Son of Sasquatch | Cyberpunk Edgerunners SI

Son of Sasquatch | Cyberpunk Edgerunners SI
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Posting this over here as well since SB mods sufficiently pissed me off.

SI into the Prince of the Animals boostergang, how will the protagonist deal with the shitty (Tarot) cards laid out for him and the people he knows?
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01: Know, oh Prince...


Sir Charles Phantom, the notorious Litton

01: Know, oh Prince...

"Come on, hit him!"

"Take him down Rhett!"

"You can take him Sim!"

"Beat on the brat!"

"Kick his ass, son!"

At the last shout (or roar, rather) I can't help but roll my eyes a bit, even as I raise up my fists and square my shoulders.

"Gee, thanks mom." I mutter under my breath as I size up my opponent.

The other guy is an Animal (note the capital 'A'), sporting their signature gang get-up such as colorful training pants, a stained wifebeater and enormously overgrown muscles and thick chrome along his joints and jaw. The guy is huge, well past the two meter mark and seems almost as broad in the shoulders as well and anyone outside the gang would think twice about taking such a behemoth on in a chrome-knuckle fistfight with anything less than Trauma Platinum coverage on standby.

Hell, even within the Animals, quite a few of them would strongly reconsider whether or not stepping into the ring with the shaved gorilla was worth an additional supply of the hormone cocktail known as Juice. A bit hard to enjoy your new HGH-boosted, testosterone-fueled, synth-rhino horn grown muscles when your chin gets launched up through your eyeballs by an uppercut from one of the top brawlers the Animals had to offer.

That wasn't a euphemism either. I've seen the guy do it. Twice.

He's trying to turn it into a signature move of his, has even been experimenting with slogans and nicknames. Last I heard, he was fighting under the moniker of "Crush-Your-Skull-Through-Your-Chin Rhett".

Animals, by and large, aren't exactly the imaginative sort. Which also showed itself in the name that I was fighting under.

"Break him in half Simba!"

Why Simba? Easy, he's a prince of animals. I'm essentially the Prince of the Animals, though many of them aren't really hung up on royalty. Still, the nickname stuck and it's what I'm most commonly known by.

Simba, the Prince of the Animals, the first ever known natural born offspring of an Animal.

Though most people call me Sim instead. Even my mom calls me Sim these days, instead of my given name of Michael K. Rose. Then again, I strongly suspect that she was the one that came up with the nickname in the first place. After all, everyone calls her Sasquatch instead of Matilda too.

See, the thing about those big, HGH-boosted, testosterone-fueled, synth-rhino horn grown muscles you get from using Juice? Yeah, big fucking surprise, but pouring a cocktail like that into your body fucks your shit up, big time. Sure, you essentially become a hulking supersoldier that at higher tiers could even survive small-arms fire (which is a depressingly common threat here in Night City), but among its myriad side effects, such as increased aggression and the like, is that it leaves your infertile.

Except, apparently, in the case of my mom. Back in '55, Matilda K. Rose, already Juicing it up within the Animals, somehow managed to get pregnant, the only known member of the Animals to ever do so. It was thought impossible before and yet, here I am. Trust me, it took us both by surprise.

Not everyday you wake up in another universe after all.

After having me, mom got some pretty whacky ideas about me being the next step of human evolution or something, picked the nickname Sasquatch (and I'm almost certain my nickname as well) and beat the ever-loving shit out of everyone she met with a sledgehammer until she ended up the alpha of a significant pack of Animals.

She wants me to take over the entirety of the disorganised and decentralised Animal packs and, I dunno, lead the gang into dominion over the new world or something, I guess?

I'm not entirely sure what exactly she expects of me and whenever I questioned her about it when I was younger, she'd eventually get confused and simply shrug.

"To be stronger. To be the strongest one there is." Was her final answer every time and I had to make do with that.

Unfortunately, the rest of the Animals, being Animals, didn't really feel like kow-towing to some 'royalty' and I've had to fight for my place in the gang ever since I was old enough to swing a punch. Not being a part of the gang was never an option to begin with: like they say on the news, you don't get to leave NC 'cept in a bodybag. That goes double if you're wearing a gang's colors. Honestly, Jackie must've gone through hell and back for as clean a break as he got from the Valentinos. Criminals usually don't appreciate you betraying their trust and taking their intel with you.

Come to think of it, same goes for corpos really.

Any normal kid wouldn't have survived past their sixth birthday, but then again, I was hardly 'normal'. As weird as my mom's plans for me were, I couldn't deny that there was some truth to her whacky ideas about me. As it turns out, being the offspring of two HGH-boosted, testosterone-fueled, synth-rhino horn snorting superhumans (though Ma had no clue who dear ol' Dad might be) can have some interesting side effects.

I've essentially been on Juice even since before I was born, to the point I'm apparently producing trace amounts of the stuff naturally. I grew far faster than a normal human, being almost as tall as an adult man by the time I was eleven and now at soon-to-be twenty (birthday was coming up in a couple months, Sasquatch has been asking around for gift ideas recently) I was finally reaching the end of my gargantuan growth spurt.

In addition, my muscles were both larger and denser than human, or even Animal, standards, effectively giving me a natural inbuilt subdermal armour (as opposed to the actually inbuilt subdermal armour, cyberware I was still strongly considering having a ripperdoc put in me). While the more durable muscles meant I was more difficult to really harm, any damage I did suffer seemed to heal several times faster than normal as well.

If it weren't for that healing factor, I probably wouldn't have survived my sixth birthday.

Even with all of those freakish enhancements (though Ma insisted on calling 'em "gifts" instead) Sasquatch thought that a Prince of the Animals should look the part and had been looking into bodysculpts essentially from the moment I was born. Those kinda augments can get ridiculously expensive, but hey, we were criminals and part of a gang that specialized in smuggling, protection services and "protection" services.

We mostly dealt in drugs and the like, black market stuff, offering protection to black market dealers on the side. Very rarely we dealt in wetware or bioware; with people fixated on chrome there's not much call for it these days outside our gang and wannabe-Animals. Still, that means there's plenty of contacts to be made with cloning experts and vat growers looking to offload some off-market gear for a choom in need (especially if said choom is wielding a big fuck-off sledgehammer with ease, familiarity, and a disconcerting amount of glee). Considering the kind of upbringing I had to look forward to (and Sasquatch not exactly being the kind of Mom that takes 'no' for an answer) I had reluctantly agreed to many of the mods that Sasquatch ordered I should get.

Some of them ended up very useful considering the amount of brawling I've been forced to do just to earn a scrap of food at the table, such as my sharpened teeth and the thick claws that she replaced my nails with. Those alone could easily go for more than 8,000 eddies, which just reinforces Ma's (hammer's) great diplomatic skills. Some of the other biomods were a bit more... focused on aesthetics, such as my ears, which tapered up to a sharp point. Honestly, I was just glad that they were still a pink flesh, instead of covered in fur and placed on top of my head.

Cat-ears might look cute on cat-girls, but they look decidedly out of place on a giant of a man like me with a mug like mine. Yeah, Juice doesn't exactly do wonders for your attractiveness, unless you appreciate the aesthetics of square jaws, heavy-set brows and sunken eyes. And, to be brutally honest, even before Ma became Sasquatch, she wasn't exactly "conventionally attractive" when she was still Matilda either.

Suppose I already maxed out the genetic lottery by essentially being born as a primarch, being handsome on top of that was simply asking for too much. Still, it's not like the biomods are really helping in that regard.

At least my new ears seem to actually improve my hearing slightly, so hey, I'll take it. Same went for my eyes, considering I had been practically forced to swap 'em to optics when I had been younger anyways, if I wanted to do even the simplest things like take a call or transfer funds. It was a small step from there to give 'em an animal motif, though Ma still can't decide if they should be more tiger-like or wolf-like. Personally I've slowly begun incorporating a lion theme in my style (hey, the nickname clearly wasn't going to go away any time soon, might as well lean into it right?) but Ma has been somewhat pushing back against that and looking for alternatives.

I'm guessing she feels I only get to incorporate the king of the animals after I've proven myself King of the Animals. Given how there were plenty of gangoons in the other Animal packs that didn't feel much for Royalty as it was (my title as 'Prince' being thrown around as a joke or an insult more often than not) and yeah, I could kinda see where Sasquatch was coming from.

Over the years, she's supplied me with various animal-themed optics which I've sported at various ages, swapping whenever I inevitably outgrew my old ones (and once out of necessity when a Maelstrom fucker went for my eyes with a Mantis-blade he seemingly pulled straight out of his ass instead of his arms like a normal person). Right now I was back on tiger-like eyes (they even glowed slightly!) and as such, for this fight at least, I was sporting orange-black stripes sprayed haphazardly across my back and upper arms.

Some small part of my brain, fully aware of the sheer ridiculousness of my new life, idly wondered if Wakako would end up suing my ass for copyright infringement?

Thankfully it's just a bit of paint and not actually another bodysculpt mod. I know there's an alpha up in Wellspring in Heywood that spliced in 'gator DNA to give his skin a reptile-texture, got scales and everything. Goes by the name of Croc, which once again shows both the level of imagination and intelligence of the average Animal member.

Honestly, Emeric, the bouncer for Afterlife, could be practically considered a genius amongst my kind. Then again, I'm pretty sure he got out pretty early after some gig he did that had Rogue's fingers all over it. Now he's standing outside the doors leading to a former morgue all damn day, trying to look mean and not shiver.

What, you think that jacket he always wears was just for aesthetics? Just common sense man, it gets fucking cold in the Afterlife.

Well, to be fair, it's probably the aesthetics thing too. This is Night City after all, and drop-out or not, he's still an Animal. We don't really do common sense around here.

Anyways, back to Croc up in Heywood, the DNA-splicing thing was hella expensive and risky to boot. Couple of decades ago, when bodysculpting was pretty big before cyberware got more subtle and more powerful, DNA-splicing your skin like that carried a one in ten chance on skin cancer with it, but these days it's (relatively) safe, though people don't really go for bodysculpting anymore.

It's the '70s, everyone just slaps on some Gorilla arms and swaps in some off-shelf chrome and off you go, being the best Animal you can be out in this concrete jungle.

Except for my Mom, apparently, who was hellbent on going old-school on my ass. She's held off on the full DNA-splicing for now, since she's waiting to see if I'm really done growing yet (because who even knows? I don't and I'm me. Sometimes, it kinda sucks being the first and so far only of my kind) before she starts messing around with my DNA even more. She doesn't want to jeopardise my development into the ultimate being or some shit like that. Same reason I've never actually been allowed the Juice, not that I've really needed it so far, since I've basically been on Juice before I even was on synth baby-formula (Ma doesn't trust the 'ganic stuff, considering Biotechnica pumps their cattle with almost the same shit that we use).

Honestly, I personally thought this made the name Obelix far more appropriate as a nickname for me, but Sasquatch was hellbent on keeping the Animal theme going strong (and French comicbooks from a century ago aren't exactly popular anymore) and thus the stupid nickname and the beast-like augments.

The only one against which I had really put my foot down and the one argument I've ever won against Sasquatch, was outright refusing to get a tail fitted. Ma could claim it would aid with my balance in fights all she wanted; I very firmly told her I would throw myself straight into Laguna Bend if she tried fitting me with one.

Even so, between the fucked-up genetics and the biomods that I did get, that still meant that I towered over my opponent, even tho I've never been on Juice and carrying just the barest of chrome. Mostly a few extra organs and the general cybernetic reinforcements to weakpoints like collarbones and joints that all Animals and most cyberpunks sported. I loomed over the average Animal member like they did over normal people, standing tall and bulky to the point I often had to duck my head whenever I entered a room (at the height of my growth-spurt, when I wasn't used to my new size, I even strongly considering getting some chrome installed for my poor, often-bruised forehead). Everything about me was huge to the point of being nearly inhuman.

All in all, let's just say that even a Warhammer 40k Space Marine would feel intimidated if we had to share a locker room. By that comparison, I'm closer to an Ogryn who has really been watching his calories and hittin' the gym, than the iconic transhuman supersoldiers. As bulky as my opponent is (the shaved gorilla metaphor more accurate than I'm really comfortable with as it seems he has purposefully altered his face to look more like our genetic cousins), I still end up dwarfing him. I'm a good head or more taller than he is and even broader still. In addition, I'm stronger, faster and tougher and have been in fights like this ever since I was six.

The big bad Mister "Crush-Your-Skull-Through-Your-Chin Rhett", champion of the Animal fighting rings? Yeah, he looks like shit.

Enough blood is pouring from his face and down his bruised chest, it would've caused a smaller man to pass out already and I'm honestly a bit surprised he can even see me at all. Man's got some preem optics installed if they can keep track of me through all that blood in his eyes. He's trying to stand tall, but he's swaying on his feet and breathing hard. Occasionally a spark shoots out from the blocky cyberware lining his right shoulder and arching up over his collarbone, a result of a throw I managed to get in during the previous round.

If it weren't for the heavy-duty chrome, I likely would've torn the arm completely from its socket, but even so it's a mangled mess now and he'll need to seek a ripperdoc for some replacement soon if he doesn't want his cyberware blowing out on him in the future.

All in all, Rhett is clinging onto consciousness more out of sheer stubbornness than anything else and I gotta say: kinda admire him for that.

Shame he had to insult me in front of Sasquatch. It was meant as a challenge to my status as a 'Prince', since Ma is looking into taking over the pack of Rhett's alpha as well. Said alpha, a mean looking motherfucker glaring at me from outside the ring, didn't fancy his chances against Ma's big sledgehammer, so instead he figured he'd send his lieutenant to beat the shit out of her son instead.

Sadly for him, he's hardly the first to try it and shit like that has stopped working on me since I was twelve.

Rhett lurches forwards, a fist shooting towards my torso, the chrome in his shoulder groaning and sparking in protest at the sudden movement. It's decently fast, I suppose, especially considering the state of him, but I was faster than him even before I kept beating on his stomach worse than a pimp dealing with his 2-eddie joytoy in the backalleys of Jig-Jig Street.

For those of you unfamiliar with the "charms" of Japantown after dark: pretty fucking badly.

This meant that, experienced as Rhett might be, he's running on fumes and, unfortunately for him, I'm already reading his next move. I step into his attack, left arm sweeping outwards and batting his jab aside with ease. Had that punch connected with anyone not an Animal or a 'borged up Maelstrommer, it could've taken their head clean off. As it is, it barely even manages to bruise my skin as the attack is thrown wide. Destabilized and moving purely on rage and instinct, Rhett tries to turn back in towards me, coming in with a rising kick aimed at my ribs.

However, I already saw his move coming. Like I said, I've been fighting since I was six. I know every dirty trick and tactic in the book. Wrote a few new ones as well. As his leg rises, almost slowly to my senses, my chambered right arm comes around in a brutal downwards punch as I use the momentum of my previous block to twist my torso and put the full force of my body into the attack.

Rising knee, meet downwards fist.

The impact is more something you'd hear in a car crash than in a brawl and I'm fairly certain I heard his chrome tear itself from his 'ganics. Ouch. Not even a ripperdoc can fix that up choom, better to either get a replacement grown or go full 'borg.

… what did you call my Mom again? Oh, right, a "whore who only got to the top by laying down and shitting out bastards". As far as insults go, it's not a very good one (though to be fair, as far as Moms go, Sasquatch isn't a very good one either) but still.

I think Imma suggest going full 'borg for the leg, choom. Heard Maelstrom is always looking for "volunteers"…

Time picks back up again as Rhett's leg is completely halted in its movements and blasted back again so violently, his torso whips forwards instead, right into the rising elbow strike which immediately follows my downwards punch. Considering this one had less of a wind-up and less momentum behind it, it doesn't break Rhett's body any further, but it does send him flying away from me, crashing heavily into the bloodied mat.

He's struggling to get air back into his synth-lungs, the cyberware in a tizzy after the pin-point strike of my elbow applied directly and vigorously to his solar plexus. He's in so much pain, he doesn't even focus on me anymore, occupied with more direct concerns, such as the act of breathing.

His loss. Literally.

Just as he's managed to roll over to his hands and knees, I step behind him, bend down, sling my arms as thick as tree trunks around his middle and heave upwards, easily lifting the 400-pound man (chrome is denser than meat after all) up and onto my shoulder. He's heavy, sure, but really no heavier than a well-stuffed backpack to me.

Turning to face his alpha (who really should've known better), I take a little sprint, before slamming my feet down and using the momentum to twist my hips and veritably yeet Rhett into his little posse, bowling the lot of them over as they roar and scream in surprise.

Rhett ragdolls a little further before rolling to a stop on the bare concrete floor of the gym we had been fighting in. Well, to be honest, neither of us had actually been fighting: he had been surviving.

I mostly had been bored.

I glance in Rhett's direction for a moment to check if I accidentally gave him enough brain damage to the point he thinks of fighting further, but for now it seems he prefers to cool surface of concrete to facing me in the ring again. Good boy. Stay.

Satisfied he's dealt with for now (as far as fights go, he was better than most, but severely underestimated me, which turned it into a snorefest instead of a challenge), I instead focus on the enemy alpha instead.

I recognize the guy from the game: Logan Garcia, owner of Tripple Extreme Gym in Rancho Coronado, San Domingo. Well, we're Animals, so we may call it a Gym, but mostly it's just a fighting ring held in a repurposed paint factory (some of the Animals "cleverly" joke that now it's a pain factory. Those are the smart ones too). I know the old rundown place like the back of my hand, considering I beat the shit out of Rhino here in an alternate universe. Haven't met her yet, but I have met Mr. Garcia here.

Well, in that alternate universe I killed Mr. Garcia here 'cause he brained a kid for not being strong enough to run with the Animals. Dumb kid, sure (typical case of a cyberpunk who thinks just cause he slotted some chrome in his arms he can suddenly run with the beasts of the concrete jungle) but that didn't mean he deserved to die for it. Being stupid ain't a crime (yet). Made worse 'cause the Mom of the kid that put in the hit with my V through the fixer El Capitan got revenge killed not long after.

You mess with an alpha, you better be prepared to deal with the pack.

As far as I can tell, that hasn't happened yet, and considering Garcia's prize fighter literally just got used as a bowling ball and he as one of the pins, that's not gonna happen any time soon either. Sasquatch is one tough bitch, but dumb shit like that won't fly unless you wanna meet the business end of her hammer. Seems like Garcia only just recently made the move to San Domingo: he seems more to be from NC proper, somewhere in Westbrook I'd wager, wearing a suit that actually fits his size and sporting more polished chrome than the rest of us (literally, I can see his nose guard shine in the low light of the gym). He certainly has a higher standard of hygiene than the Animal packs I usually deal with. His hair looks like it was actually washed sometime this week.

I easily vault the ropes as I land heavily onto the concrete floor in front of Garcia and his flunkies as they work themselves to their feet again, some of them looking a little worse for wear after getting smacked in the face with 400 pounds worth of unconscious Animal.

The gang leader opens his mouth to speak, but barely gets any noise out before I steadily begin to approach him, my eyes locked with his. Not breaking the gaze, I call out to my Ma.

"Sasquatch. Hammer."

"Sure thing Sim!" a gleeful voice roars back and moments later I feel a heavy weight smack into the waiting palm of my hand.

Shifting my grip on the sledgehammer, I come to a halt in front of Garcia, close enough we're standing practically chest to chest. He has to crane his neck to meet my eyes, which is very clearly messing with his head. Animals are used to towering over others, not the other way around. He's nervous and absolutely still, looking more like a deer caught in headlights than a fearsome gang leader.

"101st street in Rancho Coronado now belongs to Sasquatch and her pack. You can join that pack, or you can get the fuck out of Coronado entirely. Fuck it, move out of NC while you're at it. Either way, this turf is ours."

I slowly bring the head of the sledgehammer forwards, resting it lightly on Garcia's broad shoulder, my voice and expression entirely flat, my tiger-like eyes glowing eerily in the dim light of the gym.

"Trust that won't be an issue for you, right?" I prod and the alpha grits his teeth, before his eyes flit towards the hammer and back to me.

"101st is Sasquatch's. Fine. Bitch can have it. Me and my boys are done here." He growls out, trying to save some face.

He attempts to move away from me, but I increase the pressure of the hammer by just the smallest amount. The reaction is instant though, as Garcia stills completely, his eyes widening and his breath faltering.

"No. You are done here. The offer to join the pack still stands for your crew."

With that, my eyes flit to the Animal members scattered across the gym, though I very firmly keep my hammer exactly where it is.

"How about it chooms!? You've seen what I can do! Seen what the Sasquatch pack can deliver! You want more Juice than you can chug, more turf than you can patrol? Wanna be part of the strongest pack in the Animals?! Wanna rule this fucking concrete jungle?!"

My roar echoes throughout the large gym and I can see the better part of the alpha's pack, about a dozen gonks in total, mutter amongst themselves with either enthusiastic or speculative looks. A few of them just look pissed off and/or scared. Such as their alpha.

"Or… you can go back to being part of a pack where your alpha is too chicken-shit to fight for himself and his second too fucking weak to do it for him?" I ask in a cold tone and I can see something snap in the older man's eyes.

His hand flies to the back of his waistband as a snarl tears itself from his lips, but I'm faster. I'm always faster. My fist blurs forwards and buries itself deep enough into Garcia's midriff I'm fairly certain you could see his spine through the back of his jacket. As he's lifted slightly off his feet, gun clattering to the floor forgotten as his lungs futile struggle for air, I step back, pulling Sasquatch's sledgehammer back and down with me, throwing the alpha to the floor.

Following through, I use the momentum to swing the hammer up and around, lifting it high above my head, before with an animalistic snarl I bring it down in a blur of speed and violence. It goes straight through Logan Garcia's head, obliterating it completely in a shower of blood and gore as the hammer shatters apart the concrete and buries itself into the floor.

All of this, in just barely two seconds.

Guess Monica Steiner won't have to worry about her son Lenny getting his skull caved in 'cause he didn't meet Mr. Garcia's standards for his fighting ring contenders.

The alpha's death happens fast enough his flunkies are still scrambling to draw their guns, some of them haphazardly pulling old Nova's from waistbands and some poorly maintained Guillotines and Pulsar's from shoulder straps. Oh, look, one guy even brought along a Crusher. Paranoid fellow, aren't you?

What, just because we like brawling and prefer melee weapons, you thought Animals don't carry heat? This is NC, everyone and their grandma carries a shooter (no, really, grannies wielding decades-old Tacticians amount to close to 70% of all failed B&E's). You go around without a weapon and you're just asking for some random gonk to hand your ass over to the Scavs to pull out and sell your brain: clearly you weren't making much use of it anyways.

There's various clicks and clacks as hammers are cocked and gunbarrels are aimed towards me as I slowly straighten, though none of the Animals seem very keen on avenging their late boss. This is only further enforced by my Mom speaking up from behind them, a Techtronika Pozhar held easily in each meaty fist. The Soviet shotgun was known for its kick-back breaking bones if you didn't have the chrome for 'em, but Ma has been swinging around a man-sized sledgehammer since I was in diapers. She can handle 'em easy.

The Pozhar gets its reputation from being a MaxTac favourite, but they're clearly becoming Sasquatch's as well. Though that's probably because they were a birthday present from me. Loot from the highest stakes heist I ever did. Everyone in the gang agreed it was a nice gesture.

"Don't think so, you fuckin' gonks. What are you, a buncha pussies? We do things the Animal way! You wanna fight my son, you do it in the ring over there!" she spits out, and the sight of a giant muscle-bound woman wielding a spec force shotgun in each hand standing suddenly behind them is enough to make the other gang drop its weapons in a hurry.

A bit too much of a hurry as one of the Guillotines literally falls apart when the Animal throws it to the floor.

Tch. Cheap plastic BudgetArms crap. I'm just glad the thing didn't accidently set off and shoot my toes off or something (BA has a user clause denying responsibility for exactly that by the way, go figure).

Sasquatch just chuckles, before nudging the still comatose Rhett lying at her feet.

"Good choice! The alternative sure doesn't seem to have agreed with your choom here, huh?" she jokes, before lowering her Phozars, eliciting an audible gasp of relief from the burly gang members.

The situation is still a little tense, but for now it doesn't seem as if any blood is gonna be spilled. Well… more blood, at least. It's at that moment that another Animal, this one from our pack, hurries up to me. As far as Animals go, he's pretty slim, having merely a bodybuilder's physique instead of some proper muscle on him, the contrast all the clearer as he steps up beside me.

"Yes Barrett, need something? Kinda in the middle of something here…"

"Hey Boss, the car's, uhh…" the guy slowly trails off as he stares up at me, and it takes a droplet of blood dripping into my eye to realize why.

Damn, you'd think killing your first man at eight years old would traumatize you for life against killing, but in reality it only sticks with you for those first few times. After a couple years (well, more like well over a decade) you instead just get desensitised instead.

"Dammit, I always forget how messy headshots are. It just sprays everywhere." I growl deep in my chest out of annoyance, futily trying to wipe the former alpha's brainmatter from where it splattered all across my face and chest.

"Easy thing to miss, Boss." Barrett deadpans, before handing me a towel that had been lying near the ring.

Well, I say towel, but that's mostly because that's what I was using it as. I suppose a car mechanic would've called it a cleaning rag instead. Eh, it got the job done at least.


Like I said, Animals aren't exactly big on hygiene.

"You were saying?" I rumble as I pick the last bit of Garcia from my unkept locks of hair (styled to represent a lion's mane, because of course it is).

"Car's ready for ya boss. Got a ping on the corpo cunt, route confirmed, we can move for intercept whenever you're ready. Also, you are not getting in my car like that."

Well, most Animals aren't exactly big on hygiene. Then again, this wasn't strictly speaking an Animal. Barrett was part of my own private crew within Sasquatch's larger Animals gang. If she ran a pack, I had a pride. I had been campaigning hard to form a specialized brand of Animals ever since I was about ten or twelve years old. By the time I was fifteen, Sasquatch finally felt I had the experience and the rep (and she the manpower and eddies to spare) to build the group up.

It had taken five years of brutal combat, underhanded tactics and outright bribes, but now I was in charge of my own squad of Predators. The Animals were wild and unruly and pretty much chaos personified, tying right up there with Maelstrom for 'craziest bunch of irrational motherfuckers in NC'. That was hardly good for business: collateral damage usually ends up bloating the bill. So, I had tried to put together my own little spec ops squad, pulling from both within and outside of the Animals.

We specialized in tracking, data gathering, extraction and elimination. That last one we've gotten really good at and a bit of a rep for: people, vehicles, buildings, it made little difference to us. You wanted something gone and you had the eddies to pay for it, and we'd find it and make sure it was gone. Essentially, we did everything the Animals were too loud or too brash (meaning dumb) to do. Notably, I had not just one but two of the very, very few netrunners within the entire Animals gang on my payroll. We also used more gear than the average Animal pack, with a greater on ranged weaponry (of the heavy ordinance kind: we were still Animals after all) and wearing more armor. Mostly that just mean armored pants, reinforced boots and flakjackets with a stylized lion's head stamped on the back.

Most of them refused to wear anymore armor than that. After all, what was the point of putting on the biggest muscles in NC if you were just gonna cover them up? Let their real guns shine in the sun, death to the oppression of sleeves! After twenty years in the Animals, I was really annoyed at how much sense that was beginning to make to me... Still, certain... eccentricities aside, between the specialized combatants and netrunners and the better gear, we were essentially a fully-fledged merc squad, just operating solely for Sasquatch and her pack instead of for a fixer.

Suited me just fine. Fixers are at best useless, basically being walking, talking wanted ads boards and at worst, they can be a merc's final nail in the coffin. They licked the boots of corpos that needed shady biz done on the sly and lorded over the gonks of NC that had nowhere else to turn to.

Yeah, I don't like fixers, how could you tell?

Still, there was still plenty of work that major corpos were willing to throw to gangs directly and then there was Sasquatch's drive to expand her pack so that I could in time inherit a kingdom (her words not mine). At first this had been limited to just gathering more members and cash, but I had convinced her to actually begin claiming territory as well. It meant more than enough opportunities for a specialized hit squad to shine. This particular bit of biz, however, was notable in that it did, in fact, come from a fixer this time.

Intercepting and extracting a corpo cunt while he was mid transit. Survival of target required. Arasaka job, so high risk too. It had so many red flags over it you'd think the USSR came in and claimed NC for the glorious cause of communism. Actually, depending on whatever ends up happening to Mikhail Akulov, that's not even that far from the truth.

It made me antsy.

"It's not even your car Berrett, we stole it just two weeks ago-"

"I'm driving it, that makes it my car and you are still covered in literal, actual brain."

"You always get so hung up on details-"

"Just spray yourself down with the hose, Sim. You'll need to clean my hammer anyways." Sasquatch interrupts our talk as she stomps closer, arms crossed in front of her broad chest.

"Or you can say 'fuck it' and leave that fixer asshole out to dry, help me out around here. It's a lotta eddies, sure, but we can find other ways of getting those, 'specially with the new manpower." She continues in a lower tone, frown on her face.

"We took the biz, we're gonna finish the biz." I say, attempting to brush her off.

It doesn't work. While Sasquatch wasn't the best Mom at times (or most of the times if I'm being honest), she did care about me in her own way and she was a very stubborn Juiced up woman.

"You hate fixers Sim and the guy gave me the fucking creeps. The whole biz stinks and then there's the push you've been having us make towards Pacifica for the past two years…"

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet about a gang war Sasquatch."

"You know I don't, I just can't figure out why you want to go after the Voodoo Boys. Let 'em have Pacifica. It's gone to shit and that's all it has to offer: shit. Hell, even this part of Coronado ain't exactly a huge prize neither."

Perhaps. Rancho Coronado was cyberpunk suburbia down to a T and as such made every edgerunner, solo and gangoon want to tear out their hair or blow up a cityblock at the sheer mundaness of it all. No wonder foolish little Lenny would've stopped by the Animals fighting ring, it was one of the most exciting things to do around these parts, which was depressing enough in and of itself. Still, I managed to convince Sasquatch to expand Southwards anyways because at least it connected the turf we already had throughout the rest of Coronado and greater San Domingo to the San Morro Bay. Access to the harbors of Night City was worth its weight in gold to smugglers like us, especially since we actually operated out of territory of our own, which was unique among the otherwise turf-less Animal gang.

That was the argument I used to convince Sasquatch to expand here anyways. The real reason was because we now had turf bordering on Pacifica. An excellent staging ground for further conquest.

Ma was correct about that decrepit region though. A giant pile of shit, rotting away in the corpse of the corpo paradise that should've been built there. Then again, I didn't give two fucks about Pacifica itself, just who was there. I wanted to wipe the Voodoo Boys out of fucking existence, send their souls off screaming towards the AI gods they worship so much.

Wonder if dear Maman Brigitte will still look so smug when I trash her, her chair and all of the VB's as their minds are fried by the AI's beyond the Blackwall. Almost makes me want to dip a clawed toe into the terrifying world of cyberspace.


"Between the biz, the Predators, Pacifica… I'm just worried 'bout you. Wandering what it is you're up to." Sasquatch continues in as close to a motherly tone as she can get with her deep, distorted voice, earnestness clear in her optics.

For a moment, I merely mulled over her words as we moved away from the centre of the gym, my Ma already signalling several of our Animals to get the new pack settled and integrated as we leave the squat, run-down building.

Barrett wisely stays silent as his alpha starts questioning my actions.

Even as I get a nearby hose and start washing off the blood, brains and luminescent paint, I can't help but think on what Sasquatch said as my mind goes over my plans and long-term goals.

What was I up to? What was it that I really wanted? Sasquatch already had some vague ideas about me leading the next evolution of mankind or some shit like that, and it wasn't as if leaving the gang, especially after almost two decades, was much of an option either. But these were just restrictions placed on me, restrictions that I could break free from. Not easily, and I'd be burning a lot of bridges, but not impossible either.

Yet, after twenty years in one of the most violent gangs in Night City, I was still sticking around.

Why? What did I want? What did I hope to achieve in this new life? Building up my Predators, motivating Sasquatch to grab and expand territory, forging contacts on the black market in wet- and bioware outside of the fixer network, what was it all for?

Well, honestly, what I really wanted from the moment I recognized the ugly mug looking and cooing into my mismatched crib, was to turn my back on Night City, run away as far and as hard as I could and never once look back. This place was a soul-crushing, depressing shithole. It took every aspect of my previous world that was seemingly designed to hollow you out from the inside and dialled it up to eleven. Wealth inequality, lack of healthcare, rampant criminality and drug abuse, homelessness, you name it and Night City offered it in spades and then some.

There really was no future here, as so much graffiti kept rightfully claiming. But the undeniable fact was that I was forced to make one here nonetheless. It wasn't as if the rest of the world was in a much better state after all, with a possible Fifth Corpo War on the horizon. I had to make do, which gave me my two priorities:

1: I had to survive Night City. Everything from its common gonks, to its gangs, to its corpo armies and even to its cops.

2: Sasquatch had to survive Night City. Most notably her encounter with V once Netwatch hires us as protection in the field.

Sasquatch hadn't been a particularly good Mom, but at least she tried and she did care in her own, weird way. That was more than many people here in NC could hope for. She may have been a shit Mom, but she was mine and I refused to lose her in one of the Voodoo's schemes by putting her in the path of a desperate, rampaging V.

Which was a whole thing on its own, something so fuckin' weird it's enough to push someone straight through cyberpsychosis and right back into sanity again. Because I have been V. Multiple V's even. Sure, it was just in a game and had hardly been as immersive as even the most basic BD's available on the streets here, but the point still stood.

I've played as a V from every lifepath and have seen V die in every possible ending. I knew the guy (or girl, in my corpo V run. God, I hope this V is not my corpo V, she was a netrunning god and an absolute nightmare to fight) almost like I knew myself.

Which gave me my next priority:

4: If, at all possible, make sure V survives Night City.

And no, I didn't skip a number. 'Cause, while it was a priority of mine, it was currently also 2075. Making it two years before V even attempts the ill-fated Heist and meaning that there's another edgerunner's life that's about to burn out into legend.

3: If, at all possible, make sure David Martinez and Lucyna Kushinada survive Night City.

If the opportunity presented itself, I'd try to help out the rest of the crew as well. Prevent Maine from going cyberpsycho. Prevent Pilar from getting his head blown off by some random gonked out 'borg on the street. Prevent Rebecca from… well. They didn't really deserve to be saved, if you looked at it objectively. Very few people in Night City do. Not even me, if I'm being completely honest with myself. Maine's crew, while likeable as characters from a fictional show, were now a very real merc group that didn't hesitate to put as many bodies in the ground as they felt they needed to, and considering they were in a fixer's pocket, said bodies could one day very well belong to my Animal pack.

But, it had to be said, if there was one person worth saving in this wretched city, it was David Martinez, if only because his mom sacrificed so much to make it so. David had been right about himself: he was special. Just not in the way that he thought he was.

And while I personally thought Lucy's dream wouldn't amount to much, just trading one cage for another, I had been too invested in their romance to have her die on David.

Fuck, I couldn't listen past the opening chords of 'I Really Wanna Stay At Your House' for fucking weeks after I finished the show.

It had just been… been so fucking unfair. It wasn't right, the way Night City props you higher, just so it can watch you fall deeper. Someone, just once, ought to get their happy ending in this fucking city. Considering mine was apparently dependant on leading the human race into a new age of world domination (according to Ma), I might as well make sure someone else gets theirs.

Which led me right back to the fixer's biz and why I had ordered my Predators to take the assignment instead of a regular Animals pack.

I speak up as I shake the water from my wild mane of hair and get to work on hosing off the head of Sasquatch's sledgehammer.

"I know Ma. I trust Faraday as far as I can throw him. Well… quite a bit less than that actually, he's a pretty thin guy-"


"We're taking the biz, Ma. We have to. Another crew would just get it wrong." I state firmly, finally finished with cleaning myself off enough Barrett will let me in his car.

My preferred car is a heavily modified Quadra Type-66 Avenger, to the point it more resembles the Javelina Badlands variant V is able to buy in the game. RWD Drive Train and 777 horsepower before I tuned it, it's a beast of a car and my baby. Well over a 150,000 eddies if you wanna go through the official channels, I managed to get my hands on one from a small-time fixer who intended to sell her to the local Raffen Shivs.

What do you know, Kirk Sawyer was a dumbass in two dimensions.

All it had taken was tracking down a small group of Wraiths, brutally murder them, have my netrunner lift their digital sigs and network codes and pose as a potential buyer to the NC car thief. For someone who willingly and knowingly dealt with the absolute worst scum the lawless Badlands had to offer, Kirk was foolishly lax in his security, both digital and physical. Probably figured that giving himself the title of 'fixer' meant no edgerunner would be willing to lift a finger against him anyways.

Just too bad that, going by NC slang, I'm not an edgerunner, but a gangoon. A gangoon who happens to hate fixers. Bad day for him.

He looked so surprised too when I didn't show up with the promised eddies. Moron. His huscle had tried to intimidate me into holding up my end of the deal, which ended up a very short-lived mistake on their part (honestly, he was just a big fucking slob and I was a fucking mountain of a supersoldier, what did the gonk think was gonna happen?). Kirk got spooked (now, to be fair to the cowardly shit-stain, most people short of Adam fuckin' Smasher himself would be too after they saw how I helped "Big" Joe drop 250 pounds in just a minute), but as said, he had also cheaped out on his digital security as well and thanks to my netrunner, his calls for back-up never went through.

To this day, Dino Dinovic still doesn't know what happened to his car dealer (maybe he thinks Kirk Sawyer got a hunkering for the open road and joined the Wraiths?) or if he does then the fixer is smart enough to pretend that he doesn't.

A bunch of trouble and bloodshed over a car and Sasquatch had almost disciplined me with that sledgehammer of hers, but goddamn had it been worth it.

Finally, something that I could call wholly mine. The slightest sense of self-determination and normalcy for the first time in my fucked up life. That Quadra was a fucking lifeline for my mental stability, the days where I was just driving or cleaning her (and of course repeating "wax on… wax off" as I did) being some of the most relaxed and peaceful I've ever had in this life. I wasn't sporting much chrome, but given my… unique circumstances, if it weren't for the beauty of a car that was my Avenger, I probably would've gone cyberpsycho by now as 2077 kept creeping closer and closer, and it's easy to see why.

The Type-66 is my favourite car in all of Night City, even when going up against Caliburns or Aerondights or even other Quadras like the Turbo-R V-Tech. The Avenger is just plain the sexiest edition of the Type-66, but sadly it wasn't exactly designed with a monstrously large Animal gang member in mind as its intended driver.

As such, it's more my… 'pleasure' vehicle. My workhorse, and really the workhorse of my Predator crew, was a juiced up Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar. Chevillons are common so they don't stand out (much), and they're already quite durable and easily upgradeable. And, it had to be said, offered more headroom for behemoths like myself than my sleek and graceful Type-66.

But, Faraday's biz was an Arasaka target. More red flags on it than over in the USSR, especially here in NC. I insisted that nothing about it should be traceable back to us in any way. Masks for everyone, netrunning only for tracking purposes, not hacking, no equipment we owned ourselves, only gear we could dump safely afterwards.

And I didn't mean that in the way BudgetArms meant it either. Their shit was literally 'throw away after using' considering their guns had a tendency of melting right in your hands. Side-effect of using plastic to house the gun, which also meant that (especially in the hands of an Animal) the guns could outright fall apart before you even got the chance to melt 'em in the first place.

No way was I gonna take equipment on board for biz like this when it could fall apart at any moment like that one dumbass' Guillotine back in the Tripple Extreme Gym.

Faraday had tried to push it off on me, saying he'd match my additional costs for new gear by upping his price, but I had shut that down hard. He delivered the intel and the gear and we'd use both to deliver him the target. No intel and no gear meant no target. He had tried to stiff me (because of course he did), the fucking asshole, but he wasn't as big time as he'd like to think he was and I had given orders to every Animal willing to listen not to accept any biz from the guy.

Which, to my bafflement, actually worked. No matter the eddies, no Animal would touch Faraday's offer with a ten-foot pole. Guess there's actually something to my title as Prince of the Animals, huh? That, or a fixer with a bad rep is more toxic than a dumped barrel of overripe CHOOH2.

… yeah, it's probably the latter. On the Edge, the world of fixers and solos, rep is everything and I had taken a chunk outta Faraday's.

This had pissed the four-eyed fixer off something fierce and he had hired Maelstrom for the gig instead, just a little over three months ago. This was the kind of intel that usually comes at a price if you wanna get it from another fixer, but this time I got it for free from Ziggy Q right on the evening news. Like I said, Animals are tied for the prestigious first place of 'craziest gangoons' in NC and Maelstrom's sense of subtle blows even our own out the water and straight up to the fuckin' Crystal Palace up in space.

They tried to intercept the corpo cunt… by blowing up a bridge. There's some beauty in the sheer simplicity of their logic: car need road. No road, car no go. Ergo, remove road.

Sometimes, the line between outright genius and sheer stupidity is worryingly thin.

Thankfully, the 'borged out gangoons had placed the bomb near one of the insert lanes towards the end of the bridge and while Maelstrommers are some of the nastiest fighters I've faced on the streets of NC, they are hardly terrorists, meaning their bomb didn't outright destroy the bridge itself.

The tarmac, sure, but the rest of the thing still stood tall and unbroken. … well, it stood tall, at least.

The corpo cunt's car had been armoured to hell and back (because of course it was, this was Arasaka after all) and the Maelstrommers had set their bomb off too early, meaning the driver had floored the gas and punched straight through the fire and smoke and out the other side.

Arrogant 'borgheads hadn't even figured to set up a block with their own sprayed over Chevillon Thraxes, meaning the corpo was able to get a decent headstart on 'em as his limo raced across the rest of the bridge, smashing any unfortunate Galenas and Maimais (the sport version of the compact little car coming with a manufacturer's warning to "not accelerate the car beyond 60mph when flanked by winds of more than 20mph") that happened to be in its way aside with ease.

Maelstrom eagerly set off in pursuit of course, but a bomb is something even the NCPD can't really ignore and the mark was on his way towards Corpo Plaza, so an actual response time was needed and off they went to catch the bad guys. 'Cept this was the NCPD, so after a bunch of crashes and shoot-outs, Max Tac was called in to end the situation, the only way Max Tac knew how: permanently.

Far as I could tell, not a single Maelstrommer survived the gig.

Pretty sure they won't be missed, even by the rest of Maelstrom. Crazy 'borgs aren't exactly the sentimental sort.

I suspected Faraday hadn't told 'em either about the level of armor the limo had or the amount of security the target could count on and I likely wasn't the only one in NC that had figured the same. Sure, officially none of it traced back to him (Maelstrom being dumb enough to carry the gig out on their own on nothing but the promise of eddies and their own chromed up chutzpa), and the failure of the gig was partly on Maelstrom for being a bunch of gonks.

However, for those in the know, the failure was on Faraday as well for being gonk enough to hire Maelstrom in the first place and then not even providing them with appropriate intel. The failed biz burnt him and he knew it and when he came to me just a few weeks ago, it was essentially with a blank grocery list in hand.

It had been one of the most gratifying things I've ever seen in my new life, the way his three stacked eyes nearly fell out of skull as he saw a list of my demands, but, eddies where they're due, he delivered on every single item.

It took him a little while, but I was fine with that: the more time passed, the more the heat from the last gig died down and increased the chance of our target using the public roads again. When he finally dropped off the last bit of gear in one of my warehouses (none of them placed in San Domingo, just to be sure), I had Barrett boost two cars (and one truck) that we'd need for the gig.

The two weeks since then had been spent fixing 'em up enough so that they could handle the biz and monitoring the actions of their owners so we could be sure NCPD wouldn't pull us over 'cause of stolen plates before we even had a chance to pull up on the Arasaka corpo.

Finally, after two weeks, the heat had died down and the cars were finished, which is what Barrett had come to show me in the first place and I motion for him to lead on even as Sasquatch has a troubled frown on her heavy-set face.

Her mood is bad enough that Barrett hesitates for just the barest moment, eyes flitting from me to my Ma. She's so deep in thought I have to clear my throat for her head to snap up and even notice Barrett still standing there. She shoos him away with a nod and my Predator scurries off with a brief look of apology towards me as he leaves.

Annoying, but I get it. I was still only twenty and Ma was right here. Still, he ran with my crew, which meant he follows my orders, not Sasquatch's. Detecting my annoyance, Ma steps closer to me, meaty fist coming up to clasp my broad shoulder.

"Alright. Do what you feel you need to do. But, make it back, cub. Don't get in over your head and if you do, know when to pull back. If you need me, call me and I'll murder everything and everyone there, yeah?"

Unusual, as far as a parental pep-talk goes, but that's just how we NC Animals roll and after two decades I've gotten used to it. I clasp Sasquatch on her shoulder and rest my forehead against hers.

"Will do. Thanks Ma."

"Go on, get out there and show 'em what you're made of."

"Will do Ma."

Fun Fact: CD Projekt RED hired real-life professional city planners to help them develop Night City for the game adaptation. They also used old maps the creator Mike Pondsmith made for the old table top version.
02: Come with me if you want to live

02: Come with me if you want to live

"Go on, get out there and show 'em what you're made of."

"Will do Ma."

And that's that. I hand Sasquatch her sledgehammer and she's off back towards the gym to get two packs of Animals to play nice and brain anyone who doesn't want to, and I'm off to where Barrett is waiting for me with my a few of my Predators.

They're standing next to a Supron FS3, one that's so banged and patched up, it's impossible to tell what color it originally was. The minivan is honestly more a collection of junk on wheels than it is a proper car, made more out of plastic and wishful thinking than actual steel. Hell, I know a couple cyberpunks that got more metal in 'em than the rundown Mahir minivan. Which is part of the reason we stole it for the gig in the first place.

Its main components are plastics and textiles, and it just so happens that both are quite flammable… When I say 'discard after use', I mean it.

That being said though, as useful as the piece of crap might be, it doesn't diminish the fact that it's a fucking eyesore and, quite frankly, an embarrassment to drive around in. It's covered in graffiti and stickers, seemingly out of an attempt to hide the paintjob underneath, which if we're being honest… well..

"I know it's your car and all… but couldn't we have at least stolen one that wasn't so… ugly?" I call out to a lithe Animal as I approach, my driver glancing back towards me over his shoulder.

"Sure, she ain't a beaut, but she can blend in a crowd just fine and that's what counts." Barrett says defensively.

"Blend in? Look at it!"

"What, you don't like the color or something?"

"It looks like we covered it in vomit!"

"Hey, just for the record, you're the one who ordered us to steal her. 'Sides, you seen NC street fashion lately? We'll be intercepting the target just on the border between Heywood and San Domingo; vomit-colored van will blend right into the crowd there, trust."

"If you're done ripping our ride a new one, Boss? Got confirmation target is on the move, so we gotta haul ass if you wanna get this done quick." A gruff voice speaks up from behind (and above) Barrett.

"Got it, Dominic. Wheels up people, we're on the hunt!" I assure my heavy ordinance gunner, before calling out to the remaining two Animals present that are part of my personal crew, who let out howls as we pile into the Supron.

Vasili is Dominic's brother and about as huge. Contrary to what you'd expect from looking at the lughead, Vasili is actually one of my netrunners, one of the very few in the whole Animals gang and probably the physically strongest netrunner in all of NC. I never pried, but from what they were willing to share it seemed like the two brothers did near everything together. So, after Dominic ended up joining the Animals and began Juicing way back when they were still young teenagers, his brother, even though he had been interested more in netrunning, joined up as well and began hitting the Juice too.

It was a big sacrifice on Vasili's part, as the Animals aren't exactly the kind of gang that gives you many opportunities to develop your netrunning skills, what with the focus of beating each other to death in the ring and all.

Unless you happened to end up working for the Prince of the Animals' personal hit squad of course.

With Vasili's background, I quickly sourced him for my own crew (and automatically got Dominic as a package deal) and the netrunner-wannabe practically leapt at the chance to develop his skills. Said skills hadn't come cheap though: I had to bury more than a few bodies for Rogue in order for her to have her 'runner Nix throw some datashards Vasili's way, train up his skills a bit. It put me on the radar of NC's foremost fixer, a steep price, but considering the shit you could pull in cyberspace, I wasn't willing to take any chances with a solo or subpar 'runner messing with one of my crew. Nix was the only one I trusted not to fuck Vasili up while he was jacked into the chair through some corrupted shard or spiked cyberdeck, if only because he knew Rogue would have his balls put in a vice if it came to light he tarnished her rep by screwing over one of her clients.

We all knew she'd do it too. Rogue is a woman who prefers to lead by example after all.

Still, coerced or not, Nix held up his part of the bargain and in just a few years Vasili's skills improved with leaps and bounds. He wasn't on the level of my corpo V (though thankfully, I don't think anyone outside of an AI really is), but he was more than a match for any streetlevel gonk or gangoon in NC I'd wager. Which was a credit to Nix's skill and trustworthiness (and the grip Rogue had on his nether regions). Netrunners as a whole tend to keep to themselves and guard their skills jealously, which is why the guy's help had come so fucking expensive.

So expensive in fact that, even after the gigs I've done for the Queen of the Afterlife, it's still kinda debatable whether or not we're square now.

She hasn't called in any favors since I've stopped sending Vasili Nix's way, since I found another teacher for him (one both cheaper and loyal to me alone) but whether or not that's because she's wary of pushing my patience, or simply holding onto the favor for a more opportune moment down the line, I can't say.

Something tells me Rogue isn't entirely sure herself either.

"Let's zero this motherfucker! Fuck yeah!" a shout calls out over the entirety of the parking lot, which is impressive considering it came from the smallest member of the Animals by far ever since I (finally!) got too old for diapers. If nothing else, I'm thankful for my insane development rate getting me out of that situation after only half a year or so.

Sasquatch tried, but those huge paws of her aren't exactly suited for handling squishy babies…

That insane development also meant I had always looked older than my age: with the woman who had shouted out with glee about flatlining our target, the opposite was true. She was smaller than I was when I was eight, yet was older than me by a couple of months.

Cream-colored skin with pink accents shine as the tiny woman kicks her feet back and forth against the large crate she's perched on, red-yellow eyes wide with glee and lust for mayehem.

Rebecca is already sitting in the back of the van, with Barrett in the front at the wheel and Vasili besides him. They're not in the stripped down back of the minivan since (as the driver and netrunner respectively) they're the non-combatants of my group. Well, the least-combatants in any case, considering everyone of my Predators knows how to fight to varying degrees. The small woman (who is positively dwarfed when I fold myself into the back of the minivan and sit down heavily besides her) is sitting on a massive ammo crate, it and the rest of the equipment stashed around her the reason why we had to tear out the seating from the back of the minivan.

It had been worryingly easy.

Rebecca's kicking her legs back and forth, her large grin showing off an enlarged incisor poking out from her upper jaw like a cute lil' fang. Just one of the biomods she got ever since she accepted my offer to join my Predators, a few of the others being the pink patterns on her body looking more like stripes now.

What? I did say I'd try and save Maine's crew and considering the Predators are sourced from both within and without the Animals and Maine and his people are mercenaries, the solution was easy.

Just hire the lot of 'em.

Maine was very resistant to the offer at first (and, on some level, still is to this day), considering his ambitions of becoming an NC legend, which meant climbing up the ladder through fixer gigs and corpo heists. He felt like joining a gang meant giving up the merc life and with it, the shot at a merc's legacy: he wanted a drink named after him in the Afterlife, desperately so even.

The fact that you need to die a merc's death in order to get one didn't seem to bother him nearly as much as it should.

That of course meant Dorio backed him up and dug her heels as well, though more for his sake than anything else. She was a practical minded type of woman, who wasn't really obsessed with the whole 'die a legend' bullshit that seems to have taken a hold of the cyberpunks in this fucked up city.

Or if she was, she at least hid it better than her boyfriend.

The surprising factor in why the crew eventually got absorbed into the Predators anyways despite's Maine's misgivings had been Rebecca. That weird off-white/pink loli body, yeah, shocker, but that wasn't exactly natural. 'Becca here was ex-Mox, having run with the crew when she was younger.

Disturbingly younger. She didn't elaborate, I didn't pry and we left it at that.

Honestly man. Fuck this city.

Still, it meant that working for (or with) a gang was something Rebecca was familiar with and she saw very little problem with getting a bunch of huge gangoons with even huger guns as back-up. The fact that my Predators were essentially the Animals' most elite squad, since Sasquatch occasionally lent me out to different packs in return for favors or (stacks and stacks of) eddies, meaning we fought some of the toughest battles you could sink your teeth in here in NC, was just icing on the cake for the maniacal woman.

Getting Rebecca somewhat surprisingly got me Pilar as well, which only reinforced Rebecca's loyalty when he tried to make a move on Sasquatch and she obliterated his crotch with her sledgehammer. Pretty sure that from that moment on, Ma could order Rebecca to go and off the Emperor himself and the tiny woman would happily march up to Saburo Arasaka in person and shoot him right in the face.

Which in turn netted Rebecca my loyalty as well, since her practically glomping Ma's massive leg with tears streaming from her red-yellow eyes, all the while proclaiming her to be "the greatest feminine icon to ever grace this fucking earth!", had weirded out Sasquatch enough it was the only time I've ever seen the woman look baffled at something.

You better believe I scrolled that moment and had Vasili turn it into a BD. It's my go-to relaxation vid.

… Sasquatch must never know I have it.

Pilar ended up fine by the way. Got him a new piece of equipment, which earned me his everlasting loyalty. Like I said, I got contacts with various (less than reputable) vat growers and cloners, finding the perv a replacement had been a piece of cake.

Finding him a replacement that would slowly shrivel up and wither away after a timed delay of a little under a week, now that had been the hard part.

Shouldn't have tried to play my Mom, ya freak.

Pilar's supposed 'everlasting' loyalty shriveled up pretty quick after that (much like his gear), which in turn made me Rebecca's second favorite person on the entire planet.

For some reason, Sasquatch was still her number one.

With Maine and Dorio digging their heels, and with Pilar and Rebecca fitting right in with Ma's Animal pack and my Predators, Maine's old crew was pretty much split down the middle, with the deciding factor coming down to Sasha Yakovleva, the crew's netrunner before Kiwi was brought on to replace her following her death a few years prior to David joining up.

Her loyalty to me was pretty much assured. After all, I was the reason she wasn't dead this time around.

Boot Sequence Initiated… Running BD 'Flashback' … Start

Sasha really only felt two things anymore at this point. The tears flowing down her slightly catlike face, and an all-consuming inferno of sheer HATE blooming in her chest.

The progress bar on the screens in front of her was briefly obscured by a holovid call from a panicked Maine.

'Shit- Sasha! Where are you!'


It was all she could do as she ended the call, occupied with finishing the tape on her impromptu bomb. From the corner of her eye, as she worked, the words 'Upload to N54 Network…' blinked back at her from the screens in the darkness of the office space.

A different set of words kept dancing in front of her memory however.

Side Effects will not be disclosed to the public.

Product will not be pulled from the market.

The side effect? Neurodegeneration. The product? Painkillers. The same killers Sasha's mom had been forced to take. Before she… before… Swallowing and letting that inferno in her chest push her on, Sasha pulled her pink Omaha from her dufflelbag, pulling back the slide on the Militech pistol and letting it snap into place with a comforting 'clack!'. She could already hear Biotechnica forces approach from the hallway beyond the barred doors. Judging by the heaviness of the footfalls, droids most likely.

Shame. She was really in a mood to sink her claws in some Biotechnica corpo rats right now. Maybe leave one or two alive. Get them on Securicine, see how they like it when the painkiller starts doing it work. After all, can't feel pain if you got no nerves, right? Sure, you're in unimaginable agony until they're gone, but after that you won't feel a thing.

Her mom didn't, in the end.

Her ears prick up as she hears some shuffling near the door. She fried its electronics when she broke in, they'll likely blow it open. The cost of this office, hell, this entire building, pales in comparison to what Biotechnica stands to lose once the news channels get their hands on the corp's confidential files after all.

Ducking down behind the broad desk, Sasha tenses her muscles and flexes her hands, causing finger-long and razor-sharp thin claws to spring from her fingertips. As expected, the door disintegrates in a ball of smoke, debris and flame, but Sasha is ready, her entire system running with such levels of adrenaline, she feels like she downed an entire crate of combat stims.

Right here, in this single moment, she feels like she could armwrestle Dorio.

The idle thought randomly shoots through her brain and then all that remains is instinct. She doesn't panic, too high on adrenaline for panic. It's a sort of laser-focus. The entire room, even her own body, it all falls away even as she remains hyper-aware and when she shoots towards the first droids past the threshold, she feels like she's made of liquid lightning.

A grenade thrown as a distraction and she manages to actually land on the nearest droid's shoulders as the group is rocked by the explosion in their midst. She manages to take its head clean off with a single swipe before she's leaping away again.

Her feet dig furrows across the carpeted floor as her eyes size up her opponents, who only now begin to lock onto their target. The initial clash was brief, but informative. More cylons down the hallway, an AV hovering outside the window. It's all she needs to know: she won't walk away from this.

This office is where she'll die.

But then, she knew that already from the moment she decided to press the 'Upload' button, hadn't she? And she'd be ok with that, as long as the Upload was completed. As long as her mother was avenged and the corp that took her from her, that had poisoned her, would finally bleed for it, Sasha was willing to protect the Upload with her very life.

Eyes glow in the darkness off the office, claws gleam in the low light being thrown into the room by the nearby Biotechnica AV's headlights as she prepares to leap into battle again…

Wait, the light from the AV is getting… brighter?

Her head whips to the side and to her shock she sees the AV on a collision course with the large windows of the office. All that saves her is the adrenaline still rampaging through her systems, giving her the reflexes necessary to throw herself flat against the floor as the AV slams into the office, barely missing the top of the monitors and crashing full into the company of droids and carrying them further into the hallway.

The crash is horrendous and the entire floor is left shaking and all that Sasha can do is stare on in mute surprise. Not even the cylons move for a moment, as if their processors need a few seconds to rerun the footage and confirm that, yes, that did indeed just happen.

Then the door to the AV is kicked off its hinges with such speed it completely scraps the nearest cylon and a thick arm wielding a Burya like it's a pea shooter extends from the darkened interior and takes out two more cylons with precise headshots in quick succession.

What next unfolds itself out of the suddenly cramped looking AV can only be described as a behemoth, a giant standing tall in the hallway to the point it nearly blocks it completely with its sheer size, its head brushing the ceiling as it holsters the burly Techtronika revolver.

It picks up the nearest scrapped remains of a cylon with just one hand, holding it up as if it were mere plastic, allowing it to soak up some of the bullets the other robots are sending down the hallway. The man (and as he turns to face the light of the NC nightlife shining through the smashed windows, Sasha can see that it is indeed a man and not some enormous mecha or something) roars in her direction.

"The explosive! Throw it here! NOW!"

'How does he- nevermind, later!' Sasha shakes off the thought, instead vaulting over the desk and heaving her duffelbag towards the giant with all of her might.

An arm almost as thick as her torso shoots out, grabbing hold of the straps before he hurls it down the hallway. The unknown man drops the now perforated cylon, once again draws his Burya from a large holster strapped to his thigh, lines up a shot and the entire hallway goes up in flame as he manages to deadeye the explosive hidden in her bag.

"Who the fuck are you?!" she finally manages to get out as the behemoth thunders towards her, each step sending a small tremor up her legs through the soles of her shoes.

"LATER!" the man roars at her.

Instead of vaulting over the desk like she had, one hand comes down (clawed as well she noticed, but more like a bear's than her own slim sickles) grips the edge of the desk and hurls the thing to the side in a single movement as if it's weightless.

It smashes to pieces against the wall, but all that Sasha really cared about in that moment was that the Upload had been completed before the giant destroyed the computers. She had done it. Her mom had been avenged. Biotechnica would bleed and she-


-just got clotheslined by the largest man she had ever seen as he kept on running, one arm around her waist as he kept barreling towards the windows he had crashed the AV through.

Sasha barely even had time to think about what he was trying to do before he leapt through the hole in the side of the Biotechnica building. The fall was strangely… serene, almost. They fell through an ocean of lights, NC's ever-present advertisements rising up and falling away as they hurtled through the air, down towards the highway below.

'Why… why did he save me? Why… is he willing to die with me?' Sasha couldn't help but wonder as the asphalt came ever closer.

The stranger was strong, immensely so, she'd seen enough to figure that out at least. But durable enough to survive a fall from their height? Perhaps there was cyberware out there that could let you do it, but if there was, Sasha couldn't think of it right now and she certainly didn't have anything like that implanted.

She got her claws, her skills, her pink little Militech Omaha pistol and a chip on her shoulder against corpo rats and… and that was it.

It was all she had… all she would leave behind as they…

Wait, that SUV was racing towards them rather fast… and there were some burly man hanging out the side of it with outstretched arms…

It all happened in a split second. The screech of metal on metal as the Chevillon scoured the guardrails, the sound of flesh impacting flesh and three heavy grunts of pain as their momentum was suddenly and painfully halted. Sasha felt whiplashed and it took a few moments for her to dare open her eyes.

It was the wind that convinced her to. No longer the gentle streamers, flowing upwards and playfully tugging at her jacket and hair as if to carry her higher with them. Now it was cold and harsh and coming sideways.

The netrunner girl opened her eyes, shocked to her core to see that both she and her mysterious savior were still alive. Instead of planting face-first into the highway they had fallen just past it, with the giant catching the outstretched hands of the two burly men in the Chevillon at the last second.

Still, the impact was horrendous enough her nose picked up the familiar metallic scent of blood and her savior's weight and momentum had actually been great enough that the entire vehicle was riding on only two wheels, the entire thing listing over to one side as it glided along the guard rail on its side.

Both large men (though it felt somewhat wrong to call them that, considering how they were absolutely dwarfed by her rescuer) were grunting and straining as they held onto the behemoth and with a final roar of effort they heaved backwards, the giant pulling her and himself up as he leapt towards the SUV. The move was enough to tilt the Chevillon the other way and it landed on all four wheels again, swerving slightly before moving away from the guardrail and speeding further into the night.

The behemoth still stood on the side of the large car, one hand clasping the railing running across its roof, the other still holding her up to his side as she dangled in his grip like a kitten. Closer now, she could see that the two burly men were nearly identical and to her surprise they were clearly Animals.

"Dammit Boss, you weigh a fucking ton! Damn near ripped my arm off!"

"Easy Vasili. If it's broke, Sim will pay for the replacement chrome." The man's brother (Sasha assumed) reassured the other man as he winced and rotated his shoulder, a series of pops audible even over the wind screaming past them as they tore across the highway.

The brother who spoke groused as he looked up at her savior however ('Sim? What kind of a name is that?' she couldn't help but think), his expression frustrated.

"Though you were cutting it close there Boss. The fuck were you thinking? We got the Techtronika loot already, why take the AV for a joyride and then fucking CRASH it into a corpo building?!"

"Easy. For this." The giant rumbled back and without further fanfare he planted Sasha on one of the back seats as she let out a surprised 'eep!'.

A beat of silence as the brothers stilled and exchanged glances.

"What?" they said.

"What?" she asked.

"Dominic. Vasili. Meet Sasha. Netrunner and badass. Ma would like her."

At that, Vasili's eyes widened and zeroed in on her like a hawk with a burning intensity and clear interest. Not the 'interested' glances that she often got walking across the streets of NC (her netrunner suit was very form-fitting after all). This guy was interested in her skills. Was he a netrunner himself?

Sasha had never seen one that looked like he could benchpress a MaiMai.

"Sasha, meet Dominic and Vasili. Animals in both senses of the word and good people. Well, not really, but good enough to their pack. You need something shot, talk to Dominic. You want something hacked, talk to Vasili." The giant explained as he folded himself into the Chevillon as well, plopping down on the backseat with a deep grunt.

