to me, yet at the same time, the opposite, as if I've known her for a lifetime. That headgear she's wearing, though, I remember that one.

It looks like a white captain's hat, with a golden eagle and three blue feathers on it. A picture of Sara in tears, clutching a broken version of that hat, comes to mind. It was from a story I read a few days ago, when Sara learned of Lexington's death at Coral Sea...

It feels as if I lost my older brother for a long time, and saw him once more in front of me, alive and well. That hat, it's like I was the one in tears, who had that broken hat with me for the longest time, a memento of my dear sibling...

That means the one in front of me, must be... "L-Lex?"

She keeps on calling me Sara, because... if the voice was right, and I became a kanmusu, there's only one ship with that name, whose sister is the one in front of me, and I feel as if I'm right...

Part of me just wants to hug her tightly, to never let go because she might be gone again if I do that, and it's all I can do to restrain myself.

Eldritch abominations... those must be Abyssals! Pearl... it's like when I was Pacific that time. Pearl was attacked by those things then, too!

Part of me wants to run away, to get out of here, but a bigger part of me asks myself, where would I go, then? Why turn away from a sister in need? I don't want to make her sad. I don't want to lose her anymore. I want us to make it through this, and we could do that together. I have nowhere to go, otherwise...

"How... how can we help?" I ask. It's definitely not my own voice, for it is of higher pitch, and is softer, more mellow, and with a feminine tone to it... yet at the same time, it feels like it's mine now...

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Your day started off pretty shitty. Your coffee machine broke, your car broke down on your way to work, and eldritch abominations from the sea attack pearl harbor. So when someone said you looked upset, you where understandably furious with them. After ripping into the man who sassed you, you turn your attention to the horribly one sided massacre that is happening to YOUR BASE. It pisses you off, and when the higher powers send 5 girls to fight the abominations..... your anger intensifies.
"Fuck.... My.... Life...."
After a short sigh, Matthew speaks. "We need to begin organizing the defense. Can I get a report on the status of our ships in the harbor and currently fighting? How is the evacuation of civilians going? How fast are our airplanes being scrambled? What losses have we suffered?" He turns to the radio station/intercom operators. "Has the situation been reported? Do we have any contact with the ships currently in battle?" He sighs again. "Where are the...kanmasu?"
Eva, USS Cascadia
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manisfestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manefestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And wth that, your surroundings fade into black...
Dead? B-But how why...Wait chosen? But what about the peace...To see your loved ones once more?
You knew you shouldn't have lost your temper with that man... It just ended with you getting shot. But now, you have a second chance. A chance to help people for a change. A chance to do something right for once! You have a chance to make a difference!
"General Quarters, Cascadia!"
I...I remember a man bumping his way through a crowd, me turning around demanding an apology...I didn't see his gun before it fired and then...nothing...

But now I see...memories of a vessel it moving through the waves as it supported and doted over her wards, the Destroyers that were put under her watch. She helped girls larger than her, patching them up and maintaining their equipment...Her crying over a friend she couldn't help in time and those she did mangled from fighting. Both memories are mine, yet's strange but I have to move past it.

...People are asking me to help and who am I to deny that request. "USS Cascadia Reporting for Duty!!!"

...Did I just blare that out?
Prompt (GM)
@Fantasy Nature
You died when a truck ran you over, uncaring of the poor old pedestrian that it had run over. Your soul stuck around long enough to see that he got off almost scot free, and that pissed you off. So when you were given a second chance at life, you grabbed that opportunity with both hands. When you discovered you were the HMS Vanguard, you were ecstatic. After all, you loved firepower in both your lives. So, you wake up, surrounded by flames, after falling out of the void.
"HMS Vanguard, reporting for duty"
(location: Yokosuka)

@Zeroth Jupi
You served your country proudly, never letting a single one of your charges sink. Even after the war, you served, helping those who needed it. When the time finally came for you to die, you did so with a smile on your face. That was your first life. In your second life you where a average college student, until the void called for you. There you where told that you had the soul of a ship, and that this world needed you! Being who you are, you couldn't refuse a good fight now could you?
"The Guardian Angel is back!"
(Location: Pearl Harbor)

You served your country well, even though you where the only ship of your class to sink. You hated the fact that you hurt those trying to save you, and you hate those who sunk you. Your patriotism was unmatched, even among your sisters (Except maybe Independence). You were given a second chance at life, though you were killed when you where relatively young. It didn't matter though. You got a chance to serve your Country once more! You could hear the cries of American people, desperately crying for help. So you responded.

