Sorry to Bother You


Tread First into Hell
The Center of the Universe: Toronto, Canada

Saw this movie today and I'm surprised we didn't already have a thread for it.

I really enjoyed it, and there's a lot to unpack. It covers a hell of a lot of topics, with race and capitalism being key elements. Fairly big twist towards the end as well, but I won't spoil that here.

Your serious? Everything in that trailer for one.

Look I will just give you a definition of racism:
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races

This is one of the several definitions of racism you can get from typing the word into google. And already it basically covers the entire trailer.

Better question would be what wasn't racist in that trailer. At least then I wouldn't be typing up something a couple pages long in google drive.

Riiiiight. I take it you thought Get Out was racist too :rolleyes:.

Never heard of it.
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Nuh uh. There's nothing racist about that - the only sketch thing here is you acting funny. What is racist in that trailer and how? Explain, please.

Like I said already it would be pages upon pages of google drive. I'm not going to waste my time typing that up when anyone with an unbiased brain could just watch the trailer while keeping that definition in mind.

Not that I am saying racism is bad for comedy of course. Just that this definitely fits the definition of it.
Like I said already it would be pages upon pages of google drive. I'm not going to waste my time typing that up when anyone with an unbiased brain could just watch the trailer while keeping that definition in mind.
So you won't back it up. Okay. Well, if we're at that point of just saying things: you're not only wrong, not only is it hideously policing and ultimately pretty racist on your part to look at this trailer - which is entirely candid about how lack of whiteness is an albatross around your neck in a professional setting - and conclude that it's racist, it's just, like, absurd. There's nothing here. Literally nothing that is a problem unless this candid talk about being a black man in America is your problem.
Like I said already it would be pages upon pages of google drive. I'm not going to waste my time typing that up when anyone with an unbiased brain could just watch the trailer while keeping that definition in mind.
"I don't want to explain why I think it's racist, because that would take time and effort I don't want to contribute to this thread despite how I brought it upon myself by starting this thread off by calling the subject racist. Besides, anyone with half a brain cell could EASILY see how right I am and don't need any convincing to believe my statement to be objective fact."
You lazy fuck.
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So you won't back it up. Okay. Well, if we're at that point of just saying things: you're not only wrong, not only is it hideously policing and ultimately pretty racist on your part to look at this trailer - which is entirely candid about how lack of whiteness is an albatross around your neck in a professional setting - and conclude that it's racist, it's just, like, absurd. There's nothing here. Literally nothing that is a problem unless this candid talk about being a black man in America is your problem.

When did this become a debate? Is this in the debate thread now? My bad. Again I'm not going to waste my time getting involved in a debate especially when you point out the racism in the post your calling me out in it. Glad to see at least you recognize it even if it doesn't connect in your mind. So have a good day now.
When did this become a debate? Is this in the debate thread now? My bad. Again I'm not going to waste my time getting involved in a debate especially when you point out the racism in the post your calling me out in it. Glad to see at least you recognize it even if it doesn't connect in your mind. So have a good day now.

Do you know what "characteristic specific to that race" means?

You don't, by the way. You are assuming that pointing out social disadvantages of being black in America is inherently racist without realizing that those advantages are not a characteristic of the race but a characteristic of the society. You think this let's you go "aha, racism" and dismiss people pointing out that you're wrong, but alas, it only shows that you don't actually have the command of the English language that you assume.

Now put up or fuck off.
And why shouldn't we just report you for trolling?

Well if you want to waste the Admins time? Sure go ahead. I'm not trolling but then again there doesn't really have to be any proof in today's society to get someone prosecuted for a crime. Just have to make the first accusation really.

So I said it looks racist as fuck, and refused to post examples since it would be pages of text. Rook said it was a commentary on working conditions and demanded proof on my views which I really don't have to give in a non-debate thread. Delphisage... well he started throwing around character attacks.

Which ones could be said to be actually trolling in this situation... sounds to me mostly the last guy since he isn't contributing to the conversation.
Rook said it was a commentary on working conditions and demanded proof on my views which I really don't have to give in a non-debate thread.
This is the fiction discussion forum. This a general purpose thread for discussion about the movie. Where on earth do you think it should be debated, if not here?
So I said it looks racist as fuck, and refused to post examples since it would be pages of text.
But... why would an example need to be 'pages and pages'. Couldn't you sum up, like, one thing about the trailer that struck you as racist, in like, a sentence?
Do you know what "characteristic specific to that race" means?