'So that guy is a netrunner? Whoa…' Sasha blinked in surprise, before glancing towards the giant at her side.

He was spread out, head on the rest of the backseat, legs going across the entirety of the modified SUV so his boots were resting against the back of the driver's seat. He held his hand, the one he had used to catch Vasili and Dominic, loosely (almost gingerly, even) at his side and the coppery scent of blood increased. The other one was thrown over his eyes as he let out a deep sigh.

"And you? Who are you? What do I need to talk to you for?" Sasha eventually spoke up.

The giant lifted his arm a bit, looking towards her from underneath it as a lazy grin stretched across his heavy features showing off pointed teeth.

"My name is Michael Rose, but everyone calls me Simba or Sim for short. I'm the Prince of the Animals."

The lazy grin turned somewhat sharper.

"And you talk to me when you want something wiped off the fucking map."

Sasha blinked a few times at that as the other Animals chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. She thought it was rather similar to the roar of the SUV as it kept trucking along.

"Oh. Good to know." She eventually managed in a slightly stunned voice, but Simba already wasn't paying attention anymore.

"Barrett. Step on it, get us out of here. Take the Heywood backalleys until we hit Rancho Coronado. NCPD don't patrol there, we should be safe once we hit those streets."

"Sure thing Boss!" the driver called out, their SUV tearing across the asphalt under the Night City sky.

For a moment, silence fell over the motley group as the two brothers fussed over each other's injuries and Simba was seemingly on the verge of just nodding off completely. It took Sasha a few moments to find the courage to break the silence, now that her anger and adrenaline had left her to make way for a bone-deep exhaustion.

"Why…" she began, only to trail off when Simba trained an eye on her.

It reminded her of a wolf somehow. No, a lion. Stately, powerful and above all else, something that could turn her into ribbons on nothing more than a whim. Squaring her shoulders, she nonetheless forged on.

"Why did you save me?" she asked, the question plaguing her mind from the moment he had stepped out of the crashed AV.

"Wasn't the plan." He said with a shrug and Sasha couldn't help but wilt a bit at that.

"Oh." She said, before taking a breath and plunging on, trying to keep a smile on her face.

"Then why did you show up so… suddenly?"

"We were doing our own raid on Biotechnica. Different location. Saw that a security alert had been tripped back at Corpo Plaza, so I hijacked an AV that was at the facility we hit and made a beeline to the city center. Figured I'd deal with it before it got my pack in trouble. Instead, I see you fighting for your life, so I messaged the guys for a pick-up and jumped in to save you." Simba explained easily, still with his arm resting over his face.

He was so casual about it too, as if crashing AV's through corporate buildings to explode their security forces was something he did every other Tuesday, just a night out with the boys.

Well, these were Animals, after all…. High-ranking too by the look of their gear and the size of their muscles. Oh no, he probably did pull shit like this every Tuesday, didn't he?

"Catching you as you throw yourself from the top of a tower is NOT a 'pick-up', Boss." Vasili groused, though Sasha got the impression that was just how the guy talked.

"Ah, but you DID catch me, so it does." Simba replied with a smirk.

Before the argument could continue, Sasha couldn't contain her curiosity.

"What did you take?" she blurted out.

Surprisingly, it was the so far quiet Dominic who answered, sporting a massive grin as he picked up a black dufflebag that had been lying at his feet.

"Guns! Lots and lots of guns!"

Sasha was pretty sure she busted either a circ or an eardrum during the explosion, cause that couldn't have been right.

"You stole… guns?"


"… from a genetics company?"


"That's… unique?" Sasha tried diplomatically.

"It's genius. Who'd ever steal guns from Biotechnica? Everyone knows you go for Militech, or Arasaka if you and all of your extended family has got a death wish. Nobody would ever think to hit Biotechnica instead, including Biotechnica itself." Dominic said with a grin.

"Their security is no SSI, but then again, neither are their firewalls. Their depots are practically unguarded." Vasili said with contempt.

That made… some sense, Sasha assumed, for someone at least.

"But… why hit Biotechnika for guns?" she couldn't help but ask.

Dominic's grin widened before he threw the bag over towards Simba, who easily caught it one-handed, before zipping it open and pulling two enormous shotguns from it, holding the heavy-looking weapons up with ease and a huge smile.

"They're a birthday present!"

"… what."

"For my Ma!"

"… what."

I had lied to Sasha. Of course I had lied to her, if I told her the truth, she'd think I'd gone cyberpsycho or something and I couldn't even blame her. What was I supposed to say?

"Yeah, I saw you die in a music video that was a companion to an anime that itself was a companion to a game which was based on an old TTRPG back in another universe and I figured I'd try and save you."

Like that shit is gonna fly. So no, I lied… by telling the truth. I did hit Biotechnica with the brothers and Barrett and we did actually get away with a nice haul of decently new Techtronika weapons, including the shotguns I ended up gifting Sasquatch. And I did steal an AV Biotechnica kept at the location we hit and raced down to Corpo Plaza with it, but not because of a trigged security alarm, but because I knew that night, Sasha Yakovleva would die for exposing Biotechnica's sins.

I couldn't let that happen for two reasons: first, saving her would (hopefully) net me the loyalty of another netrunner, meaning I could finally ditch Rogue and Nix and have Vasili be trained by someone from within my own Predators, instead of relying on outside help. And secondly, saving one of his people would (hopefully) mean that Maine would feel indebted to me. He cared about his people, so saving one of 'em had to account to something.

… alright, fine, there was a third reason. She was just too damned cute to let die. There, I said it. You ever repeat that to her, I'll deny it. You every repeat it to Sasquatch and they'll never find your body.

Ahem. Moving on.

When Maine (understandable completely freaking out) finally managed to contact Sasha, they had a long talk as Barrett drove us to one of my safe houses in San Domingo. When Maine had asked Sasha if she was alright and safe, the cat-like girl had given me a surprisingly long and considering look, before assuring Maine that she was fine. The two agreed that she should stay with us for a little while as the crew lied low following the Biotechnica fall-out, and that they'd come to retrieve her when things had cooled down.

So for the next few days, Sasha was our guest as we kept monitoring the news and the net, on the look-out for any retaliatory corpo-soldier hit squads on Biotechnika's payroll that could possibly be on her trail. For now it would seem the company responsible for the nation's fuel and food supply was more occupied with fighting off other corps: given how enormous the demand was for said fuel and food, Biotechnika dealt mostly in patents and licenses, outsourcing a ton of the work itself (and only a margin of the profits) to various other companies.

One such license for CHOOH2 was about to expire and both Petrochem and SovOil had been fighting a minor war before to see who would get the new license contract. Now, the two of them were all too happy to tear down Biotechnika first in order to drive down the prize and maybe divvy up the corps assets between them. It was enough blood in the water that other corps pulled on their floaties, got a synt-shark backfin biomod installed and jumped in as well.

Even the small ones that were punching way above their weightclass, but Biotechnika was too occupied with damage control to crush them as they usually would have.

Sure, Sasha had exposed the harm Biotechnika's medicine had done to the people, but it seemed that the only reason the company was suffering was thanks to the greed of the other corps. The only one that seemingly actually cared about what they had done to the people was Sasha herself and in the grand scheme of things, she was so small that Biotechnika didn't even really care about her.

It had pushed and pulled Sasha into varying stages of depression and awe-inspiring anarchistic rants once she realized that and she got close to making a trail for corpo-soldiers to follow, just so she could sink her claws into them. I had to spend quite a few days with her trying to calm her down from her Silverhand-like rhetoric, which wasn't helped by the fact that my Mom was actually all for it, amused by the lithe woman's anger and intrigued by the prospect of crushing elite soldiers.

Eventually I managed to calm Sasha down somewhat, often by just picking her up whenever she worked herself up into a state (usually followed by her unconsciously unsheathing her claws and roaring and spitting about the evils of a post-capitalist society), tuck her under my arm, plop her in my beloved Quaddra Avenger and taking her for a ride throughout San Domingo.

Mom always gave me this shit-eating grin whenever she saw me do it to and I was seriously considering approaching Viktor to see if there's any chrome that stops you from blushing.

During the time Sasha hid with Sasquatch's pack, I had campaigned hard for her to sign up to my Predators. She could teach Vasili and her combat skills would fit right in with our crew. Hell, she already had a animal theme going, it was like she was already a part of us!

Ma certainly thought so too. The moment she laid eyes on the girl when I led her back to our HQ, I saw Sasquatch start thinking about grandkids and she campaigned almost as hard to have Sasha sign up to the Predators as I did.

Though her arguments were… well, embarrassing.

Even so, I could tell that Sasha was strongly considering it. She owed me her life after all and she honestly was actually a good fit for my crew. The only problem was her loyalty to her old one.

Which meant I had to convince Maine and the others when they came around to pick Sasha up. They didn't immediately agree, but they didn't exactly give me a hard no at the time either. As said, it was easy enough to get Rebecca over to my side and through her Pilar as well. When Maine (and thus Dorio) was still hesitant, it was Sasha that had given him the final push by stating that she would choose the Predators over his crew as well.

That had hurt him, I could tell, though less than Rebecca's 'betrayal' considering he understood where Sasha's switch in allegiance came from.

For a moment, it really looked like Maine would continue on with just him and his girlfriend, until I extended my clawed hand towards him.

"Most of your people already signed on Maine. Since you're their leader, I sincerely hope you will too. I stepped in to save one of yours when I didn't have to. I gave Rebecca every gun, hammer and knife she's asked for, even gave Pilar a new dick after Ma pulped his old one. I've given a lot and asked for little. All I want is to hire you and Dorio as well, keep the crew together. After all I've done that's a fair shake."

Maine locked eyes with me then for a long moment, before he eventually sighed and clasped arms with me, even his thick Projectile Launch arm dwarfed in my clawed grip.

The cyberpunk nodded.

"Sure. It's a fair shake."

And that was that, though I could tell Main still felt trapped. Tough shit. I let him go off on his own and in his drive to reach new heights, he'd go cyberpsycho in no time and commit suicide by MaxTac. He'd drag Dorio down with him too. Within the Animals at least, he could turn to me or Sasquatch as bosses that he could rely on for guidance, instead of trying to shoulder the responsibility of a crew by his lonesome.

Most importantly, within the Animals there were other ways of increasing your power than through more chrome. Sure, Juice isn't exactly winning any health awards soon, but at least injecting yourself won't contribute to cyberpscychosis like getting a Sandy installed eventually would.

Sure, it's not just the chrome that makes people snap. The rest of NC is fucked enough as it is to drive people around the bend simply for the crime of just existing. But the heavy toll the gear takes on your body and mind certainly won't do you any favors.

At least no Animal has ever gone cyberpscyho from the Juice. Regular crazy, sure, but full-on murder-rampage in the middle of town for no apparent reason? … well, maybe a few, but not because they were on Juice!

Really, even if he felt he had hit a ceiling, joining the Animals meant Maine's survival whether he liked it to or not. Can't enjoy being a legend if you're dead dude. Though being an edgerunner, I don't think Maine saw it like that.

Tough shit.

I refuse to have my Predators die on me any time soon as especially to something like cyberpsychosis.

I can't really gauge Dorio, but I think she's figured the same and is quietly grateful for it. She's certainly made a home for herself among Sasquatch's pack with ease and I've heard no complaints from her so far.

For this bit of biz, the two of 'em are sitting it out, staking out a Militech transport convoy out in the badlands for a possible future gig. Really, I just want them monitoring Aldecaldo and Wraith movements in case I have a need for it in the future. I'd prefer Maine to stay as far away as possible from anything even remotely connected to Faraday.

Pilar was a techie and thus put to work servicing several of the vehicles and armories the Animals had. He was good with grenades, but not really a frontline combatant, so while he had played a large role in getting the throw-away cars we'd be using up to an acceptable level and hand-built some goodies that I hadn't entrusted to Faraday to deliver, he wouldn't actually be coming along for the gig itself either.

Sasha wasn't coming along physically as she was back at HQ, though since she was overwatch for this mission and communicating with Vasili and Group B and Group C, she was technically part of this gig.

While she could handle herself in a fight, I'd rather have Vasili as the netrunner in the field than her, though why exactly I didn't want to risk the beautiful cat-like woman was a hot mess of reasons sitting uncomfortably in my chest which I didn't want to really think about. Sasha had tried to challenge me on it, even pouted and glared, but eventually backed down, though she kept sending me these looks when she thought I wasn't looking.

Meaning Rebecca was the only one of Maine's crew physically present for the biz. The reason why she was on the gig, was 'cause it involves shooting at a corpo cunt and honestly it was more trouble than it was worth to convince her not to come along when something like that was in the cards, so here she was.

As I fold myself into the cramped end of the Mahir minivan, I respond to the small woman's earlier battlecry.

"We're not gonna zero the guy, 'Becca. Orders are to take the target in alive. This is a data retrieval gig, not an elimination one." I calmly state, Dominic piling in behind me and then Barrett is off, racing the Supron towards the intercept point.

Rebecca puffs her cheeks as she glares up at me (even with me sitting on the bare floor and her propped up on an ammo crate, she has to crane her head to meet my eye), looking absolutely adorable as she does so.

"Pah, that's boring! Why not eliminate first, then retrieve the data! It's just a 'Saka corpo cunt, what do you care?!"

"I don't. Not that he's 'Saka, anyways. Honestly, if it were up to me, that would just be more reason to flatline him instead. Gives Arasaka less motive to keep hunting us."

"Then what gives?!"

"It ain't up to me. This is Faraday's biz and he wants the target alive. At least long enough we can hand him the data."

"So what, I thought you hated the guy anyways?" Rebecca pouts, crossing her arms as she looks away from me, continuing with kicking her feet against the ammo crate she's sitting on.

"I do. Which is why I'm following orders." I respond easily, seeing Rebecca furrow her brows as she tries to get my meaning.


"Think what he just said, girl. A live target means 'Saka will keep looking for their lost rat." Dominic rumbles, going over the grenade launcher in his lap which is almost as large as Rebecca herself.

"Wait, you wanna betray Faraday?! Boss, fucking over a fixer is a bad idea…" Rebecca warns me with a frown, but I merely smile back as I try to make myself a bit more comfortable.

Not that I'm really successful: apparently tiny minivans aren't exactly made with the comfort of supersoldier behemoths in mind.

Shame, that's an untapped market niche right there I'll tell ya.

"Who said anything about betrayal, Becca? I'm givin' Faraday exactly what he asked for, after all." I say with a grin that shows off my fanged teeth.

If Rebecca was worried about me clashing with fixers, then she's seen nothing yet. Faraday would get what he asked for, he'd even get what he deserves. It was just a gig. But there was another fixer, currently involved in biz in Pacifica, that I had my eye on.

In less than a year or so, Dexter DeShawn would screw over Pacifica so bad he'd go off-grid until 2077, destabilizing the region so badly the VB's would be the only major gang to occupy it and needing a new fixer in the form of Mr. Hands. In the game, T-Bug would pull him out of that mess, saving his fat ass so he could make a run for it.

There would be no running for the fuck this time. This time, Dexter DeShawn burns down with the rest of Pacifica. I'd make sure of it. Personally.

"Whoa Sim, got an angry look there. You alright?" Rebecca's cheery voice lifts me from my musings and I shake off the thoughts of murder and revenge.

"I'm fine. Vasili! Update!"

"Target still on predicted route. B-Team already in position at agreed extraction point. C-Team closing in on target." The burly netrunner responds, his eyes glowing as Sasha is remotely feeding him intel.

"Their ETA?" I rumble, cracking my neck and rolling my shoulders.

"3 minutes."

"And ours?"

"5 minutes."


"Yes Boss!"

"Make it 3."

"Sure thing Boss!"

As Barrett pushed the Supron FS3 to beyond it was meant to be capable of (he and Pilar deserved a bonus stack of eddies for the upgrades they managed to put in the minivan, if the car actually manages to keep up and not explode before we even reach the target), I began going over the plan again with Rebecca and Dominic.

I did not trust Faraday, but I did trust that he wouldn't risk the same biz going wrong twice for him, so I was willing to assume the intel he gave on the target's defenses was (mostly) accurate.

Still, this particular little corpo piggie had been burnt once before, so who outside of 'Saka really knew what the guy's limo was sporting? All we knew for certain that had changed was that he had physical back-up on board with him, which is why I had Rebecca along. I didn't want to risk breaching Arasaka firewalls for more intel on the corpo rat and his ride, considering that would mean going up against 'Saka Counter-Intel.

That was bad enough on its own. It was twice as bad if this world had my corpo V. Better not to risk it. We had to hit the car either way, so in the end it didn't really matter if it was more armored than usual or not.

We just about wrapped up going over the plan again when Vasili spoke up.

"C-Team and target in sight Boss."

I lean over (almost squashing Rebecca, who begins shouting indignantly and starts flailing away at my arm and chest, though of course it's wholly ineffective), looking through the front window at the vehicles that Vasili highlights for me on my in-built HUD, which still freaks me out the tiniest bit.

It's strange. It took me longer to get used to all the floating information available on my robotic eyeballs, than it took me to get used to all the killing.

I suppose killing is common to human nature across dimensions, cybernetic eyeballs are not.

Said cybernetic eyeballs pinpoint a large old truck, an unadorned Kaukaz Zeya U420, complete with trailer attached. I originally had its big brother, the Bratsk U4020 in mind for this gig, but sadly that one wouldn't fit on the road where we planned our ambush. Behind the wheel of the old, beat-up Zeya is one of my Predators, Shannon.

Much like Barrett, she's rather lithe for an Animal, considering in our gang the women tend to bulk up about as large as the men (incidentally the reason why my birth was so unique, considering female Animals aren't exactly 'Mom' material). Juice doesn't give a fuck about the hormones you were born with, it pumps you full with its own modified ones anyways. Hell, just look at my Mom if you wanted proof.

Still, Shannon is on the slimmer side, only as buff as your average male, because she specializes in speed over strength. Something she carried over from her time with the Nomad's, though nobody is exactly sure which family she rode with and nobody is exactly stupid enough to up and ask the stern woman. Slimming down for agility's sake is not something usually done within the Animals, who as a rule tend to gravitate to "hit it very hard!" as their go-to tactic. This was true for the alpha of her previous pack as well, so much like Vasili, she experienced being one of my Predators as the freedom to be who she truly wanted to be, instead of fitting to the standard Animals-mold.

She was as close to a ninja as I had within my pack of Predators and for some reason I was immensely pleased with that.

Her focus on speed, which had only increased after joining my hit squad through installing chrome like Lynx Paws and the Militech Maneuvering System, meant that she was C-Team by herself. She'd need to torch and then ditch the stolen truck in all of the confusion as the gig went down and then had to exfiltrate herself without relying on B-Team.

B-Team would swoop in to exfiltrate the target while my A-Team would drive away from the scene of the crime as a false lead, but by that point they'd likely be too far to exfiltrate Shannon as well. Her speed meant that she'd be fine though. Even if she wasn't as familiar with the city's lay-out as a non-NC native, Sasha would be guiding her every step of the way. Out of my Predators, she certainly was one that stood out the least (even Barrett was rather… memorable, as he was covered in Animals-tattoos), so between her anonymity and her speed, she was the best suited for C-Team.

Hell, we'd be the one most at risk here, since anyone looking into the hit would see us driving away from the scene of the crime. The idea would be to get all eyes on us, disappear into NC and after we torched our Supron (quite frankly, I can hardly wait) to cover our tracks, make our way back to Sasquatch's turf in another car that was waiting at a different location. B-Team would do the same with their own getaway car as well, once they've put enough space between them and the crime scene, even though nobody should be watching them and instead be focused on my team instead.

Excessive? Fuck no. This was an Arasaka target. Excessive didn't exist if you're dealing with those fucks.

Hell, Johnny Silverhand fucking nuked them and they popped right back up again. Arasakas are worse than cockroaches, I swear, in every sense of the word.

As we sped past Shannon, she made no outward sign of acknowledging our presence, still sitting calmly behind the wheel of the Kaukaz truck. Wouldn't want to give the game away after all.

A few car lengths in front of her, Vasili has highlighted a limo for my eyes. Chevillon Thrax, typical mid-level corpo car. Interesting, since I know for a fact our target usually drives (or is driven, rather) in a
Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate. Suppose he got spooked enough by Maelstrom's attack he swapped out the showboat for the heavier and more secure Chevillon.

Good choice too, I hate to admit. Stately, easy to fortify to hell and back and (by corpo standards at least) not too expensive and thus disposable if need be. The car of choice for climbing corpo rats and pretentious fixers alike (such as Mr. DeShawn himself). This particular one seemed to be the tuned up 388 'Jefferson' edition, noted for having additional armor in the body and bullet-proof glass. Annoying, but not unexpected.

"Vasili, B-Team?"

"In position and waiting on our signal."

"Alright, Barrett, move to intercept target. Vasili, the moment we throw open those doors, signal B-Team to get a move on."

"Got it Boss."

"Dom, 'Becca, get ready."

"Sure thing."

"Hell yeah!"

Our Supron accelerates as it slowly but steadily overtakes the seemingly unaware Thrax. There's a tightness in my chest as I watch on: I expect the car to bolt and start burning rubber at any second now, something having gone wrong and tipped the target off.

Not that it would really make a difference, not as close as we were: all that armor came with a hefty weight and Thraxes, especially the 'Jefferson' were notorious for having absolute shit acceleration.

Still, it would make our job harder, but thankfully it seems the driver sees nothing amiss, the stately Chevillon cruising away at the same speed, even as we overtake it and begin driving in front of it.

Well then… this is it.

"Masks on people. Code-names only." I mutter lowly, pulling up a bandana to cover my nose as I put on sunglasses to hide my distinctive eyes.

Barrett, Vasili and Dominic do roughly the same, but Rebecca pulls on a balaclava with a lot of muffled swearing. Sorry kiddo, but no amount of sunglasses or bandanas is gonna hide that white-pink skin of yours. Not like I'm in a position to talk, honestly: even in 2075, the amount of people over eight feet tall can be counted on one hand (assuming you haven't installed any extra fingers on that hand. It is 2075 after all…).

I look around to check if everyone's ready, before taking a deep breath.

"NOW!" I roar as I kick open the doors of the Supron, taking care to reign in my strength so I don't launch 'em clean off.

We need them to burn up with the rest of the van after all. No evidence.

The moment the doors swing open, Dominic moves towards the edge of the minivan, grenade launcher held in his meaty fists. A dull 'thump!' comes from its barrel and a grenade gets lobbed to land square on the Thrax' massive hood. It detonates with a flash, but leaves no visible damage.

As intended: the damage of an EMP isn't immediately visible after all.

The visible flash of light is Shannon's queue, as she gives a massive, violent swing on her steering wheel, seemingly throwing her Zeya into a slide out of panic. It goes sideways over the piece of highway right on the edge of Heywood and San Domingo, cutting off three lanes and preventing the traffic from following or seeing us, effectively forming an impromptu roadblock.

I had initially wanted to do something like this in front of the target, but honestly a Thrax Jefferson would probably plow straight through the old Soviet truck.

At least this way, there would be less witnesses and risk of innocent bystanders getting hurt.

"V!" I roar out as the glow of the EMP fades out.

"Signal interrupted, hit them again!"

Dominic immediately follows his brother's orders, lobbing another EMP towards the Thrax. This one explodes closer towards its windscreen, its corona of light barely exceeding the large frame of the limo. Good, wouldn't want to get hit with my own EMP's after all. This time, the Thrax begins to sputter a bit, its headlights flickering.

"Again!" Vasili calls out, and another EMP gets lobbed towards the Thrax.

"Hahaha! You heard 'im D! Keep 'em coming!" Rebecca roars out as she tries to look past Dominic's broad frame.

The reinforced Chevillon tries to speed up, but as said, it's a slow-going venture and it doesn't manage to get past us. Our modified Mahir is shaking from the effort to keep in front of the much more powerful limo though; even with Barrett's and Pilar's reinforcements, I don't have much faith it'll hold out much longer.

Thankfully, it won't have to.

"No more outgoing signals detected! R! Deploy jammer!" Vasili calls out and Rebecca steps up, long rifle held in a secure position as she takes aim, grin visible even through her stuffy balaclava.

When she presses the trigger, it's not a bullet that shoots out, but a thick cylinder. Upon impacting the Jefferson's windshield, it immediately deploys three spindly legs and unfolds an antenna which begins blinking rapidly.

"Jammer deployed, contact with B and C Team lost!" Vasili calls out.

Better hope Shannon is already making a break for it then, though she'll be in contact with Sasha as she guides the other woman to safety. Even without comms, B-Team should be able to spot us coming, so I wasn't too worried about meeting up with them.

Sure, we could've set up the jammer from the start and save ourselves the trouble getting Faraday to offer up a bunch of EMP's, but the jammer was useless if any of the target's security forces knew how to hack it. By using the EMP's, we crippled the car and made sure the jammer wouldn't get disabled. If the corpo cunt had hired someone with the required tech savvie and netrunning skills, they were probably throwing up their past three lunches all over his shoes right about now.

EMPs doesn't play nice with chrome.

With everything going according to plan so far, I grab the largest object in the back of our Supron, giving out a grunt of effort as I heave it up, though that's as much due to its unwieldy size as it's because of its impossible weight.

Fun fact about the vids back in my old universe: whenever a car got flipped, it wasn't because of an explosive. No way to really target all that expanding force to push upwards, you see, and if you just added more force, eventually your bigger explosion was gonna make such a big boom it would shred the car instead of launching it.

Instead what they did, was literally shoot it up with compressed gas. Sometimes they'd put the car on what was essentially an enormous aircannon and fire it into the air. Or, if it had to "explode", a thick metal pole would be placed inside a hollow tube underneath its chassis, which would then ram itself into the road, literally pushing the car up and into the air.

Now, we didn't have the access to Arasaka's vehicle pool to modify the target's car like that, but we could recreate the circumstances somewhat. You know those pillars that rise up out of the ground? Yeah, turns out that in the future, you can get them to be surprisingly compact when they're folded up.

Taking a few steps towards the back of the Supron, causing it to ride lower on its rear-axels as its balance is shifted, sweat drips down my brow as I hoist up the road-block (or "rising stop pillar for regulation and blocking of city traffic" as they're officially called) a little higher.

I eyeball the enormous thing in my arms and the distance to the car behind us (with Vasili eyeballing with me, plotting out a trajectory on my HUD) before with a grunt of effort, I heave the enormous weight and throw it out of the Supron, right in the path of the corpo's limo.

The front of the heavy Thrax slams into it (its Jefferson-type tune up meaning it even managed to keep its bumper, mangled though it is) and with a horrible screeching noise climbs a bit up and over it, its four front-wheels spinning madly in the air just above the tarmac. A rear-wheel drive car, the Thrax still powers on, its speed barely slowed as a shower of sparks erupt from the front of the car. The screeching sound intensifies, before suddenly, there's an odd crashing 'ca-clunk!' sound and the pillar disappears underneath the Chevillon's immense nose.

The moment it disappears, I send a command to the mechanism inside the pillar, and it does what it was meant to do: stop traffic. The hunk of metal expands with explosive force thanks to Pilar having taken the safety's off and the Thrax gets launched upwards. It even gets higher than our little minivan. At the apex of its climb, it slowly begins to roll over to one side as gravity ponderously begins dragging down the behemoth of a car again.

With a tremendous impact, it slams back into the road again, sliding several dozens of meters on its side as it bleeds off momentum, before it begins to slow to a stop. Seeing this, Barrett slams on the breaks, unintentionally launching Rebecca off her feet and into the back of Barrett's seat, where she immediately begins swearing at him in no less than three different languages. I'm fine and Dominic managed to grab the side of the Supron in the nick of time, so we're ready when one of the doors on the upwards side of the Thrax begins shaking.

We leap from our minivan, he far slower than I, as the corpo cunt's security tries to bash open the limo's door now that its electronics have been fried. By the time the door finally swings wide on the shoulder of a burly security guy, I've already reached the downed Thrax. The corpo security tries to clamber out of the car, but I leap towards him, clearing the car with ease, one clawed hand coming down and grabbing the guy by the head. My free hand clips loose a flashbang from my utility belt and drops it into the car in a single smooth motion at the same time.

Allowing my momentum to carry me beyond the car, I physically drag the security guy out of the Thrax with me, pulling him forwards as I fall towards the tarmac and smashing his head against it as I land.

I don't know if he's dead and frankly, I don't much care either: all that mattered is that he wasn't moving and hadn't seen anything.

There's several shouts of pain and confusion from within the car as the flashbang goes off and as I straighten and turn to face it, I see Dominic as well. Considering my gunner isn't nearly as agile as I am and that he thus doesn't have a good shot, I chamber my leg and kick the sideways car with enough force, it tips back onto four wheels again, its now open door lined up straight with the waiting Dominic.

Having already spooled up his Satara on his way over, the Predator doesn't hesitate in letting his Rostovic tech-shotgun rip, blasting two holes in the remaining security guys our target had brought along for the ride.

As he ejects the spent shells and begins loading in two new ones, I leap onto the roof of the Thrax, pulling my Burya from its holster. It was no Comrade's Hammer and, honestly, I was genuinely a bit sad about that. Unfortunately, the last time I checked in on the 6th Street gangoon Darius Miles, he hadn't had it or its crafting spec on him yet, though I had Vasili keep an eye on the smuggler every day.

Still, while my gun was the lesser and frustratingly inferior version of the glorious Comrade's Hammer, it would still ruin even a fully 'borged Maelstrommer's day. Leaning over the top of the door opening, I aim my revolver into the ruined Chevillon, placing the thick barrel of my Techtronika revolver flush against the sweating nape of the cornered corpo rat.

His car is scrapped, his security is gone and his sos-signals won't go through: he's fucked and he knows it.

"Tetsuo Tanaka. You're coming with me."

Fun Fact: NightCorp is one of the biggest corps in Night City and aims to build a high-speed intercontinental railway by 2078, connecting Night City to Chicago come winter that year. Maybe something to set up a future DLC? Though I hope we at least get to visit the stations themselves this time around…
03: Ain't nothing personal, just Biz

03: Ain't nothing personal, just Biz

"Tetsuo Tanaka. You're coming with me."

My deep rumbling voice brooks no argument. Despite the deathglare the Arasaka corpo is sending me, he obediently raises his hands, slowly moving out of the now thoroughly ruined Thrax Jefferson, coming face-to-barrel with Dominic's spooled up Satara.

"Stay your hand, mercenary. This is obviously about more than just money and you clearly need me alive. I am certain a deal can be reached. If you know who I am, you must know my resources are vast-"

"Shut the fuck up." I rumble deep in my chest as I hop down from the roof of the ruined Thrax, straightening from my crouch until I'm absolutely towering over the squat little man.

At the warning note in my voice and feeling dwarfed as I loom over him, Tanaka wisely shuts his trap with an audible click.

"Orders, Boss?" Dominic asks as he keeps his shotgun trained on the overweight 'Saka big shot.

"Stick to the plan. B-Team should be here any moment now for the pick-up. Keep the jammer up until then. Don't hurt him too much: guy like him is definitely covered by Trauma Plat, they'll come running if he so much as gets a nosebleed." I order as Dominic doesn't lower his shotgun or his guard for even as second while Tanaka keeps silently glaring at us.

The fat sack of shit might look like an average middle-aged, overweight dude, but given the subtlety of cyberware these days and the fact that he has access to Arasaka backing, that doesn't have to mean anything. Underneath the wrinkly cheeks and flabby belly, he might be running higher-end chrome than most merc crews put together.

You never know what kind of crazy shit these corpo cunts are hiding. Saw a BD of one once, years ago, who escaped a kidnapping attempt because he had turned his hands into grappling hooks.

No, really. Extended retractable cables and everything. Looked like some weird secret lovechild of Batman and Inspector Gadget when he fired those hands off, shooting up into the sky above.

Of course, he had misjudged the air traffic in Night City, and while pulling himself to the top of a skyscraper across the street, he flew face-first into an AV who had never been programmed to account for pedestrians a hundred meters up.

The real crazy part? That was the third mid-air AV accident caused by collision with a person on foot in NC this decade.

Thankfully, from my knowledge of the anime I know Tanaka isn't running anything that spectacular or unusual like grappling-hook hands. Just the usual chrome like cyberoptics to interface with the Arasaka net, a couple of improved synth-organs, perhaps a reflex enhancer or two and combat-oriented chipware, or wetware. Not really chrome, just an artificial facilitator for skills you don't want to grind for hours to obtain.

Just slot in a chip into your interface port, open your eyes and in your best Keanu voice say, "I know kung-fu".

In the gang we have noobies start off with the chipware while they're still getting used to the Juice to get 'em into fighting shape, so they get a feel for the battle, before moving onto heavier bioware and chrome and actual skill. In the old TTRPG back in my previous world, the amount of skills you could slot simultaneously was limited by your INT stat. Here that translated to frying your circs if you tried slotting more chips than your brain and chrome could handle.

I've seen it happen, it ain't pretty. Doesn't smell too good neither.

For most people, that meant you were limited to getting two or three skills of your choice you could have instant access to at will whenever you needed to and for many, that was enough. Slotting more was dangerous if you didn't know what you were doing and the skills weren't permanent, but that was hardly a concern for the majority of the people of NC, who were lazy to a fault.

And why wouldn't they be? Got your output coming over and want to cook a romantic dinner, but you're the type of guy who sets the cereal on fire just by pouring milk over it?

Slot a shard and boom, you can just sit back and watch your body run around your kitchen fully on auto-pilot. You won't be plating up any chef-quality dishes any time soon, but at least you won't accidentally poison your date now.

There were just two major setbacks with chipware: you lose the skill if you remove the memoryware (or the MRAM chip) from the neural processor at the base of the spine, since your reflex (or APTR) chips distributed throughout your wetware via interface sockets suddenly have no instructions to act on anymore. Which is also why the chips don't allow you to become better at the skill (and could even make you worse at it should your innate skill be better than the info on the shard) considering the APTR chips will always overwrite your body's natural impulse.

Chips are best used when you need to know a lot of things all at once, but not very well. With chips, you can become a limited martial artist, pilot, driver, marksman, you name it. You can know a little bit more than you did before about a variety of subjects, but nowhere near as much as you would if you'd hit the books and studied. Like a preview into the skill you're attempting to learn, a taste of the proficiency you'll gain after years of work.

This is NC though, ain't nobody got time for that, so most just slot one or two chips they might need on a daily basis and never bother growing further. Like Katsuo Tanaka, the kid of the corpo cunt I was kidnapping and who beat the shit out of pre-Sandy David Martinez. Sure, his shard had been high-end (because with the amount of eddies the kid was casually throwing around, of course it was), but he would never progress beyond what the chipware made him capable of and for him, that was sufficient.

I however, had been a dimensionally displaced child growing up in a hyper-violent boostergang that came from a world where even basic mastery of a skill could take you years. I took one look at this world's chipware and immediately got addicted and end ended up trying to slot near-everything that I could get my hands on. With the Animals being wetware smugglers and my Mom an Alpha who eagerly supported my growth (if for her own, delusional reasons), 'what I could get my grubby little hands on' turned out to be a lot.

There's what you'd expect. Combat chips and tutorials, like the Militech one V can run at the beginning of the game. But also chipware for driving, piloting, interrogation techniques. Most of it military, which is why having an in with the smuggling world had been so profitable. But there were also more common ones, like cooking or painting.

I managed to justify getting those by telling Ma the cooking skill was a great introduction for knife and sword related wetware in the future. The painting one I justified as wanting to improve our gang's graffiti all over town.

Sasquatch had looked so proud too, overjoyed that her son was finally attempting to improve himself as much as she was trying to.

I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise.

By the time I was a teenager I had built up quite the collection of MRAMs, the shards getting increasingly better in quality, though the lack of transfer between the APTR chips and my natural muscle memory was incredibly frustrating.

One moment, I could drift a car to draw a perfect Fibonacci sequence in burnt rubber on the tarmac, but the moment I removed the shard, all of that skill was lost, even after having slotted the memoryware for months on end.

In the end, I found a (sort of) workaround by slotting an MRAM for a bit, feel out every part of the skill the shard had to offer, memorize it as best I could (aided by my increased awareness of my Juice-enhanced supersoldier body), remove the memoryware and slot a training sim instead. Training in VR had the added benefit of taking up just a fraction of realtime, leaving more room to watch instructional BD's.

With the focus on sex and entertainment these days, there weren't many such BD's just floating around NC and I actually had to approach a couple of people in person to ask if they were willing to scroll themselves during their profession, if said profession was specialized enough. Got some weird looks for that, especially since I was shit at virtu-editing anyways (ever since I hired him, I've put Vasili on braindance-duty) but the rawness of my virtus actually helped in training.

Really feeling like a pro racing driver while he was making his laps, experience the rumble of the car underneath my/his boots and the shaking of the wheel in my/his hands, feel my/his body move with the car, that was pure experience distilled into ones and zeroes right there.

Combined with the training sims and the MRAMs, I had a vast and varied collection of skills, though most of them centered around kidnapping, murder and torture. Still, it was nice knowing that I could make a Turducken out in the Badlands with nothing more than a skillet, an open fire, a turkey and a duck (though the turkey might be a bit difficult to get my hands on).

Useless, sure, but still nice.

In fact, I was toying with the idea of releasing even more positively oriented BDs like that onto the market with the nebulous hope of it counter-acting the rise of cyberpsychosis and overall defeatism and depression in Night City. There's a reason why cyberpunks like Maine, David and V care more about how they die than about how they live: for them, life was a meaningless, unremarkable slog of a shit-show with death being the only guarantee you got. Might as well make that death worth remembering. While they, and Edgerunners like them, took the mindset to the extreme, a large reason as to why NC's populace was so apathetic to the everyday suffering in their city was because they shared that same defeatist attitude.

Truth be told, most people don't consider their life worth living these days, caught between exploitation by the corps and the violence of the gangs and seeking escape in the vast ocean of entertainment the city offers as a distraction, a temporary numbing balm to all your hurting thoughts. Like braindances. Most people in NC chase sex and snuff XBD's in order to fulfill dark urges or chase away the gnawing emptiness of trying to get by in a city designed to hollow you out from the inside.

No wonder we have the poorest standard of living and some of the highest rates of cyberpsychos in the Free States.

But imagine someone suffering from intense loneliness who can just put on his BD wreath and experience what it's like to enter a warm home, being greeted by his wife and children. Imagine someone with severe anxiety finally knowing what it's like to be comforted by a loving parent or someone nearing a burnout what it's like to laze away in the sun at some luxury resort.

Escapism in its truest form: don't like your life? Live someone else's for an hour or two.

I had carefully broached the subject with Vasili, but the lunkhead had just blinked at me a couple of times before chuckling and reaching up to pat my shoulder.

"You've got some weird sense of humor there Boss."

And that was that. Maybe Sasha would feel more for it? Couldn't do any harm to see if we could scroll and virtu-edit together, right? Right…

… Oh yeah, anyways, dealing with a kidnapping here, definitely not thinking about the cute netrunner in my crew whilst on the job, no sir!

So, ahem, Tetsuo Tanaka. Looks like an old guy, thanks to cyberware might be anything but. But metaknowledge told me he was only running wetware. He had the same chip that his son Katsuo used to beat the crap out of pre-Sandy David.

A corpo exec like Tanaka doesn't want to risk cyberpsychosis by installing heavy chrome when he can have his security install it instead. The combat wetware is just there so he can fight off potential kidnappers long enough for said security to reach his position.

As he stares down the barrel of Dominic's Satara, his security already flatlined and with me looming over him as I step besides him, there's not much use in relying on the chipware anymore now.

Really, the only thing we'd need to watch out for are those needle shooters of his, but I have a plan to deal with those (rather permanently) once we get the exec to a more secure location. For now, I grab his arms and pull them roughly behind his back, slapping on some electronic shackles on his wrists so he can't aim them at my people.

Said people are arriving now, Rebecca jumping out of the Mahir minivan as B-Team rolls up in an old beat-up Thorton Colby C240t. Near-identical to its ubiquitous C125 station-wagon variant, I had Barrett klep this one instead because of its AWD feature.

B-Team should be able to make a smooth getaway now that C-Team had blocked the high-way with Shannon's klepped Kaukaz truck, but should someone come for our corpo piggie here I want B-Team in a vehicle that has a better chance escaping through Santo Domingo into the outskirts of the Badlands if need be.

A big guy (though not Animal-big) and a cyberpunk jump out of the Thorton, both in unmarked generic tracksuits instead of the usual lion-stamped tactical vests of my Predator pack.

Not much of a point in covering our faces if we broadcast our logo for all to see anyways.

While the big guy rushes over towards me and Tanaka, the cyberpunk remains alert and waiting by the driver's seat wielding a reliable Arasaka Nowaki held in a firing position, lined up perfectly with Tanaka's center mass.

The irony isn't lost on me.

The Nowaki might be an older gen weapon, offering a slower rate of fire than its successor and Arasaka's current flagship, the HJSH-18 Masamune, but in the hands of an experienced gunman, the assault rifle almost becomes a precision rifle instead.

You know, just one that can explode your head thrice in a single burst instead of merely once.

Which is why I had Faraday get me one for this gig. Old, so cheap enough we can justify ditching it after our biz is done, but reliable enough it won't fail us in the heat of the moment and my marksman had the experience needed so he could contend even next-gen 'Saka corpo-soldiers if need be.

Though I'm sure Tiny Mike (and he really was tiny when compared to most of my pack, with the exception of Rebecca) would rather be wielding his Iconic Hypercritical, a heavily modified Rostovic Kolac, than some old 'Saka workhorse.

Then again, he'd rather not torch and dump his modified baby anytime soon, so the old assault rifle it was. It didn't fire the special caliber Tiny had managed to fit on his Hypercritical, but from this distance, even the Nowaki's three-round burst would still punch a fist-sized hole right through Tanaka's torso, even if I had been the one doing the punching.

While he remains on the lookout by the getaway vehicle, one eye on Tanaka, the other on the road behind him wary for any intercepts, the bigger guy reaches the corpo exec and me, giving me a nod (and smiling behind his bandana I'm sure) while he slips a biomon-jammer into Tanaka's port.

Scav tech. Makes me slightly ill even using it, but its effectiveness couldn't be denied. Sandra Dorsett went missing for quite a while until V and Jackie saved her and during all that time Trauma Team hadn't even so much as heard a peep from the unfortunate woman's biomon, even though she had Platinum coverage like Tanaka here.

I'm just glad I had Faraday get the jammer instead of having to deal with the Scavs directly, for multiple reasons in fact.

Tanaka freezes up when the newcomer slots the chip in, very obviously restraining himself from reacting physically to the intrusion, the shotgun aimed at his face and the cooling corpses of his security in his car a grim reminder not to make any sudden movements around Animals on the hunt.

The second half of B-Team has a Crusher slung across his back, a couple of grenades hanging from a thick belt and a Nova on each hip. Heavily armed, but pretty light on the chrome compared to your average Animal. Then again, while he's definitely bulky, around Jackie's size if not slightly bigger, he's not actually an Animal either, just like Tiny Mike and 'Becca.

While Barrett, Dominic, Vasili and Shannon aren't the only Animals in my Predator pack, I had built it up by pulling from outside recourses as well and considering the nature of this gig, I had put most of them on the crews I was using for Faraday's biz.

While my Predators are definitely more low-key and capable of subtlety than other Animals, I wanted edgerunners with experience under their belt for this crew and that made this guy the perfect candidate. He's a former merc after all, one with experience in intercorporate extraction, neutralization and… well, "unfortunate accidents". Compared to the Animals in my Predator pack, Benedict McAdams might be on the physically weaker side (a novel experience for him I'm sure), but aside from me he's definitely the scariest motherfucker around.

It's how he can put a bullet in someone's head with a calm smile on his face that's so unsettling.

I mean, yeah, sure Rebecca's smiling whenever she does that too, but at least with her, her weird look and insane laughter puts it all into perspective, ya know? She's just crazy. Benedict is genuinely kind, even when flatlining you.

No wonder everyone at the Afterlife always says that, if anyone there was to zero 'em, they'd want it to be Benedict. At least he'd be nice about it.

It was at the Afterlife where I bumped into him and Tiny Mike (literally), now almost three years ago. I had just managed to convince Dominic and Vasili that Sasquatch was allowing me to build my own pack with her backing and so had gone down to the Afterlife to ask the Queen of Fixers if I could borrow her netrunner's brain. Or at least his chips on hacking and counter-intel.

Even though I was just barely seventeen at the time, Emeric let me through without much hassle. Part of that was because it was the Afterlife, they couldn't give two shits if you were underage; you threw up all over Rogue's floor, you'd be there the following morning on your knees scrubbing it all up, same as everyone else. The other part was because, even though I was just a teenager at the time, I still absolutely towered over the other Animal and the bouncer was very aware of the fact I had a decade of experience in our fighting rings under my belt at that point.

Pretty sure he's made more than just a handful of eddies by betting on a couple of those fights too. Meaning he knows exactly what I can do to him if he tries and stand in my way.

Which is why he stood aside and let me pass without giving me hassle.

Sure, he's more loyal to Rogue than to our gang (and considering how decentralized our gang is and how often we get used as bodyguards, nobody really holds it against him), but that loyalty only extends so far to the point he doesn't get his head shoved through the nearest wall.

Rogue hadn't been happy with either me or Emeric (and I didn't really wanna know what she ended up doing to her bouncer to get even, though these days the Animal flinches whenever he looks at me), but promising to take care of some of her biz in return for having Nix train my netrunner smoothed over her ruffled feathers at least.

Having Nix throw some training shards Vasili's way was no skin off Rogue's back (though Nix might disagree), while the backs I broke of whomever she pointed me at was very profitable for her in return.

I'm still not allowed to drink at the Afterlife though.

Visit and talk biz? Sure. Have myself a good time? Fuck no.

"Mercs only, and last time I checked, you classify as a gangoon, oh Prince." She'd say lazily, my 'title' pronounced in a slightly mocking tone, a not-quite smile on her lips as she'd stare me down and that was that.

Whatever. Don't much care for the drinks they serve there anyways. Just a reminder of how fucked up life on the Edge can get. Takes away a man's taste for drink is what it does, so visiting the Afterlife just for biz and not for pleasure suited me just fine.

Though considering Rogue was just fine throwing gigs my way like they're candy I'm pretty sure I counted as at least a semi-merc at this point.

After that first meeting, I had made to leave the Queen's booth, only to nearly bowl over Tiny Mike who had come up behind me, being next in line to talk biz with Rogue. Now, "Tiny" is more of a fun nickname than an accurate descriptor for the hardened merc, who has been part of the criminal life since he was eleven years old. When he sprung back to his feet, hands balled into fists and a gleam in his eye, he realized that, having to look up, up and then up some more to lock gazes with me, "Tiny" was simply nothing more than the cold honest truth.

Still, on the Edge, rep is everything and you just can't be seen used as a doormat by a teenager, even if said teenager is tall enough to rival two Maimai's stacked on top of each other.

So, Tiny Mike was rearing up for a fight against his better judgement, and I was contemplating how hard I should hit him to knock him out instead of turning him into paste, when Benedict, cool as a cucumber, came outta nowhere and simply stepped between the two of us, offering us both drinks with an easy smile on his face.

He later confided in me that he had been worried a brawl at the Afterlife would end up with people in bodybags (considering the crowd at the morgue-turned-bar an entirely valid point) and since he was very determined never to see the inside of one, he sorta reacted on part reflex and part panic to try and stop the fight before it started.

Like I said, Benedict is a nice guy for a merc. Especially for a merc.

Fight averted, I ended up doing some gigs for Rogue alongside the friendly solo (undoubtedly because the Queen of the Afterlife thought the merc reliable enough to order him to keep an eye on me) building enough of a rep with him that, after I finally managed to ditch Rogue, I managed to convince him to sign up for my Predators instead.

Having worked alongside them a couple of times in the past and liking me well enough (I tend to bribe him with melons and he doesn't mind), Benedict saw little issue in making the partnership more official-like, donning the lion-stamped flak jacket with ease.

Tiny Mike had been more difficult to convince, like Maine one who truly belonged to the solo life and not feeling much for sporting a gang's colors after leaving the Tyger Claws behind at the tender age of fifteen (ironically the same age as I was when Sasquatch finally allowed me to begin forming my own pack). In the end I won him over much like how I did Maine: by saving one of his people.

Big Pete, Mike's brother, was a Techie. A good one, but not a very nice one and more than a few people in NC took affront to his professional courtesy and work ethic. Enough people, or perhaps just one who was important enough, for the NC air to no longer agree with Pete. In the game, this would've meant leaving Night City for the Badlands, where he'd end up enslaved/employed by the Wraiths until V (on Dakota's orders) tracks him down to kill him.

Which was a waste of a perfectly good Techie (even if he's an annoying asshole) and, more importantly, a waste of perfectly good leverage against Tiny Mike.

All I had to do was swoop in, kill every Wraith in a five-mile radius of where Big Pete was being handed over to a pack of the rapists and then drop his ass off back with his brother, who wasn't entirely sure yet if he was all that pleased to see him again.

Considering both Kowalski brothers knew which way the wind was blowing, they realized the only place where Pete would be safe was under my caring wings and so they ended up approaching me with the request to join my Predators as well.

Tiny Mike had been frustrated in the beginning, but much like Rebecca, had warmed up significantly to our gang when his Techie brother got his asshole tendencies curbed. Being used to servicing vehicles, Pete had taken one look at a nearby Thorton Galena GA32t (the sport version of the standard Galena) and declared it an utter pile of shit held together by a ramshackle collection of bolts and copious amounts of spit.

Unfortunately for him, said GA32t belonged to Shannon, my ex-Nomad turned Animal and resident speed demon and hilariously for us, she was within earshot when he said it.

If I had an eddie everytime I had to order a replacement dick for the Techie brother of a merc I had join my Predators, I would have two ennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

Guess being an asshole to everything that moves and a dick to everything that doesn't is just part of the job description for being a Techie, apparently.

Seeing his brother getting shut up in the most satisfying way possible certainly did a lot to ease Tiny Mike's reluctance and he's been a valued member of my pack for close to two years now. It had been his endorsement of me which had made Benedict's transfer a few months ago go much smoother. Given their past familiarity and compatible skill sets, I tended to pair them up together often, in my mind designating them as the Tiny Mike and Lil' Dickie duo.

… Don't tell Benedict I call him that.

I had hoped to get the unusually friendly merc on board sooner by saving his life during one of our shared gigs, but unfortunately the guy was too much of a professional to have a gig go tits up on him and each one practically went baby smooth. I never even got the chance to jump in and save the guy's life: either we were never spotted, or he had zeroed all his bad guys by the time I had flatlined mine and made my way over to him.

It's surprisingly annoying trying to manipulate people when said people are competent enough they don't need your help.

Still, said competence, combined with how dependable he had proven himself to be, meant he still got picked first for the Faraday biz despite being the newest member of my pack.

Benedict presses on Tanaka's neck, eyes briefly glowing blue as he checks the Scav-built biomon jammer. After a second or two, the glow in his eyes dies down and, without even changing his expression, he pulls back a meaty fist and punches Tanaka square in the jaw.

The corpo briefly grunts in surprise before he crumples at my feet in an unconscious heap and I glance towards Benedict with a raised brow. The two of us then, almost on reflex, crane our necks and check the sky for the signature roar of an approaching Trauma Team AV. After a few tense seconds, the two of us relax with audible sighs. The merc then simply looks back towards me, giving me a nod.

"Jammer installed and working preem, Boss." He says blithely, displaying no hint of discomfort at calling me his superior after having been my partner/handler for a couple of years.

Like I said, Benedict is a professional. I can sorta get now why people at the Afterlife would prefer to be zeroed by him.

"Good." I rumble through gritted teeth, though before I can scold the ex-solo for not warning me he was about to test the biomon on the spot (not that it's a bad idea: better we find out here after all than at the safehouse, I'd just prefer a heads-up if he's about to call Trauma Team down on our ass is all), we're interrupted by the dismayed shouts of Rebecca as she joins us.

"Wait! Waitwaitwaitwait WAIT!"

Immediately on alert, my hand goes to the Burya strapped to the holster at my thigh, while Benedict pulls out his Novas and Dominic starts scanning our surroundings, Satara at the ready.

"What? What is it?" I immediately ask, all senses turned up to eleven to try and spot the threat Rebecca saw which I had missed-

"You already killed everyone!? And you didn't even wait for me?!"

… Wow, she actually sounds genuinely enraged and a little bit heartbroken at that. The three of us sigh as we straighten, returning our weapons to our holsters as we look at the tiny woman glaring up at us with a snarl on her face and her hands wringing the handle of her bright green-pink Guts.

With a shake of my head, I bend down, grab and lift Tanaka with one clawed hand, before casually tossing him over towards Benedict, who manages to catch the chubby exec with a muffled 'oomph!'.

"B-Team, fall back, switch vehicles, torch that Thorton and meet us at the rendezvous. If we or C-Team don't show up, fall back towards the safe-house in the Badlands and await further orders. Don't go leading corpo soldiers back to HQ." I instruct the melon-loving merc who quickly nods as he throws Tanaka over his shoulder before hurrying back towards the waiting Tiny Mike.

Throwing Tanaka in the back of the Colby, the Tiny Mike and Lil' Dickie duo jump in the Thorton and peel out of here with squealing tires and the smell of burning rubber.

"Wait! He was still alive! At least let me shoot him!" Rebecca yells out, wildly waving her arms at the retreating car.

"R. That was our target."

"At least let me shoot him a little!"

Shaking my head, I move away from the maniacal woman (I don't much care for how she's carelessly swinging that massive shotgun of hers around) and instead stalk over towards the ruined Thrax.

Seeing me move, Rebecca runs over as well, needing three hurried steps for each of my long strides. Reaching the vehicle, she almost leaps into the back, Guts first, her red-yellow eyes scanning the bloodied interior and the dead corpo guys.

"Ahw man, you really did kill everyone already…" she manages to pout through her mask, but I shake my head with a chuckle as I lean over the driver's side of the downed Chevillon limo.

"Well, not exactly. There's one guy still alive."

I tap the darkened glass with a curved claw.

"The driver."

"Really?! Can I shoot him? Please can I shoot him?" Rebecca excitedly cries out, clambering out of the Thrax and onto its crumpled hood.

My grin goes wider as I lean down so my face is level with the darkened window, oddly reminding myself of that scene in Jurassic Park where the T-Rex looks into the flipped Jeep. My wide smile shows off my large fangs, and the claw I had been tapping at the window with slowly slides down the hardened glass, digging a shallow groove.

"Oh, that won't be necessary."

"Oh come on! Ya blue-ballin' me here big guy!"

"… You know, part of me looks at you and wonders if you mean that literally. The rest of me wouldn't even be surprised."

"It sure feels like it's literally!"

"Be that as it may, we don't actually need to kill the driver."

"But whyyy?"

"Because the driver won't tell anyone what he saw here today."

"You don't know that for sure though. Which is why we should shoot him! In the face! Can't tell on us if he ain't got a face!"

"Oh, but I do know that for sure. Because the driver here knows that he's not going to tell anyone either. Isn't that right, Maxim Kuznetsov? You see, R, Kuznetsov here knows that if he does tell anyone, anyone at all… I will be able to hunt him. I will find him. After all, I know his name. I know his face. And I know he likes to bet on Animal boxing matches and goes to drown his sorrows in the Jacked and Coke whenever he inevitably ends up losing."

My claw reaches the bottom of the window and I withdraw it with a grin, my gaze locked with Maxim's even through the darkened glass, the long line etched in it slashing across my mirror image.

"I know everything worth knowing about Maxim Kuznetsov… and now he knows it too."

I remain in place for a moment longer before I straighten and move away from the driver's window.

"Let's delta the fuck outta here. I don't wanna spend the time needed to peel open that sardine can, we've already lingered longer than I'd like." I rumble, but as I stalk around the Thrax' long nose, I spot Rebecca giving me an odd look and she's unusually quiet.

Offering my hand to help her down from the Chevillon, Rebecca just grabs a hold of it and uses it to clamber onto my shoulder instead. Resisting the urge to yell out "I! AM! GROOT!" takes all of my willpower, but miraculously I manage it.

Making my way over to the waiting Supron, I shrug my shoulder, jostling the abnormally quiet woman.

"You good R?"

She doesn't immediately answer, hopping from my shoulder into the back of the van as I awkwardly clamber in after her, Dominic bringing up the rear and slamming the doors shut.

"B! Get us outta here!"

"On it Boss!"

As the Supron's tires squeal and its textile-plastic frame groans under the stress of our getaway, Rebecca finally speaks up after tugging the balaclava off her head with a huff.

"You know something Simba?"

I wince a bit at her using my nickname instead of the agreed upon code-names for the gig, but Tanaka is in another vehicle and neither MaxTac or Trauma Team has descended on our asses yet. We should be fine, so I decide to let it slide, trying to settle in better in the cramped van as I answer Rebecca's question.


"You can get real scary when you wanna be."

I halt my movements, blinking my eyes in surprise at the little murder-gremlin at my side.

"This coming from the woman who not even five minutes ago was practically begging me to let her zero a goon."

"Look, I just wanna shoot guns and flatline gonks, if that scares people off then they're pussies anyways!" Rebecca defends herself hotly, pouting up at me as she places her hands on her hips.

She deflates somewhat as her red-yellow eyes go a bit distant, her voice more subdued.

"But you… man, you issue a death threat, you do it right. I got the shivers and it wasn't even me you were threatenin'! I'm telling ya Simba, when you flip a switch in those circs of yours, your voice changes and you get this look in your eyes and you just straight up become… intimidating… You kinda remind me of your Mom then."

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad-" I try, but to my surprise find Dominic nodding along with Rebecca.

"What? You too?"

"Face it Boss, you can be one mean son of a bitch when ya wanna be." The Animal says gravely, getting a flat look in response.

"Gee, thanks, I'll be sure to let Ma know you said that."

Dominic blanches at that and can't quite keep from closing his legs a little further. Rebecca is ignoring the byplay, instead patting her Guts, the massive shotgun comically large as she lies it across her lap.

"Still tho, even if he crapped his pants - and you just know he totally did too! - I still say ya shoulda let me flatline him." She pouts.

"I agree with Rebecca." Dominic says out loud.

"Thanks, big guy!" Rebecca yells out with a smile, while I shoot the Animal a disgruntled look.

"So I've noticed." I grumble, but my heavy gunner (in both senses of the word) doesn't let up.

"He will talk. Not soon. Not willingly. But he will." The Animal warns, leaning a bit towards me as he locks gazes with me.

"I agree." I admitted easily to the two Predators' surprise.

"Arasaka counter-intel is good enough, they'll have him squealing the chipcode to his mom's bank account once they get their hands on him. If they even bother, instead of just ripping his memories straight onto a virtu instead, scroll our encounter for themselves to see first-hand."

"And that's bad. You can see how that's bad, right?" Rebecca presses, but I shrug.

"Suboptimal, sure, but it beats standing out there and trying to cut our way through those armor plates on that Thrax. And going through the opened interior would've likely taken just as long: the Jefferson version comes with a reinforced divide between the driver and passengers." I explain, but my pack still isn't convinced.

"That's what this crap was for! Do you even know how much of a bitch it was to get all this heavy shit into the van?!" Rebecca yells out, stomping her heel against the armored crate she's sitting on.

It's filled with welding tools and easily weighed ten times the small woman's bodyweight, a fact that hadn't stopped her from boasting she'd load in our gear before we even finished our Buck-A-Slice coffee. Which is why I give her a flat look.

"For you? Pretty easy since I imagine you bullied Barrett into lifting it in here for you."

At that Rebecca whirled around to glare daggers at the back of my driver's head, who, even without turning around, winces a bit behind the wheel.

"You promised you wouldn't tell!" Rebecca hisses through her fanged teeth.

"He didn't, but thank you for confirming it anyways."

"Oh. Oh, you're good. So good, you're evil." Rebecca muses, glaring up at me with a pout and narrowed eyes.

"Thank you for noticing. Anyways, that whole pile of crap was there for back-up and solely for getting Tanaka out if he tried holing up in his Jefferson. Using heavier ordnance to crack open the Thrax would've risked hurting him enough for Trauma Team to be alerted, so cutting through the plates would've been the only way. Slow though, way too slow, and it gives him and his security gonks too much time to work on a solution. 'Sides, the cutter is at risk too: the moment they make a hole through the Chevillon's bodywork, the bodyguard can stick a gun through and zero 'em on the spot. It was always meant as a back-up, one I hoped we wouldn't need to use. Hence, the EMPs."

"EMPs don't affect bodywork." Dominic interjects with a frown as a grin forms on my face.

"True, but it does affect the people inside said bodywork. Three chromed-out dudes, hit with one EMP after the other? The blood and corpse smell covered it, but the inside of that Thrax was covered with vomit. Makes sense they'd try and pull off an evac, instead of turtling down in their own sick."

Only reason why Tanaka wasn't covered in it was because he had anti-EMP lining installed (expensive, but common amongst people with his level of wealth) and the fact that his Neokitch style 'Saka suit was dirt repellant and hydrophobic. Though if it's that water-resistant, I wonder how he washes it?

Meh, knowing corpo cunts like him, he just buys a new one every day.

"Ahw man, that's just nasty. Sounds like a Maelstrom party I went to once. Sure, Totentanz is a totally nova bar, but you better shut off your sense of smell before going drinking with those 'borgheads."

Internally wincing at 'Becca's pronunciation of German, I instead call out to Vasili.

"V! How we lookin'?"

"Left range of jammer, contact with overwatch and B-Team and C-Team re-established. C-Team on way to rendezvous point, no reported issues. B-Team nearing fallback point, ready to make switch to getaway vehicle soon. No tails spotted."

"And us?"

"Nearing fallback point, ready to make switch to getaway vehicle as well. No tails spotted-"

My netrunner is interrupted when the Supron suddenly shakes, the unmistakable sound of gunfire coming from behind us as a few of the bullets tear through the top of the minivan's shoddy exterior.

"Correction, one tail spotted. … sorry 'bout that Boss." My netrunner speaks up somewhat sheepishly as a new hail of bullets tears into our minivan.

It's only after they've opened fire (twice!) that we hear the NCPD sirens start blaring.

"Typical." I grouse underneath my breath, inching closer towards the double doors.

I blindly reach behind me, grab a hold of 'Becca with one hand and plant her besides me, ignoring her startled 'eep!' as I nudge the doors open, glancing through the crack.

"Well then, you wanted to shoot some people?" I ask, before throwing the doors of the minivan wide open.

"Look what I got ya! Surprise!"

Immediately Rebecca lights up with a huge smile, Guts coming up in a secure grip at her side.

"Fuckin' nova! Ahwww, big guy, you shouldn't have! EAT LEAD FUCKERS! AHAHHAHAHAHA!"

As the bright green-pink shotgun barks out, a hail of gunfire shreds the top part of the Supron in return and Dominic steps closer towards me, flinching a bit as scraps of plastic and textile rain down on our broad shoulders, shielding the oblivious Rebecca below, who is clearly having the time of her life.

Reloading his grenade launcher, Dominic sends me a disgruntled look as we duck some more gunfire.

"You really shouldn't have. Really."

"Oh come off it, how was I supposed to know they'd be hanging around here?" I grouch back, before I reach towards the back of my belt, forgoing my trusty Burya for now.

Instead, I unclip one of the few Iconic weapons in my possession (the others difficult to track down two years in the past relative to the game). Considering all those Wraiths I've been murdering left and right, it only made sense the Problem Solver would end up falling into my oversized hands eventually.