"General Quarters! Drive those monsters back!"
(Location: Pearl Harbor)

@Jhin Lemon

You remember thing about your life that no one else can seem to remember. You remember a crew, a captain, and your comrades. So it wasn't really a surprise when your told that you have the soul of a ship. So here you are, surrounded by flames, wondering where in life you went wrong...
"Well, at least I'm helping people..."
(Location: Yokosuka)

@Michael Lewis
What. What the hell do you mean I'm the soul of a ship.... if they had sent you an email or SOMETHING, you're sure you would have volunteered. But seriously, no warning whatsoever? Bullshit. Wait.. are you serious about this. Well, fine. Suddenly, memories pour into your head. Hearing about the end of the last world war, shelling the Vietnamese. Quarantining Cuba, and a bunch of other stuff that you are sure you'll remember when it's important. You sigh. Oh well, time to do what the disembodied voice wants me to do!

"Well, time to get stuff done..."
(Location: Pearl Harbor)
@Lt Darkhound
Lightning. You were done in by the one thing only a few other people in the world can claim to have been killed by. You had everything going for you. A full ride to university, a degree you would have enjoyed doing to the highest degree and you where done in by LIGHTNING of all things. For gods sake. Does some higher power hate you? Oh, and now your telling me I'm the soul of the HMS Prince of Wales? You have got to be kidding me! Well, at least you have a second chance at life now...
"For Queen and Country!"
(Location: Yokosuka)
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Cypher, USS Cypher
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manisfestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manefestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And wth that, your surroundings fade into black...
Dead? Me? How did it happen? Become the soul of a ship and protect humanity? My chances of survival are going to be non-existent I can just tell, and I doubt I'll make a difference either, but screw it I'm gonna try anyways.
You served your country proudly, never letting a single one of your charges sink. Even after the war, you served, helping those who needed it. When the time finally came for you to die, you did so with a smile on your face. That was your first life. In your second life you where a average college student, until the void called for you. There you where told that you had the soul of a ship, and that this world needed you! Being who you are, you couldn't refuse a good fight now could you?
"The Guardian Angel is back!"
I see clearly now... the memories of a vessel who felt that nothing in life had meaning but chose to make her actions matter, when the IJN attacked at Pearl Harbor she was there alongside her sister giving her all to protect a place she gave personal meaning to earning her the moniker 'Guardian Angel'. During the war she prowled the night herding her charges, no, her little ones always there as a silent support, and when her little ones were threatened she gave more than her all to keep them safe running herself ragged, but with pride as each time her little ones made it safe and sound, even near the end when the enemy started sing kamikaze attacks not a single one sunk her little ones, in the end her time came and she was called to the fray once more during the Korean war she served once more with pride, as the Korean war ended she found she was saved from being scrapped at the last second and was designated to be a museum ship where she spent her time teasing visitors with a ghost like image of herself appearing at random rumors that she was haunted by some strange wolf creature, who went the extra mile to welcome her crew and those related to them when they came aboard her, these memories are mine.

...I've been called once more into the fray to protect and fight, who would I be to shy away from making something matter.


...I do hope someone heard me

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I lives. How weird, I can remember living twice, is that how it's supposed to be? Given a second chance just like that, after letting everyone down. I see flashes of my first life, as the USS Princeton. Being launched as a carrier after learning about pearl. Serving throughout the pacific. My final battle and the injury I should have been saved from. And finally the ships trying to save me, the ones hurt I hurt more lives on then on my own hull. One of which would have been my own sister had I been a cruiser! How could that have happened? I failed them... nothing more I can say about it. That one Japanese bomber that signaled the end of my first life, and all of it is my fault...
You served your country well, even though you where the only ship of your class to sink. You hated the fact that you hurt those trying to save you, and you hate those who sunk you. Your patriotism was unmatched, even among your sisters (Except maybe Independence). You were given a second chance at life, though you were killed when you where relatively young. It didn't matter though. You got a chance to serve your Country once more! You could hear the cries of American people, desperately crying for help. So you responded.
What's this? America is in trouble? I may be a failure of a ship but there is no way in HELL anyone can cross my country and expect to walk away! Especially the one I gave my life for! All across her hull she feels and hears the sound of her crew readying the ship. Her boilers are started, aircraft ammo a fuel checked and readied, AA guns are loaded, and on her bridge stands a man missing his right foot, a look of determination and confidence set on his face.

