Somnia Virtua - A Magical Girl Crossover of SV's own stories

Instead of being kids who have no idea what they're signing up for, and who lack any real support net for all of the trauma they're going to suffer as a result.
I think that even if unprepared and due for inevitable trauma, it is important for kids to be able to see themselves as the heroes in these kinds of stories, and have the chance to face and work through those problems themselves rather than be smothered and hidden away. Though I do agree that some sort of better support network would be ideal. I suppose that will be interesting to explore in Amanda's role here.
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Episode 1-2
Even before it's properly begun, the tournament is loud. The grounds are crowded with people as last-minute examinations are done, information is exchanged, and young knights prepare to do… whatever it is knights do. Sasori doesn't actually know. The knowledge he woke up with seems to be linked to whatever people around his cocoon mentioned, and the place he's found himself in is about as far from the lab he hatched in as it could get. Zaiyu would probably know what knights do, but Sasori relies on Zaiyu too much already.

From the way Zaiyu has been acting, a knight is something like a bodyguard. Sasori knows what a bodyguard is supposed to be: intimidating. He seems to be pretty good at it, too, given the visceral reaction most people have to laying eyes on him.

Hm. Is he actually good at intimidating people if he's not trying to do anything, and people just tend to freeze up, back away slowly, or run screaming from his presence?

Again, Zaiyu would probably know, but Zaiyu smiled and verbally told Sasori to "go have fun" before the tournament began, while using a twist of magic to inform him that "Nanase is worried about something, so I'm going to take advantage of that. She'll be skittish if you're around. Make a show of heading out and then do some recon of the area. If something happens at the tournament, I want to be prepared."

"I don't have to join the tournament, right?" had been Sasori's immediate response.

"Absolutely not," Zaiyu had said. "In fact, I forbid it. I just got all the paperwork in order, if you try to slip in now it'll be a huge pain to redo the forms."

That had been a relief to hear. So Sasori had stood up from his habitual position–crouched behind Zaiyu in a way that was apparently considered menacing rather than shy or pathetic–and excused himself to prowl the grounds. Nanase, the green-haired girl Zaiyu had taken an interest in, had watched him leave out of the corner of her eye. His hearing was more than sensitive enough to pick up her sigh of relief when he was out of her line of sight.

And that was one of the milder reactions to Sasori leaving someone's presence and taking his apparent aura of terror with him. He's beginning to get really worried about this. But what is he supposed to do? Stop existing? If this fear he causes is being triggered by something, he doesn't know what. Zaiyu might know, but…

Well. Now Sasori's crouched in a dark, out of the way corner, where he has a good view of the tournament grounds without being close enough for someone to spot him, feeling sorry for himself. He's fairly certain that isn't what knights are supposed to do.

Watching the people rush back and forth is interesting, at least. As long as he's safely out of sight, he can hunker down and let the rhythm of life flow past him, observing without being observed. Stillness comes easily to him. So, he is somewhat surprised to find, does silence.

Talking with Zaiyu is easy, or at least easier, but Sasori supposes it would be asking too much for finding one friend to make him a social butterfly.

A girl darts past carrying a huge stack of clothes. Even though her burden is precarious, she's walking quickly with her head down. If Sasori looked at Kikuko Yukimura's face, he's certain he'd see a sort of controlled panic he's intimately familiar with: the terror of being surrounded with strange people who, horror of horrors, might want to talk to him. But he can't see her face. She's invisible. Because she can erase her presence all on her own, without needing to fall back on someone else's aid. Lucky.

Well, Sasori can still detect her movements in the air, the vibrations of her footsteps, and the buzz of space being occupied by a living, thinking creature, so she's probably not trying that hard to avoid notice right now. Sasori still refrains from looking at her for too long. It's what he'd want if someone spotted him tucked into his hidey-hole at the moment. Neither of them wishes to be perceived. And despite their respective handicaps–her oversized laundry basket, his monstrous body–they both seem to be doing a decent job of it.

Kikuko squeaks as she gets too close to a particularly determined current in the crowd and is crushed between three people, her basket getting dangerously close to tipping over. Sasori winces. He could go out and try to help. But with his looks, he'd probably just start some sort of panic.

Besides, there's another reason he's constantly aware of Kikuko's presence. Her mana smells delicious. It reminds him of the flavour of another girl's magic, and hours spent perched in a tree outside her window, grappling with an awful hunger.

He's never felt that close to starving again, but he'd rather not give himself another chance to make a terrible mistake.

Kikuko recaptures her garments, bows in the direction of the people she walked into, slumps as she realizes that she is invisible and they've already hurried off on their own errands, and walks off. She's heading in the direction that Sasori came from. Presumably, those dresses are for Zaiyu, Nanase, and the other nobles they hang around. Sasori wistfully considers following her.

Has it been long enough that he can justify heading back to Zaiyu?

Probably not.

A woman dressed in green and gold finery wanders out from another direction, where the training grounds teem with anxious youths and their only slightly less anxious elders. Her short hair is white as snow, but her face is unlined, giving her an ageless appearance. Young, yet old. Old, yet young. At least, that's Sasori's judgement, but he isn't human to begin with and isn't great at reading faces. He squints automatically to get a better look as she approaches. Then he remembers he doesn't need to do that here. His nearsightedness is greatly reduced in this place if not compensated for entirely. That makes it much easier to recognize her as Prince Hibiki Izumi.

Sasori doesn't know any more about princes than he does about knights, but Hibiki always seems to know what she's doing. Her graceful movements draw the eye in a completely different way from Sasori's presence. Even just walking toward the tournament grounds with a wooden sword over her shoulder becomes a performance when she does it. The workers, tired and burdened as they are, pause in their tasks to watch her. She smiles at them with the practised affection of a stage actor wooing the audience. Someone sways on their feet for a moment before shaking their head and scuttling away.

Hibiki chuckles softly, covering her mouth, and heads off like a character from one of Zaiyu's romance manga. Sasori watches her go with a sense of deep confusion. He's never seen someone almost be knocked off their feet by a smile before. At the same time, he didn't feel any particular threat to himself.

Is Hibiki like him, able to strike fear into the hearts of others with her existence alone? It seems unlikely, but he doesn't have any other explanations. Something to look into, maybe, if he can gather the courage to approach her.

It's probably a good thing Kikuko left so quickly, he concludes. She seems like the type who would swoon easily in the face of Hibiki's apparently dangerous smile.

Hibiki leaves quickly enough, blending smoothly into the crowd of warriors gathering around the walls quickly rising around the tournament grounds. Well, for a given definition of blending–she stands out from the rest like there's a spotlight on her. The other contestants mostly circle around her, planets trapped in her orbit, small, cold bodies revolving around a burning star. Her white hair is a beacon. And in that spotlight, she shines.

Maybe she doesn't have that much in common with Sasori after all. If he had that much attention on him, he thinks he might actually die.

A few more people pass by before he notices something odd. One of the guards who's meant to be watching the gate is hurrying back toward the tournament grounds. The figure is still in full armour, complete with face-covering helmet, but he's fairly certain he recognizes that aura of annoyance. That's Hayate, right? Not someone Sasori knows terribly well, but recognition comes easily for one simple reason: Hayate doesn't seem to like him, and he's rather sensitive to people who dislike him.

He automatically lays himself flat in his hiding place just in case the guard is looking for him. But no, Hayate's eyes aren't lingering on the corners or the shadows. Instead, they're searching the crowds for well-dressed women, gaze flickering from one ornate gown to the next.

Interesting. Did something come up?

A moment later, someone drops out of the sky onto the dirt in front of Sasori's hiding place. A girl with an ornate dress covered in brassy gears hits the ground and rolls into the corner with the ease of someone who's done it many times before. Unfortunately, this time, Sasori is in the way. He braces himself. A split-second later, she trips over him and goes sprawling.

Oh no.

"Please don't move," he hisses, freezing in place. "I'm venomous."

The girl groans and immediately plants a hand on his tail, right below the scorpion-like barb, because of course she does. The two of them both go very still as she realizes how close her fingers are to a stinger that's nearly a foot long.

"Please don't move," Sasori repeats helplessly. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Awfully kind of you," she says finally.

"Just hold still for a minute. I'm going to retract my spines. Carefully."

Sasori's body was made for violence. It came equipped with heavy armour, two kinds of venom, and all manner of claws and teeth. He very carefully lays the venomous spines growing along his outer armour flat and curls his tail back, moving as many of his sharp edges as he can well out of the girl's way. She goes tense as she registers exactly how much danger she was in. At least, he assumes that's why she's tense. Maybe she's just thinking about something stressful.

Like Sasori. Sasori is probably the something stressful.

"Okay," he says. "Um, you can get off me now."

She immediately hops away to the side and ends up pressed against the wall. Sasori takes a hint and moves over to the other side. With some distance between them, he's finally able to get a good look at her. Her dress is as frilly and decorated as he expected, the kind of delicate thing that would have Kikuko labouring over it to keep it intact through the laundry, and her hair was ruffled from exertion. A few extra metallic limbs hover over her shoulders, connected to the rest of her by pulses of magic. Sasori wonders if she can actually feel with them or if they're just metal. Judging by the way she ignores them as she fixed up her hair, then her skirt, they probably don't have any nerves in them.

"My apologies," she says once she's done touching herself up. "I thought this corner was unoccupied."

"That's, um, fine." He was trying to go unnoticed anyway.

The girl nods absently and opens a small compact, scanning her face in the mirror. She doesn't look at Sasori once. He can't tell if she's purposely avoiding looking at him or just more interested in her own reflection.

Sasori resists the urge to lean over and squint. He's kind of interested in her reflection himself. Something about her face feels a bit familiar, but he's not exactly used to recognizing people by their faces. Usually he can't see well enough for that.

"All the same, it was rude of me. And after you were so kind as to not spring a combat encounter on me despite me aggroing you."

Um. What?

"I'm not here to fight," Sasori says. "The tournament… I didn't enter it."

The girl's fingers freeze around her compact. "But you know where it is being held?"

"Y-yes?" Sasori's tail taps on the ground for a moment before he catches it. No sudden movements for it right now. "It's being assembled over there." He nods toward the tournament grounds. The arena is up by now, and some of the barriers, but the facilities are still clearly only about half-up. "But I think they're closed to new contestants."

"That's fine." She runs her fingers through long green hair, then tosses it over her shoulder. The compact snaps shut and vanishes in a flurry of sparks. "I just need to know where to go. Once I'm there, nobody will be able to deny me."

That doesn't sound right at all, but she says it with such confidence that Sasori is almost inclined to believe her. Almost.

"Well, it's over there. Please be careful. People worked hard to make this tournament."

"I'm sure they did." The girl nods and rises to her full height, towering over him. Though most things tower over him when he's deliberating making himself small. "Thanks, blue monster guy. I'll do your quest later."

B-blue monster guy?

Sasori opens his mouth to say… something… in response to that. Then a wave of pressure rolls over him and his jaw snaps shut. It feels like anger, old pain, and bloodlust. So much bloodlust. The light of the sun flickers, and for a moment, everything is cold. Everything is being drained away. If there was magic left in this corner after Sasori and his passive drain spent all morning there, it would be swallowed up, pulled down, down, down into a void that didn't exist a moment ago. Sasori can't move. Can't breathe. Everything he has is suddenly being poured into resisting that pull–and silencing the void in his chest that stirs, and hungers, and yearns to answer that awful tug with its own.

Finally, the pressure ebbs away. The feeling of mist covering the sun fades and Sasori can breathe again. By the time he raises his head, the green-haired girl is gone. Hayate's left, too, but it's the green-haired girl whose absence strikes him.

Ah. He finally realizes why she looked familiar.

The hair was different, and the clothes, but she had Nanase's face.

If she'd looked at him properly, would she have been as scared as Nanase? It's too late to ask. But that's probably for the best.

Sasori has no idea who she was or what she wanted with the tournament, but she spoke to him and she wasn't afraid. That alone makes a confusing interaction worth treasuring.
I honestly often forget that Sasori is supposed to be blue I'm more Associated him with like Browns like scorpions I wonder whose bloodlust that was that was an awesome description of it though
This threadmark doesn't seem to connect with the other one.