It's a Militech M221 Saratoga, itself a perfectly fine submachine gun, but modified to increase its magazine size to a whopping 85 rounds and having an almost tripled fire rate. The downside was the extreme recoil and bulletspread, but against my ridiculous strength that hardly mattered.

It was the ultimate pray and spray gun for its size (though I really want to get my hands on the other Iconic Saratoga as well, the Maelstrom variant Fenrir, but with the push towards Pacifica we've been moving away from Watson so I haven't had a chance to track it down yet) and that makes the Problem Solver the perfect weapon for the job.

Switching to full-auto mode and letting the Wraith SMG (though I've removed their logo) rip to its heart's content, I call back towards the front of the Supron over my shoulder.

"V! Why the hell are they even hanging around here?! We tip 'em off?" I roar over the wind and bullet hail.

That shouldn't have been possible, that was what the jammer was for. Though I suppose C-Team's impromptu Kaukaz-barricade would've drawn the notice of even the notoriously heel-dragging NCPD officers.

"No Boss! Random patrol! Shit luck, I guess!"

"Figures!" I roar back in annoyance, swapping in a new clip for the Problem Solver.

For such a small gun (especially in my oversized paws) its firing rate is nothing short of amazing, but it just absolutely chews through ammo, even with its increased mag size.

"Well, at least this way we can draw the attention away from B- and C-Team. Make it loud boys!"

"Ahahahaha! As if there's any other way!" Rebecca shouts out with glee as Guts keeps barking in her hands.

Well, she's got a point: we are Animals after all…

I glance behind me towards the mess of equipment and crates we stuffed in the back of the Supron, before holstering my Problem Solver (netting me a "What the shit, big guy?! Keep shooting those gonks!" from Rebecca) and stepping closer to the large crate the tiny woman had been sitting on.

The lid of the crate is held shut by an old-fashioned padlock, so I engulf the lock in my massive paw, before tearing the buckle straight through the plastic lid it was fastened to. Dropping the lock to the floor, I throw open the top of the crate, before lifting the entire thing in a single smooth motion.

Barrett probably slaved and cursed away for 'Becca trying to lift this pile of junk into the minivan, but to me it was child's play.

"Sorry, coming through." I call out to the little murder-gremlin and my heavy gunner, who turn back towards me with baffled looks on their faces.

Said looks turn even more surprised when I heave the entire massive crate out of the Supron. Time seemingly slows down as I watch the crate tumble to the asphalt below, its contents almost gently falling out. A mass of hoses, the welding torch and no less than four cannisters of compressed CHOOH2 all come tumbling out of the crate on a collision course with the tarmac.

Behind them, an Archer Hella with the classic NCPD reinforcements and livery is in hot pursuit of our struggling Supron, a burly cop hanging out the passenger side window firing a Nokota D5 Copperhead with wild abandon.

As the corner of the crate slams into the asphalt, I pull my Burya from its holster, my cybernetic eyes transfixed on the CHOOH2 cannisters that get launched from the crate by the impact. They twist and tumble in the air as I line up my heavy Techtronika revolver, seemingly sailing gently on the winds in slow-motion. My gaze remains locked with my target and my arm is completely steady, even as the cop's wild hail of bullets fly around my ears.

I hold my breath, listen to the hammering of my heart and right between its beats, pull the trigger. My Burya barks only once… and its bullet tears right through the center CHOOH2 cannister. What follows is what almost looks like a brief miniature sun on the highway as the gas containers rapidly explode one after the other. The flames, tinted blue at the edges due to the ethanol combustion, expand and billow out in a literal flash and the resulting fireball engulfs the speeding Hella with a thundering roar.

"B! Delta the fuck outta here, right the fuck NOW!" I roar out over the booming noise of the explosion, getting a frantic "Yes Boss!" from my driver as he pushes the struggling Supron to beyond her limits.

Dominic is quiet as we stare at the NCPD patrol car, which wildly swerves before planting itself square in the guardrails with a tremendous crash, covered in smoke and soot.

Rebecca is rubbing her eyes, trying to get rid of the sudden spots following the glare of the explosion, blinking rapidly as she tries to stare up at me.

"Weren't you laughing your head off about how stupid Maelstrom was for using explosions for months?" She asks and I cough as I turn away from her with a shrug.

"They tried blowing up a bridge. I just blew up a car. Totally different thing."

"Won't that bring down heat on us? NCPD don't look kindly on cop killers." Dominic muses as he pulls the doors of the minivan shut (or tries to, at least, there's not much left of them to be honest).

"Eh, it's fine. That was the Enforcer variant of the Hella, special made according to NCPD specs. Armored body and, more importantly, fireproof glass. The cops will be fine."

"… wasn't one of them hanging out the window?" Rebecca muses and I still for a moment.

"The cops will be fine." I stress again and the tiny murder-gremlin holds up her hands in surrender.

"Well, if nothing else, investigations will look towards us first before focusing on B- and C-Team." Dominic agrees, sliding down the perforated wall of the Supron as he drags a huge hand down his craggy face with a sigh.

"I just hope it'll take some time for them to get to it. I get being the distraction, but this girl can't take much more punishment." Barrett warns us, turning down the twisting streets of Heywood on a labyrinthian pattern to where we stashed our getaway vehicle.

"V. Coordinate with overwatch. Try to scramble local netsecurity as best you can, keep any eyes off us. Just… don't go pissing off Netwatch? I want less eyes on us, not more."

"Will do Boss."

As Vasili's eyes light up blue as he communicates with Sasha, I keep my senses peeled for any more surprises, closing my eyes as I lean back against the ruined wall of the minivan.

My moment of quiet contemplation is shattered when I feel Rebecca approach my still form, sitting on her haunches besides me, a grin on her face.

"Hey, hey big guy. Think of the other teams, man! Poor Shannon, running out there in NC, all by her lonesome. And Tiny Mike and Ben! Forced to carry that corpo cunt around! C'mon Sim, let's do 'em a solid! Look, we want eyes on us, right? So, I say, we go back to that Hella you burnt, see if we can't lift their radio and send a message to all NCPD subcons on their comms to come and get us! And then, and then, when they show up, we shoot 'em all in the face! It's the perfect plan! They're just subcons, no need to worry about flatlining one of your buddies within NCPD's finest! Well? Waddaya say big guy?" the woman excitedly brabbles, and I just groan in defeat.


"Yes, Boss?"

"I swear on my Ma's hammer, you say you agree with 'Becca's plan again, so help me I will toss your ass outta this van."

"… fair enough."

"Oi! Where's the love man?!"

As Rebecca starts badgering Dominic, I let out a quiet sigh. Sure, the little murder-gremlin was right: we are Animals, this whole gig was bound to have an explosion or two occur somewhere down the line. But the entire point of forming my Predators was to subvert that! Move on targets with stealth, like a hunter! Why did things always turn out messy?!

Man, why couldn't I have been born into a corpo family or something? Some trustfund kid who didn't have to do jack shit but watch XBDs all damn day.

… well, if nothing else, while undeniably easier, that life certainly would've been far more boring too. Plus, I doubt I would've been in a position to actually help the people around me.

As we so clearly showed Tanaka today, having stacks of eddies doesn't solve everything.

Letting the bickering between 'Becca and Dominic wash over me, I keep my eyes closed as I lean the back of my head against the textile-plastic wall of the Supron, my mind on the people I've come in contact with during my life in this fucked up world.

Rebecca here. The rest of Maine's crew. Sasha…

Yeah, perhaps my life was shit, but at least I managed to use it to make the lives of a couple others better. As we make it towards our fallback point without further distractions, (finally!) torching the battered Supron and piling into a Villefort Cortes with a bit of difficulty before making our way over towards the rendezvous point with the other teams, I can't help but think that, honestly?

I'm okay with that.

Fun Fact: Kolac is a Serbian feast bread, traditionally baked for a Slava, which is the yearly celebration of the family's patron saint (hence, Slavski Kolac). The feast bread is what Tiny Mike's Serbian-made Rostovic assault rifle is named for. So yes, in Night City, gluten can kill you.
04: A Faraday's Cage

04: A Faraday's Cage

Since we had intercepted Tanaka on the border of Heywood and Santo Domingo, passing from the Arroyo neighbourhood to the Glen, I had decided our rendezvous point should be in the opposite direction of Rancho Coronado to the east, just to be safe.

I did not want to give 'Saka counter-intel a trail of breadcrumbs to follow straight to my HQ.

Did I really think they'll never figure out that I was the one to pull off the kidnapping? Honestly, no, not really. Counter-intel was too good, had too many resources and let's face it, I just stood out in a crowd too much for anonymity to ever really be my forte.

The only reason I managed to maintain stealth on the gigs I did with Benedict to pay my debt to Rogue, had been because Lil' Dickie and I had a tendency to zero anyone we came across anyways.

Nobody can notice you if there's nobody left to notice you.

Not that Rogue had minded. A fixer of her calibre knows exactly the type of gig that best suits her pawns, so the targets she pointed me towards more often than not needed total eradicating anyways. I hadn't minded such gigs either, considering they were usually Scavs or Tyger Claws, and I'd zero those vultures and slavers for free, no ennies required. Now, Wakako, on the other hand, might protest a dozen or so of her boys ending up in body bags overnight, but even someone of her standing thinks twice when the detes of the Queen of the Afterlife are attached to a gig's description.

Even so, I tend to skirt around Japantown these days. Don't think they like me much up there.

Despite that, I had considered placing the rendezvous point there anyways, as Japantown hugs the northernmost parts of NC and is thus pretty far removed from my own turf down in southern Santo Domingo. I ended up deciding against it for two reasons: I've already stepped on Wakako's toes enough on Rogue's behalf as is. Sooner or later, the fixer is going to try and step on mine in retaliation and while she's not 'officially' Tyger Claws, perfectly willing to sell them out on a gig if the eddies are right, she still has enough pull in the gang through her nine sons that a small army can come down on Sasquatch's pack like a ton of bricks if the old bat calls for war.

Not that Sasquatch and her pack would exactly be opposed to fighting off a small army, considering Ma commanded well over double the people she did in the game in an effort to build up my 'inheritance', every single one of 'em roided out on Juice and rearing for a fight at a moment's notice.

Still, all out gang-warfare isn't exactly something I want to be responsible for, so I was willing to give Wakako some breathing room, for now at least.

The second reason was that, in order to reach Japantown from the Glen, we'd need to cross Corpo Plaza and that was skirting dangerously close to 'Saka HQ. There's tempting fate and then there's rolling up to Adam fuckin' Smasher himself and calling him a "cut of fuckable meat" straight to his synth-skin face. Or what little skin passes as his face these days anyways.

No, our safest, low-key bet was to move west through The Glen, follow the road as it turns northwards through Wellsprings and continuing up through Downtown, passing the City Centre and entering Watson. From there, we would cut through Little China to end up at the Arasaka Waterfront, the northernmost wharfs of NC and right on the edge of Northside Industrial District (or just NID or Northside for short).

Watson itself is the poorest, bleakest part of NC and Northside is basically the Watson of Watson. It used to a massive industrial complex (hence the name) housing thousands of workers, but following earthquakes and flaky investors, the entire district has fallen into disrepair and is near devoid of life. Skyscrapers have been constructed, not so much to offer the people of an NC a roof over their heads, but purely to shield the elite's eyes from a depressing view of the city.

People here have zero prospects outside of desperately clinging to the last struggling industries this side of Watson: if those go down, they'll go down too. No wonder a common saying here in NC is "You move to Northside, you'll die in Northside." Though often that's just interpreted to mean you'll catch a stray bullet from one the ubiquitous Maelstrommers. Between those 'borgheads and the abysmal living standards, the edge of Northside towards the port of Arasaka Waterfront is more deserted than the busy docks of Downtown.

Which is why I had chosen it. Closer towards Arasaka (and thus risking the 'calling their Butcher fuckable meat'-metaphor) but far more deserted than other places in NC with (most importantly) easy access to its water ways.

Sure, since we're on the subject of Adam fuckin' Smasher anyways, it's where he keeps his boat and a few of Johnny's goodies, but these days the rest of 'Saka doesn't really come down that way of NC anymore, leaving security in the hands of a Maelstrom crew. Which, honestly, wasn't much of a security force at all. Additionally, bringing a 'Saka target down near to the Arasaka Waterfront might fuck with counter-intel a bit on a psychological level (I hope).

Really, it was pretty much as ideal a place to drop off a high-value kidnapping target as you could get here in NC, unless you wanted to strike out towards the oil fields or set something up in the Badlands. But doing that was pretty much an unofficial signal to the other party you were planning to zero 'em on the spot and bury 'em in the shallow sands while you got them someplace no-one was gonna hear a gunshot anyways.

"Hey, you want to meet somewhere super-remote in the middle of nowhere, far removed from any possible back-up or escape routes, where we'll be surrounded by mountains of trash where a body can easily be 'disappeared' and will never be found in a million years?"

Honestly, if your answer to that is "Yeah, sure, meet ya there! 2:40 work for you?" then you deserve to get flatlined.

Most edgerunners tend to be just a tad smarter than that tho, so most deals like this tend to go down within the city-limits.

Compared to the other usual hotspots, this location was certainly the most remote and thus discrete. It even offered a lovely view of the spaceport off in the distance to boot.

Hell, if we're lucky (really, really, borderline-stupid lucky) maybe 'Saka will think we made a break for the moon colony?

That had been Dex's original strategy after all, before Goro Takemura tracked him down after the fixer flatlined V and ruined his retirement plans, so it's not like it's out of the realm of possibility as far as getaway ideas go. Even so, while it might be Lucy's dream, I wasn't exactly keen on strapping myself to a rocket and shooting myself up into space just to dodge the fall-out of Faraday's biz.

No, the plan was to use the docks at Arasaka Waterfront to get onto a boat I had arranged beforehand without Faraday's knowledge (I didn't want the duplicitous Fixer knowing even a shred about my true exit strategy after all), racing down the Del Coronado Bay and double back up the inlet past Pacifica's Coast View and ending up right back in Arroyo. With the push I had Sasquatch making recently from Rancho Coronado down towards the northern parts of Pacifica, it connected our territories in the eastern part of Santo to a stretch of turf we held across southern Arroyo as well, meaning a few of the docks were now firmly in the hands of the Animals, giving us free passage from the inlet towards our HQ.

Like I said though, I had made sure that Faraday knew exactly nothing about that part of the plan. Which is why we'd have to hole up at the rendezvous point in Arasaka Waterfront for a while, since we wouldn't be taking Tanaka with us back to Santo Domingo, handing him over to Faraday near the docks instead.

Well, Tanaka and a little surprise of mine…

The ride up through City Centre was a tense one and I noticed everyone in the Villefort Cortes (the V5000 Valor edition 'cause of the sorely needed extra headspace in the back that it provided) was fixated on looking through the rear-view mirror. Thankfully, even though this was City Centre and thus we came across more than a few of 'em, no more NCPD patrol cars opened fire on us that day and no more warning explosions needed to be set off, which did a lot to calm my nerves.

With a lifetime spent in the Animals and having worked closely with Benedict McAdams in the past (and on occasion Tiny Mike as well), I usually have more than enough experience to remain calmer than this, even on some of the more action-packed gigs. Then again, it was rare that I knew exactly what the grim consequences were of failing this particular bit of biz.

Dominic and I pretty much fill the spacious backseats of the Cortes just with the two of us and it's only her small size that keeps Rebecca from being smushed into paste as she's squirming on the middle seat between us. Glancing down at the tiny murder-gremlin at my side, my resolve hardens again as I plan for my meeting with Faraday.

This time around, we all walk away from this biz alive. Well, all aside Faraday of course.

I'll be making sure of it.

We collectively let out a sigh of relief when we passed the large bridge out of City Centre and into Watson. Even if we were to suddenly get a couple of NCPD Hellas and Overlords in pursuit, this was Little China: the moment those cops open fire, this entire neighbourhood will fire right back without question.

Now, if the NCPD sent a few Ironclads instead, or god forbid, a Zetatech Atlus, it was a different story and the people here were more likely to shutter their windows and dive down the belowground metrostations instead and honestly they wouldn't even be wrong in doing so.

If the NCPD pulled out the big guns like that, then we had done more than just trip a simple Scanner Hustle and it likely meant that MaxTac was kept on speed dial and would be following not long after.

It was how the Maelstrom crew from Faraday's previous attempt had found their premature (and bullet-riddled) end after all.

Thankfully, it really did seem things were finally looking up as we left Little China behind us and moved up towards Arasaka Waterfront without issue. Skipping a couple of rows of shipping containers and heavy machinery, we make our way towards one of the smaller docks, as far removed as possible from where Adam fuckin' Smasher's large scrap pile, the Ebunike, was moored.

As tempted as I was to klep back Johhny's Porche and his custom Malorian 3516 (and I was really, really tempted to get that gun back, I loved using it on all of my V playthroughs and in my new youth even made my own DIY-version by slapping a flamethrower under a Constitutional Arms Defender) the absolute last thing I wanted to do was drag Arasaka's attention down to the docks when I was there on risky biz already.

Noticing that the rest of my crew has clambered out of the Cortes as well, which is parked next to an old Colby (the regular C125 version this time) and a battered Galena, the getaway cars of B- and C-Team respectively, and are already making their way over towards a set of small nearby office buildings, I shoot the massive ship off in the distance a last longing look before turning my back on it with a sigh.

"Next time, then. I'll get you back again, promise." I mutter under my breath, before entering the run-down office as well.

The rest of the Predators I've employed for this gig are already there. The Lil' Dickie and Tiny Mike duo, being both ex-solos and having known each other longer, are huddled together in the corner of a nearby room, standing next to a long table absolutely covered in enough weapons it makes Rebecca squeal out and jump over towards them with large, glee-filled red-yellow eyes.

Shannon is leaning against the wall next to the entrance, smoking a low-quality cig and a Constitutional Arms Liberty clutched in her hand as she has her arms crossed over her chest. She's slumping somewhat, but one look at her eyes tells me she's keyed up and ready to delta the fuck outta here the moment I give the signal.

The ex-Nomad turned Animal-speed demon doesn't much like sitting still after all.

Through a clear plastic divide to the next room, I can see our target as well, stripped down to just his underwear, cables going from the port in his head towards a large tub placed next to the old corpo exec. On my order, Tanaka's arms have already been removed from below the elbow (I can see a bloodied machete tossed carelessly in a corner of the room next to the removed arms themselves and a veritable pile of slim, poisonous needles), the bleeding and oil spillage stemmed with tourniquets and a few MaxDoc's, though there's the occasional spark where my crew had to cut through some of the man's chrome.

As much as they disgust me, I can't fault the Scav's tech: if even with damage this severe Trauma Team hasn't busted down the door yet, then their biomon-jammer is scarily effective indeed.

Following the cables, I spot the final member of my Predators that I had assigned to Faraday's biz. Lying naked in an ice-bath is Sasha Yakovleva, eyes closed, her eyelids fluttering rapidly as she's hacking Tanaka's memories.

Even with the car-flipping and the explosions, this was the riskiest part of the entire gig. I don't really understand just how exactly cyberspace works in this world (to be fair, only the absolute top-tier netrunners, those scarce few on Bartmoss' level, actually do), but all I know is that, in there, everything can go wrong faster than a human can even blink. One moment, you're simply scrolling some data, walking through a rough rendering of a glowing hallway on your merry way, then suddenly out of nowhere you just tripped some counter-security daemon you never even realized was there in the first place and the next thing you know, your brain is leaking out through your ears.

And given the corporate level of ICE Tanaka is sporting…

An uncomfortable feeling rises up in me, like an itch travelling up my spine and dancing across my scalp and I turn away from the scene with a grimace. Mom must've rubbed off on me more than I thought: I find I don't much care for problems I can't solve by punching 'em in the face.

"No change ever since she began the dive. That's been 13 minutes and 43 seconds now Boss." Shannon speaks up beside me, having noticed my expression, and I nod at that before glancing Vasili's way.

My other netrunner scratches his thick chin as he brushes aside the hanging plastic, his eyes lighting up in blue as he goes over the read-outs projected on the screens against the wall behind Sasha's ice-filled tub.

"13 minutes? Hmm. Not bad, not great. Target has high level ICE. For what you want Sasha to do, it'll take time to get through that, extract the data and not leave traces. This is within expectations."

"And the… twitching?" I rumble, glancing towards the netrunner, before averting my eyes when said twitching does… noticeable things to her naked body.

"Perfectly natural phenomenon. Moving around through cyberspace relies on mnemonic actions. Those brainwaves steer your digital form, but even with the synaptic blockers and counter-ICE, some of those signals steer the body instead. Phantom-movements, they don't mean anything as long as she doesn't trash to the point of injury." Vasili rattles off, showing off Nix' training that I had paid so much for.

I give out a non-committal hum at that, remaining in place for a moment, before I shake my head.

"Fine. Keep an eye on her. The moment you think something's up, get her out. I mean it Vasili. I'm not risking her- anyone of you on Faraday's biz. Better we fail the gig than having to reserve a spot at the Columbarium."

My fixer nods seriously at me before returning to monitor the read-outs of Sasha's deep dive.

"Tiny Mike, you still got that NCPD scanner on you?"

Getting an affirmative nod from the ex-solo, I continue.

"Good. I want you monitoring their chatter. Getting a look at to what 'Saka is up to right now is too much to hope for, especially with Sasha already diving, but hopefully keeping an eye on the police might give us a heads-up if something is about to go down."

As the ex-Tyger Claw goes off to get his scanner, I glance behind me to Shannon, who pushes off the wall at my look.


"Perimeter check?"

"Perimeter check."

"On it."

And with an almost relieved look on her fac, the ex-Nomad quickly leaves the cramped office space.

"Dominic, Benedict and Rebecca. I want you ready to turn the Waterfront into a fuckin' warzone if someone so much as looks towards the docks, got it?"

"Sure thing, Simba!" the tiny woman yells back, while the burly men at her side share a look before giving me a nod as well.

"What will you be doing, Boss?" Benedict asks, sounding genuinely curious.

For a moment, I remain silent, a claw scratching thoughtfully through my bushy sideburns. I don't want to shoot Faraday a message until after Sasha is done with her deep dive and like I said, without her we really have no way of monitoring 'Saka counter-intel to see what they're up to. I also don't want to contact Ma and see what's going on back at our turf either. I'll do that when we dropped Tanaka off with Faraday and made our way back towards Arroyo. Don't want to risk any outgoing signals to our home territory for counter-intel to possibly pick up on. Hell, I didn't really want any outgoing signals save for the one that would get Faraday to come and show his fucked-up face 'round here.

Patrol the perimeter with Shannon? Honestly, looking out towards Adam fuckin' Smasher's stash off in the distance time and time again might push me right over the edge and see me going over there towards Ebunike docks so I can rip Jeremiah Grayson in half and take Johhny's gun right off his corpse.

What? It's a helluva gun and it's a crying shame it's in the hands of absolute scum like that bastard Grayson. Or did you think you can get to be Adam fuckin' Smasher's right-hand man by being nice? Grayson has put more bodies in the ground than some entire Animal packs put together. Sometimes, he even got paid for doing it too.

Hell, if your V let him live, he'll go back to his girlfriend, the hooker Johnny picks up while trying to find leads on Adam fuckin' Smasher, and zero her for leaking the intel on Ebunike.

Trust me, nobody's gonna shed a tear if that guy gets flatlined and tossed in the Morro Bay, least of all his big, high-functioning cyberpsycho boss himself. Well, I mean, the full-borg probably physically can't cry anymore, but the point still stands.

I drag my large paw down my face with a sigh as I look back towards Benedict, shrugging my broad shoulders and taking Shannon's place, leaning against the wall near the door.

"What else can I do? Until some gonk shows up here that needs to be flatlined, all I can do it wait. Wait and worry." I rumble, thick arms crossed over my huge chest.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Rebecca glance from me to the room where Sasha is diving, a disappointed expression flashing over her face before it's gone and she approaches me with a small, comforting smile on her face.

"Hey, she'll be fine, big guy. She's good, real good and Vasili's here now to keep an eye on her." She says as she reaches up on her tiptoes to pat my upper hip (since that is as high as she can get compared to me).

I smile down at the tiny woman, my expression thankful.

"Appreciate it, 'Becca. Thanks."

"Don't mention it Sim." The woman dismisses as she goes back over towards the table, against all reason and common sense picking up an LMG half her body weight with a worrying grin on her face.

Both Benedict and Dominic simultaneously lean away from the chuckling woman as they share a concerned look behind Rebecca's back.

Shaking my head at the sight, I focus again on Sasha's ice tub, consciously keeping my breathing deep and steady. Hurry up and wait, huh? Ain't nothing to it, I suppose.

As I once again close my eyes and drift off to an almost meditative state of semi-awareness, I can't help but think of what my netrunner has to do in order to flawlessly traverse the corpo exec's mind, memories and 'Saka levels of ICE.

'Sasha, just… be safe, alright?'

Night has fallen and in all that time, none of my Predators were able to fully relax, constantly expecting either a nearby Maelstrom gang, the NCPD or god forbid, 'Saka counter-intel itself to come crashing down on our heads like the meteor the moon-colony Tycho used to turn Colorado Springs into a huge fucking crater.

Not exactly a comforting prospect and with outside communication cut off, we all began feeling cooped up in the little office space. It got bad enough I eventually had to completely wrap Rebecca in duct tape to the point she resembled a tiny silver-grey mummy and secure her against the ceiling.

She had been trying to bite Tiny Mike.

Well, that was what he claimed anyways. Judging from 'Becca's muffled shouting audible even through the plastic over her mouth, she had a perfectly fine explanation.

I'm almost tempted to reach up and remove the tape over the gremlin's mouth out of morbid curiosity as to what she's come up with, when out of nowhere Sasha sits up straight in her ice bath with a gasp.

Only a second later I'm at her side, helping her out of the freezing water and swaddling her in a blanket big enough to fit me (meaning for a brief moment she's positively swallowed by the cloth until she wiggles about enough she finally manages to pop her head out the top with a breathless laugh).

"You good?" I rumble and it takes Sasha a few steadying breaths before she gives me a nod.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Deep diving is never easy, and his ICE was tough. But we got everything we needed and I didn't leave any traces. That's why it took so long: it's difficult to erase your own tracks in cyberspace as doing so leaves their own as well." The netrunner explains, heavily sitting down on the chair I pulled up for her.

A slim hand comes up to the slits in her neck, removing a shard and handing the chip over to Vasili as she glances up at me with a satisfied little smile.

"All the intel you were looking for Sim."

"And Tanaka?"

"Unaware and unspoiled."

Sasha's startling blue eyes, with their signature bright pink circles around her irises, flit towards the slumped over mutilated form of Tanaka, and she wiggles her hand, pale with metallic black fingers, back and forth.

"In a manner of speaking I suppose."

She turns up her cute lil' nose at the overweight middle-aged man as she looks away from him with a grimace.

"Good riddance too. You know the kind of kinks this slimeball is into? Disgusting."

Well, considering the show revealed he's a top client for the XBD-editor Jimmy Kurosaki (a man who made violent snuff his calling card), yeah, I can imagine the kind of shit rotting away inside Tanaka's mind.

Sasha shivers in a way that shows it has nothing to do with the cold.

"Ugh, I definitely need a shower for my brain after tonight." She laments and hesitantly, I reach out to pat her shoulder.

She smiles at me for that, resting her head on my large hand with a sigh and I immediately get rooted to the spot.

God dammit, what is it with this woman?! This never happened to me before and Ma has practically been throwing me at girls ever since I began growing out a beard when I was fourteen in the hope for grandkiddos and the "beginnings of a new, superior human race!" (her words, not mine).

Trying to distract myself from the netrunner and her annoying effect on me, I focus on my other netrunner instead (this one thankfully far less cute) as I wrestle my head back into the game again.

Vasili has already slotted the chip in his own cyberdeck, eyes briefly going blue as he reads the shard, before removing it and placing it in those cardholders that are littered around Night City for V to find and discover the lore of this world through.

"She's right, everything looks clean boss."

"Good." I rumble, accepting the card and slipping it into one of my many pockets lining my sturdy panelled cargo pants.

One of the (very few) benefits of living in a cyberpunk dystopia: so many pockets, zippers and belts! It's enough to make Rob Liefeld blush.

I turn to glance at the still shivering Sasha.

"You did good." I repeat, in a somewhat softer tone this time and something uncomfortable blooms in my chest when the cute netrunner gives me a beaming smile in return.

Fighting down the blush that tries to work itself to my cheeks ('Come on man, what are you doing, it's just a chick, she's not even your output, you're a goddamned hardened gangoon who has killed scores of men, don't let her amazing eyes and cute face distract you from… from… wait, am I blushing inside my mind?!') I focus on the rest of the Predators.

"Alright, I'll shoot Faraday a message soon. Take the Thortons, leave the Villefort. I want you all waiting by the docks for me, I'll face Faraday alone. If I don't show, delta the fuck outta here and race your asses back to Sasquatch. If everything goes right, tonight ends with that fucker flatlined while we're on our way back towards Arroyo without him having ever seen your faces. If 'Saka counter-intel takes him in alive though, all they'll find is him dealing with me and I can take care of myself."

"You shouldn't need to though." Benedict suddenly contradicts me, to my surprise.

He remains standing firm, thick arms crossed in front of his broad chest as I shoot him a warning look.

"Look, Boss, appreciate you lookin' out for the rest of us, but we can take care of ourselves too. 'Sides, we're your crew: 'supposed to look out for you too." The nicest merc in NC explains and to my surprise I see the other Predators nodding as well (even Rebecca, still duct taped to the ceiling).

I'm touched. I sorta expected something like this from Vasili and Dominic and maybe Shannon too, considering they were Animals like me. Possibly Mike as well, since he's been running with my crew for the past two years now and never once complained about it.

But even 'Becca and Benedict, who had only joined my crew relatively recently, seemed completely sincere.

A slim hand slips into my far larger one, its metallic fingers pleasantly cool against my warm skin, and gives it a gentle squeeze and I look down in surprise to see Sasha giving me an encouraging smile, which only further adds to that unfamiliar warmth in the centre of my chest.

"Look, I agree with McAdams here, but I gotta say Sim, not sure how I feel 'bout you planning to screw over a fixer. They got connections all over NC and beyond, it's what makes 'em fixers in the first place. Trying to get one flatlined can backfire real easy." Tiny Mike says cautiously, showing his history as a gangoon and solo.

"Fair enough." I grant as I move away from Sasha and reach up to remove Rebecca from the ceiling.

"But, he was perfectly willing to screw us over first. 'Sides, Faraday ain't as bigtime as he likes to think he is. He won't be missed, believe me. A year from now, two years? Nobody livin' on the Edge is even gonna mention the guy, 'cept maybe as a footnote in someone else's legend. Trust."

I finish unravelling the maniacal tiny woman from the mass of duct tape she had been covered in and place her back on her feet.

She glares daggers at Tiny Mike and snaps her chompers a few times at the merc, but my massive hand on her head keeps her in place.

"Like I said, I can take care of myself. Faraday is the typical fixer: leaves his fighting to his huscle and there ain't a hired merc in NC tough enough to keep me from flatlining every gonk in the room if he tries to piss me off and he knows it. He won't put a hit on me during negotiations. Screw me over, undoubtedly, and if things went royally tits up today, he might have sent his corpo overlords running here instead. But I got what he really, desperately needs and he knows he can't just zero me and be done with it: he'll sit down at the negotiating table with me, whether he likes it or not. And to be honest, I can do without a bunch of trigger-happy Predators sitting at that table with me. Space is cramped enough as it is and guns tend to make huscle nervous." I explain as Rebecca slumps somewhat as I give her a look showing exactly who I mean by 'trigger-happy'.

"Besides, Tiny Mike-"

"Ain't that Tiny." The hardened solo pouts.

"You are when compared to me."

"Everyone is when compared to you."

"Anyways, Tiny Mike, I won't be the one betraying Faraday after all. As far as he will be able to tell, he ordered me to get him Tanaka's intel and that's exactly what I'm gonna give him. But fixers are only ever a middle-man, meaning it's actually someone else who ordered that intel from Faraday. And he's gonna be in for a nasty surprise when he tries to deliver his package." I say with a broad grin showing off my sharpened teeth.

"Uhh… how come?" Dominic asks, his heavy face pulled in a confused frown.

When I reveal the rest of my plan for Faraday, it's quiet in the office space for a moment, before Sasha, now fully dressed again (and I very firmly and mercilessly crush the part of me that's a bit disappointed at that) walks into the main room, towelling off her still-damp hair and giving me a searching look.

"Damn. You're good." She says, before Rebecca points a finger at her with a loudly yelled "aha!".

"So good he's evil, right?!"

"… sure?"

After that, my Predators and I quickly got to work tearing down all our equipment, loading it into the spacious Colby station wagon (and torching everything that couldn't fit in the far smaller Galena) and within minutes my crew had piled into the two Thortons, leaving me in a bare office space with just an unarmed (ha! Get it? … Jeez, Rebecca has been rubbing off on me too much) corpo exec for company. The Galena is already tearing off towards the pier where I stashed our boat, but Sasha, seated beside Barrett, leans out of the Colby's window, seemingly hesitating for a bit.

"Simba, just… be safe, alright?" she says and all I can do is smile and wave as Barrett floors the gas and they're out of there.

For a moment, I remain standing in the cold night of NC, considering the two calls I'll have to make now, before heading back into the office space, glancing briefly at the snuff-loving, armless corpo exec, who, in another life and another world, would've been the cause of all the tragedy slated to happen to the naïve David Martinez.

"Well, looks like it's just you and me for now, buddy. But, just be quiet for a moment, will ya? Got a call to make." I joke at the unconscious corpo, before activating my Phone Splice, my eyes taking on that signature orange glow people get when making a call.

The phone barely even rings before a perfectly manicured voice on the other end speaks up.

"Militech International Armaments, Night City offices speaking: for a better NUSA tomorrow, and a safer today! Please, identify yourself immediately."

If Tanaka was awake to see the vicious grin growing on my face, he'd probably pass out all over again.

"Get me Meredith Stout. Immediately. I have something that will interest her very much." I growl back down the line and for a moment it's utterly silent.


"Please hold."

POV Shift

As Faraday rolled up to where the Brute had told him to meet (he refused to refer to the disrespectful behemoth as anything else), the fixer glanced towards their surroundings, his four cyberoptics taking in the view in a flash and with minute detail.

Remote and on the edge of the run-down Northside district of Watson, it was a decent enough location for some discreet biz, though Faraday felt slightly dirtied even setting foot in Watson in the first place.

He had hoped to leave this place forever behind, burnt it from his memories and mannerisms even, and it galled him to be dragged back when he was so close to leaving all of Night City's crumbling dregs behind for the pristine high-rises of Corpo Plaza.

The scowl on his face deepened and he glanced towards one of his huscle, raising the brow above his three stacked eyes. They didn't have that much of an added benefit to his visual feed, but the way they were placed so close together tended to freak people out and a destabilized opponent makes for smoother biz in Faraday's experience.

The huscle has been on Faraday's payroll long enough to know better than to stare though, instead jacking out of the fixer's Thrax 388 Jefferson, the penultimate vehicle for those that did not need to spend the waste of eddies on a Rayfield. Having surveyed their surroundings, the huscle shook his head in the negative.

"Villefort outside, but shut down. Multiple track marks on the asphalt however, meaning multiple vehicles. Cold though, no recent arrivals or departures as far as I can tell."

"Inside?" Faraday merely asked, expression unchanging.

"Two heat-sigs, though one is getting undercooled."

"Dying?" the fixer pressed, four eyes flashing in the dim interior of the stately Jefferson, but the huscle quickly shakes his head again.

"Doesn't look like it, just cold, sir."

Faraday mused for a moment, before giving his huscle the ok signal. Hired mercs, the best eddies could buy and more than enough to zero the Brute should the Animal attempt to pull one over on Faraday.

The thought would've been almost laughable to the fixer: an Animal, trying to outsmart him? Preposterous. However, as the Brute had proven by turning him down before, this particular specimen possessed some low level of cunning at least, not to mention a great deal of infuriating stubbornness.

It was not outside the realm of possibility the leader of the subsect of Animals would again attempt to move beyond his station and… inconvenience Faraday once more.

However, while Faraday was annoyed, he was hardly worried about the Brute actually managing to pull of any plans of betrayal or deceit. He was Faraday, Night City's most prestigious fixer: it was he who was always two moves ahead of his opponents.

Faraday was drawn from his musings as his huscle finished their sweep, giving him the 'all clear' signal and with a minor sigh, the fixer left his sleek Thrax Jefferson, tasting the Watson night air and sorely wishing he hadn't.

As he slowly strode towards the squat, run-down office building, his three eyes took in the towering skyscrapers standing tall and proud along the Arasaka Waterfront in the distance and greed and envy raced across his circs and bloomed inside his chest.

'Soon. Very soon. Once this biz is done, Militech will have no choice but to hire me for their Intelligence division. No longer will I be confined to orchestrating meaningless biz for destitute citizens; the very cogs of the corporate machine of Night City will halt or turn at MY say-so!' the fixer thought to himself, allowing his huscle to enter the building before him, just in case.

Seeing that the man in front wasn't immediately decapitated or torn to shreds by the Brute's enormous clawed hands, Faraday crossed the threshold as well, allowing his four eyes to land on the infuriating gangoon that had been such a pain in his ass for the past month.

The Brute was seated behind a table, while somewhat behind and beside him sat the slumped-over, unconscious form of Tetsuo Tanaka, Arasaka executive and Faraday's ticket to his new life on Militech's bottomless wallet.

The fixer's eyes slowly tracked down to rest on the overweight man's amputated arms, his face betraying nothing. Deliberately dragging his multi-eyed gaze from the bloodied, oil-covered stumps to the carefree looking Brute, Faraday allowed a glimmer of distaste to show on his face.

"Sloppy." was all he said as the rest of his huscle, five men in total, filled into the room.

Anyone else, anyone with the proper reverence for a man of wealth and power like Faraday, would be cowed by the show of force, but of course the Brute refused to acknowledge it, still grinning and showing off those sharpened teeth of his.

"Hey, Animal remember? It's how we roll." The Brute half-heartedly defended himself with a shrug of his shoulders, and for some reason Faraday couldn't shake the feeling that the Brute's tone was ever so slightly mocking him.

"That is undeniable." Faraday conceded, stalking over towards the table and taking a seat across the Brute.

He couldn't quite suppress his annoyance as he still had to look up at the Brute, who almost managed to occupy the entirety of his side of the table just by himself. He made the fixer feel small, even when just sitting down.

Faraday hated feeling small.

"Such as the explosion you caused just past Megabuilding H3 while running away from the police. Just the way you… 'roll', I take it?" Faraday intoned, satisfied to see the Brute's eyes widen in surprise as the beast gave a few slow blinks.

'Caught you' he thought with an internal smirk, though his face remained stern and unyielding.

Leaning a bit forwards, he continued in a scolding tone.

"Did you really think I would not notice that Surpon of yours? Or realize you'd ditch it and swap to that Villefort outside? Nothing escapes my notice, 'Simba'. You should've realized that by now." he chastised, satisfied to see the Brute curl his massive claws into meaty fists, each one larger than Faraday's head.

Though he leaned a bit further back in his chair just to be certain, his huscle on high alert as they kept their eyes on the scolded Brute.

"I take it you got rid of everything I supplied you with?" Faraday inquired, picking off a piece of imagined lint from his Neokitch jacket.

The Brute merely shrugged, scratching his cheek and somehow managing not to tear open his face with those enormous, wicked looking claws of his.

"If there ain't nothing left, then there ain't nothing that can be used to hunt us down, right?" the Brute attempted to reason, though Faraday grudgingly had to admit the enormous Animal had a point.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, the fixer supposed.

"True enough. Though, very costly. For me. I had supplied you with that gear in good faith, in order to accomplish the task I set you. Procuring it was… an inconvenience. One I need repaid. So, it's decided: I shall be taking the cost for the equipment out of your final payment."

"Oi! I ain't decided on shit yet!" The Brute heatedly called out, one massive hand tipped with those barbaric claws of his coming down on the metallic table with a tremendous slam faster than the fixer could track.

The impact was horrendous and a chill went down Faraday's spine when he saw how the table had deformed underneath the Brute's rage, its top sporting an enormous crater and its legs bent underneath the strain.

Anymore force and it would've snapped clean in two and the behemoth hadn't even needed to get up out of his chair.

Faraday almost leapt back at the sudden, explosive attack, when his huscle as one immediately snapped up their weapons, sights trained dead on the Brute's centre mass. The view of the guns paused the giant in his tracks, as the vicious Animal visible had to restrain himself and Faraday had to work hard to keep a smug smile off his face.

"No. But I have. And therefore, it is decided." He stated and after an intense stare-down with the fixer's hustle, the Brute deflated.

"Man, you're twisting my balls here Faraday! Hell, ya even offered me a bonus on the payment if I got all the stuff instead!"

"Which you, might I remind you, chose to decline. Placing that burden on me instead." Faraday immediately cut off the Brute's whining, who let out a frustrated huff, before it finally admitted defeat.

"Fine. Fine! Ya got me, take back the fucking ennies, see if I give a damn. Should be a decent take still…" the Brute muttered, and this time Faraday did allow his smile to come to the fore.

"Not so fast. We're not done settling our accounts yet."

"What?! Oh, come on! I got you your guy, didn't I? You ask me to get you a guy, and here!"

The Brute reached over to Tanaka's slumped form, engulfing the exec's head in a hand large enough it managed to cover it completely with ease. Lifting Tanaka's head up and twisting it in Faraday's direction, the Brute pointed at the Arasaka corpo with an exasperated look on his face.

"Here he is! As ordered!"

"No. I did not order… that." Faraday clearly enunciated, as if he were talking to a (very, very large) small child, ignoring how Tanaka's jaw dropped open and his tongue flopped out as his head was being manhandled by the uncaring Brute.


"I ordered the information in that man's head. Not… said head itself still attached."

"What, you want me to take his head off? Thought you said you didn't want him flatlined?" the Brute asked dumbly, and Faraday was quick to interrupt him.

"Of course not, you fool!" he quickly shouted, leaning forwards and sharply waving the Brute away from Tanaka's head.

He wasn't about to watch his future meal ticket be turned into paste in those oafish hands because of the Brute's low understanding of merc work.

"Since you failed to provide me with the intel, I will now need a netrunner in my own employ to extract the information from Tanaka's head instead. Meaning that, so far, you have cost me an inordinate amount of Eurodollars in gear and will now cost me even more to obtain that which you had already promised to deliver me."

Faraday pulled up his nose at the Brute.

"Quite frankly, at this point I'm wondering why I should even pay you at all, instead of marking the gig as failed." Faraday idly intoned, all four eyes staring down the Brute who looked at the fixer in shock.

"Wait, what?! I got you your man didn't I-?" he tried, but once more Faraday interrupted the Brute's shoddy attempt at defending himself.

"Which is the only reason we are still sitting at the same table, instead of me being back in my Chevillon and turning my back on this decrepit shithole they call Watson." The fixer bit out, finally managing to properly cow the Brute as the enormous Animal sulked in his seat.

"No further comments then? Good. You will take whatever scraps I send your way. I will take Tanaka and try to salvage the mess you made out of a simple retrieval gig." Faraday stated and that was that, the Brute having no choice but to bow to the fixer's decision.

As it should be.

Lazily, he motioned over towards one of his huscle to retrieve the comatose corpo exec as he got up out of his seat, striding towards the back of the room, his many eyes, and those of the rest of his huscle, intently trained on the sulking Brute.

Something had been bugging Faraday ever since he stepped foot inside the same room as the Brute, a tingling itch crawling ever so lightly across his skin. The Brute had proven recalcitrant and mocking at their every interaction, yet had also shown to possess enough low cunning to connect Faraday to his previous failed attempt in utilizing Maelstrom for the biz.

Of course, that had been entirely the insane boostergang's fault, not Faraday's, though to his unending frustration and growing hate, Rogue Amendiares and her antiquated cronies refused to see it that way.

Not that they mattered. They were but mere fixers, intermediaries, fancying themselves above Night City's residents, but only finding themselves brushing up against the underside of the corpo's boots.

And, after tonight, his boots.

Oh, he could barely wait to waltz into the Afterlife and have Rogue serve him drinks. Perhaps he'll even order her to name a drink after him as well? The first edgerunner to have a beverage named in their honour without dying for it! Ha!

if everything went as it should tonight and as Faraday stared down the moping Brute, that uncomfortable not-quite itch dancing across his circs and skin returned in full force.

Considering how infuriating the Brute had proven to be in the past, daring, daring to besmirch his reputation, Faraday fully expected the ridiculously sized Animal to overstep his station once again, born out of a dangerous cocktail of maliciousness and ignorance.

At any moment now, he foresaw the Brute lashing out at his huscle in a misguided attempt to keep Tanaka hostage in return for more eddies. A part of Faraday almost hoped that the Brute would prove foolish enough.

It would give him an excuse to shoot the man.

A larger, more rational part of Faraday merely wished to get this biz over with as fast as possible so he could get out of Watson and get started on his new, better tomorrow already.

But he had been waiting for this dream his life entire life: he could wait a few hours more.

Which is why he motioned back his men when the Brute dangerously rose from his chair, placing his broad frame square in-between Faraday's huscle and Tanaka, a low growl rumbling from his chest. His merc was well-built, decently chromed and with several aesthetically imposing biomods, yet when standing chest to chest like that, the huscle found himself merely on eye-level with the Brute's sternum instead.

The behemoth was eyeing the merc with a dangerous, almost calculating look in his eye, but a simple signal from Faraday had his huscle pull back the hammers on their weapons.

The satisfying sounds of the repeated 'clak-clak!' sounding out throughout the room caused the Brute to still his movements, glaring impotently at Faraday from an appropriate distance away. His lips peeled back to show elongated fangs and his hands were spread to show off those barbaric claws, but he made no move to attack. Yet.

"You have already lost, 'Prince'. That is just the nature of business, one which you are simply… unsuited for. Do not lower yourself any further by acting like the child you are and accept this loss with what little grace your kind can manage." Faraday coldly sniped towards the fuming Brute, who gave him a long, hard stare as the silence in the office room stretched on.

Then, finally, the Brute moved away from Faraday's huscle, reaching behind him, engulfing both of Tanaka's ankles in one massive hand and effortlessly hauling the overweight corpo in the air so his head was dangling a good meter off the floor. With an ease that belied the feat of strength, the Brute then extended his arm towards the baffled looking huscle, treating the comatose Tanaka as if he were some kind of ham.

Somewhat perturbed, Faraday's huscle awkwardly took the large middle-aged man into his own arms, before with a huff of effort, he lifted the overweight corpo up onto his shoulder as he quickly made towards the exit of the office building.

As Tanaka was carried over towards Faraday's impressive Jefferson, Faraday's many eyes lit up, showing his account balance as he prepared to send the eddies the Brute's way, but to his surprise the dumb Animal raised a clawed hand in protest.

"Ey, just a heads-up, I prefer credit chip over transfer." The Brute called out, his voice showing nothing of his previous frustration, and the non-itch from before came back with a vengeance as Faraday narrowed all four of his eyes.

"Why." Was all he bit out.

It wasn't even a real question, more a demand for elaboration packed into a simple command.

The Brute stumbled a bit, once more scratching his cheek with those enormous claws of his.

"Well, ehh… I had this fight, just this morning? Over in the Tripple Extreme Gym? Feller got in a good smack to the head, knocked my chrome all outta whack. 'Sides, it's an old-gen deck anyways and-"

Faraday easily cut off the rambling simply by raising his hand, shutting the Brute up. His many eyes flitted over towards one of his huscle, the same that had surveyed their surroundings back in the car. The man didn't have eyes, just two solid blocks of metal, small LEDs lighting up as the man did a quick dive into the net.

-Confirmed activity in Tripple Extreme Gym, Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo. Sources state likely gang violence.- the huscle silently messaged him.

Hmm. The Brute wasn't lying about the fight at least.

"Your cyberware is so shoddy, a simple brawl is enough to damage it to the point of inoperation?" he asked coldly.

"Oi, we Animals fight hard yanno!?" the Brute defended himself hotly, but again Faraday managed to cut the Animal off with a mere gesture.

Good. It was learning.

Well, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility he supposed. After all, the Animals were noted for focusing more on growing their ridiculous muscles rather than taking care of their implants and being the utter dregs of NC, said implants were inevitably of the poorest quality.

Faraday thought on it for a moment, but eventually decided that it was ultimately no skin off his back. The very thought of not needing to connect to the Brute, even if it was a mere digital transaction, relieved him more than he'd ever care to admit, so with a shrug, he took a credit chip from inside his Neokitch jacket (a genuine Jinguji no less!) as he extended the interface cable in his wrist and connected to the large shard.

His four eyes lit up for a moment, once again showing him his impressive account balance, before the large number dipped ever so slightly as it transferred the Eurodollars onto the credit chip. A pittance for him, but honestly more than enough for the Brute and his frustrating (and costly) antics.

Disengaging his interface cable from the credit chip, he casually tossed it onto the table with a careless swing of his arm, letting the plastic clatter across the countertop as it settled into the deep dent left by the Brute's fist.

"Very well, have it your way. I'll mark the contract as closed. Our biz is finished." He intoned gravely, and then he swept out of the office space and stalked over towards his Jefferson.

The less time spent in the foggy air of Watson, the better. Let the Brute have his table scraps: Faraday would be in a new world come tomorrow, one that would never again necessitate dealing with such infuriating gangoons such as the beastly Animal.

Seeing that Tanaka was tossed in the trunk of his elite Chevillon, Faraday stepped into its luxurious interior, his eyes already glowing orange as he called up a new, if proven, contact of his.

Almost immediately, the call was taken. Prompt. He liked that in a woman.

"Kiwi. Get to my apartments. I'm bringing in a target for intel-extraction."

"This a deep-dive?"


"I'll need-"

"I know. It will be waiting for you. Do not make me wait in return."

"… will be there."

And with that, the line went dead. Faraday frowned at that for a moment, before dismissing the recalcitrant woman with a shrug. Very well. Come tomorrow, he would have more joytoys thrown at him each day than one could find walking down the length of Jig Jig Street, where that old bat Wakako fancied she swung the sceptre.

He spent the ride back to his apartments fantasizing on how he'd lord his new position over his former rivals, from the dried-up Wakako, to the boorish Dino Dinovic and even to Rogue Amendiares.

Especially Rogue Amendiares.

The Queen of the Afterlife? Pah, what a joke! All she was Queen of, was a run-down bar for mediocre mercenaries so they could pretend that they mattered. After tomorrow, Faraday would be King of Night City itself! He need not be on the Board of Directors for Militech (though after having proven himself, they'd undoubtedly ask him for the position regardless), but CFO for the branch here in Night City?

Lucius Rhyne would come to him for advice and permission! He was but a mayor, after all: Faraday would have the ear of the president of NUSA herself, considering the White House had essentially become a conference room for high-ranking Militech personnel over the years.

He distracted himself with daydreams all the way to the top of his penthouse apartment, pleased to see Kiwi already naked in his swimming pool, a series of screens and a chaotic mess of equipment placed near the pool's edge.

Motioning over towards his huscle, he had them throw Tanaka's body into the pool as well, silently amused by the frown marring Kiwi's covered face as she glanced in distaste from the growing stain of blood and oil spreading from the corpulent corpo.

"Didn't say he'd be so damaged." She spoke up flatly, causing Faraday to halt his strides and allow his three stacked eyes to slowly slide down towards her, lingering on her exposed body for a long moment as he let the silence grow heavier.

"Will it interfere with your deep dive?" he asked coldly, and the netrunner, uncomfortable under his gaze, averted her eyes.

"No. It won't." she said simply.

"Then it need not be said. Get to work."

"What if Trauma Team-"

"Taken care of. Damage like that, they would've shown up already. Good to see the Scavs came through on their end, at least. Dealing with those lowlifes is… tiresome, but it can't be denied: they delivered one useful little biomon-jammer." Faraday elaborated, before turning to face Kiwi with all four of his eyes.

"Now then, if that takes care of all your worries?" he inquired, his voice polite but his tone anything but and Kiwi ducked her head instead of talking back again.

"Good. Get to work. Now."

The blue-nippled netrunner glared at him, but gave no further resistance, turning Tanaka over so she could reach his interface port as she prepared for the intel extraction that the Brute should have already taken care of.

"Watch her. Notify me when she's done. I have a call to make." He ordered his nearest huscle, who quickly bowed their head as he stalked past them.

Leaving the pool behind, Faraday made it up to his personal chambers, activating the Phone Splice as his eyes took on a yellow glow. The outgoing ring took only a moment before the call connected.

What he heard on the other end took him by surprise however.

"Yes, hello? Who the fuck is this and how the fuck did you get this number?" a woman showed up in his HUD-screen, with bright blonde hair and an expression seemingly made out of steel.

"I might ask the same. I was expecting someone else to pick up-"

"Well you're the one calling, you should know who it is you're contacting." The woman cut him off and Faraday felt a muscle in his jaw pull in anger.

"I was told to use this number in relation to my contract with Militech, in order to update my Militech liaison, Anthony Gilchrist. Which isn't you, so I'd suggest putting him on the phone instead of interfering with his biz." he cautioned the arrogant woman (probably a secretary of some kind), who fell silent for a moment, before her eyes took on a wicked gleam.

"My name is Meredith Stout. Former Senior Operations Manager, Night City department, currently Government Relations Executive for Militech International Armaments. And I just shot Anthony Gilchrist this afternoon for violating corporation policy and ethics. So whatever 'contract' you had with Militech through him… you now deal with me." She stated and the earlier itch Faraday had felt when dealing with the Brute returned a hundredfold.

"Well then. As the Militech contract holder, it's my pleasure to inform you our biz has concluded and that I am awaiting payment in return for the promised goods." Faraday pushed on, his tone the same yet his words now picked with more care.

Let it never be said he wasn't the adaptable sort.

"Well, you never promised any goods to me, so I agree that the biz is concluded and that payment won't be necessary." The woman said in a dismissive tone and it took all of Faraday's impressive self-control not to show a hint of the rage he felt roaring inside of him.

"I must disagree. Militech agreed to payment-"

"Gilchrist agreed to payment and as of today he has been… let go."

"Even so, payment is required for the goods." Faraday attempted, but still the woman brushed him off.

"What use have I for the goods of some mere unknown Night City edgerunner?" and for a moment, all Faraday saw was red, the line between them cackling with static for a moment before he got his emotions under control again.

"I assure you, what I have to offer Militech is of unimaginable value."

Finally, the woman seemed to actually start listening to him, humming for a long moment before glancing at 'him' through their connection.

"I'll think you'll find that Militech can envision quite a lot." She said somewhat cautiously, but Faraday was not deterred.

"Undeniably true. But, the same can be said of Militech's rivals as well. Specifically the great thorn in Militech's side: Arasaka. Gilchrist may have… violated corporate policy, but his ambition was sound. What I can offer Militech, Arasaka loses. It will be a great win for your company and a great feather in your cap."

The Stout woman was silent for a long moment, her eyes narrowed.

"I must inform you that it is official policy of Militech International Armaments to condemn the use of corporate espionage in the strongest terms." She stated woodenly, but Faraday merely chuckled.

"Of course, of course. Naturally. But, that is the great advantage of working with, and through, someone of my personage. As an outside agent, any information I just so happen to come across, I am free to share with whomever I so choose and should that turn out to be Militech, well, who is to blame?" he said with an easy smile.

Again, Stout allowed the silence to stretch for a few moments.

"What exactly are these goods you 'just so happened' to come across then?" she eventually asked with narrowed eyes.

"Only the very best of course. Highly detailed plans and schematics for extremely advanced combat augmentations, classified by Arasaka as an experimental antigrav cyberskeleton-" Faraday proudly began, but the voice of Meredith Stout halted him dead in his tracks.

"Yeah, not interested." The woman spoke up in a bored tone.

"W-what?" the fixer muttered, for once his composure broken as he looked at the woman in shock.

"Militech has no interest in those plans of yours."

"I… I don't understand. Militech came to me asking for these schematics-"

"Again, Gilchrist asked you. Militech is just fine without your plans. We simply do not have a need for what you're trying to sell."

"Assurances were made!" Faraday now roared down the line, but still the woman was not impressed.

"Not by me." She simply said and with a last little smirk, she ended the call.

Shocked into complete silence, Faraday could only stare at the 'Call Ended' sign blinking on his HUD, watching with unseeing eyes how the message changed to 'Contact Blocked: You can no longer Call this number!'.

"W-what…?" was all he could whisper, before he was suddenly shocked from his inaction by an enormous flash coming from the deck below his suite.

Jumping up and hurrying out of his room, he rushed towards the pool, seeing his huscle moving in a confused and chaotic stampede as they crowded along the edge of his swimming pool.

"Move! Out of my way! Fuckin' move you useless gonks!" the fixer roared, unintentionally letting some of the street language from his youth, which he had worked so hard to eradicate, shine through in his panicked speech.

Physically pushing aside the last huscle in front of him, Faraday looked into his pool and felt his world coming apart around him. Smoke was rising from the water and the charred figures of Kiwi and Tanaka were floating motionlessly among an ever-expanding stain of blood.

"W-what… what happened?" he whispered in shock, one mirrored by his men.

"What! Happened!" Faraday snapped with a roar, grabbing the nearest huscle by the throat and pointing his pistol right between the man's eyes.

"We don't know Boss! The netrunner says she had jacked into Tanaka and was going to start her dive, everything was fine for a few moments, then they both spasmed and this huge fucking lightning storm came from the corpo's body!" another huscle quickly tried to explain in a hurried voice, but his answer only caused more questions.

A Microgenerator? But those only kicked in when you were knocking on death's door… Faraday's eyes once again looked at the amputated arms of Tetsuo Tanaka and the pool of blood that was growing ever larger. He hadn't even considered that the man's bleeding had started up again. The corpo had seemed fine (well, not fine, but stable at least) when Faraday came to pick him up from the Brute-

no. No, no, no! No that was simply not possible! To precisely time his own medical aid to fail so that Tanaka would bleed out in Faraday's pool at exactly the right time to fry both his netrunner and himself-

Wait, if he fried himself… then the Scav jammer-!

The very moment the thought shot through Faraday's brain like lightning, a red square was beamed onto his pool as a voice came over speakers from above.

"Step away from the client!"

Looking up, Faraday saw a Trauma Team descend towards him. Some of his huscle foolishly opened fire, but the heavily armored and well trained corpo soldiers riding along the flying tank didn't hesitate in mowing his men down like wheat in a field.

Though Faraday didn't stick around to watch, immediately making a run for it once he spotted the AV with its signature white livery, dashing back into the penthouse. He sorely wanted to grab his hold-out bag and getaway chips, but those would have to wait, absolute speed was of the essence. Gun held at the ready, he dashed through several luxurious rooms, for once cursing the spacious lay-out of his penthouse as he had to duck and crawl over his rich carpets as bullets began shredding the walls.

"How?! How the fuck did this happen?!" Faraday couldn't help but roar in sheer frustration and blind rage as he steadily made his way over towards his elevator.

He knew it, even if he couldn't bring himself to accept it.

The Brute. That boorish, oafish, smug Animal. It was the only explanation. He had access to Tanaka for too long before calling Faraday for the pick-up. He wasn't sure how, but the Brute must've successfully extracted the intel despite his claims and then sold it to Militech himself first, causing them to leave Faraday out to dry.

No wonder the gargantuan Animal hadn't pushed back too hard on the budget cuts Faraday had made. He must've made a fortune before the fixer ever even entered Watson.

During that time he must've kept Tanaka alive and stable, greedily using Faraday's biomon-jammer to do with the corpo's body as he pleased short of killing the man without tipping off Trauma Team. Such as cutting him open, installing a high-powered Microgenerator, and sowing the man back up again. Which also meant the Brute needed to stabilize the corpo long enough for Faraday to pick him up and he had been too eager to get his hands on the intel the Brute refused to provide him to take proper medical precautions first.

As Faraday finally came upon the hall to his elevator, a chilling realisation wormed itself into his mind despite his best efforts.

He had been played.

Jamming the 'call' button on the elevator with a roar of unbridled fury ripping from his throat, Faraday vowed revenge on the Brute. He swore he'd tear down the man's entire world first. His entire gang, wiped out. His personal crew, killed to a man and hung from the Atriums in all of NC's Megabuildings for all to see. That disgusting creature the Brute calls its mother, made into a joytoy by the Tyger Claws, whored out to Maelstrom for petty eddies and finally, whatever parts remained of her, sold off to the Scavs to keep.

And then, and only then, would he put a bullet in-between the Brute's eyes.

Faraday was nearly salivating at the thought, when the elevator finally arrived and opened its doors… and showed itself to be occupied already. The fixer only caught a brief glimpse of towering, black steel and glowing red optics, before something immense impacted his chest like a freight train, launching him back down the hallway.

Faraday didn't even manage to make a sound as he landed, lacking the air in his lungs to do so. As he flopped around in silent agony, it was only then that he registered that the rest of his penthouse had finally gone quiet as well: all of his huscle lying dead or dying at the hands of Trauma Team, who was already fishing Tanaka's mangled body out of the pool.

Heavy, stomping footfalls approached the prone fixer, who only then realized that he had been punched, instead of hit in the chest with a car. Weakly raising his head, Faraday's blanched even further and had he any breath remaining in his bruised lungs, it would've left him at that moment as he stared up at his assailant.

A towering monolith of blackened steel and red lights, a monument solely dedicated to violent bloodshed and wanton destruction, Adam Smasher himself stood besides the shaking Faraday, glancing down towards the prone fixer with his monstrous face and glowing optics shadowed by the low light of the hallway.

"P-please… I… I-I can tell you… I can tell you who's behind this! Just… Just get me into contact with your bosses, with anyone at Arasaka, I can help you, please!" Faraday begged the steel monster, tears flowing from all four eyes as he raised a hand weakly towards the full-borg in a pleading gesture, sheer desperation pushing the words from his hurting lungs.

For a moment, Adam Smasher remained completely motionless, a perfectly still obelisk as the distant lights of Night City fell across his metal form. When he spoke, it was in a slow, deliberate cadence seemingly coming from the dead itself.

"Who the fuck are you?" Arasaka's Butcher asked in a callous, static tone.

The last thing that Faraday ever saw, was the enormous 'borg raising up a mechanical leg the size of a small tree, before his foot descended towards the fixer's face with speed rivalling a bullet.

And then Faraday, one of Night City's top fixers, one who by this time tomorrow should've been among the greatest and wealthiest people in all of NC, knew nothing anymore.

Fun Fact: Before Keanu Reeves signed on for Cyberpunk 2077, Johnny Silverhand was envisioned by creator Mike Pondsmith as looking more like David Bowie, specifically Bowie's look in the movie Labyrinth from 1986. Maybe an alternate skin for Johnny in the game?
05: I'm on a Boat!

05: I'M ON A BOAT!

It felt somewhat weird, shooting across the shadowy bay of Night City as we left Arasaka Waterfront behind us. I had been just thirteen when the NUSA stood ready to invade Night City during their Unification Wars on the Free States. Even though I was the only person on the planet at the time who knew for a fact that NC and NUSA wouldn't come to blows here, the situation was still daunting. All of us, every single living being in NC, kept getting reports on every news outlet and on every screamsheet about the literal army standing on our doorstep ready to grind down our homes and livelihoods right down to the fucking bedrock.

I remember Night City being… quiet. It was such a strange stillness. For once in its mired existence, there was no divide between rich and poor, young or old. All of us were glued to the news screen all day, every day, wondering if tomorrow all that would be left of us would be nothing more than some smoke and ash.

