So, Code Geass, Anyone?

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A Fever dream created due to Quarantine
Chappy 1


Novice Writer
New Zealand
I've spent the last few weeks at home, as many have, and despite other fics calling to be continued, i found myself drawn to watching Code Geass again, (It's on Netflix, i seriously recommend you watch it.) and i just finished watching it last week.

This is the result. I'm just gonna upload the first chapter here to gauge interest and get some feedback before i throw myself into writing this

Stage 1: A Wrench in the Machine

In my second life, I was born in a mansion. It wasn't a exactly a small mansion; it was practically a castle, but for the lack of stone walls. Practically the perfect home for the upper crust of nobility. I grew up a quiet girl, though I was a man in my previous life. Thankfully, my baby years were a haze, sparing me the trauma of childbirth and absolute boredom. My parents loved me, and made sure that I was afforded all the comforts they could give. I had many playmates in my younger years, though that soon gave way to a more focused schooling.

I was trained in combat and etiquette. Hidden knives and poison identification, strength and flexibility training. Even firearms. My combat mistress was very insistent that I must be able to blend in, to disappear completely if needed. I was to know who was who in the mansion, memorizing their faces, jobs and access levels. She said this was good training for my future. My etiquette mistress, similarly, was very clear on being able to blend. She particularly emphasized the ability to completely disappear into a crowd of random nobles and mix with them easily.

The most confusing part of my new life was the dichotomy of this world. The clothing and styles were almost Victorian, though the fabric was modern. It was obviously a British civilization given the accents, but the climate was far too hot to be on the isles. Despite looking like something out of a renaissance movie, the mansion was flush with modern conveniences. A rare trip beyond the grounds revealed a post-modern world, built on top of a desert.

An enormous silver city built in layers, expertly designed to withstand any natural phenomenon. Enormous solar arrays to supplement nuclear power, massive shock absorbers to withstand any kind of earthquake. It was named Pendragon, the seat of the Imperial throne, and jewel of the homeland. The name was familiar, but I wrote it off. A British city named Pendragon was expected for what seemed like an autocratic society. Or, Brittanian, as they called it.

It wasn't until I was sixteen that something interesting happened. I was told that I had 'graduated', and my training was complete. I was to be given a mission, with new responsibilities. After a tearful farewell with my parents, I was flown across the city to my new home. I was introduced to a Lady, clad in clothing less ornate than most nobles and I was struck by familiarity. She was a black haired woman, and introduced herself as Marianne. The head of her guard was some noble, a forgettable face.

I focused back on the lady, but I was still unable to place her. I kept trying to place her while we walked, though I payed enough attention to note faces and positions, as I was trained to. The features they carried were European, as everyone was here. The only anomaly was hair color, eye color, and the average build. In general, everyone I'd met was skinny, tall or not, apart from a few anomalous nobles. It wasn't out of proportion, but they looked slightly stretched. While most people had normal hair colors, some had blood red, purple, green, aqua, and so on. Similarly, some eye colors which should be impossible

We soon reached our destination, a door as ornate as any other. The door slid to the side automatically, as doors do in this weird world. Marianne entered first, the rest of us following. Her goal was a gilded crib, which within lay a baby, practically a newborn. Marianne picked up the baby, who looked no more than a few weeks old, and turned to me. She introduced my new charge, Lelouch Vi Brittania, 11th Prince and 17th in line to the royal imperial Brittanian throne. Raised as a bodyguard-servant, I was to be his personal maid and protector. My first and last duty was to his life. If he died, my own was forfeit.

Suddenly, something clicked in my brain, and I began putting everything together. I was in Brittania, an Imperial state which covered more than a third of the world. In seventeen years, this baby would go on to begin a rebellion against this country, kill thousands personally, and millions indirectly. This baby would focus the world's hate onto himself as a last ditch effort to create a peaceful world.

As the eldest daughter of the head maid and butler of a prominent noble family, the Ashford family, my loyalty was without question. That is what led to my selection.

Yare Yare Daze, and may the God my Emperor wishes to kill help me.

I'm going to need it.

---=== February 12th 2000, Ascension Throne Brittania (A.T.B.) ===---​

My eyes blinked open as my charge cried into the still room. I quickly walked over, pulling my charge from its crib. The baby's violet eyes were screwed up while its mouth let its displeasure known. Thanks to my years of training, I was a very light sleeper. With ease born of recent and prolific practice, I identified a dirty diaper. Smooth motions deposited the baby on it's changing station, and carried out the deed. Sated, the baby ceased crying and looked up at me. it's violet eyes pierced my soul.

"There, there, little Lulu. Everything's going to be alright." I say, pulling my charge up into a hug. The baby yawns, then rests it's head against my shoulder. Within moments it has returned to sleep.