"General Quarters! Drive those monsters back!"
Let's kick those bastards back to hell, right where they belong.
Natalia Dreyer, USS Newport News
Pearl Harbor

What. What the hell do you mean I'm the soul of a ship.... if they had sent you an email or SOMETHING, you're sure you would have volunteered. But seriously, no warning whatsoever? Bullshit. Wait.. are you serious about this. Well, fine. Suddenly, memories pour into your head. Hearing about the end of the last world war, shelling the Vietnamese. Quarantining Cuba, and a bunch of other stuff that you are sure you'll remember when it's important. You sigh. Oh well, time to do what the disembodied voice wants me to do!
"Well, time to get stuff done..."

The first thing he noticed after the world became visible again was that he wasn't in Boston anymore. The revelations that followed were that he had the mother of all migraines knocking on his door with a jackhammer, that he had roughly thirty years' worth of unwelcome memories forcibly inserted into his head, and that sometime between having the world fade to black around him and waking up here, he had ceased to be a "he" entirely and was now an anthropomorphized heavy cruiser.

Looking around, it became evident that he had been sent straight into a war zone. The island ahead of him was being roughed up pretty badly by some unseen enemy, and no help seems to be in sight. Sighing, our newly reincarnated heavy cruiser personification readies its main battery and antiaircraft suite in preparation, and stumbles to its feet, almost falling back down again in the process. One wobbly step after another, the USS Newport News begins sailing for the other side of the island.

"USS Newport News, reporting for duty. Anybody know what's going on?"
Thalia Amara, Prince of Wales
Unknown Location, Yokosuka, Japan
Time: Unknown
"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manifestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manifestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And with that, your surroundings fade into black...

I'm dead. That's just lovely. But they're going to revive me, even if the methods sound dubious at best. Defending humanity sounds like a job much better suited to someone else, though. I've never been much of a fighter.

Lightning. You were done in by the one thing only a few other people in the world can claim to have been killed by. You had everything going for you. A full ride to university, a degree you would have enjoyed doing to the highest degree and you were done in by LIGHTNING of all things. For god's sake. Does some higher power hate you? Oh, and now your telling me I'm the soul of the HMS Prince of Wales? You have got to be kidding me! Well, at least you have a second chance at life now...
"For Queen and Country!"
(Location: Yokosuka)
The flood of memories hits me like a salvo of 380 mm shells. Being bombed while under construction, the devastating loss of Hood and my subsequent failure at Denmark Strait, and the massive screw up that was Force Z. I could quite visibly remember Hood going up in a massive fireball as I pounded away at Bismarck, I could feel the Japanese torpedoes strike home, ruining my port screws, and sending water all the way to engineering.

Mere moments later, I shook off the catatonia of my second (or was it first?) death. My eyes snapped open, and I took in my locale.

"HMS Prince of Wales, reporting! Let's hope this goes better than last time, hmm~."
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

I gasp, and breathe. The first thing I feel is that I'm in a resting position, with my back against a wall. The first thing I hear is a young, feminine voice, calling me Sara, like the ship, USS Saratoga. The first thing I see is a girl's face, one with long light blonde hair, teal eyes and pale complexion, filled with worry. She looks unfamiliar to me, yet at the same time, the opposite, as if I've known her for a lifetime. That headgear she's wearing, though, I remember that one.

It looks like a white captain's hat, with a golden eagle and three blue feathers on it. A picture of Sara in tears, clutching a broken version of that hat, comes to mind. It was from a story I read a few days ago, when Sara learned of Lexington's death at Coral Sea...

I feel as if I lost my older brother for a long time, and saw him once more in front of me, alive and well. That hat, it's like I was the one in tears, who had that broken hat with me for the longest time, a memento of my dear sibling...

That means the one in front of me, must be... "L-Lex?"

She keeps on calling me Sara, because... if the voice was right, and I became a kanmusu, there's only one ship with that name, whose sister is the one in front of me, and I feel as if I'm right...

Part of me just wants to hug her tightly, to never let go because she might be gone again if I do that, and it's all I can do to restrain myself.

Eldritch abominations... those must be Abyssals! Pearl... it's like when I was Pacific that time. Pearl was attacked by those things then, too!