Ironically, the threat of annihilation made that week back in 2070 the most crime-free period in all of NC's history. Even the most hardened gangoon didn't feel much for terrorizing an already shit-scared population, not to mention how frightened they themselves were, even if they'd never admit it out loud. None who lived through it had considered it peaceful though, we never called it that.

There's nothing peaceful about feeling your heart hammer away in your throat day after day after day.

Hell, during that time the situation in NC got so bad that the fucking USSR ended up sending us humanitarian aid.

Of course, Neo-Soviets being Neo-Soviets, said 'humanitarian' aid ended up being truckloads full of weaponry, but with an invasion of the suddenly NUSA-aligned Southern California imminent, we were grateful to the commies nonetheless.

In the end, it had been Rhyne going down on his knees before Arasaka that halted the advance of the mass of Militech-branded metal on our city. 'Saka pulled up (suspiciously quickly too), planting their supercarrier right here, square in the middle of the same Coronado Bay we were now racing along.

NUSA/Militech (same difference at this point honestly) pulled back, the city was saved and within just seven years, 'Saka dominated the skyline of NC by razing a part of Watson to the bedrock and planting their Waterfront in its stead, the same area where I had handed Tanaka over to Faraday.

Now, the Arasaka hollyhock mon was so ubiquitous, you'd think they'd always been here, as if they hadn't been kicked out of Night City for well over twenty years, but instead had always kept an iron grip on their stronghold right here in the heart of Northern California.

Honestly, that was probably even true in a way: only difference was that now they were allowed to openly show their logos again.

As the skyscrapers of Arasaka Waterfront get swallowed up by the night, the spaceport shrinking in the distance, we race past the deeper part of the Bay where the mind-bogglingly large supercarrier had made its grand entrance into the city.

Being reminded of the towering mass of darkened steel that descended upon NC like a futuristic fortress causes a scowl comes over my heavy features.

Even without my out-of-universe knowledge, it had been plain to see that our near-destruction hadn't been a political conflict between NUSA and our Free State. It was nothing more than Militech trying to root out a rival company and Arasaka deigning to show up solely to protect their own interests.

Cities got fucking carpet-bombed during the Metal Wars, all because corpos wanted to fatten their bottom line and we almost got collectively wiped off the map because of a dick-swinging contest between President Rosalind Meyers and Emperor Saburo Arasaka.

It enraged me back then, it still does, but what was I to do? I was thirteen years old at the time, without my Predators and with Ma still building up her pack. I was strong, even then, but strong enough to deter armies? Not even Adam fuckin' Smasher could boast that feat.

But what I could do, was better protect me and mine and if that meant sending Militech and Arasaka at each other's throats over the cyberskeleton (without getting David Martinez caught in-between them this time) and upsetting the balance of power in Night City, then I'd happily take Ma's hammer to every gangoon, solo and fixer that stood in my way.

I'm drawn from my musings on the past as the spray of Coronado Bay lightly splashes across my broad chest. Noticing we've come all the way down the bay to where it curves around the southern part of NC, my cybernetic eyeballs manage to pick out the shore on our right (or starboard, I guess) even in the darkness of the night.

They're no Kiroshi's, but Ma certainly didn't skimp when it came to my implants, I have to give her that at least.

Even as the small boat struggles against the surprisingly turbulent waters of the bay, my gaze remains fixed on the far bank, the unfinished great arches of Night City Stadium a darkened backdrop against the evening sky. Behind the Stadium lies Pacifica (left to rot and ruin after Militech's siege of NC made investors pull out faster than a customer on JigJig Street) and the Badlands beyond that, meaning that it was much darker than the bright NC to our backs on the northern side of the inlet, the Glen of Heywood shining and grand even in its squalor.

It was on the southern bank of the river (appropriately named Coastview), in the shadow of the unfinished colossal Stadium, where the second fixer operated who I was planning on flatlining, preferably personally. Sure, it had just been in a game back in my old life, but even so, I don't take kindly to people shooting me in the face after pretending to be my friend. And considering Goro kept V from ever getting proper revenge on Dexter DeShawn for their short-lived death (klepping his iconic Plan B from his rotting corpse just didn't give the same satisfaction), I figured I'd finally get it myself this time around.

Still, as tempting as it was to get my claws on the fat fucker, plans for taking down another fixer would have to wait for the fall-out of taking out my first fixer to finally die down. Annoyingly, it would mean giving Dex the chance to try his doomed attempt at muscling in further on Pacifica which, up until this very night, had been Faraday's turf.

Nominally at least, considering the stuck-up four-eyed freak barely ventured any further south than Vista del Ray after he'd made it to the big leagues a long while ago. He likely hasn't even set foot in Pacifica in years. Explains why the Haitian community there is so self-sufficient, relying more on the Voodoo Boys rather than NC biz. Probably the exact reason why Dexter got his ginormous ass burned trying to shoot down roots in that autocratic shithole and why Mr. Hands (real name Wade Bleecker, currently a dissatisfied high-ranking Petrochem corpo) had such difficulty arranging an audience for V with the gang operating in his own turf.

Hmm, I wonder if Faraday contracted someone from within the VB's squatting in Pacifica to crack Tanaka's ICE? Unlikely, probably, considering even Faraday must know just how insane the Voodoo Boys' netrunners are (very good, sure, but also very insane), so he likely wouldn't offer them highly sensitive top-tier intelligence that could unleash the Fifth Corpo War if handled… indelicately.

Still, unlikely as it was, it nevertheless felt nice to fantasize Maman Brigitte getting her brain melted out of her nostrils once Tanaka lit up like a Christmas tree thanks to my little surprise gift for Faraday.

Which raised the question: who did he end up hiring? Given just how shit life in NC was, I could make an educated guess, but since we raced down past the docks of Downtown and Wellsprings, Faraday's hide-out far from view as we made a beeline towards the bend along Pacifica's Coastview, I don't actually know what happened to the fixer.

Tearing my gaze away from the abandoned Stadium, my eyes land instead on a slim figure standing a little further back in the getaway boat I had prepared.

Speaking of…

"Sasha." I intone, my deep rumbling voice easily carrying over the thrumming of the ship as it cuts through the Coronado Bay's troubled waves, motioning the cute netrunner over to my side.

She looks a bit miserable, but whether that's an after-effect of having to root around Tanaka's depraved mind or because she hates being out on the water (taking her cat theme to its logical conclusion apparently) I can't really tell.

Bit of both, probably.

When the netrunner stands beside me, arms hugged closer around her slim waist and shoulders pulled up against the cutting wind as we race across the bay, I immediately begin questioning her.

"Any news on Faraday?" I press, urgency in my voice, getting a nod from the 'runner as she pops her bubblegum.

"Looked into some trustworthy Media, mostly people Regina Jones used to run with before turning fixer. They're saying Trauma Team got scrambled to the north-east of Heywood, somewhere on the border between Wellsprings and actual Corpo Plaza. Looking out on Corpo Plaza, but not actually in it, still within Heywood territory: for all his wealth, seems like your pretentious fixer never actually made it out of the slums to abandon the rest of us." Sasha grinned, before shrugging.

"Nice place though: high-rise, penthouse on the top floor, but not a Megabuilding, fancier than that. Definitely Faraday's pad. Trauma Team got into a huge firefight apparently." Sasha said with a vindictive little grin.

"But?" I rumble and Sasha's grin disappears as she shrugs once more, a pink bubble of gum popping before she answers.

"I'll need time and better gear than this fucking boat if you want me to breach Trauma Team's database and see how they did. Pretty sure they managed to retrieve Tanaka, but no idea if they'll be able to save him."

"Save him? That Microgenerator should've turned him into cooked BBQ, there shouldn't be anything left to save."

"Eh, you'd be surprised. Sure, we normal humans are a lot squishier than you, but Tanaka had Platinum coverage. 3 to 5 minute response time guaranteed, fastest in the world. With a body that fresh, 'Saka hospitals can do miracles, even with a corpse."

I let out a non-committal growl at that. Tanaka surviving was… well, not ideal. He hadn't seen my face, but then again, the rest of me was pretty distinctive too, easy to point out in a crowd even in NC. Additionally, he was the one that got the idea of marrying David's natural chrome-resistance to the demanding cyberskeleton, thus being directly responsible for the ginormous shitshow that loomed large over the events of the Edgerunners anime.

So, all in all, bad news all around for the good people of Night City (namely, me).

However, he only got the idea after seeing David punching his son's lights out at Sandy-speeds and the only reason why David installed that Sandevistan in the first place was because his mother died following an Animal drive-by.

I couldn't be a 100% certain whether or not that gig had been the one I had taken on myself instead, but I was reasonably sure. After all, James Norris had very publicly committed suicide by MaxTac only a few days ago (which meant Jimmy Kurosaki likely had already publicized the Luitenant-Colonel's gruesome death on an XBD for all to experience), so the timing was right. If I was correct though, then that meant Gloria and David would be coming home safely today and the Sandevistan… actually, what would happen to the Sandevistan now that Maine was one of my Predators?

Hmm, something to look into. I'm sure as shit not gonna give it to Maine, that would see him running head-first into a charged M-179 Achilles round straight through the brain literally faster than a man could blink once MaxTac got a bead on him.

… Could I run it myself? Chrome isn't solely responsible for cyberpsychosis, I know that better than most (nobody else here has ever even heard of a 'Humanity stat' after all), but replacing your spine with a metal bar that slows down time sure doesn't fucking help. I've seen how my Ma changed after she replaced her spine (her ramblings about me leading a new race of Man into a glorious new age of dominion over the earth increased both in length and in volume) and it doesn't bode good things for me neither. Given how… unique my life already was and me losing my sanity (or Humanity stat, as it were) was a very real risk that I couldn't just dismiss out of hand.

A being like me, going cyberpsycho? With a Sandevistan to boot?

Fuck Militech, I'd likely raze Night City to the ground myself, before getting put down like a rabid animal by every MaxTac, NCPD, Militech and 'Saka officer they could pull from active duty.

Not the way I want to go, not the way I want Maine to go, and sure as fuck not the way I want David to go.

Hmm, best if I got on the Sandy-situation asap then, before Gloria unwittingly places the chrome in the wrong hands (or worse, in her son's spine). I wasn't sure what I'd be doing with it yet: all I knew was that, if I kept it away from the Martinez' household, David would be fine and fly under Tanaka's radar even if Arasaka's doctors managed to turn the fat corpo's burnt crisp of a corpse into a (semi-)healthy body again.

And should Tanaka Sr. squeal to 'Saka counter-intel about his corponapping, well, realistically there wasn't anything he'd be able to tell them that counter-intel wouldn't be able to figure out by themselves eventually.

So, again, Tanaka potentially living was sub-optimal (any corpo of his kind surviving was always sub-optimal in my book), but hardly the end of the world.

No, there was someone else who I was much more concerned about.

"Faraday?" I question my cute netrunner after a few seconds of contemplation.

"No signals have come from Faraday's pad and his huscle that were away at the time haven't received any new orders as far as I can tell. Doubt they even know Trauma Team dropped onto Faraday's head, at least not yet. Whatever went down, a story's gonna break about it, soon too with the amount of bodies that dropped. No way to verify that story though: I don't know the full scope of Faraday's contacts, if I did, I'd be the new second-best fixer in all of NC, but things seem quiet. For now at least."

I glance down at the lithe woman from the corner of my eye.

"So. Dead? Or merely lying low?"

Sasha pops her bubble gum again and shrugs, but I can see the worry in her eyes, those neon-pink rings around her irises bright in the dark of night.

"Honestly, Sim, I just don't know for sure. Not yet."

"Can you find out?"

"In time, hopefully, yes. Won't be easy: our best bet is looking at the 'Saka Retrieval Team report and whoever handles the clean-up of the bodies in the penthouse. That'll take a while though."

"Then keep on it."

"Will do Sim."

"Oh, and… Sasha?"

"… yes, Simba?" she asks, looking up at me with wide eyes, her black metallic fingers tight around her slim elbows.

There's a certain… charge in the air, heavy with expectation.

"Can you keep an eye on the hospital databases? Wanna know if one Gloria Martinez was admitted today."

"Oh… Who, uhm… Who's Gloria?" she stammers a bit in surprise, blinking those beautiful eyes of hers as she stares up at me in slight bewilderment.

"Just… a Santo local. Figured I want to know how she's doing. She's… important. Got a kid she's gotta take care of." I respond vaguely, not exactly lying but sure as fuck not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me cyberpsycho-killing MaxTac.

What? I'd like to see you try and explain the situation any better!

"… uh, right. Yeah, no, sure. I can do that." My netrunner responds, sounding disappointed for some reason.

She huddles in a bit deeper on herself, appearing even more miserable as the wind keeps frantically tugging at her pink jacket and tussling her silken hair. Acting before I can even consciously think about it, I take off my Predator-themed flak-jacket (donned again with pride following my meeting with Faraday) and wrap it around Sasha's slim shoulders.

Despite being just a flak-jacket (and thus missing essential parts in its construction like, say, sleeves) it's large enough on her frame I can sort of wrap it around her like an impromptu poncho and the thick materials prove a good isolator against the harsh winds and cold sprays.

It's only while I'm making sure the jacket covers her properly that I realize our positions and just how close I'm looming over her, our torso's nearly touching and with an embarrassed cough I step away from Sasha, worried I overstepped her bounds.

"Right. Hope that helps. With the cold, you know? … right." I manage to get out (without stuttering even! Small victories Simba, small victories) fighting down my blush.

Sasha is still standing ramrod straight in shock and I'm already cursing my forwardness in my mind when she suddenly gives me a small smile, accentuated by the vents in her cheeks which almost look like whiskers on her feline features.

"Thank you, Simba. I appreciate it." She says, before turning away from me.

Right in that moment, the boat hits a particularly large wave, rocking the deck and Sasha lets out a surprised 'oop!' as she stumbles back into me, my form tall and undisturbed by the sudden motion of the small ship.

"Oh, sorry! Haven't gotten my sea legs yet, I guess." She says with an easy laugh as my thick arm shoots around her like lightning and holds her up at my side, offering her stability which I'm almost dead certain she doesn't need.

I've seen her leap from cylon to cylon with almost literal cat-like grace, I'm surprised she lost her footing… oh. Ohhhh

"It's no problem. Really." I rumble in a low voice, even as I keep my arm where it is, looking straight ahead, my eyes piercing the night and locked onto the approaching lights of Arroyo.

I'm very determinedly not looking down at the 'runner at my side: foot-in-mouth syndrome is a lot more serious when said foot is the size of a small dog and said mouth is filled with shark-like teeth.

"Thanks again." Sasha says, in a softer voice than before and like me not moving from her spot, standing huddled at my side and shielded by my giant form from the wind and spray.

In that moment, as we race towards the docks of Santo, I honestly couldn't care less about whether Tanaka or Faraday lived or died: as far as I was concerned, tonight was a good night.

Sadly, it had to come to an end and after what felt like far too little time, my cybernetic eyes managed to zoom in and spot the hulking forms of several Animals standing on one of the more abandoned piers of Arroyo. I recognized a couple of them from Sasquatch's large pack, and I found my worries ease somewhat.

Even if Faraday had realized his betrayal before Trauma Team's and Arasaka's Retrieval Team's arrivals (unlikely, considering his huscle was still non-active according to Sasha) then he'd need to raise a small army if he wanted to take revenge on me while I was surrounded by my people.

He couldn't even sic said 'Saka squad on my ass either, considering he had nothing to offer them for it in exchange. Meredith had been more than happy with all the evidence she needed to put a bullet in Gilchrist's head (considering I knew he was Militech's mole, contacting him for some off-the-books gigs and then turning those over to the corpo woman had been easy as pie) so getting the cybersekeleton as well was just icing on the synth-cake as far as she was concerned. Stout got everything her little corpo-heart (or whatever she got implanted instead of one) could desire, so Faraday literally had nothing to offer either party anymore.

Without corpo back-up and the majority of his huscle murdered by the life-saving medics of Trauma Team, even if the four-eyed fixer had survived the night, he couldn't touch me here on my own turf.

Even so, best not to linger. Just 'cause shit hadn't blown up in our faces tonight, didn't mean things couldn't still go off the rails somewhere down the line 'cause we got arrogant and sloppy, so I signalled both crews that we should ditch the boat as quickly as possible and get ready to delta.

Barrett was our skipper and he expertly lined up our boat to the docks, Dominic and Shannon leaping out from it onto the harbour in order to moor us. Dominic just jumped with a grunt, like a large beast descending upon its prey, but Shannon leapt nearly two meters straight up, arms stretched and legs held together as she performed a picture-perfect somersault and landing on the toes of her feet near-silently beside Ma's stunned looking Animals.

Like I said: ninja. So cool.

As the other Animals helped to secure us and my crew began offloading, Tiny Mike was struggling with an equipment crate, so (with some sadness) I moved away from Sasha and stalked over towards the ex-solo.

Without a word, I take the crate from him with one hand, grabbing it by the handle and tossing it straight into the open arms of an awaiting Animal (who nearly got taken clean off his feet by the impact with a surprised 'oomph!').

"Well, that's just showing off." The merc grouses with a shake of his head, but I merely chuckle.

"No, that was just efficient. This is showing off." I reply with a toothy grin that caused Tiny Mike to blanch.

Before he can ask what 'this' is, my hand shoots out once again, grabbing him by the back of his flak jacket and bodily heaving him out of the boat like I did the crate, throwing him into the waiting arms of another very surprised looking Animal, this one nearly bowled over as well.

Seeing this as a sign of sorts, Benedict and Vasili hurriedly scramble out of the boat as well, though Sasha leaps from it with near the same grace (if not the sheer height and speed) as Shannon, proving that her earlier 'stumble' was indeed an act.

Dwelling on that realization does funny little things to my stomach and we've still got shit to do tonight, so I push it down firmly, glancing away from the lithe netrunner and instead looking towards the final member of my crew, who tugs excitedly on my pant leg.

"Fuckin' launch me Big Guy!" Rebecca yells with a huge grin and I can't help but chuckle in response as I sink to a knee, an enormous clawed paw held out open towards her.

Tongue peeking from the corner of her mouth, 'Becca moves a bit away from me, before taking a running start and jumping right onto the palm of my hand. The moment her sneakers hit my rough skin, I rise with a smooth motion, twisting my hips and throwing out my arm like a pitcher. Rebecca gets (in her own words) "fuckin' launched" as she shoots several meters up and towards the docks. She flails for a bit in mid-air, before tucking into a ball (helped by her enormous poofy jacket) as she describes a smooth arc over the craned necks and baffled looks of my crew and rolling over her shoulder as she lands onto the docks, springing up with raised hands and an enormous smile splitting her white-pinkish face.

"Tada!" she crows to the enthusiastic applause of Sasha and Benedict and the stunned silence of everybody else.

With everyone disembarked, I bend my knees and with superhuman force I push off. Aged wooden planks splinter beneath me as a spray of water bursts upwards, capsizing the boat as its nose dips below the waterline, violently pushed down by the force of my take-off. Dark waters eagerly flow over the deck and into the small hull of the boat as it gets dragged below the surface in a mess of foam and violent waves as I blur towards the docks, landing with such weight several of the people stumble from the sheer force of the impact.

It's silent for a moment as I straighten from a crouch to my full, immense height, towering over the assembled people. Behind me, with a final splash of water and the groan of wood and metal straining under the sudden pressure, the boat sinks completely from view into the dark depths of the Coronado Bay, now just another ruined wreck amongst dozens rotting in NC's waterways.

Less dramatic (and therapeutic) perhaps than setting our vehicles and Faraday's gear on fire, but just as effective at covering our tracks, and I grin in satisfaction as a stunned silence descends over the group, their eyes transfixed on either my gleaming teeth or the turbulent waters behind me, before it's broken by the disappointed shout of Rebecca.

"Man, why ya gotta steal my thunder like that?!"

"Can't help it, honest: I'm just that awesome. It's a natural born thing. Ask my Ma if you don't believe me."

"Fuck… that's true."

One of Sasquatch's Animals manages to shake off his stupor as he steps up closer to me, handing me a stack of papers. A screamsheet I realize, taken from a vending stall very recently judging by the timestamp at the top of the cyberpunk equivalent of a newspaper.

"We got spotted? Already?" I growl, feeling somewhat anxious, but the Animal tips his hand (lined with huge metallic blocks passing for knuckles) back and forth.

"You? Yeah. Didn't spot the target tho." The Animal rumbles as he indicates a section on the screamsheet and my eyes widen.

"Well… at least the diversion worked, I guess." I mutter, glancing at the grainy picture.

Whoever the Media was that slapped this together, they had some preem access to NCPD databases, as the pic was seemingly pulled directly from the surveillance cam of the Hella I'd exploded.

It showed the back of our awful looking Supra, Dominic and I standing shoulder to shoulder in the cramped minivan, him firing his grenade launcher and me firing my Problem Solver, our heavy features accentuated further by the muzzle flashes of all the weapons being discharged.

Standing in between us and looking like a child or a midget stood Rebecca, her maniacal smile full on view since she'd taken her balaclava off before the NCPD jumped us, her Guts barking in her hands and looking both ridiculously oversized and exceedingly deadly as she seemingly fired it straight at the surveillance cam.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

Sure, I was glad that it did seem that neither the NCPD nor the Media reporting on the explosion knew about the involvement of B-Team and C-Team: thankfully there was no mention of Tanaka and just a short notice about congestion on the main road from Santo Domingo into Heywood due to a broken-down truck.

Unless the NCPD were smart enough not to publicize that knowledge of course. Many of 'em weren't exactly the brightest bulbs of Night City (gotta be a bit dumb or touched in the head if you wanna be a cop in this shithole), but dismissing their knack for tactics and fuckery was a quick way to find yourself in a box.

Whether that box had bars on the front or was buried six feet under, well, that depended entirely on your views about going out in a blaze of glory, and what the arresting officer had for breakfast that day.

Still, even if they really didn't know about the true target and purpose of our heist today, I wasn't pleased. Having the identity of one of my Animals exposed like that, for all of Night City to see? That could definitely cause some problems down the line, secret corpo-napping or not.

"Bad news, Sim? You look like you got some bad news." A voice speaks up from somewhere down around my hip.

'Speak of the tiny murder-Devil…'

"I'm sorry, 'Becca."

"What?" the small woman asked hesitantly, yellow-red eyes wide as they locked onto my troubled expression.

"Seems like they know who you are now." I simply state, handing her the screamsheet and tapping the picture of her laughing face with my long, curved claw.

"I… I can't believe it…" Rebecca slowly said in a hesitant voice.

"We'll figure something out, don't worry-"


"… what."

"Take that Pilar, my face is on all the screamsheets! Who's a fuckin' legend now huh? Hahahahahaha!"

For a moment, our group stands in silence as we stare at the cackling woman, Sasha's thoughtful voice pitched low at my other side.

"I suppose that's one way of looking at it…" the netrunner mused as I sighed, dragging a paw down my face.

"Alright folks, let's delta. I want to be back at HQ before dawn breaks. Stay alert, keep your head on a swivel and Rebecca, I swear on my Mom, if you don't stop laughing right the fuck now, I'm gettin' the duct tape again."

We made our way back to HQ without further incident, beyond 'Becca rubbing her newfound fame in her brother's face. Literally too. She just ran up to the unsuspecting techie, took the screamsheet from her pocket and slammed it into her brother's face hard enough it sent him to the floor.

"HA! Fuckin' take that choom! You owe me a 100 eddies!" the small woman crowed in victory, before getting angry at her brother for ignoring her and not paying up.

I wisely refrained from telling her that might've been because he was unconscious, spindly arms splayed wide and legs pointing straight up. Best not to ruin her big moment, I feel.

Even so, despite the quiet of the night and the safety of our HQ, I slept fitfully and was up with the coming of the dawn the following day. I was getting antsy. Whatever happened to Faraday, dead or gone, waves were bound to already be spreading throughout Night City's underworld. The biggest threat to a fixer was another fixer (if you didn't count me, that is, which they never did) and so all of 'em kept a close eye on everyone else. If Faraday's contacts were suddenly cut off and his huscle unpaid, someone was bound to take notice.

My money was on Wakako to be honest. She was sneaky like that. Sure, Rogue was good (literally the best in fact, if you were to ask about 70% of NC's Edgerunners), but she had a lot on her plate and the corpo-loving fixer rubbed her all the wrong ways thanks to her own past, so she wilfully turned a blind optic to much of Faraday's operations. The other fixers had their own turf to deal with, most of 'em further removed from Heywood as well, so it would likely take a little while for things to reach their ears. Regina Jones was closest and a good investigator from her time as a Media, she might have useful intel too.

Hmm, I'll have Sasha keep working the Trauma Team angle, see if she can't breach their database to get a look at what went down on that penthouse. In the meantime, I can stick to some good ol' fashioned, boots on the ground, legwork: track people down, ask 'em a couple of questions and smack 'em around if I don't like their answers.

I'll have to smack a bit (or a lot) more careful-like than usual when it comes to Regina and Wakako if I want to keep my cover as just a dumb Animal though.

Especially with Wakako.

The other fixer with potentially useful intel was Dexter DeShawn, since he was undoubtedly already sniffing around Faraday's former turf. I wasn't exactly keen on talking to him though for obvious reasons, unless said conversations involved a lot of screaming "oh god, why god whyyyy!" on his part.

Maybe throw in a couple of "ah fuck are those my fucking guts?!" in there as well and count me a happy man.

That being said though, while most edgerunners in need of intel will almost automatically default to crawling to a fixer, I had a noted dislike of 'em and so I had been pursuing other avenues of information-gathering during my criminal career.

Which led me to the literal avenue I was currently skulking around in, sticking to the deep shadows casted by the towering high-rises on either side. It was a back-alley in the southern part of Heywood (and as such I was very grateful for the mod that allowed me to shut off my sense of smell), right on contested turf between the Valentinos and 6th Street.

My eyes are fixated on the back entrance of a BD Shack and with good reason: the door suddenly gets slammed open as a gonk runs out with panicked breaths, the cries of "Halt! STOP! NCPD, fuckin' STOP!" coming from within the shady store.

"Fuck you pig!" the man roars back over his shoulder in glee and triumph, which was very, very stupid on his part.

'Cause now he didn't see my waiting arm until the very last second. I had to crouch quite a bit to perform the clothesline, but man was the expression on the gangoon's face fucking worth it as he suddenly smacks throat-first into my forearm.

Between his reckless speed and my enormous strength (my arm doesn't even budge), the young Valentino's feet leave the ground (and his shoes leave his feet, what is it with youngsters and not tying their shoelaces anymore?) as he hangs almost horizontally in mid-air for a moment.

A simple downwards push of my forearm slams the unfortunate gangoon back onto the dirtied concrete hard enough he ends up almost folding in half, his knees hitting the concrete besides his head. Right as the Valentino lets out a pitiful, choked off gasp as the pain finally catches up with his circs, the NCPD 'pig' in question rushes out the open doorway as well, surprisingly without a weapon in hand. As demonstrated when they ambushed my team yesterday, the NCPD has a (somewhat justified) fondness for shooting first and asking questions never.

This particular piggie is cut from better synth-cloth though, which is why I've spent so many years building up a close and meaningful friendship with the man-

"Oh, fuck, it's you. What the fuck do you want this time Mr. Rose?" the tired voice of River Ward rings out across the backstreet as he slumps against the doorframe, the choking and gasping Valentino on the ground all but forgotten as River's one eye stares tiredly at my grinning form.

Well, our friendship is a work in progress.

"Please stop smiling so much, you know how much those teeth freak me out."

… a lot of progress.

Ignoring River's tired complaints, I bend down, roll the Valentino on his stomach and grab him by the back of his Valentino-styled pozer jacket, lifting him clear off the ground with just one hand and dangling him in front of River like a kitten caught by the scruff of the neck.

"Ah come on, don't be like that! Here, got you a little something! As fresh as they come!"

"I usually prefer to catch them myself you know."

"I know, I know, but we ain't got time for that right now." I dismiss with a wave of my hand, before casually tossing the insensate Valentino right in River's arms, the unsuspecting Detective falling back into the BD Shack with a startled 'oomph!'.

Heh, never gets old.

"Why?" River mutters angrily from beneath the sprawling Valentino as he tries to get both himself and the breathless gangoon back on their feet again.

"Why don't we have time, or why did I smack you in the face with a gonk?"

"Yes." River grits through clenched jaws, causing me to smile even wider, before peeking down the length of the dank and darkened street, focusing back on the prone detective with a far more serious look on my face

"Not here."

"Then where?" The detective asks in an exasperated tone as he finally manages to drag the unfortunate Valentino up as well, slapping some cuffs on the youngster who still seems quite out of it (he's praying to Santa Maria in slurred Spanish and keeps asking us if we got the numberplate on the lobo that ran him over).

Getting smacked in the throat with an arm thicker than your thigh would do that to a fool, I suppose.

"Hmm…" I briefly ponder, raking my claws through my thick sideburns as I think the cop's question over.

My eyes idly slide over towards River as he stares up at me with a resigned expression as a grin slowly stretches across my face, my glinting fangs making the hardened cop visibly shudder a little bit.

"You hungry? I'm thinking burgers."

Fun Fact: Misty, Spider Murphy (the netrunner from Johnny's bombing run on 'Saka Tower) and Meredith Stout are all voiced by Erica Lindbeck.
06: Playing Cops and Gangoons

Playing Cops and Gangoons

"It's been relatively quiet, considering just how much the balance of power in Night City's underworld has changed in the last couple of hours. Relatively in this case meaning we're pretty much on the verge of a city-wide gang war, so it's not fuckin' quiet at all. NCPD called all hands on deck as we're trying to contain the situation."

"Which actually means you're just trying to keep it from spilling into Corpo Plaza where it might spoil some poor corpo cunt's perfect view."

"… which means we're ordered to try and keep it from spilling into Corpo Plaza, yes."

"Which of course explains why you're chasing down some low-level gangoon out in the ass-end of Heywood."

"Heywood borders on City Centre, doesn't it? Makes perfect sense: I'm just being pro-active."

"Wait, top brass actually bought that?"

"I dunno, I'll let you know after I tell 'em."

My laugh rings out across the grease-stained seating area of Chubby Buffalo BBQ, the age-old diner that serves cop and merc alike. There are very few truly 'neutral' places out here in NC (even the Afterlife is only a peaceful-ish meeting place for different crews due to the threat of what Rogue would have Emeric do to you), but as far as any true-blooded NC gonk was concerned, this place was fucking Switzerland.

It got shot up once, a long time before me or even Ma was born. Nobody even remembers the gang that did it, or why, but the aftermath still serves as a ghost story amongst even the toughest gangoons. Turns out life can go to shit real fast if both the NCPD and NC's merc-crowd come for your head for shooting up their buddies and their food-supplier.

Nobody's touched this place since and it's become a melting pot of sorts, kinda like the infamous big one in the diner's kitchen that's always simmering away. It's near-legendary at this point after so many years 'cause it always produces the same sauce they put on everything (even some of the drinks) no matter what ingredients you try putting in it. Chubby Buffalo is where the shady parts of the law meet the organized parts of crime to make sure Night City doesn't tear itself apart overnight and so far, it's worked like a charm.

As such, it's also become the standard meeting place for me and River, though technically I'm not really allowed here on much the same reason as I'm only barely tolerated in the Afterlife: I'm a gangoon. An exceptionally well-trained and equipped one, but still a gangoon and not an edgerunner.

Not that anyone's been overly keen on pointing out the difference to me for some particular reason, so here we sat in the early morning, River having his breakfast of cheap coffee and ever cheaper cigarettes and me on my breakfast of whatever meat was thawed out, greased up and ready to serve.

River hates meeting here: says seeing me eat has put him off food forever. Not even sure if he's joking or not, I've only ever seen him smoke or chug coffee. After taking another sip of the stuff, River continues relaying what he's figured out so far.

"This 'Faraday' guy is definitely dead. Rumours are rapidly spreading from fixer to gangoon to edgerunner that Faraday had a bad run in with none other than Mr. Smasher himself." River explains, eyes on his coffee as across from him in our booth, I'm downing my third burger in ten minutes.

What? I had a busy day yesterday and a shitty night's sleep. Plus, I need the calories. Can't have guns like these without plenty of fuel after all.

Or would that be ammo then? Can food be ammo? I mean, I suppose it could be in practical terms if you throw a sandwich hard enough, but I think that's getting a bit too far removed from the metaphor.

'Sides, food is better for eating than for throwing anyways and as if to prove the point I dig back into my burger as I digest River's news.

"Didn't know you had your ear to the ground that much Detective. This is stuff I'd expect from a fixer, not someone in Homicides." I say between mouthfuls of synth-meat and buckets worth of sauce and salt.

River merely shakes his head, calmly taking a sip of his coffee instead.

"Usually don't, but shitshow like that, so close to City Centre? Not to mention Arasaka's Butcher himself showing up to zero someone? I may not know what went down exactly, or why, but it's sent the underworld all abuzz. Which means the NCPD is listening."

River's confidence in Faraday's death isn't misplaced and it sets my own mind at ease as well. I hadn't expected Tanaka to be worthy of a Smasher-extraction, but it worked out very well for me if Faraday ended up in the big fucker's crosshairs.

You don't meet the full-'borg and just… lie low.

The four-eyed freak was deader than dead and thus no longer my problem. He turned into many other people's problems instead as River explained.

"Whatever it was that got Faraday on the Butcher's shit-list, apparently every other gang in town is dying to get their hands on whatever scraps are left. Well, not literally, they send mercs to die for them instead, and those bodies that end up dropping land on my desk eventually. Which makes it my biz as well." The detective says, exhaustion clear in his voice as he motions for a refill from a nearby serving girl.

Her eyes are solely trained on me though as she approaches, staying at literal arms-length away from our table, or more specifically me. Not an easy feat all things considering, as I take up the entire couch on my side of the booth and am still large enough one of my enormous steel-tipped boots is poking out in the aisle. Walking around me with a wide arc (I tend to have that effect on civvies, some gangoons too come to think of it), she sticks close to River's side of the booth as she tries to pour his coffee, though the pot is shaking like a mouse on Black Lace. Predictably, the coffee sloshes everywhere but River's extended mug, though the detective was merely mildly annoyed as the liquid spilled over his cybernetic hand instead of his 'ganic hand.

With a gentle gesture and the clearing of his throat, River takes the large pot from the girl's hands, giving her a thin smile, his 'borg eye lighting up as he wires her a couple of ennies.

"Thank you, I'll take it from here."

She gives him an embarrassed but thankful look and quickly scampers away from our booth. It's early hours, so the place is still practically empty and the little scene hasn't drawn much (if any) attention, but I can still tell that River is annoyed with me.

Then again, he always seems annoyed with me. Probably because of all the murdering I've been up to over the past decade. Yeah, that's probably it. That or my eating habits, it could be either one really.

"You know, sharing a meal out in a very public place kind of beats the point of being my CI. Confidential Informant? Meaning secret? Any of that ring a bell?" River says in a long-suffering tone as he pours himself a proper coffee, but I wave his worries away, scattering a few leaves of grease-drenched salad over our table.

I'm not really riled up: we've done this song and dance a dozen times over by now after all.

"Eh, this place is practically deserted this time of days anyways. 'Sides, we're not 'sharing a meal', 'cause you ain't eating."

As if to demonstrate, I take another huge bite out the mixture of synth-meat and various fats that only the very charitable (or the very gluttonous) would call a proper burger.

"Also, whoever said anything 'bout me bein' your CI? Maybe you're mine instead, huh?" I say once I've properly chewed and swallowed (yes I'm an Animal, but I'm not an animal).

"Not how it works."

"Potato, tomato."

"Also not how that one works. Look, either way, this… arrangement of ours can only be effective if we both bring something to the table-"

"Well then order some proper fuckin' food for once, you're lookin' thin there Detective."

"- and I've held up my end. Now then, anything you can tell me about the shitstorm that's rolled into NC as of last night? Why are so many bodies dropping and most importantly, how do I stop it?" River pushes through, ignoring my joke and showing he's serious about this.

Meh, he's always serious about this. It's why he an' Jess don't talk no more. With a sigh I polish off the remainder of my 'burger' and I start thinking on what I can share with the man as I begin wiping down my thick fingers, taking care not to rip the napkin on my razor-sharp claws.

"Why'd you think I know any more than you?"

"That was your crew yesterday on the bridge between Santo Domingo and Heywood. High-end gig too, specialized gear, outside the usual scope for your gang. Attacked an Arasaka target: they may be keeping it quiet, but running a plate isn't that hard. That very same night, high-end fixer eats the dirt courtesy of Adam Smasher, the 'Butcher of Arasaka' himself? You really gonna play the innocent card? On this?" River asks with some incredulity, but I just shrug my massive shoulders in return.

"Dunno what to tell ya Detective. Smash-and-grab for Faraday went smooth, he went his way, I went mine and now I hear he went and got himself dead overnight. Just makes me glad I managed to drop off the package with the client and not hold onto it myself: seems like it's bad for your health." I reply easily.

"You're not going to tell me what the 'package' really was, are you?"

"No can do, Detective. Client confidentiality, I'm afraid."

"You client is dead."

"Still, it's the principle of the thing."

"Oh you're impossible." River explodes with a sigh as he sinks back further into the couch on his side of the booth.

For a moment, he just stares out the muddied glass towards the light traffic on the street outside Chubby Buffalo, before shaking his head as he finishes the rest of his cigarette, 'ganic and 'borg eyes trained on me with intensity.

"Give me something then Mr. Rose. If you won't clue me in on Faraday's biz, fine, but at least tell me why the rest of Night City's overweight underbelly seems to want a cut as well."

"Look, fixers come and go and yes, usually that means some… reshuffling of the pecking order is needed. Things have been stable for a while, top fixers keeping to their turfs, not interfering in each other's biz too much and treading real careful-like between the corporats and the gangs. Even Wakako doesn't give preferential treatment to her Tyger Claw boys. Same goes for Padre and the Valentinos. He'd have the Orta brothers in the back of a trunk by morning if the eddies were right."

I wasn't even exaggerating considering V would be tasked with exactly that in less than two years' time, all because big-shot Gustavo couldn't keep his dick outta 6th Street pants.


"But Faraday upset the balance. Too deep in a corpo's pocket, began playing sides. Badly. Drew too many eyes to biz that really shouldn't be public and now people are getting antsy."

"They want in on his turf?"

"Nah. I mean, kinda, I know for a fact a fixer is eyeing Pacifica right now, but they got the Voodoo Boys there and ain't exactly waiting for a new boss. 'Sides, Pacifica was Faraday's only in name, he couldn't give two shits about those ruins. No, reason why bodies keep piling up on your desk is 'cause the other fixers want his intel."

"Divvying up the loot."

"Basically. Think vultures and a fresh corpse clean for the picking. They wanna reap everything that made Faraday's op one of the biggest in town and get fat on his prize."

"… sorta glad I didn't order food now."

"Hey, if the metaphor works, it works."

"Yes, yes, very… vivid. Still, this seems extreme, even for NC."

I shrug, swiftly swiping River's mug against his protesting shout. Before I can drain it, the barrel of Crash is pressed firmly against my nostril, the slowly strengthening rays of the dawn shining in through the grimy windows dancing along the cool metal of the Malorian Arms Iconic revolver.

Got damn, but is the Overture a sexy gun, even when it's aimed at your head. Note to self: see if I can't convince old man Eren Malour to come out of retirement and fashion a gun for me like he did Johnny.

"Seriously?" I question with a raised eyebrow, but River's face remains cool and collected, staring right back.

"Don't mess with a cop's coffee Mr. Rose. Seriously."

"Aight, aight, fine, jeez." I say in exasperation as I place the mug back in his hand.

I swipe the coffee pot instead, which basically looks like it's mug-sized in my enormous paw anyways.

Returning Crash to its holster with a shake of his head, River picks up the conversation again.

"Look, I kinda figured that Faraday being flatlined means others will be looking to take over. My question is why are things so…"

"Chaotic?" I fill in for him, getting a frustrated nod.

"Look, fixers are usually middlemen: people come to them with biz, they find the people that can pull off the biz, they get paid out of the client's pocket minus what the fixer takes and so everyone gets what they want in the end. But that's not really how Faraday did things. Mercs barely ever knew anything 'bout the gig save for where to be and who to shoot, huscle was frequently rotated out, eddies came in by the bucketload, but nobody knew from where or how it was laundered."

"He sounds paranoid." River spoke up, but I just snorted in disgust.

"He sounds like an ass. He's the worst parts of fixers personified. Or, well, was I guess. He liked to think of himself like a spider in the middle of a web, the lynchpin to the whole fucking thing, that one block in a Jenga tower you just can't remove or it all comes crashing down. All 'cause he thought he could never be beat anyways."

"Until he was."

"Until he was." I repeat with a grim smile.

Hey, to be fair to the four-eyed fucker, you can't exactly plan around Adam fuckin' Smasher himself. Or me, as it turned out. Feeling my grin widen even further (causing River to take a hurried drag of a fresh cig) I continue.

"On the one hand, this means that his organization immediately died with him, as there was no second in command to take over in his wake. On the other hand, it's also left quite a large number of huscle with unfulfilled paychecks and nobody to control them and they're pretty eager to get their fair (and unfair) share of the boss' loot. 'cept there's a problem with that."

"He kept things too close to the chest. The others don't know where to start." River quickly picks up.

"Everyone on that rooftop got flatlined, so they won't tell. Everyone else in Faraday's network likely wasn't even aware biz had gone down. So now there's unfinished biz, biz important enough Arasaka send out their fucking Butcher to crash the party, and a lot of eddies to be made or stashed somewhere waiting to be found. 'cept nobody knows where it all is."

"… fuck." River says after a long pause, a deep frown marring his face, before he glances up at me in a mixture of frustration and resignation.

"I can't stop this, can I?"

For a moment, I remain silent as well, my earlier teasing attitude gone as I look at what's perhaps the most honest cop in all of Night City.

"Sorry River." I say and I'm somewhat surprised to find that I mean it too.

Seeing him shake his head in defeat, I continue in a soft voice (by my standards at least), trying to give him what little comfort I can. It was the same situation with Sasha when she realized how little a dent her desperate attack on Biotechnica resulted in. People who wanted so badly to change the world, only to be confronted by the fact said world was barely even aware they existed in the first place.

"This is bigger than you." I state firmly, trying to keep the noble detective from running head-first into the world of the Edge and eating a bullet to the other eye for his troubles.

"It shouldn't be." The detective mutters, angrily staring in his now empty coffee mug.

"Plenty of shit in this city that should or shouldn't be River. You can't change NC. Not on your own."

"Seems like people have been saying that to me ever since I got my badge." River says bitterly, before shaking his head.

"If that's true… then why the fuck give me one in the first place? Better yet: why the fuck did I take it?"

"You took it 'cause you're a good guy, detective Ward. 'cause, even if you can't change this city, that doesn't mean you can't make a difference. You might not be able to change NC, but maybe you can change the NCPD." I implore, somewhat surprised at how we got from discussing Faraday's fall-out to me giving the worn-out detective a fucking peptalk.

Evidently River is surprised as well, as he sits straighter in his chair, shaking his head in dismissal.

"Change the NCPD? I've seen how that ended up for… for Sheen. No, my boots belong on the streets of Night City, not stuck somewhere in an office constantly begging corpos for back-up and the mayor for funding. If every gonk with a gun wants to try and cash in on Faraday's death, I'll just keep at it and arrest the lot of 'em." The detective says with conviction, strength returning to his voice.

I merely chuckle, pleased to see the man shaken from his funk as he gets a small smile on his face.

"Maybe I ought to take this thing head-on? March into the Afterlife and arrest Ms. Amendiares right on the spot."

That draws a full-blown belly laugh from me as I try and picture the scene.

"Man, you ever feel like dyin' that way, count me in as your huscle. You wouldn't even have to pay me: the look on Rogue's face alone would be worth it." I chuckle, the mood in our booth turning from sombre and serious to more light-hearted peacefulness.

Which of course means the moment is quickly interrupted by an older voice speaking up from somewhere behind me. I swear, can't have shit in NC.

"I see you fellas chuckling it up in here again. Somethin' funny?" Harold Han, NCPD vet, lazily calls out as he steps into view, though he makes very sure to keep out of my range.

Or what he thinks is my range anyways.

"Not anymore." I mutter wearily, getting a warning look from River.

"Well, what was it then? Laughing about the two cops you landed in the hospital yesterday?" detective Han says with venom in his voice as he glares daggers at me, though I try to ignore him at first.

"It was just a couple cannisters of compressed Choo against a modified Archer. Your Hellas are fireproof, those cops are fine."

"Masters was hanging out the fucking window!"

"Like I said, he's fine. He didn't die, right?" I dismiss, before pausing and shooting River a look.

"He didn't, right?" I question, getting an exasperated nod from the detective.

"See: fine. What did I tell ya?"

"His face got turned into one big third-degree burn!"

"Just slap some synth-skin on there and he'll be as preem as the day he signed up for gunning after gangoons just minding their own biz."

"His eyes are gone!"

"Good on him: I've heard that Kiroshi's are having a sale on some of their older models. Would be a good time for him to get some upgrades."

That sends Han into such a fit of rage he almost swallows his cig whole as he turns about as red in the face as the unfortunate (but apparently still alive, yay restraint!) officer Masters.

"Easy. We're just swapping intel. Havin' a talk with my CI." The detective says as he tries to intervene in our argument, pushing an empty cup in his partner's hand and motioning the same serving girl over for another refill.

"Strange place to meet with an informant." Han eventually manages after he's had a couple sips and had calmed down somewhat.

"Not that strange. It's a safe location and still early enough not to be overheard." River explains to my surprise.

That cheeky copper, I swear I can see him fighting back a smirk!

Han grumbles a bit as he takes a seat at the bar, eyes fixed on my enormous form hogging my side of the booth.

"Well, got anything useful to tell us? Anything worth enough for me to not clap you in iron and sent you to an iso-box for the next 6 years?" the aged cop asks confrontationally, and I can feel my blood rising as I slowly turn to face him.

"Ya got cuffs on your skinny ass big enough to take me in, old man?"

"You're right, I don't have the iron to take you in actually, but my other iron is big enough to take you down instead if ya want."

"Bold claim for a man old enough to knock on death's door. You want me to answer it?"

My growl is deep enough it rattles the cutlery on the table, before River slams his chrome hand down on the tabletop.


Han and I keep our gazes locked, but his hand moves away from where it had been creeping towards his holster and I gently extract my claws from where I had unwittingly extended them into the aged wood of the table.

"We're discussing the rise in inter-gang and merc-on-merc homicides Harold. Sooner we get to the bottom of the cause, the sooner bodies stop getting dumped on our desks and we can all quit working triple shifts." River tries to explain diplomatically.

"The cause? Same shit as always in this city. Too many fools with more ammo than common sense. It's gangoons killing gangoons out there, with a couple of edgerunners thrown in the mix for good measure: the fuck do we care?" Han says with a sharp look my way as he leans back against the bar, lighting a cigarette.

"We care because it's our job." River tries, and finally Han's eyes leave mine to settle on his partner with some incredulity instead.

"Caring? In our job? Good way to get yourself killed River. You should know that better than anyone after what happened to Sheen-"

"Don't." my growl halts the aged cop in his tracks as he shoots me a dark look.

"Don't go there." I simply state and once again Han locks gazes with me, before eventually glancing away with a shrug of his slim shoulders.

"Fine. Forget I said anything. What did the brute here have to say about our growing pile of bodies?"

"Fixer died. Other fixers are fighting over the guy's loot and sending out crews to get their cut. Dead fixer in question didn't make it easy for 'em by consolidating his entire powerstructure into himself and keeping the flow of intel constrained: some of his men still don't even know he's dead. As a result, there's a lot of infighting and that has set the gangs on edge as well." River explains succinctly and in an even tone despite the sore point his partner just raised.

That's a level of self-control I'm not sure I would've displayed were I in his shoes, which is exactly why I sought to have him as an ally. Han isn't impressed though, not even noticing the sore point he bluntly stumbled on as he just shrugs again.

"Sounds like the guy at least knew his opsec. Can't be sharing too much with the wrong kind of people after all." He said sagely, shooting me a look which showedexactly just who he thought of as 'the wrong kind of people'.

"Either way, it's a mess that we need to get on asap before it starts hurting innocents as well." River states firmly, rising from his seat and approaching his partner, deliberately placing himself between the two of us.

"Eh, that's the job of the beat cops. We're detectives Ward. We concern us only with the whodunnit part of a dead body. If this is all because of some dead fixer, then all we need to do is find out who flatlined the guy-"

"That'd be Adam fuckin' Smasher." I speak up from over River's head.

"… well then, there ya go. Case closed." Han says after a brief pause, even a hardened cop like him taking a moments pause when Arasaka's Butcher gets involved.

"What, you wanna arrest Adam Smasher?" River asks incredulously, completely ignoring my correction of 'Adam fuckin' Smasher' in the background.

"What the- arrest Adam Smasher?! Ha! Fuck no! Which means: case closed." Han says simply, putting out his cig and despite my dislike of the geezer, I can't exactly fault the man for it.

River obviously disagrees.

"Adam Smasher himself takes out one of Night City's top fixers and you're not the least bit curious as to why?"

"Nope! I like being alive." His partner cheerfully responds.

"Harold, Smasher hasn't even been seen in years, now he shows up out of nowhere, goes after one of the most prolific targets in NC's underworld and apparently half the city's edgerunners are trying to take advantage of the aftermath? We need to work this angle-"

"No. No we don't need to work this angle, because if we do work this angle, that'll lead us to getting a meeting with Smasher ourselves and if, if, we survive that little encounter, that means we'll end up on Arasaka's shitlist to boot as well. I've got neither the eddies or the deathwish to step into that ring and you know you don't either."

Our area in the diner is silent for a long moment as the cops stare each other down, before finally River backs away, though he doesn't give up.

"Faraday went after something, or probably a someone considering Trauma Team got involved. Someone important enough 'Saka put Adam Smasher into the field. I won't pursue Smasher, but I will find out what it was that Faraday took. Fixers are always middlemen: I find the target, it'll lead me to the client."

"Which will lead you to Arasaka and you can see how that's worse than meeting Smasher in a dark alley, right? You can see how that's worse, right?"

River merely stared back in defiance, causing Han to throw his hands up in the air, looking so exasperated that, for a moment, he forgets he hates my guts as he gestures towards me with an annoyed flapping of his hand.

"You talk some sense into him!"

For a moment, the three of us are silent as River turns to me with a raised brow. Seeing his earnest look at me gnaws at my conscious (oh hey look, apparently I still got one! Neat!) and eventually I cave with a frustrated groan.

"Look, River. You're right: Faraday did steal a 'Saka corpo, congratulations, you figured out the 'what'. But you need to start thinking more about the 'why'. Why take the risk of pissing off 'Saka? Why did 'Saka care enough about their missing rat they'd send their Butcher?"

Slowly, I slide out the booth and rise to my full height, towering over the two detectives, my wild mane of hair nearly brushing the ceiling as I loom towards River.

"This is bigger than you. Like I told you: Faraday was deep in corpo pockets. The fall-out you're dealing with is just edgerunners and the odd gangoon, but the biz Faraday himself was involved in? That's between corpo and corpo and you don't want to get involved with those kind of animals." I caution him.

"So, it was intel he was after and 'Saka went to get back. Well, you're the one who got Faraday his prize yesterday, why don't you tell us what it was?" Han idly asks, but I just shoot him an unamused glare.

"What makes you think I would even if I knew? I got hired to bag some fat cat. Dunno why, dunno what for, we don't ask that type of questions, we just ask 'how much?'. Clearly, whatever it was the guy told Faraday, it's worth 'Saka siccing Adam fuckin' Smasher on your head over and I don't want none of that smoke. I like livin'."

"Fine, fine, can't fault you for that. Handling delicate intel ain't exactly your type of gig anyways. Figure if you were tasked with getting someone to talk, you'd start with ripping out their tongue." Han says in an insulting and dismissive tone, before River's 'borg hand clamps down on his forearm in warning.

Shooting me an apologetic look, the detective asks one last question.

"You at least have an ID for us? Who did you bag?"

For a moment, I stare back before shaking my head ruefully.

"I plead the fifth. Let it go River. Don't go looking for the guy, it's not your biz."

"You know I can't do that Simba."

"… name for a name then."

Seeing River's eyebrow rise in question, Han tries to intervene again.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no! Look we just discussed opsec, you can't share intel with whoever you want. Isn't he your CI? He's supposed to be the one giving you intel!"

"Eh, apparently the jury's still out on that one." River says easily as he brushes off Han's complaints, before glancing back up at me with determination.

"What do you need?"

"List of deceased on that rooftop. Bodies dropped: I want an ID on all of 'em. Nothin' fancy. A name or description will do."

"Oh, if it's just nothing 'fancy'-!"

"Shut up Harold." River finally cuts his partner off, the older detective throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Turning back to me, River gives me a firm nod.

"Done. Someone in particular you're looking for?"

"A netrunner. Like your dear colleague said, I ain't too good with getting intel. Which means Faraday must've brought in someone else. Wanna know who."

"What do you care? Thought you said your biz was finished." Han butts in as he fishes a new pack of cigarettes from his old coat.

"I don't like loose strings. You managed to connect me with the biz that led to that shoot-out. If Faraday hired a solo, then that's fine, but if they were part of another crew, then chances are good they'll make the same connection. Might even decide to get revenge for their dead choom. I want to get ahead of that."

"Fine. We got a deal: I'll get you your list. Now, the ID of the corpo you grabbed." River states firmly and for a moment I'm silent, Han's demanding gaze boring into my side.

"Tanaka. Tetsuo Tanaka. He's got a kid enrolled in 'Saka Academy."

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

There. Won't be long now 'til I finally know what happened to the old sadistic fuck, either from Sasha or from River once he tracks the corpo down. Turning my back on the satisfied detective and his irate older partner, I toss a casual wave over my broad shoulder as I begin leaving Chunky Buffalo BBQ.

"See ya around Detective River. Don't get yourself killed now. Say hi to Jess and the kids and tell Randy I'll have his meds waiting for him in a week or two. Detective Han… drop dead."

"Fuck you too."

"See ya 'round Simba."

The double-doors fall shut behind me as I move to my car, before I'm halted in my tracks when I get a notification directly onto my eyeballs (which, even after a new lifetime, is still weird as hell) that Sasha's trying to contact me. Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach as I see her avatar (or maybe that's just the three burgers I just devoured sloshing around down there), I pick up the call as I settle in my modified (and still absolutely gorgeous!) Quaddra Avenger.

"Hey you. What's going on?" I speak up, a smile coming to my face unbidden as I begin pulling out of the parking lot.

"Still working the Trauma Team angle, but I actually got some other intel that you wanted me to look into? Uhm… not sure how to tell you this, but…" Sasha quickly trails off, uncertainty in her voice.

Ice begins to pool in my stomach as my enormous paws clench around my reinforced steering wheel.

"What is it?" I rumble in a low voice.

"So, I looked into this Gloria Martinez woman? … I got a hit, Sim. She's been taken to a clinic on Sequoia Street in Rancho Coronado. Hang on, I have the name somewhere here-"

"The Night City Centre for Psychiatric Health…" I interrupt my netrunner, that cold pit of ice in my stomach now spreading throughout every vein in my body.

I ignore Sasha's question about how I knew that, I ignore River's cry from inside the diner that I haven't paid my part of the bill, I ignore the horns of oncoming traffic as the street gets drowned in the rumbling roar of my Avenger.

All that matters is that my boot slams the gas pedal to the floor, my eyes wide and my knuckles white as I race towards the bridge leading to Santo. Even as I burn rubber and run traffic lights, the wind screaming along the blocky outlines of my musclecar, one question keeps rattling around my brain.

'How the fuck did that happen?!'

Fun Fact: Kerry Eurodyne and Harold Han are both voiced by Matthew Yang King.
Interlude: 01

David felt a strange and indescribable sensation, as if he were floating weightlessly, the pains and his aches left forgotten on the floor somewhere far below. His thoughts were all fuzzy, as though they were wrapped in soft cotton. The bandages tightly wound around his head only emphasized the surreal experience. Although they made his head itch, he didn't give in to the urge to scratch them. He barely felt them anyways. Hell, he hardly felt anything at all in that moment. Instead, his attention was fixated upward, his eyes locked onto the flickering EXIT sign that struggled to pierce through the dimness of the worn-out hallway.

The feeble light emitted by the sign battled against the encroaching darkness, barely illuminating the decaying walls. It held a mysterious allure to the shell-shocked teen, as if it held the key to unraveling the chaos of the past few hours or offered a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom. David couldn't help but be captivated by its intermittent glow. It seemed to promise answers, a way out, and in his fragile state, he couldn't resist its enchanting pull.

And so, he remained there, suspended between reality and imagination, caught in the dance of the flickering light and the eerie silence of the abandoned hallway. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each passing moment pregnant with anticipation. Until it was rudely interrupted by the doctor standing by his side holding a clipboard and sounding utterly uninterested.

"Surgery was a success. She hasn't come to yet, but she's stable."

The doctor's words barely registered with David, as if they were distant echoes floating through a fog. Despite the fact that the stout man stood merely two feet away from the bewildered teenager, his voice seemed muffled and far-off. To be fair, referring to him as a doctor might be a stretch. The man's appearance hardly inspired confidence, dressed in faded sweatpants and donning a mismatched ensemble of thick rubber gloves, an apron (with no shirt underneath, for… some reason, he supposed), and a peculiar combination of a mask and what appeared to be a shower cap covering a significant portion of his head, leaving David to question the legitimacy of the dude's medical degree.

Maybe he won one in a box of cereal? David remembered his Mom practically going on the warpath when she found out about NC's General Hospital's latest marketing strat.

All in all, the fat gonk looked more like a butcher than a doctor. Unsurprisingly, the thought of the chubby, shirtless man having his mother's life in his gloved hands was hardly comforting to the shaken teen.

"We'll keep her a few more nights to observe." The man (partially) clad in scrubs continued, either unaware or uncaring of how the teen in front of him clearly wasn't paying him any attention, unseeing eyes roaming his dilapidated surroundings instead.

The hallway stretched before him, enveloped in a somber gloom that permeated the air. Its dimness and dampness seemed oddly familiar, almost reminiscent of his own Megabuilding if it weren't for the overwhelming stench of despair that clung to the walls even more intensely than back in his own dwelling. The place unsettled him, and the people who worked there even more so. Even as he was led through the squat building located on Sequoia Street, passing through a worn-down entrance hall and ascending a flight of even more dilapidated concrete stairs, he couldn't escape the biting and malicious apathy that seemed to hang heavily in the air, casting a dark shadow over every interaction and encounter. The indifference displayed by those around him felt sharp and penetrating, leaving him with a sense of disquiet and an unshakeable feeling of being an outsider here, someone unwelcomed.

Less a visitor and more an interloper.

It should've set him on edge. It should've made him want to hug his mother's jacket closer to himself. It should've sent his whole circs blazing with red flags, it should've made him question why his mom was admitted to a Psychiatric Hospital for physical injuries.

Scratch that, he shouldn't even have asked any questions at all, just bust the orderly's nose, find his mom and delta the fuck out of this creepy hellhole.

Should've… but he didn't. Couldn't. He didn't have the energy left to notice the warning signs.

All he felt was… unsure. Of everything. Of himself. Of his mother's condition. Of what would come after all… this. Was there even an after? The doctor said his mom was stable, but how should David know what that meant when he wasn't allowed to even see her?

Dead people are pretty stable too, right?

His thoughts kept tumbling until they unexpectedly latched onto the doctor's last words, causing a jolt of realization to course through the teenager's veins. Like sticking a fork in a toaster and feeling the current run through your circs. The sheer strangeness statement only now really hit the teen and he almost felt like the disgusting creep had suddenly decided to pour a bucket of ice-water down his veins, as if the fat guy was some sadistic ripperdoc short on anaesthetics and low on common sense.

"You'll keep her… can't I see her?"

The thought of being separated from his mom… the thought that he wouldn't be able to reach her again was sickening enough it finally shook the teen from his stupor.

Almost as if it was matching how he felt on the inside, the flickering EXIT sign unleashed a shower of sparks, their lights causing a wicked gleam to flash over the doctor's goggles.

"No can do, kid. Visitation's not part of your package." The doctor responded with an ease born of familiarity, a rote line he had clearly thrown out without care for thousands of times already.

A part of David was shocked to his very core.

'I have to pay just to see my own Mom…?' he thought, his mouth oddly dry.

Another, more cynical part of David was wondering why he was even surprised anymore after a (brief) lifetime on the streets of NC.

'Of course it's about money. Everything is always about money.' David thought bitterly to himself, his hands clenching.

The memory of the accident surged through David's mind, intruding upon his thoughts like an unstoppable playback of a BD he just couldn't quit. The intense heat of the fire engulfed his senses, imprinted forever onto his memory. He could almost feel the slick sensation blood trickling down his skin, a chilling reminder of the moment when his legs became caught in the twisted wreckage of their old, busted-up vehicle, trapping him within the ruin of their dilapidated car. The acrid smoke swirled menacingly, threatening to suffocate his lungs and casting a shadow of terror over the chaotic scene.

The intensity of the flames, the desperate struggle for breath, and the unsettling sensation of being trapped in a metal tomb of destruction replayed in his thoughts with unwavering clarity. It was as if time stood still, freezing him in that terrifying ordeal, each sensation etching itself deeper into the tapestry of his memory.… and at the centre of it all was his mother, prone and slumped over her steering wheel, lying motionless even as oil began to spill from the old truck they had smashed into, dripping onto their seats.

But, most of all, he remembered the mechanical tones of the Trauma Team responders as they overlooked the carnage, a white helmet suddenly overtaking his view.

"Not a client."

"Neither is she"

"Leave these guys to the city meat wagons."

David closed his eyes, his breath straining and laboured.

'Everything is always about fucking money.'

It'd be difficult. Eddies would be tight, or well, even more tight. For some reason, his thoughts seemingly fixated on their washing machine.

'Well, that shitty thing's straight out at least.'

They'd have to sacrifice other things as well of course, he knew that. They might have to go without electricity at all for a month or two, just to make rent. Food… well, the shit you could pull from vending machines was hardly safe, just marginally better than dumpster diving really (though at least this way you got your slop pre-packaged), but it shouldn't kill them if it was just for a few months.

They could pull through. They had to. They always did before.

'… Except, Mom did that. Took care of it. Us. How the fuck am I gonna do the same for her?'

He could try and sling more XBD's, the little corpo-wannabes at the Academy loved that shit, even as they looked down their noses at him when they wired the eddies. Pocket change for those spoiled brats, but the difference between a hot meal and going hungry for him. Their allowances were fat enough that David should be able to leech enough ennies from the bastards to pull him and his Mom through a couple of months at least.

If he had enough to offer them. Problem was he was just a street-level dealer, meaning his supply was completely dependent on the Doc sending him more of his stock to sell. He could press the guy for more product, but that came with a price tag of its own.

And those are the kinds of debts that can become way too costly to settle, in more ways than one.

Even as David tried to think on the future, his body recognized that there was still the now to deal with, and so without any real input from him, he noticed his mouth opening and words being formed.

"R-right…" was all he managed.

Taking the conformation at face value, completely uncaring of the lost tone the teenager voiced it with, the doctor glanced down at his clipboard again, his own manner completely unbothered.

"Anyway, here's your paperwork and your bill. Brought your Mom's things too." He said, extending a plastic waste bag towards the teen, who glanced at it in surprise.

"Wire us the eddies…"

David wasn't sure what exactly the shirtless man was about to extort from him, as they were suddenly shaken from their conversation by a thunderous crash coming from the level below.

Quite literally in fact, as David fell off his bench and the doctor was sent to his knees with a cry of panic.