Each part is written by a different author and so POV swaps will be frequent. That said... Sasori both observed Kikuko's continued journey and had a certain pushy magical girl Hayate was looking for drop in on him, even if she didn't introduce herself. All while the tournament prep continues. The pieces are very much connected, I promise.
Each part is written by a different author and so POV swaps will be frequent. That said... Sasori both observed Kikuko's continued journey and had a certain pushy magical girl Hayate was looking for drop in on him, even if she didn't introduce herself. All while the tournament prep continues. The pieces are very much connected, I promise.
No they mean the threadmarks are literally unconnected lmao you can't progress between them with any arrows
Heart Wonder - Arlequine Lunaire
The new thread icon is of the mascot character Heart Wonder. I drew them myself, and narrowed it down from a selection of possible designs based on the people I asked:

I took inspiration from shiny Wooper, Quagsire, and Clodsire in Pokémon, and used creature designer n0Rtist's Stemian Wooper, Labsire, and Stemotl as references.
The eraser tool was used to fill in the eyes and get rid of some smudges.

I might redraw the chosen design as bipedal to help in fit the icon space better, if people would prefer that
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Episode 1-3

Somnia Virtua​

EP 1 Part 3

You grit your teeth as you rest, leaning slightly against the pillar. Willing for the incessant tapping in your chest to die down and vanish like the many other ailments you've been inflicted with in the past.

But, as always with such a persistent thing, it ignores your will and continues to go tap, tap, tap in your chest.

Right where the sternum should be. A constant, rhythmic feeling, as though someone's clicking a nail against a glass orb, each gentle tap causing it to crack the slightest bit more.

It's similar to that feeling you get whenever you push yourself too hard. A similar, more intense cracking sensation, like a crystal ball exploding in your chest and leaving you shivering in excruciating pain for what feels like the rest of the day.

It's different though. You can say that for sure. The tapping is a more recent thing. A year or two ago perhaps?

You can't particularly remember really… you just know it hasn't been with you your entire life like the pain of pushing yourself too hard.

A silent sigh escapes your nose as the feeling slowly dies down over a few minutes. The burst of tingling static turning into an odd buzzing. Like your legs are asleep, but all over your body. The Voices mutter and question. Wondering what it is, telling you what it is, telling you how to dampen the feeling.

But they're unclear as usual, murmurs and whispers and shouts melding together into a headache inducing cacophony or a muted, muttered murmur. They notice the folly of their efforts of course, and so that too dies down after yet another failed attempt at telling you what this feeling happens to be.

You clench your fist.



And the static slowly fizzles away as well. Leaving you clear headed and sound of body.

If you ignore the dull ache in your chest.

But that's something that's always there when you're not in a fight. A pain, a chilling cold that grows stronger by the day. Then vanishes as soon as you spar or enter some sort of confrontation. That vanishes whenever the two… things in your chest start spinning and rotating and roaring in kind with your will and emotions.

No apothecaries could tell you what they are. No mages. While you might have tried to tell other people about it… Your attempts in childhood still scar you. Most just assumed it was a feeling you were making up. So these… Cores, as you've come to call them, are just a secret for yourself.

You could reflect all day if you wanted… You've always been a girl stuck in her own head. Yet staring at the grand fountain only shows your own reflection. Not someone else's as you splash some water on your face. Purple eyes. Brunette hair. A cute Purple bow.

They're what define you, Fillia Solthoth, Commoner Orphan turned Heiress to the Solthoth Dukedom after a night in a wintery forest burning with ash and flame. A night which scarred your very form, scars now hidden with cloth and mind.

You shake your head. Letting out a breath once more and centering yourself as you've been taught. Head Maid Elly's teachings running through you as you step through the process of focus.

Find an Image.

Find a Meaning.

Visualize what you want as clearly as you can.

Then add Will and something more.

The "Something More" confuses you still. You're pretty sure she means Magic. Yet you can't use magic. Never could. Never will. But, repetition breeds familiarity, or something like that.

A hand taps onto your blade. And you find your center among the chaos. Setting back at the task you'd been doing before being so rudely interrupted by the Tapping.

You had to find a sneaky little git who thought she could sneak off when you weren't looking.

Sadly for her. You're always looking. And even when you're not. You're always knowing!

That makes sense right?

You think it makes sense…

That sounded so much cooler in your head. Damn it…

Honestly Nanase… If you didn't want to fight, all you had to do was say so… It's not like you'd throw her out in the middle of the arena with only a sword to her name or something.

No, no, no. That's what a stupid, half rate villainess does. Not you… You'd also have to deal with the witch that is Lady Amanda….

Nope. You're staying as far away from those grabby, huggy arms of her as you can.

A knight doesn't only have to be a fighter. She could've found something else to do like being a medic. Or a scout. Or even a message runner or something.

But nope. The girl decided it was a smart move to run off and hide somewhere. So here you are. Tracing her steps to find where she decided to vanish to.

…God you'd give the recluse a hug or something if it didn't seem so out of place. Hugs fix most problems!

Sadly, that doesn't fit with the role of Mentor that you've been given. Or at least it doesn't fit with the mentor role you've taken up as part of that role you've been given by the Witch.

She's technically a Royal Guard or something…. But to you she's a witch. No one but Elly should be able to sneak past your Bubble of Knowing to hug you. No one!

You push past the side tracked thoughts once again. Noting how the chill and pain in your chest has receded a little from the burst of emotion at your mental recap.

You grumble for a second about useless, pretty witches and how you really don't like her as you scan your surroundings in search of Nanase.

"What I wouldn't give for a minimap about now … though I can't say I've seen that NPC before. Oi, you!"

Your head snaps towards the voice. Body twisting around with such speed you watch the owner flinch backwards as you glare at her.

…So it's Nanase. Can't say you expected her to just walk up behind you…

Maybe she thought she could knock you out. Huh. Guess you can give her credit for that.

No one else has tried that this week to get out of training.

Maybe she actually has some fire in her behind all that meekness and gloom.

"Hello? Can you even … tsk, great, another one. There's definitely a problem with their hearing. Was that something I changed when I messed with the settings?"

You blink back to focus, watching Nanase waving a hand in front of you. You raise an eyebrow, pad of paper coming out of one of your dress pockets as you write down a question.

No rush. No scribble, a Noble takes care in all her actions to not bring shame upon them… you might also be taking a bit of amusement with how Nanase's showing more emotion today.

If you didn't know her, you'd say she looks a little annoyed at being made to wait.

She's not of course. This is Nanase you're talking to. Gloomy, introverted Nanase.

…Maybe that's assuming too much, she could actually be annoyed at you…

Paper ruffles up. And she blinks a bit at reading the text.

"Paper? And what do you mean by 'where was I'? I've clearly just arrived. Is that really so strange to you?"

… Well, she's definitely emotional. Then again, nerves are hard to beat~

Unless you're you. In which case, you don't have to deal with nerves!... Though maybe that's because you're like a battle maniac or something…

You think Lady Alice called you that the last time you had her modify one of your skirts… Nah, you're fine.

Just ignore the muffled giggling voices in your head. And try to ignore that chilling cold as something feels like it's seeping from you in a slow trickle.

Like sand through an hourglass, falling out grain by grain, leaving an empty void be-

"Hey, I'd like a reaction, thanks. If you really are deaf, then I'd rather not spend my time trying to draw water with a wicker basket."

Fingers snap in front of you again. Bringing your focus back to the outside rather than your insides. And when you blink, Nanase's even closer. Really close actually.

In perfect grabbing distance. And the poor girl's definitely not thinking clearly if she's gotten this close to you after running off like that.

Nothing a bit of training won't fix~ You've been needing to get rid of this chill in the air for a while now afterall.

What better way than knocking some cute girls around until they return the favor!

…Crap… maybe you actually are a battle maniac….

Eh, time for introspection later. Your hands snap forward, watching Nanase flinch again at the sudden burst from stillness to motion.

You grip around her collar, taking care to avoid anywhere that'll rip or cause her to choke as you start walking back towards the prep room. Dragging your charge along with you as she struggles and sputters.

Muttering something about NPC's and Forced Loss events? You don't really understand what she says as she starts muttering some other language… you didn't know Nanase was multilingual…

Or maybe you'd forgotten? You were pretty focused at times. Like really focused… Miss Satsuki says it's something to praise you for… though you don't think mother agrees with that. They both shared a giggle when she mentioned it though…

Father finds it cute. But he ruffles and ruins your hair whenever you do it, so his opinion is invalid most of the time.

Nanase continues to complain, a welcome change from her usually resigned expression whenever you catch her, she mutters things, struggles. And when you turn to look at her, an eyebrow raised in question.

She actually glares at you. Which has you smile real brightly~

Look at all that spunk. All that emotion!

And now she's shivering.

You should let her escape more often. You're actually feeling a little tingly! Especially as those orbs in your chest start to move just a little, bringing with them a burst of heat through your body.

Definitely doing this more the next time you see her…

You really should stop getting lost in your thoughts… This definitely isn't healthy.

Through the door you go, a gentle push sending Nanase into line with the other three charges under your care for the time being.

The door clicking shut as you smile cutely at them… the only boy in your group wincing and backing away a bit… Jishi really needs to get a grip, you're not that scary!

You motion to the seats, an array of four helpfully put out around a table in the small prep room.

Some tea steaming in cups, freshly brewed by you and kept hot by some fancy, enchanted saucers you brought along.

An eye notes that Nanase is looking around, eyes narrowed, and complaints silenced. Or at least held back.

A little sad, you'd hoped the others would've gotten to see a more energetic Nanase, but, you suppose it being something just the two of you have shared isn't too bad.

Useful villainess material whenever you start that plan back up.

You wince a bit as you feel ice in your head. A cracking and slicing running through your chest as whatever that is starts back up. But after a second to compose yourself. It's pushed to the back of your mind… or as far back as it'll go for now.

More important matters taking precedence as you slip into your trainer self.

Back straight. Eyes sharp. Gaze focused on the papers in front of you, ignoring the chatter or shudders of your charges as your entire aura changes to the one they usually experience.

There's a small outline here. Mainly for the schedule of this event and the expected running time. A list of "acts" as it were lined up neatly under a clean title and an expected running time.

Huh… maybe the palace has someone with clairvoyance to a degree? Though you don't know how you feel about the question marks where your group's running time should be.

Maybe it's that weird thing with you not being affected by magic interfering again? The voices seem to agree. A murmur that gives you that feeling running through your head followed by another short burst of Tapping through your chest.

Your eye twitches, but you take a deep breath, and focus on your charges. Jishi's the front line of this "party" if you will.

Heavy plates of overlapping armor. Steel mixed with a bit of magical reinforcement here or there, courtesy of the smithing family he comes from. Very well made armor to your critical eye. Not like the stupid stuff you've seen some adventurers wearing.

You don't want to know what a man's pecs look like, even if bikini armor has more magical protection, thank you very much.

Mind wandering aside, Jishi, the front line. Carries a warhammer on his back, a shortsword on one hip, and a kite shield.

Azra, a girl about half Jishi's height, and dressed in leather with some chainmail here and there. Functions as a Ranger for the group… in a literal sense… gods above you wish she'd stop moving so far away from the others protection.

How many times do you have to hit a cute girl with your sword before she realizes the error of her ways? Because if it's more than thrice, it's too much.

You take a moment to grumble internally, eyes narrowing as you look at the bluenette, and watching her pale and shake a little from her usually cool and collected expression.

Then you snap over to Nanase again, slightly amused by how she flinches again at your sudden, unnatural movement.

That won't ever get old, you're sure of it.

A supporter in all you've seen of her. Or uh… a bard? That's probably not the right way to put it, but it's what your mind is jumping to. Using songs to bring effects into existence. A girl who might be shy and gloomy, but thrives when she sings.

You're always a little surprised to see just what she can do when she sings.

Though she's yet to beat you in a fight. And you hold that achievement with pride.

A part of you wishes she was more aggressive, but you suppose this little grouping works best when they fight together…

Now if only you'd been able to convince The Witch to give you more info on what you'd be facing…

But she wanted a hug for that.

A long hug.

You refused to let your pride be so utterly degraded. Meh, you can say it's like being ambushed or something to your charges.

Well, time for some fun.

You go to clap your hands, to draw your little group's attention to you. But a knock on the door stops you mid action as your head snaps towards it.