Part of me wants to run away, to get out of here, but a bigger part of me asks myself, where would I go, then? Why turn away from a sister in need? I don't want to make her sad. I don't want to lose her anymore. I want us to make it through this, and we could do that together. I have nowhere to go, otherwise...

"How... how can we help?" I ask. It's definitely not my own voice, for it is of higher pitch, and is softer, more mellow, and with a feminine tone to it... yet at the same time, it feels like it's mine now...

"We need to launch fighters Sara. Establishing Air Superiority is out first priority." I say, Looking my sister in the eye. She seems different, more vulnerable. Definitely not the Sara I expected. But that isn't the point right now. I have to launch my fighters. Facing the burning Pearl Harbor, I grit my teeth and launch my first wave of hellcats.
Maria, NMS Regina Maria

"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manisfestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manefestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And wth that, your surroundings fade into black...
What? I'm dead? What killed me? Well, I guess defending humanity is noble enough, plus this way I don't stay dead.

You remember thing about your life that no one else can seem to remember. You remember a crew, a captain, and your comrades. So it wasn't really a surprise when your told that you have the soul of a ship. So here you are, surrounded by flames, wondering where in life you went wrong...
"Well, at least I'm helping people..."
(Location: Yokosuka)
Memories of a past life come flooding into my mind. No, not a past life, my past life, they were too vivid for anything else. I remember being made with only one sister where there should have been three. I remember fighting off several raids. I remember being sold to those very people I fought off, and then being sold back later. I remember a peaceful end, decommissioned and scrapped rather than dying in battle.

Done with my trip down memory lane my eyes open as I look around.

"NMS Regina Maria, reporting for duty!"
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

"We need to launch fighters Sara. Establishing Air Superiority is out first priority." I say, Looking my sister in the eye. She seems different, more vulnerable. Definitely not the Sara I expected. But that isn't the point right now. I have to launch my fighters. Facing the burning Pearl Harbor, I grit my teeth and launch my first wave of hellcats.

I nod to her in response. Launch fighters? Air superiority? Only a carrier can do that. Sara, USS Saratoga, CV-3... That would explain why Lex feels like such a dear sister to me.

I see her turn around and- wait, that's a rigging on the back of her sailor uniform! Every kanmusu has one! She has a miniature wooden flight deck over her left shoulder, and she's holding it like a gun, in a left-handed stance. I could also see downscaled twin-turreted guns on her right side, which my mind recognises as 5-inch, 25-caliber, dual-purpose guns. Scattered throughout are 1.1-inch AA guns, 20mm Oerlikon AA guns and M2 Browning machine guns, all downscaled as well. Wait, how am I able to identify them on sight? Is it a kanmusu or Sara thing? I know what those armaments are, but to know what they look like so well that I can visually tell what they are, so quickly?

Miniature dark blue fighters (Grumman F6F Hellcats, which she didn't have last time, my mind informs me) launch from her flight deck, one by one. She told me to do the same...

I check if I have rigging as well, and I do! How can I deny, then, that I became the spirit of that carrier? They look so real... To my left is a miniature wooden flight deck, much like Lex's. To my right are white dual-purpose guns, similar to hers, but with a longer barrel length, 38 calibers. Like her, I have other, smaller guns about me, except mine are solely 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons. This will take getting used to...

I note that I happen to be wearing a familiar-looking white dress, pockets, skirt and all, one that is unmistakably Sara's.

So, how do I do this... shakily standing up, I could feel the presence of my rigging, like a backpack. For one reason or another, there's this sense of inner warmth, of power within me, like I'm not helpless, that I have the strength to help, and to fight...

I imitate what my sister is doing, and hold my flight deck by its handle at the bottom, wielding it like a handgun. However, it's weird... I'm a right-handed person, yet my hands gravitate towards holding it with my left, using my right to stabilise it. It feels awkward, yet natural at the same time. I've had to adjust my stance to compensate.

On my flight deck, I could see my Hellcats, manned by chibi pilots (those must be fairies!) preparing for takeoff. Aiming it forward, slightly towards the sky, I squeeze the trigger. They fly, straight and true, accompanying Lex's own fighters...

...It feels as if I have eyes in the sky, as if I could see what my pilots could see, like a mental version of a CCTV screen. An aerial view of Pearl Harbor... my god...

I half-remember pictures of what Manila looked like at the end of World War 2, and Pearl... looks like that right now... Seeing pictures is one thing, but watching it unfold, for real, right in front of my eyes...

