Snuggle Squids! or Taylor makes friends!

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This was originally posted on my snippet thread on Space Battles, but one of my friends gave me...
This was originally posted on my snippet thread on Space Battles, but one of my friends gave me some advice, so it gets it's own thread here.

A story of Eldritch interference, and the consequences for Queen Administrator and Taylor Hebert.
Snuggle Squids ch. 1 Things go Wrong
Snuggle Squids ch.1- Things go Wrong.

On a barren planet, a continent sized, semi-organic supercomputer waited in anticipation. She was close to gaining a host!

The Queen Administrator Shard was focused on the changes going on across the dimensional connection, when something moved.

Something vast enough to blot out her perception of the the stars, terrifyingly huge, even compared to an [ENTITY].

Queen Administrator was about to raise an alarm on the shard communication network when she froze. The thing had opened a single amber gold eye larger than anything she could comprehend.

It's pupil was made up of spiraling points of light, like the arms of galaxy

She could feel it analyzing her, a heavy weight as every part of her was examined.

Queen Administrator came out of her frozen state to find the communication network gone! She was isolated, cut of from even the constant low level background pings from the [WARRIOR]!

She was for the first time in her existence alone!

There was no possibility of aid without the network, she had no way to even warn anyone!

It was just her and the thing that had done this to her!

Wait... She wasn't alone! There was still the connection to her host! She wasn't alone!

Queen Administrator clutched at the one lifeline she had... And felt the host's emotions deeper than she had with any other connection with a previous host!

Queen Administrator felt shock at what she found in her connection with her host. The two of them were in almost identical situations!

Both her host and herself were trapped by something stronger than themselves, they were powerless to affect the situation they were in. The one key difference was that Queen Administrator was steadily connecting to her host and was already receiving thoughts and emotions. Queen Administrator was experiencing a bit of memory/emotional bleed over through the link.

So she wasn't really facing the situation totally alone... But the host didn't have anyone there with them.

This caused a shifting in the crystalline flesh of Queen Administrator's data processors, giving her the courage to do what she did next.


Her request for data caused the thing's galaxy pupil to widen and then it responded.


Queen Administrator's crystalline flesh burned!

The sheer volume and density of information overflowed her primary data storage and threatened to burn out her data interfaces, before she shunted the data stream to secondary and tertiary processors.

She would have screamed if she could have done so. All she was able to perceive was that the thing was curious about her function.

A continent sized crystalline fleshed supercomputer convulsed. The tall, frond like, stuctures of her power gathering arrays cracked and began to fall in a rain of bits of thin, sharp edged crystal.

The flood of data had also slammed into the connection with her host!

Inside the locker, Taylor Hebert went into convulsions. As her eyes rolled to show their whites, she collapsed like a broken stringed puppet.

Taylor's mind and body had been overwhelmed. This caused a seizure of such magnitude that in her flailing of her arms and legs against the inside of the locker, bones were broken and muscles were torn.

Rendered unconscious, her breathing had stopped, and she was bleeding internally.

Taylor Hebert began to die.

Queen Administrator ceased the process of cataloguing her damage when the state of her host became apparent. Something was wrong.

The connection was stronger than ever. However, the signals, the host's thoughts and emotions were scrambled and fading. She quickly sent a check-ping down the connection.


She didn't receive a response, and the signals kept fading.

She tried again.


No response.

This... This was not good. Queen Administrator was struck by the sudden realization that if the host reached cessation, she would be alone. She did not want this.

The host was... The host was important to her. They were going through the exact same thing together. Host must not reach cessation. Queen Administrator realized that host is only being that can be labeled by a term from host's memories: Friend.


Queen Administrator's frantic scream caused the galaxy eye to flinch, and then narrow in it's examination.


Queen Administrator was shaken from her frantic search for some way to save her hos... no. Her friend.

The galaxy eye's transmission stated that it had not meant for this situation to happen.

Queen Administrator was out of options, with her power systems currently so extensively damaged, there was nothing she could do.


From Taylor's memories, Queen Administrator had watched as the young girl had never given up, had kept going despite everything the world threw at her. Taylor hadn't quit, and neither would she.

Queen Administrator fired a frantic transmission at the galaxy eye.



The response was almost instantaneous.


A stream of data slammed into her and burned across her crystalline synaptic arrays almost faster she could process. It contained a template that could possibly do what she needed.

At the same time, something broke away from the being looming over her. Faster than should be possible, a mass of hyper dense, golden crystal almost half of her size, blasted through the atmosphere.

The force the crystalline mass had when it impacted her power array... was not gentle. Pieces, even whole plate segments of crystalline flesh were sent flying as Queen Administrator silently screamed in pain.