One more flinch. Success!

You bury the amusement, eyes narrowed as a maid opens the door and visibly pales at your expression.

She stutters out a call for you, going paler by the second before you raise an eyebrow.

She's not going to pass out on you is she? Your glare's nothing like Mother's, you're not that scary yet.

Through stuttering words, she informs you that your group is being called up for your turn. And asks you to follow her to the arena.

A motion from you has the group moving, Nanase taking a second and a bit of a stutter step before she joins in kind.

You take the rear. Just to make sure she doesn't try disappearing behind your back again.

Your cores spool at the idea. And you suppress a shudder at the warmth that bursts through you as the knowledge that the fight is near settles into your mind.

It's… a relatively quiet walk all things considered. Something in you says there should have been something going wrong throughout the journey.

Some instinct, some muscle or memory deep within you warning you that it's the quietest of times when the worst things always seem to happen.

Yet another thing you can't really rationalize… Sure stuff at the orphanage might have drilled a bit of that feeling into you… but not to this extent, besides, you've left that life behind now.

You're well fed. Never having to worry about food being a scarcity again.

You're well clothed, dressed in the finest dresses in the country that skill can weave. Miss Alice makes sure of that despite however many protests you might have.

You're well informed. Father even having given you access to his super secret network of informants, as he calls them, if you ever needed them. Not to mention Miss Satsuki's own less than savory connections.

So you keep drawing a blank as you drift away from the idle conversation and ponder on that feeling that this is when you should be at your most vigilant. But, like all these weird feelings you can't place, it fades as you approach wherever you were supposed to be at.

..Maybe there's precedence to that theory the ladies at your tea parties keep touting… maybe you really can't stand quiet moments…

A blink shifts your focus back from that little moment of introspection. And instead shoves you to the fore as a cute lady with a cold look helps slip a piece of armor onto you.

Sadly, you don't have the whole, magically assembling armor most of the other fighters tend to wear. Something to do with your whole, innate anti magic shenanigans or so. But your armor's relatively light in most cases.

No need to complain with a little bit more protection, even if the pieces don't all fit as… cleanly as they should.

A pair of pauldrons, some protectors for your forearms and shins. A nice slab of magical metal around your chest, no stupid boob gap or whatever it is bikini armor seems to love so much.

And while you could go for a helmet, you decide against it for now. Tying off your flowing locks into a nice long ponytail instead.

A mirror is brought over with a hand motion, and you nod at your appearance. Properly fighter-esque. Perfect.

A Villainess looks good in every situation she can. Even if that's in the middle of a fierce fight! Though you notice Jishi rolling his eyes when he thinks you're not watching. Azra joining in with a quiet giggle and Nanase looking confusedly at the two of them.

…Seems you'll have to add in some more evasion training for the two jokesters…

Your slightly risen eyebrow has the two of them freeze mid action. But you wave them off to get ready on their own.

The doors to this… makeshift entrance are closed. The arena is more of a large grassy field with bleachers set up in vast rows for the commoners and nobles alike to mingle and observe from.

A hand runs across the small paper charm sitting across the center of your chest. Something that's meant to prevent the death of those struck with lethal blows. A way for people to go all out in a fight and showcase every ounce of their strength for the spectators above.

…You can't say you're particularly fond of them… something inky, dark, hot and cold, reaching out to try and rip the thing off you.

But a bit of will restrains the bubbling tendril of… mist. One more mystery to solve. But something you AREN'T dealing with today.

The mist obliges. Sinking back into its neatly laid out box as you let out a breath.

The charm might not really work with you. Anti-magic and what have you.

But you've trained and fought and seen enough bloodshed traveling with father on his monster slaying expeditions to trust that you'll be fine.

So, a fist slams into the door. And the wooden thunk shocks your system enough to get the nerves out of your head. To shift from your trainer self, and to your fighter self.

You are Confidence. You are Strength. You are Speed. You are whatever you require to be to win this fight… even if it's more of an opportunity to show off your pupils to the city then it is to show off yourself.

But eh, you'll have some fun with this, or something.

The trio slip into place aside you as you hear the sounds of the spectators pick up. Whatever wards were dampening the sounds slowly fading as the doors open in time.

Sunlight blinds you, a white curtain of blooming heat that has you shielding your eyes for just a moment before your vision adjusts.

A momentary flicker of… something across your sight, then the colours fade enough that you can see.

Seemingly faster than your pupils if the way they're squinting or covering their eyes seems to mean what you think it does.

But you step forward as expected. Rather pleased by the sounds of people cheering and hollering.

More at your charges than at you. A bunch of distinguished faces rather than your own. At least among the commoners.

You're fine with that though. The friends you have among the nobility are plenty. No need to go pandering to those you don't agree with, even if you can easily see quite a few that sneer at you.

It doesn't hurt. Though it's definitely a bit annoying.

Your cores spool as the announcer takes her time introducing your group. A cute, peppy, energetic sort of girl. Who bounces around everywhere in an outfit you're completely sure was cut to draw attention.

Magical kingdom bull or something or other… you'd never have to deal with this up in the North with Father.

You ignore the prattling of the girl, eyes scanning the crowd for your parents in the Noble section of the stands.

Mother gives you a proper wave. Dad waves wildly down at you.

Mum gives him a nudge and he winces a bit while you smile.

You give them a nod. And Father cheers something that has Mother blushing brightly as she covers her face and sighs.

Though you catch the small smile even as she pinches his ear.

A blink, your vision clicks back into its normal, less focused sight. And five knights, dressed in half plate, come forth from the other end of the Arena.

And then another two Mages. In leather and robes, from the same side.

The mages aren't really a threat to you. But you imagine The Witch has briefed them on that, so they'll be the biggest problem for your charges.

The Knights, well, if they all come at you at once they'll be a problem. Even you can't take on five opponents at once.

Another cheer runs through the crowd as the announcer says something about sharing their energy to your charges with their cheers.

An idle part of your mind notes that she very much doesn't mention you. The rest of your mind makes you roll your eyes and glare down at one of the knights eyeing you up.

He visibly flinches and rightfully decides he should be going after your little group of… underlings?

Are they underlings if you're the one training them?

You suppose they are. Makes sense.

A bell tinkles, and a gong is struck.

The field explodes into rapid motion and shouts of exertion. Battle cries mixing with the roar of the crowd surrounding you on all sides.

You of course don't join in on that. Twirling your blade in your hands and moving forward at a slow walk while your Underlings charge into their appropriate positions.

You give them a nod at that, happy to note they're not focusing on you and instead going after the enemies in front of them.

Though… you can't say you're thrilled at the duo of knights who see a chance and rush towards you with weapons drawn.

They're also not thrilled when you duck under one blow, sliding to the side and letting the blade clang with the other knights.

Your blade coming in and jabbing at the exposed armpit of one knight in the briefest of moments as cold ripples through you and your motions accelerate.

Speed mixing with a flood of information. A flood of ways to quickly end this, a merciful yet efficient death to the ones who dared stand before you.

Blade meets thinner armor, and cuts through with ease even with it being dull.

The knight's body flickers. Shudders, and as it drops to the ground, it explodes into a shower of triangles lit up in blue.

The other knight takes a step back at that. But you know you've earned that.

Taking down a fully armored and trained knight in… 5 seconds, huh, faster than you'd thought, definitely has to have made him rethink his decision.

You give him a showy wave of your hand, back towards where your underlings are… managing.

…Even if Nanase's somehow made herself a mechanical bird thing…

And that said bird thing is currently terrorizing the mage group.

She's also singing. A much… harsher tune then you remembered.

You narrow your eyes at that… hopping slightly to leap over a blade swinging at your legs from behind, a foot slamming into the chest of the idiot who thought that was a smart move.

Probably thought it was a good idea, sneaking up on you and all that.

Sadly… not that effective when you KNOW when someone gets close, even if you can't see them.

There's a brief scuffle between you. Nothing really worth the effort.

And it ends with you twirling around a blow that scrapes off your pauldron while you slide your blade into his throat.

Another crackle. Another sputter. And so too does he fade into a burst of glowing shapes.

Well. In good news. Your groupies… eh fuck it, they're groupies now. Your groupies are managing fine.

Jishi's swinging his hammer around, keeping people at bay and in front of him.

Azra's firing off volleys of arrows, some enchanted, most not. Keeping the knights from slipping past and reaching Jishi's flanks or his back.

…Nanase… is very much not doing her job though…

Actually… if you were to guess… it's almost like she's beelining somewhere…

She sings something. And you blink at the runes and circles that flare up under her.

Cold meets your thoughts. Heat surges through you.

And the world slows as blinding pain makes your focus blur.

But you push through it. Through the pain. Through the brief glob of blood that pools from your lips.

Acceleration, multiplication. Leap?

Where is she-

And then the effect of using that cold and heat shudders back into you as you gasp silently. Coughing up blood onto the grass as the circle of magic activates with a thunderous screeching.

Like someone dropping a microphone, calling a song to an end, launching Nanase… who is definitely not Nanase, straight up and into the Noble section of the stands…

…You're gonna have to deal with The Witch after this… you just know it…

A cry pulls your attention away as the Announcer seems almost oblivious to the sudden intrusion of Not-Nanase into the royal area. Instead announcing the next part of this test as the last mage falls to an arrow through their face…

Guess you'll just have to leave whatever that was to The Witch… Plans continue even when people do stupid things… Or something like that.

Your blade is twirled. The blood that dripped seems to almost vanish into the ether. And you step towards the tired twosome with a menacing smile.

… Not-Nanase's going to be wishing she was here instead of there. You know that for sure. But. Time to do some more Teaching. Nothing you can do about the goings on up there… for now.
Episode 1-4
The sun beat down on the tourney ground, shimmering across the scattered green that had been set to hold the melee. It was ripped and torn by brown mud now, the blows and footsteps of those who'd taken the field, in some places marked by the red of blood drawn in battle. Yet none had died, for that was the way of the Kingdom. Test unto death, but never past. Such was the word of Princess Glorianna, Lady of the Realm, and such was it to be.

She sat in the stands above the clash of might and valour, royal banners swaying above the noble stands in a gentle breeze. Brilliant colour, stretched across a blazing sky, the mark of bloodlines that had forged the kingdom. And at their centre, the throne. Once there would have been two, seating a partnership that would lead the kingdom forward. Today, as there had been for many years now, there was but one.

Glorianna sat, resplendent in a formal dress, a circlet of gold and emerald glinting in the summer sun at her brow. It caught and gathered her brilliant red hair away from where more light flashed from the cut jewels scattered across her gown, wrists and throat. Markers of her status. Of all the Kingdom had given her, and all that was expected in return. Yet she smiled, and it was good to see. A younger woman stood next to her in less brilliant finery, but no jewel was as bright as the smile the two shared. The happiness of enjoying a blessed day.

The lady-in-waiting had been leaning in, lips moving conspiratorially in some jest, perhaps, when the afternoon of sun and honour was abruptly unseated. Magic howled on the field, launching a member of Lady Solthoth's melee group out towards the royal stand. The fighter crashed through the protective enchantments that had been set about the arena, shattering them with utter disregard for their purpose. And landed amidst an outwards-rippling wave of utter shock, one level below the royal box.

The response was immediate. From below came the sound of utter chaos, no doubt thanks to the strange, metallic amalgam that she'd summoned during the melee. It followed her leap, a fluttering creature of gears expanding as it flew, bursting through the wooden railing that its mistress had vaulted in a shower of splinters. And as guards leapt to answer the sudden challenge to their charges, it leapt forward, scattering them as they tried to close on its summoner.

"Stand ready." A woman's voice ordered the guards, sharp enough to cut through the din below.

"But Lady Hawke, the nobles," one of the guards protested. Or began to. His words cut to silence as the woman stepped out from the other side of the throne, blue eyes pinning him in place.

She wore a tabard of deep green and aquamarine, trimmed in gold, and belted at the waist with a loop of pale cord. Beneath it glinted silvery armour, formal and glimmering but no less serviceable for it. Her blonde hair was tied back into a braided bun, well suited to fit a helm, but none was present today.