I stood silently, watching him. In another moment, my composure was broken. I relaxed my face and smiled with my eyes as well as my mouth. Silently, I let out a Sqeeeeee! I mean, come on! He's so cute! I've tried so hard to be professional about this, but I'm only human! Seriously, If you spend every minute of every day around something and are responsible for its care and safekeeping, you will begin to form an attachment. This goes for inanimate objects as well as living dependents. How do you think people gain such a love of their cars, or pet rocks.

An additional factor was my own biology. I am a young woman, in the middle of puberty. My hormones are running wild, and I've come to regard Lulu as mine. If not my trueborn son; then my charge, my responsibility, my child. Knowing his future only makes me want to protect him, but I know better than that. I wont be able to stop him, and swaddling him in blankets

I'll prepare him, instead.

---=== July 20th 2001, A.T.B ===---​

The next few years passed by in a state of bliss. Lelouch grew in leaps and bounds; he was walking younger than average, fiercely intelligent, and quick to pick up the trick to his puzzle toys. The toddler was doted upon by his elder half-siblings, and much loved playmate of Euphemia, who was born a year after him. His mother barely featured in his life, both due to the work she was doing with the fledgling Autonomous Knight project and the goal she shares with the Emperor. She always tried to have time for him, whether it was a picnic or a story before bed. I can understand why so many of her staff Idolize the woman, having known her for a few years now.

His brother Clovis, at age nine, attempted to teach a two year old Lelouch how to play chess. It was a fool's errand, to expect a toddler to play the game well. At least that's what Clovis thought. Likely sore due to repeated losses against his elder half-brother Schneizel, he wanted an opponent he could beat. Unfortunately for him, Lelouch was a fast learner. After a few lost games to get his developing mind around the rules and moves, he consistently destroyed Clovis. His subsequent accusations of cheating and complaints to his siblings only led to laughter. He had expected someone to boost his ego on, but chose his opponent poorly.

Lelouch, however, found himself quite entertained. He spent the next few months running around, challenging anyone he could. Cornelia came close to winning, but still lost. Schneizel is the only one Lulu hasn't won against. Euphemia was still too young to understand the game, but the random guards, servants and visiting nobles who indulged the child all found themselves on the losing side fairly quickly.

It's therefore hardly surprising that Lelouch's first word was a question related to chess.

---=== January 15th 2002, A.T.B ===---​


I blinked, surprised. Lelouch had stopped in a hall while searching for a new victim. Most knew not to accept a challenge by now, and only Clovis was still repeatedly attempting to reclaim his 'honor'. So the situation itself wasn't surprising, but the action and target were. Lelouch was stood there, in his toddler-sized finery, looking up at me with a determined set to his slightly chubby, aristocratic features. His elegantly carved, wooden chess set, a much loved gift from Schneizel, was held up in my direction. While I was squealing in my head, I knelt down next to him and placed a hand on his head with a kind smile. HEADPAT ACHIEVED!

"Of course, young Master." The beaming smile I received was worth the world. He took me by the hand and dragged me down the hall. Some people we passed, guards and nobles, gave me a smirk as we passed them. They assume I'm going to finally get my butt kicked, after 'avoiding it' for so long. We were soon ensconced in his 'playroom', the board set up between us. This was actually the first time I'd ever played him. In fact, it's the first time I've actually played the game in this life. It was also the first time he's ever asked me, so of course I have to say yes.

I've watched Lelouch almost every moment of his life. Of course, this means I now know chess by osmosis, even if I was never very good in my old life. I can generally see what the players are trying to do five moves in advance, though Schneizel's tactics still throws me off, sometimes. Our match reveals something rather astonishing; Lelouch plans far more than five moves in advance. That is an absolutely insane accomplishment for a two year old. However, he played as if I was a completely new opponent, and used a strategy I knew. Even attempting to change strategies was useless, as I know every strategy he tries. He soon found himself being trapped into a check he couldn't escape from.

Once he realized this he stopped and looked up at me with big eyes, like he was only really seeing me for the first time. It's not a bad comparison, really. As a servant, I am not nobility. It is a trait of the upper crust to generally dismiss the working class unless they are particularly exceptional or exceptionally poor at their jobs. Though I've changed him, fed him and clothed him throughout his life, I'm not his mother. As far as I know he feels affection for me, but to everyone else I was essentially Lulu's shadow. Always there, but easily dismissible. You don't pay attention to someone's shadow, after all.

That first chess game wouldn't be the last. Lelouch would always attempt to find another opponent first. Most of the time this was the new guards, who didn't know his reputation. Only after he'd exhausted all his options, would he turn to me with his big, violet eyes. Personally, I think it's out of respect. Why would you repeatedly challenge one who you see as a master? It would do nothing but lower their opinion of you. Of course, I'm flattered. I'm no chess grandmaster. I can barely stay ahead of the boy, even when studying up on techniques and strategies while he's asleep.