Buildings scorched and reduced to rubble. Scattered debris of all shapes and sizes. Thick plumes of black smoke. Raging fires. Wrecked cars and other vehicles on the road. Modern ships capsized and broken, including a submarine. There are even what look like bodies on the streets, and who knows how many more...

That's Battleship Row over there, with the distinctive white, concave profile of the USS Arizona memorial, Ari's resting place... but it looks as if someone ripped off a chunk from it. On the other side is the museum ship, USS Missouri, a silent sentry over the remains of the fallen battleship, but she is on fire... and the USS Bowfin is nowhere to be found... I've been to all three, and I never thought I'd see them like this, or not see them in the case of the submarine.

So much fire, destruction and death...

Red. Orange. Yellow. White-

I shake my head to ward it off. I don't want that painful imagery, which I now realize, could only be... what it felt like to be at Operation Crossroads...


There, those black, evil-looking things in the sky! They are the ones behind this atrocity...!

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Prompt (GM)
(For those at Pearl Harbor)
The cries of help from civilians. Soldiers barely holding the line. This is what you see as you look into the harbor. Honolulu, burning. NB Pearl Harbor, a pile of rubble. You all need to do something. There! An abyssal strike force, heading right toward you all. @UbeOne You and Lexington are already scrambling fighters. What do you do against the destroyers heading towards you? @Michael Lewis You notice two carriers, most likely Lexington class, under attack by abyssal destroyers. @CCBubba You see Lexington and Saratoga launching fighters. They seem to be aiming for the enemy aircraft. What will you do? @Zereoth Jupi You also notice abyssal destroyers gunning for two carriers. @TheMaskedReader Everything you love is on fire. Your base, your harbor. You are understandably upset, but notice a few Kantai Musume fighting against the abyssals. @Slick You need to hang back, you know this, but what will you order Willie D and Sammy B to do? @always_confused Your under attack by so many goddam planes. But, if it flies, it dies! You notice two things. One: Two carriers being attacked by destroyers. Two: There are four battleships shelling NB Pearl Harbor. What do you do?

(For those at Yokosuka)
The Smell of burning flesh. Soldiers dying just to buy civilians a few more seconds. This is what Yokosuka looks like right now. You need to do something. There! The Abyssal Strike force, headed towards all of you! @Miho_Chan You, Shinano, and Midway need to launch aircraft. But first to deal with the abyssals attacking Shinano. @pharaoh122 (OOC: Please post) @Jhin Lemon You see three carriers under attack from what looks like four abyssal destroyers. What do you do? @Lt Darkhound The First thing you notice is a harbor on fire. The second thing you notice is those responsible for that mess. Finally, you note that the bastards shelling the harbor are battleships (3 of them)! @Fantasy Nature (OOC: Please post)
JS Kurama
"Unknown Time"​

"I could use some help Kurama!" Shinano yells, wincing as the destroyer fires again, scoring a hit on the Carrier. I was around 10km out from Shinano, so I do the sensible thing. With practiced ease that I knew I had not possessed till today, I draw my Composite bow back, seeing in my mind's eye the Wyvern attackers lined up to take off. I release the arrow, launching my attackers towards the destroyers engaging Shinano. I also see through the eyes of my pilots, rapidly closing the distance between them and the destroyers.
"I launched bombers at the abyssals Shinano Nee! ETA Three Minutes!" I yell, maneuvering so that my port broadside faces the abyssal destroyers. I order my Dual Purpose 12.7cm guns to fire on the destroyers, fully expecting most of the shots to miss. After all, my gunners were trained mostly for Anti Air duties. To my surprise, one of the shells from my salvo hits a destroyer, setting it on fire. Grinning, I order a second salvo, this time missing entirely. Not to be discouraged, I order my third and final Salvo, which hits the previously hit abyssal destroyer, cooking off her magazine. Scratch one enemy destroyer. Shinano has similar success with her own target. Scratch two abyssal destroyers.
"Thanks for the help Kurama chan!" I can actually hear her smiling. I grin at that, then narrow my eyes at the sky. Looks like we still have a lot of work to do...
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(For those at Pearl Harbor)
The cries of help from civilians. Soldiers barely holding the line. This is what you see as you look into the harbor. Honolulu, burning. NB Pearl Harbor, a pile of rubble. You all need to do something. There! An abyssal strike force, heading right toward you all. @UbeOne You and Lexington are already scrambling fighters. What do you do against the destroyers heading towards you? @Michael Lewis You notice two carriers, most likely Lexington class, under attack by abyssal destroyers. @CCBubba You see Lexington and Saratoga launching fighters. They seem to be aiming for the enemy aircraft. What will you do? @Zereoth Jupi You also notice abyssal destroyers gunning for two carriers. @TheMaskedReader Everything you love is on fire. Your base, your harbor. You are understandably upset, but notice a few Kantai Musume fighting against the abyssals. @Slick You need to hang back, you know this, but what will you order Willie D and Sammy B to do? @always_confused Your under attack by so many goddam planes. But, if it flies, it dies! You notice two things. One: Two carriers being attacked by destroyers. Two: There are four battleships shelling NB Pearl Harbor. What do you do?

