Snuggle Squids ch.3- Still in the Locker...
Inside the locker filled with filth, Taylor Hebert in her unconscious state, dreamed.
She dreamed of a living landscape of crystalline domes and towers, and of the mind behind this fantastic vista, a mind that welcomed and cared for her.
She dreamed of friends who would be there for her, who would be as loyal to her, as she was to them.
Inside the locker, light and power sparked into being as conditions inside chances to a state that had reality and the laws of physics crying in a corner.
From the dreaming girl's chest an ovoid shape glowing a ghostly golden purple emerged.
The egg-like shape was the size of a small child's fist at first, but it began to rapidly expand. Taylor, even in her unconscious state, instinctively wrapped her arms protectively around the smooth warmth of the growing egg shape.
Through the transparent energy-shell, a single molecule of the strange golden crystal burst into being at the egg's center.
Faster than the human eye could follow, clusters and strands of dense crystalline nerve cells began to appear. These condensed into glowing weaves and structures that quickly opaque the form growing inside the egg.
As a dance of light and energy began to pulse in bursts from the egg's surface in the miraculous creation of a new life, something of a more sinister bent occurred outside of the locker.
In the third floor hallway of Winslow High School, two of the regular followers of Emma Barnes in her obsessive torment of Taylor Hebert were discussing business as they walked up to Taylor's locker.
"Juliiiia... Why's it my phone you want to record this shit with?" Ashley Rogers whined as she turned to her blonde friend.
Julia Marks turned her head with a huff, as she looked at the brown haired girl walking beside her.
"Because your phone takes better video, duh." Julia stopped walking for a moment. "And like, my boyfriend said the site will pay more for better video... Oh yeah, I texted him." Julia tilted her head towards Ashley as a cruel smirk twisted her lips. "He also wants the one you took of Hess and Barnes shoving the bitch in... He like, thinks we can get more for both of them together!"
Ashley's face paled at her friend's words, as she stuttered a reply.
"No-t happ-ening! You know Hess would kill me!"
Julia wrapped an arm across the shoulder of her nervous friend.
"~No she won't!~" Julia said in a sing-song voice. "Like, listen Ashley... Hess will never find out, it'll be my voice on the video, anyways, you want that fifty bucks... Right?" She spoke quickly as she attempted to reassure the nervous brunette.
Ashley looked down at her shoes as she nervously replied. "I- I do need the money... o- okay."
Julia's grin is a vicious flash of teeth at Ashley's reply.
"Good!" Julia patted her friend's shoulder before walking a few steps ahead of her. "Come on, get your phone ready, already!"
Ashley pulled her phone from her pants pocket and began to record her friend strutting up to Hebert's locker. Ashley tried to hold back her giggling at Julia skipping to the side to avoid the large puddle of reddish brown goop that had oozed out from under the locker door.
"Ew! Ew! Ew! That's some nasty shit!" Julia looked at her shoes. "Nope, didn't get any on them, anyways... ~Taylor sweetie, can you hear me?~" Julia said in her best 'cutesie' voice as she slapped the locker door, trying to get the attention of the girl trapped within.
"Julia..." Ashley tried to get her friend's attention.
"~Taylor sweetie, if you beg, I'll let you out, but you gotta beg pretty.~"
Julia looked over her shoulder and mouthed the words "No I won't." to where Ashley was recording, before she noticed the girl was wide eyed and shaking as she held her phone up.
"Ashley, like, hold the phone steady!" With a flip of her hair, Julia turned back to the locker before she spoke again. "It's not like the site will pay for stupid horror movie shakie cam shit, get your shit together!"
"What!" The girl snapped at her friend as she whipped her head around to glare at the brunette.
"W-why are the vents glowing?" Ashley squeaked as she pointed at the locker behind the blonde.
Whipping her head around to look at the locker, Julia saw that her friend was right!
A changing, flickering pulse of purplish light filled the thin ventilation slits at the top of the locker door. As the pulses grew in brightness and speed, Julia began to slowly back away with a wide-eyed look of realization on her face.
"Ashley... Get ready to ru-" Is all the girl could say as the pulses of light reached and then burst outward in a flash! Both girls in the hall flinched back, falling on their asses as they slammed their eyes shut against the painfully bright glare.
After the light faded, both girls cracked their eyes open to find the hallway and lockers unchanged.
Ashley turned her head to look at Julia, her eyes wide. "S-o He-bert triggered?"
Julia met her friend's eyes and chuckled in relief. "Heh, Yeah, Hebert gets powers and all she does is become a flashlight!... Hess was right, she's such a los-" Is as far as Julia got, as three pearlescent, shimmering tendrils swept out of the center of the locker door. The tentacles weren't hampered by the steel door in the slightest.
Both girls looked at this, then looked at each other before screaming. Ashley scrambled to her feet with a clatter as she dropped her phone. She started to reach for it, but Julia rushed past her and began to pull at the other girl's arm, dragging Ashley into a run towards the stairwell at the endof the hall.
"Julia! I gotta get my phone!" Ashley wailed as she was drug along.
"Fuck your phone!" Julia panted out, not dropping her death grip on the girl's arm. "We can use mine to call the PRT, Hebert gets out, you know she's going to go 'Carrie' on all of us!"
As the two girls rounded the corner to the top of the stairs, Julia let go of her hold on Ashley's arm, and began to frantically search through her pockets for her phone.
Finding it with a sigh of relief, Julia quickly dialed '911'.
The call rang once before a woman's voice came on the line. "911, What's your emergency?"
"Look you need to get, like, the PRT out to Winslow High, Now! Julia practically shouted into the phone.
"Miss, I need you to calm down, and explain the nature of your emergency." The operator replied calmly.
Julia held the phone away from away from herself with a look of shocked disbelief on her face, before yelling at it.
"Look bitch, Taylor Hebert triggered on the third floor of Winslow, and if she gets out of the locker, the fuckin bitch is going to kill us all! So get the Fucking PRT out here, Now!".
Hitting the 'end call' button on her phone's screen, Julia looked over at Ashley. "Come on, we're not sticking around here, let's get to the office."
The two girls frantically rushed down the stairs toward the first floor.