After his third birthday, it was also expected of me to also provide his basic education. My etiquette training was also passed on, though for nobles, rather than a shadow. The toddler took to his lessons with ease, Though he wasn't happy it interfered with his chess time. I had to take a whole lesson to explain that chess was far from the focal point of the world. By the time Nunnally was born, Lelouch was just getting the hang of it. He walked with a straight back, chin up. He was polite to everyone he met, even the servants. That won him some brownie points with the staff, though it was expected of Marianne the Commoner's son.

---=== October 25th 2003, A.T.B ===---​

Lelouch was nervously waiting with me, outside the medical wing on the day. Hours passed, and soon a Lelouch excited to meet his new sibling fell to exhaustion. All that pacing and trying to keep himself awake wore him out even faster. The labor was long, and wouldn't end until the next morning. My charge, as soon as he woke, demanded to be brought to see his sister. I complied, of course, and ithin minutes we were atthe new royal's room. The first thing he did upon entering was run over to the pink crib and look at his sleeping sister. After a few minutes studying her face he turned to me and asked a question, looking completely serious.

"You'll be there for her too, right?"

I hesitate to answer. "If I have to protect the princess as well, I may not be by your side you if something were to happen." He goes silent and turns back to his sister. I can see the gears turning in his head. Slowly, he steps away from the crib and lowers himself to one knee, face pointed down.


...OOF. My heart. Now, I know for a fact the only time Lelouch has ever gotten down on his knees to ask for anything was to ask Suzaku to protect this very girl, so It's not out of character. Despite trying to teach him to be more humble and respectful, he is royalty, and has picked up some behaviors from his siblings and mother. He is prideful, and sometimes throws tantrums. He is also incredibly intelligent and manipulative, which helps him know who he can manipulate, and who he can't.

"I cannot make that decision, young master." I finally respond. I can his fringe casting a shadow over his face already. "However, because of your honest and sincere plea, I will bring the matter before your mother." His face snaps up to mine, eyes wide in shock. After a second, he jumps up from the ground and hugs me around my legs.

"Thank you, Eliza."

---=== Spring of 2009 A.T.B ===---​

Nunnally is very sweet, the girl is doted upon by all her siblings. As 87th in line for the throne, she doesn't have much chance of ascending to the throne, and so is regarded as a non-entity in the political game. Lelouch dotes upon her more than any other, however, and spends most of his time with her. Which is good for me, at least. After noting that exact fact, Consort Marianne agreed to extend my duties to include Nunnally.

With her protection equal in importance to her brother, my duties to her led to many new responsibilities. After increasing harassment from the other Queen-consorts and nobles in the palace, It was decided the family would move outside the city. And so, I came to live within Aries Villa. My first task was surveillance. I personally installed over a hundred of cameras and microphones all across the grounds and within the mansion itself. They all ran on independent batteries, and could last years before loosing power. I employed a few scientists to create a program to make sense of all this data, allowing real-time monitoring of the entire Villa. Those scientists were sworn to secrecy and scattered all over the empire, with comfortable lives awaiting them.

To those of you reading my diaries, this may seem like overkill. However, I have a responsibility to protect my charges, and it's not paranoia when they really are out to get you. I observed thousands of times where Marianne and C.C. met and headed of dozens of incidents of Marianne attempting to experiment on her own children with her Geass. The day Cornelia, the Goddess of Victory, requested to become the head of Marianne the Flash's royal guard, I knew my time was almost up.

Soon, V.V. would assassinate the Queen. Knowing her what she desires, I plan to let him. However, I will NOT let any harm come to my children! To hell with Canon! I, Eliza Montgomery, the Shadow of Lamprouge (My self-assigned title. Cool huh?), reject that future!

Still, the fated day came. Anya Alstriem was taken in by Marianne, as a favour. The young girl was shy and her parents were having trouble teaching her proper etiquette. After observing Marianne's children in court, they asked her to tutor little Anya. This, of course, meant I was to tutor Anya. But just because she is not my direct responsibility doesn't mean I'm going to let Marianne take away eight years of her life. A week later, Marianne orders Cornelia to withdraw her royal guard from the Villa for a night. Though Cornelia protested, she complied with her Idol's orders.

In the dead of night, when V.V. Spilled the Queen's blood all over the staircase, I was not in the Villa. Nor were the prince, princess, or even little Anya. We were visiting the Ashfords, on 'Marianne's' request. Lelouch, Nunnally and Milly all had a wonderful time attempting to drag Anya out of her shell. The manor was full of joy, and laughter. V.V.'s discovery that his 'witnesses' weren't there caused a look of real panic to grace the little psychopathic bro-con's youthful face. There was one thing I did know. There was no one else in the room who lived, apart from V.V., when Marianne's heart stopped and she went still. Once I'd confirmed that, I glanced up from the screen of my monitoring device and smiled at the children, watched over by the most loyal royal guard on this planet. All was right in the world.