"The fuck is going on?!" David yelled out, but hardly stuck around for a response from the flailing creep.

Fuelled purely by instinct and adrenaline, the Santo teen leapt to his feet and started running down the flight of stairs. People don't usually run towards potential danger, but all that really mattered to David in that moment was that his Mom was somewhere on the upper levels, unconscious and defenceless (but stable at least, whatever the fuck that meant), and some shit just went down on the floor below.

So, for David, his path was clear: make sure that whatever just crashed into the building didn't make it to the upper floors.

There was no plan. There wasn't even any consideration as to what might've caused the crash and what David, an unmodded, scrawny teen could possibly hope to do to halt it in its tracks. All that went through the young Santo kid's head was the image of his mother, lying motionless against the steering wheel that had smashed into her stomach, a pool of blood thickening around her feet.

Heart pounding in his chest and feet thundering against the concrete, David sprinted towards the ground floor, his focus fixed on the grimy double doors leading to the main entrance. Bursting through the doors, a wave of nausea washed over him, jolting him awake and finally forcing him awake from his panic-fuelled thoughts as he took in the dangerous situation unfolding before his very eyes.

The entrance was a scene of utter chaos, marked by a level of carnage that could only come from a cyberpsycho attack. Slaughter, that was the only word for it. Rubble littered the entire hallway, originating from a massive hole where the front doors once stood. In the center of it all, an unexpected sight greeted David—an oddly intact muscle car. The remnants of a labcoat-clad, bloodied arm protruded from beneath one of the car's tires, leaving a haunting streak of blood in its wake. The room was further marred by the presence of several lifeless bodies, dressed in Biotechnica or Militech uniforms, scattered haphazardly across the floor. The extent of the massacre halted even the hardened Militech soldiers who rushed into the room in their tracks, their full assault gear and weapons held at the ready.

Each corpse was a gruesome testament to the sheer violence that had taken place. Some lay in pools of their own blood, their bodies riddled with bullet holes or bearing grotesque slash marks. Others had been violently embedded into the walls or pillars with overwhelming force, causing the unyielding concrete to crumble around their mangled forms. In a macabre display of strength, one Militech soldier, identifiable only by his boots, had been launched into the ceiling, his lower body the only visible evidence of his existence.

The cause behind the sheer brutality of the massacre was revealed as David's gaze was drawn to the far side of the room, where an animalistic roar pierced through the panicked screams of the remaining survivors. And it was indeed an Animalistic roar: the giant that stood over the cowering receptionist could be nothing else but a member of NC's most violent gang, though David had never seen one (or any human being for that matter) that was that big.

The man was huge, towering over the terrified hospital employee, a wild mane of hair nearly brushing the ceiling and he was wider in the shoulders than two David's standing next to each other. Though obviously an Animal, judging by his muscles and heavy-set face ('are those fangs in his mouth!?' David saw in shock), he didn't wear their standard gear of torn-up track suits and sports equipment. It looked more like what David expected of a cyberpunk, looking similar to what the Militech soldiers currently storming the entrance hall were clad in.

The only thing that marked the enormous man as an Animal (besides his size and clear strength) was the flak-jacket embossed with a stylized roaring lion on the back.

"P-please, I don't know-"


"Halt right there!" the Militech soldier closest to David shouted out.

Some small part of the teen's mind (the only part currently not going "oh my god, what the fuck is fucking happening?!") was surprised that the corpo soldiers even attempted to talk the Animal down, though the tremble in the man's voice probably explained why.

Hardened corpo soldiers they may be, with the chrome and the stims to match, but this was a quiet part of town and it had been a normal day: to go from just chatting with your colleagues around the watercooler to seeing the entrance hall of your workplace turned into a black-market horror BD is not something anyone here expected waking up this morning.

"P-please, p-patient files are c-confidential…" the woman behind the counter tried in a sobbing tone, the same woman who, only a few hours ago, had sneered in annoyance at David just because he had asked to see his mother.

The Animal growled, picking the woman up by engulfing her entire steel-blonde head in a single clawed hand, lifting her up from the ground with ease as he brought her closer to his beastlike face. His lips were peeled back, showing off fearsome pointed fangs as his hot breath washed over the terrified woman's face.

"You really want to protect corpo integrity? Now?" the monster growled, almost sounding incredulous if not for the sheer rage in his deep voice.

The crying woman was spared from answering when the same soldier from before, probably an officer of sorts, took a step forwards, gun at the ready, once again desperately shouting orders at the impossibly huge beast in their midst.

"Drop the woman!" his voice cracking.

Time seemed to stall for a moment, freezing both the onlookers and David himself in the grip of immobilizing fear. Lost amidst the chaos unfolding around him, David found himself pressing his back a little further into the protective embrace of the corridor's corner, all but forgotten by the rest in the room. As the colossal Animal kept his gaze locked with the trembling woman, a pregnant pause lingered in the air, burdened with trepidation.

The Animal's piercing green gaze gradually shifted from the woman to the jittery Militech officer. Though his fearsome visage remained contorted in a snarl, a bone-chilling transformation began to take hold—a sinister grin that stretched across his altered features, sending shivers down the spines of the everyone still alive in the room.

"Very poor choice of words."

Before David could comprehend what the man meant, he pulled back his massive arm before letting loose with a throw like a pitcher. The woman blurred through the air, her body limp as it flew. Before David could even really comprehend what had happened, the woman impacted the corpo soldier, who just barely managed to get out a choked-off, startled shout, before the woman slammed into him-

"Oh… oh god…" David managed to get out, feeling almost sick.

-and through the soldier, turning both into an explosion of gore and gristle. The rest of the small company of Militech troops stood stunned for a moment as they were doused by their commander's blood, a moment that costed them dearly as the enormous Animal leapt towards them, a teal machine gun held in one hand, the other splayed wide open displaying its wicked claws.

What happened next almost went too fast for David to even really follow, not helped by the fact that he was scrambling down the hallway, trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the massacre occurring in the room behind him.

All he knew was that the teal-coloured gun let loose a tremendous spray of bullets that forced the Militech corpos back, it's kick barely even fazing the giant as he descended upon the nearest group of soldiers, who were only just now bringing up their weapons, still shaken by the sudden and violent end of their commander.

The gun kept roaring, seemingly never running out of bullets while the monster's free hand shot forwards faster than David (or the corpo soldiers) could follow. Its claws glinted in the light coming from the dilapidated fixtures in the ceiling and with a violent swipe, the throat of the soldier standing at the front was torn out in a tremendous spray of blood.

That was the last David saw as he allowed the double doors to swing shut behind him as he sprinted back down the hallway he had just crossed. The sheer gore and bloodshed in the entrance hall had shaken him from his foolish first instinct: his body, steered by the most primal and primitive parts of his brain, had recognized a bigger predator when it saw one and had immediately realized that between Fight (read, Get Horribly Torn To Absolute Fucking Shreds) and Flight (read, Possibly Not Get Horribly Torn To Absolute Fucking Shreds), it much preferred the latter option.

Despite his body's instinctual panic, David refused to succumb to its grip. While the beast's gruesome actions had already rattled him, they paled in comparison to the overwhelming dread stirred within him by the creature's bone-chilling words.

Martinez, Gloria. It knew her. It was hunting her. And it was up to David to ensure that it would never find her.

Forget trying to stop the new threat from reaching his mother, there was nothing David had or could do that would halt a monster like that in its tracks for even a moment, save perhaps for the time it'd take to extract his spine from his body and lick its claws clean in the aftermath. But that didn't mean that David's first (and really only) priority couldn't still be achieved.

He needed to keep his Mom safe. That was all that mattered, the only thing that mattered. She wasn't there anymore to take care of the two of them, to protect them, so it fell to him instead. If he couldn't keep the threat from reaching his Mom, he'd keep his Mom away from the threat instead.

Heart hammering in his chest so fast he felt as if it was shattering his ribs, David leapt up the stairs three or four steps at a time. In what both felt like no time at all and an eternity, David slid to a halt next to the cowering 'doctor' that had given him the news on his mother's condition, his sneaker-clad feet skidding over the broken and grimy tiles of the hallway.

"Out of the fucking way!" he heard himself scream, voice cracking and hoarse as he shoved the man aside, too panicked to even really be disgusted as his hands slid against slick, exposed skin, the shirtless man drenched in his own sweat.

Ignoring him, David quickly heaved up the waste bag with his mother's belongings onto his shoulder, thankful that the man's greed had at least led to something beneficial, since he was now already packed.

All that was left was his mother.

"You! Where is she?!"

As David directed his attention to the doctor, who remained huddled against the railing, it became clear that the man had yet to fully register David's presence. His eyes, magnified by his glasses, were wide and transfixed, fixed solely on the closed doors at the far end of the hallway.

And the gunfire and screams that could be heard from the other side.

"Shoot at it!"

"I am shooting at it!"

"Then why is it not dead?!"

David shuddered as the screams of panic turned into the screams of the dying and he refocused on the man trembling on the floor, clutching the railing with thick, yellow latex gloves.


That is, until David kicked him in the side. Hard.

Wide eyes flitted towards David with a sort of mad panic, void of recognition.


"Gloria Martinez! My mom, asshole! Where is she! What room?!"

"I-… I don't…"

"What?! ROOM?!"


The man didn't get to utter another word as right in front of David's disbelieving eyes, he suddenly disappeared in a shower of gore. Feeling how a wave of blood crashed into his form and across his face, David didn't even manage to blink, his feet seemingly glued to the floor.

"…what." Was all he managed, his voice quivering and impossibly small in the gloomy hallway that seemed to loom larger and larger around him, as if to swallow him whole in its darkness, time itself seemingly crawling to a halt.

Slowly, still trembling, David's eyes tracked towards his left, to the wall at his side, where the body of the doctor and what had once been a Militech agent were embedded in a crater, blood and viscera visibly dragging towards the floor. Each drop of blood or spark of chrome seemingly took a day to fall to the floor below to David's shocked mind, coinciding with the slick feeling of beads of matter slowly sliding across his skin and down his shirt.

The worst part was that he could see the Militech soldier was still alive, wide eyes ringed in red looking out at the world in an uncomprehending panic.

David slowly turned back towards where the apron-clad man had been cowering behind the balustrade, only to see that the spokes and metals of said railing had been twisted and torn apart, stretching towards the cratered wall with mangled steel fingers.

David's body only began moving again when a large, clawed hand covered in blood suddenly gripped the remaining parts of the railing, the teen falling away with a scream as he landed prone on the dirtied tiles. Immediately after, the clawed hand clenched, steel slightly deforming underneath its grip, the entire railing groaning as it began to buckle, before an enormous figure attached to said hand was heaved over the crumpling balustrade in a blur, shooting towards the mangled bodies.

A massive knee impacted the still-alive corpo soldier, burying him even further into the wall and reducing the doctor behind him to a pulp. Blood flew from the Militech agent's wide-open mouth, but strangely no sound escaped him. Just a rattling breath that somehow sounded way too loud to David's ears.

The enormous figure let out a low growl, before extracting its knee from the carnage. For a moment it stood there, so large that it seemingly blocked what little light remained in the gloom-lit hallway, before its head turned towards David's prone body. The Santo teen let out an involuntary whimper as the EXIT sign finally gave out in a shower of sparks, the sudden flash of light illuminating the beast's heavy features, caked in blood, though the fury in its brilliant green eyes was unmistakeable.

"W-wait…" David began, unsure of what even he was attempting to say, before the giant began to close in on him with heavy steps.

As the smell of blood and death began to overwhelm his senses, David tried to crawl back over the dirtied tiles, one arm trying to find purchase on the grimy ceramic, the other clutching the waste-bag with his mother's belongings tightly against his heaving chest.

"Waitwaitwait-!" he began screaming as the giant loomed over him, one enormous clawed hand reaching down towards him, the stench of death increasing.

To his surprise, the beast grabbed the bag instead of him, tearing it from his grip with pathetic ease, before it straightened back to its full height.


David tried to leap for the bag, his panic overriding his senses, the loss of his mother's possessions throwing self-preservation out the window. As expected, the giant proved way too fast for the harried teen, easily moving the satchel back out of David's grip.

His hands shot out, his feet hammering against the floor as his breath tore from his throat, but the next leap, and the next, and the next one after that all missed by miles as the beast moved around him, looking completely unhurried, barely even needing to take a step to remain outside of David's flailing reach.

Until it apparently tired of their little game, because without David even really being able to see it, a fist launched forwards, burying itself deep enough in his stomach that his feet briefly left the ground as all breath was forcefully pushed from his body.

He sank to his knees before the giant, completely out of breath and struggling to fill his lungs. A rumbling came from above, but it paled when compared to the ringing in his ears.

"-hear me kid? Kid?"

Slowly, the world and his senses returned to him (and with it, his pain receptors, apparently, because Jesus fuck did his everything hurt!) and David realized the giant was trying to talk to him.

Seeing it only now had his attention, the beast's heavy features settled into a deep frown.

"Did you even hear me kid? This ain't your fight so just give it up already. Stay the fuck down."

David should've. He really should've. Common sense told him so. His aching body was screaming at him to do so. David should've… but all his eyes were really seeing was the black plastic wastebag clutched in the giant's blood-covered fist.

"Give me back my mother's stuff." He said. Or, well, wheezed actually, but it got the message across as he forced himself to stand straight (or as straight as he could manage), craning his head to try and look the beast in the eye.

Which the beast then kindly accommodated by shooting out a claw, grabbing David by the front of his 'Saka shirt and lifting him clear off the floor in a single effortless move, dangling the teen at eye-height. Having just seen exactly what happened to those that got caught in its monstrous grip, David damn near pissed himself, his eyes flitting past the Animal's furious expression to the two pulped forms embedded in the crater behind it.

He swallowed, before his eyes instead tracked back towards the giant's other hand. As much as his current situation terrified him, the earlier whirlwind of thoughts and anxieties from before returned in full force when he was reminded of his mother's condition and his duty towards her. Surprisingly, he felt more lost and helpless back when the doctor first gave him the news than right now, even though his feet were literally bungling high off the floor, the thick, burly fingers fisted into his shirt providing an odd sort of centring that kept him focused in the here and now.

Panic and helplessness fused together into an odd cocktail of adrenaline-fuelled stubbornness, a facsimile of determination. David's eyes finally lifted up and locked gazes with the monster's green ones, who for some reason seemed to get even angrier when it saw that the Santo native wasn't backing down.

"Why? You think just 'cause you're scrappy, you can win this fight?"

"I don't fucking care about being scrappy or fighting, I just want my mom's stuff back!" David found himself shouting back, before suddenly being cut off as the beast pulled him in close, lips peeled back in an angry snarl showing off deadly fangs.

"You want your Mom's stuff back? Then fuckin' do as I say and stay! The fuck! Down!"

"I need to help her! Lemme go!"

"Or what?" the beast growled, its voice pitched low and promising danger.

David opened his mouth in reflex, but no sound escaped him. Sure, his panic and worries for his mother had fuelled him on long enough he could look the Animal in the eye and not soil himself ('small victories, David, small victories' he thought to himself) but what could he say? What did he have to offer? What did he have that was threatening? There was nothing he could throw back in the giant's face after such a challenge and both of them knew it.

"I just tore through an entire Militech squad that got in my way, you think you got a better shot? The fuck makes you so fuckin' special?" the blood-drenched gangoon pressed and the last shreds of David's self-preservation snapped.

"I'M NOT!" David roared back in the beast's face, clearly taking it off guard.

It blinked in surprise, and its grip slackened for just a moment. Taking his chance, David lifted up his legs, planting them square in the middle of the beast's chest and pushing off with all his might. The monster was unmoved, but David had expected that at this point: instead, he was moved, his entire body going taut as he extended his legs at full strength, forcing his torso away.

The 'Saka shirt, the clothing he had always resented but worn for his mother's sake, ripped around the beast's large claws, reduced to tatters as David literally tore himself free from the giant's grip. Even as he fell away, he performed an awkward backwards somersault in order to land on his feet (he had always been unusually nimble), pushing off the moment his sneakers hit the grimy tiles.

He leapt towards the bag clutched in the beast's other hand again, only this timehis arms closed around plastic instead of air and he tackled the wastebag away from the towering monster, uncaring of how it tore much like his shirt as he landed heavily on the floor of the hallway, his mother's effects once more clutched tightly against his chest.

For a moment, he and the enormous Animal remained frozen in their positions, the sheer stupidity of what he had just done only now really registering with David, before the giant slowly glanced down at his fists, unclenching them to see the two different scraps of torn-up fabric held in each one.

"I'm not." David spoke up, unsure really of why he even did.

The monster's green eyes flitted from the scraps of fabric to David, a complicated expression on its heavy-set face that the teen couldn't quite place, but it didn't move from his spot, so the Santo teen took that as a good sign.

He worked himself back to his feet, bag still clutched to his chest as he took care not to let his mom's stuff spill from it and onto the dirtied floor. All the while, he kept his gaze locked with the beast as it silently observed him.

"I'm not special." He repeated, clutching the opened bag a little closer to him.

It smelled of his mother. Even underneath the blood from his surroundings, the sheer stench of death coming from the behemoth across from him, even the acrid smoke that clung to his mother's clothes. Underneath it all, there was still the unmistakeable, comforting scent of his mother.

His eyes flitted from the beast towards the bag, determination slowly making him stand taller as he glanced back, jaw set and knuckles white.

"She is." He bit out.

Fun Fact: Rockstar Kerry's Polish voice actor, Jacek Beler, is a vocalist in a post-punk band called "Mięśnie", which means "Muscles". Which is very appropriate for this fic, so I might try and find a way to do something with that in the future.
Interlude: 02

"I'm not special. She is."

Silence dominated the hallway for a moment (even the screams in other parts of the building had stopped, David worriedly noted) as the beast kept staring at him with an unreadable expression. Wordlessly, it let the scraps of fabric fall from his massive paws, before one came up-

"Fuckin' christ, kid, you're a fuckin' headache, you know that?"

-and to David's utterly gobsmacked surprise, facepalmed the giant Animal.

"…what?" David managed to ask as the beast let out a heaving, bone-deep sigh tinged with exhaustion.

It was only now that the teen noticed how some of the blood drenching the enormous man was his own, a small smattering of bullet-wounds scattered across his torso and arms.

David was aware of the existence of cyberware that provided bulletproof protection. He had seen some cyberpsychos in the XBDs, and they were equipped with various types of such enhancements. However, based on his (severely) limited knowledge of such high-end implants, they typically didn't leave you bleeding from tiny holes in your skin. Which meant that the beast before him (probably) didn't have that kind of chrome integrated into its body.

Meaning he took those shots straight to his meat and kept on fighting. David's terrified awe of the behemoth increased a couple notches.

'Madre de Dios, what kind of a man just rawdogs getting shot multiple times and is still able to stand and move like that?' he silently thought to himself, not quite able to stop himself from comparing his own lithe (though those less charitable would probably say scrawny instead) unmodded form to the approaching behemoth. Sure, the man clearly had some Exotics implanted, but as far as David knew, those were mostly for show, meaning that, whatever else this guy was carrying, it was both top-of-the-line and most likely custom-built.

Or grown, as the case may be when dealing with Exotics-sporting Animals.

David felt a chill run down his back, a stark reminder of the immense danger emanating from the massive figure across from him. This person wasn't just a run-of-the-mill criminal or someone plagued by cyberpsychosis, as David had initially thought. The fact that he had undergone such advanced enhancements, allowing him to effortlessly withstand bullet impacts, meant that he wasn't just dealing with your ordinary gangoon here anymore.

This was someone who had risen beyond that within his boostergang and David's heart skipped a beat as he realized that the towering figure before him was undoubtedly the leader, the Alpha, of a whole pack of aggressive gangoons. These muscleheads, though perhaps not as physically imposing as their leader, were likely just as prone to violence. The giant, now standing alarmingly close to the preoccupied David, cast an intimidating shadow over the teenager, his face etched with annoyance. The sudden proximity only heightened David's unease, making him acutely aware of the larger threat that stood across from him.

In both senses of the word.

"I know your Ma's special, kid. It's why I came here to save her. And why I don't want you in this fight. You're not ready and I don't want to see you get hurt on my watch." The giant said instead to his (understandable) surprise.

"… you punched me." Was all David managed to point out, as his brain tried to catch up to the sudden twisted logic the Animal just revealed.

If he had (more) circs, he was sure they'd have fried trying to figure out the blood-covered giant in front of him. Said giant however uncaringly splattered David with a few more droplets of gore as he waved a massive paw in dismissal of the teen's hurt voice.

"Tch. That was just a love tap. A bit of bruising ain't the same as getting hurt, kid, not in Night City. Even someone who got spared the worst parts of this fucked up city should know that, no matter how Gloria sheltered you."

Some part of David (mostly the aching stomach-area, in addition to the aching everything else-area) felt offended at how the brute brushed off its vicious attack, but the majority of the teen's attention was instead grabbed by yet another sign of familiarity between this unknown behemoth and his own gentle mother.

"The hell do you think you know about what my Mom taught me? I'm Santo, born and raised, I know plenty about getting hurt already. Known it all my life!" David threw back and for a moment, the giant paused, a troubled look coming over his heavy features, though something made David doubt it was his words that caused the hesitation.

The enormous Animal looked to… guilty, for it?

"Speaking of getting hurt… the fuck are you and your Ma even doing here kid? You're not supposed to-" the giant began, though he cut himself as if he bit his tongue (which wouldn't even surprise David, given the sheer size of those chompers).

"Supposed to? I'm not supposed to what, exactly?" the teen bit out and the massive gangoon's blazing green eyes steeled in focus.

"Not supposed to get into a fight, for one." He said instead, taking David off guard for a moment, before the behemoth vaguely gestured towards his face with his enormous bloodied claws.


"Your face, kid. Looks like you got seven different skin tones of synth skin stitched together by a ripper-doc with three left hands."

"Oh… that."

"Yes, that."

David found his teeth clicking shut together, hand still resting on his stomach, though his other one slowly came up to trace the small cut that marred his lower lip.

"What. Happened?" the behemoth pressed and David let out an explosive breath, older pains than the purpling bruise blooming on his gut coming to mind.

It wasn't as if the enormous man was wrong per se. David shouldn't be fighting after all, he was just no good at it, between his malnourished body and lack of chrome, and it had been shoved in his face repeatedly today by his tormentor, Katsuo Tanaka.

Sure, his old BD Wreath messed with the class' program, that was on him. Well, more on his Ripper Doc ('or Rip-off Doc more like' he thought bitterly to himself), David was just the gonk dumb enough to actually buy the crap off the Brain Potato. Just 'cause the guy was addicted to BD's (the really kinky XBD kind too…), didn't mean his tech was even worth the eddies you'd get for turning 'em into scrap. David realized that now, but that didn't explain why Katsuo of all people had beaten the shit out of him over it.

Talk about kicking a gonk while he's down. David had already felt depressed all day yesterday after his mom drove him home after a dreadful meeting with the principal, who, much to no one's surprise, demanded even more money from the already struggling Martinez family. It felt like a twisted combination of payment and punishment, neatly rolled into one, all because of David's fuck-up.

'It really is always about money' the teen thought to himself, hand coming up to where the giant had punched him in the stomach as he tried to make sense of the Animal's surprisingly care-filled words.

The drive back home had been terrible and not just because the seats in their shitcan of a car were so worn out, David was pretty sure both his ass-cheeks were individually being fondled by different springs whenever they hit a bump. No, the worst part was that his mother had been crying. His idiocy had increased his mother's burden. His sheer fucking stupidity had made his mother desperate enough that even she was beginning to lose hope in their situation.

… he had made his mother cry.

The night spent in their tiny-ass apartment had been a complete shitshow too, especially with the damn roads all clogged up. All thanks to another corpo attack, though unlike the Maelstrom incident a few months ago, this one appeared to be successful, considering how the streets were swarming with cops. And as if that wasn't enough, there was this beat-up old truck that had to be dragged off the bridge connecting Santo Domingo and Heywood. That shitshow took the whole damn day, causing one of the most fucked-up traffic jams Night City had ever seen. It was almost as bad as that one time three AV's from three different corps all thought it'd be a good idea to do a mid-air collision right above Westbrook, smashing right into a fancy-ass Beav house in the bougie suburb and turning it into a damn pancake.

Everyone figured it was some convoluted assassination attempt or PR-tactic (same thing really in the corpo biz), but the mayor had simply described it as a "tragic confluence of unfortunate circumstance and dumb fucking luck".

Still, even as awful as the ride had been, the sheer time it took them just to get home at least meant it had been late enough, and they tired enough, that they both went to bed quickly (sleep for dinner having become something they'd both gotten used to in recent years). Since she had missed her shifts yesterday, his mom had left even earlier than usual as well this morning, leaving David to an empty house and a stomach that felt oddly hollow, and not just due to a lack of food.

The memory of his mother's tears had spurred him to still go to the Academy despite his best wishes, but he never actually reached it. Katsuo, usually content to hang back and insult him from a distance (once having claimed he had just gotten a new neuro-port installed in his nose and he couldn't stand David's unwashed stench, which might even be true for all that David knew) had actually physically intercepted him before he entered the school grounds, dragging him down to the nearest NCART station.

Where he promptly kicked David's ass. The Santo teen still didn't even know why, though with all that had happened, he hadn't exactly found the time to give the corpo-scion's odd behaviour much thought.

Even looking back on it now, he still didn't understand what had set off the corpo scion, but one thing was clear: despite David being the one thrown into a wall and feeling as if his face had been punched straight through the back of his own skull, it had been Katsuo who was left panting and sobbing uncontrollably

It couldn't have been the chrome or chipware the other teen was sporting, they had definitely given him a vast advantage over the 'ganic kid from Santo.

The Tanaka heir certainly hadn't been forthcoming with an answer though and his two toadies had looked as shocked as David himself (well, probably even more so, considering David was hovering on the wrong side of unconscious for most of the beating after all). Katsuo had just stared at his arms for several long moments, before he turned off his chrome, spat on the brutalized David and left the NCART station without uttering a further word, not even sparing the breath to insult the insensate Santo native.

It was why his Mom had to drop out of yet another shift to come pick him up once he was conscious enough to send a disjointed message over the phone. Gloria had been understandeably horrified to find her young son looking as if he just got jumped by Scavs lying against the grime-covered tiles of the dirtied NCART station, and David hadn't been aware enough to tell her it had been one of his own classmates who had done this to him.

And with everything that happened afterwards, well… Feeling the heavy wastebag in his arms and remembering the ominous words of the surgeon still embedded into the wall to his right, David felt a sinking feeling in his bruised gut as he wondered if there'd ever be a chance to explain things to his mother.

Even if there was, would he?

He had made his mother cry twice now. The thought of doing that to her again, showing her just how badly he fit in with the institution that his mother felt would give him a chance at a proper life… he didn't think he'd be able to stomach it.

With her son unable to answer her frenzied questions as she just about had to dug him free from the rubble of the wall Katsuo had launched him into, Gloria had gone into full EMT-mode, even giving her son stims and 'dorphs that he was sure were corpo property and thus coming straight out of her already slashed paycheck (meaning that, once again, he had caused his mother's burden to increase even further…) just to get him back on his feet again.

Well, swaying on his feet, at least. Which is why they were on their way to the hospital, to do a more thorough job of patching him back up, which was when the… the accident happened.

'Well, we did end up making it to the hospital either way' the teen thought gloomily to himself.

Still, stims and 'dorphs notwithstanding, the fact still stood that David had already gotten the beating of his lifetime today and had been in a major crash that… well, left his mother stable at least.

Meaning he really didn't appreciate the giant's punch to his stomach on top of all that. Though the massive gangoon didn't seem entirely apologetic about it after David was done relaying everything that had happened in roughly the last 48 hours or so. If anything, he seemed relieved that David and his mother hadn't been caught up in whatever the fall-out of that corpo-napping yesterday had been.

"So no boostergang drive-by's? You didn't crash into an old truck used as a roadblock on the bridge?"

"That seems oddly specific, but no."

"But then-?"

"Don't. Just… don't. Please?"

For a moment, the two blood-splattered men looked at each other, the only silence in the hallway the disquieting dripping noise made by the guts of the Militech soldier and hospital surgeon as their intestines slowly slid down the wall towards the tiled floor.

"Very well. Tell me when you're ready. But I need to know. It could be important. To me, if nothing else."

"Why though? Why do we matter to you? The fuck do you care, you don't even know us!" David spat out, the pains of today, both physical and psychological lighting a fire in his chest as he stared up at the massive gangoon with a gimlet eye.

The behemoth's silence was damning all in itself and David's eyes narrowed in suspicion, his earlier question coming back to the fore of his exhausted mind.

"What did you mean when you said you're here to save her? You know my Mom?" he tried, heat slowly leaving his voice as it was replaced by a bone-deep tiredness , but the behemoth of a man had already dismissed him, turning away from him and stalking down the hallway.

"That is… uhh… complicated." The giant muttered, clearly uncomfortable as he tried to brush the teen off.

David was having exactly none of that.

"How do you know my Mom?" he called out again, a hint of desperation lining his words now.

"A conversation for another time." The brute brusquely said.

"Why save her if you don't know her?"

"I'm not telling you how I know her and you just gotta trust that I am here to save her."

The evasiveness of the behemoth sent warning signs blaring in David's mind, though his thoughts quickly turned an unexpected path. Here was a man, who he had never met before in his life, hadn't even seen him (the enormous Animal would obviously have left an impression that would be hard to forget after all), yet he clearly knew both David and Gloria instead. He called David 'kid' and called Gloria 'special'…

'… no fucking way.' The teen thought to himself, yet he couldn't shake the intrusive possibility of the giant's identity from worming its way into his thoughts.

So he quickly decided to try and ignore it completely instead. It was working… somewhat, at least.

'Just… push it down. Push it deep down, allll the way down, repression for the win David' the teen desperately thought to himself.

"From what?" David managed to ask instead, finding himself running after the gore-splattered Animal to his own surprise.

And clearly to the surprise of the gangoon as well, as he glanced back over his broad shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

"The fuck are you doing kid?"

"Following you." David stated flatly.

"Didn't I just say-…" the giant began, before closing his eyes as he pinched the wide bridge of his nose as an annoyed sigh escaped him.

David was slightly impressed he managed to do so without poking his eyes out. Those claws looked sharp.

"Of fuckin' course. Figures."

The man muttered more under his breath as he began walking away again, but it was too quiet for David to really catch. It had something to do with "teenagers", "protagonist syndrome" and "fuckin' Night City bullshit" though the teen couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Even so, he still wholeheartedly agreed with that last part. This town was full of 'fucking Night City bullshit', even David knew that much after his short years in one of its tougher districts. He picked up speed to keep pace with the giant and when he didn't try to dismiss him, the blood-splattered teen took that as a good (enough) sign to try again.


"So, what?" the giant bit out in an exasperated tone.

"What are you trying to save my Mom from?"

The Animal growled at that, one clawed hand coming up in a broad indicating gesture.

"This place."

"What? Why? They saved her life-"

"So that they could experiment on her, not reunite you two."


Dread enveloped David, sending a chill coursing through his stomach. Being the son of an EMT, he often to managed to catch some insider intel from the medical community. Yet, even without his mother's rants, he would've been clued in on the recent chaos surrounding Biotechnica regardless. It had become the latest sensation of Night City after-all, where the talk of the street was usually dominated by consumer-media, gangoon shoot-outs and corpo shadow wars. But Biotechnica's recent intelligence leak had grown into such a colossal shitshow that even the least informed gonk and brain-dead gangoon in NC had picked up bits and pieces of the scandal.

Actual, irrefutable proof that the medical corp sure didn't have any qualms about pumping their clients full of horrific, toxic and lethal drugs… the same corp that now had his mom on their patients lists…

"Whatever it is you're thinking…"

"Uh, yeah?"

"They planned way worse for your Ma."

"Wha- worse?! The fuck is worse than giving people nerve-damage?!"

For a moment, it would seem the giant wouldn't answer, face set in deep thought, before he abruptly came to a halt. It was sudden enough David almost crashed into his broad back, before the Animal turned around to face him with a troubled look.

"Fine. It ain't pretty, but I figure you deserve to know."

With that, a single claw came up to the behemoth's neck, pressing down on a slot just behind his ear with surprising gentleness. Thick fingers delicately grabbed a slim shard, before the giant extended it towards a suspicious looking David.

"Slot that."

"What? Fuck no!"

The giant titled his head at him, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Didn't you just say you wanna know what the fuck's going on here?"

"I do, but I'm not slotting that?!"

"Well, why the fuck not then?!" the beast said, visibly getting annoyed as well.

"Because you're fucking covered in blood man!" David exploded, wilfully ignoring the hypocrisy in that statement considering his own gore-splattered appearance (it wasn't as if he'd asked to be covered in a butcher/surgeon's blood after all, so there).

The Animal blinked a few times, before looking over his own body, apparently only now paying heed to the absolute carnage he was drenched in.

"Oh. That."

"Yes, that." David bit out, but after a moment, the gangoon merely shrugged his broad shoulders, making a few more droplets of blood splatter against the floor.

"Look, if you're worried about hygiene, it's fine, the shard is clean-"

"It may not have blood on it, but how the fuck do I know it's clean? You could've spiked it with all kinds of shit-"

David was suddenly cut off as an enormous hand, large enough it could engulf his entire head with ease, landed heavily on his shoulder, the giant leaning in so that his eyes were more on the teen's level, his expression completely flat.

"Do you really think I need a Daemon to flatline your skinny ass?" he questioned with a challenging look, and David found himself at a loss for words, even as the giant's other hand came up, shard gripped between the tip of two claws.

"That's fair. I guess." David muttered, taking the shard from the giant, though still giving it a dubious look.

"What even is on it?"

"Data my 'runner managed to pull from the facility's Net. Jacked into a port at reception when they wouldn't give me Gloria's room number. Had her hack their files, including messages detailing what they got planned for your Ma."

"Wait, your netrunner did all that remotely? Fuckin' nova." David asked in an impressed tone, still standing with the shard in his hand instead of slotting it into his neural port.

Part of it was curiosity. But part of it was him trying to stall and he knew it. But, looking at the slim piece of plastic and circuitry as he could feel his stomach roiling, David began to question whether he really wanted to know what was stored on it. His earlier thought returned to him unbidden.

'What the fuck could be worse than dying of nerve-damage…'

"Yep. She's that good."

Despite the situation the two were in and despite how he looked straight out of some slasher XBD, the giant looked oddly pleased as he boasted. Not that David could really pay it any mind as he was shaken from his thoughts when a call bypassed his security features, a face suddenly popping up on his HUD.

+Yep, I am!+

"Whoa!" David shouted, leaning away on instinct, though of course the cute girl moved with him, plastered on the inside of his eyeballs as she was.

… a very cute girl, he noted with some embarrassment as his cheeks slightly flushed.

"So, uhm… you're the netrunner, I'm guessing…" David said as he attempted to regain his composure.

The girl on his retinas nodded, sending her bob-cut waving around her feline features, eyes wide and mischievous, before her expression turned a bit more thoughtful.

+And you're David Martinez… aged fifteen… which, makes you way too old… I think?+ she mused to herself for… some reason.

"Wait what?" the teen asked.

He had asked that a lot today, he began to realize.

+Oh! Forget about it!+ the beautiful netrunner said cheerfully, briefly looking caught and quickly trying to cover it up, and in the face of such peppy optimism and good looks, the teenager could do nothing but nod quietly.

"So… uhmm… since you're the one that pulled the data…" he began instead, lifting the shard a little closer.

"… what's on it?" he said, his voice choked so it came out barely above a whisper.

+… Simba is right, David. You should know what they intended to do to your mother. It is horrifying, yes, but thankfully these were just plans for the future. They intended to keep her overnight, look a bit into her and your background, get back to their customers and then begin their… experimentation.+

"Experimentation…?" David repeated in a horrified whisper.

"Yes. But, as Sasha said, they only planned to. Which means we can still prevent it. If we hurry." The now-named Simba rumbled, David having briefly forgotten about him, focused as he was on the gorgeous netrunner displayed on his eyeballs.

The giant ('what kind of a name is Simba anyways?' the teen briefly thought to himself) gave a significant look towards the shard that David was still holding and he could see how in the corner of his eye, Sasha was giving him an encouraging nod. Taking a deep breath and steeling himself, David closed his eyes, lined the shard up with his neural port and slotted it.

Immediately, information was downloaded directly into his brain, records of patients, the experiments run on them and the notes of the 'doctors' overseeing this whole madhouse of terror.

It was enough to almost send him heaving, until he came to the data package labelled 'Martinez, Gloria'. Pushing through his disgust and fear, David mentally opened the folder, seeing surprisingly few files.

It made sense in a way, he quickly realized. His mom had only recently been transferred to this facility after all. Most of the files (nearly all of them, in fact) were from first responders (his Mom's colleagues, in a way) and the general hospital the two of them were admitted at. As David quickly flipped through the reports, his mind tentatively began to settle as he found nothing unusual, just the standard procedures and forms.

He had seen his Mom fill out hundreds of these type of files. Technically she wasn't allowed to take them home with her, considering they were private corpo property, but with the amount of overtime she put in and the sheer number of calls she had to answer (again, fucking Night City bullshit), there was simply no time left in a day for her to finish them at work.

So, she'd sit with a stack of files and disks at their little kitchen table (one of the legs propped up on a few flattened and stacked Buck-A-Slice boxes to level it out) as she worked through them one at a time. Often young David would either be doing the cooking or preparing some coffee for her, from the moment he was tall enough to peer over the kitchen countertop.

On several nights, when she'd fall asleep right at the table, head faceplanted onto the stack of files, he'd take her large EMT-jacket and gently wrap it around her sleeping form, moving carefully so as to not wake her.

David felt oddly relieved at the familiar monotony of the well-known data sheets and bolstered by the nostalgic memories as he quickly skimmed over the shard's files.

That is, until he came to the last ones. The first he opened turned out to be a read-out of his mother's bio-mon, several of its stats somehow getting it red-flagged and sent towards one of the doctors responsible for treating him and his mother.

What followed were the two remaining files, both message exchanges. The first one was between the doctor and the facility.

+Got a new body. Looks promising.+


+Extensive, but manageable. Attaching bio-mon scans.+

+Yeah, looks good. Interesting read-out. Family?+

+Got a son. You want his detes as well?+

+No, the mother will suffice. Can always grab him later if needed.+

+Fine. Mother has extensive physical trauma, I want 15% on agreed deal.+

+Trauma of subjects is not your concern. Forget it.+

+It's gonna be difficult to explain sending someone in her condition to your facility instead of keeping her. Gotta lean on more than a couple of people. More than usual.+

+Then lean harder.+

+Not how it works and you know it. Pay me more, or find another supplier.+

+… 10% on your usual commission.+


'They talk about her like she's… as if she's… as if she's just fucking meat' David thought to himself in mounting horror.

David couldn't believe what he was reading. They were talking about her, about his mother, as if she was nothing more than an object, just a thing to be bartered and sold for a stack of eddies. His shock and anger grew with each passing moment, but it was nothing compared to the rage he felt when he finally opened the last file.

It was another exchange of messages, this time apparently between a doctor working at the facility here by the name of Jacob Shipman and an anonymous contact within Biotechnica itself.

From: Biotechnica
To: Dr. Jacob Shipman

Dear Mr. Shipman,
We are contacting you to offer you participation in a clinical trial for our new pharmaceutical drug Deludemol. We are particularly interested in assessing the impact of Deludemol on pregnant women. Perhaps you have a patient who fits that description? We would like to check the frequency of miscarriages, effect on foetal development, etc. We would of course like this to be conducted discreetly. Please contact us at your earliest convenience.

I currently have no patients who are pregnant, though of course that can be remedied. I can have one of the new arrivals prepped and ready for trials in the near future. She looks very promising. Needless to say, the tests will be conducted without any paperwork. I await payment.

David hadn't even realized he had begun hyperventilating until a pressure on both his shoulders suddenly increased, accompanied by ten pin-pricks of pain, a deep voice forcefully talking in his ear in a steady cadence.

"Just breathe with me kiddo. Listen to me. Keep breathing with me kid, that's it."

As his shakes slowly began to subside and his throat gradually began to feel like it wasn't on fire anymore, the red-black haze in front of David's eyes disappeared to show the worried face of Sasha, the Animal's netrunner.

+David? How you holding up?+

"I… I'm good…"

"The fuck you are." Simba snorted in clear dismissal, but he didn't move away from the stricken teen, enormous paws still lightly digging into the Santo teen's slim shoulders.

"… you're right. I'm not." David said, the damning e-mail still projected onto his eyeballs and his wide-eyed stare intensified.

"But I will be…" he continued, strength and determination slowly creeping back into his trembling voice as he locked gazes with the enormous blood-splattered gangoon across from him.

"You for hire?" he asked to the giant's clear surprise, who blinked a few times as he took a moment to answer.

"Look kid, I'm part of a booster gang, not a merc on the Edge-"

"You take eddies? Don't got much, but still, cash is cash right?" David pressed with startling intensity.

"… sure, I guess? But saving your Ma ain't biz kid, it's personal. Meaning I ain't gonna charge you."

"It's not for my Mom." David said as he dug a hand into the pocket of his cargo jeans, extracting a fist clenching several tight rolls of eddies.

Extending the cash towards the surprised looking gangoon, David's lips peeled back in an aggressive snarl.

"I'm putting out a hit. I want you to fucking murder Jacob Shipman. And I wanna be there when you do."

In the dimly lit hallway, the teenager and the imposing gangoon faced each other, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. The feeble glow of the overhead lights barely revealed their figures, heightening the tension in the air. After a prolonged moment of suspense, the colossal Animal relented, releasing an explosive sigh. However, his imposing, oddly unnatural heavy features transformed into a ferocious grin as he claimed the rolls of cash, engulfing them in his massive paw.

"Consider me your huscle, kid. It's a deal."

Fun Fact: Hideo Kojima appears as an NPC (named in-game "Hideyoshi Oshima") during the finale of Act 1. You can talk to him in the bar of Konpeki Plaza before entering the lift where Jackie is waiting with the Flathead.
07: Habeas Corpus

'Call me your Huscle? Why in the actual fuck did I say that?'

I'm quietly seething as I stalk through the dim halls of the messed up 'hospital', the intrepid Martinez kid hot on my heels, his face mirroring the anger I feel inside. With him though, it's mostly aimed at the world around us, and this fucking City in particular, while my frustration is largely aimed at myself.

After all these years spent in this dystopian hellhole, becoming the tough, intimidating Animal feels second nature to me now. Growing up surrounded by those testosterone-snorting gonks has molded me into this role. It's like slipping on a well-worn mask, effortlessly assuming the persona the world expected of me as I interact with characters like Rogue and River. So, the moment I realized exactly who the scrawny little dude crying at my feet was, the familiar mask of the Animal slammed into place almost instantly, an effortless transformation projected full-force at the cowering teen.

It wasn't because I was being an asshole just for shits and giggles (well, I mean, I am a mean son of a bitch, but not to him in particular), but I sorta figured: "hey, future tragic protagonist here with two years to live, tops, if I don't get him the fuck outta here now" and so I thought I'd scare him off and be done with it. I knew the clock was ticking, and every passing moment could be vital for our survival. I needed to make him understand the gravity of the situation and motivate him to fuckin' delta, immediately, more so for his own sake rather than mine.

Keeping him around while extracting Gloria was just asking for trouble considering the nature of his show and Night City itself, and simply sending him away or begging him to please stay put was likely to backfire quite spectacularly as well, mostly because of another particular problem.

As we briskly make our way past one of the grim, gore-smeared cells, my gaze instinctively shifts to the side, capturing a glimpse of our reflections in the tainted surface of the little glass viewing window. The mixture of blood and what I desperately convince myself is merely mud adds an unsettling layer to the reflection. Despite the distortion, it's impossible to overlook the stark contrast between my imposing figure and David's notably diminutive frame, trailing a few steps behind me.

With a large bag still clutched tightly in a white-knuckled grip against his chest.

The mere sight of the ripped bag is enough to send chills down my spine and I mean that quite literally. After all, while he clearly doesn't know it, the kid is carrying the chrome to replace it.

James Norris died not too long ago, and I've only fairly recently taken control of Maine. That means Gloria hasn't had a chance to hand over the Sandevistan to his (now mine) crew yet. So, here we have this scrawny (yet indeed very scrappy) teenager holding the single most advanced piece of cyberware you could find outside the top-secret labs of Arasaka and Militech.

"A rudimentary implant" my ass.

Sure, while it's true that Sandys aren't exactly rare or anything, especially among the more seasoned edgerunners and larger gangs, that's basically the same as saying Jackie's Iconic La Chingonas Dorada pistols are just "rudimentary" guns because they happen to be based off the ubiquitous Tsunami Nue.

Not that there's anything wrong with the Nue, don't get me wrong: those eggheads at TDS certainly know how to create perfectly deadly weapons, even in their smaller line-up, despite their usual specialization being high-powered (and dizzyingly expensive) sniper rifles. Over at Tsunami Defense Systems, they excel at blending elegance and sheer lethality. Hell, that's literally their slogan. But here's the thing though— those perfectly serviceable Nue's that they churn out by the container off their production belts can't hold a fucking candle to Jackie's Iconic pistols, even if they share a common design plan.

When it comes to two seemingly similar pieces of iron, there can be a whole world of difference, and the same applies to pieces of chrome.

You see, it's not just about the hardware itself; the wielder plays a significant role in unlocking its true potential as well. A skilled individual can elevate even the most ordinary piece of cyberware to extraordinary heights. It's the synergy between man and machine that makes all the difference.

Hell, just look at how Morgan Blackhand absolutely wrecked Adam fuckin' Smasher's shit, despite being a solo with moderate (if top of the line) chrome going up against a full-borg in a mini-mecha suit.

That being said, while a high-ranking gangoon or a seasoned solo might be sporting a Sandy of their own, I can guarantee you none are running around with the calibre of hardware David is currently unknowingly transporting. While the big corpos might keep their best toys for themselves, James Norris had been an officer within NUSA, which meant he had the gear to match and the kit the military gets is in a league of its own when compared to the little corpo soldiers I've just turned into chunky salsa.

Norris' Sandy was simply unmatched when compared to the majority of Sandevistans out there on the black market: your average cyberpunk would find it too overwhelming, too intense to handle the sheer power and feedback, probably frying their neural system to a crisp after just a couple uses.

Unless your name is David Martinez, of course. Because of the kid's inborn cyberware-resistance, he was one of the few people on NC's streets actually capable of even withstanding the strain well enough to get any use out of the damned thing.

A man like Adam fuckin' Smasher might accept nothing less but the most formidable cyberware and sheer brute force, as expected of someone who has been part of the heaviest squads Arasaka was able to field against its competition, the 'borg honing his skills and wreaking havoc for well over half a century by now. But in the hands of a complete noob such as David, just a military grade Sandevistan and fucking grit (not to mention an unhealthy dose of plain stupidity and sheer stubbornness) would prove to be enough to practically catapult him to the top echelons of Night City's underbelly in the blink of an eye.

Quite literally, at that.

Which would set him on the path of cyberpsychosis and a bullet to the brain courtesy of the Butcher of Arasaka himself. Mother dead, friends and mentors all dead, and his girlfriend stuck on the moon with her grief as her only company.

Fuck. That.

So, the solution had seemed so childishly simple at the time: take the Sandy off David's hands and then scare him out of the hospital (and the cyberpunk lifestyle entirely just to be on the safe side), check up on Gloria to make sure David doesn't lose her and then chuck the both of 'em back into their Megabuilding.


Except then the kid had to go all shonen protagonist on my dumb ass.

Clearly, scaring him off wasn't an option while his mom was still stuck here and I'd likely have to hurt him (bad) if I wanted a hope of prying the bag filled with her stuff from his trembling hands.

Not that my most recent pseudo-cyberpsycho tantrum made me feel particularly keen to get my hands on the madness-inducing piece of chrome anyways… as a lifelong Animal, my Humanity stat was probably sinking way too low already.

As it turns out, in real life Sanity isn't a dump stat.

"Alright, new plan: find Gloria, keep David and Gloria alive while I get 'em outta here and then chuck 'em back in their Megabuilding. Done and done." I muttered to myself under my breath.

It wouldn't deal with the immediate "military-grade Sandevistan"-problem I currently had, but we'd blow that bridge up Maelstrom-style once we got to it.

My muttering had escaped David's notice (or perhaps between that and the blood splatters, he was instead rethinking whether or not I actually was a cyberpsycho after all and had wisely decided to give me some space) but not Sasha's, who has been giving me a worried look ever since I left Chunky Buffalos behind me in a trail of smoke and burning rubber.

This isn't the first time she's seen me fight, but (with the exception of her rescue from a bunch of robots) all those previous times have been against other Animals in the ring. Sure, those can get bloody, but this… this was carnage on a scale she had never seen before and she was rightfully wary of me.

Not that I had wanted her to see that side of me, it's just… I couldn't let things play out as they did in the show. Simply watching those events from the comfort of my previous life in my former universe had been heart-wrenching enough. Now that these people were real though? Not just animation on screen, but living, thinking, feeling people that were destined for the meat grinder that was Night City?

No. I refused. I was barely twenty and in that short time I had already lost too much to this fucking place. My youth. My innocence. Friends, family. People that I admired and looked up to. All lost to the insatiable hunger of Night City.

No child should be forced to attend more funerals than birthdays. So, David Martinez would not be another bodybag. I wouldn'thave to order yet another name to be inscribed at the Columbarium.

I wouldn't let Night City claim them, not this time. Not while I was still fucking breathing.

Which sadly had led to near a dozen other people not breathing anymore. Which makes me a hypocrite I suppose, but oh well. I find I find it difficult to feel any sympathy for the people that willingly involve themselves in some of the horrendous 'experiments' going on in this place.

For what they had planned to do to Gloria, the same thing they have already done to who even knows how many others before, I'd rip out their throats and not lose a wink of sleep.

I suspect a similar reasoning was currently going through Sasha's mind, which was why her face was troubled, but she didn't actually voice any complaints when I tore through the Militech protection squad. Part of that was probably because she had been preoccupied with hacking the hospital's ICE at the time, which had quickly been followed by a rant of truly epic proportions (lasting several minutes which left her room back at base covered in thin slash marks from her unsheathed claws) when she realized the true depths of depravity Biotechnica was willing to sink to.

But now that a temporary calm had settled over us, Sasha had a chance to truly absorb the sight of my blood-soaked appearance. It was as if the gravity of our situation had finally dawned on her, and the weight of the sheer violence I had just unleashed began to sink in. Her troubled expression deepened, and her gaze lingered on the wounds that marred my flesh and the weariness etched into my features.

"Sim… are you alright?"

My clawed hand briefly comes up to ghost over one of the bullet-holes embedded in my broad chest, quickly pulling away at the sharp flare of pain as a hiss slips between my fangs, but I push through the discomfort nonetheless. Between the enhanced size and density of my musculature, I was perpetually protected by something similar to an inborn MBL wetware upgrade, reminiscent of the one that Morgan Blackhand had sported during his tenure as the 'Solo of Solos'. The bullets had pierced through the skin, but pretty much got stuck in the fat and outer layer of my muscles.

Painful, yes, but by now pain has simply become a familiar sensation and I'm accustomed enough to the effects of small calibre bullet wounds on my body (which is… really fucking depressing when you take into account I'm just nineteen…) to immediately tell none of the wounds are life-threatening. Hell, even some of the other non-natty Animals share a similar immunity to small-arms fire, pushing through it on sheer rage and adrenaline alone. But when the fighting is done and the stims and hormones get flushed from their system, it would leave 'em utterly exhausted to the point of their over-stressed bodies practically shutting down and cause some nasty scars to boot.

Us Animals being Animals though, those were more seen like cool badges of honour than deformations.

A sign of the price we pay to be the kings of the concrete jungle.

In their cases, they'd need an extended period of rest and thorough medical treatment if they want to revalidate enough to have no lasting effects from the wounds (I mean, contrary to what the action movies would have you believe, you can't just lose tiny parts of your actual muscles and keep on trucking like nothing happened, since you need all of your muscles to, you know, fucking move), but they'd be able to pull through, even if they didn't like sitting still during the healing period.

We aren't very good at the sitting still part after all.

Hell, Ma got run through with a katana once. Not by a 'Saka ninja, surprisingly enough, just a Tyger Claw that was as absurdly fast as his blade was sharp. Which actually helped Ma out in the end, after he stood still too long in order to gloat when he ran her through, which allowed her to yank the blade (and thus him) further towards her and cave in his frontal lobe with a spectacular headbutt, Uruk-Hai style.

Fortunately, the razor-sharpness of the katana resulted in a remarkably clean cut, sparing Ma from (more) extensive internal damage, but it still left one of her abs practically bifurcated and that shit takes time to heal.

A lot of time.

Not being allowed to do sit-ups, crunches, planks, or any exercises involving her core for that matter (which includes swinging around that big-ass hammer of hers) had driven her stir-crazy enough that, after two weeks of moping, she pretty much just up and went looking for the nearest Animal gang, walked up to their Alpha, and blew his entire head clean off with a charged Satara shot.

Talk about aggressive negotiations.

As the smoke cleared and the stunned gangoons looked on, Ma stood there, defiant and fearless. With a glint in her eye, she dared those other Animals to defy her, to challenge her authority. It was a bold move, no doubt about it. But damn if it didn't show everyone that Ma wasn't to be messed with, even when still recovering from getting turned into shish-kebab for a sec.

Somewhat paradoxically, our pack saw some of its most rapid growth in the months Ma was officially on medical leave.

Thankfully for me, being a natural-born Animal does come with its perks to off-set the sheer fucking awfulness that comes with being a natural-born Animal: wounds this small would be practically gone in just a few days with relatively little rest thanks to my healing factor. I barely even scarred too, so I had that going for me, which is nice. I heal up clean and smooth, like it never even happened. It's like my body's got a built-in Photoshop feature, airbrushing away any evidence of the beatdowns I've endured.

It's not quite Wolverine levels of bullshit, but it's a damned cut above pretty much anything even the best, most exclusive wetware is even rumoured to be capable off.

Hell, Saburo Arasaka is pushing 160 years old and is definitely showing his age at this point: if even a man as rich and as obsessed with immortality as him is still stuck in a meatbag succumbing to deterioration, I think it's safe to say my physique is the absolute biological pinnacle of what humans can achieve in this world.

So, I shrug off Sasha's concerned question, once again ignoring the brief burning pain smattered across my chest at the sudden movement, knowing I'll pull through. Always have. Always had to.

"I'm fine."

"The fuck you are."

The corner of my mouth twitches at the call-back to my earlier conversation with David, but nonetheless I put on a frown as I shoot my best 'I'm your Alpha, stop questioning me'-look (one I modelled off Sasquatch's and practised in the mirror during my youth, though I'd die before admitting that out loud) at the picture of the cute netrunner displayed on my eyeballs.

"I'm tough Sasha, tougher than most, tougher than Ma even. I'll heal-"

"I'm not talking about the bullet holes, Sim. Though, that's a conversation for another time, I mean, who just ignores getting shot? Multiple times! Like, seriously, who even fucking does that?"

I open my mouth, but my sheepish reply gets stuck in my throat as Sasha cuts off her own rambling with a raised hand, shaking her head and causing her bob cut to bounce captivatingly around her soft features.

"No, like I said, another time. But, Sim… look, I don't know what's going on between you and this… Gloria woman. But clearly, she's important to you, somehow. No, you don't have to tell me about it." She immediately cuts me off again when I open my mouth to interrupt, before giving me a long, soulful look with those big pretty eyes of hers.

"Sim… you just went pretty much cyberpsycho there just to free the woman from that disgusting place. And, I get it, trust me, I do. After this, after what happened to Mom, what could've happened to her, I want Biotechnica to fucking burn more than anyone."

Her words end in something between a hiss and a growl and I can see by the flex of the muscles in her slim arms that she has subconsciously extended those wicked long claws of hers in her anger. I can see why Ma likes her.

"Then what's the fuckin' problem?" I growl out gruffly, Sasha's eyes widening in surprise, her claws retracting and her earlier rage gone as her concern for me comes back to the fore again.

"The problem? The problem's you're fucking covered in blood Simba, about to save a woman who's left in God knows what kind of fucked up position, with her teenaged son trailing after you like a lost puppy into what could be another warzone." The netrunner says with passion, before 'leaning' in closer to me and for half a second my steps falter as her look intensifies.

"I'm not asking about the bullet wounds, Sim. I'm asking about you. Will you be alright?" she asks with genuine concern in her voice and it causes a slight pause in my stride as it takes me a moment to answer, unused to such care.

During all our time together, Ma never asked me that. Not intentionally, I don't think, it simply didn't occur to her to ask. It just wasn't in her nature, even though she cared for me more than anyone else in our pack, so the less said about the others the better. Pretty sure one of my 'Uncles' tried to eat me at one point when I was still a mewling baby, though that might have just been Sasquatch's idea of a scary bedtime story.

"Eat your vegetables and drink your protein shake, or Uncle Randy will stuff you in a Burrito XXL and eat you."

Hey, pretty sure the original European fairy tales tended to frequently involve cannibalism as well, so as far as parental guidance goes, Ma wasn't even that far off the mark really. Maybe a few centuries behind on the latest developments in babysitting theories, but we can't all be perfect.

Still, not exactly a child-rearing environment where 'care' is at the forefront and where the idea of 'nurture' mostly involves picking and choosing your kid's intake of whey and protein shakes. So no, in nineteen years nobody in the Animals has ever really bothered to stop and ask me how I was doing, how I was really doing. And my Predators are loyal, but I'm still their big, scary boss and we haven't been running as a crew for that long, all things considered, so they're not exactly keen to go digging into my feelings either.

Hell, it might be the first time anyone has asked me that question with such genuine care and I need to swallow for a second at the realization.

"I'll get 'em out of here Sasha. Make sure Biotechnica or Militech won't come for 'em. Then I'll burn this place to the fucking ground and, hopefully with your help, the rest of Biotechnica as well. So no, I'm not fine. Not right now, not yet. I'm dirty, I'm in pain and I'm tired. But, like the kid said: I will be. Just… gotta put all this behind us first."

While clearly hung up on why I'm so hellbent on helping the Martinez', the promise of violence against Biotechnica seemingly mollifies the gorgeous netrunner, as she leans away from me with a nod. The yellow-orange glow in her optics that signify she's on a call briefly shift to the tell-tale blue that comes with netrunning, her attention briefly turning to something I can't see to her side.

"Second hallway, left side, third door. Biomon read-outs state heavy damage, but stable condition." She quickly relates back to me and I nod.

"Keep pulling whatever files you can from this place while it's still standing. Their calls for back-up went through, right?"

Sasha nods at that, biting her lip, but before she can apologize I wave it off.

"It's not your fault, you did what you could from your end. It was a long shot anyways with you trying a remote hack like that. Hell, even if you'd jacked into this part of the Net in person, we probably wouldn't have won that much extra time: with two corpos involved in this place, someone was bound to notice a stunt like this sooner rather than later anyways. Still, that shortens our window: I don't want you lost somewhere in the Net if corpo hackers start showing up in force. The moment you detect their presence, pull out of the system, leave the rest to me. We'll worry about intel-gathering another time."

Sasha nods, but is clearly still worried.

"What about the physical back-up? They'll be more heavily geared than the squad you took out and this time you won't be able to surprise them. 'Sides, you do have several holes leaking blood in your chest-" she begins, her tone turning surprisingly sly and teasing towards the end despite the circumstances, likely as much to cheer herself up as trying to lift my spirits a bit and I brush her concerns aside with an amused chuff.

"Leave the wounds be woman, I told you I'll be fine. Still, an unknown number of corpo hit squads, with two civvies to protect… not exactly odds I like." I grumble.

"I can rally the pack? Most Predators are here on base and still have some of their gear from the Faraday gig lying ready-"

"No, no we're not going to step into a public fight with Biotechnica before we stacked the deck in our favour. Open warfare right now would just turn it into a battle of numbers, especially once NCPD picks their side and that's not something we can win. We need to hunt those corpo cunts from the shadows, start tearing 'em apart bit by bit, and that takes time, time we won't win by gathering the whole pack for just the opening strike." I muse, quickly following Sasha's directions.

"Alright, but there's a team nearby that I can easily divert your way. ETA is less than five minutes and they're already mobile. At least let me send them." My netrunner pleads, and I begin nodding my head as I think it over.

"It should help with the extraction at least, leave me open for the fighting should there be a battle. Alright, send 'em in."

"Also, if you're done poking through their files here, can you use that to start tracking down Jacob Shipman?"

Both Sasha and I startle at the voice piping up from just behind me at a little over waist-level and I whirl around to give David Martinez a warning look… one which has absolutely zero effect on the teenager as he stares right back with his head held high and his eyes blazing with anger.

Right, guess he listened in on my convo with Sasha. Sneaky little bugger, talking to my netrunner had made me forget for a second he was even there. Said netrunner briefly looks my way, and once I give her a nod, Sasha sends a brief confirmation to David, before the call abruptly ends, her entire focus on cracking the hospital's remaining layers of ICE.

"We'll track down that scum, don't you worry about that. My Predators have made a name for themselves when it comes to hunting people down, you know. We are the best in the biz." I rumble with a hint of genuine pride, before coming to a halt in front of one of the cell doors, David nearly bumping into my back due to the sudden stop.

"For now though, we got other priorities. Doesn't matter when Shipman dies, as long as your Mom lives, right?"

"R-right." The teenager responds, uncertainty in his eyes as he watches the door, his mother trapped behind it in who knows what kind of condition.

Only one way to find out.

I deliver a forceful kick to the door, causing the lock to shatter and the hinges to deform under the brutal impact. However, I make sure to pull back quite a bit, ensuring that my strength is controlled enough to prevent the door from collapsing completely. The last thing I want is to jeopardize my rescue mission by accidentally injuring Gloria Martinez with a flying cell door to the face.

The woman herself is lying unconscious in a rickety hospital bed, the majority of her face concealed by a medical mask, while that which remains visible is covered by medical bandages, mirroring her son. A network of tubes and wires extends from the data port in her arm, connecting her to the various machines and monitors surrounding her bedside. Fairly standardized equipment, not as run down as some other parts of the facility, but certainly not up to standard to what Biotechnica uses in-house.

Then again, with the experiments that they had intended to subject Gloria to, they hardly needed to roll out the good stuff. Comatose people make for easy patients after all.

They complain less, for one.

David's eyes widen when he finally sees his mother, and you'd think he already had the Sandy implanted in his spine with the way he's at her bedside in the blink of an eye. Not that my steps are any less hurried, really, Sasha's warning of incoming corpo soldier back-up still pressing on my mind.

"Mom! Mom, can you hear me?!" David immediately starts yelling, but just by her scent and the smell of chemicals in the room, I can already tell the woman is being kept in an artificial coma with a slew of medication and drugs.

With the proper medicine and help, it should be easy enough to wake her from it, but we'd have to get her to a secure location first, so I immediately get a move on. I remove the mask and the tubes, practically tearing them off the unconscious woman, David's eyes still wide in worry and his body frozen in indecision.

That is, until I easily lift the small woman from the bed, already moving to leave the cramped cell.

"Wait! Mom, wha-…" his words get stuck in his throat, his eyes transfixed on the slumped form cradled in my massive arms.

"What happened to her legs?" his voice so very, painfully small and on the edge of breaking.

With the blanket fallen to the floor, the true extent of the damage from the accident David and Gloria were involved in is now revealed. Both of Gloria's legs are cut off at the knee, the stumps swaddled in still-fresh bandages.

'Well… fuck me. There goes Plan B of chucking 'em back in their Megabuilding, I suppose.' I realize morosely.