"Our unexpected guest was aiming for this level. The wards just slowed her down enough to miss. She'll be here soon enough, and going down there," there was a thunderous crash from below and the floor before the throne cracked. "Would just let her avoid us. So stand ready, to defend your Princess."

"What about you?" The girl at Gloriana's side asked, her face taut with worry. The woman smiled, entire expression softening at the worry in her charge's tone. Not for her own life, but for the woman who might be preparing to defend it. "You don't even know who she is, and she broke the wards like they were nothing."

"I will be fine, Nanase," Lady Hawke replied. Reaching out, she brushed a hand through the green hair of the young courtier. It was an intimate gesture, but Nanase leaned into it for a moment. Her protector's eyes flicked down to Glorianna. The Princess folded her hands in her lap, watching the crack in the floor. A nod passed between the two.

"If you would step back to the side of the Princess?" That armoured woman suggested, pulling back her hand to step fully between the throne and damaged floor. Something slammed against it again, widening the opening. Shouts and screams echoed from below, and the blonde's hands clenched tight at the sound of pain. "I will see to this matter."

She got perhaps halfway through the second sentence, though it was long enough for Nanase to move back to her proper position at the Princess' side. Then magic exploded once more from below, cutting harshly at the air and shattering the floor. A mechanical beast ascended through the jaggedly broken wood, all cogs, shifting gears and supporting air bladders. It pulsed with strange, subtle magics, towering menacingly over the room's guards.

Yet that wasn't where Lady Hawke's gaze settled. Her blue eyes locked onto the girl standing on the steady platform that one of the creature's several hands had provided. She was dressed in very odd clothing by the standards of Val sans Retour's high court. A tight bodice in dark colour, wrapped around a white blouse with a ruffled collar was hardly familiar, yet for a moment, Lady Hawke's eyes flickered. As if it was something she recognised, though how could that be.

Only a moment, though, and not enough for the intruder to do more than fully emerge. Then Lady Hawke's voice rang out, demanding and sharp as any weapon.

"I am Knight-Mother to the Court of Val sans Retour. You have trespassed upon this domain and brought fear and harm to its people," her eyes flicked to the blood staining two of the manipulators of the no longer so birdlike mechanoid facing her down. "You will explain yourself and face judgement."

"Yeah yeah," the girl rolled her eyes, hopping off the hand of her creation. She wasn't even looking at the armoured woman, or paying attention to the guards. All of her attention was fixed on the young courtier at Glorianna's side. "Not here for you, Miss Knight. Here for her."

She raised a hand, revealing a spiralling wand of bronze and darker, almost rusted, metal. A small gem flashed at the tip, alight with magic, and pointing directly at Nanase.

"Think it's time you come h-" she never got to finish.

Nanase cried out in raw agony, scrambling back from the pointing digit as if it were a brand laid directly against her skin. Lady Hawke's attention shifted instantly, half turning to look to the girl. The intruder took her opportunity, leaping forward.

And the Princess Glorianna, blessed be her reign, let it be peaceful and long, spoke.


The word was calm, courteous, and somehow cuttingly dismissive. As if the entire situation had somehow become a chore, and one of which she tired. And yet, it was all she needed to say.

Lady Hawke took two quick steps, green-gold light flaring around her, and caught the intruder out of the air by the scruff of her neck. She ducked an immediate swing from one of the automaton's vast limbs, spinning to face the Princess.

"Your will?" She asked. As if this were a courtly function, not near enough open battle.

"Hey!" The intruder yelled. "Let go of me you stupid boss! I'm not here to fight you!"

"She has brought fear and pain in plenty," Gloriana pronounced, her manner shifting from jovial to that of judgement. "We judge her guilty to the fifth order. Banishment, my Knight."

The Knight-Mother caught the next blow from the automata behind her with a single hand, light rippling around it. She paid no attention at all to the squirming intruder, even as her courtly bow scraped the girl's feet along the jaggedly broken floor.

"As you command."

She turned again, making full circle, and metal screamed as the limb she'd been holding tore free of the summoned beast. She hefted the chunk of scrap for a moment, nodded to herself, and then rushed forward with it held like an utterly impractical lance.

She made it work for her. Somehow.

"I am sorry," she murmured to her unwilling passenger. The green-haired intruder seemed not to care, going on about how if she'd known there was an end boss she wouldn't have tried to aggro her. Not that it made sense. "I don't care for violence, but you give me little choice. Not after the command of my Princess. Or bringing harm to my Ward."

"I don't care about your sympathy you-" Whatever else she might have said was never heard, as the Knight Mother drove the mechanoid over the edge of the box with its own limb, hurdling the barrier with intruder in tow. She adjusted her grip on the young lady, then hurled her after her creation. A moment later she added further momentum to her quarry's descent, spinning in the air to repurpose the bulky limb in her hands into a club.

Then that, too, followed the intruder down towards the duelling field. Combat there had come to a complete stop, it seemed. A sad thing, to see such a blessed day ruined. All she could do now was salvage it as best she could, but that, that she would do with all her strength.

So she opened her mouth and power answered. Viridian and gold light filled the air, beaming out across the field below like a nascent star as it rushed to answer the indrawn breath of the Court's greatest defender. As if, instead of just the falling woman, the entire world was drawing in a breath.

She held it long enough for the flailing limbs of the gear-creature to crash down on the muddy green. Then she cried out, sang out, the word her Princess had demanded, focusing every echo on the falling girl below.


The universe bent under the weight of that word, twisting in upon itself where the intruder's construct was still crashing to earth. Then a ring of light flared into being, where metal had met mud. Streamers of emerald-gold rushed out and up from the sudden doorway across reality, grasping the Knight-Mother's targets. The girl, her creation…and a pink salamander that came scurrying out of a bag at the girl's waist. Strange for a familiar, a part of Lady Hawke's mind noted.

The second ringing syllable of her command reached the enchanted towers that had made the grounds so safe. Energy gathered there, growing and magnifying in a flickering instant until each one blazed like tiny suns. Then it returned.

The automata came apart into a river of twisted metal, forced to comply with the portal's dimensions in the most expedient manner. Perhaps it would save the girl a few broken bones. It mattered little. The brilliant power of the Kingdom flung her from the realm, tearing free any hooks she'd made there, and returning her to the lands beyond. Perhaps there, she might make better choices.

Then the portal snapped shut, and Lady Hawke descended to where it had briefly been, wrapped in the gentle glow of her power. Silence was still rippling out in reaction to the display, banishment by the word of the Princess, and the combat around her swiftly ceased.

"Lady Solthoth," the Knight Mother called. Above, Glorianna came to the edge of her box, raising her own voice to calm the sudden furor of her people. Being there for them, and why did that feel so right?

The Lady, dressed in dark clothing of blacks and greys, with a flash of purple in accessories and ornaments offered a slight bow, yet with head held high. A respectful greeting, though one focused on preserving the classic Solthoth mantra of bowing before none but themselves.

The air filled with the sound of paper, despite only a small, hand sized square being pulled from a pocket as she scribbled out a formal greeting and a few question marks to express her confusion as to the summon.

"Your presence at the palace is required. Immediately."
Oh boy. What are you doing Amanda? Last time I checked you were very big on Democracy and not ruling over the masses.
Episode 1-5.1
An animatronic jester stood on a pedestal, staring at a red door.

Though her facial expressions were programmed to be restricted to happy smiles and giggles, it was clear to those who spent time with the jester that she was decidedly miffed. She was designed for movement, for expression, for pirouetting across the stage while juggling an unreasonable amount of balls, and for singing stories of shining knights and cunning wizards daring to adventure through the hidden valleys of Le Val sans Retour, while enchanting kids and adults alike by playing a few strings on her lyre. Staring at things often meant staying still in one place, and for an automaton built specifically for dancing, being ordered to stand still was a fate the jester considered tantamount to a literal death sentence.

She wasn't even exaggerating on the literal death part. Since she was "born" just short of 47 subjective cycles ago, she'd been aware that the repair engineers had deliberately left her body broken so that she could be removed from the stage and scrapped, or sold to the highest bidder. If it wasn't for the intervention of Sublime Verity, and her gift for repairing automata, she would probably be still counting down the days she had left before her untimely demise. She'd be a fool if she let this gift go to waste by standing still.

She had made this very clear to the Voice in her head when it first talked to her. And still the Voice orders her to stand still and wait, much to the jester's annoyance.

At least the Voice had a few persuasive arguments on her side that always made the waits worthwhile. For one thing, as the Voice pointed out, the jester's hands and arms were back to working as intended, so even though she had to stand still, she could at least keep practicing her songs on her lyre while keeping watch on the door.

Then there was the door itself. It was a large red door with a pointed arch, styled like the doorway to an old medieval castle or church, with a couple of square bronze bas-reliefs decorating its center. The reliefs showed scenes of knights slaying dragons, witches raising swords out of lakes, and other depictions of medieval fantasy scenes that would not be out of place in a typical roleplaying game. Framing the door was a gold-coated stone archway, to which a small shop bell was attached.

Given the ongoing plot to dispose of her, the jester hadn't expected to get any new props for her stage anytime soon, so having such an incongruously themed doorway placed dead center in the middle of it was a much welcome change to the scenery. The fact that it appeared suddenly out of nowhere added a sense of mystery to the new gateway that the jester could play around with in her stories to the kids the next day.

But what really persuaded the jester to stay still in the end, was the world of Le Val Sans Retour that lay beyond the door.

Or rather, it was the Voice's promise to the jester that she would soon receive guests from that very same world.
Very soon, in fact.

Any second now.

Come to think of it, the Voice hadn't really specified when that was going to happen. Only that it would happen. As long as she kept an eye on it, and made sure no-one interfered with it, of course.

Surely this was not another one of her tricks? Not again?

The question came to her about four subjective hours later, in the middle of playing the seventh rendition of the "Funeral March for a Marionette'' on her lyre. An amazing feat, when considering the small number of strings on the lyre itself. Prompted by this intrusive thought, she was about to stand up to stretch her legs and send another angrily-worded message to the Voice, when suddenly, she heard:

<Être prêt, ma sœur! You are about to receive des visiteurs!>

The jester stood to attention. <Vraiment?> She replied. <Merveilleux! When should I expect them?>

<Oh, you're about to find out. In five, four, three, two… Attention à la porte!>

The door swung open, and the stage was immediately flooded with emerald-gold light and a strong gust of wind, bringing with it the screams and cheers from the stands, and the fresh scents of blood, sweat, and a tinge of gear oil from the tournament. If she had not heeded the Voice's warning, the Jester would have surely been swept off the stage into the foyer by this wind from another dimension. Luckily for her, the warning came just in time for her to jump off the pedestal and clear off the oncoming wind.

The shop bell rang wildly without rhythm, almost pulling the spring to which it was attached out of the doorframe. It was as if the door had been opened in front of a hurricane. And just like with a hurricane, debris started appearing from the doorway. At first it was just a few leaves, followed by broken pieces of wood with bits of colored fabric attached. It was soon followed by a bunch of cogs, and what looked like metallic cylinders… or, hold on… were those arms?

And did that ball-shaped figure look a bit like a head?

Had her visitor been dismembered and decapitated by the hurricane beyond the red door?

In answer to that question, a tumbling mass of green hair, extra metallic limbs and a brown Victorian dress violently ejected itself from the door, rolling ass over teakettle through the air like a baseball struck by a batter from the heavens. The figure flew right past her, so fast that the jester had barely enough time to register she was still in one piece, and may, perhaps not be dead yet. Though, if she didn't do something about it, the pillar that the figure was about to smash into would soon change things.

The jester brought her hands to the lyre, ready to strike whichever chords would help cushion the impact of the figure against the pillar. But before she could even touch a string, two large white … wings? No, two balloons burst out of the figure's back, and wrapped themselves around her in a tight cocoon, mere seconds before she struck the pillar.

The force of the impact was still strong enough to leave cracks in the pillar where it struck. But it appeared that those impromptu airbags had done their job. The ball landed on the floor, bounced a couple of times, and laid to rest just a few steps away from the edge of the stage, where it started to deflate.

And with that, the red door slammed shut.

Free to move across the stage once more, the jester rushed towards the fallen figure. She was just about to jump off the stage to help the newcomer out of the deflating cocoon that had protected her, before she remembered the grave consequences that would await her if she took but one step off the stage she called her home. Forced to wait on the edge, the only thing the jester could do was to call out: "Monsieur? Madame? Are you well?"