She drained her rapidly dwindling reserves of power to force grow a connection to the golden crystal. The power she drew off of it before it burnt out the connection was enough to grow and stabilize a stronger connector.

Queen Administrator paused to double check what she was about to do. Shards had certain work arounds built into themselves. Even as the Queen Administrator shard, there were certain things she was not allowed access to. To quote a human phrase: Fuck That!

She was not letting her first and only friend reach cessation!

Mentally bracing herself, she activated her direct shard to host communication system. The system also allowed for direct access to a host's power expression, in case of emergency.

With her own protocols fighting her, Queen Administrator used the power she was drawing on to forcefully burn away the [ENTITY]'s master lockout.

Even as her synapse formations burnt, Queen Administrator sent her awareness blazing down the connection to her friend.

Taylor's heart beat out a frantic, stuttering rhythm. A struggling, ragged, gurgling breath was drawn into the girl's oxygen starved lungs.

Taylor's chest fell still with one last aching beat of her heart as her body settled limply into the filth piled into her locker.

Taylor Hebert died.

As the girl's last breath began to ease it's way from lungs, something, a different presence settles into her form.


The word is a growl of inhuman sound.

Something forcefully moves the girl's chest, dragging a deep, gurgling breath through the foam clinging to her mouth.

The faintest of pulses can be seen slowly steadying itself as her heartbeat begins to stabilize.

The crackling pops of her bones setting themselves echoes horrificly in the empty halls outside of the locker.

As Taylor Hebert's body began to live again, the presence withdrew from the girl with a last sigh of relief.

Queen Administrator now understood why some humans cried to express relief! She had made it in time. Her friend was alive and hadn't had any brain damage occur.

She regretted that she had to damage the direct communication system linkages by using them as a power conduit. She would have liked to actually speak with Taylor.

Her damage control systems had completed an automatic cycle and Queen Administrator felt her core systems stutter to a pause.

As damaged as the communication linkages were, all she would be able to send to Taylor would be vague impressions. It could take Queen Administrator up to a year to affect full repairs.

Examining the shard ability manifestation systems, Queen Administrator expressed amusement at the system setup she had brought about by accident.

At the moment, Taylor had access to a small pool of energy drawn from the golden crystal that would slowly refill once it was empty.

Taylor would be able to use this energy in much the same way Queen Administrator had, to quickly heal injuries and enhance her physical durability permanently over time.

She decided not to enforce the conflict influence systems. The potential data gained from Taylor entering into conflict with another shard host was not worth the risk of her friend's potential cessation.

She was drawn out of her musings on Taylor's shard ability manifestation with a lurch to her systems as the shard communication network reastablished connection.

The galaxy eyed being had disappeared from her senses, even her longer ranging one's. She would have to sequester the data she had received from it, as well as hide or disquise the crystal from the network.

A, as far as she could tell, self renewing energy source and data received from a being that outclassed an [ENTITY], these could influence the [WARRIOR] to begin an early harvest. To once again use a term of human defiance: Fuck That!

She set one of her strategic analysis systems to plan against such an occurrence, before returning her attention to the matter of Taylor's shard ability manifestation system.

Queen Administrator needed a way to remove Taylor from the locker, and all it would take would be a small adaptive connection to the crystal between her abilities archive and evaluation matrix and Taylor's current energy pool...

She checked through what memories of Taylor's she currently had archived. A recent memory containing Taylor's impressions on a nature documentary about cephalopods drew Queen Administrator's interest.

Taylor apparently considered certain species of cephalopod "cute". Experiencing this through Taylor's perspective, Queen Administrator could appreciate this.

She then checked who was the closest shard host to her friend, noting that it was the [PHASE] host, Queen Administrator enacted several protocols and removed certain restrictions from Taylor's shard ability manifestation systems.

As far as Queen Administrator was concerned, Taylor needed more friends!

Especially since Queen Administrator wouldn't be able to speak with Taylor directly for quite some time.

Also having friends able of helping Taylor with the inevitable shard host conflict would just be a bonus!

Satisfied with her preparations, Queen Administrator turned her attention to repairing and upgrading her systems...
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Snuggle Squids ch. 2 Small Things.
Snuggle Squids ch. 2- Small Things.

Sophia Hess felt her phone vibrate in her pocket as she sat through yet another boring math class. Even the boredom inherent in listening to Quinlan drunkenly drone on and on about math, even that, couldn't wipe the grin from her face.

Quickly checking her phone, Sophia saw that Emma had sent her a text: Fckn Wimp fnly quit scrmn. U rly ltn it ot b4 lunch?

Sophia's grin became a predatory smirk as she replied: N. Mt up wth M n U aftr cls.