"Biomon says she's stable, nothing else. Guess that was all that really mattered to these fucks." I rumble lowly, but my strides keep going, eager to leave this place behind me and like a magnet David is pulled from the room as well, sticking close to his mother.

"What's gonna-?"

"She'll be fine, David. It'll take time, a lot of time, but my pack has worked with cloners and wetware sellers long enough that securing a new pair of legs shouldn't be a problem. Can always go chrome if that turns out to be too difficult." I try to reassure the kid as we hurry to the exit.

"… Mom never liked cyberware." David mutters under his breath, his gaze glued to his mother's mangled form.

Considering what it ended up doing to her son after her death in canon, I can get where the woman's coming from. On the other hand, not taking action to restore her legs somehow could prove to be equally catastrophic: this City is cruel enough as it is against its everyday citizens, it would eat a cripple up for breakfast as an afterthought. Still, worries for the future, ensuring the safety of the rest of her was our current problem.

And it was quickly turning into an actual problem, because as we were stalking down the ruined hallway, I could hear the signs of several heavy vehicles clearly hauling ass as they approached the building. My suspicions were quickly confirmed as Sasha contacted me again.

"Sim, back-up's here!"

"I figured. ETA of the team you sent this way?"

"Less than two minutes!"

"We'll manage. I'm not hearing sirens, so it's just corpo soldiers: NCPD is probably being told to hang back until Biotechnica has scrubbed the place clean, prevent cops from seeing any evidence they shouldn't."

"Simba…" Sasha whispers in a horrified voice, and my expression settles in a dissatisfied frown.

When a corpo plans a 'scrubbing' of a place, they don't just mean files and databanks… and plenty of the cells we had passed were still occupied…

"Nothing to be done about it. Like I said, I'm not getting into open warfare with Biotechnica right now. What you've managed to lift so far will have to do. It'll stir the waters even more than the Securicine fiasco at least, but the real take-down will require more hunting."

At that, Sasha's eyes gain a dangerous gleam as she nods in agreement.

"Fine by me." She bites out, before ending the call, allowing me to focus on my surroundings once again.

Coincidentally enough, David seems to have snapped out of his daze at the exact same moment. His gaze, so long fixated on his mother's motionless body, finally breaks free, scanning the surroundings with a mix of confusion and bewilderment.

"Hey, where are we going?"

"We're running away."

"Wait, you're running away?"

"No, we are. Why, do you want to fight a corpo clean-up crew armed to the teeth and ready for a fight?"

"Well, no, just figured you would."

"I'm a Predator first kid, not just an ordinary Animal: I don't fight pointless battles, I hunt. And those fucking gonks aren't my prey. Not right now, at least."

"Right, that makes sense… I think?"

By now, I can pick up faint sounds from the front of the building, indicating that the first corpo soldiers have breached the now thoroughly ruined entrance hall. By my estimations though, David and I should be near the very back of the building, somewhere on the second floor. I steal a moment to peer through a grimy office window nearby, my eyes falling upon the desolate expanse of the Badlands stretching out in the distance, and in a burst of inspiration I quickly decide on our exit-strategy. Gathering my strength, I deliver a forceful kick to the nearest door, tearing it from its hinges and propelling it violently into the far wall (thus showing the importance of reigning in my strength earlier during Gloria's rescue).

Quickly stepping through the now torn doorway, we arrive in a private office of sorts, its only furnishings the remnants of a disheveled desk and a weathered filing cabinet huddled together in a distant corner. Soft rays of sunlight stream through the solitary window, casting a dim glow upon the room's concrete walls and showing us a sprawling vista of untamed desert, where the arid terrain stretches as far as the eye can see, broken and stalled wind-turbines dotting the horizon like blackened skeletal fingers.

As well as a view of a cloud of dust quickly approaching the 'hospital' from the back by approaching the building from off-road (and thus avoiding the pesky death squad lined up at the front of it), cutting swiftly through the surrounding desert landscape.

"Right kid, this is our exit." I declare firmly, the statement so sudden it tears David's worried gaze from his mother's still form.

"Wait, what? There's no exit here? There's not even a door! Well, not anymore, anyways…"

"And that's why we're gonna make our own."


"Here, hold this for me, would you?"

"Wait, wha-?"

Before he can finish, I dump Gloria in David's arms. It's a callous thing to say, I know, but the loss of her lower legs works to his advantage here. While Gloria is a fairly petite woman and practically felt weightless in my arms, David lacks my stature.

Or, well, really any stature at all, at this point. Damn, he really is scrawny. Though that could be my Animal-upbringing making me biased.

Anyways, he definitely was far too small to have been able to carry his mother like that if it weren't for the… well, weight reduction, essentially. Still, he's caught off guard and has to drop the bag he's desperately been clutching, struggling to get a good hold of his mother as I turn towards the lone desk.

Lifting it clear off the ground in a single movement felt as easy as picking up Gloria, the heft feeling comforting and solid in my hands. It's an old piece of crap, meaning a blocky, heavy frame of steel and a solid top of synth-wood, making it perfect for my little escape plan. I heft it a little higher, grabbing it by the frame on one of the short sides and in a smooth turn, I aim the other end of it straight at the back wall of the office. Which I then obliterate as I grit my teeth and ram the entire desk straight through it in a shower of rubble and dust. Undoubtedly the impact (and David's subsequent shout of shock) was heard by the corpo squads towards the front of the building, but as the powdered concrete slowly settled, that hardly mattered.

The roar of a modified engine cuts off whatever question David clearly wanted to ask, and my ears perk up at the sound of it. I would recognize an engine like that anywhere and with a grin I realize which team Sasha has sent my way.

Figures. I should've guessed really.

"C'mon kid, that's our ride." I state gruffly, taking Gloria from the teen's arms, who shoots me a wide-eyed look.

"Our ride? But we're two stories up?"

"Your point being?"

"How the hell are we supposed to catch a ride when we're two stories up?" David asked irritably, before a boyish gleam of excitement entered his eyes.

"Wait, don't tell me you got an AV?"

"No, something much more better!"

"Something better than an AV? Like… two AV's?"

"What the… no? Do I look like I'm made of eddies to you?"

"But then-"

"It's a Quaddra, kid! Not only that, but it's a Type-66 640 TS to boot, meaning it's not just the second-sexiest car ever made, but because it's a 640 TS, it's also got way more horsepower than the regular Type-66, meaning it's our ticket out of here as well!"


"Big car go fast."

"Uhuh, sure, but in case you forgot, car go on road and the road is two fucking stories down!" David finally snaps as I move towards the new hole I had smashed in the outer wall of the hospital, ignoring the nervous half-step the kid takes as I move his unconscious mother closer to the breached façade.

As my gaze sweeps across the parking lot, I let out a pleased rumbling growl as I spot some hospital staff's vehicles huddled at the rear of the building. Amongst the small array of vehicles, my eyes are drawn to a weathered sight—the blemished roof of a worn-out Archer Hella EC-D. A closer inspection reveals that it's the older i360 variant (the same one that V and Jackie would end up using as edgerunners), a stark contrast to the updated EC-H i860s that the NCPD has adopted and transformed into formidable Enforcers.

It's basically the cheaper version of the (ever so slightly) more prestigious EC-V i660, which thankfully translates to its structural integrity as well, which makes it perfect for my impromptu (yet genius) escape plan.

Turning back towards the concerned looking David, I can feel a wicked grin showing on my face.

"Which is why we jump."

"Wait, what-?"

'Wow, he says that a lot.' I can't help but ponder as his shocked scream follows me all the way down, the wind whistling past my ears as I jump through the brand-new exit I had created.

The ground rushes up towards me, and I grunt at the rough landing as I sink through my knees as I impact the roof of the Hella with a tremendous slam. My legs nearly buckle, before the body of the car does instead with a tortured, screeching sound of metals and plastics tearing asunder, glass exploding from its shattered windows. Which is exactly why I chose the Hella as my impromptu landing pad: despite their functional reliability (enough to almost bankrupt Archer way back in the '20s), the body of an EC-D is manufactured from cheap, brittle materials.

Materials that buckle and shatter underneath the violent impact of my landing, cushioning my fall just enough that neither I nor the still unmoving Gloria are harmed.

"Hell yeah." I mutter under my breath to myself, once again finding myself thankful for the sheer ridiculousness that is my Animal-born body (I didn't even so much as sprain an ankle!), before straightening as rust-colored dust billows from the wreck I turned the Hella into.

"Simba! Simba you fucking asshole!" David screams at me as he's clutching the ragged edges of the hole in the wall, staring down at me and his mother still lying unconscious in my grasp.

"She's fine! Now you jump!" I call out, taking a step forward over the crater that once upon a time used to be a Hella's roof, sinking to a knee on top of the crushed metal and platics.

Checking Gloria over, I gently place her on top of the still relatively intact hood of the car, one eye still on the approaching dust cloud behind me while straining my hearing to track the corpo soldiers currently storming the hospital.


Before getting distracted by the panicked scream of the teenager still stuck two stories up.

"Now you! Go on, jump!"

"Are you crazy!?"

"So people keep telling me! Now, jump!"

"I'm not killing myself!"

"I'm not telling you to kill yourself, I'm telling you to fucking jump!"


"I survived, didn't I?!"

"I'm not built like you!"

"Neither is your Mom, but she survived too, right?!"


For a moment, the scared teen and I keep staring each other down, our gazes locked in a battle of wills (or desperation, in his case). When I next call out, my voice is pitched lower, but firm, the earlier teasing tone in my shouts gone.

"I swear to you that I will catch you. Trust me."

David is still unsure, looking down from so high up, but his eyes slowly track from me to his still mother and I can see him swallow. When he looks back towards me, desperation is slowly forced to give way to determination instead.

Scrappy little kid, that's for sure.

"You promise?" David calls out with barely a waver in his voice and I give him a serious nod.

"I promise."

"All right." The teen simply responds, before moving away from the hole.

For a moment I think he's moved back to get a running start, before something big and plastic is thrown out of the hole instead, rapidly plummeting to the ground to crash besides me. My eyes widen in confusion when I realize it's the bag that David dropped when I tossed his mother to him. Just barely peeking out from behind the frayed edge of the bag, I think for a second that I can spot the edge of something sleek and metallic-


"What the-"

Before my attention is torn away towards the teen hurtling rapidly down towards me, the little idiot having jumped while my attention was on the bag instead. Which means he misses my outstretched arms completely-


-and collides belly-first straight into my face instead, sending us both crashing into the ruined remains of the scrapped Hella in a big confusing ball of debris and rapid-fire insults.

Not that the insults are very good, considering both of us are left gasping for air and left choking on dust, but the intent is certainly there.

"You… utter… gonk!"

"You… said… you'd catch… me!"

"Then why… would you distract me… by throwing something else instead!?"

"I can't… leave… my mother's stuff!"

As we work our way to our feet, any further attempts at explaining the finer points of HABE (High-Altitude-Building-Extraction, a maneuver that I coined and am clearly an expert at, having done it twice now, though David evidently disagrees) as the Quadra has finally reached our position. It comes to a halt behind us in an impressive handbrake turn (unfortunately once more showering us with dust), the rumbling of its massive engine reminiscent of some great hellish beast purring lowly.

A 640 TS, it's lower, has wider tires and a bigger engine than your regular Type-66 (though not on the same level as my darling Avenger), which is why it's no surprise that it's considered by viewers to be the sexiest-looking car on the show "Guns and Horses." Done up in a blazing purple paint job and I gotta hand it to the man behind the wheel: while a certified gonk, there's no question the man's got a good sense of taste.

As he and his partner quickly exit the vehicle, I pick up Gloria in my arms again, motioning David to follow me towards the car with a nod of my head. The teen quickly scrambles to collect the bag with his mother's stuff (and James Norris' stolen cyberware) before he follows hot on my heels.

"What a shitshow Boss. What do you need?" the man asks and despite having a physique that makes him fit right in with the Animals, dwarfing an awed looking David in size, he still has to crane his neck in order to meet my eyes.

"This a protection gig for the civvies?" the woman asks, herself rivalling the man's height, if being just shy of him in sheer bulk, like her man sporting a distinctly Animal-like physique, with… ahem, proportions to match, so to speak.

She's certainly impressive enough to leave David blushing despite the situation. Though come to think of it, that might be due to the woman's aversion to bras. Or any type of chest-covering for that matter, something that's easily shown on display as she's left her flak jacket (of course embossed with my Predator logo) hanging wide open.

Sorry kid, she's taken and it'd be a toss-up between what'd kill you first: her thighs or her boyfriend's arms. Don't worry too much though, I already got an output in mind for you anyways.

"Well, I certainly don't need protecting, now do I?" I shoot back with a grin as I glance down at her (not something she's all that used to given her size, which comes pretty close to matching even Ma), before handing Gloria off to the large woman, feeling David's worried eyes bore into my back.

"It's more of an extraction gig. Take 'em to a safe house, don't care which. Considering the damage to the woman, you'll need to pick a place you can lie low comfortably for a while though. It'll take some time for this level of heat to die down." I rumble as the woman takes Gloria from me with a nod, her entire form stilling as she lays eyes on the redhead, her eyes widening in shock.

"Holy fucking shit! Is that-?"

Caught off guard by her sudden shout, the partner swiftly leans over the car's hood, his gaze fixated on the unconscious woman. His blond eyebrows peek above the edge of his sunglasses, widening with recognition as he realizes who she is.

"Is that Gloria Martinez? That's the civvie that we're supposed to extract?" he rumbles in surprise.

"And her kid." I chip in.

"Gloria has a kid!?"

"Wait, wait, wait! Does everyone in NC know my mom?!" David finally snaps, drawing our attention as an uncomfortable silence briefly falls over the parking lot.

"… you know, there's a joke there-"

"Don't you fucking dare."

"-but, considering circumstances being what they are and all, I'm not gonna make it."

"… thanks."

"Jokes aside, yeah, this is Gloria. Shit went south, real fuckin' fast and she needs immediate extraction. Kid too. Things have gotten… a bit heated, over here." I rumble, my gaze on the comatose woman.

Lowering his wrap-around sunglasses to look me over with startlingly blue eyes, the man shakes his head as he takes in my blood-splattered appearance.

"No kidding."

"Simba-" David pipes up, sounding somewhat worried as his gaze is locked onto the unconcious Gloria.

"Go with your mother and hold on tight. You'll be safe. We'll get Shipman eventually, don't you worry." I assure the teen, guiding David to sit in the passenger seat of the rumbling Quadra, the large woman placing Gloria with surprising gentleness on the back seat, before getting behind the steering wheel herself.

"But what will you be doing?" David calls out, and the woman doesn't drive away just yet, the same question in her eyes as she looks between me and her partner.

"What else? We're gonna give you a chance to delta the fuck outta here by being the distraction. 'Sides, I gotta go get my car back: I'm not leaving my baby in the hands of a bunch of corpo cunts. They wouldn't treat her with the proper respect!" I reply with a forced casual tone in my voice, deliberately banishing the brief glimpse of James Norris' Sandevistan from my memory as I tear away my gaze from the large bag sitting in David's lap.

"Stay safe. C-YA, you two." The woman simply responds as if it was the most natural explanation in the world, before putting the pedal to the metal and performing half a donut, pointing the eager nose of the 640 TS back towards the far-off Badlands.

"Cover Your Ass, huh? God I love that woman." The burly man says with a chuckle as we watch the car rapidly shrink into the distant desert as it races away from us.

They'd circle back towards the outskirts of Night City after a while to slip back into the metropolis once the heat had died down and the eyes of Militech, Biotechnica and the NCPD were aimed elsewhere.

Namely at me. And, more importantly, my Type-66 Avenger.

Tearing my eyes away from the purple Quadra, I glance at the muscular man at my side.

"You ready to go get my car back?"

The man's arms, big and burly enough many would mistake it for the Gorilla Arms implant instead, split alongside barely visible seams, showing off complicated and compact weaponry hidden beneath the synth-skin. His grin is menacing as he fully unfolds his Projectile Launcher.

"Lead the way… Boss." Maine says with an eager smile.

Fun Fact: The Edgerunners show is a TRIGGER production and directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi, the mastermind responsible for several little-known indie anime gems such as Kill la Kill, Promare, and Gurren Lagann.

AN1: If you want to read ahead, Chapter 10 is currently live over on my Patreon!

AN2: Bit torn on Maine's arms here. I keep seeing people say that he's got Gorilla Arms, but he clearly has a Projectile Launch System in place instead and as far as I know, it's not possible to be sporting multiple implants like that at the same time. So here I'm interpreting it as Maine just being that buff. On the other hand, maybe the fact that he squished together two incompatible pieces of cyberware is why his chrome is starting to act up. It certainly would fit his personality as a chrome-addicted cyberpunk to cram too much cyberware into his body.

But, then again, the failing of his chrome is heavily implied to be mentally related instead, which would tie back in nicely to the whole "High Humanity keeps you from going cyberpsycho" aspect of the setting, which has worked well so far (imo opinion at least) to create a bit of tension in regards to Simba and Norris' super-Sandevistan.

Like I said, I'm still torn. If you wanna give your two cents about it, why don't you go ahead and join the discussion over on my Discord! (hell yeah, that was smooth as fuck Bakku, nice plug)
Just saw this, really digging it so far! All I have to say is that if you don't make at least one Batman or Manbat character, you are missing an excellent opportunity.
I'll be honest, I really wanna see what kind of bullshit Simba can do with a Super!Sandevistan... :rofl:
Though considering his bulk he may need to see bout getting it modded to fit, cuz you know his Spin ain't normal sized lol
Just saw this, really digging it so far! All I have to say is that if you don't make at least one Batman or Manbat character, you are missing an excellent opportunity.
Well, there is that black supercar hidden out in the desert that belongs to a wanna-be Batman corpo...
I'll be honest, I really wanna see what kind of bullshit Simba can do with a Super!Sandevistan... :rofl:
Though considering his bulk he may need to see bout getting it modded to fit, cuz you know his Spin ain't normal sized lol
That's actually a good point. Both James Norris and post time-skip David were pretty bulky, but definitely not as tall as Sim is. And considering his build, it likely looks a bit different in shape as well.
That's actually a good point. Both James Norris and post time-skip David were pretty bulky, but definitely not as tall as Sim is. And considering his build, it likely looks a bit different in shape as well.

With how he been shown/hyped up I can't help but imagine him a a mix of Biscuit Oliva's Bulk and Pickle's Height and Bestial Features...
So, yeah unless we're working with the seemingly Transformer style Cyberware from the show it's default size ain't gonna work lol
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With how he been shown/hyped up I can help but imagine him a a mix of Biscuit Oliva's Bulk and Pickle's Height and Bestial Features...
So, yeah unless we're working with the seemingly Transformer style Cyberware from the show it's default size ain't gonna work lol
Lol, yeah I was actually thinking about Pickle as well when I wrote that response, there's a tease to it in chapter 10
08: Choom, where's my Car?

I fall into a quick paced jog with Maine hot on my heels, our heavy steps echoing in sync as we race towards the front of the building. Judging from the loud shouting (and horrified screams) coming from the inside, the corpo clean-up crews are still moving steadily through the 'hospital', methodically making their way down the labyrinthine corridors towards the back of the building.

I'm not entirely sure what sort of tactics these Militech soldiers are trained in, beyond that which I've managed to pick up from the sim chips they use for training purposes that occasionally get released throughout Night City (either through their own officially sanctioned programs or through the black market for the enterprising solo), but I can guess they'd likely take it slow as they move through the premises.

Partly because the sheer fucking savagery I left behind in my wake would give anyone not called Adam fuckin' Smasher pause for a second (especially considering they were now tasked with hunting the one responsible for said carnage in the first place) and partly because they were likely sent by Militech on a Biotechnica contract. Arrangements that are directly between corpos tend to be shady things, even more so than the usual business deals brokered between solo and fixer, and Militech is an old hand in taking on the delicate operations for their 'friends', such as covering up evidence or eliminating potential threats to their clients' interests. Which in this case, meant promising Biotechnica to scrub the place clean of evidence.

And, in the eyes of those corpo cunts, the unfortunate human test subjects trapped inside fell under evidence.

Judging by the sporadic, brief bursts of gunfire, the crew had already begun fulfilling their contract. While I hadn't come here with a plan to save everyone that got fucked by Biotechnica (hell, I didn't even really have a plan to save Gloria, mostly flying by the seat of my pants on nothing but spite and desperation instead) I couldn't help but grit my teeth at being confronted with yet another sign of how callously life was disregarded in this world. To a corporation, people were nothing but pawns, expendable resources like so much meat, whose lives hold no value compared to the corporate secrets at stake, and it was in moments like these that I was beginning to see where Ma was coming from when she was raving about me establishing a new world order.

Because, holy shit, fuck the one that we're stuck with right now.

Even as we run, I turn to shoot Maine a glance over my shoulder, the man's own eyes hidden behind his large sunglasses.

"You see anything wearing a corpo uniform?"

"Yeah Boss?"

"Shoot it."

"Yes Boss."


Instructions given and received, we turn the final corner and the corpo squad that Militech has sent comes into view. Well, two of them, actually, judging by the twin, armoured-up Chevillon Emperors that are left idling in front of the low steps leading up towards the ruined entrance. The Militech stamp on the side shows that these are the corporate versions of the 620 Ragnar, though of course the heavily armored bodywork, integrated Militech combat tech, and reinforced bumpers that are specifically designed to crush other cars like NiCola cans are a dead giveaway too.

While Chevillon makes the base Emperors, it's this Ragnar version with all its deadly upgrades that gets purchased from Militech directly by the NCPD, and once sprayed over, just the sight of one of their Ironclads is enough to have people shutter their windows in even the most lawless parts of NC. For all intents and purposes, it's a landtank that can carry personnel on the public road and cracking one is nigh impossible… unless you got the hardware to crack the surrounding five miles as well.

Hell, just look at the abuse David's crew put Falco's 620 Ragnar through, that thing was damn near as indestructible as the convoy transporting the exoskeleton.

And just when I decided to leave my mini-nuke at home too…

However, there is one advantage that Maine and I have here, and that is that, while these trucks are as close to indestructible as a civilian vehicle can get, their occupants very much aren't.

And unlike me, Militech didn't see the wisdom in parking inside the building.

There's a group of guards outside, but it's light: a driver still behind each steering wheel, a soldier by each car and another pair of soldiers by the entrance. Considering even a standard edition Emperor is large enough to carry nine people (and some cargo), that means there's likely about a dozen soldiers currently inside the building.

Good to know, but a worry for later: time to deal with the half dozen stuck on guard duty outside first.

Our feet are still hammering away at the cracked concrete as we rapidly close the distance when the first Militech soldier spots us, giving a shout of alarm as he whirls around to face us. Before he can take proper aim however, my right hand comes up with my trusty Burya clenched in an iron grip, my thick finger even now pressing down on the trigger, having already charged the Tech Revolver as it lets out a dangerous humming sound from its thick electromagnetic barrel. It unleashes its powered-up shot with a tremendous bark, the Techtronika gun trying to snap my wrist like a twig with its signature kick-back, but it barely even shifts in my enormous paw.

The benefits of having the equivalent of 20 Body before even finishing puberty.

The electromagnetic forces spooling inside the massive, blocky front of the Soviet Tech Revolver basically slingshot the caseless bullet towards the Militech guard that had sounded the alarm, and before he's had a chance to raise his own gun, the jacketed steel flechette slams into and through his head, leaving nothing but a shower of gore shooting out from the stump that remains of his neck.

Turns out, headshots are dead-easy to line up when you got reflexes and senses like mine and don't have to worry about annoying little things like recoil.

Plus, having trained practically since birth tends to be a factor as well.

Seeing that I'm going for the sentries by the entrance of the hospital, I can feel Maine swerve behind me, going for the guard near the nearest SUV instead. That leaves both drivers and the corpo soldier at the second car, but no time to worry about them now: we'll get there when we get there. Gotta take it one step at a time if you wanna survive being an Edgerunner in Night City.

Locked in Maine's sights, the guard swiftly drops to a knee, the weight of his gun pressing against his shoulder. Positioned near the opened passenger door of the idle Chevillon at his back, he instinctively relies on what his virtus have drilled into his every muscle and circuit: prioritizing a defensive stance against an unexpected assailant. It's a split-second decision, a calculated move born from years of simulated training and overall, not a bad call, usually. Minimize your profile, duck for cover, and fire back at whoever's currently trying to fill your body with an unsolicited and unhealthy amount of bullets.

Solo Handbook 101. No, really, Morgan Blackhand actually wrote that in his Solo for Dummies guide.

Sadly for the Militech guard however (and more importantly, for his driver), Maine and I are pretty fucking far from usually and it's not like the Cyberpunk at my side needs bullets to flatline your ass.

A manic grin still on his face, Maine braces his split-apart forearm, having taken aim with his Smart Targeting Link as he ducked behind my large barreling form, just long enough for the Militech guard's own systems to have lost him for a split-second.

A split-second was all the Edgerunner needed, the air wavering with sheer heat and force as his PLS violently discharges its explosive payload, the sound ringing uncomfortably in my sensitive ears. The rocket-propelled projectile impacts the guard square in the chest, who doesn't even get the chance to scream out as his upper torso paints the inside of the Chevillon (and his driver) red with his giblets. The smoke and carnage are enough to stun the shocked navigator for several moments, which Maine quickly takes advantage of to pour on a burst of speed, almost managing to keep pace with me, cybernetic legs pumping all of their output as they desperately struggle to match my all-natural organic ones.

Well, considering all the hormones and drugs my body has been flooded with even before birth, calling it all-natural might be a bit of a misnomer, but eh, fuck it. I grew all this shit personally, no chrome replacement involved and that's about as natural as you can get in this fucked up world these days.

The driver finally gets shocked out of his panicked paralysis (maybe literally, considering the chrome and wetware this Militech outfit might be sporting) and makes a leap towards the passenger seat, trembling hands fighting the latch on the glove compartment. It falls open with a soft click and the man's hand desperately closes around the handle of the gun kept inside.

Which is exactly when he looks up to locate his target, only to find that his target found him instead, Maine's other arm holding a Militech Crusher flush against the driver's forehead.

The irony isn't lost on the large cyberpunk, who grins as he idly tilts his head, easily handling the Power Shotgun with a single hand.

"Don't you know that travelling by car is the least safe form of transportation? Roadkill man, these things are a hazard." He says lazily, the driver's eyes widening in sheer terror.

"Fuck you, you fucking-!"

"Here, let me show you."

The Crusher roars and the insides of the Chevillon is painted in yet more crimson.

In the meantime, I've been closing in on the remaining guard by the entrance of the building, spotting from the corner of my eye how the corpo soldier at the last SUV has wisely decided to put the multi-ton vehicle between himself and the two insane murder-hobos currently turning his buddies into chunky salsa.

The guard at the entrance has less sturdy protection to hide behind, considering I took off both doors to the hospital when I crashed my dear Avengers straight through them. So he immediately dives towards the only defensive position that there is, which happens to be behind the corpse of his decapitated co-worker as it topples to the ground.

Belly flat to the ground and resting the barrel of his gun on the decapitated torso of his dead comrade, unheeding or uncaring of the pool of blood he threw himself down into: warfare tactics, no doubt about it. Either this guy is a genuine veteran, or Militech has succeeded in turning the scrolls of their combat-hardened officers into reliable virtus.

Not wanting to experience first-hand what kind of tactics such experiences have led to (judging from Johnny's ranting in the game and the bits of lore on the Corporate Wars, I can imagine and that's plenty nauseating as is), I squeeze off several more shots with my Burya, the Techtronika Revolver barking and blasting with glee at every powerful discharge.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to charge another Tech shot, so when one of the bullets clipped the solder in the side as he dropped down, it only wounded the soldier instead of killing him on the spot, his own enhancements and body armor saving his life.

For the next few seconds at least.

I keep up my rate of fire, rapidly cycling through the bullets in the chamber, trying to keep him forced behind his grisly, impromptu barrier, but in another show of experience, the guard simply flattens himself further, head held low as he allows his unadorned Saratoga (the base model submachine gun of my own Iconic Problem Solver) to unleash an unguided spray of counter-fire.

Unlike the remaining Militech guards, I don't have any cover to hide behind, and while I am bulletproof, I don't really feel like testing that immunity against a veritable curtain of lead spray.

Despite putting several bullets in the corpse of the first guy I shot, causing sprays of blood and matter to splatter out across the remaining guard, the corpo soldier manages to power through, not letting up on the trigger for a second. While my shots don't make him stop shooting, it thankfully does prevent him from actually aiming towards my position, so I go full Animal: dropping low to the ground to run on all fours, I manage to duck underneath most of the gunfire as the guard had overcompensated for my impossible size by aiming wide and high.

I eat a few bullets during my charge, but thankfully most slam into my durable flak jacket instead, tearing it to shreds instead of my skin. Getting a new jacket is easy: regrowing new skin is much more of a hassle I'd really rather not deal with.

Healing bullet wounds itch like a motherfucker, who knew?

Powering through the discomfort, I pour on more speed as boots and claws skitter across asphalt, rapidly closing in on the determined guard. Utilizing my greater mobility, I swerve wildly to the side as I turn on a dime, closing in on the building itself, before I take off with a massive leap that sees me easily clearing the ground floor completely, no Zetatech Fortified Ankles required.

Though on the other foot, I wouldn't mind getting my claws on the Epic variant that lets you hover in mid-air, which are currently in Fingers' grimy… well, fingers. Not that I intend to pay the creepy fucker 48.000 eddies for 'em, considering I don't actually need the ripperdoc himself to install 'em. 'Sides, dead men need no payment after all.

Grab Cottonmouth on my way out as well, 'cause at that point, why not?

Damn, so many people to hunt down, rob and/or kill and so little time. Which is why I want to get this biz resolved and delta the fuck outta here ASAP.

Doing my best Prince of Persia impression, my booted feet slam heavily into the rough concrete, one claw held for purchase sliding across all its tears and bumps as I run sidelong over its pockmarked façade, a thin trail of dust in my wake as the world blurs due to my speed.

Feeling gravity finally stop doing a double-take at my… unconventional approach, I can feel her begin to pull down on my large form again. My boots slide further and further down against the aged concrete, inching towards the ground and with a challenging roar, I push off with all my might, propelling myself like a human missile. My enormous legs muster enough power to make the wall shudder, actually cratering the old concrete and leaving a deep imprint as I crash down upon the prone Militech soldier.

The corpo soldier barely makes a half-turn as he looks up with a gaping mouth, his experience (either earned in combat or learned through simulations) failing to prepare him for an attack from an angle quite such as this. To his credit, his first instinct is to push off and roll away, but by then I've already closed in on him, and my legs are long enough to catch him as he starts to move.

His own initial instinct works against him, as desperate hands and elbows slide away against slick bloodied stone and then they struggle no longer. With a roar, I've descended upon the soldier, one foot slamming into his back and straight through his torso to smash apart the tiles underneath him as well.

Landing on my knees with a grunt, I raise myself to my full height, briefly paying a thought to the gore I'm absolutely drenched in right now.

'Fuck… I pulled a Smasher… God fuckin' dammit.'

The comparison to the full 'borg makes me more uncomfortable than I'm comfortable with admitting, so I instead refocus on how Maine has been dealing with the remaining guard and driver. Which is to say, not yet, apparently. The last guard has ducked behind his massive Chevillon, taking potshots at the opposite 620 Ragnar, with Maine doing the same from his end, having taken out his L-69 Zhuo, a recent addition to his arsenal, the very first thing he bought with the stack of eddies I shoved his way when he signed up with my Predators.

It's a Kang Tao made Smart Shotgun, which in itself is both an oxymoron and a paradox. The Chinese corp only makes Smart weapons, claiming they see no reason why anyone would need any other type of gun. The Zhuo is their take on the idea of a shotgun, which usually aren't exactly known for finesse: while undoubtedly powerful, they often suffer from clunkiness and imprecision. Not so with the L-69, which despite it's top-of-the-line electronics, still manages to classify as one, since it fires multiple rounds at once. Its eight barrels are attached to eight igniters to send projectiles hurtling towards up to eight different targets, guided by an ultra-sensitive radar which scans the area for you, identifying targets all on its own. A shotgun so good, you don't even need to aim it.

A gun good enough for even Adam fuckin' Smasher himself to have a blueprint for an Iconic version of the weapon hidden away in his secret stash on the Ebunike, the Ba Xing Chong (now sporting explosive tips! Because Adam fuckin' Smasher, why else?).

Which, in theory, should've made a shoot-out like this be a walk in the park, considering Maine can easily pull a Wanted here and just shoot around the bulletproof Chevillon.

In theory. In practice, it's a lot harder to use your Smart Link device if someone from less than fifteen feet away is using their netrunning skills and the souped-up electronic brain of the 620 Ragnar to blast a jamming signal straight into your fucking skull, which was what the remaining driver was frantically doing from the safety of her vehicle. Explains why she hadn't just floored it and taken her tank to the other side of Night City, teammate be damned.

Meaning that Maine would get a shot off with his Zhuo and then be stuck painfully and manually reloading all eight chambers while the hand with his Smart Link would twitch and spark violently as he cursed out the netrunning driver in no less than three languages, a linguistic symphony of profanity you wouldn't expect from the hulking solo.

The linguistic part, not the profanity part, that is.

All the while the last remaining guard outside kept peppering the Chevillon my cyberpunk was hiding behind with controlled bursts of lead spray. Clever of them to target his cybernetics. Big guy like him, wielding a big fuck-off piece of iron like a Crusher, most people assume he's just a dumb brute wielding Power weapons.

What sets Maine apart from your common Edgerunner though, and made him leader of his own outfit (before I shamelessly yet selflessly poached it of course), was that he was a smart brute. Obsessive, sure, with a very limited outlook on the world that would see him and nearly everyone he cared about fucking flatlined within two years tops, but by no means as dumb as he looked. He was at least smart enough to put on both the synth-muscles needed to carry Power weapons with ease, and get the cyberware implanted to get any use out of Smart weapons at all.

Trust me, very few people ever saw a gun as advanced as the L-69 coming when you looked like your immediate ancestors still fought off the dinos with clubs.

Which in retrospect means the Militech netrunner might've just decided to target Maine's everything, considering how obviously modified the cyberpunk was. It probably wasn't even his Smart Link they were targeting specifically, just all of his chrome in the hope it'd make his arms pop out of their sockets or something.

Would explain why his hands and arms keep twitching and sparking like that.

It takes less time for me to process all that than it does for Maine to cycle a new slot in his state-of-the-art (yet clearly overly complicated) Kang Tao shotgun, and before he can get another shot off, I've moved. My attack on the doormen has taken me around the second Chevillon to their flank, and the guard needs a second to take his attention away from the cyberpunk currently trying to explode him with self-guided micro-missiles before he notices the brutal death of his comrades.

Time enough to half-charge another bullet in my Burya as my hand comes up, its barrel aimed flawlessly towards his skull. Which is when he surprises me by wildly throwing open the driver's door as wide as it goes right when I squeeze the trigger. Like before, the discharge is immense, though I power through the kick-back with ease, but instead of reducing the corpo soldier's head to smithereens, the powered shot slams into the opened door of the bulletproof 620 Ragnar.

As satisfying as it is to see that my Revolver managed to actually put a dent in the Chevillons vaunted armored plating, it still means the corpo soldier has managed to survive. Not to mention being briefly obscured from my vision, a brief window of opportunity that he immediately exploits by lobbing a fucking grenade over the door and towards me.

Damn, these guys are very clearly on a higher payroll than the glorified hospital wardens I tore to shreds inside the hospital.

I can't tell what type of grenade it is, and I'm not exactly keen on finding out its effects first-hand, so I abandon my bead on the soldier for now (hey, if I can't aim at him, at least he can't aim at me neither) as I train my Soviet Revolver on the air-born grenade instead.

I squeeze the trigger- 'clack!'


Empty. Fuck it. Now or never, that grenade is still flying towards me. Acting purely on instinct honed by a literal lifetime of combat, I don't hesitate and hurl the heavy gun straight towards the falling incendiary.

It flies from my hand and despite its clunky size and unwieldy weight, my strength is great enough and the distance short enough, it flies on a near-enough straight line, plunging headlong into the thrown grenade. It impacts the explosive device with force, a metallic clattering sound ringing out and it ricochets the grenade right back to where it came from.

Right as it sails over the door, my heightened hearing picks up a startled "oh, fuck-!" before the grenade explodes.

'Huh, it was an incendiary. Guess I guessed right.' I muse to myself, blinking away the spots as the other side of the Chevillon's armored door is briefly consumed in a massive fireball.

The Burya was the only gun I had on me (I didn't think it was wise to bring some of my heavier gear to a diner when meeting with a couple of cops after all) and I never carry any bladed weapons on me. What was the point, considering my claws?

Which meant that, technically speaking I was unarmed. Not that that really mattered to me, considering my entire body could be considered a lethal weapon (and by NUSA and Border Patrol official guidelines, I would literally have to declare it as such even!), but I still approached the smoking 620 Ragnar with steady, wary steps.

These guys have proven to be a cut above their colleagues back at the hospital and I'll be fucked if some corpo cunt will be the one to flatline me before either the show or the game has even begun, just because I got cocky enough to face-check possible surviving enemies.

Ma would probably physically drag me back from hell, just to kick my ass back down there again personally for being that fucking stupid.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Maine approach with measured steps as well, his L-69 tucked back in its holster and his Crusher back in his functioning hand, the Smart Link in his other one still sparking. Between that and the frustrated and slightly pained expression on his face, that means the netrunning driver is still alive.

Swiftly rounding the smoking door, it doesn't take long to confirm she's the only soldier stationed outside that's still on this side of the living. The guard that had tried to explode my ass had been turned to bits of charcoal, the smoke acrid and disgusting, yet depressingly familiar in its sheer repugnance.

Glancing away from the smoking crater that used to be a human, I glance inside the now opened Chevillon instead. While the massive SUV was barely shook by the blast, its armor plating practically intact save for some cosmetic damages, the same cannot be said for its interior.

The seat on this side of the car is pretty much gone, reduced to slagged plastics, and smoke and soot cover that which remains.

Including the driver. She's lost an arm and much of her hair to the edge of the blastwave that her coworker inadvertently let inside her cabin, and her remaining eye is wide and filled with unseeing panic as it fixates on my immense form.

"S-s-stay… a-a-away…" she manages to stammer out, her entire form trembling with barely suppressed shivers.

"Don't you worry. I'll be out of your hair momentarily. Well, what's left of it anyways." I rumble and I can hear the woman's fluttering heartbeat increase its maddened speed even further.

I know her next move before she even does it and when her remaining eye turns a burning blue, I'm already moving. A desperate hack, probably carrying more Daemons than her ICE can safely control, in a last-ditch attempt to fry my circs and have my brains leaking out my ears. A suicide attack, one I've seen a few times before.

Not often, a guy with my… talents doesn't often need to go up against netrunners after all, but the fact that I saw such a desperate gambit play out multiple times should clue you in on the most important fact, one that the woman is about to learn herself as well, the hard way.


Her voice is soft and paper-thin as the blue glow in her eye sputters and flickers out, confusion warring with shock in her expression.

"Yeah, about that... tough shit lady, but that stunt doesn't work on me." I growl as I lean into the burnt car.

Comes with the territory of being probably the most 'ganic Edgerunner since the days of Morgan Blackhand, I'm guessing.

"What… are you-!?"

Her question is cut off as my hand closes around the burnt remains of her leg, yanking her off her seat in one mighty pull, tearing a scream from her throat. Letting her fall off her seat and almost half out of the vehicle so her butt lands roughly in the ash that used to be her coworker, I slowly sink to a knee, looming in close over the corpo soldier.

My face is mere inches away from hers, our gazes locked, and several times more, sparks and hues of blue again shift rapidly across her widened eye, each failure followed by a fresh wave of sheer, mind-breaking fear.

She doesn't just see me as I sit there, flesh and blood: her cybersenses see me as something more.

"What are you?" the question comes again, but this time it's almost pleading, ending in an uncomprehending sob.

Not breaking our gaze, I slowly rise back to my full, immense height as I take a half-step back, my voice low. My hand comes up, resting on the blackened door frame.

"I'm… built different."


I slam the door shut, the woman's body barely even an obstacle as it blurs closed, nearly bifurcating her. I look on for a moment, before Maine's voice brings me out of it. If he's disturbed at all by the carnage, he does a stellar job at hiding it. Though his relaxed stance is probably mostly because the netrunner is no longer trying to run lightning through his synthetic muscles.

"What's next, Boss?" he rumbles, tilting his head so that his bright blue eyes lock with mine over the edge of his dark sunglasses.

"My car." I respond immediately, turning on my heel and facing the hospital.

"Why not take one of these bad boys?" Maine shoots back with a considering hum, his mindset as a Solo and leader of an Edgerunner crew creeping into his voice.

Was that how David got his 620 Ragnar in the show? No, probably not. Mostly because:

"No. Militech hardware like that is completely stuffed with software that keeps it slaved to a nearby Militech HQ. Anything from remote take-over to something as simple as tracking bugs. Integrated enough that trying to disable it in the field would just fry the entire circuit and I'm not going to leave a trail of Chevillon-size breadcrumbs for those corpo cunts to follow back to our base." I shut down Maine's suggestion and the large cyberpunk gives me a long, considering glance.

'Fuck, guess my 'dumb-but-street-smart-Animal' mask is slipping. Damage control, stat!' I quickly think to myself.

Not that I don't trust Maine (… within reason, of course), but the more people underestimate me, the more time it gives me to put my plans in motion while at the same time ensuring I won't get flatlined prematurely by some paranoid corpo rat protecting his future interest or something.

'Sides, the mask has become familiar by now. Almost comforting. So I shrug my enormous shoulders, letting out a somewhat awkward cough as try to look contrite. I suspect the effect is somewhat ruined however, on account of the literal liters of blood I'm drenched in.

"Sasha told me a bit 'bout how corpos like to track and booby trap their gear." I say as an explanation, and while Maine nods, judging from his body language and heartrate, he doesn't believe me for a second.

Crap. I need a distraction, and thankfully, I've got a whole corpo clean-up crew as (un)willing victims to throw at the suspicious cyberpunk. I turn away from Maine, marking the conversation as closed as we both rapidly make a beeline for the hospital entrance.

We do need to hurry though. The fight was quick, probably not even so much as a couple of minutes had passed since I unleashed that first full-powered shot, but it had certainly been loud. Even if the other Militech soldiers hadn't noticed that one, they had definitely heard the explosion from the grenade going off. Considering this was their extraction point, they would be hauling ass to secure it ASAP from possible assault.

Which meant it was time for us to delta. Running through the ruined entrance, I immediately make my way over to the driver's seat of my waiting Avenger, a sense of relief blooming in my chest when I notice that Militech hasn't disabled her as a precaution.

There's no guards in the large entry hall, the rest of the company probably having moved further into the building already and trusting their rear-guard to keep the area secure. Which is what they would be doing, if they, you know, weren't just absolutely massacred.

I swiftly jump over the myriad bodies scattered across the grimy hall, not sparing them so much as a second glance, but I can hear Maine falter behind me.


The cyberpunk is still looking at the sheer amount of blood that covers everything and I try to pull him out of it. Don't you dare judge me, you cyberpsycho-in-waiting. Today, it's me, so that tomorrow, it doesn't have to be you.

Doesn't have to be David.


My roar shakes both the dust from the ceiling and the cyberpunk from his shock and I point towards the hallway that David had escaped through.

"Cover fire!"

The Edgerunner nods, one hand coming up with his L-69 at the ready and the other unfolding to show his Projectile Launch System spooled up and waiting. Between the Kang Tao hardware and the Arasaka cyberware, his Smart Link will be overloaded, meaning he won't be able to aim both properly at the same time.

But within confined quarters like these, things like "aim" and "properly" become unneeded luxuries and he trains both weapons steadily on the entrance of the hallway as I get behind the wheel of my beloved car. I was no time in turning on the ignition, my Avenger's massive engine roaring to life with a bone-thrumming rumble, before I floor the gaspedal with enough strength that it makes me glad I splurged for internal armor plating as well, or my foot would've gone straight through the undercarriage.

As it is, the sudden acceleration causes squealing wheelspin as I leave thick skid marks on the old tiles of the entry hall. A wild pull on her steering wheel brings my Avenger into a half-spin, ejecting the mangled arm from her front wheel arch like a beast spitting out the bone it had been using as a toothpick. Right as I'm turning, the first of the Militech guards storms down the hallway, but Maine's already spotted them before I need to alert him.

His PLS barks loudly and if he were a smaller man that shot probably would've gone wide just from the kick-back. As it is, the projectile sails down the hallway, before exploding in a massive show of fire and force as it fills the corridor with sudden death. A cloud of smoke billows from the entryway and into our hall, so Maine folds his arm away again as he steadily walks forwards, his Smart Link activating as I complete my tight turn.

Following the example set by the guards outside (and showing that this clean-up crew did indeed have access to higher-grade virtus than your average corpo brute squad), the guards forced back down the hallway fire blindly down its length as they try to escape the falling rubble and billowing smoke.

Unfortunately for us, the tight surroundings work to their advantage as well: while they're aim is shit, the shower of lead still roughly goes where it needs to, mainly in our direction.

Even as bullets start flying into the main entry hall, Maine barely even pauses in his stride, instead bringing up his advanced shotgun gripped in his Smart Link, the electronic glow of his eyes eerily visible behind his sunglasses. The patented Kang Tao radar picks up its victims and eight barrels unleash their guided payloads, uncaring of the obscuring fog of war and this time finding their mark with ease. More screams ring out from the crumbling hallway, and I've finished my 180, leaving long tracks of rubber and blood smeared across the cracked tiles.

"Maine! We're delta-ing!"

The Edgerunner unloads his L-69 once more, its reload massively improved now that his chrome isn't being hijacked, before he practically throws himself in my Avenger and I once again fucking floor it.

"Think that'll hold them up?" I roar as my Avenger rips apart the tiles with her wide tires.

"Well, I did collapse a fuckin' hallway on 'em, so yeah!" the cyberpunk shouts back as he struggles and tries to clamber around so he's sitting upright in the passenger seat, instead of leaning halfway out the window with his ass hanging in the air.

We soar through the ruined entrance to the hallway, even getting air-time as we sail over the steps leading to where the doors used to be. The impact on asphalt is staggering, but Maine, my Avenger and I are thankfully all tough enough to weather the blow as I swerve narrowly through the gap between the now unmanned Militech Ragnars still idling outside. Tires hit tarmac and then we're off, speeding away over NC's roads, like Dorio first making our way out towards the Badlands.

We'll have to lie low for a bit before we can make our way back into NC proper if we want to avoid having every NCPD squad car sicced on our asses. I'd rather not have to run River off the road if I can help it after all.

On some level it pains me that we can't do anything for the people trapped in the hospital, other than taking care of as much Militech soldiers as we can and hoping that the intel we lifted is enough to run Biotechnica into the fucking ground. There's simply no time for anything more, considering the remains of the Militech squad looked like they were out for blood.

Case in point:

"Fuck. Guess dropping a hallway on 'em didn't hold them up: there they are." Maine curses, having finally landed in his seat properly, though now his upper torso is leaning out my Avenger instead as he stares intently at the shrinking hospital in the distance.

Looking in my rearview mirror, sure enough I spot them: the remains of the Militech death and/or clean-up squad. Same thing really, as far as those corpo cunts are concerned. They quickly spot my speeding Avenger, and even from this distance I can make out how they shout and gesture at each other to quickly file into the waiting Chevillons.

One of the soldiers is quick to follow orders, booted feet stamping carelessly on the ashes of what just this morning was his colleague as he opens the door I used to cut another co-worker of his in half. As he throws the door open wide, the lower body of the woman slides listlessly to the floor, and the soldier bends forwards over the slagged passenger seat to do away with the remaining torso as well.

Which is when the little 'present' I had slipped into the woman's vest detonates: two incendiary grenades of my own. Sure, I said I left my heavier ordinance at home, but I was just talking guns. An LMG might be difficult to conceal from two cops when you're sitting down at the diner table with 'em, but smuggling a few grenades on your person is much easier when said person is my size.

The blastwave of the hastily hidden grenades (slipped into the woman's pockets when I leaned down beside her) easily takes out three more corpo soldiers and knocks a good half-dozen more flat to the ground. The inside of the Chevillon is thoroughly ruined now, basically turning into a massive block of several tons of unmoving metal.

"… fuck me. You don't mess around, do you? … Boss." Maine says in a voice that's surprisingly small for such a big guy and my clawed hands tighten slightly on the steering wheel.

"Like I said: don't want hem followin' us back to base. Since droppin' a hallway on 'em don't seem to be keep those fucks down long, I figure making it literally impossible for 'em to follow us is our best bet." I rumble and once again I can feel the cyberpunk's eyes studying me for a long moment.

There's a sensation of building tension, before the former crew-leader suddenly dissipates it by shrugging and something tells me that I've risen a couple of notches in his perception as he leans further into the passenger seat.

"Fair enough, Boss."

This time, the 'Boss' isn't tacked on as an after-thought.

Well, it was a fair point that I made, even if I do say so myself, glancing at the stuck Militech soldiers in my rearview mirror again. No way that they'll ever get that truck to drive again, or at least definitely not with just field repairs, meaning they'll need to pile into the second one (easy enough to do, considering how Maine and I have culled their numbers), but after all the explosions they've been through, they're understandably wary of walking face-first into yet another fireball.

Which means they're forced to give up any hope of pursuit as they methodically start checking their remaining vehicle for traps and bombs and they swiftly disappear from my rearview mirror as we roar across the wide tarmac of the Badlands, exchanging the city skyline for sprawling desert.

The wide-open surroundings and the familiar thrum of my car's steering wheel resting comfortably in my hands as thick rubber rolls smoothly over wide asphalt allows me to finally start to relax a bit as the adrenaline slowly leaves my system. With it come the aches of battle and the stinging pain of the bullet wounds I suffered, but I'll just take it as a sign of still being alive.

Pain is just weakness leaving the body after all. Hell, Ma practically adopted that as her motto when training me during childhood.

A low, rumbling sigh escapes me as I settle in a little more comfortable in my chair. Or, well, try to anyways. I'm a huge guy, sure, but Maine isn't exactly a slouch himself neither and it's getting rather, uh, cramped up in my Quadra.

Let's just say I'm really hoping that's just a gun in his pants whenever I'm forced to shift gears, inevitably brushing up beside him (even more). Sitting shoulder to shoulder like that, I can only imagine we look like some bizarre, futuristic Mad Max counterpart to how Mr. Incredible looks like whenever the superhero is stuck in traffic.

The ride is smooth and, thankfully, silent despite that however, and I can feel myself relaxing even further as the battle high leaves me completely for the first time since I left Chunky Buffalos.

"Ehm, Boss?"

That is, of course, until Maine breaks it and judging by the way he attempts to scoot a bit away from me (almost hanging outside my window again for all his troubles), the growl coming from deep within my chest is a bit more audible than I had intended.

"What is it?"

"Just… wondering."


"The civvies we had to extract. I mean, kid's right. Sure, you're 'ganic, so it's not like you need to see a ripperdoc to fix you up. But on the other hand, guy like you certainly don't need a medic, or at least not one from outside the Animals."


"So… how the fuck do you know Gloria Martinez?"

"… ahh, about that…"

Fun Fact: Adam's Iconic version of the L-69 is named the Ba Xing Chong, which translates to Eight-Star Blunderbuss. Make of that what you will.

AN: I really hope that Maine and Simba teaming up together satisfied your expectations! Not too sure if I delivered on the hype, so any feedback on that would be much appreciated. I tried to keep the description of the action and gore in line with the style of the anime (so, blood. Lots and lots of blood). If you want to vote on which story I update next, head on over to my Patreon! In the coming week or two, I also want to upload some exclusive drabbles (even for unpublished stories of mine!) over there as well. Hope to see you there!
Last edited:
09: Lying Low


"So, how do you know Gloria Martinez?"

The question hangs heavily in the cramped space between us, its only company the rolling of fat tires over aged asphalt as we make our way deeper into the Badlands. Heat radiates back from the black tar, an almost physical weight to it that my ride has to push through, the sense of dry warmth pressing on my skin and the taste of dust on my palette.

If 'molasses' were a weather forecast, this would be it.

"What? Scav got your tongue?" Maine jokes, though making it clear he won't just let this go.

Now, while saving Gloria's life from Biotechnica's fucked-up breeding/testing grounds had certainly been a spur of the moment thing (to put it mildly) I had been considering what to do with the Edgerunners cast for a long time now. Thinking up a variety of excuses for my decidedly odd behavior had just been part of the prep work.

"I know her, 'cause I know you." I rumbled out after a long pause, quickly going over my story and making sure there were no glaring inconsistencies.

Since Maine and co. only signed on with my crew recently, they didn't really know me all that well yet which worked to my advantage in some ways, as he had little way of knowing what intel I did and did not have access to. However, it also meant they might doubt everything I said, refusing to simply take anything at face value instead of just assuming I had it all covered somehow (like most Animals had gotten into the habit of over the past decade).

"… kinda lost me there Boss. Gloria ain't part of my- … your crew." Maine responded with admirably little resentment in his voice.

"Sure, but you worked with her in the past, haven't you?" I ask leadingly, before shooting a very obvious glance at his implanted biceps that almost managed to rival mine in size.

Maine pulls back somewhat, a defensive look on his face.

"Better her than the fuckin' Scavs." He grumbles and I nod in agreement.

"True. Very true. But then I find out she has a kid in 'Saka Academy and that threw up a bunch of warning sigs in my mind. Local son from Santo, enrolled in the preemest corpo breeding ground this side of the Pacific? Gloria was prolly on the take, or perhaps she had something on one of the execs."

Maine had a thoughtful look on his face, clearly still not entirely on board.

"What biz is it of yours anyways, to go digging into her life like that? Clearly you haven't found anything or you wouldn't have bothered to pull her outta that hell-hole. She was a contact of mine, if anyone got burned 'cause of her, it'd be me, not you."

I fall silent, before slightly turning his way (as best I could considering how cramped my beloved Avenger had become), fixing Maine with a dead serious look.

"Running into Sasha had been a coincidence. But the moment I realized her talent with exposing Securicine like that, I knew I wanted skills like that in my pack."

At this, the previously serious tone is suddenly shattered when the burly cyberpunk lowers his large sunglasses to shoot me a twinkling look, a large grin on his face as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Just her 'skills', huh?" he teased as he shot me a literal 'wink-wink, nudge-nudge'.

So, naturally, my claw shoots out faster than he can react and in a single movement plucks the large sunglasses straight off his nose and tosses it right out of my window. Ignoring Maine's panicked and affronted yells and flailing, I continue undisturbed, glancing past and underneath his burly form and bulked-up arms to keep my optics on the road.

"My pack is my family Maine: anyone of 'em gets burned, I get burned. Had to make sure she was clean before bringing Sasha on board. Vasili might not be as good as her in cyberspace, but the shards Rogue's 'runner threw his way are plenty enough to crack the ICE of the local city Net and track down a wanted criminal's known associates."

I'm laying it on a bit thick on purpose, but it works as intended as the words resonate with the way Maine views his own people and he finally sits back in his chair instead of trying to clamber over me to leap out the window after his signature glasses.

"So, Sasha led you to me, I led you to Gloria and her corpo-wannabe kid made you suspicious enough of her to keep tabs on her?" the large edgerunner summarizes and I shrug as best I can, jostling him somewhat as our stupidly large shoulders bump against each other.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"And the 'Saka connection wasn't enough for you to just… zero the lady?" he asks in surprise and I shoot him a questioning look.

"What, do I really look like the type of guy to just roll up and zero a woman with a kid, just 'cause said kid goes to a fancy school?" I ask incredulously, but Maine just remains silent, giving me a slow look up and down.

Realizing that I'm sitting in a literal (if small) pool of blood, I let out a tired sigh.

"Aight. Fair enough, I guess."

"So, why didn't you? Or just decide that all of us were bad goods?"

"Mostly 'cause it's Arasaka we're talkin' 'bout. If it were a smaller corp, maybe. Hiring merc squads isn't out the ordinary for 'em. Don't want to get the dirt of the streets staining their suits. But 'Saka? If they wanted me dead, they'd send one of their damn ninja's to flatline my ass, not rely on outside help to play spy games with me. Or, I dunno, start a gang war or something that sees all of the Animals wiped of the map, just to take me out in the collateral. With 'Saka, every option is the nuclear option."

To be fair, it seemed like everyone who was against Arasaka tended to reach for the nuclear option themselves as well. Whether they had a black or a silver hand, eh, jury was still out on that one. Some parts of Johnny's recollection of events didn't quite mesh with what I knew the original lore stated about the 2023 bombing. What I didn't know was if he was just full of shit, or if the lore of this world got altered a bit to fit the game narrative better.

Guess we'll all find out in a year or two.

I shoot Maine a glance and shrug again.

"Dunno 'bout you, but Gloria Martinez doesn't exactly look like a nuke to me. The connection needed watchin', but no active resolvin', least not right away."

"Until she ended up in Biotechnica custody." Maine says with an understanding nod.

"Sasha embarrassed Biotechnica in front of all their investors and rival corps, right when Petrochem is pushing for new CHOOH2 contracts and with SovOil making big waves. I drove an ATV through the top floor of their HQ and pretty much exploded half of their precious corpo exec offices. Doubt they've managed to pin us since then, but we're definitely on their radar. Then I hit a 'Saka target and that very same day I hear that Gloria and her Academy kid are both being treated at a Biotechnica front."

"You knew what they were gonna do to her?"

"I had an… educated guess." I respond grimly and Maine falls silent for a moment.

Good, let him be the one to fill in the blanks, not me. Means I got less facts to try and keep straight and automatically makes the story something he's more willing to believe.

After all, that way he's the one who came up with it for the most part.

"Glad you acted on your guess, Boss. Gloria… she wasn't part of our crew. Barely part of our world. But she's always given us a fair shake. Woman like that… she don't deserve such a fate. Same goes for the kid. Would've destroyed him, losing her to… to that." The cyberpunk says, disgust lining his voice.

For a moment, we're silent, before he speaks up again.

"Still, what happens now? If you weren't on Biotechnica's radar before, you definitely are now. Militech's too, I'm guessing. Don't think the kiddo is ready to go back to 'Saka Academy neither, so you might have those fuckers to keep in mind as well."

His concern is valid I suppose. Being on one corpo's shitlist is bad enough for most people, let alone the three biggest in NC. Not to mention two of those three being Araska and Militech. Might as well try to step in the middle of a boxing match between the NUSA and Japan.

Hell, the whole reason why I even knew who Tiny Mike was, was because in the game the merc had stepped on Militech's toes by raiding one of their 'hidden' R&D facilities out in the desert, to the point he needed a fixer and V's help even getting out of Kabuki in a car instead of a concrete coffin. And I had just turned their security detail and part of their clean-up crew into chunky salsa.

That was just one corp. I had potentially pissed off three.

"First, we wait for the heat to die down a little. Link up with Dorio and David and make for one of the safe houses. Gotta set up two things before anything else; get Big Pete to go over my car, make sure he takes real good care of her and a long shower for myself."

Feeling the familiar itch in my chest as my bullet wounds are slowly, but steadily sealing themselves, I grimace.

"A very long shower."

Maine hums at that, blue eyes roaming over our deserted surroundings.

"Not worried 'bout him drawin' eyes to us? Know you love this ride, Boss, I get it, trust. Still, bringing in a Techie while we're lyin' low? She isn't in that bad a shape."

"Fair 'nuff. But he's just a small player, not on anyone's radar. Outside of my Predators, I doubt many of the Animals are even aware he's part of our pack full-time instead of just being a merc, much less the big bad corpo overlords. The risk of bringin' him in is minimal. Meanwhile, if either of the Militech squads were bright enough to notice the musclecar left smack in the middle of a fuckin' massacre, one of 'em might've had the clever idea to plant some tracking tech on her. Nah, best someone takes a close look at her, just in case. 'Sides, you don't want to give blood a chance to stain, trust."

Tracking tech was weird. Militech could remotely control any of their vehicles, spike creditchips to track transactions through the Net and even some Smart gun's bullets would show up on a suffieciently advanced radar, but they still managed to lose a prototype stealthbot and an entire fucking Basilisk tank in the desert following a Maelstrom and Aldecaldo's raid respectively.

Maybe that's the reason Meredith Stout was so desperate to get the flathead back? Huh, wonder who ended up in the bay with cinderblock shoes for the Basilisk debacle then?

Maine's considering voice pulls me from my thoughts.

"The merc's, what was his name, Tiny Mike? His brother, Big Pete? I can guarantee you that Pilar is just as good a Techie as him." Maine says with pride and a grin, but I just shrug instead.

"I don't doubt it, but Pilar's speciality is more grenades and chrome. Big Pete is a bona fide mechanic, he knows cars in 'n out. 'Sides, he's worked on my baby before, knows what she needs."

"Fine, fine. Where you wanna lay low once we've linked back up with Dorio and the kid?" the cyberpunk says easily, holding up his hands as he concedes the point.

I think on it for a second, before deciding to kill two rats with one bullet.

"Let's stick to the edge of the city. Wanna call up Big Pete anyways, so might as well lie low in Autowerks. He cleaned the place out when I got him to work for me, but it shouldn't be too difficult for him to get the place running again to the point he can work on my baby." I said, affectionately patting my Avenger's steering wheel and then wincing when I noticed the bloody prints I left behind.

"Nomad country huh?"

"Worse than that. Raffen country, probably the Wraith clan to boot. Countin' on it, actually. Should keep NCPD's eyes far away from us, if not Militech itself. Buys us enough time to plan our next move."

"Which will be?"

"What else?" I ask as I floor it, my eyes lightning up as I call my mechanic.

"Burnin' Biotechnica to the fuckin' ground."

New American Autoworks (though mostly known as Autowerks) is a rundown car repair shop out in Jackson Plains, which itself is a large, deserted area in the already pretty desolate Badlands. Little lives here, neither plant nor animal and the few people that do mostly wish they didn't.

Not to say there's nothing here. In fact, its most notable feature, a Kang Tao-owned Solar Power Station, is pretty key to Night City's day to day running and even features prominently in one of V's questlines in the game.

The power station is located in a desolate plain on the outskirts of Night City. It consists of a central tower at its core, flanked by three large antennas, with additional antennas running alongside a highway leading towards South California. The central tower serves as the primary collection unit, reaching upward to tap into microwave energy transmitted by satellites in Earth's orbit. These three substantial antennas stand as guardians, extending towards the sky, capturing the cosmic energy.

Adjacent to this stark landscape, a highway runs its course, and along its path, more antennas stand like silent sentinels. They march alongside the road, collecting energy from the satellites' transmissions.

This gathered cosmic energy is then converted into a substantial electrical power supply, providing the lifeblood for numerous subdistricts within Night City. In this remote outpost, far from the city's neon glow, the power station silently fuels the metropolis, its machinery humming with the city's heartbeat.

Until V and Panam give it a cardiac arrest that is, trying to induce a cascade failure in order to generate an EMP pulse large enough to down Hellman's AV. Considering that he was under Kang Tao protection at the time, and the microwave power plant is Kang Tao property, V might've guessed that the AV would've been properly shielded, resulting in Hellman only going down once Panam used her (to be fair, quite badass) rocket launcher on his ride.

The same couldn't be said for NC itself though, or her residents. In the grim aftermath of the EMP's shockwave, Night City was cast into a void, a place where neon dreams had been abruptly snuffed out. The damage, a jaw-dropping €$120 million, was a harsh slap in the face, a stark reminder of the city's fragility when the lights went dark.