A loud groan emerged in response from the deflating ball. It was soon followed by another sound, a different voice from the previous one, something that sounded both child-like and wise beyond their years at the same time. "Do not move, Miss Shiratori, please, you will only get yourself hurt. Give me a moment, I remember there is something on you that could… Found it!"

By that point, the cocoon had deflated enough to reveal the figure wrapped inside. The two figures, to be precise. The larger one was a girl, on the young side of her teenage years, with long green hair sprawled across the ball, half-undone from a braided ponytail. She was wearing a brown and white classical lolita dress under a brown jacket with puffy sleeves, and calf-length boots. Gears and scraps of half-shaped metal sheets spilled out from her shoulder bag and spread across her dress. What little the jester could see about the pieces of metal reminded her of the pieces of plate armor worn by knights in medieval time, and she figured that those were also part of the girl's outfit. Not that it had helped the figure much. Most pieces were bent or broken, and there were cuts in several places of the dress itself, red blood spilling out in a few places, as if both armor and dress had been torn apart by invisible hooks. .

The other, smaller figure was half buried inside the shoulder bag, throwing out even more gears and metal scraps to add to the pile, before emerging with a small red vial in its claws. With the vial secured, the bright pink salamander scurried across the deflating cocoon until it reached the girl's mouth, then used its own mouth to uncork the red potion, and gently put it on the girl's lips to pour its contents.

Despite not having arms suited for the delicate task, the salamander somehow managed to pour all the liquid from the vial in the girl's mouth without spilling a drop. With each sip of the red liquid, the wounds of the girl grew brighter, red mist gently pouring out of them, before gently sealing themselves up. Her ward fully healed, the salamander discarded the empty vial. "Huh. I did not think that would actually work. Now, to get you out of this mess…" The salamander then looked around herself, searching for something, before settling her eyes on the jester.

"You there! My champion needs help! Please, come help her!"

The jester shook her head. "Je suis désolée. I'm afraid I cannot reach her."

The salamander tilted its head, then looked at the space between the jester and the deflating balloons that were still enveloping the girl. It was quite dark in the foyer, and the jester wasn't sure the salamander had recognised her, or could even see her clearly, because it soon said: "There are just a few steps between us. What do you mean, you cannot reach her? Just step off the stage and come and help!"

"Désolée, Maître Heart Wonder. I wish to help, but I am bound to this stage, and cannot leave. I believe I have explained this to you once before, non?"

The salamander gasped. "How do you know that name? No, wait a second…" it jumped off the girl and scurried across the floor to the stage, until it was close enough to see…

"Oh. It's you."

"Who the hell are you talking to?" asked the girl. In that brief conversation between salamander and jester, she had managed to remove herself from the backpack from which the giant balloons had emerged, a burst of red mist slipping out from her last wound. "What happened to the whole 'not showing yourself to civilians' you keep banging on about?"

She pulled a string from one of the straps of her backpack, then jumped off the balloon, wincing as she landed on the floor. The last couple of hours of running and fighting had taken a toll on her legs (she really needed to stop skipping PE lessons). She realized her clothes were covered in lots of dirt and broken gears stuck in different parts of the fabric, so she took some time to dust herself and remove the broken fragments. Meanwhile, small arm-looking devices emerged from the backpack she left behind, and began folding the now-rapidly deflating airbags back into the backpack.

"I have not forgotten, Miss Shiratori. In fact, I clearly remember you saying that this broken clown is not a civilian, so the rule does not apply."

The jester ignored the barb. She was used to it from the salamander. "I am glad to see you are well, mon ami. And I am pleased that you have come to see me again so soon."

"Could you please all stop talking cryptically?" The girl 'Shiratori' groaned, as she rummaged through her pockets for the small torch she carried with her. "I've spent weeks in that god-forsaken land, learning how to play the game, and the moment I reach the main city, everything goes down the drain! The NPCs all act weird, I've been thrown in a tournament by a mute, got literally manhandled by the end boss, and I was so close to getting to her! I have no time for any more stupid rid- Mathurine?!"

Bathed in the spotlight generated by the small torch the green-haired girl, the jester known as Mathurine bowed down in a deep curtsy towards the girl named Shiratori and her mascot salamander. She was not surprised by the fact that the girl had recognized her. In fact, it was hard for anyone living in this city not to recognize Mathurine d'Or, the jester-ballerina that looked like a pirate, with the three-pointed hat, the puffy-sleeved jacket and bell-shaped tutu, and the wooden lyre with the snake patterns all over it.

Once a small-bit villain of the week with only 9 minutes and 47 seconds of screen time in a long-forgotten cartoon, she had the misfortune (or good fortune, in some ways) to become the main subject of some artwork hosted on questionable websites. From there, some strange twist of fate turned this small-bit character into the face of a giant multi-media corporation, with cameos appearing in all of their productions, including a famous VR RPG. Many young children and teenagers had come to see Mathurine dance and play her lyre on this stage. One more girl recognizing her was not going to faze the jester at this stage.

But then again, the girl and her pet salamander standing before her was not just any girl.

"Mam'zelle Verity," said the jester. "Have you come here so that I may repair your broken limbs?"

"What…? How…?" asked the girl, dumbfounded. Questions that were similarly echoed by the Voice in Mathurine's head. That the jester would recognize the magical girl in front of her was expected: the Voice had made sure to send all the information gathered by the scribes when she was captured and registered to the tournament by the Knight-Mentor Filia Solthoth. Name: Ayaka Shiratori. Age: 14 Class: Artificer. Specialization: Automata. Companion Animal: Heart Wonder, Salamander. Role: Support…

But what had puzzled the Voice was that Mathurine had not accessed any of this information in order to recognise the girl. It was already stored in her local database.

This Mathurine had already met Ayaka before.

"Oh, thank goodness! Finally, someone reasonable!" Ayaka jumped up to the stage, and went to hug Mathurine. The jester was prepared for this, and took a step back to make space for the young girl on the stage, arms wide open to welcome her in a strong embrace, being careful not to damage the lyre still in her hand.

They held the hug for a few seconds, but then Ayaka stepped back. "Wait a second, that still doesn't make sense! I went through that door in the middle of the park a few blocks down the road, how have I ended up here?"

Mathurine shrugged. "Peut-être que c'est une porte magique? A magical door that appears when you need it to, and returns you where it would help you the most?"

"Like Doraemon's? …I guess that tracks. But I still don't understand why here of all… Hold on, did you just say…? Have those bastards broken you, again?"

Ayaka once again stepped closer to the jester. Hooking the torch to some remaining part of her metal armor, and using her magic to bend it just enough to secure it in place, Ayaka then took out her Key, a small, stocky wand made out of bronze and rusted metal, and then waved it around Mathurine. The jester was familiar with this process, and didn't flinch as the magic from the glowing green crystal at the tip of the wand found purchase in her body, scanning her head to toe for signs of defects.

"I swear to God, if those useless good-for-nothings have touched any of my repairs…!"

"T'inquiète pas, Mam'zelle. My body is in full working order, I have not been damaged like before."

"Then you could have asked her in a different way, you fool," said Heart Wonder, who had joined her ward by her side as she completed her scan, carrying her bags in its mouth. "You've said that question so many times when Miss Verity came to visit you, I did not notice that you'd changed it to refer to her instead of you."

Mathurine chuckled. "I thought Mam'zelle would appreciate this twist to my familiar welcome. After all, is it unusual for the healer to come to their patient for assistance, non?"

"Assistance which is no longer necessary. I have already taken the liberty to heal Miss Verity."

"Healing? I'm feeling fine, actually, what are you all…" said Ayaka, then looked down at herself. "…oh. Right. I see what you mean. Har har. Well played, Mathurine."

She did indeed confirm that she was fully healed and fine, as evidenced by the fading scars and bruises upon her exposed skin. The fact that there was exposed skin in the first place was far more concerning. She had spent weeks of research and field testing to come up with a set of magical clothes and armor to withstand the worst of the magical storms she was called to quell, and she had personally stepped into the eye of the storm to prove that it could resist the magical distortion within with nothing but a few cuts on her skirt. So to see that her carefully crafted armor had been torn down to just a few scraps, held together by thread from a dress that was itself deeply cut and torn where her armor should be…

Far more worrying was the fact that Ayaka couldn't even remember how she got that damage in the first place. All she remembered was the Knight grabbing her mid leap, holding her in one arm while she casually dismembered her construct with the other, before tossing the construct, its inventor and its broken limb. It all happened so fast, there was hardly any time for the Knight to rip her armor to shreds. Unless… that word she said towards the end, before she was pushed through the doorway. She had felt the raw magic all around her, the ropes of emerald and gold hooking into her armor and pulling it apart as she fell through the door.

Had that Knight cast a spell on her?

Did a single word really cause all that damage?

"Bon," said Mathurine. "If Mam'zelle does not require healing, then perhaps she can stay for a story?"

Ayaka paused to consider Mathurine, then shook her head. "I'm sorry, but now is not a good time, I need to get back inside."

She placed her wand inside the lock on the brooch at the center of her dress, twisted it clockwise, and opened it. A small swarm of spider-like constructs emerged from the heart-shaped brooch, and immediately began crawling towards the damaged parts of her dress. Ayaka was used to the crawling sensation across her body, a small price to pay to have a convenient "transformation sequence" mechanism on hand for emergency costume changes and field stitching. With the spider-bots busy with the repairs, she picked up Heart Wonder and her bags, then headed back towards the door.

"But it has been many nights since our last full meeting, and I am sure you have many histoires et magies to share. Like, perhaps, how you got hurt, and who hurt you? Or why you flew across the stage from the door from Le Val sans Retour?"

"Not now, Mathurine. This story is not yet over." Ayaka replied. Much as she would have liked to stay with the jester, she knew she had to get back to the tournament grounds to finish what she started before the Princess and her Lady in Waiting left the tournament grounds. But she did feel a bit guilty about leaving the jester hanging, so she paused and said. "I will come back to tell this story once I finish it, I promise. Au revoir."

She tipped her hat to the jester, only to find that her hat was no longer on her head. Great. Another item for her spider-bots to repair. She'll have to make sure to avoid any further damage this time round, her silk stock wasn't designed for that many frequent repairs. At least she hadn't mangled the French words for goodbye, like she'd done the last few times.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, going back so soon?" whispered Heart Wonder.

"Look, we know where she is now," said Ayaka as she went to open the door. "If we wait until the tournament's over, she might not still be there, and we would have to start all over again. We've been away so long, if we don't get back soon, then… What the hell?"

Mathurine took a few steps around the young green-haired girl to catch a glimpse of what was beyond the door, and gasped. Instead of leading to the back of the stage of the foyer, she saw that the doorway led to a crossroad made of pristine yellow bricks. A crossroad sign made of dark wood had been placed on the other side of the crossroad from the door, the single sign pointing straight forward, through an overgrown meadow and towards a large, pine tree forest.

The road itself snaked in and out of the meadow on the outskirts of the forest, then proceeded straight forward, cutting the forest in two. From that gap and rising on both sides, two almost identical mountain peaks, with the same layer of snow at the top and the same number of trees climbing from the forest to half-way up the peak, laid almost exactly at the same distance between each side of the forest. The sun itself lay in between the valley, just above the level of the peaks, contributing to this impossibly symmetrical view. A quiet breeze blew through the door, much gentler than the hurricane that blew Ayaka into the foyer earlier, bringing in the smell of grass, warm earth, and sweet flowers.

"Ah! C'est la Forêt des Pics-Jumeaux!" said Mathurine, recognizing the location beyond the door from the game screenshots stored in her memory. "You did not tell me you play this game as well! And I see why you say your story is not yet finished. La château de la vallée sans retour is just up ahead, where the adventure truly begins. Perhaps you need some guidance as to how to get there?"

Without waiting for Ayaka's reply, the jester asked the Voice for information about the forest, which the Voice readily supplied. Moments later, she had downloaded all the relevant information on her database, and was ready to answer any question the young magical girl might ask her.

Any question, that is, except for what Ayaka said next.


Part 2 coming next week.