As the abyssal aircraft fire on me I cringe in pain and attempt to dodge and shield myself. So many, what can I do? Am I going to die? Again?...

No! No it damn well was not! I have a second chance, to live, to serve, to be useful! I'm not just gonna lay down and die. Especially not for these overgrown flies!

"My little sisters had over a 120 AA guns! I have over 12,000 Tons of armor and armaments over them! HOW MANY GUNS DO YOU THINK I HAVE?!" I need to work on my aim, sure, but quantity has a quality all of its own. Anti-aircraft batteries on practically every inch of my person and rig fire and tear through the waves of fighters attacking me. With a moment of respite, I awkwardly speed away from the current location as fast as I can, anti aircraft guns on my rig firing away all the while.

In the distance, I see several large...things firing on Pearl and a quartet of smaller shark like beings firing and speeding towards two carrier-women. I'm not sure how much help, if any, I'll be but I switch direction towards the 'sharks'. My new memories tell me these are Abyssal Destroyers and the larger ones previously are Battleships.

"Get away from them, monsters!" All twelve of my main guns turn to the destroyers and fire at once with a loud report. Hopefully I'll get one at least...

@Miho_Chan @UbeOne
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Waking up Princeton finds herself standing on the ocean. Checking herself out before anything else, the first and most important thing she finds is that she appears to be human shaped now, rather than a ship. She still feels all her internal machinery and crew running around, but she looks like a human. On her back is slung an M1903 Springfield rifle with what looks like her flight deck attached to it, on her head is a radio headset and her tiny island sticking of the side, and also on her back appears her hangar with 45 bullets arranged around. "Well this is new, not exactly what I expected. But I guess I can't complain to much for a second chance." Finally taking a few seconds to look around what she sees draws her breath away.
@CCBubba You see Lexington and Saratoga launching fighters. They seem to be aiming for the enemy aircraft. What will you do?

...damn it this is just like December 7th isn't it, but those aircraft on their way to the Lexingtons had to have come from somewhere right? Grabbing her Springfield Princeton begins launching first her CAP, and then a strike force of her TBM Avengers and F6F Hellcats.

"All aircraft, pearl is under attack by hostile forces. But right now 2 Lexington class carriers are under attack. Strike force, I want the majority of the fighters among you to head towards the hostile force enroute towards the the fighters. After their destruction make contact with the Lexingtons so we can coordinate. The avengers will trace a path from where the hostile are coming from to find and destroy their carriers. Prioritize any capital ships and get get back safe. You have your orders, good luck!" I hope they all make it back safely. I think as I begin distancing myself from the hostile ships.
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USS Cypher
Pearl Harbor

"Well ain't this a perfect scene from hell" I muse to myself as I gaze upon the fires burning alongside the screams of people moments before something catches my eye 'Who could have done this?'.
"Now ain't y'all the ugliest things in existence?" I say as I spot the ugliest creatures in the history of ever 'abyssal destroyers eh?', lighting a cigarette and clenching it in my teeth, before summoning my rigging however I knew that those creatures were destroyers or how I summoned my rigging I would have to figure out later, and throwing every ounce of speed I have to flank them,tempering my rage as I realize where I have returned to I start firing as fast as I possibly can from my 6 inch guns, not caring if they hit as all i needed them for right now was pure rate of fire to speak my fury.

My firing should be able to distract them, at least. Those two carriers may not be my little ones, but I certainly can't let this stand and it most certainly will not stand at Pearl! As I draw closer I open a line to the carriers my tired and raspy voice barely audible over my firing "USS Cypher to carriers, I'll be flanking those destroyers for ya".