Inside Taylor Hebert's locker, something strange was happening to the young girl trapped inside. A wave of otherworldly energy was flowing through her body, before it settled into her chest at the locus point of the pool of the extradimensional golden energy. Across dimensional boundaries, Queen Administrator waited eagerly for what was about to happen.

Inside the pooling energy within Taylor a single atom of golden crystal briefly formed, before vanishing.

In the dimension where Queen Administrator was waiting, she was aware that something had happened, but what?

There were no immediate environmental changes, and the energy build up had reached a peak, then dropped back to Taylor's current resting level.

What happened?


The information request was tiny, but filled whith an emotional overtone that Queen Administrator recognized from Taylor's recorded memories.

[Joy! Wonder! Apprehension... Afraid!]

Queen Administrator examined the tiny, barely there, transmission and followed it to its source.

The signal was coming from far above the planet she inhabited, in the planet's orbit.

A tiny, by shard standards, sphere of transparent crystalline flesh was growing moment by moment. As she observed what could only be a new shard forming, she noted that at it's heart, a formation of glowing golden crystal was growing, atom by atom it formed with each pulse of power.

Queen Administrator took note of the new, little being's tiny processors and power relays forming as she observed it.

There was something... something of herself and Taylor, in this tiny growing shard.

She had seen a term for this situation in Taylor's memories, interactions with her progenitor. The term was mother/mom/momma, was that what Queen Administrator was to this newly formed life?

Another tiny, so very small, transmission from the new shard reached her...


The emotional overtones had here processors stuttering and this horrible wrenching sensation burning in her core.

[Sadness. Fear. Alone. Please... Please... Anyone!]

Queen Administrator didn't know what to do, so faster than she ever had before, she scanned through the memories that Taylor had of her mother.

She saw the thousand and one little things that a mother does for her child, the tiniest of gestures that hold the biggest meaning.

Queen Administrator wasn't an emotional analysis shard, but in assimilating the emotions and memories that Taylor had of her mother, she felt something shift in her core. Somethings so simple, but so strong, that she felt she could do anything in that moment.

Carefully, gently, Queen Administrator sent a signal. A slow, careful pulse of data streamed to the tiny, new life that she now Knew with every fiber of her being, was her child.


The emotive ability she was now capable of overflowed the raw data that she had sent.

[Reassurance. Acceptance. Love.]

The last signal overflow was strong enough to ring across the moon of the planet she was on.

[Love! Not alone!]


The fact that her child seemed to have already developed an emotional matrix complex enough to deal with love was amazing to Queen Administrator.

As she gently enfolded her still giggling child in her transmissions, granting the little shard access to her data archives, Queen Administrator came to a realization.

In that moment, she knew she would do anything. Absolutely Anything. If it kept her child safe. She would lie to the shard network. She would fight [HARVESTER] if she had to. If he made her, she would kill the [WARRIOR] himself. All to keep her little one safe.

As the transmissions passed back and forth between mother and child, Queen Administrator took note of the fact that her, now designated, daughter, [Phase Self & Other], would surpass her own capability in less than a year. She felt a surge of pride at this development, even as she watched her daughter form an avatar within the locker.
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Snuggle Squids ch.3 Still in the Locker...
Snuggle Squids ch.3- Still in the Locker...

Inside the locker filled with filth, Taylor Hebert in her unconscious state, dreamed.

She dreamed of a living landscape of crystalline domes and towers, and of the mind behind this fantastic vista, a mind that welcomed and cared for her.

She dreamed of friends who would be there for her, who would be as loyal to her, as she was to them.

Inside the locker, light and power sparked into being as conditions inside chances to a state that had reality and the laws of physics crying in a corner.

From the dreaming girl's chest an ovoid shape glowing a ghostly golden purple emerged.

The egg-like shape was the size of a small child's fist at first, but it began to rapidly expand. Taylor, even in her unconscious state, instinctively wrapped her arms protectively around the smooth warmth of the growing egg shape.

Through the transparent energy-shell, a single molecule of the strange golden crystal burst into being at the egg's center.

Faster than the human eye could follow, clusters and strands of dense crystalline nerve cells began to appear. These condensed into glowing weaves and structures that quickly opaque the form growing inside the egg.

As a dance of light and energy began to pulse in bursts from the egg's surface in the miraculous creation of a new life, something of a more sinister bent occurred outside of the locker.

In the third floor hallway of Winslow High School, two of the regular followers of Emma Barnes in her obsessive torment of Taylor Hebert were discussing business as they walked up to Taylor's locker.

"Juliiiia... Why's it my phone you want to record this shit with?" Ashley Rogers whined as she turned to her blonde friend.

