Souls of Beyond, Returned to Protect (Kantai Collection) (Still Open to Submission)

Huh, maybe I should bring Sammy B. and Willie D. along then. Is there a specific way I gotta right a companions sheet?
Last question, getting started on my post, are we fully equipped from the start? Judging from the Admiral bits it seems we were basically dumped in our respective harbors by some higher power, fully equipped and ready to rock?
Okay, I've revised my draft to accommodate the memory of being nuked, and now it's posted. How was it? I tried to put as much emotion as I could, but I'm not that good at that...
OK. Last few questions before I get an IC post up. Is the civilian section of Pearl Harbor under attack as well? What is the state of the evacuation? Are all ships at the ready? How much damage has been done to ships and land facilities? Are there any prominent gun batteries able to assist in the defense?
OK. Last few questions before I get an IC post up. Is the civilian section of Pearl Harbor under attack as well? What is the state of the evacuation? Are all ships at the ready? How much damage has been done to ships and land facilities? Are there any prominent gun batteries able to assist in the defense?
Civvies are under attack as well. Evacuation is hampered, but proceeding at a steady pace. Damage is heavy to most ships and land bases, with the exception of Wheeler Airbase.
Alright Willie and Sammy have been added to my sheet...So, how do companions work in this? Do I control them or does the GM?

Oh and sorry for the trouble, but when is my IC...starter I think is the term gonna be ready? Again sorry for the trouble Miho.
Alright Willie and Sammy have been added to my sheet...So, how do companions work in this? Do I control them or does the GM?

Oh and sorry for the trouble, but when is my IC...starter I think is the term gonna be ready? Again sorry for the trouble Miho.
NP, will be up in 5 minutes or less.
I've made a little change to my IC post...

Red. Orange. Yellow. White. It's all around me, and it burns so deeply, even from within. The heat, it's too much! My body, my everything, it hurts so much. I can't move at all. I hear a pained scream, which turns out to be my own. Get me out of here! Get me out of here...!

...To reflect that during Test Able, Sara was burning both from without and from within...
Character Sheet (HMS Vanguard) (Out)
Character Creation:
Kanmusu Character Sheet Template:
Name: Vanguard
Ship Class: Vanguard class
Ship Name: HMS Vanguard

Personality: A person who is quiet and reserved. Can forget things quickly when not paying attention. Loves explosions and firepower.
Quirks: Hates being refitted, No one to shoot, Unknowns.
Bio: An average person who got unlucky one day. He got hit by a speeding truck killing him instantly.
  • Was launched on 30th November 1944.
  • Spent several months conducting sea trials and training until August.
  • Vanguard arrived in Cape Town on 17 February 1947, escorted by the South African frigates.
  • Sailed for home on 22 April 1947.
  • In July, the ship began an overhaul in Devonport, which lasted until August 1948.
  • On 13 September 1950 Admiral Sir Philip Vian hoisted his flag as Commander in Chief, Home Fleet, on Vanguard and the ship joined the rest of Home Fleet on exercises with the Royal Canadian Navy and the Mediterranean Fleet.
  • The ship departed the for a brief refit at Gibraltar. 20 January 1953.
  • On 9 October 1959, the Admiralty announced that Vanguard would be scrapped, as she was considered obsolete and too expensive to maintain

Likes: Firepower, Being able to fire a broadside, Video games.

Dislikes: Refittings, not being able to shoot, being useless.
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Name: Vanguard
Ship Class: King George V class fast battleship
Ship Name: HMS Vanguard

Personality: Mosty quiet, however, will get hyper if there is some type of fighting going on. Loves firepower in any shape or form.
Will constantly try to help even when not needed.
Quirks: Gets annoyed quickly if she does not get in the action.
Bio: He was a normal person until getting hit by a truck when walking to school, and now suddenly a shipgirl.

  • Likes fighting
  • Talking to people
  • Getting outside the base to walk.
  • Firing the main batteries.
  • Friends.
  • Explosions

  • Constant refittings.
  • Not getting in on the action.
  • Being lonely.
  • Being useless
  • Constant repeats.

This is my first character sheet so it's probably bad. Sorry.
Your fine, And approved
Will have your IC prompt up in an hour or so.
Edit: Do you have any companions?
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