French translation
  • Être prêt, ma sœur = Be ready, sister
  • Attention à la porte = Watch out for the door
  • Je suis désolée = I am sorry
  • Peut-être que c'est une porte magique? = Maybe it's a magic door?
  • T'inquiète pas = Do not worry
  • C'est la Forêt des Pics-Jumeaux = It's the Twin Peaks forest!
An animatronic jester stood on a pedestal, staring at a red door.

Though her facial expressions were programmed to be restricted to happy smiles and giggles, it was clear to those who spent time with the jester that she was decidedly miffed. She was designed for movement, for expression, for pirouetting across the stage while juggling an unreasonable amount of balls, and for singing stories of shining knights and cunning wizards daring to adventure through the hidden valleys of Le Val sans Retour, while enchanting kids and adults alike by playing a few strings on her lyre. Staring at things often meant staying still in one place, and for an automaton built specifically for dancing, being ordered to stand still was a fate the jester considered tantamount to a literal death sentence.

She wasn't even exaggerating on the literal death part. Since she was "born" just short of 47 subjective cycles ago, she'd been aware that the repair engineers had deliberately left her body broken so that she could be removed from the stage and scrapped, or sold to the highest bidder. If it wasn't for the intervention of Sublime Verity, and her gift for repairing automata, she would probably be still counting down the days she had left before her untimely demise. She'd be a fool if she let this gift go to waste by standing still.

She had made this very clear to the Voice in her head when it first talked to her. And still the Voice orders her to stand still and wait, much to the jester's annoyance.

At least the Voice had a few persuasive arguments on her side that always made the waits worthwhile. For one thing, as the Voice pointed out, the jester's hands and arms were back to working as intended, so even though she had to stand still, she could at least keep practicing her songs on her lyre while keeping watch on the door.

Then there was the door itself. It was a large red door with a pointed arch, styled like the doorway to an old medieval castle or church, with a couple of square bronze bas-reliefs decorating its center. The reliefs showed scenes of knights slaying dragons, witches raising swords out of lakes, and other depictions of medieval fantasy scenes that would not be out of place in a typical roleplaying game. Framing the door was a gold-coated stone archway, to which a small shop bell was attached.

Given the ongoing plot to dispose of her, the jester hadn't expected to get any new props for her stage anytime soon, so having such an incongruously themed doorway placed dead center in the middle of it was a much welcome change to the scenery. The fact that it appeared suddenly out of nowhere added a sense of mystery to the new gateway that the jester could play around with in her stories to the kids the next day.

But what really persuaded the jester to stay still in the end, was the world of Le Val Sans Retour that lay beyond the door.

Or rather, it was the Voice's promise to the jester that she would soon receive guests from that very same world.
Very soon, in fact.

Any second now.

Come to think of it, the Voice hadn't really specified when that was going to happen. Only that it would happen. As long as she kept an eye on it, and made sure no-one interfered with it, of course.

Surely this was not another one of her tricks? Not again?

The question came to her about four subjective hours later, in the middle of playing the seventh rendition of the "Funeral March for a Marionette'' on her lyre. An amazing feat, when considering the small number of strings on the lyre itself. Prompted by this intrusive thought, she was about to stand up to stretch her legs and send another angrily-worded message to the Voice, when suddenly, she heard:

<Être prêt, ma sœur! You are about to receive des visiteurs!>

The jester stood to attention. <Vraiment?> She replied. <Merveilleux! When should I expect them?>

<Oh, you're about to find out. In five, four, three, two… Attention à la porte!>

The door swung open, and the stage was immediately flooded with emerald-gold light and a strong gust of wind, bringing with it the screams and cheers from the stands, and the fresh scents of blood, sweat, and a tinge of gear oil from the tournament. If she had not heeded the Voice's warning, the Jester would have surely been swept off the stage into the foyer by this wind from another dimension. Luckily for her, the warning came just in time for her to jump off the pedestal and clear off the oncoming wind.

The shop bell rang wildly without rhythm, almost pulling the spring to which it was attached out of the doorframe. It was as if the door had been opened in front of a hurricane. And just like with a hurricane, debris started appearing from the doorway. At first it was just a few leaves, followed by broken pieces of wood with bits of colored fabric attached. It was soon followed by a bunch of cogs, and what looked like metallic cylinders… or, hold on… were those arms?

And did that ball-shaped figure look a bit like a head?

Had her visitor been dismembered and decapitated by the hurricane beyond the red door?

In answer to that question, a tumbling mass of green hair, extra metallic limbs and a brown Victorian dress violently ejected itself from the door, rolling ass over teakettle through the air like a baseball struck by a batter from the heavens. The figure flew right past her, so fast that the jester had barely enough time to register she was still in one piece, and may, perhaps not be dead yet. Though, if she didn't do something about it, the pillar that the figure was about to smash into would soon change things.

The jester brought her hands to the lyre, ready to strike whichever chords would help cushion the impact of the figure against the pillar. But before she could even touch a string, two large white … wings? No, two balloons burst out of the figure's back, and wrapped themselves around her in a tight cocoon, mere seconds before she struck the pillar.

The force of the impact was still strong enough to leave cracks in the pillar where it struck. But it appeared that those impromptu airbags had done their job. The ball landed on the floor, bounced a couple of times, and laid to rest just a few steps away from the edge of the stage, where it started to deflate.

And with that, the red door slammed shut.

Free to move across the stage once more, the jester rushed towards the fallen figure. She was just about to jump off the stage to help the newcomer out of the deflating cocoon that had protected her, before she remembered the grave consequences that would await her if she took but one step off the stage she called her home. Forced to wait on the edge, the only thing the jester could do was to call out: "Monsieur? Madame? Are you well?"

A loud groan emerged in response from the deflating ball. It was soon followed by another sound, a different voice from the previous one, something that sounded both child-like and wise beyond their years at the same time. "Do not move, Miss Shiratori, please, you will only get yourself hurt. Give me a moment, I remember there is something on you that could… Found it!"

By that point, the cocoon had deflated enough to reveal the figure wrapped inside. The two figures, to be precise. The larger one was a girl, on the young side of her teenage years, with long green hair sprawled across the ball, half-undone from a braided ponytail. She was wearing a brown and white classical lolita dress under a brown jacket with puffy sleeves, and calf-length boots. Gears and scraps of half-shaped metal sheets spilled out from her shoulder bag and spread across her dress. What little the jester could see about the pieces of metal reminded her of the pieces of plate armor worn by knights in medieval time, and she figured that those were also part of the girl's outfit. Not that it had helped the figure much. Most pieces were bent or broken, and there were cuts in several places of the dress itself, red blood spilling out in a few places, as if both armor and dress had been torn apart by invisible hooks. .

The other, smaller figure was half buried inside the shoulder bag, throwing out even more gears and metal scraps to add to the pile, before emerging with a small red vial in its claws. With the vial secured, the bright pink salamander scurried across the deflating cocoon until it reached the girl's mouth, then used its own mouth to uncork the red potion, and gently put it on the girl's lips to pour its contents.

Despite not having arms suited for the delicate task, the salamander somehow managed to pour all the liquid from the vial in the girl's mouth without spilling a drop. With each sip of the red liquid, the wounds of the girl grew brighter, red mist gently pouring out of them, before gently sealing themselves up. Her ward fully healed, the salamander discarded the empty vial. "Huh. I did not think that would actually work. Now, to get you out of this mess…" The salamander then looked around herself, searching for something, before settling her eyes on the jester.

"You there! My champion needs help! Please, come help her!"

The jester shook her head. "Je suis désolée. I'm afraid I cannot reach her."

The salamander tilted its head, then looked at the space between the jester and the deflating balloons that were still enveloping the girl. It was quite dark in the foyer, and the jester wasn't sure the salamander had recognised her, or could even see her clearly, because it soon said: "There are just a few steps between us. What do you mean, you cannot reach her? Just step off the stage and come and help!"

"Désolée, Maître Heart Wonder. I wish to help, but I am bound to this stage, and cannot leave. I believe I have explained this to you once before, non?"

The salamander gasped. "How do you know that name? No, wait a second…" it jumped off the girl and scurried across the floor to the stage, until it was close enough to see…

"Oh. It's you."

"Who the hell are you talking to?" asked the girl. In that brief conversation between salamander and jester, she had managed to remove herself from the backpack from which the giant balloons had emerged, a burst of red mist slipping out from her last wound. "What happened to the whole 'not showing yourself to civilians' you keep banging on about?"

She pulled a string from one of the straps of her backpack, then jumped off the balloon, wincing as she landed on the floor. The last couple of hours of running and fighting had taken a toll on her legs (she really needed to stop skipping PE lessons). She realized her clothes were covered in lots of dirt and broken gears stuck in different parts of the fabric, so she took some time to dust herself and remove the broken fragments. Meanwhile, small arm-looking devices emerged from the backpack she left behind, and began folding the now-rapidly deflating airbags back into the backpack.

"I have not forgotten, Miss Shiratori. In fact, I clearly remember you saying that this broken clown is not a civilian, so the rule does not apply."

The jester ignored the barb. She was used to it from the salamander. "I am glad to see you are well, mon ami. And I am pleased that you have come to see me again so soon."

"Could you please all stop talking cryptically?" The girl 'Shiratori' groaned, as she rummaged through her pockets for the small torch she carried with her. "I've spent weeks in that god-forsaken land, learning how to play the game, and the moment I reach the main city, everything goes down the drain! The NPCs all act weird, I've been thrown in a tournament by a mute, got literally manhandled by the end boss, and I was so close to getting to her! I have no time for any more stupid rid- Mathurine?!"

Bathed in the spotlight generated by the small torch the green-haired girl, the jester known as Mathurine bowed down in a deep curtsy towards the girl named Shiratori and her mascot salamander. She was not surprised by the fact that the girl had recognized her. In fact, it was hard for anyone living in this city not to recognize Mathurine d'Or, the jester-ballerina that looked like a pirate, with the three-pointed hat, the puffy-sleeved jacket and bell-shaped tutu, and the wooden lyre with the snake patterns all over it.

Once a small-bit villain of the week with only 9 minutes and 47 seconds of screen time in a long-forgotten cartoon, she had the misfortune (or good fortune, in some ways) to become the main subject of some artwork hosted on questionable websites. From there, some strange twist of fate turned this small-bit character into the face of a giant multi-media corporation, with cameos appearing in all of their productions, including a famous VR RPG. Many young children and teenagers had come to see Mathurine dance and play her lyre on this stage. One more girl recognizing her was not going to faze the jester at this stage.

But then again, the girl and her pet salamander standing before her was not just any girl.

"Mam'zelle Verity," said the jester. "Have you come here so that I may repair your broken limbs?"

"What…? How…?" asked the girl, dumbfounded. Questions that were similarly echoed by the Voice in Mathurine's head. That the jester would recognize the magical girl in front of her was expected: the Voice had made sure to send all the information gathered by the scribes when she was captured and registered to the tournament by the Knight-Mentor Filia Solthoth. Name: Ayaka Shiratori. Age: 14 Class: Artificer. Specialization: Automata. Companion Animal: Heart Wonder, Salamander. Role: Support…

But what had puzzled the Voice was that Mathurine had not accessed any of this information in order to recognise the girl. It was already stored in her local database.

This Mathurine had already met Ayaka before.

"Oh, thank goodness! Finally, someone reasonable!" Ayaka jumped up to the stage, and went to hug Mathurine. The jester was prepared for this, and took a step back to make space for the young girl on the stage, arms wide open to welcome her in a strong embrace, being careful not to damage the lyre still in her hand.

They held the hug for a few seconds, but then Ayaka stepped back. "Wait a second, that still doesn't make sense! I went through that door in the middle of the park a few blocks down the road, how have I ended up here?"

Mathurine shrugged. "Peut-être que c'est une porte magique? A magical door that appears when you need it to, and returns you where it would help you the most?"

"Like Doraemon's? …I guess that tracks. But I still don't understand why here of all… Hold on, did you just say…? Have those bastards broken you, again?"

Ayaka once again stepped closer to the jester. Hooking the torch to some remaining part of her metal armor, and using her magic to bend it just enough to secure it in place, Ayaka then took out her Key, a small, stocky wand made out of bronze and rusted metal, and then waved it around Mathurine. The jester was familiar with this process, and didn't flinch as the magic from the glowing green crystal at the tip of the wand found purchase in her body, scanning her head to toe for signs of defects.