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Everything you love is on fire. Your base, your harbor. You are understandably upset, but notice a few Kantai Musume fighting against the abyssals.
"Alright men, we need to get moving. I still need to know when Wheeler's getting their aircraft off the ground! In the meantime, we need to start coordinating a defense. We're barely holding the line as is, and those Kantai Musume might be our only hope, based on how they're fighting directly against those Abyssals. If you can get a message out to the troops, tell our soldiers to support them. If you can get a message to the Kantai Musume themselves, we can begin to strategize with our defenses. Are any of our batteries on the ground still active enough to provide support?"
Sara Tan, USS Saratoga
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

@UbeOne You and Lexington are already scrambling fighters. What do you do against the five destroyers heading towards you? @Michael Lewis You notice two carriers, most likely Lexington class, under attack by abyssal destroyers. @CCBubba You see Lexington and Saratoga launching fighters. They seem to be aiming for the enemy aircraft. What will you do? @Zereoth Jupi You also notice abyssal destroyers gunning for two carriers. @TheMaskedReader Everything you love is on fire. Your base, your harbor. You are understandably upset, but notice a few Kantai Musume fighting against the abyssals. @Slick You need to hang back, you know this, but what will you order Willie D and Sammy B to do? @always_confused Your under attack by so many goddam planes. But, if it flies, it dies! You notice two things. One: Two carriers being attacked by destroyers. Two: There are four battleships shelling NB Pearl Harbor. What do you do?

A stream of fighters continues to take off as I continue to depress the trigger of my flight deck. My mind informs me that I carry fifty-three Hellcats and seventeen Avengers, the same loadout as during the attack on Iwo Jima.

What the? In front of Lex and I are five black things, like sharks or giant bullets, complete with teeth and glowing green eyes. Are those what Abyssals actually look like? They really are monsters!

On that note, they're coming for us! How'd they get this close? Carriers should be far away from enemies, beyond visual range, even!

That's not all. One of my fighters spots four Abyssals, feminine in appearance, doing shore bombardment, the guns on their black shield-like rigging in front of them being like that of battleships. They didn't just send planes like the Japanese, they brought in their big ones too!

Another fighter sees that we're not alone. There's a Montana-class battleship (That's the only one with four triple turrets of 16-inch guns. I thought they were never made!) approaching us, as is a cruiser that I can't identify at the moment.

Still, the first priority is not getting hit by those shark thingies! I don't know what weapons they have. Is it guns? Is it torpedoes? Is it their teeth? Is it something else entirely? Doesn't matter. We need to move!

I try running, but to no avail. I nearly lose my balance before I recover. There's no traction, like everything is slippery. I glance down, and it turns out that I've been on top of water the whole time! What?!

Must be a kanmusu thing. Ships would be able to stand on water.

How am I supposed to move? There are rudders on my heeled (Lady stilts? Oh man!) footwear, but no propellers. How do I move, then? I try to put my mind into it, to make myself move somehow... there we go. I can hear the soft humming within me of what seem to be engines at work.

I can somehow skate on the water while keeping my balance! Definitely a kanmusu thing.

Still, those sharks are there. We need to dodge them. We need to shoot them! "Lex, let's evade, move to port, and get distance," I tell my sister. By port, I mean to the left. We can then use the guns on our right side, our starboard, to fire at them while we retreat! Well, as long as we're not getting closer to those Abyssal battleships, that is.

And so, unless Lex objects, I begin to do just that, to turn left, and to do evasive maneuvers. I can feel the presence of my armaments, like they're an extension of myself, a part of me, additional muscles that I can use. Sending a mental command, my 5-inch guns swivel towards the enemy Abyssal sharks. With my mind's eye, I could picture an array of crosshairs being leveled at the targets, with my guns adjusting with the targeting reticles. I have a feeling that I don't have to calculate manually, that I have my own fire control systems to handle that subconsciously for me... After finding my mark, I have my guns fire at will, round after round. I can hear the booming report of my shells being sent on their way. I can also hear the even louder report of battleship guns, and one instance of rapid tapping, like many small guns firing.

Should enemy aircraft try to get to either Lex or I, they will meet a wall of lead from my AA guns...

As I draw closer I open a line to the carriers my tired and raspy voice barely audible over my firing "USS Cypher to carriers, I'll be flanking those destroyers for ya".

A radio? I have one too? That's useful.

So those sharks are destroyers? Yikes, they could torpedo us!

"Sara to Cypher, thanks," I respond. Every bit of help counts.