You don't, by the way. You are assuming that pointing out social disadvantages of being black in America is inherently racist without realizing that those advantages are not a characteristic of the race but a characteristic of the society. You think this let's you go "aha, racism" and dismiss people pointing out that you're wrong, but alas, it only shows that you don't actually have the command of the English language that you assume.

Now put up or fuck off.

I'm going to stand by my opinion man. I'm also going to stand by my right to be a lazy bum when I'm not working. If people want to talk to me then they are welcome to do so, if they don't then that is fine. Personally I enjoyed the trailer and plan on seeing it when its moves to red box.

I'm still just amazed at how racist the entire trailer was and how there isn't an outcrying for the heads of the producers, the writers, and the director. This isn't a debate thread, this is a discussion thread for the movie in question. I find the movie highly racist. If others don't well good on them. I'm still going to read the discussion here and talk about other points but I'm not going to be drawn into a debate on defending my views after a hard day of work. I simply don't have the patience for it right now.

Where I am typing this from is America and here we have the right hold to our views even when "evidence" is staring us in the face otherwise. :)

So debate if you guys want to, I'm not going to be a part of it. I would actually love to read how this trailer wasn't racist in any way. The mental gymnastics my mind would have to go through to follow that would be invigorating.
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Rook said it was a commentary on working conditions and demanded proof on my views which I really don't have to give in a non-debate thread. Delphisage... well he started throwing around character attacks.

One: She. It's not that fucking hard to check peoples' gender. Literally takes one click.

But then again given the arguments you've made so far I'm not surprised that it takes too much mental fortitude for you to click.

Two, you refused to back up your awful opinion, one that makes zero fucking sense, and then continue to stammer about how you don't need to contribute proof. Even though the rest of your comments in this thread basically show that you have no earthly clue what you're talking about.

Honestly I get secondhand embarrassment just reading your posts. It's some lovely, lovely "I have no idea how racism actually works" shit.

So speaking as a brown queer person, either back your trash up or fuck off.
Well if you want to waste the Admins time? Sure go ahead. I'm not trolling but then again there doesn't really have to be any proof in today's society to get someone prosecuted for a crime. Just have to make the first accusation really.

So I said it looks racist as fuck, and refused to post examples since it would be pages of text. Rook said it was a commentary on working conditions and demanded proof on my views which I really don't have to give in a non-debate thread. Delphisage... well he started throwing around character attacks.

Which ones could be said to be actually trolling in this situation... sounds to me mostly the last guy since he isn't contributing to the conversation.
You realise there's no actual award for 'Hottest Take' right? Like, :turian:subtly:turian: mixing in a claim that women lie about rape with mindlessly calling a film about the struggles of black people in professional environments racist is a fucking scorcher, but there isn't an award for it.
But... why would an example need to be 'pages and pages'. Couldn't you sum up, like, one thing about the trailer that struck you as racist, in like, a sentence?

I could probably tomorrow in fact. After I've gotten some sleep and don't feel like I've been ran over by a bicycle which actually happened today...Oi....

You realise there's no actual award for 'Hottest Take' right? Like, :turian:subtly:turian: mixing in a claim that women lie about rape with mindlessly calling a film about the struggles of black people in professional environments racist is a fucking scorcher, but there isn't an award for it.

Your mind immediately went to rape? Really? Weird. I was talking about he said she said that happens every day in the American service industry. Someone backs up their car into the car behind them and claim they got rammed from behind and all that.

Hell whoever calls the cops first in most incidents get the right of complaint and the cops won't accept counter claims. Honestly the american legal system is a mess. Don't get me talking about it because it is rather off topic.
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Your mind immediately went to rape? Really? Weird. I was talking about he said she said that happens every day in the American service industry. Someone backs up their car into the car behind them and claim they got rammed from behind and all that.
Yeah, and Kotaku in Action is a subreddit dedicated to Ethics in Games Journalism.
I can't even parse this take it's just baffling.

Like, the director/screenwriter isn't an old white guy but the rapper Boots Riley. A good chunk of the cast is black. And when I saw the movie most of the other people in the theater were black, and everyone seemed to enjoy the movie. This is the first I've heard of this movie being racist.

Are we sure we're posting from the same universe? Is it Jif Peanut Butter or Jiffy where you're posting from?
Where I am typing this from is America and here we have the right hold to our views even when "evidence" is staring us in the face otherwise. :)
That's not an American right you utter buffoon. At best that's a general human right to have your own thoughts, but even then it's tempered by the fact that anyone can call out your views as garbage. Moreover, the defense of a viewpoint by "well it's not illegal to have a viewpoint" is pretty much conceding that the viewpoint is utter garbage.
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