"I swear to God, if those useless good-for-nothings have touched any of my repairs…!"

"T'inquiète pas, Mam'zelle. My body is in full working order, I have not been damaged like before."

"Then you could have asked her in a different way, you fool," said Heart Wonder, who had joined her ward by her side as she completed her scan, carrying her bags in its mouth. "You've said that question so many times when Miss Verity came to visit you, I did not notice that you'd changed it to refer to her instead of you."

Mathurine chuckled. "I thought Mam'zelle would appreciate this twist to my familiar welcome. After all, is it unusual for the healer to come to their patient for assistance, non?"

"Assistance which is no longer necessary. I have already taken the liberty to heal Miss Verity."

"Healing? I'm feeling fine, actually, what are you all…" said Ayaka, then looked down at herself. "…oh. Right. I see what you mean. Har har. Well played, Mathurine."

She did indeed confirm that she was fully healed and fine, as evidenced by the fading scars and bruises upon her exposed skin. The fact that there was exposed skin in the first place was far more concerning. She had spent weeks of research and field testing to come up with a set of magical clothes and armor to withstand the worst of the magical storms she was called to quell, and she had personally stepped into the eye of the storm to prove that it could resist the magical distortion within with nothing but a few cuts on her skirt. So to see that her carefully crafted armor had been torn down to just a few scraps, held together by thread from a dress that was itself deeply cut and torn where her armor should be…

Far more worrying was the fact that Ayaka couldn't even remember how she got that damage in the first place. All she remembered was the Knight grabbing her mid leap, holding her in one arm while she casually dismembered her construct with the other, before tossing the construct, its inventor and its broken limb. It all happened so fast, there was hardly any time for the Knight to rip her armor to shreds. Unless… that word she said towards the end, before she was pushed through the doorway. She had felt the raw magic all around her, the ropes of emerald and gold hooking into her armor and pulling it apart as she fell through the door.

Had that Knight cast a spell on her?

Did a single word really cause all that damage?

"Bon," said Mathurine. "If Mam'zelle does not require healing, then perhaps she can stay for a story?"

Ayaka paused to consider Mathurine, then shook her head. "I'm sorry, but now is not a good time, I need to get back inside."

She placed her wand inside the lock on the brooch at the center of her dress, twisted it clockwise, and opened it. A small swarm of spider-like constructs emerged from the heart-shaped brooch, and immediately began crawling towards the damaged parts of her dress. Ayaka was used to the crawling sensation across her body, a small price to pay to have a convenient "transformation sequence" mechanism on hand for emergency costume changes and field stitching. With the spider-bots busy with the repairs, she picked up Heart Wonder and her bags, then headed back towards the door.

"But it has been many nights since our last full meeting, and I am sure you have many histoires et magies to share. Like, perhaps, how you got hurt, and who hurt you? Or why you flew across the stage from the door from Le Val sans Retour?"

"Not now, Mathurine. This story is not yet over." Ayaka replied. Much as she would have liked to stay with the jester, she knew she had to get back to the tournament grounds to finish what she started before the Princess and her Lady in Waiting left the tournament grounds. But she did feel a bit guilty about leaving the jester hanging, so she paused and said. "I will come back to tell this story once I finish it, I promise. Au revoir."

She tipped her hat to the jester, only to find that her hat was no longer on her head. Great. Another item for her spider-bots to repair. She'll have to make sure to avoid any further damage this time round, her silk stock wasn't designed for that many frequent repairs. At least she hadn't mangled the French words for goodbye, like she'd done the last few times.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, going back so soon?" whispered Heart Wonder.

"Look, we know where she is now," said Ayaka as she went to open the door. "If we wait until the tournament's over, she might not still be there, and we would have to start all over again. We've been away so long, if we don't get back soon, then… What the hell?"

Mathurine took a few steps around the young green-haired girl to catch a glimpse of what was beyond the door, and gasped. Instead of leading to the back of the stage of the foyer, she saw that the doorway led to a crossroad made of pristine yellow bricks. A crossroad sign made of dark wood had been placed on the other side of the crossroad from the door, the single sign pointing straight forward, through an overgrown meadow and towards a large, pine tree forest.

The road itself snaked in and out of the meadow on the outskirts of the forest, then proceeded straight forward, cutting the forest in two. From that gap and rising on both sides, two almost identical mountain peaks, with the same layer of snow at the top and the same number of trees climbing from the forest to half-way up the peak, laid almost exactly at the same distance between each side of the forest. The sun itself lay in between the valley, just above the level of the peaks, contributing to this impossibly symmetrical view. A quiet breeze blew through the door, much gentler than the hurricane that blew Ayaka into the foyer earlier, bringing in the smell of grass, warm earth, and sweet flowers.

"Ah! C'est la Forêt des Pics-Jumeaux!" said Mathurine, recognizing the location beyond the door from the game screenshots stored in her memory. "You did not tell me you play this game as well! And I see why you say your story is not yet finished. La château de la vallée sans retour is just up ahead, where the adventure truly begins. Perhaps you need some guidance as to how to get there?"

Without waiting for Ayaka's reply, the jester asked the Voice for information about the forest, which the Voice readily supplied. Moments later, she had downloaded all the relevant information on her database, and was ready to answer any question the young magical girl might ask her.

Any question, that is, except for what Ayaka said next.


Part 2 coming next week.


French translation
  • Être prêt, ma sœur = Be ready, sister
  • Attention à la porte = Watch out for the door
  • Je suis désolée = I am sorry
  • Peut-être que c'est une porte magique? = Maybe it's a magic door?
  • T'inquiète pas = Do not worry
  • C'est la Forêt des Pics-Jumeaux = It's the Twin Peaks forest!
I LOVE Mathurine she's so funny she has a lot of personality

I'm loving Shiratori and Mathurine relationship thing my brain is comparing it too is someone helping their grandma especially with like medical related stuff if that makes any sense at all

I wonder what the voices is it related to Heart Wonder
Mathurine shrugged. "Peut-être que c'est une porte magique? A magical door that appears when you need it to, and returns you where it would help you the most?"

"Like Doraemon's? …I guess that tracks. But I still don't understand why here of all… Hold on, did you just say…? Have those bastards broken you, again?"
Local Doraemon fan picks the true and just examples for her flying machine.

I bet she watches the movies yearly.
Come to think of it, the Voice hadn't really specified when that was going to happen. Only that it would happen. As long as she kept an eye on it, and made sure no-one interfered with it, of course.
Fillia is going to be so happy when she learns that she's not the only one who hears a voice in her head.
Mathurine seems like a fun character too, interactions with her are going to be interesting to say the least.
Episode 1-5.2
"The starting area? We're back at the starting area?!" Ayaka slammed the door, opened it up again, slammed and re-opened it twice more, but the vista remained the same. "That doesn't make any sense at all! We should be back at the city entrance! That farmer earlier told me that crystal was a save point, I shouldn't be back here! Unless… unless he was lying to me too?"

"That seems fairly unlikely, I doubt that NPC even knows about the concept of lying," said Heart Wonder.

"Then… a fake saving point? But why would they put that in the game… unless it doesn't work because of how I entered the game world? Damn it, why did they make this game so… argh!"

Ayaka threw her hands in the air, and began pacing round the stage. She would occasionally fire another comment to her mascot, and her mascot would reply, both still loud enough for Mathurine to follow. But Mathurine was no longer paying attention.

<Je ne comprends pas.> she said to the Voice in her head. <Mam'zelle Verity has already been to the city. There is no way to return to la Forêt des Pics-Jumeaux once you get inside the city walls, so why was she sent back here?>

<About time you started paying attention, ma sœur! Let me fill you in on what your Mam'zelle has been up to…> said the Voice, directing the jester to a new message in her mailbox. Mathurine opened it, and was immediately bombarded with videos and images of the young girl tricking the guards, entering the city, tripping over a monster boy, being captured by the Mute Mentor, fighting in the tournament, and then…

"Well, it's no use crying over spilled milk now. We've got to get back to the tournament before she leaves."

"And how exactly are we going to get there in time, Miss Shiratori? It took us days to even get to that town from here, even with that… thopter of yours taking us most of the way!"

"Then we just have to go faster this time round. And I think I know what we need for it."

With that, Ayaka began to undo her armor and lay it on the ground in front of her, then stuck her hand into her bag, and began rummaging around, taking out a number of metalling objects as she listed them out loud. "Let's see… I'm going to need some gears, some metal plate, and some poles to fit this together… Huh?"

She had just taken out quite a large curved metal plate that was twice the size of her bag, and had put her hands back in to fish for more, but she soon realized she could not find what she was looking for. She searched every corner of the bag with her hands, and when that wasn't successful, she grabbed her torch and stuck her own head in to have a look. But there was nothing left to find.

"Empty!? How can it be empty? Where have they all gone?" Ayaka turned the bag upside-down, in the vain hope that something else would come out.

Mathurine, who had just finished catching up with the Voice's message, looked at the bag, then at the bits and pieces that lay spread across the ground. "Partout sur le sol, perhaps?"

"No, no, no, no… This can't be all that's left! I only made one giant warrior and some birds since I've been there, and I've made sure to recycle the birds too, I can't have depleted my entire stock already. And I've even made sure to grab some extra metal parts from the blacksmith, just in case I ran out in the game. If the potion made it here, then I should still have all the stuff I acquired in the game. So how…?"

"Then perhaps it is not this soil that you should search, but the one from whence you came?" Mathurine said, pointing towards the door.

"The tournament ground? Even if that were true, Mathurine, I've already said I didn't make enough constructs to use up all my items. And before you ask, no, it's not like that Sonic the Hedgehog game you asked me about where he spills everything whenever he gets hit."

"Ah, ce n'est pas vrai, Mam'zelle. Such powers do indeed exist in Le Val sans Retour. It is wielded only by the highest Knight-Protector of the Realm, the Lady Hawke, guardian of her majesty the Knight-Princess Gloriana. But she would not dare to use it against an adventurer. Unless…"

"Unless? Unless what?" asked Ayaka.

"Unless an adventurer threatens the Princess," Mathurine replied, staring intently at Ayaka.

"What? No! No, that can't be right. I never even touched the Princess! If anything, I was doing her a favor! That… girl, pretending to be a maid or something next to her, she's not supposed to be there, she's not even from that world, she's from ours! I was trying to get her away from them so that we could get home…"

"Ah, but she was part of the Princess's entourage, non? And a threat to the Princess's entourage, is a threat to the Princess herself. Those who dare threaten the Princess, face the wrath of Lady Hawke, and the highest punishment throughout the realm: The removal of all weapons and armor… and banishment from Le Val sans Retour."

"Banishment? Banishment?!" shouted Ayaka "You're telling me that this Lady Hawke has banned me from the game?"

Mathurine shook her head. "Not banned, exactement. You are still free to return to La Val Sans Retour." She nodded towards the open door. "But the price to pay for the crime of attacking the Princess and her court, is that you must return from the very start, as a new character, with all your weapons and powers removed, and any magical ability in the game reset to the first level. It is the belief of the Knight Princess herself that rebuilding one's life from the very start provides sufficient penance- "

"But if my powers have been reset in the game," interrupted Ayaka, "then even if I get my stuff back, I won't be able to… I won't be able to get back to the tournament in time! I'm going to have to start searching for her all over again! Damn that stupid game!"

The young magical girl slammed the door as hard as she could, hard enough to cause the frame to wobble. Mathurine steadied the door frame with her hand. "Oh la la! Such rashness, such violence! Tricking guards, attacking the royal court, attempted kidnapping… The Sublime Verity I know wouldn't dare to act like such a …petite criminelle. She is supposed to be the hero, here to protect us from the evil that taints Mother Nature herself. Qu'est-elle devenue?"

"… Shit, you're right! I've become public enemy number one now. That stupid… argh!" Ayaka stomped towards the centre of the stage, and sat on the pedestal, the same one that Mathurine was resting on barely a few moments ago, and where the animatronic had been stuck for several days before Ayaka granted her the gift of movement. She buried her head in her hands, whether to think things out or to avoid showing her tears, Mathurine couldn't say.