As the electromagnetic pulse rolled through the streets, it wasn't just the city's glitzy facade that crumbled. Many folks found themselves in a world of hurt. Their cyber gear, once a seamless part of their lives, turned traitor, leaving them broken and disconnected. It was a brutal wake-up call, a reminder that the high-tech life came with high-stakes risks. Small chrome linings: outright casualties were kept to a minimum, mostly cases of people getting into traffic collisions due to suddenly having no working eyes to keep on the road anymore.

Hopefully, in this timeline, this world, that wouldn't happen, but the only guarantee living in NC gave you was that there were no guarantees. For now however, the most interesting feature about the Power Plant was its close proximity to the old highway. Hopefully, that would give peering eyes the idea that I'd skip town (not an unreasonable assumption considering that would've been most people's first instinct after going pseudo-cyberpsycho).

Similarly, there was the old regional airport, though it was so small it barely deserved the name. Hell, the only reason why it could even be considered to have a runway was because here in the desert there wasn't really anything to crash into once you've hit the ground: sand counts as a landing strip as long as you stick said landing. Any intelligence officer worth his salt would dismiss this place out of hand as an evac point, considering it has been abandoned for years now and air traffic is much easier to track than vehicular escapees.

Any intelligence agent with actual field experience though would realize that the best edgerunners would be aware of this and instead would try and make use of the airfield on the sly, trusting in the corpos' oversight. Renewed activity can be hidden or explained away if not and while air traffic is easier to control, it's also harder to intercept. For the desperate solo, quick and sloppy was preferable to slow and steady and dead.

If you weren't looking for a rough and ready escape, then the only real place of interest to hang low in was the Tango Tors motel, but that shithole has already been overrun by the Raffen Shiv, its only interesting aspect being the presence of wanna-be ripperdoc Rufus McBride and I wouldn't take Gloria there even if every ripper in NC suddenly decided to simultaneously hang up their scalpels and join Reverend Colver in the Church of El Yahu the Last Emancipator.

That or become a bhikkhu, though I suppose I could see Victor finding fulfilment in the monk robes.

Point is, not many people would think of Autowerks as a place to lie low. Maybe patch your ride if it's on its last wheels, but my darling Avengers was purring and rumbling as smoothly as the day I klepped her, save for the superficial damage on her bodywork.

She and I got out of that confrontation pretty similarly in that regard, come to think of it.

'Sides, guy my size isn't likely to switch driver seats if I don't have to. I might (absolutely to the point of embarrassingly) adore the tiny little Makigai Tanishi's (cute jeeps small enough they look like I could bench press them for my pre-workout and they even squeaked 'kon'nichiwa!' when you got inside), but the only way I could ever hope to drive one is to sit in the flatbed behind the cabin and try and reach the pedals that way.

Nah, Militech will probably figure I've taken the highroad and skipped town using the old highway and I see no reason to clear up their misconceptions.

Calling up Big Pete and getting him to come out into the Badlands is a work of mere moments (well, he whines for quite a bit longer, but it's not like I'm asking and he knows it) and in the same time Maine has already contacted his girlfriend as well and told her the new meet up point.

From there, it's a roughly twenty-minute drive before we see the dilapidated form of Autowerks looming on the horizon and I'm relieved the Wraiths haven't taken the place over again. Wiping them out the first time to get Big Pete out of their claws had been a hassle in itself (they had a very frustrating sniper hidden up high somewhere on top of the main shop, right until I tossed a canister of CHOOH up there and doused the entire fucking thing in ethanol fire) and I'm not keen on yet another firefight while I'm still digging out the bullets from my chest from the previous one.

Everything's shut off and locked down tight, but I brute-force the large front door open with relative ease, before rolling my Avenger inside. Maine has just come back from scoping out the place when the signature sound of his own Quaddra reaches my body-sculpted ears and Dorio arrives in a cloud of swirling dust, a sleeping David in the passenger seat, still clutching the plastic bag close to his chest and drooling a little over Norris' Sandevistan.

Looks like the stress of today overwhelmed the little guy. I can relate, I was knocked out cold too in my Ma's arms the first time I was forced to come along to resolve some Animals biz. You know that feeling from your youth, when you're still a kid, age in the single digits and you went to sleep on the couch, only to magically wake up and find yourself in your bed?

Yeah, less cute when you pass out from an adrenaline crash after a shoot-out between your Ma's pack and a rival group of local Sixth Street cyberpunks, the smell of burnt flesh embedded in your nostrils and your body shaking.

Didn't speak to Ma for close to a month after suddenly waking back up in my little cot, covered in cold sweat and gasping for air from the nightmares.

God, it seems like a lifetime ago now…

"Boss? You alright?"

The sound of a door falling shut wakes me from my musings and I look away from the now stirring David to Dorio, the woman crossing her thick arms under her ample bust as she shoots me a questioning glance.

"Looks like you zoned out there for a bit." She said, an oddly speculative look on her face as she glanced from me, to David and back again with a raised eyebrow

"Lot of shit went down. Was just processing, is all." I deflect as I see David finally waking up, looking around himself with bleary eyes as he blinks at the unfamiliar surroundings in confusion.

I can pinpoint the exact moment he snaps back to full wakefulness, the insanity of the past few hours catching up with him as he practically throws himself to where his mom is still lying unconscious on the back seat.

"How is she?" I ask lowly of Dorio, her own eyes on the desperate teenager as well.

"Stable, as far as I can tell. Which isn't much, I'm not a ripper. Never even had Trauma covering, so fucked if I know how she's doin'. Breathin' so shallow, thought she was dead couple times." The merc says in a rough tone, shrugging her large shoulders, though there's a frown on her face.

"You good?" I ask, side-eyeing her stormy expression.

"… kid let on a little of what that place was up to. First the whole mess with Sasha and those fucked up meds. Now Gloria and whatever the fuck they planned to do to there, those fuckin' pigs." Dorio rumbles, before visibly shuddering, a growl creeping into her tone.

"Fuckers should burn."

"And Bossman said they will. Which will make Sasha happy, sure, so that makes me happy enough too. Problem is, how? They aren't big on hardware like Militech, but Biotechnica ain't exactly what you'd call small fry neither." Maine interjects, having just returned from his sweep and catching the tail end of our conversation, walking up to Dorio and slinging his bulky arm over her broad shoulder with a large grin despite his words.

"I might have some angles. Nothing actionable for right now tho, not with every badge and corpo soldier in NC on high alert." I rumble, before leaving the two love birds to properly say hello as I approach Maine's 640 TS.

Behind me, I can hear Dorio push Maine away slightly, a tone of disbelief in her voice.

"Wait, what happened to your glasses?"

"Babe, you're not gonna believe this, that gonk over there-!"

As Maine's whining fades away into the background, I lean on his Quaddra, bending down to look inside to where David is gently cupping his mother's face.

"Mom? M-mom, please wake up? Please?"

David's voice is small and on the verge of breaking, his desperation clear enough it tugs at the heart strings.

"Ease off kid. She'll wake up, but it's best she rests for now. Nothin' you can do for her now." I rumble softly, leaning into the car and engulfing the wounded woman in my enormous arms, easily lifting her out of the Quaddra musclecar.

David looks on with hollow eyes, knowing I'm telling him the truth, but not quite able to accept it yet. Wordlessly and mechanically, he follows in my wake as I make my way up to the first floor, finding a ratty couch to lie Gloria down on for now.

Once Big Pete has finished looking over my Avenger and the heat has died down a little, I'll transfer the Martinez' to a proper safe house and put out some feelers with the ripperdocs and cloners that Ma's pack has had contact with in the past, see if I can't get the woman back on her feet again, literally.

I relay the same to David when he asks me as much and all the teen can do is nod with unseeing eyes as he sinks to the floor, back to the couch his mother is resting on.

"You want me to look for a mattress or something for ya to lie down on?" I venture, but David just slowly shakes his head.

"Thanks, but no. Don't think I could fall asleep anyways." He mutters and I nod as I move towards the large plastic bag.



"When are you going to track down Shipman?"

'Damn, that's a surprisingly dangerous edge to his tone coming from such a little guy.' I think to myself as I glance down towards him.

"I'll have Sasha look into it. She has just as much reason as you to see Biotechnica burn, so she's already trying to find ways to breach their systems. Once she's managed that, we'll get our hands on their employee list, know all we need to so we can start hunting the bastard." I promise the traumatized teen.

I grab the plastic bag from the ground, preparing to leave the small room, shooting the silent David a look over my broad shoulder.

"I'll see if I can get these washed, get the smoke and blood out. Same goes for me anyways to." I explain, but it doesn't seem like David even registered my voice.

Closing the door behind me, I remain motionless for several long moments, just staring down at the bag clutched in my claws. Slowly, almost cautiously, I reach inside and withdraw Norris' Sandevistan, still wrapped tight inside its bloodied medical bag. I stare at the large piece of chrome with a definite sense of trepidation.

It sent Norris over the edge, or at least was what made him such a threat once he did. Implanting it allowed David to escape his mediocre life to become an NC legend, though it was also what set him on his road to an early grave at just eighteen.

On the other hand… Norris had been absolutely filled to the brim with chrome, not just the Sandy, so who even knew what pushed him over the edge? And David, for all that he became a cocky little shit, was relatively ok with just the Sandy installed. Only once he began emulating Maine, especially in the man's worse habits, did things start going off the rails for him.

And like the big merc had already pointed out to me, shit was likely to hit the fan sooner rather than later. I had been brought up with violence as my bread and butter all my life (though considering an Animals diet, I suppose 'my protein shake' was more accurate here), but even intergang disputes with the most insane, 'roid-snorting gonks of Night City wasn't in the same league as stepping into an all-out war with one of the biggest corpos on the continent.

The Sandy would undeniably give me an edge, even if I couldn't spam it multiple times like David or V…

Eventually, I shake my head, sending ripples through my (literal) mane of hair and flicking some specks onto the dilapidated walls, rousing myself from my musings. Questions for later. Even if I were to install this into myself, I would only do so once I had a ripper that I could 100% rely on, considering the procedure would demand the removal of my fuckin' spine, leaving me absolutely helpless on the operating table.

And while I knew that my Ma would be looming tall over the unlucky ripper preforming the procedure, hammer thumping in hand, my main concern was the person holding the scalpel.

I join Maine and Dorio downstairs (making sure to really stomp my feet as I go down the steps in order to announce my arrival and give them a bit of time to straighten out from their… enthusiastic hellos), placing the bag with Gloria's stuff on a worktable, Norris' Sandy still in my hand.

"Whoa, what you got there Boss?" Maine says, spotting the chrome almost instantly even as he wipes his puffed lips, Dorio looking very pleased with herself.

"Before you get any ideas in that chromehead of yours, no, I'm not letting you chip this. It ain't for you. Not sure if I'm gonna let anyone chip it, actually." I state forcefully, shooting Maine a sharp glare as the large man sags in on himself.

Man, I'm pretty sure I actually heard his little heart break there.

"What's the matter with it? Is it busted?" Dorio asks in a curious tone as the two join me, their own large sizes dwarfed by my own looming form as I lean against the workbench.

"Not that. Opposite, actually. It's high-grade. Too high-grade. According to Militech, it doesn't even exist. Made in one of their Luna labs, so you know it's preem as hell." I explain musingly as Maine picks up from his earlier dejected slump.

"Damn, Luna-manufactured Militech hardware? Damn Boss, where did you pull that from? Doubt it was just lying around in this old shop."

"If it was, it would be covered in dust, not blood. That looks like it was ripped straight outta someone's back." Dorio notices and I give her a considering nod.

"Pretty much, yeah."

For a moment, there's a beat of silence as the two lovers glance at each other.

"So… uhm… you just… started rippin' out people's spines in there and found one you wanted to keep?" Dorio asks a bit hesitantly, though Maine is much more accepting of the situation.

Big bastard probably would see ripping out someone's spine to replace your own with as something completely logical.

"Explains the blood at least." He says, looking from the Sandy to me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? No, guys, come on. I just killed a bunch of people in there, I didn't start ripping out their spines to stash in bags! … ok, so I may have sorta tore out one of the guard's spines because I punched his head clean off… but I didn't keep it!" I defend myself.

"Ok, so if not you, who did cut it out? Doubt they gave it to you after all." Dorio points out and for a moment, I hesitate.

"Gloria did." I eventually reveal.

"Right. Could've guessed as much. She sent me a message that she had gotten her hands on some new chrome, few days back, but Dorio an' me were on that stake-out in the Badlands. Never got the chance to look into it until we got that message from Sasha that you needed some back-up." Maine says with an understand look in his eyes.

"You know that cyberpsycho that MaxTac flatlined over in corpo plaza, little while ago? That psycho was ex-NUSA. Which basically means he was ex-Militech." I explain, tapping the stylized M logo on the neural port connector with one of my curved claws.

"Gloria was part of the team that was sent in as a clean-up once MaxTac left the scene. Guessin' she klepped it then: so many NCPD bodies that dropped, one more or less implant would hardly be noticed in the confusion." I explain, though that does raise the question of why NUSA never went looking for their top-secret military grade missing Sandevistan.

Wonder how Gloria managed to hide her little side biz from her superiors. Though perhaps Norris' body was a state-secret and they just didn't look all too hard into the sitch once the hush-hush orders came through.

Still though… does this mean I have to start worrying about potential FIA spies now on top of the regular Militech forces? Fuck me.

"Yeah, Gloria was always careful. Had a good eye for preem chrome, knew what to pick and not to klep too much. Keep it on the down-low. Clever woman, that Gloria." Maine mused with a nod, though a small voice from behind me shook us from our conversation.

"So, that is how you all know my Mom? She was… what, a ripperdoc on the side? Kleppin' and sellin' implants to cyberpunks?" David asks at the bottom of the stairs, looking from the bag to us and back again.

"Uhm… yeah. Sorry 'bout that kid. She prolly didn't want you to find out this way." I say somewhat sheepishly, but David seems surprisingly unbothered by the revelation that his EMT-mom was pulling apart bodies as well as stitching them back together.

Seeing our looks, the youth shrugs.

"Makes sense. I'm not stupid: no way we can't even pay for a stupid washing machine, but we do have the scratch to send me to the most expensive school in Night City. Honestly… I'm just glad she wasn't sleepin' with one of the directors or something." He says with a hardness in his voice that can only come from those who see a full belly as a luxury instead of a necessity in life.

"Just… wish she would've told me. I would've understood." He says in a soft voice.

"It ain't exactly a profession to be proud of kid. Sure, Gloria was good people. Took only from those too far to save and made sure not to sell it to gangoons. Which, uhh, for the record, I wasn't. At the time, I mean, sure there's been some recent shifts in management- urk!" Maine rambled, before being elbowed in the ribs by an annoyed looking Dorio.

"The point my worse half is trying to make is that, to some people… well, most people, what Gloria was doing made her little better than a Scav."

At that, fire returns to David's eyes as he locks eyes with the large woman.

"No. No, it's nothing like that. Scav's do it 'cause they're sick. 'Cause they wanna get rich. Mom did it to survive. So we could survive. She did it for me. I ain't ever gonna think that that is somehow wrong!"

'Well said, kid.' I muse as Maine and Dorio exchange glances.

Before we can continue our conversation, there's the sound of an engine approaching outside, the tell-tale noise of rubber rolling over asphalt coming ever closer.

Maine's projectile launcher unfolds as Dorio fishes a Nova out of the back of her waistband as all our gazes shoot towards the entrance to the garage. The ancient roll-up door at the entrance is still lifted just enough to allow the cars through, giving us a view of the dilapidated highway. We all relax however when we spot the old Thorton Galena that rolls up the driveway, approaching Autowerks.

It's Shannon's old rattle-can, though I'm surprised when another woman steps out of the car with Big Pete. As the Techie brother of Tiny Mike gives the old Autowerks shop a weary, memory-laden look, the woman instead makes a beeline towards me.

"Hello Sasha." I say with a smile, confused but pleased to see her, even as her neon-pink eyes rove up and down my body in a flash, before lingering in the holes marring the front of my flak jacket.

"Hello yourself, Sim."

"What are you doing out here? I called up Big Pete-"

"And he's here to look over your car, make sure she made it through the bullet storm alright, just like he promised you."

"And you?"

"I am here to do the same to you, just like I promised your Ma." Sasha reveals, placing a large duffelbag next to the plastic back on the workbench, giving the stunned looking David a small wave before zipping it open, revealing a fresh set of clothes and medical equipment inside.

"She would've come herself, but she's a pretty big target. Shannon's Galena was available and is low-key enough to slip out here without drawing any eyes, but your Ma doesn't exactly fit inside properly… so, uhm, I kinda sorta volunteered." the lithe netrunner explains, while behind her Big Pete is already running an experienced hand over the dents and bulletholes smattered along the side of my Avenger.

As the netrunner turns an enthralling shade of pink as she mumbles out the last of her words, she's saved from my intrigued look by the annoyed voice of Big Pete.

"Of course she can't fit inside, it's a shit can of a car. Honestly, you'd expect a Nomad of all people to pick their cars better. I don't care if it's a special-edition GA32t, a fast shit is still just diarrhea!" the Techie grouses loudly as Sasha signals Dorio and the two women leave the garage, clearly on the look-out for something.

With just us men left behind, David, Maine and I all lean back against the wall, coincidentally ordered from tallest to shortest and adopting a similar pose; one foot pulled up against the wall, arms crossed over our chest.

Though in my case that's of course somewhat more uncomfortable on account of the lead still embedded in said chest. In order to take my mind off it, I decide to needle the cantankerous Techie to Maine's (and even slightly David's) amusement.

"That so? Guessin' that sweet talkin' of yours is what convinced her to lend you her ride then?" I tease with a raised eyebrow, my grin growing larger when the Techie coughs and fails in hiding the blush on his cheeks.

"Just… shut up. Won't hear nothing from you Boss, look at what you did to this poor girl. Gonna be a pain to wash all the blood off and take all the bullets out." He says instead and to my surprise he's backed by Sasha who strolls back into the shop, several large, thick rubbery coils draped over Dorio's shoulder.

"Considering I'll have to be doing the same, that goes double for you too mister." The netrunner says as the large woman at her side drops the heavy spools to the floor with a relieved grunt.

Sasha picks up one end of it and now I see that the two brought in a hose of all things, the metal spout comically large in Sasha's dainty hands and the end leading out of the garage to the outside.

Aiming the blocky nozzle at me, the cute netrunner has a twinkling look of amusement on her catlike features as she shoots me a challenging grin, one of her hands going to the large grip of the spout.

"Now… strip."

Fun Fact: Saburo Arasaka had Hanako Arasaka at 80. Considering he died at, like, 150, his immense lifespan puts that somewhat in context but still… yuck. Also, it's super sad cause Hanako's mother died during childbirth. Alexa, play "I really wanna stay at your house"… ahh yes, my favorite genre: emotional pain.

AN: A bit of a cooldown chapter, we get a bit more explanations and the set-up for next chapter, where Simba will be maneuvering his pieces for the opening strike in the Predator's assault on Biotechnica (or at the very least, on Jacob Shipman). There were some (justified) complaints about the previous chapter not being p(l)aced properly and as I reupload this, I realize that there's some truth to that: it probably would've been better had this chapter and that chapter been swapped. I think I'll leave it like this for now, as messing with the order is a hassle and it might not be such a big deal when read back-to-back. If it is, I can always alter it later.

Also, can I just say how fucking awesome the game feels after the Phantom Liberty 2.0 update? I heard that there is a Cyberpunk 2 in the works, but honestly if the CD Projekt Red spends several more years just fleshing out Cyberpunk itself, either through shows like Edgerunners or additional DLC's/updates, then I'd be happy enough already.

As for what I'm gonna be releasing next, that's up to you! Head on over to my Patreon to vote for which fic will be updated next! It also gives you access to unique chapters that you cannot find anywhere else! Hope to see you there! Cheers choom!
Interlude: 03


Shadows stretched over the meeting room, ensconced within the towering fortress of Arasaka's headquarters in Night City. The towering, monolithic building stood as a cathedral of corporate power and unyielding dominance from its central location on Corpo Plaza, looming over its lesser neighbours. The greatest sign of Arasaka Corporation's grip in and influence over Night City, the gargantuan structure stood so monumentally tall and wide, it was enough to give a Megabuilding feelings of inadequacy.

Whereas the outside of the blocky building was utilitarian and brutalist, making it stand out even further amongst its bright and illuminated neighbours, the inside of the building was almost refined and elegant, if not for the fact it managed to loom just as menacingly as the tower itself. All of the walls, pristine in their shining black, were regularly adorned with the luminescent hollyhock mon of Arasaka, emitting a stifling presence. This room's centerpiece, a colossal obsidian table of matte metal and gleaming glass, stood as a monument to its owner's authority, flanked by high-backed executive chairs, each one a throne of corporate might and influence in itself.

Holographic screens, stretching across the room's tall, reinforced windows, projected the ceaseless tumult of Night City's neon-drenched streets. These digital windows into chaos served as a reminder that the city's pulse beat in tandem with Arasaka's own, one no more than a mere echo of the other.

Despite its immense size (larger than some habs which the NC residents in the poorer districts had to make do with) there was only a single occupant in the room, sitting on the left seat next to the head at the far end of the table. Anyone on the streets would immediately pin the man as a corpo, the high-tech visor held over and integrated with his eyes a dead giveaway. Two channels led up from the visor to cross the top of his scalp, cutting two deep grooves in his otherwise immaculately maintained blonde hair. He was clad in a simple, but high-quality Arasaka suit. It was custom tailored and done up in a monochrome palette that exuded an air of calculated professionalism, as did all things Arasaka. His demeanor, while composed, held the underlying tension of one accustomed to the cutthroat world of corporate machinations.

The man's face was drawn in focus, but he had been raised within the company's strict culture for long enough to know better than to show any further outwards signs of his anxiety. A simple message to his biomon, a second message dismissing the warning sigs it immediately displayed in return, and his cortisol and oxytocin levels saw a sudden spike. Nothing dramatic, just enough to take the edge off his nerves and keep his exhaustion at bay. He'd pay for it later, but that was nothing compared to the cost of fucking up now.

Especially considering who had demanded his presence here in this dark room, after hours no less. Well, after his hours at least, considering that Arasaka, much like Night City itself, never slept. It was ever awake, ever watchful, and as such, it despised being taken off guard. For some reason, that seemed to go double for his superior.

'Speak of the Devil…' the man silently thought as the formidable entrance to the meeting room, guarded by imposing obsidian doors, slid open with a hushed whisper.

The woman who confidently strode inside struck a noticeable figure, every aspect of her carefully cultivated look bringing corporate power and lethality to mind. Though the man had to wonder how her… 'unique' haircut worked towards that picture (promptly ignoring the hypocrisy in that statement with practiced ease). The sides of her head were shorn clean, a sleek canvas for the intricate cybernetic patterns that crisscrossed her scalp. But it was her fiery red hair that demanded attention. A meticulously gelled mohawk, split into two distinctive streams at the nape of her neck, gave her an air of controlled rebellion amid the confines of corporate decorum.

It was something you'd more likely see on a Heywood edgerunner, but within the stark and meticulously controlled world of Arasaka executives, the contrast only served to further underline her position. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down after all, especially in Arasaka, even in the less-traditionally focused Night City branch. The fact she hadn't, spoke to her skills and value to the company.

By contrast, her clothing was much more subdued, making her personal features all the more striking. She wore a standard Arasaka suit, modeled much like the already seated man if not for the noticeable, geometrically styled deep and narrow cleavage, a more risqué mirror to how the lapels on his own jacket were tailored. The outline of it was apparently supposed to resemble the cut-out of a tie.

Personally, the man always thought they resembled an upside down buttplug.

Not that he'd ever actually voice that thought to the woman.

Her attire bore the signature black-and-red colors of Arasaka, an unspoken declaration of loyalty to the corporation and this scheme was even continued in her cybernetics. The woman's enhancements were a testament to her status and role within Arasaka itself, with black and red cybernetic blocks seamlessly integrated over her eyes, a modern interpretation of the classic cyberpunk visor. These blocks, pulsating with digital information, were her window into the data-driven world of corporate intrigue.

And no doubt had much of his intel already scrolling past her digital eyelids, given her higher security clearance. In fact, considering how much higher the woman ranked than him, he wouldn't even be surprised (annoyed, sure, but not really surprised) if she was allowed access to his personal read-outs, including the little hormone cocktail he'd taken just before her entrance.

Privacy was a big deal for Arasaka after all, but it was a one-way street, and he wasn't facing the right direction.

Given her higher status, she had greater access to Arasaka intel than him and she wasn't the type of woman to not make us of it or read up on a situation beforehand, so it wasn't like he was here just to fill her in on detes she was too preoccupied not to have gone over herself already. Meaning the demand for his physical presence was either to function as a sounding board or (more likely) something convenient to get mad at.

His eddies were on the latter.

"Douglas. Talk me through this shit-show." The woman's voice sounded out like a whip.

'Guess I was right.' The man privately thought, but outwardly he simply bowed his head in acceptance.

"Of course, Kate. Two and a half days ago, executive Tetsuo Tanaka was kidnapped while on route to Arasaka Academy. He has since been retrieved by Trauma Team and his body delivered back into Arasaka custody. The one who ordered his kidnapping, one fixer named Faraday, has been neutralized by the Asset Smasher." He began as the woman stalked further into the room.

"Tanaka's importance to Arasaka and his kidnappers." Kate demanded, even though the now named Douglas suspected she was already informed.

Importance in this case was simply another word for value.

"Tanaka is an executive on the Arasaka Academy board and a close friend to the principal. As such, he is intimately aware of both Arasaka's prospective students as well as Arasaka's lesson plan and corporate training programs." Douglas quickly mentioned, though he knew which details interested Kate more.

Still, it paid to be thorough. Literally.

"Additionally, it seems he had high-level access to some more secretive Arasaka R&D projects."

"Leaking the Academy stuff is annoying, but it's not like our playbook is that different from what the other corps are running, especially the general classes. The R&D stuff. Anything worth worrying about there?"

They both knew it was a moot question: as far as Arasaka was concerned, any intelligence leaks were worth worrying about.

"Just the one pertaining to asset Smasher's possible future upgrade."

"The cyber-skeleton. The one that Militech now likely has access to." Kate summarized, her lips pressed into a thin, disapproving line.

They had no certainty of that of course, it wasn't as if their rival was going to admit to corporate theft after all, but it hadn't been hard to dig into Faraday's personal affairs and realize the Militech connection.

"Most likely, yes. Fixers, even ones as clearly ambitious as Faraday, hardly operate on their own initiative. Immediately following his neutralization, a clean-up crew confiscated much of his personal data, which has since been run through our profiler division. Of course, they can only make a model: things would've been far easier if Faraday himself had been brought in alive for questioning."

It's incredibly difficult (and frustrating) to pick someone's brain when said brain had to be scraped off the bottom of an insane cyborg's foot. Kate clearly didn't see it as such a big loss however, given her shrug.

"We knew when we activated the Asset that it'd end with two things: Tanaka retrieved and his kidnapper dead. He was sent into the field under the assumption that Tanaka was still alive and needed immediate exfil in order to stop potential intel leaks. It was only after the fact that Tanaka's uselessness became known. Even so, Faraday's death was an inevitability, considering we were likely to fall back on utilizing the Asset either way. And do you want to tell him how to operate in the field?" Kate said, sounding self-assured even if she was covering her own ass, daring Douglas to go against her with a raised eyebrow.

Like hell he was. Telling the cyborg how to do his biz? More likely than not the Asset would use him as a test bed for any suggested new techniques. No, thank you, he'd like his testicles to remain where they were. Instead, he coughed slightly, before continuing his explanation.

"Our psych profiler's model is accurate enough for our purposes. Their division's conclusion was that, while trying to blackmail us for a better standard of living is definitely within Faraday's projected parameters, he would be unlikely to act on his own, without a larger entity to fall back on."

"You mean 'hide with'. Tch. Fixers. Think they're hot shit while all they do is just move eddies out of our pockets and into the hands of lowlifes. They're hardly a step up from leeches." Kate said with a cold scoff and Douglas simply bowed his head in deference, neither agreeing nor denying.

Instead, he dryly continued with giving his report.

"As you say. He only would've gone after the schematics if he knew he could trade them. Which means he likely already had a buyer lined up before he ever set sights on Tanaka. Militech is the likeliest client, given they are the biggest in arms manufacturing here in NC. After ourselves of course."

"Any other potential suspects?" Kate mused, drumming her fingers on the glass tabletop.

"A few. Zetatech could be a possibility, bearing in mind their vested curiosity in anti-gravity technology, due to their specialization in aerial drones and vehicles..However, they hardly need to go through the risks of stepping into an open confrontation with us over it considering their own advancements in the field over the past thirty years."

"They could try to secure that advantage over us, keep us from competing. Sabotage, instead of espionage." Kate shot back, though it didn't seem like she was really believing the argument herself either.

"Perhaps." Douglas said in a non-committal tone.

Both of them knew that there were easier and more subtle ways of sabotaging your competition than kidnapping one of their executives in broad daylight in a very public display.

Speaking of subtle…

"The crew Faraday used for the kidnapping itself?" Kate demanded, leaning against the long obsidian slab that functioned as a table.

"His own hired mercenaries for the most part. Looks like Faraday had a habit of regularly rotating out his Huscle: the bodies that were recovered following his neutralization by the Asset threw up no flags with our intelligence departments. A chance run-in with the NCPD confirms however that he has made use of the Animals for the extraction itself."

"He's certainly no stranger to outsourcing work to gangs, that's for certain." Kate groused, referring to the earlier explosive attempt made by Maelstrom.

That should've been Tanaka's warning signal, inform him that he was being hunted specifically. Either he should've moved into Arasaka HQ itself, or done this investigation on his own already, neutralize Faraday himself, save them the bother.

Now they were left with a dead fixer, a crispy corpo and with no confirmation of who was to blame for it all.

"Gangoons are less expensive, perhaps?" Douglas offered, but the woman simply shook her head.

"More expendable, more like."

Fair enough. Arasaka had much the same reasoning whenever they needed some dirty or embarrassing work done by outside agents.

"The role of the Animal group? Does the situation need… resolving? I know the Asset is eager to go back into the field again. According to him, zeroing Faraday had been far too boring." Kate inquired, her own tone showing that she too was eager to see the Asset back in action again.

"He would say that." Douglas let slip out despite his medications, his mouth clamping shut when Kate shot him a warning look through the cybernetic blocks over her eyes.

He still wasn't entirely sure how she actually managed that.

"Ahem… as far as we can tell, the Animal group in question was only brought on to secure Tanaka himself. Going by the Trauma Team after action report and Asset Smasher's own descriptions, a separate netrunner was brought on site to deal with the intel extraction itself. It's unlikely they are even aware of what intel Tanaka had that Faraday wanted in the first place. Profilers agree he wouldn't even have told his own Huscle, much less gangoons."

"The runner he brought on. We know what she managed to pull from Tanaka's brain?"

"Unclear, but likely minimal. She was just as fried as Tanaka Sr. himself and Trauma Team doesn't concern itself with bystanders. Same goes for the Asset."

That went without saying, of course.

"Hmmm… there's too many 'unclears'. Something is not adding up here."

"Could be Militech trying to clear up their tracks?" Douglas offered again despite his best wishes.

Damn, he'd likely have to override his biomon's safeties again if he kept this up, Kate looked pissed enough already as it stood. For now however, the corpo woman seemed too preoccupied with her own thoughts to give his words much attention, mostly thinking out loud to herself as she went over every possibility, pursued every avenue.

"And, what? Hire a fixer to hit us, then go behind his back to find out what Huscle he hired for the job and then hire them in turn to betray him once he tries to make the hand-off? Botch their own job, leave no-one standing once the dust clears. Think Militech would pull something like that?"

"If we assume their intelligence division is at least nominally on the level of our own, and it would be foolish not to, then it should be child's play for them." Douglas defended his reasoning and Kate let up the pressure a bit at that.

"Hmm. Maybe. Militech's hardly subtle though. If they did want to try and clear their tracks, they'd have just wiped the top floor of that building off the map. No, someone is leaving breadcrumbs and pointing fingers…"

She remained silent for several long moments, as if debating with herself, before she snapped her fingers, apparently having cut a knot in her thoughts. Her instructions came clear and confident, even as Douglas' brows rose to above his visor.

"Alright, for now keep an eye on the Animals group, do not engage, simply observe. Hire a solo for it, one we can burn if needed. I don't want to give anyone an indication of what we're looking into. The less our enemies think they know what we know, the better. Keeps 'em guessing, unaware of what our response will be… or against whom it'll be."

"I… see. It will be done. What about the Militech angle?" Douglas felt obligated to press.

To him, it was clear that their greatest rival was the one pulling the strings. Arasaka had already danced to their tunes by doing their clean-up for them: if they continued to turn a blind eye to their enemy's unseen hand in these matters, then they'd all be caught with their pants down their ankles when they suddenly found said hand gripping them by the throat.

Kate was clearly thinking along a different track, however.

"What about the Militech angle? If we did have the ability to look into every little scheme of theirs, don't you think we would've already done so to wipe them off the map? For that matter, what makes you think that, even if we did have that sort of intel, you would even be made aware of it, much less given access? No, if it's Militech playing games, then we simply need to keep an eye on the agents already assigned to watching them. Press that angle any harder, and we give the game away, invite a counter-move. No, we go behind their lines instead, track down the breadcrumbs they left and once we have traced them all back to the source, then we shove the wicked witch right into the furnace!"

For a moment the two of them fell silent, Kate deep in thought and Douglas wisely refraining from disturbing her. He knew better than to voice his doubts again, all he was here for was to double check the facts, not to make any decisions of his own. Even if the thought of putting 'subtle' and 'Animals' in the same sentence was enough to make him wonder what kind of endorphin cocktail she was on.

"Close the Trauma Team file. Delete it from their servers too, we don't want anyone looking into them either." Kate's sharp tone snapped him from his musings.

"The chance exists that someone investigated their angle already. If anyone is wondering what happened that night, and we know that at least the other major fixers in NC are, then the only ones to ask are Trauma Team or the Asset itself." Douglas mentioned despite his earlier caution.

Not because he cared about Kate's objectives, but right now he was tasked with closing the Trauma Team angle, which meant that if said Trauma Team angle ended up getting leaked, it'd be his head, no matter if it had been the medic's own shitty cybersecurity at fault.

Hell, he'd be surprised if someone hadn't already peaked in Trauma Team's files by now. He had, after all.

Kate dismissed his worries with a careless shrug of her shoulders.

"Close off all avenues of intel. If there was a leak, make sure it's plugged. I will not have Tanaka's kidnapping reflect badly on the company. We'll go public only when it is advantageous to do so."

Left unsaid (but definitely not unheard) was that if it never became advantageous, they'd simply never go public. Tanaka's fate would go unremarked and unnoticed to the world, hell, even to most within Arasaka.

"Yes, ma'am." Douglas merely responded and that was that.

"The kidnapping itself. What do we know?"

"Security detail all died during the interception. Heavy calibre shots, likely by a-"

"I don't care about the security detail, much less what type of lead they got flatlined with! I want to know how they got Tanaka!"

Quickly switching tracks, Douglas continued, outwardly seeming unperturbed by the woman's sudden outburst.

"Driver was the sole survivor, one Maxim Kuznetsov. He was still in the car when we found him, refused to come out or answer questions. Given the importance of the situation, he was retrieved and the scroll from his BD implant extracted We have the interception from start to finish."

He didn't say that the BD specialist that had to dive through Kuznetsov's memory threw up all over herself, having to relive how the car got flipped. Motion-sickness is a hell of a thing, even when you're lying still in a chair. No point in mentioning how she nearly had a panic attack either: apparently the threat that had kept Kuznetsov glued to his seat had been vivid enough to practically launch the BD editor out of hers.

It wasn't like Kate would care about details like that. Truth be told, he didn't either.

"Talk me through the kidnapping and extraction." Kate demanded impatiently.

"Tanaka's vehicle was intercepted by a group of Animals, likely supplied with gear by this Faraday. Animals are noted for their shoddy chrome and limited gear: the group in question, while definitely fitting with that theme for the most part in terms of weaponry and vehicle, also had access to an advanced signal jammer as well as a biomon jammer effective enough to spoof Trauma Team's surveillance soft."

"Tanaka had security with netrunning skills on-board, how did they not manage to cut through the interference in time?" Kate asked, revealing that she had indeed already been aware of Tanaka's situation on some level, confirming his earlier suspicions.

"They got blasted with EMP's shot from a grenade launcher."

"Hmm… EMP's would've messed with security's cybernetics. Take out the human element before messing with the tech, ensure it stays down. Smart. Unusually smart." Kate mused thoughtfully, clearly re-evaluating the strike team's threat level.

"They were likely just following Faraday's orders, considering that was his tech in the first place." Douglas dismissed instead and after a moment, Kate shrugged again.

"Possible. If they thought EMP's were enough to halt an Alvarado in its track, then maybe they are as dumb as they look-" Kate said and there was a note of relief evident in her voice, which was shattered when Douglas found himself forced to speak up again.

"Ah, apologies, but the EMP's were solely meant to disturb the security detail and protect the deployment of the signal jammer from counter-hacking. The vehicle itself was stopped by a rising stop pillar for regulation and blocking of city traffic."

"… what?"

"They are the things that come up out of the road-"

"I know what a stop pillar is! You're telling me that they managed to intercept one of our own, a member of the fucking Academy board, simply by throwing a hunk of metal in front of his car?!"

For a moment, Kate's voice resounded off the gleaming walls and all that Douglas could do was shrug somewhat sheepishly.

"They are quite heavy blocks of metal. And technically, they threw it under his car-"

Any further attempts at covering his own ass were halted as Kate cut him off with a sharp gesture of her hand. For a moment, she stood with her back turned to him, gazing out over the neon sprawl of Night City, before eventually shaking her head.

"How did they even manage to utilize it?"

Not knowing if the question was rhetorical or not, Douglas decided to hedge on the safe side of caution and answer as best he could.

"The leading Animal was of an unusual size. He was apparently strong enough to simply pick it up and throw it in the Chevillon's path."

Kate glanced at him over her shoulder, clearly intrigued.

"This 'alpha', as the Animals call their leaders. We have any intel on him?"

"No name, and he disguised his face during the ambush. However, given his remarkable size and the voice lines we recorded from Kuznetsov's scroll has allowed us to gather enough data to pass onto our intelligence division, allowing them to cross-reference it against other Animals dealings. We have run into an… unusual problem, however. NCPD barely has any record of him. A few mentions, but no name or facial description. Those few records left in their archives were heavily edited and scrubbed."

"A friend on the force then?"

"Either that, or he was able to hack them. Intelligence has deemed that unlikely however. After all, everyone knows the Animals don't employ netrunners or possess any worthwhile breaching skills. At the very least we can be certain that this crew doesn't, given that Faraday had to bring in his own 'runner for the intel extraction. As for the 'alpha' himself: we are fairly certain he has been with the gang for a long time now and has been involved with several inter-gang disputes spread all over San Domingo, from Arroyo to Rancho Coronado. Profilers are still projecting his future path and pack's expansion: Animals don't hold territory, making them more difficult to pin down and predict."

"As if I care. Get it done anyways."

"Of course Ma'am."

"Anything else? Or is all our intelligence good for just to tell me that a behemoth of a man is likely an Animal? Because even a gonk from the ass-end of Pacifica high out of his chrome on Black Lace could've come to that conclusion." Kate said in a tone dripping with ice.

"He's a likely suspect for the AV crash into Biotechnica HQ not so long ago. Their surveillance system got hacked that night, along with that whole Securicine debacle, so no footage from inside the building, but our own exterior cams saw an extremely large figure jump out of the top window where the AV crashed through."

Kate's only reactions was to raise a perfectly manicured eyebrow above the cybernetic block embedded in her eye socket.

"You're telling me he can survive suicide attempts now?"

Douglas could only shrug.

"Either that, or there are two eight foot plus Animals wandering around NC. Whichever is likelier."

"A new strain? They're always messing with that hormone formula of theirs…"

"Whichever is likelier." Douglas simply repeated, and Kate snorted in disgust.

"Additionally, I have unconfirmed reports from a Biotechnica shell, out in Rancho Coronado, that got hit by a cyberpsycho earlier today. NCPD was advised by Militech not to respond to the scene; patching into the city's CCTV showed two of their own squads on target. They're doing a full purge, no clue yet what Biotechnica was doing out there that required a Militech response instead of MaxTac, but what little we've managed to uncover so far points to the place being wiped out in an absolute slaughter. Could just be one of their test subjects going 'psyco, it happens in facilities like that, but given the sheer brutality and his earlier strike against Biotechnica and possible ties to Militech, it could be our Animal."

"Tch, again the NCPD proves useless. I thought they were supposed to be on our payroll, how come they are dancing to Militech's tunes? For all we know, they could have ordered the purge of this super-Animal's criminal records!"

"Well, Militech does provide them with all their heavy vehicles and most of their weapons…"

"Pah, put it in the report, I'll kick it up the chain, make sure we lean more on the chief commissioner and Mayor Rhyne. What is the point of kicking out Militech and signing the Arvin Accord if the law in Night City isn't an extension of our will?" Kate said in a heated tone, before calming down somewhat.

"So, besides kidnapping Arasaka board members, our Animal has a hate boner for Biotechnica? What, they withheld his weekly testosterone treatment one time too many?"

"They could be responsible for his freakish growth? Maybe he's a failed test subject out for revenge?"

As outlandish as it sounded, it wouldn't be the first time something like this happened to bite a corp in the ass. Hell, Arasaka had a few loose ends walking around that never got tied off either, but were more than eager to see any of her employees hanged…

Kate tapped her fingers against her forearms an instant, before shaking her head in dismissal.

"Could be, but then I don't think he'd have handled the Securicine scandal the way he did. Too different from slaughtering whatever they were working on in Coronado. Likely someone else has a grudge against Biotechnica, he's just the Huscle. If it was him both times."

"Unknown, but there is a possibility, not an insignificant one either. If true, it would support the theory that he was simply hired by Faraday as someone disposable. It would be our playbook as well. Means he's not a Militech agent either, or at least not exclusively so, which is good news."

"Well, it's typically Animal, if nothing else. End result remains the same, either way. The Animal team intercepted Tanaka, blocked his SOS signals and his Trauma Team scanner soft and then handed him over to Faraday. Where?"


For a moment, deadly silence fell over the meeting room as Kate's red optics shone starkly in the oppressive darkness.

"You know, I'm really starting to hate that word." She trailed off in a dangerous tone and Douglas was quick to defend himself.

"Backtracking through Faraday's own surveillance logs shows that he left his appartement at nighttime on the same day that Tanaka was kidnapped. He returned a few hours later, Tanaka in custody. The netrunner had already arrived a few minutes before him. Tanaka was badly injured, more so than what his driver scrolled during the kidnapping itself, showcases Faraday attempted interrogation out in the field at first, before falling back to his own residence after having called in a netrunner."

"Tch. Fine. It doesn't matter in the overall scheme of things, I suppose. Although…"

Kate trailed off, and the rapidly blinking red lights on her optics showed that she was looking through data at an immense pace.

"Tanaka and the 'runner. Both fried, you say?"

"That is what the Trauma Team report states, yes. They were both found floating in Faraday's pool, likely to facilitate the netrunner's deep dive."

"Then how did they end up barbequed by lightning?"

"… Perhaps one of Tanaka's implants malfunctioned after Faraday's torture? The biomon jammer was impressive, but Scav tech can only do so much."

"You're both right…" Kate began thoughtfully, sending a command to the immense table.

Part of its surface suddenly lit up, displaying several holographic projections and schematics in front of Douglas' visor.

"… and wrong." The woman finished while Douglas swiftly went through the information.

"Apologies. What am I looking at? These seem to be schematics of some kind-"

"Tanaka's autopsy report." Kate interrupted, before a few blocks of text were highlighted and enlarged, while lines were drawn to a similarly highlighted piece of cyberware on the human model.

"A microgenerator, huh? Badly damaged, likely the origin point of the electrocution. With both of them in the water and with Tanaka's state, it would've happened in a flash. Literally." Douglas went over the read-outs, feeling Kate's heave gaze boring into his skull.

He had to admit defeat, rather than be caught disguising his ignorance.

"Seems plausible enough to me. What is the issue?"

Kate was silent for a long moment, as if debating with herself if he should be clued in, before finally shaking her head slightly.

"Tanaka didn't have a microgenerator." She revealed.

As said, privacy is very important to Arasaka, in that they had access to all of yours.

"Implanted? During the torture, perhaps." Douglas said, but it didn't feel quite right.

"If so, why would Faraday do so? He doesn't gain anything by it."

"Could use the electrifying properties of the implant as a torture tool?"

"Intriguing, but risky. Safer to just go old school. Get an old car battery and clamp some starter cables on Tanaka's nipples; flip the switch, watch him fry. No need for messy implants and invasive surgery. Especially if he attempted a field interrogation first before bringing a 'runner on board." Kate speculated, leaning on the black glass tabletop as Douglas surreptitiously shifted in his seat.

Kate's cybernetic blocks were trained intently on Tanaka's autopsy report, as if it was a puzzle in the Sunday screamsheet she was trying to figure out to win a two-day vacation to Thailand's Pleasuredome. After a while, she shook her head in frustration.

"It just doesn't add up. The frying of the scav tech is what called down Trauma Team on Faraday's ass and allowed the Asset to home in his search pattern. That microgenerator burned him just as it did Tanaka. So, if Faraday didn't put it there and Tanaka himself never chipped it, then who the fuck did?"

"… maybe Tanaka never disclosed installing it to the company?"

"Why would he need to? Why settle for some random ripperdoc instead of installing his chrome in-house?"

"Microgenerators are emergency tech: maybe he got spooked by the Maelstrom attempt and didn't want to look weak in front of the rest of the board by installing a safety feature? Arasaka chrome comes with a lot of Arasaka red tape too" Douglas offered and Kate fell silent with a considering hum.

"We need more intel on his movements and motivations. Only way to be sure."

"His son is still enrolled within Arasaka Academy, though he has been given three days leave to mourn his father's passing. Tanaka's wife lives in Japan, though she has been notified. The situation regarding his death has been treated with a total information blackout, so they don't know anything further than that, as per company policy." Douglas offered, but Kate waved his suggestion away.

"Shut up, stand up and follow me."

Hasting to follow the instructions, Douglas was hot on Kate's heels as she strode out of the enormous meeting chamber and down an immense hallway. The whole time they walked, the only sounds were the sharp clicking of her heels against the black marble floors. There wasn't even a jingle in the elevators as they rode it down to the ground floor, and then even further down below towards the garage…

… and then even further down below to Douglas' surprise once Kate placed her hand against the elevator pad.

Questions bubbled to the fore of his mind, but he kept his mouth firmly shut. There was an Arasaka saying after all: those who wag their tongue, stand to lose them. Finally, the elevator came to a halt and Kate strode outside the moment the doors slid open, Douglas still close behind.

They walked through a large room where several Dwellers were safeguarding Arasaka's datafortress to what looked almost like a reception desk of sorts.

"Kate Tower, authorization level "Kisen", bringing along Douglas Adams for data extraction." Kate spoke to the special agent on the other side of the counter.

'That cannot be good!' Douglas thought to himself as a cold sweat stood out on his neck and he almost took a step back and started looking around for an emergency exit.

Almost, because he sure didn't fancy his chances running from the various turrets he could see embedded in the walls, resting but far from dormant. Despite this, his reaction must've shone through more than he'd realized, as Kate glanced at him over her shoulder, an amused look on her thin face.

"Relax, it's not your data we'll be extracting."

'Somehow, that's not entirely reassuring either.' Douglas privately thought to himself.

"Identities confirmed. Access granted. Be aware that your interactions will be monitored at all times. Follow staff instructions at all times. Failure to comply with instructions or attempts to conceal your actions from the recordings will result in immediate termination." The special agent interrupted in a stern, stoic voice as nearby, two double doors slowly began to slide open with a heavy hiss.

Douglas got the distinct impression that they weren't talking about his contract.

"Welcome to Izanagi."

Kate nodded her head in agreement and stalked through the now opened doorway, while Douglas had to swallow a bit at such a… cold greeting.

"Izanagi? What is-"

"In Japanese mythology, Izanagi is the creator god of life itself. In our world, it's NC's access point to Mikoshi, which is the Japanese term for the shrine of a god when not in their temple. Its servers are hosted on private satellites in orbit, you can only reach it through dedicated access points. Every Arasaka HQ has one, each with differing levels of access and storage, though ours is second only to the one in Tokyo, which is called Izanami, named after the creation goddess of death."

After her explanation, Kate came to a sudden halt, almost causing Douglas to bump into her as she whirled around, fixing him in place with a heavy glare through those blocky black-red optics of hers.

"Naturally, everything I have just told you is so top-secret, even most of our own people aren't even aware of its existence. You so much as breathe a word of this to anyone… and they'll send the Asset to stomp our heads flat, understood?"


Kate held his gaze for a moment longer, but then the other set of double doors at the end of the hallway opened up as well and she turned away from him, allowing him to sag a bit from his ramrod straight position.

"You mentioned total information black-out with Tanaka's kid and wife. Keep it that way, indefinitely. We hardly need them: there's nothing they can tell us that we can't get from Tanaka himself." Kate said as they moved into what seemed like a large server room.

"But… Tanaka died." Douglas said, feeling a bit lost now.

They had both read the same autopsy reports, right? Trauma Team is good, but even Platinum coverage can't cure a case of Dead.

"True. But that doesn't mean we cannot still question him." Kate said as she stalked over towards a nearby access port.

"You'd be surprised by what Trauma Team can preserve if they're on the scene fast enough. You'd be even more surprised what our techies can turn 1400 grams of fried grey matter into. Jack in."

Given the earlier 'greeting' he got when entering Izanagi, Douglas decided not to try and disobey a direct order, so despite his misgivings, he pulled his custom personal link from the side of his visor and slotted it into the access port.

His sight briefly blurred as a progress bar stating [ESTABLISHING CONNECTION] flashed into being in the centre of his vision.

"You know, you weren't even that wrong when you dissed Asset Smasher crushing Faraday's skull. He only did that because he didn't realize the man was anyone important; if he had, he'd likely just killed him, leave the brain intact. Then we would've been able to do this."

Before Douglas could question what exactly 'this' was supposed to even be, a crimson transparent figure blurred into his vision, before his features solidified as the progress bar completed. Douglas couldn't stop a gasp from escaping him as he recognized the man across from him. How could he not? He had looked at that face in after action and autopsy reports for the better part of the past two days after all.

"Douglas Adams. Meet Tetsuo Tanaka."

"Greetings, Douglas Adams."

The ghostly, shimmering figure stepped closer towards the panting Araska agent.

"Now then, how can I assist you in apprehending the ones responsible for my death?"

Fun Fact: Saburo Arasaka is the only character in the game who does not have multiple VA's for different languages. In every game, no matter the language, Saburo will only speak Japanese, further reflecting his obsession with his country's culture and disdain for those of others, especially America. He has a bit of a love-hate obsession with the NUSA. As for Izanagi and Izanami, while the NC access point is called that, I made up the name of the Tokyo branch, but it does create an interesting mirror. Wonder why he'd name the access to Mikoshi in the country he hates after the god of life itself? I could've gone for Amaterasu as well, the child of Izanagi and Izanami, as Japan is the land of the rising sun, but Izanami felt more appropriate.

AN: Dun dun dun! A bit more insight into the Tanaka situation from Arasaka's POV, as well as slight hints to what other parties have been up to in the meantime. Also, Tanaka is an engram! Dunno if I did the Izanagi surroundings justice, any suggestions on how to improve it are welcome. For those of you who are eager to know how Simba defends his rescue of Gloria to Maine, don't worry, the next chapter will pick up immediately where the previous one (Choom, where's my car?) left off. Even better news: if you wanna read that right now, you can by heading on over to my Patreon!
10: Showerthoughts

10: Showerthoughts

You know, if I had an eddie for every time this week I had to pressure wash blood off myself with a hose, I'd have two eddies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

The bright desert sun is relentlessly beating down on my broad shoulders, making the air turn into a hazy curtain covering the horizon and the black tarmac feel like a cooking plate. All in all though, I'm feeling pretty refreshed as my large mane of hair is rapidly drying out here in the open air and an odd sense of peace comes over me as I stand in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but sand, sun, and a road that seemed to lead to a place where time had the good sense to take a vacation.

The others are all inside, David of course still by his mother's bedside. Or, well, couch-side, but whatever. Maine had been looking at Norris' Sandevistan with an envious gleam in his eye (I could've sworn I saw him drool a little bit) until Dorio physically dragged him away to another room, only partly because Big Pete shooed everyone out of the workshop so he could get started on my beloved Quadra Avenger.

I had to tune down my hearing in order to suppress what Dorio and Maine were actually up to upstairs, managing an impressively athletic and enthusiastic horizontal tango despite their hefty frames. I know they both enhanced themselves with artificial musculature, but now I was wondering whether or not they chipped themselves with the sex drive of a bunny as well.

… you know, considering the morally bankrupt shithole that is Night City, I wouldn't even be surprised if that was an option. If there's one field of cybernetics that is advancing more rapidly and across a broader spectrum than any other, it's not bio-replacements or even weapons, it's sex stuff.

Humans really do be horny like that.

Putting the rising crescendo of the two mercs' ballet out of my mind for now is a bit more difficult than I'd like though, since that would mean focusing on the immediate here and now which is… not exactly that much better.

When Sasha said 'strip' she really did mean it and considering I could literally feel my pants stick to my skin due to all the blood caked on them, I couldn't exactly refuse, no matter how awkward it made me feel.

Sure, growing up in a gang like the Animals meant that I had seen much, much more of the human anatomy in the flesh up close and personal than I ever would've wanted, so I'm pretty desensitized (or traumatized, take your pick) to nudity at this point. You kinda gotta be, in this day and age. For crying out loud, even right now, I could still see in the hazy distance a massive advert floating in the sky above the city depicting a fat guy suggestively holding a bottle in front of his gut with an Egyptian woman with bare breasts as the logo… and it's to sell beer.

That's not even going into the actually sex-stuff related merchandise, like the Midnight Lady and Mr. Studd advertisements, which seem to have a very loose interpretation of the word 'subtle', in that they burned their dictionary and shot their translator.

So of course I was used to nudity… just not the kind where I have to expose myself while faced with a girl I've been developing a crush on while she's holding an industrial-strength hose aimed at me. Yeah… awkward was a good way to describe that. For me that is. Dorio was mostly just disappointed she wouldn't be able to watch the show, which made Maine all the more relieved when I ordered them to delta the fuck away from me and Sasha. She at least seemed to have a lot of fun spraying me down.

Seeing how she was grinning at me and seeing how I was as naked (and bloody) as the day I was born caused for some… complications on my end. Let's just say that I was really glad the water was ice-cold.

Down boy.

At least it got rid of all the blood, so I couldn't complain too much. However, while the water did wash away the stains of my little escapade back at Biotechnica's baby-killing factory, it did little to remove the lead still embedded in my flesh. The bullets would eventually be expelled by my body once the wounds fully healed (Wolverine-style, if significantly slower), but not only was that rather uncomfortable, it also slowed down the healing process. Not to mention the increased risk of infection, which considering my lifestyle (what passed as 'hygiene' in Animal circles would probably instead be considered 'biological hazards' to any sane people) was a valid concern to have.

Which is why, when Sasha finally turned off the powerful hose, shaking out her weary arms with a grimace as she did, I made to claw the little lead bastards out myself. Until the cute netrunner halted me in my tracks, that is.

"Simba, the fuck are you doing?!"

None too gently neither, I might add.

I glance at her, confused at her distressed tone as I slowly blink a few times, my index still scratching at a bullet embedded in my left pectoral, the claw already covered in blood again.

"I'm… getting the bullets out?"

"With your hands?!"

"… yes?"



"Jesus fuck, Sim. Just… hang on a sec, before you go mutilating yourself with those… weapons you call hands. Honestly, should just call 'em 'murder-mittens' instead…" she trails off in an angry muttering as she begins to stomp away.

"It's not a big deal. I'll heal up fine, won't even leave a scar. If it makes you feel any better, I could use a knife instead-"

"Still a weapon! Still no!" Sasha yells out in exasperation as she goes to retrieve her duffelbag, leaving me alone out in the open behind the Autowerks building, the sun pleasant on my damp skin.

"But-!" I try to call out, but the lithe woman has already turned the corner.

I glance from my claws to the wounds marring my chest, thin rivulets of blood slowly welling up from the bullet-holes and streaming down my massive pecs and sculpted abs in streaky crimson trails. In some of the wounds, exposed lead glints underneath the relentless sun, the bullets barely having penetrated past the epidermis.

"But they're really itchy." I whine petulantly to myself.

At least Sasha had the good graces to come back with not just her medical equipment, but some underwear and pants as well, which I hastily throw on as the netrunner rummages through her emergency kit.

"Now, full disclosure, I only slotted a skill shard on medical stuff like… two days ago? So this might sting a little. Did pick up some Trauma Team sim-soft on first aid while poking at their defences, so that should stop me from, I dunno, extracting your spleen through your nostril or something. Incidentally, I now finally know what a spleen is. Been bugging me for months: there was this gonk back during one of our gigs with Maine, kept yelling we broke his after Dorio gut-punched him. Always wondered what it was specific-like, since, you know, she kinda broke his everything…" She muses, before straightening up (to my hidden disappointment, her netrunner suit was really form-fitting) and turning around to face me, scalpel in one hand, forceps in the other.

"Good for you, just leave mine alone, please?" I can't help but ask a bit nervously as I glance from her… implements back to her, before blinking as I replay her stream of words.

"Wait, why slot the skill two days ago specifically? You've been a cyberpunk for some time now." I question her with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure, I have. Never made a move gonk enough where I needed to dig bullets outta my body though." She refutes.

"Didn't we first meet when I saved your ass just as you were about to commit suicide by corpo drone-squad-?" I try to point out, but she cuts me off by steaming on ahead, standing on her tip-toes as she attempts to wave the forceps threateningly underneath my nose (though she still falls several inches short).

"However, you, on the other hand, decided just two days ago to fuck over both one of the biggest corpos and one of the biggest fixers in NC, on the same night." Sasha points out, stressing the words.

"But the heist itself went fine?" I counter, though the pretty girl just shoots me a look, glancing from my fresh bullet holes to my slitted eyes.

"Sure, but precautions never hurt, much less than bullets do at least. It seemed like the prudent thing to do at the time. Best to be as prepared as possible, right? And since you recently went cyberpsycho and we're now outside some rundown chop shop in the middle of Raffen territory out in the ass-end of the Badlands… well, like I said, it seemed like the prudent thing to do at the time." She says with a shrug as she cocks a hip, holding up her medical equipment.

She clicks the forceps twice, much like any man is genetically obligated to do with the tongs whenever he's flipping burgers on the barbecue, and cranes her neck to smile up at me.

"Now, like I said, this might sting a little. You're not gonna go all weepy on me, are ya?" she asks challengingly, getting a scoff out of me (though with my size, it comes out more as the snort of a bull who got up on the wrong side of the barn that morning).

I just tap one of the half-embedded bullets with the curved tip of one of my claws as I smirk, the metallic sound ringing out as I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Pretty sure I've had worse."

"Eh, don't be so confident just yet tough guy. Who knows, I might suddenly discover I get squeamish at the sight of blood, get shaky fingers and whatnot. Now, either siddown or find me a ladder, 'cause there's no way I'm gonna be able to reach 'em otherwise."

Shrugging, I simply slide down the side of the Autowerks building instead, back towards its sun-heated concrete, butt on the aged tarmac as I tuck in my feet in the lotus position, patting my lap as I shoot the netrunner a challenging grin of my own. Sasha just shrugs and plops down in my lap and my breath hitches at how the situation went from slightly comical and flirty to much more intimate than I had expected in the blink of an eye.

Sasha's unique neon eyes are suddenly only centimetres away from mine and in such close proximity, my enhanced senses kick into a sort of primal overdrive as they're almost overwhelmed with taking in all of the sensations she's subconsciously transmitting through her body. I can feel the heat coming off her figure, smell the shampoo still lingering in her hair, hear her various cybernetic implants hum near-silently from inside her body, their quiet noise nearly overwhelmed by the drumming of her heart and the sudden intensity in her breathing pattern. Locking eyes with her, I can see how the neon-pink circles suddenly expand as they rapidly dart around, roaming the heavy features of my face and I can't help but wonder what she sees there.

I know I'm not a handsome man (by conventional standards at least, though bizarrely the female Animals seem to be particularly attracted to my primitive features), especially in an age where impossible beauty standards are just an implant away from becoming the new normal. Between the biosculpts, the inherent Juice my body produces and nearly two decades living the Animal lifestyle, my face has grown to be heavy and brutish, as if someone had to make a faceplate for a Sin City reenactment BD and they had to fill the slot of Marv in a hurry by smushing together Ron Perlman with Sebastien Chabal in their prime. Which ironically just reinforces the 'Beauty and the Beast' imagery between me and Sasha. Compared to her own lithe feline features, I imagine I must look like the unfortunate and illegitimate offspring of one particularly daring caveman and a surprisingly accommodating sabretooth-lion.

Actually, considering who my Mom was and whoever my Dad could be, reverse the genders and it likely wasn't even too far off the mark.

Whatever is going on in that chrome-brain of hers, Sasha doesn't tell me, instead breaking our gaze as she refocuses on my chest instead, shaking her head slightly so that her bob cut whips around her porcelain face.

"R-right then, let's get this sorted. Once I've removed all the bullets, I'll do what I can to help close the wounds, or at least clean and cover them properly to allow them to heal by themselves. Considering your… unique biology, that's probably for the best. Who knows what would happen to the stiches if I tried any sewing on you; I haven't had to handle a needle and thread in years and even back then I was utter shit at patching up my clothes, let alone skin. Did you know I once managed to sow one pant leg to another one?" She says, distracting herself, and I just nod at the verbal waterfall, mostly cause I'm at a loss for words too and don't really know how to address the moment we just had either.

"That doesn't sound too bad-" I try.

"They weren't part of the same pants." She flatly interrupts and I just blink slowly at her as she's clearly trying (and failing miserably) to fight down a blush covering her cheeks all the way to the vents.

"Right… best not try any stitchwork on me then." I concede as Sasha leans closer towards the bullet wounds, her demeanour a bit more serious now that she's focused on her task.

"Honestly, even if I wasn't complete crap at domestics, I don't think it'd be a good idea either way to start picking at you with a needle and thread. I know the expression 'thick-skinned' exists, but you seem to have taken that as a personal challenge or something. Jesus Sim, do stiches even work on you?" she says as she experimentally pokes my chest with a slim metallic black finger.

"Stiches usually just break apart in a day or so and then dissolve, 'cause my muscles simply rip 'em apart whenever I move. Whatever remains, my body rejects much faster than normal." I explain with a shrug, trying to subtly dislodge her finer from my pec while heroically disguising the embarrassing fact that I'm ticklish.

Or perhaps that's just her effect on me.

Thankfully, my efforts seem to pay off as Sasha doesn't seem to notice anything amiss. Instead, she just looks to be glad to have something other than my face to focus on as she gets started on the first bullet. To her credit, she's a lot more careful than I would've been. I usually just grit my teeth and dig around in there until I can get a good grip of the metal and pull it like a bad tooth or something, which shows my Animal upbringing more than I'd really care to admit. It's more difficult of course if the bullet has disintegrated, but in those cases the slivers are usually small enough my body can handle them on their own. Just make sure to regularly pour something like an Ab-Synth in there or really any drink with a similar alcohol content and I'm good to go. A nice Baalbek Arak would work as well, but it'd be a shame to waste a top shelf liquor like that.

