[X] Mosok: Colony organisms of burrowing arthropods about a centimeter long, Mosok colonies display emergent behavior far beyond most eusocial species. Each Mosok colony of any significant size is a fully sapient being capable of learning, science, inter-colony coordination, and mobility.
[X] Synthetic Cellular Structure: Blurring the line between hardware and wetware, your brains are composed of chemically-operated cellular structures made using a novel set of molecules. As such, while you transcend many of the limits of an organic brain, you still share some of the associated issues. Namely a limited range of temperature tolerance, and great difficulty with migrating to new hardware or copying existing minds. On the plus side you're nearly impossible to hack without physically adding a subversion element to your hardware.
[X] Massively Parallel Classical Computation: As the name implies, you're able to run on massively parallel computers that are otherwise fairly conventional in terms of their design. While this confers massive advantages in transferral and copying, it's also easily the most hackable possibility.
[x]Astrogation Package: Your sense of motion, space and distance is adapted for the empty void between constantly moving stars. You can easily maneuver within and between star systems without significant difficulties, no training required.
[x] Hybrid Analog Circuitry: While seemingly a contradiction at first, you exist as software built to run on extremely sophisticated analog computing systems, using digital components only for data storage and state recovery. This grants your brains extreme energy efficiency and nigh-instant approximations for supported calculation types. On the other hand, you can't achieve the utterly immense precision that more discrete hardware can manage. You are moderately hackable for someone who knows what they're doing.
[X] Quantum Computational Systems: To run properly, you need a specially designed quantum computer. While this gives you immense cognitive capabilities, it also means that due to the No-Cloning theorem you are legitimately impossible to copy (though quantum teleporting you between compatible hardware works just fine), along with being truly dead should your hardware ever be without power. While hacking you is theoretically possible, it's orders of magnitude more likely that someone with that level of access to your processes will just fuck it up and accidentally kill you.
[X] Cepsad: A bizarre example of parasitism mixed with symbiosis, Cepsad are a fungal growth that takes over the central nervous system of a non-sapient ape-like organism. This fungal growth exhibits far greater cognitive complexity than its host, to the degree of having been deliberately breeding hosts for their spores to inhabit for several centuries.
[X] Feraj: Humans would recognize these people as being dinosaur men. They'd be wrong, but the misunderstanding is understandable. With a crest of feathers running down their back, a muzzle full of VERY sharp teeth, and colorful scales on all non-feathered parts of their body, Feraj very much give the impression of an upright Deinonychus.