"Much as it pains me to admit, the clown is right. Yet again." Heart Wonder whispered in Ayaka's ear. "We've been running around with little rest since you entered that world, you've rushed in with no plan, you've made mistakes, and now we've faced the consequences. I know that time in there has a different effect on your body than out here, but you've neglected to rest several times since we entered that world. Perhaps we should go home and rest, and tackle this again with a relaxed mind?"

"You know fully well we can't do that, Wonder. I'm going to be in enough trouble with my mum and dad for being late. If she's not back there to cover for us, there is no way we can get back here to find her, let alone save the world." Ayaka rubbed her eyes. "No. We need to get back in and get her out. And the sooner we do it, the sooner we get out of trouble."

"Pardon, Mam'zelle," said Mathurine, as she approached the young girl."This her you speak of… She is la dame d'honneur of the princess Gloriana, non?"

"Dame of honor? Hah! I highly doubt she is rich enough to be called a Dame. And if she had any honor, she'd be staying at home doing my homework, instead of sneaking out at night like a horse that brings trouble to its herd."

"My, such harsh and judging words from a champion of justice like yourself. Tu devrais déjà savoir: ne pas juger un livre par sa couverture. But it seems from the way you make such a judgment, you already know who she is," said Mathurine, tilting her head. "Tell me, why is she of such importance to you?"

It was now Ayaka's turn to look puzzled.

"Are you sure they didn't tamper with you again?" She stood up and took out her Key to scan Mathurine. "I told you all about her when we last met, and you always remember our conversations from weeks ago perfectly well! You even came up with the best way to describe her! What was it that you called her… You said she was my… image miroir? My… twin soul, you said? Surely you must remember that at least…"

"I would be surprised if she knows what we are talking about, even if she does remember," said the pink salamander. "After all, we've only just found out moments ago that your 'twin soul' is the servant to royalty."

"…Oh. Yes, you're right. I should tell her about that." Turning back towards Mathurine, Ayaka started to explain: "So, you know the person I was looking for -"

"Ah, je comprends!" interrupted the jester, having just recalled the exact conversation Ayaka described from just the day before, and piecing it together with the information provided by the Voice. "The Lady Nanase is your âme sœur. Your twin sister, is she not?"

"Oh thank goodness, you've remembered that. But no, as I've explained, she is not my twin sister. Not exactly. And why are you calling her Nanase? That's not her real name, she's supposed to have the same name as me…"

"… So her name is Ayaka Nanase?"

"No, Mathurine, that's not what I… You know what? That's actually a good idea. Maybe I should tell everyone she's my twin sister, Ayaka Nanase. Then if I meet this Lady Hawke again, she might let me take her home, instead of hitting me with that ban-hammer of hers."

"I very much doubt that Lady Hawke would be persuaded by such arguments, after such a hostile opening move." Commented the salamander on Ayaka's shoulder. "Besides, we still haven't resolved how exactly we are going to get back to the city in time…"

<Intéressant. So the Lady Nanase is actually this girl's twin sister?> the Voice whispered to Mathurine as Ayaka continued to argue with her mascot <That opens up some interesting possibilities…>

<What are you thinking, ma sœur?>

<Well, if the Mam'zelle is so desperate to get her sister back that she's willing to go back through the whole game again…>

"…then perhaps there is something I can do to help."

"…I'm sorry, Mathurine, did you say something?" asked Ayaka.

"You want to return to la ville d'Ysria to find Lady Nanase, so that you can bring her home where she belongs, n'est-ce pas?"

"Um… yes? That's … what I've been saying?" Ayaka considered the jester for a moment, then said "I think I should check your audio system again, I don't think it's - "

"Alors, laisses-moi gérer!"

With quick and precise échappés, Mathurine bounced back towards the door before Ayaka could finish her sentence. Hand at the ready on her lyre, she curtseyed to Ayaka, then strung a series of three-note chords as she danced over to the left, then over to the right, before pirouetting back towards the door. With each turn she struck an ascending arpeggio on her lyre, plucking each cord faster and faster with her fingers as her turns became faster and faster, until coming to a sudden stop on her 11th turn, exiting with her leg stuck out into an arabesque as she finished her final chord.

As the last note was plucked from the lyre, a bright yellow light shone through the cracks in the magical door. The light shifted to orange, then red, then blue, then green, cycling through each color until finally stopping at a greenish light, before disappearing entirely. The jester then walked over to the door handle, paused for a moment to ring the doorbell, then with a twirl she opened the door.

Now, instead of the valley with the twin peaks on either side, the door opened at the edge of a pine tree forest, to a view of a small rural village, framed by the trunks and branches of the surrounding trees. A dirt pathway led down towards the town, passing through gated fields where farmers appeared to be growing and mowing down wheat at the same time, while cows and sheep grazed in the nearby pastures. In the distance, a tall wizard's tower sat overlooking the village from the edge of another forest. Its dark shadows seemed to absorb the vibrant colours from all around it, leaving the dark tower to stick out amongst the vibrant golden fields, green forests and blue skies of this new location.

"Et voilà! La Tour-Belfort. A resting place for adventurers willing to brave the wilds of Les Bois Imposants, and home to the Grand Mage Kuramazov, and her apprentice Ekaterina Van der Veen. La ville des rêves perdus should be about –" She pointed towards somewhere to the left of the tower, hidden by a tree. "– ten minutes in that direction, à vol de corbeau. That should get you close to where you can find your twin sister, non?"

Ayaka stared at the world beyond the door, dumbstruck at the change in scenery. When she finally spoke, all she could say was: "What the…? How did…?" She rushed through the door and towards the edge of the forest. Mathurine stepped in to hold the door in place and prevent it from closing behind the young magical girl, as she scanned the horizon, getting her bearings.

"La ville d'Ysria is currently under lockdown, malheureusement." The jester called out to Ayaka. "We were unable to get you any closer to the castle of Her Majesty the Princess. Nevertheless, I hope this starting location is more suitable for your quest."

"You're right, I recognize this place. I passed by that creepy tower just before I got to the city gates" Ayaka replied as she stepped back through the door. "If I remember, there is a blacksmith and a carpenter close by. If I stop there to gather some supplies…"

She paused, then turned towards Mathurine, a confused look on her face. "But how were you able to change the start location?"

"Indeed, how are you able to do that, I wonder?" added the salamander, glaring at the jester. "My ward has told you very little about our adventures in the world beyond that door, yet somehow you seem to know a lot about that world and what happened to us. And now you show you can teleport us anywhere in the game? For a dancing clown with no magic who can't even leave this stage, you seem to have some oddly convenient tricks up your sleeve."

"Oh la la! On dirait que j'ai été pris par la salamandre." Mathurine giggled. "It is true. I have no magic to call my own, and I cannot leave this stage. But when it comes to Le Val sans Retour, I actually do have something that can help you on your quest. Or rather, someone. Indeed, you could even say that I, too, have an âme sœur in the game."

The jester pointed towards one of the columns next to the stage. Despite the ambient light coming from the door, there was not enough of it around to see the column clearly, so Ayaka pointed her torch towards it. With the torchlight on the column, Ayaka had no trouble recognising the giant figure of the jester herself, printed on a poster that was wrapped around the entire column. The figure was surrounded in the front by other, smaller characters, one a knight, one a wizard, one dressed in the garbs of a ninja while the other in a modest-yet-still-provocative belly dancer dress, while the background showed buildings that Ayaka recognised from her brief visit in the game, including the main city's castle and the dark wizard's tower. Above all, a silhouette of a princess-looking figure, praying to the stars, served as decoration to the Final Fantasy-esque opening title of "Le Val sans Retour".

"Ah, so you are a character of the game. Even so, that does not explain -"

"She's not just any NPC, Wonder." Interrupted Ayaka. "I remember now! You're, like, the main quest giver of the game, and the one who gives out the special event quests too! Not only that, you also do fast travel services, and I think players can also summon you to answer questions about the game, like an internal wiki or something? I think if we had visited the first temple and done the main quest, you would have given us your summoning crystal… Damn! No wonder that game looked familiar! We could have really used your help there…"

Mathurine shook her head. "Désolée, Mam'zelle. Even if you did, ma sœur would not have been able to help you like I did now. Though we are born from the same code base, and share the same soul, only I keep the memories of our conversations, and the debt I owe you for repairing my broken limbs, inside my soul."

She placed her hand over her heart and bowed her head at Ayaka.

"Et pourtant," she continued, "though our memories differ, my sister and I still share a deep connection, and it is this connection I have used to arrange your travel to La Tour-Belfort."

"Wait, the two of you are connected? Like hands and feet or, er, a mystical twin connection or something?"

"Oui, Mam'zelle. Indeed, I believe you even helped me reconnect to my sister." When she saw the young girl didn't understand, she added: "You set our connection to be called 'HuliOffice_Wifi', n'est-ce pas?"

"…Huh. So that was a Wi-fi module inside you. I didn't know for sure until now, but-"

"A question for another time, I am sure. Now that the clown has given us this opportunity, we should strike while the iron is hot. Then you can tell me all about what this "Wi-Fi" module does on our way back to the city. And perhaps you can also explain to me how you also seem to know your way around this game?" asked the pink salamander.

"…Right, good point. I'll tell you on the way." She stepped towards the door, paused, then rushed back to Mathurine to give her another big hug. "Thank you so much, Mathurine. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Le plaisir est pour moi, Mam'zelle. I am happy to be of service to you this time" said the jester. "I look forward to hearing about your grand adventure dans Le Val sans Retour."

"I will do, I promise." Ayaka replied. With her dress finally repaired, and the spider constructs safely back into her brooch, she adjusted the straps on her bags. "Well, then, Wonder. Let's get going, shall we?" she said, and stepped through the open door.

"Un moment, Mam'zelle. I have one more thing to say."

Ayaka had barely made it two steps towards the dirt road before she heard the jester calling out to her again, and turned back towards the door. "Yes, Mathurine?"

"Ma sœur tells me that the Lady Nanase is back at the castle, and under the protection of the Knight-Mother. Her majesty Gloriana has also assigned her further guards to her retinue, after your…incursion. Even if you do rebuild your constructs, you will not be able to rescue your twin sister against such odds. You will need allies on this quest."

"…Thanks, Mathurine, I will keep that in mind. Any suggestions where I can find them? Does the game have some mercenary NPCs I can hire?"

Mathurine gazed into the distance towards the village, as she listened to the Voice's advice. "Ma sœur says you should visit the town hall, and collect the summoning crystal from her. Then she will tell you anything you need to know to survive in this world. I will send her my memories of you, so that she can recognise you when you arrive. She also says… she says she has a message for you. From Lady Kuramazov."

Ayaka tilted her head. "You mean the Grand Mage from that dark tower up ahead? Why would she send me a message?"

Mathurine shrugged. "Je ne sais pas, Mam'zelle. I am not familiar with this world as my sister is. All I can say is, if this porte magique is able to bring yourself and your twin sister to La Val Sans Retour, perhaps other magical girls have also gained access to this world?" She winked at Ayaka. "Bonne chance, mon amie," and closed the door.

Silence and darkness reigned in the foyer once more. There were still a couple of hours before dawn, so Mathurine returned to her pedestal, to prepare for the day ahead. <Merci pour ton aide, ma sœur> she whispered to the Voice. <Will you make sure to keep her safe?>

<I thank you as well. And do not worry, ma sœur. I will keep our Mam'zelle safe.> replied the Voice <After all…


If our Warlord Usurper got captured, that would not make for a fun story, non?>


French Translations:
Je ne comprends pas = I don't understand
Partout sur le sol = All over the floor
ce n'est pas vrai = That's not true
petite criminelle = little criminal
Qu'est-elle devenue? = What happened to her?
Tu devrais déjà savoir: ne pas juger un livre par sa couverture = You should already know: don't judge a book by its cover
Alors, laisses-moi gérer = So let me handle it
La ville des rêves perdus = The city of lost dreams
à vol de corbeau = as the crow flies
On dirait que j'ai été pris par la salamandre = Looks like I've been caught by the salamander
Le plaisir est pour moi = My pleasure
Merci pour ton aide = thank you for your help
And that's a wrap for Episode 1! Thank you all for joining us so far!

There will be a short break before the next episode starts, so let us know what you think of the story so far, ad we will see you again soon!