With the care that Sasha is using, it takes her quite a while before she's dug out the first bullet, having carefully removed it from the wound with the medical forceps, holding the flattened slug up between us as she grips it tightly with the clamps.

For a moment, we're both silent as she tilts the smashed lead back and forth, looking from it to me and back again, her eyes wide.

"Damn… just how tough are you, Sim?" she eventually says after letting out a low whistle and I just shrug, the movement slightly jostling Sasha in… interesting ways in her position on my lap.

"I'm probably the toughest son of a bitch in all of NC." I say with a lopsided grin, showing off my enlarged fangs and Sasha snorts as she lets the bullet fall to the tarmac besides us, the 'ting!' of lead hitting the ground loud in our little quiet corner.

"Having met your mom, I wouldn't even be surprised." The netrunner says in an amused voice and my rumbling laugh sends a tremble through her body.

The earlier intensity is broken and to my surprise, we both settle down in a comfortable silence as she gets to work on the rest of the wounds. It stings slightly, but as I told her, they hurt much less going out than going in so I dismiss the discomfort with practised ease. Instead, we slowly get to talking, our close proximity making it so we automatically keep our voices pitched low, almost to a whisper, as if the convo is our little secret and the moment of peace will be broken if we're too loud and alert the world to our little corner in it.

The conversation meanders slowly and aimlessly, but neither of us mind. We talk about our childhoods (neither of which can be considered normal), our favourite tv-shows (she's absolutely hooked on some old Soviet Union cartoon I've never even heard of following the zany adventures of a hyperactive orange cat), our favourite food (hers is salmon nigiri, mine is 'yes') and anything and everything else that we can think of in the moment.

She's just done extracting the final bullets and has started to clean up the wounds and thin bloodtrails, when I get a call. My eyebrows shoot up when I spot the caller ID blinking in the corner of my vision.

"Hang on Sasha, I really need to take this." I say with an apologetic look.

The cute netrunner looks a bit disappointed, but nods as she halts her tale of how she and her sister (currently a badge, I'm surprised to hear) once tried to turn their neighbour's refrigerator into a microwave and being shockingly successful. In a quite literal sense too.

As Sasha continues to clean up the remainder of the blood and begins covering the smattering of wounds across my pecs with gauze and bandages, I accept the call, my bestial eyes gaining a telltale orange glow.

"River. Talk to me."

"And a hello to you too, Mr. Rose." The tired voice of Detective Ward comes from the other end as his avatar pops into my view.

"If you wanna start off with the small talk, that's fine with me. Except I know you and I know you don't do small talk." I shoot back with a grin and River just rolls his remaining eye at me.

"I can do small talk, when I need to. Or when I want to. With you, I don't want to."

"Now you're just hurtin' my feelings Detective." I respond in a mock hurt tone of voice.

"You got any of those?" River shoots back with a raised brow, though I can see a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Sure! There's hungry, and then there's really hungry."

"Ah, shit, now you made me remember how you eat. And what you eat." River groans out with a shudder as I grin.

"Seriously though, Detective. You didn't call me up just to discuss my diet." I continue.

"Definitely not, no. Never." River says in distaste, briefly glancing at something to his side before refocusing on me, continuing in a softer, almost conspiring tone of voice.

"Had to pull a few strings to get the intel you requested. Framed it as trying to find a boostergang-related lead in the bodies that dropped at Faraday's. Wasn't even lying, sort of. Even so, I definitely shouldn't be sharing this list with you, which means I never gave it to you, just accidental data leakage though our com link, understood?"

A red bar swiftly fills up in my vision and I can somehow 'feel' new data being transferred to what little chrome I have, the soft updating in front of my eyes. Or in my eyes, rather.

"What list?" I respond easily and River nods.

"Exactly. It's got what you asked for: no deep cuts, just standard detes, anything a quick cross-check against NCPD databanks managed to pull. Names, cause of death, known affiliations if we could manage it. Most of them were low-level huscle, often rotated out for odd jobs all over town, only a few of them were exclusively on Faraday's payroll, though that doesn't tell us much. Like you said, he played things close to the chest." The detective explains as I mentally 'open' the list and start browsing through the names.

None of them jump out at me so far, but then River continues as one name gets highlighted.

"Which leads me to believe that this is the person you actually wanted intel on."

The entry expands and a familiar face glares back at me, as if blaming me, instantly recognizable despite (or rather, because) half of it being covered.

Hello there, Kiwi.

"Woman, late twenties to mid-thirties, extensive cybernetic modifications, most notably to the face, throat and brain. Also, because of course that's a thing in this fucking City, she got blue nipples that expel synthetic spider-silk."

I blink at that, before shooting him an incredulous look.

"Wait, for real?"

"Night City, Mr. Rose." River says with a shrug and a look of 'what can you do?' as if that's explanation enough and honestly, it kind of is.

My gaze flits back towards Kiwi's face, the accusing glare in her eyes boring into my own as River continues.

"Cause of death: either electrocution or drowning. Report says she got lifted naked out of Faraday's pool, so the coroner at first dismissed her as a joy toy. Probably because of the whole… you know… spider-tits thing. Personally, I think it's more likely she's the netrunner Faraday brought in after you delivered him the VIP, but not the data itself."

"Possibly." I say in a non-committal tone as River narrows his eye at me, annoyingly showing that, despite being a piss poor romance option, he is in fact a decent detective (in both senses of the word) as he immediately catches on that I know more than I'm telling.

"Mr. Rose, are you withholding information from an officer of the law?" he presses in what he probably considers his dangerous 'don't-lie-to-me-or-I'll-handcuff-you-in-the-non-sexy-way' tone of voice.

Effective on your average cyberpunk or gangoon perhaps, but I'm not exactly an average anything. 'Sides, I know for a fact that he doesn't have the special-duty cuffs on him that some beat cops requisition whenever they (miracle above miracles) managed to restrain one of our Alphas.

We tend to snap the smaller, cheaper ones like zip-ties. I can do the same to the heavy-duty ones and River knows it, so my nonchalant rebuttal doesn't come as a surprise to him. An annoyance, to be sure, but not a surprise.

"Detective Ward, like you said, this is NC. Everyone is withholding information from the police, hell even the NCPD itself does it."

The cop grumbles at that, but can't exactly refute my words, though I can tell he won't let this rest. So, I try a different tactic. While I might style myself after lions, my Ma always did say I had a weirdly effective puppy-eyes look.

"River, c'mon. You know you're my choombatta, you really think I would lie to you?"

"Yes." Was the immediate, deadpan response.

"Ok, that's on me, I set the bar too low. Still, while I might have… withheld info sometimes, I've never really lied to you River. Sort of, at least. You've got my word on that."

"You really asking me to trust the word of a gangoon?"

"Yes." I shoot back in the same blunt tone he just used on me.

"… alright, I walked into that one." River says with a sigh, his 'ganic hand coming up to rub his temple, before he shoots me a resigned, if frustrated, look.

"I'm right, aren't I? The woman isn't just some modified joytoy to suit Faraday's specific fetish, right? She was the netrunner brought on to crack Tanaka's ICE? If you're looking into whether or not she had any 'loose ties' associated with her, I'm afraid I can't tell you, the only contact we managed to definitely pin on her was Faraday himself."

I shrug my massive shoulders, once again jostling Sasha who has been quietly listening in on my half of the conversation.

"Probably. If so, she paid the price. Seems like Tanaka got a safety chipped that fried 'em both."

The detective shoots me an odd look at that though, a frown marring his face.

"Tanaka wasn't among the bodies that dropped. Trauma Team retrieved him, tried to take him to the hospital before they were intercepted by an Arasaka special ops team: claimed he'd receive further treatment in-house. There are zero records of his whereabouts after that."

I barely manage to control myself enough to stop me from jolting upright at that. I mean, the chance always existed that the old bastard somehow survived, Sasha had told me as much back on the boat, but having actual confirmation that Tanaka still lived? Why else would Arasaka go through the effort of treating him in-house, if not so that he can point the finger and pin the blame. That's… sub-optimal. I had hoped to put the whole Tanaka-biz (and thus the overarching Edgerunners-plot as a whole) behind me with confirmation of Faraday's death, since I figured that with the fixer flatlined, the mega-corp would run out of leads to run down eventually. This, however, could mean that I might still have to worry about Araska coming down on my head like a ton of bricks somewhere down the line and sooner rather than later.

And I'd really rather have avoided having one of the world's most powerful corpos hunting my ass specifically, considering I probably qualify as big game in their eyes and 'Saka particularly prides itself on using orbital lasers when dealing with those. They even got the adverts too and everything. Not good news for any Animal, two-legged or otherwise.

Especially now that I was planning to wage a small war against Biotechnica, after which I felt the time would be right to finally make a move on the Voodoo Boys down south in Pacifica. I knew that after the last Corpo War, where NUSA had been persuaded not to raze Night City down to the bedrock thanks to some nuclear-powered dickswinging from Saburo Arasaka, a chunk of Pacifica had been consolidated under the iron fist of a rebellious Militech soldier while the rest of the district went to shit.

I had little intel on BARGHEST or Kurt Hansen, but convincing him to help me get rid of the VDB's in his backyard with a two-pronged approach shouldn't be impossible. Hopefully, either one of us would catch that double-crossing Dexter DeShawn with a stray bullet in the crossfire. With Farday's death, the corpulent fixer was probably already trying to make inroads in the district to expand his own network. Considering that would inevitably bite him in his fat ass hard and would place him and my other target in roughly the same spot, I was willing to let him muddle around down south while I first focused on my war with Biotechnica.

However, a war with one mega-corp was already a risky prospect even without the threat of the world's most powerful one breathing down my neck.

Hmm… not all is lost just yet though, I realize as I look at Kiwi's file. There's barely anything listed there (save of course the coroner's somewhat incredulous note about the spider-tits), not even a name or an address. Both of which I knew regardless however thanks to my unique outsider perspective (wiki access is a glorious superpower to have, even if it's mostly reliant on hazy half-remembered memories), which should be enough at least for Sasha to do some digging.

I already had one netrunner with a hateboner for a mega-corp. Why not add a second one, someone who'd be one of the few able and (more than) willing to run interference with Arasaka without too many questions asked? Besides, I already had one half of the most tragic pairing in this world currently sitting upstairs, why not add his better half? Might keep David's mind off revenge for a while, and thus from the path to cyberpsychosis.

Oh yeah, it's all coming together. Now then, for the big question: how to convince Lucy to join my Predators pack right after I inadvertently fried her mentor to a crisp?

"Thanks for zippin' me the detes detective Ward. Pleasure doin' biz with ya. That bein' said tho, I got a whole bunch of murderin' and general law breakin' to get back to, you know how it is, so I'll talk to ya later." I drawled, allowing my Animal-accent to come out thickly through my sharpened teeth, showing them off in a lazy grin.

"Mr. Rose, you can't just say you're planning to engage in criminal activity to a cop! Mr. Rose! Simba!"

"Bye now!"


The orange glow fades from my eyes as I chuckle, before glancing down at the cute netrunner in my lap, who blinks up at me in surprise as she slightly tilts her head.

"Now, I know I only got half of that, but the half I got was… weird. You always talk to badges like that?"

"Hmm, usually I just beat the shit out of 'em. Or set 'em on fire, though that was an accident and his own damn fault for hanging out the window while I was throwing cannisters of CHOOH at his car." I say with a shrug and once again Sasha just blinks her neon-pink eyes at me.

"Right… clearly the fault lies with him for not knowing better than to catch explosives with his face…"

"That's what I said!"

Seeing that's she's finished dressing up my wounds (for a while now, I sneakily suspect), I smoothly rise to my feet as I grab her by the back of her jacket and effortlessly lift her off my lap as if she's just a kitten, planting her on her feet beside me. Stretching to my full, ridiculously tall height, I roll my shoulders and arms for a bit, getting the circulation flowing properly again. I pleasantly note that the familiar itching burn from my healing wounds is reduced to a more persistent warmth and I shoot the netrunner a grateful look.

"Thanks for the med assist, Sasha."

"No prob, Sim." She beams back happily as she plants her metallic fingers on her hips.

"Now, it'll take Big Pete a little while to finish going over my Avenger, and it'll take Maine and Dorio a little while longer to finish… that. So in the meantime, I got a job for you."

"Tracking down that Shipman guy for the shrimp to flatline, right? I'll get right on that: bastard deserves to be zeroed for what he planned to do to David's mother." The netrunner says with heat in her voice.

"All true, but put it on the backburner for now. With all the noise we've been making this past week, we aren't in any position to do a raid on a Biotechnica affiliate anyways."

"Affiliate? Oh, come on Sim, you know he's just a separate party in name only, just so the corpos can claim they didn't have anything to do with the experiments! It's a classic tactic, they did the same with Securicine! Sure, they manufactured the drug themselves, but their test data came from 'independent' clinics! It's just different logos on the same shit!" Sasha says passionately, her emotions spiking when she mentioned the 'medicine' that killed her mother.

I try to calm her down a bit by placing my massive paw on her shoulder, leaning in a bit closer as I make my deep, gravelly voice as gentle as I can make it. No easy feat when it sounds like something even Tom Waits would consider using autotune for.

"Exactly, Sasha. All the more reason to bide our time and wait for the right moment to strike; minimal risk, maximum damage. Chances are, with my little rampage back at the facility, Shipman's likely gone to ground, beggin' his Biotechnica overlords for shelter, so if we go for him now we'll probably end up dealing with corpo security unless we wanna wait for however long it takes for Shipman to crawl out of his little hidey hole and go back to his house again."

Sasha wants to argue, but visibly restrains herself and gives me a frustrated nod.

"We'll make Biotechnica bleed, don't you worry Sasha. Gun for Hire gigs like these are what my Predators specialize in. All good things come to those who wait, after all. If you really can't let this go, then shoot Vasili a message, have him do the prelim work for you."

"… Fine. Fine. What's the biz that you want me working on in the meantime?" Sasha eventually concedes with a pout as she crosses her arms over her chest, which means I have to swiftly flit my eyes back up to rest on her neon-pink ones again, desperately dismissing the… noticeable effect the movement had on her body.

And on mine. Dammit. C'mon Simba, focus, plotting war and intrigue here, keep your head in the game or fuckin' lose it.

"I'm flippin' you the detes on a woman of interest." I explain as I send her the list River had delivered.

"… You know, Sim, one of these days you gotta explain why you got me tracking down mystery women all over the City." The netrunner says in a vaguely threatening tone as she accepts the data package, before briefly skimming over the intel.

"What, you wanna save this one as well? Maybe her little dog too?" she asks with a bit of a bite in her tone, though my expression remains flat save for a faint grimace.

"Bit late for that. She's dead. Fried by the microgenerator we stuffed inside Tanaka. Who isn't dead, by the way, according to Detective Ward. Or at least, not entirely dead enough for Trauma Team to leave him behind or for 'Saka to run an interception of their own. Only bodies that got dragged to the morgue that day were Faraday's, his crew and her."

"Oh… oh damn. Uh, I'm sorry, Sim…"

"Don't be. I barely even knew her. Faraday brought her in to crack Tanaka's ICE, but like with everyone that four-eyed freak hired, he brought in someone disposable from outside his own organization to do the job. Same as with us. So, 'cactly the same as with us, I'm wondering if the 'runner had any connections or crew of her own."

"So, you uh… want me to… you know, tie up the loose ends?" she answers, her tone dipping to a conspiring whisper as she knowingly wiggles her eyebrows and elbows me subtly in the side with a nearly audible 'wink wink, nudge nudge', despite the fact that we're in the middle of nowhere, in the desert.

I shake my head at her antics, though I do wonder how she can still view being an edgerunner as little more than an exciting game despite having willingly come so close to death the night I rescued her from Biotechnica HQ.

"No, just look into it for now. Considering the shitstorm that's hanging over our heads, more bodies on our side would only benefit us. It worked with Maine, didn't it? 'Sides, if there is a crew missing their precious 'runner, then it wouldn't be difficult to point their anger towards Faraday and 'Saka instead of us. By now I'm thinkin' near every edgerunner, cyberpunk and gangoon in Night City knows the Butcher came out to collect his pound of flesh from the streets, so pinning the blame on him and his corpo overlords will be easier than selling an XBD to a Vidiot." I assure the cute woman.

Quite literally too, considering our little Debiddo was an old hand at exactly that by now, even at the tender age of fifteen. Not that I was in a position to judge really. Pretty sure I committed my first crime at… six? Maybe a bit younger? That's of course if you're not counting my birth, but that particular crime against nature I'm blaming fully on Ma.

"I mean, if you think it's a good idea… then again, you can be very persuasive if you wanna be. Got any more intel for me to go off? This list is pretty bare." Sasha says as her eyes flit over the data River sent over.

"General residence and the name of a person I want you looking into." I state and Sasha's eyes peer at me from over the edge of the list displayed on her eyeballs.

"And here I thought you said you barely knew her?" she questions with a raised eyebrow and I just raise one right back at her.

Two can play at that game!

"I got my ways." I say evasively and Sasha holds the look for a few seconds longer, before her gaze flits to the upper floors of the dilapidated Autowerks, where a certain teenager is currently sitting beside his comatose mother.

"Obviously." She says flatly, before shooting me a questioning look.

"Alright then, who's this mystery person I'm looking into?"

"The fried 'runner had a residence at or near Yaiba tower. You know the one, big fuckin' hab tower near Lizzie's Bar down in the Kabuki district in Watson. When you're looking into it, just make sure not to step on Regina's toes, alright? Don't think you poking around her home is something she'd just let slide, even if she's supposed to be one of the 'nicer' fixers. As for the 'loose end', I want you to look into any connection between the zeroed 'runner and her possible protegee, a netrunner called Lucyna Kushinada."

Fun Fact: The spider-tits things isn't something that I came up with, but was confirmed on Reddit by Hiroyuki Imaishi, co-founder of Studio Trigger when he responded to a fan's question whether or not Kiwi's blue nipples dispense Gatorade. Imaishi has also stated that Kiwi is one of his favourite characters and that in early designs, she had a cyber-dog.

AN: Sorry for the long wait, I really got stuck on where to take this fic after the introduction of Phantom Liberty, since that opened up a bunch of plotlines for later in the fic. Also sorry that there's not a lot of action in this, I mentioned in one of the first AN's that I hoped this fic would be a snappy short one, but considering we're still in the build-up phase of Arc 2 and already at nearly a 100k words, I don't really see that happening any time soon. I hope to up the violence and bloodshed by a lot in future chapters, considering Sim will need to go on the warpath. Also, this fic has barely used any time-skips so far, so I might be introducing those more in the future.

As for what the future may bring, if you wanna find out what happens in the next chapter, you can! Head on over to my Patreon and read ahead there!
11: Getting a Leg up


Nearly a week passed before I deemed it safe enough for our little group to make our way back (discreetly) towards NC proper again. In that time, Big Pete had pulled through and managed to fix (or at the very least, cover) nearly all the superficial damage my beloved car had suffered at the hands of those Militech jarheads. Bringing him in, despite the risk, had proven to be the correct move, and not just for my state of mind (though that was a very welcome benefit for all parties involved as well), but for our continued (if relative) safety in general. In all the commotion, the bastards had managed to tag me.

Honestly, say what you want about Militech (and there's a lot to be said about them), but with their obsession with all things warfare, it shouldn't be much of a surprise that they got urban combat down to an exact science.

No, literally. They offer university-level courses specifically studying Militech's tactics in third world countries from the First to the Fourth Corpo War (nothing on the Unification War of course, since their tactics in that particular little dispute could basically be boiled down to 'bury Northern California beneath its own bedrock and Night City with it', which as you can imagine isn't a popular class here in NC). I've heard they're actually quite fascinating, though sadly I've never attended. Photographer couldn't fit me properly on the picture for my ID card. Though that could've been his shakes acting up.

Yeah, that's probably it.

As for the Militech jarheads back at the Night City Center for Psychiatric Health, they hadn't just settled for simply tagging my beauty with any ordinary tracker neither. The dataspike they chose turned out to be a sort of hollow casing with the tracker built inside of it, which they then shot into the body plating of the tuned Quadra Type-66, making it appear as just another bullet hole. I wasn't too proud to admit I likely would've missed it on my own, unless I went about digging the bullets out of my Avenger like I usually did with myself. Still, your average, decently skilled and chipped Techie would've noticed the embedded tracker and destroyed it on the spot.

However, even besides the fact that I had another plan in mind for the tracker and thus didn't want it destroyed on the spot, such a Techie likely still would've missed the fact the bullet housing the tracker in fact came from a Smart Gun and that it had already managed to upload a few nasty daemons to the Avenger's on-board neural computer.

Luckily for me, Big Pete, while certainly a raging asshole at times with piss poor judgement of character, wasn't just your 'average' Techie (which is why I even bothered keeping him around despite the whole 'raging asshole' part. That and as a favor to his brother). While he carefully extracted the tracker, bullet and all, from the gouge it had left in the back flank of my muscle car, Sasha had swiftly jacked her personal link into the Quadra's interface and began squashing bugs.

They worked quickly, but meticulously, the knowledge that even now Militech was likely busy triangulating our location breathing down their necks and giving haste to their movements. Considering the disruption thrown up by the sudden sandstorms that could swiftly sweep across the countryside, as well as the constant interference from the nearby Kang Tao solar-powered microwave plants, it was unlikely they had pinned us just yet, which gave us some breathing room, but considering Militech's sheer amount of recourses, likely not that much.

Sort of like a corset left just a smidge loose enough so we wouldn't immediately faint, but certainly tight enough we wouldn't be performing any suggestively athletic dances at Empathy any time soon. Or really even be able to bend over at all so we could kiss our asses goodbye should Militech roll up to the dilapidated chop shop in full force, which was at least a vividly enough metaphor (or is that analogy?) to light a fire under Pete's and Sasha's asses and get them to hurry the fuck up.

The commotion had stirred David from his vigil at his mother's side, the woman still out colder than a corpos heart and thus blissfully unaware of the shitstorm we were currently trying to sail ahead of. While he looked rightfully concerned when we gave him the cliff notes explanation of what was going on, especially when I brought out the corset analogy, neither Maine nor Dorio seemed all too worried about the prospect of a Militech convoy venturing out here into the Badlands.

Part of that was probably Maine still being buoyed by the last of his battle high (as well as the… other kind of high Dorio had given him) since we took out a bunch of Militech enforces with relative ease already, so he isn't exactly hesitant about a potential round two. And where Maine goes, Dorio is sure to follow, considering she can match her man almost punch for punch. Add me and even Sasha into the mix and sure, I'd give us easy odds against about 80 to 90% of the crews running on the Edge in a straight up fight.

Still, the reason why I wasn't particularly worried didn't really have anything to do with our chances in full-on combat, but rather my hope that it wouldn't even come to combat in the first place.

Autowerks was located in Jacksonplains, which was a Wraiths stronghold out here in the Badlands, which made it… unhealthy for corpo convoys, even heavily armed ones, to pass through on biz. I mean, the Aldecaldos could be considered as close to the 'good guys' as this world had and even they mercilessly gunned down an armed escort because they saw the Basilisk as too juicy a prize to ignore (and 'cause V was way too absorbed with his 'follow PanAss' questline to bother telling her what a reckless gonk she was being).

And Wraiths were those motherfuckers crazy enough that even the Aldecaldos said 'no, thank you' and kicked them out.

Would it be enough to dissuade any potential Militech pursuers? Possibly. Maybe. Honestly, it would more depend on the pressure that Biotechnica is placing on them to fulfill their contract, rather than any reservations Militech themselves might have about dealing with a potential Raffen Shiv raid. The Mad Max-wannabes were simply part of the larger cost-to-worth calculations corpos were always performing, so the question became: am I worth the trouble that crossing Wraith territory will cost them?

Now, I can't really influence the way corpos calculate that equation directly, since that would mean changing what those cold bastards see as 'worthwhile'. If I could, I would basically be the Messiah of the dystopian cyberpunk setting and, no matter how much Ma keeps telling everybody willing to listen (and whacking everyone who wasn't with a hammer), cyber-Jesus I was not.

That being said though, while I cannot change the math itself, I can change the sum. Sort of place one thick, clawed finger just ever so slightly on one end of the scales, stack the weight a bit higher, make the numbers turn out just that bit worse for any corpo bean counter. Which was the entire reason I had Big Pete carefully extract the tracker wholesale instead of destroying it immediately.

"Dorio, Maine, you up for this?" I rumble out in a low voice as behind me I feel the large mercenaries shift and move, my eyes intent on Big Pete and Sasha as they're bent over the tracker sitting almost innocently on a nearby workbench.

Dorio just shrugs and stomps off towards Maine's purple Quadra without another word said, but the cyberpunk himself instead steps up closer to me, slapping me on the shoulder (he needs to reach a bit higher than he's used to) with enough force it would've sent a smaller man flying, though I barely even so much as budge.

"No sweat Boss. I'm not tight with Dakota or anything, but shooting her a message askin' for a little… discreet transportation? They're Nomads, it's what they do!"

"You up front with her? Tell her the cargo is hot?" I press, my voice lined with caution

"You expect us to be 'up front' with folks like them now? And here's me thinking you got a hateboner for fixers, one and all?" Maine says with a prodding elbow and a challenging grin, though he backs off as I shoot him a glare from the corner of my eye.

"I do. Which is the whole reason I don't go around needlessly pissin' 'em off and giving them any more of a reason to try and come after me and mine. Soon as the 'Mad Coyote' thinks I set up one of her drivers as a sacrificial lamb on Militech's chopping block just to save my own hide, suddenly every Animal's gonna learn real quick why you don't get into a stranger's van, 'specially not out in the Badlands." I growl out, the deep timbre of my voice rumbling out over the dilapidated workshop and Maine holds up his beefy hands at me as he backs down.

"Easy there Boss. I hear ya. Gave all the detes to Dakota, at least those needed for the biz. No worries, told her cargo was hot, pursuit inbound. Also told 'er we were good for the scratch, no questions asked. She was cool with it, already flicked the driver the coords. Geo tag for pick up confirmed." The hardened mercenary quickly explains and I lower my raised hackles with a considering hum.

"Pete?" I call out to my Techie and mechanic.

"Little bug is still sending, though as far as Sasha and I can tell it's exhausted its on-board daemons. So no more slipping bugs into car mainframes, it's just passive now." Tiny Mike's brother immediately responds, taking hold of the unusually large bullet and tossing it my way.

My clawed hand shoots out like lightning as I snatch it out of the air with pretty much literal cat-like reflexes, my warm palm completely engulfing the cool metal. I shoot Sasha a raised eyebrow, but a quick nod from her confirms the Techie's words and I grunt in acknowledgement. Raising up the 'bullet' between the curved tips of my claws, I address the merc at my side.

"Well then, pedal to the metal Maine. You got the coords: you and Dorio drop off our little friend here with Dakota's driver. Straight there, don't bother asking him where he's gonna drive off to, he won't tell you. After, take the 101 North. It'll take you the long way 'round NC, but it should get you into Watson through Industrial Street. From there, it's a straight shot past Grand Avenue in Westbrook towards Rancho Coronado."

Maine takes the tracker from my large paw with an annoyed scoff.

"Not some rookie, Boss. I know my way around, stop worrying already, would ya?" He says in a tone that manages to sound both irritated as well as bored while he makes to move past me, but my loose grip on his shoulder halts him in his tracks.

"I know that, Maine. But there's a lot riding on this and I need you to take this seriously, even if you ain't happy with it, or consider this type of gig beneath you. I understand-"

"Look, Boss. I know what you're gonna say, so just lemme be the one to say it first, aight? I get that I ain't 'cactly the most… subtle choombatta around. So yeah, being reduced from up-and-coming Night City legend to a gangoon's errand boy…" Maine trails off, tossing the bullet up and down in his hands for a few moments as he shakes his head.

"It's buggin' me, sure. So, I get why you're ridin' my ass on this, I do. 'Cause you're right, I ain't happy 'bout it. Here's the thing tho: I gave you my word. Vouched for me and my crew. And to me, that shit means something. And 'sides all that, the more time I'm spending with you, the more I'm startin' to think I'll see more bodies drop just runnin' your little errands, than my crew ever could've managed to put in the ground even if we gave up the edgerunner-life and opened up a funeral home."

Maine's morose expression shift into a mischievous grin as he gives me a friendly slap on my shoulder.

"So, like I said. Stop worrying so much already, would ya, Boss? I'm in your corner."

I briefly lock gazes with the cyberpunk, before agreeing with a heavy sigh. I'd figured that Maine wouldn't have left his dream behind that easy, even if he gave it all up without much of a fight because of his loyalty to his crew. My biggest concern had been whether or not I had to fear any potentially lingering resentment over the thing boiling over into outright betrayal, because that's exactly the type of dramatic shit Night City thrives on. So if Maine had brushed me off saying everything was just fine and dandy, I paradoxically only would've become more paranoid.

As it stood, this was about the best I could hope for. Yes, he was still clinging on to his ridiculous dream of dying stupidly enough the Afterlife would name a drink at him (a level of morbid marketing even corpos would applaud at with jealous awe), but he at least seemed to try and find ways to adapt to his new lot in life, to make the best of things.

Can't ask a man for more than that.

"Alright. I'm trustin' you on this Maine. Drop the tracker off, double-back to NC, make sure neither of us picks up a tail. God knows Ma has already been trying to fit me with one since I was eleven." I mention, moving past Maine as I ignore his baffled slow blink.

"Pete, Sasha. Take Shannon's Rattler, make your way back to our safe house in Rancho Coronado, link back up with Ma. Old Nomad vehicle like that on the outskirts of town won't draw much attention, and once you cross into Animal territory, you should be safe. I'll take the kid and his mom, follow you after, try and stick to the side roads." I order as the two larger mercenaries squeeze themselves in Maine's purple Quadra.

With a roar of the classic Type-66 engine, they peel out of Autowerks in a great cloud of dust and burnt rubber, off to meet one of Dakota's drivers. Pete doesn't seem to care much either way, already moving to Shannon's Galena, but Sasha looks a bit conflicted.

"You sure you wanna split up?"

"Got two cars Sasha and we need 'em both back. I'm sure as hell not leaving my Avenger here, and Shannon will literally claw my face off if I leave her old rust-can behind, especially in Raffen country, given that she's ex-Nomad. Her old clan might consider her a Static now, but bad blood like that just don't wash out." I explain as the netrunner worries her lip.

"I get that, but shouldn't I ride with you?"

"Best you stick with Pete, keep an eye out on him, as you're the better combatant. 'Sides, someone's still gotta watch over the Martinez' and they'll be safest with me."

Seeing her downcast expression, I step a bit closer, extending the wicked bear-like claws on my thick paws with a fierce grin, reminding her of her own thin ones currently hidden away underneath the chrome of her fingers.

"I ain't sayin' I don't wanna ride with ya, Sasha. I'm sayin' I'm trustin' you on this. We're the only ones here worth a damn in a fight, so putting all our eggs in one car won't help us any. And considering just how small the Galena is, puttin' Gloria and David both in that little rust-bucket won't be doin' anyone any favors. So, you are the huscle on the Thorton, I am the huscle on the Quadra and I'm countin' on the both of us to make it back to Squash's pack in one piece. Got me?"

No need to explain to her the real reason as to why the mere thought alone of the Martinez' in an old Thorton Galena is enough to make my hair stand on end. Especially considering the gang responsible for their fateful and fatal accident in the original timeline…

Sasha sighs, but acquiesces as she gives me a final nod.

"Got you. Meet you back in NC, Sim. Stay safe." She shoots over her shoulder, Pete having already fired up the old Galena, letting it's tuned engine rattle and roar with impatience.

The moment she's hopped on the passenger seat, the Techie wastes no time in peeling out of Autowerks as well, much like Maine disappearing in a cloud of dust, clearly worried about running into a Militech convoy on the road and thus eager to get off it asap.

That leaves just me and the scrawny would-be protagonist huddled at my side.

"Collect your Mom's things, and make sure to clean up after ourselves. Best to leave no clues behind for corpo dogs to sniff us out with. I'll go and get Gloria. Wait in my car and don't. touch. Anything." I instruct the teen, who hurriedly holds up his hands in a placating motion as he gulps.

"Sure thing, Sim!" as he goes about collecting our gear with hurried motions.

Like I said, best not to leave any clues lying about, especially not a NUSA-exclusive, top-shelf, Luna-engineered piece of chrome advanced enough to have your neurons leak out through where your eyeballs used to be. Remember kids, it's important to always clean up after yourself. Even though it would seem I'm literally the only Animal in existence that actually got that particular memo. While Ma never got on my case about cleaning up my room when I was younger, I still turned out much tidier than any Animal, especially when it comes to military grade equipment.

For instance, I actually bother to regularly wash and clean my clothes from the inevitable sweat and blood that my lifestyle puts them through, unlike say, just ripping them straight off when I'm done with them because I can't be bothered with all the belts, zippers and buckles that is essential to cyberpunk fashion, instead simply haphazardly throwing them across the common room where they just might smack a far too young and innocent youth, who had just finished showering, right in the fucking face.

I never forgave Uncle Randy for that.

Then again, he never forgave me for biting off his nose, all over some "underwear that was only barely a week old, there weren't even nuthin' wrong with 'em, honest, they were just too tight, really riding up the crotch-area, you know, so what's he so fuckin' mad about anyways?".

I don't much like Uncle Randy. 'Sides, we got him a new nose anyways. Eventually.

It's telling what Animals are like when you realize most of my 'family' sided with Randy over me though. When it comes to cleanliness (that being, not living like a literal toddler who just throws anything anywhere and never bothers to shower) many of them just think I'm weird. Ma even tried to have me tested on OCD once back when I was just a kid, but the psychiatrist she kidnapped to run tests on me ended up fainting too often for her tastes and she didn't much appreciate his eventual diagnosis neither. Nor did I, for that matter, since his only response to Sasquatch's question of "well? What's wrong with my son?" had been a very quiet and disturbed "… everything?"

Naturally, Ma had wanted a second opinion.

Going up to the upper levels of Autowerks, I shrug off the memory as I lift the petite Gloria Martinez off the couch she had been resting on, her face still utterly blank and emotionless as she remained submerged in an artificial sleep. Harsh as it was, this was probably the most rest the woman had gotten in literal years, likely since David's birth. Hopefully it would allow her body to recover enough strength not to fail her as it had in the show, though I had my doubts if the 'doctor' had spoken the truth on that matter. In fact, I seriously questioned whether or not little David had actually received his mother's ashes in that urn. I mean, even the Valentinos tended to see them more as convenient smuggler-cannisters than receptables of the dead, as that one gig in the La Catrina funeral home in Vista Del Rey proved. Considering the plans that Shipman had for Gloria…

Well, no matter now, I supposed. Whatever the true reason for the woman's disappearance had been, I had made sure it wouldn't come to pass this time around. How that would affect the Martinez' in the long run I couldn't know and some part of me didn't want to know, beyond making sure Gloria got a new set of legs and, if possible, get David and Lucy to hook up again.

Not that I'm really looking forwards to having even more sexual energy in my squad of hardened criminals, but I suppose something like that would be unavoidable in a horny city like NC.

Scanning the upper floor a final time to make sure I hadn't missed anything, I make my way downstairs again towards the main area of the garage, pleased to see that David was finished with collecting everything down here as well. As he throws the large plastic bag, once again containing Norris' Sandevistan, in the trunk of my Avenger, I gently place the comatose Gloria in the backseat. As I squeeze myself behind the steering wheel (despite the modifications, I'm still stupidly large compared to most transportation design standards), David hops in the seat next to me, and then with a deep guttural rumble of the engine and the tearing squeal of the tires, we roar out of the dilapidated Autowerks building and speed off into the dust-covered Badlands.

It was time to go home.

Several days had passed since then. I had given orders to everyone in our group to fall back to a safe house near the Tripple Extreme Gym that Ma and I had recently taken over. The former paint factory itself may be a hotspot for our Animal gang, but it was hardly a defensible or low key position. Better it serve as a distraction while the more vulnerable among us hide somewhere a bit more discreet. Considering this part of Rancho Coronado is filled with empty warehouses and residential buildings, that proved to be rather easy, especially as Ma's hold on this territory was practically uncontested, ever since the sudden death of the previous Alpha at the hands of yours truly.

It certainly helped that the loathsome man proved to have been as unpopular as Sasquatch was intimidating, meaning we weren't even hearing rumblings from the Alpha's own pack that got rolled into Sasquatch's larger group.

Between them making a ruckus and with Dakota giving me a call to confirm her driver had led a (surprisingly small) Militech team out on a wild goose-chase throughout the edges of the Badlands all the way down towards our border with Southern California, I felt the pressure on my lungs leave as I realized we had gotten away with rescuing Gloria practically scot-free.

No Militech hounding our asses and you could barely even see the scars from the bullet-holes on both me and my Quadra. Really, the only lasting proof of the woman's imprisonment in one of the most horrifying institutes in Night City were Gloria's legs, or the lack of them, rather.

The less visible proof of the whole ordeal was how David was dealing with it all. He hadn't been back to Arasaka Academy since the accident, even though physically he had healed up pretty well considered how severe the crash had been, not to mention the beating Tanaka Junior had given him the day before that. Considering his absence from class and his refusal to pick up their phone calls (not that I would've let him communicate and potentially blow our cover anyways), I wouldn't put it past those 'Saka corpo cunts to have revoked his enrollment at their Academy as punishment for the near two weeks of missed lessons.

Not that the young teenager seemed to mind much, though it wasn't hard to see the guilt flashing across his face whenever he looked at his mother. I wondered how Gloria would react to her son throwing away what she had worked her ass off for so long to provide. Then again, I didn't feel much for pushing the teen to go back to the Academy either, just for him to be sneered at and beat up again.

For all his naivety, David had been right about one thing at least: the corpo world would never accept him, not truly.

It promised to be one hell of a fight once the woman wakes up and hears what her son has been up to while she was unconscious, which was partly why we had decided against trying to wake her from her coma. The shock of both David's un-enrollment as well as her own severe injuries might be too much for her to take.

I had some ideas in mind to try and mitigate the potential fallout, especially since I was forced to wait a little while until my other two targets became available anyways. Sasha was still hounding Lucy's steps, who according to my netrunner had either been good enough or just paranoid enough to realize someone was trying to track her down, right after her mentor had mysteriously disappeared. There was no way of telling whether or not Lucy was aware that Kiwi had been fried, but if she knew, it would explain why she'd rather bolt than stick around to see if she'd be part of NC's weekly bodycount lottery.

It's not being paranoid if they're really out to get you, even if it's just with a job offer.

As for Shipman, I had my other netrunner Vasili try and dig up intel on the despicable Biotechnica researcher, which was a bit of a hassle considering the man, as expected, wasn't on any of the corpo's payrolls. Not exactly a good look on your quarterly audit when there's a budget labelled 'baby-killing' after all. And while Vasili was decent enough a netrunner, he wasn't exactly what you'd call top-tier, not yet at least. Compared to the best of the best in the 'runner biz, like Lucy, V or even the Voodo Boyz, I wouldn't trust my Animal-turned-hacker with breaching a datafortress as secure as Biotechnica's.

Not that his brother Dominic would've allowed Vasili to commit suicide by security-deamon in cyberspace.

As a megacorp that dealt in the world's food, fuel and medicine supply, Biotechnica of course had their fair share of skeletons in their closets, though in this case calling it an entire graveyard was probably more accurate. And since Sasha was hellbent on putting on her gravedigger-cap and had already unearthed one of those many skeletons, the corpo's security likely had gotten even tighter than before.

That meant cracking Biotechnica communications and data storage for clues about Shipman's current whereabouts were beyond Vasili (and the majority of your run of the mill netrunners too, I'd reckon). Still, sniffing around their periphery, flagging outgoing and incoming signals from third parties and the like, that was entirely doable, if of course still risky. As both of my netrunners were preoccupied and Ma didn't really need my help beating the local Animals into shape, that left me with a bit of time on my hands, which I intended to make good use of.

Not in the least because Sasquatch had practically been hounding my steps, clearly wondering why her 'cub' suddenly returned with a comatose woman in tow and a kid that was glued to either his mother's side or (to my surprise) mine. As that was a conversation I'd rather not have, considering I could already tell which dangerously embarassing way Ma's thoughts were turning by her expression alone, I threw Maine at her instead (quite literally too, to his great surprise) and swiftly jumped out of the nearest window (to the shocked surprise of the next door neighbor, considering we were three stories up) so I could heroically run away.

After all, I had biz to attend to.

As said, David spent most of his time moping around his still comatose mother whenever he wasn't following me around like a lost puppy and that situation likely wasn't going to change until Gloria woke up, which as it stood right now (pun not intended) wasn't the best idea, considering her lack of legs and David's lack of future prospects.

Now, getting your hands on replacement limbs wasn't too much of a hassle here in NC, especially the low-grade, basic steel contraptions that barely had any modern electronics in them. In many cases, they were barely a step up from the prosthetics that my old world had been capable of, even if they were far cheaper and thus more ubiquitous. Hell, in some of the poorer districts like on the outskirts of Dogtown, I had even seen crap that barely qualified as more than a metal peg leg soldered to chrome joints.

Not that I'd saddle Gloria with scrap like that of course, considering that with my budget I could easily afford more than just some simple off-shelf Zetatech repros. It wouldn't be corpo levels of Neo-Kitsch, but then again it didn't really need to be. Gold inlay is tacky anyways, in my personal, unbiased opinion.

Though Ma once had almost managed to convince me to install the bright golden dentures (complete with enormous fangs) she had gotten me as a birthday present when I turned twelve. I blame my teenage stupidity on that near mishap. Pretty sure I ended up turning those teeth into a wicked set of knuckle dusters, though I can't remember where I left them. Probably up Uncle Randy's ass or something. Huh, I should try and find them one of these days.

As for Gloria, she hardly needed the solid gold cyberware. That being said though, David had already mentioned a few times that his mother had an aversion to plain chrome implants as well. Considering her side hustle had involved ripping said chrome straight out of fresh corpses to sell to cyberpunks (with much of that currently residing in one of my employees in fact) and I could see where the woman was coming from.

Thankfully, my unique upbringing meant that I was more familiar with alternatives to cyberware than most. Which led me back to an abandoned shack on the outer edges of Watson, again. Being the poorest district in all of NC (though Heywood comes pretty close, especially since tensions between the Valentinos and Sixth Street have been on the rise), it shouldn't come as a surprise that most of my underworld contacts tend to congregate around this miserable collection of waste-filled streets and crumbling concrete towers.

'Still, I wouldn't mind expanding my operations more towards areas like the vibrant Westbrook back alleys, if only to get away from the smell.' I thought to myself with a grimace as I stepped over a pile of something I hoped was just another soggy pile of Buck-a-Slice boxes.

The shack I'm looking for is one of many situated on one of Watson's expansive labyrinthian network of back-alleys and side-streets lurking in the shadows of dilapidated megatowers. Quite literally in fact, as Megabuilding H10, rising like a monolithic steel mountain out from Little China, towers high at my back, easily visible even from amidst the rundown houses.

The one I'm moving towards doesn't seem to be that different from any other on this little side street, the aged concrete floor littered with magazines, spent cigarettes and the foulness that accompanies any population just shy of being destitute. The street wears its filth like a badge of dishonor: puddles reflecting the garish glow from neon signs above as grime-streaked walls bear the graffiti scars of countless rivalries, turf wars, and in one case, the fury over a dishonest lover exposed for all to see.

Wherever you are, Jeff, know that the streets of Watson won't soon forget you're a 'cheeting basterd!'. And whoever you are that Jeff cheated on… I hope you've gotten some spelling lessons to soothe your aching soul.

Tearing my amused gaze away from the impassioned neon-green splattered over the nearby wall, I instead turn towards the shack itself. The building doesn't look much better than the rest of the street, truth be told: colorful yet ominous gang insignias (mostly new Tyger Claws tags sprayed over older, faded Maelstrom logos) clash with political slogans and corporate mockery. Posters, frayed at the edges and half-peeling, depict idealized cybernetic beauties advertising long-forgotten BD-shows. Whatever bare concrete remained exposed has either been covered by tags, graffiti or insults, or just straight up mud and filth, the grime coating the surfaces seemingly almost sentient, as if it, too, is trying to etch its own narrative into this urban canvas. A sliding garage door, once painted, now weathered and stained, stands defiantly shut, though on second thought that could just be less 'defiance' and more a lack of power and an overabundance of rust. Beside it, a regular door, locked tight, bears the battle scars of countless attempts at unauthorized entry.

'Well then… time to say hello.' I muse, my eyes roving over the front of the dilapidated building.

My boots crunching heavily over busted tarmac and scattered gravel, I step closer towards the door, my large knuckles rapping heavily against the scratched and dented metal. My hearing picks up a curse from the other side of the door, deeper into the building, quickly followed by hurried footsteps. Nothing seems to happen at first, but then the camera at the top of the building swivels around to focus down on me.

I had spotted it a mile away of course, and had this been one of the gigs Rogue had lined up for me and Benedict in the past, I would've started my approach much like I usually did while playing the game in my former world, during my previous life. I'd first jump onto the rooftop and take the camera, and any potential others, out first. That is, if I wasn't playing on a netrunner-build and simply zeroed the target with a daemon, my hands stuffed in my pockets while idly standing all the way on the other side of the street (like I said, my corpo V was a fucking nightmare). As I didn't have a cyberdeck in this new life, I couldn't remotely hack them, but manually shutting them down wasn't a problem.

And by 'shutting down', I of course mean 'tearing them straight out of the wall as if they were a band-aid' before giving Benedict the 'all-clear' signal.

Still, as I'm not here to bust heads and am in fact here as a customer rather than an edgerunner, I just look up at the camera and give it a jaunty wave and a big, friendly smile-

"Oh… oh fuck, it's you…" a terrified voice comes over the intercom.

Why do people never appreciate my smile? Is it the massive teeth?

"Whatever the fuck you want, go find it somewhere else! Little China is right there, or else Japantown! Lotsa smugglers there, they'll have what you need! Fuck it, go over towards Kabuki, tell Wakako to put everything on my tab, just fuckin' delta the fuck away from me!"

"Aw, come on Hayes! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you ain't glad to see me!"

"That's 'cause I ain't!"

"And here I thought that last time you were interested in my body… ~" I trail off with a suggestive wiggle of my eyebrows.

"Don't say it like that!"

"I know what I heard~" I purr and I can almost hear the retching noise through the thick steel of the front door.

"Look, all I said was that the way your body functions is fascinating-"

"Ha! Told ya, choom! You're just fascinated with me!"

"That's not what it means!"

"Just admit it Hayes. Why lie to yourself? You're obsessed with me." I grin up at the camera, leaning against the gritty doorway as I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't care about you, I just care about your body!"

For a moment, there's a beat of silence in the street as I just raise an eyebrow, while from the other side of the door I can hear a palm smacking into a face.

"Jeez, Hayes, didn't realize you were that shallow. Honestly, men these days…" I say with a huff as I brush my wild mane of hair out of my face.

"… just… what the fuck do you want, Simba?" the tired voice eventually concedes in a defeated tone.

"Honestly, I just want to put in an order. It's not even for me, hell, it's not even for one of my Animals. Nothing gangoon-related, this is genuinely honest biz, all above the table."

"You know full well I don't do honest biz, Simba. You wouldn't have come to me otherwise. If you actually had biz that was fully legit, you'd go straight to the corpos themselves."

"Well, sadly, they prefer not to be seen with criminals of my caliber."

"Shocking. And here I thought birds of a feather conspired together." Came the deadpan response and I once again shrug.

"Fine, even if it's not entirely legit, it's still risk-free. No heat on it, nada."

"If you're the one bringing me biz, then there's always heat attached."

"So you-"

"No, I don't think you're 'hot', stop twisting my words dammit!"

I chuckle at the outburst, before shrugging again.

"I'm bein' honest over here Hayes. Just need a set of replacement limbs. Legs, to be exact. Woman I know lost 'em in a traffic accident, doesn't do to well with chrome neither. You're her best hope at gettin' her life back on track choom." I explain and the other side remains silent for a long moment.

"… she's got a kid, Hayes. Barely a teenager. It's just the two of 'em and with her out like that… they've been through shit, Hayes." I press a bit further, laying it on thick.

A bit too thick, apparently, I quickly realize.

"Boo-hoo-hasn't? Look, I ain't runnin' a charity and I ain't willin' to stick my neck out for some sob story that you came up with just so you can get me workin' on gene-splicing for you again! That shit burned me once, I ain't gonna let me burn it again! Only way to fall even lower than Watson is to get buried six feet under it and I like breathin' too much, even if its unfiltered Night City air!" the former corpo snaps back with some anger, and I can hear the 'click!' as the intercom shuts off.

"Well now… that's just rude." I muse aloud, but there's no reaction even as the camera is still fixed on me.

I turn towards the door I'm leaning against, once again raising my hand and rapping my knuckles against its dented surface. Though this time, it's not to announce myself, but rather to listen to sound of the knocks themselves.

'Hmm… dense. Too dense. Probably reinforced from the other side after my last visit. That, or it's just common interior decorating when you're living in Watson.' I muse as I listen to the metal.

Could I bust it down? Maybe. Judging by the dents and scuffs that cover the faded, flaking paintjob of the door, many other have tried before in vain. Gangoons I'd bet, looking for their 'protection' money most likely. I've seen it plenty of times before, since Ma's pack run rackets like that as well. I've even done a few of those myself, back when I was younger and hadn't yet build up my own squad. Even back then, I had shown my worth to the other Animals by functioning as a human battering ram, even when terrified shop owners tried barring their doors to us. Considering my growth since those days and I should be able to do the same here, even with how heavy and reinforced the door had sounded. Depends on whether or not the reinforcements are anchored into the walls themselves. The concrete here is strong, but weathered and aged, so simply ramming the door, frame and all, straight out of the wall itself should be possible. Difficult perhaps, but possible.

It reminded me of a time in my youth, during a raid on a rival gang's main hide-out. They had been one of the innumerable small ones that plagued Night City, probably some kind of off-shoot of the Valentinos if I had to guess, judging by the sheer number of times I was called an 'hijo de puta'. Considering their small size, clearly their boss had decided to go all out in safe-guarding their little stash. Their main safe had all the works and despite it's humble locale above a run-down diner in the ass end of town, the vault wouldn't have looked out of place in Yorinobu's penthouse in Konpeki Plaza itself.

The sheer thickness of the safe's door alone meant that there was literally no chance we'd ever crack it. But, here's the thing, while the safety mechanism might've fit right in with Konpeki Plaza, the rest of the building was close to a century old and made as much of graffiti and grime as it was of brick and mortar.

So instead of going through the door, we instead went straight through the walls. Granted, it'd be a bit more difficult here with solid concrete and outer walls instead of the connecting ones from adjacent rooms, especially since I didn't have Ma's hammer with me, but still doable if tedious.

'Sides, I know these types of buildings so I know they don't have a back exit (what's that? A fire hazard? Here in NC? You're joking). meaning that if Hayes wants to escape or stop me, he'll have to go through the same door I'd be trying to bust through.

'Then again…' I muse to myself as I glance to the side, a smirk on my face as I think an almost heretical thought to any proper Animal.

I approach the shut garage rolling door, bending my knees and worming my clawed fingers right underneath its bottom edge.

'Work smarter, not harder.' I think to myself, trying to ignore the affronted grunt of shock my mother would've let out if she'd heard me say something so blasphemous aloud.

My claws find purchase, my enormous muscles bulge and flex, as I tense my entire body, before extending my frame to its full height with a straightened spine (remember kids, always lift with the legs) as the metal groans and deforms around my hands, rust shaking from the slides and above my head. As my legs fully extend, I get more room to place my hands properly against the bottom side of the rolling garage door and a rumbling growl comes from deep within my broad chest as I force the ancient structure further upwards. The torturous groan of bending metal and the screeching sound of rust grinding away fills the street, while from inside the shack come panicked and surprised shouts, but I ignore it all, gritting my teeth and with a final heave, I shove the rackety garage door up and over me.

I extract my hands from the deep imprints they left in the door, shaking them out a little as I bow my head and duck underneath the yawning opening, stepping further into Robert Hayes' workshop.

Various workbenches covered in tools and tables littered with various odds and ends greet me, the entire area a complete mess. Further towards the back are various vats filled with a green-yellow, almost viscous liquid and absolutely covered in bio-hazard warning signs and stickers. Cables feeding electricity and coolant run haphazardly over the dirty floor, leading towards a smaller office area deeper towards the back of the building where various screens show a live feed from the outside area.

Seated at the desk is a balding, slightly overweight middle-aged man, whose most striking feature are his bright yellow irises with those weird squid-like squiggles for pupils, the inhuman artificially grown eyes almost glowing in the dim light of his 'office'.

Robert Hayes was a former Zetatech employee before an unspecified falling out (that he always adamantly refused to talk about) led to him suddenly finding himself trying to scrape a living together on the brutal (and not to mention, filth-covered) streets of Watson, with only his wetware and biotech expertise to keep him afloat. For a while, that had meant cloning and vat-growing various vermin such as rats (the rodent, not the Scavenger rank) for the various scop-stands throughout this part of Night City, though that business of his had pretty much tanked after the plague of 2072.

Suddenly, people lost their appetite for rat after roughly three million deaths.

Luckily for him, that was around the same time I had finally received permission from Sasquatch to head up my own sub-group within her pack, which had led to me looking into upgrades for myself as well, beyond the bio-sculpts Ma had always arranged for me in the past. Or if not a power-up, at least a better understanding of just what I was, exactly, and what my body could be and would be capable of in the future. Hayes had been the one I had approached for that, getting his contact detes through various intermediaries in the bio-sculpt world that my Ma knew, since I couldn't remember anyone from the game who had the expertise I needed.

I had eventually found Hayes, but unfortunately, so had a small mob of Night City's most desperate and destitute, who blamed the vat-grower for the outbreak of the horrific zoonotic disease. Ridiculous of course, as the meat he grew wasn't really 'alive', but he had been a convenient target for any who had lost loved ones during the plague to focus their pain on. Even though I saved his skin that day, by 'encouraging' the mob to disperse, for some reason Hayes had gotten it into his head that I had somehow led the angry people to his doorstep.

Hence the frosty response I had gotten at the entrance.

Despite that however, the jab at his fascination over my body had some truth to it, as I had given him some bloodwork to go over. He had tried to explain to me just how my body produced its own Juice, but my high school-biology knowledge from my previous life hadn't reached far enough to fully understand the techno-babble. Apparently, my body naturally possessed several of the more expensive stimulants, organelles and cellular structures various militaries all over the world were developing to implant into their own (super)soldiers as an alternative to heavy-duty chrome swapping.

After all, Colonel James Norris was an excellent example of what could happen if you go overboard in 'borging out your trained killers.

Lactic Acid Recyclers gave me my enhanced stamina and allowed my already impressive musculature to keep preforming at peak-efficiency for extended hours, without the need of supporting them with unyielding steel. An increased Dendritic Protoplasma production meant my brain and nervous system were literally firing away at superhuman speeds, taking over the function of similar (and intensive) cyberware such as the Kerenzikov.

Which would actually mean that the aforementioned Colonel's Sandevistan shouldn't be too heavy for my body's neural processors to handle, come to think of it.

While all of this was somewhat difficult to create artificially in a way that wouldn't be rejected by the host-body, it was a vastly more efficient (if less extreme) way of upgrading your military forces. Far cheaper too, because instead of needing to develop, buy and repair costly cybernetics, you relied on the cheapest and most readily produced and available of all recourses: people.

Not that any of those superhumans would operate on anything near my own level, considering my unique heritage and upbringing, but overall, simply upgrading a regular human's body rather than replacing entire parts of them was still substantially cheaper and with less chance of a cyberpsycho attack to boot.

The most valuable enhancement Hayes had found that time however, had been the Pseudo-Embryonic Cell Builders that flooded my bloodstream and lymphatic system, which were apparently the cause for my advanced healing factor. When he had discovered those, the former Zetatech corpo had almost jumped towards me with the intention of dissecting me on the spot.

From what I could make out of his ranting and raving, they could be the key to vastly improving even the most advanced life-extending treatments the world's wealthiest could currently afford. Considering those could comfortably add half a century onto someone's life expectancy already…

However, even with the prospect of unraveling the secrets of near-immortality on the table, I had refused to let the man operate on me and considering he didn't have the scratch or the facilities to do a CAT-scan on me to peer into my body and study my enhanced musculature and altered bone-structure from the outside, that put a hold on our cooperation.

Though a large part of that stemmed from his sheer mortification when he had practically begged me for my seed after I had destroyed the blood samples I had given him, before he realized exactly how his request for tissue-samples had sounded. Which of course was why I relentlessly teased him whenever we met, much to his immense frustration and my amusement.

Despite the less than welcoming reception I had gotten at the entrance, and despite the way I had just left said entrance in my wake, I could see that even now, that frustration was warring with an undeniable hunger visible in those artificial yellow eyes of his as they rake over my body when I step into his little 'office'. Despite my innuendos and phrasing, there was absolutely nothing sexual in the way his eyes trace the outlines of my massive arms and in a weird way, that made it all even creepier.

I imagine this must be what ants feel like under a microscope.

As I duck through the doorway, instantly making the small office feel even more cramped, Hayes is drawn from his daydreaming as he whirls towards his desk, snatching up an older A-22B Chao, Kang Tao's entry into the Smart Gun market and rival to Arasaka's Yukimura. Not surprising, since there were rumours abound that the Chinese megacorp had quite literally stolen the engineer of the Yukimura out from under their Japanese rival's noses. If that was the case, they should've bagged the designer too in my opinion, considering how much sleeker the 'Saka Smart Gun looks.

As corrupt and foul to the core as Saburo's company may be, they have pretty much perfected appearing spotless on the outside.

While a valid contender to what used to be Arasaka's death grip on the Smart Gun market, I knew the Chao came with an odd little quirk of its own: thanks to its internal brain, it can 'do the thinking for you' as the Kang Tao slogan proudly advertises, which includes assisting in the reload. Once the last of the 21 cartridges is used (expelled in bursts of three), the empty magazine is automatically discharged. Easy-to-use, practical... unless the empty mag hits an unsuspecting shooter in the foot, that is.

Being the magnanimous gangoon that I am, I decide to protect Hayes against any such potential mishaps, so before his Smart Link even has had a chance to interface with the gun, my own claw sweeps out and slaps it from his grip, sending it clattering against the wall. He hadn't even managed to properly aim it my way and I can see him blink a few times in confusion at his empty hand, before slowly glancing from the broken pieces of his gun back up towards me, as a lazy grin slowly grows over my heavy features as I loom over him.

"Come now, Hayes. You could've hurt someone with that."

"Someone. That someone not being you, I'm guessing, judging by those scars on your chest… which leaves… well…" he stammers somewhat, and even though I don't say anything, my grin widens further, causing the geneticist to suddenly pale even more.

Man's looking like a ghost that saw another, scarier ghost at this point.

"R-right. You've made your point, Simba. You got biz? Alright, let's talk biz. You finally gonna give me some new blood samples after you trashed the ones you first gave me? Maybe even some spinal fluid? You know I could-" Robert continues, his tone picking up in intensity as he keeps talking and I can almost see the ugly, clinical fascination rear its head in his mind's eye.

In his actual eyes too, actually, a hunger in them making them almost glow with excitement.

He's getting so enthusiastic, in fact, he's rising up out of his chair. His mad-scientist vibes are seriously creeping me out, so I cut him off by placing my palm on top of his head, halting him mid-rise. Considering the sheer size of my 'murder-mittens' as Sasha called them, that means practically the entire upper half of Hayes' head is engulfed by the steel grip of my claws, their curved tips digging into, but not piercing, the man's skin. Effortlessly, I silently push him back down in his seat, only removing my hand when I feel his manic energy subside somewhat.

He blinks wide, yellow eyes up at me, the inhumanly weird pupils suddenly narrowing to thin focused lines, even in the rather dim light of his workshop. I bend in closer towards him and even stooped like this, I loom over the other man.

"Just biz, Hayes, like any other customer. No experiments. For now at least. Know you don't work for free; I could wire you ennies, or I could give you some samples. Tissue and blood, had plenty of that following a little… escapade of mine. No spinal fluid and none of my seed, don't you bother beggin'." I finish with a mocking grin, seeing as Robert pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

"And I assume the same rules still apply: no data goes out, it all gets routed back to you?"


"That's the whole fuckin' point, you being natural. Simba, imagine if we could sell this to some corpo fat cat! I mean, they say the Emperor's health is finally starting to decline after a century, just imagine the sheer wealth he'd give-"

Again, I grab him by the head, but instead of pushing him down, this time I instead lift him up in a smooth, effortless motion, all the way nearly to the ceiling so that he's eye level with me, all with a single hand. My narrowed gaze bores into his terrified artificial eyes and he gives an odd little shrug as his body dangles helplessly several feet above the floor.

"R-right. Right, no corpos. No riches, and no corpos. Got it, Simba. Crystal. Honest. Can you… could you put me down now… please?"

I hold his terrified look for a moment longer, before I loosen the grip of my claw, letting him heavily fall back into his chair as he lets out a small 'oomph!' I remain forbiddingly silent as the scientist tries to regain his composure.

"Alright. Regular biz it is. Legit, no heat attached. Payment in tissue-samples. All on the down-low, naturally." Robert mutters, more to himself than me, as he straightens up in his chair and moves closer towards the set of screens on his desk.

"Glad we could come to an agreement so quickly, choom." I rumble leisurely as I lean against his desk, the wood groaning underneath my weight as Hayes shoots me a disgruntled look.

"You know, considering your biz-tactics and your ideas of 'arrangements', you and corpos really are alike. I think you'd make an excellent suit."

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult."

"Yes." He bites out through gritted teeth.

I chuckle as the geneticist cracks his fingers before holding his hand out towards me, palm out flat.

"Detes of the patient, please. I'll need genetic markers, preferably a complete biomon read-out so I can attune the new meat to what the old one is used to. Minimizes rejection from the host. The more data, the better." He explains, familiarity giving a rote feeling to his voice, as if he's said this so often, his mouth is simply running through an autopilot program.

I fish a datashard from inside one of the many, many pockets and pouches lining my Entropism-styled cargo pants. On it is everything Hayes might need to graft a new set of legs for Gloria, considering Shipman had been thorough in examining her, disgustingly so.

Can't wait 'till the heat has died down enough for that Biotechnica slimeball to slip up and tweak one of Vasili's surveillance programs. I need to make a doctor's appointment.

Depositing the shard in Hayes' hand I lean back as the man goes through the data, setting up the process that will aid the Martinez' in setting their first step on the long, rough road to recovery, quite literally in this case. Still, despite the good deed I'm performing here, playing the Samaritan somehow leaves a persistent tingling at the back of my scalp and some small part of me worries if perhaps the price of getting Gloria back on her feet again might end up being higher than I anticipated.

Fun Fact: the toilet in V's Megabuilding appartement doesn't have toiletpaper. Then again, it doesn't have to, as there are three seashells and we all know how to use those…

AN: Sorry this took a bit longer than expected. I didn't save correctly when editing this chapter, so an hour of work was just poof! Gone, reduced to atoms.

So we're finally wrapping up the second arc in this story. I originally wanted to get more done in this chapter, such as getting Lucy on board and overall just insert more violence in general as that has been lacking a bit. However, the introduction of Robert Hayes ran away from me a bit, though I think there's a benefit to that. As a wetware and biomod expert, he'll be our window into exploring the features of Simba's body more… you know, even when I'm the one saying it, it still comes out sounding wrong... anyways, keep an eye on my Pa Treon, as I'll be uploading the next polls up there sometime tomorrow! Cheers chooms!
You know, Imma be real with all y'all: I genuine forgot I post this fic on this website as well. ...oops?