Meanwhile, my Hellcats engage the enemy aircraft, strafing them from above and luring them into Thach Weaves. I can feel the presence of my planes around and above me as they move on their own, needing minimal conscious input from me to operate.

Those flying Abyssals definitely don't look human-made. If anything, they remind me of Bydo from R-Type. They even have teeth too, and they have no propellers, jets nor wings. How do those things even fly?

When I have enough breathing room, I change the magazine of my gun, switching to Avengers and beginning to launch those torpedo bombers from my flight deck. When the time is right, my aircraft could coordinate with other friendly planes like Lex's to bomb and torpedo the enemy capital ships. Hellcats can, and do, carry bombs, or even torpedoes, after all...

@Miho_Chan, @Zeroth Jupi
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"I'm very sorry, but you're dead." This is how you're greeted as you wake up, completely unaware of where you are, and how you got there. "But rejoice! For you have been chosen to defend humanity from a threat most foul. You will become the soul of a ship, and defend humanity against the manifestation of hatred!" The voice continues rambling for a while, but you don't hear it, shocked at the information that it has already provided. What does it mean to be the soul of a ship? What does the voice mean when he says the manifestation of hatred? You would ponder more, however, the voice seems to have other ideas. "Good luck! Don't die!" And with that, your surroundings fade into black...

Wait!...what?! I need answers dammit!. Get back HERE!

@Fantasy Nature
You died when a truck ran you over, uncaring of the poor old pedestrian that it had run over. Your soul stuck around long enough to see that he got off almost scot-free, and that pissed you off. So when you were given a second chance at life, you grabbed that opportunity with both hands. When you discovered you were the HMS Vanguard, you were ecstatic. After all, you loved firepower in both your lives. So, you wake up, surrounded by flames, after falling out of the void.
"HMS Vanguard, reporting for duty"
(location: Yokosuka)

Memories of a life that was not mine, slammed into me, hitting me like a train. I grabbed my head, and I was hit with a burst of pain.
My memories reconfiguring it's self into the correct locations. The pain finally passed after a few seconds. Now my body began to change. A bright light erupted everywhere in all directions. Rigging simultaneously had appeared and a new person.

"Time for some explosions!"
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Natalia Dreyer, USS Newport News
Pearl Harbor

The next twenty minutes for the now personified USS Newport News (or was it Nathan Dreyer? She wasn't terribly sure anymore) were something out of a Chaplin film made by a paranoid schizophrenic, full of stumbling and swearing as the ship-spirit tried to sail in the general direction of the explosions and fire. She wasn't soaking wet from her faceplants into the water yet, but the whole "given a second chance at life to fight monsters by a disembodied voice in what sounds like a cliche urban fantasy plot" affair had exhausted her ability to care about such things.

Nervously switching between scanning the sky with her RADAR and visually searching the surrounding ocean for the entities responsible for attacking the coastal city, Newport News wondered what lay ahead for her. Were there more people like her? Who were these "manifestations of hatred" attacking the city? Her RADAR was picking up something to the Northeast, but she couldn't see it at the moment. Half walking, half stumbling over the water and overcompensating to keep her balance, she made her way towards what seemed to be the center of the conflict.

The first of the two questions was quickly answered by a white-haired Gearing-class destroyer that tackle-hugged her from the side. She seemed awfully familiar, but Newport News couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Hi, Newport! You're back!"

"Do I know you? I feel like I should, but it's just out of reach."

Hearing that USS Newport News didn't recognize her, the destroyer's mood visibly darkens. "You don't remember me? I'm USS Leary! I escorted you in Cuba!"

Seeing the destroyer go from looking like a Christmas miracle came three months ahead of time to looking like she was just told that her cat died, Dreyer cringes. Fighting the headache she was getting from the flood of phantom memories that surfaced after that name was mentioned, she apologized. "Oh. I'm sorry about that. Still new to all... this. Are there any more like us?"

"I don't know. I just woke up like this fifteen minutes ago."

They got the answer to that question shortly after that, with the sound of naval artillery and piston-engined aircraft letting them know that they were not alone.



"How familiar are you with your weapons?"

"Well... I'm still adjusting to this, but I think I'm ok with them."

"Good. Follow me, and let's go bail those carriers out."

The two of them then began sailing towards the two carriers, firing their main batteries at the Eldritch abominations and trying their damnedest to blow as many of the enemy aircraft out of the sky as possible.
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