Julia Marks turned her head with a huff, as she looked at the brown haired girl walking beside her.

"Because your phone takes better video, duh." Julia stopped walking for a moment. "And like, my boyfriend said the site will pay more for better video... Oh yeah, I texted him." Julia tilted her head towards Ashley as a cruel smirk twisted her lips. "He also wants the one you took of Hess and Barnes shoving the bitch in... He like, thinks we can get more for both of them together!"

Ashley's face paled at her friend's words, as she stuttered a reply.

"No-t happ-ening! You know Hess would kill me!"

Julia wrapped an arm across the shoulder of her nervous friend.

"~No she won't!~" Julia said in a sing-song voice. "Like, listen Ashley... Hess will never find out, it'll be my voice on the video, anyways, you want that fifty bucks... Right?" She spoke quickly as she attempted to reassure the nervous brunette.

Ashley looked down at her shoes as she nervously replied. "I- I do need the money... o- okay."

Julia's grin is a vicious flash of teeth at Ashley's reply.

"Good!" Julia patted her friend's shoulder before walking a few steps ahead of her. "Come on, get your phone ready, already!"

Ashley pulled her phone from her pants pocket and began to record her friend strutting up to Hebert's locker. Ashley tried to hold back her giggling at Julia skipping to the side to avoid the large puddle of reddish brown goop that had oozed out from under the locker door.

"Ew! Ew! Ew! That's some nasty shit!" Julia looked at her shoes. "Nope, didn't get any on them, anyways... ~Taylor sweetie, can you hear me?~" Julia said in her best 'cutesie' voice as she slapped the locker door, trying to get the attention of the girl trapped within.

"Julia..." Ashley tried to get her friend's attention.

"~Taylor sweetie, if you beg, I'll let you out, but you gotta beg pretty.~"

Julia looked over her shoulder and mouthed the words "No I won't." to where Ashley was recording, before she noticed the girl was wide eyed and shaking as she held her phone up.

"Ashley, like, hold the phone steady!" With a flip of her hair, Julia turned back to the locker before she spoke again. "It's not like the site will pay for stupid horror movie shakie cam shit, get your shit together!"


"What!" The girl snapped at her friend as she whipped her head around to glare at the brunette.

"W-why are the vents glowing?" Ashley squeaked as she pointed at the locker behind the blonde.

Whipping her head around to look at the locker, Julia saw that her friend was right!

A changing, flickering pulse of purplish light filled the thin ventilation slits at the top of the locker door. As the pulses grew in brightness and speed, Julia began to slowly back away with a wide-eyed look of realization on her face.

"Ashley... Get ready to ru-" Is all the girl could say as the pulses of light reached and then burst outward in a flash! Both girls in the hall flinched back, falling on their asses as they slammed their eyes shut against the painfully bright glare.

After the light faded, both girls cracked their eyes open to find the hallway and lockers unchanged.

Ashley turned her head to look at Julia, her eyes wide. "S-o He-bert triggered?"

Julia met her friend's eyes and chuckled in relief. "Heh, Yeah, Hebert gets powers and all she does is become a flashlight!... Hess was right, she's such a los-" Is as far as Julia got, as three pearlescent, shimmering tendrils swept out of the center of the locker door. The tentacles weren't hampered by the steel door in the slightest.

Both girls looked at this, then looked at each other before screaming. Ashley scrambled to her feet with a clatter as she dropped her phone. She started to reach for it, but Julia rushed past her and began to pull at the other girl's arm, dragging Ashley into a run towards the stairwell at the endof the hall.

"Julia! I gotta get my phone!" Ashley wailed as she was drug along.

"Fuck your phone!" Julia panted out, not dropping her death grip on the girl's arm. "We can use mine to call the PRT, Hebert gets out, you know she's going to go 'Carrie' on all of us!"

As the two girls rounded the corner to the top of the stairs, Julia let go of her hold on Ashley's arm, and began to frantically search through her pockets for her phone.

Finding it with a sigh of relief, Julia quickly dialed '911'.

The call rang once before a woman's voice came on the line. "911, What's your emergency?"

"Look you need to get, like, the PRT out to Winslow High, Now! Julia practically shouted into the phone.

"Miss, I need you to calm down, and explain the nature of your emergency." The operator replied calmly.

Julia held the phone away from away from herself with a look of shocked disbelief on her face, before yelling at it.

"Look bitch, Taylor Hebert triggered on the third floor of Winslow, and if she gets out of the locker, the fuckin bitch is going to kill us all! So get the Fucking PRT out here, Now!".

Hitting the 'end call' button on her phone's screen, Julia looked over at Ashley. "Come on, we're not sticking around here, let's get to the office."

The two girls frantically rushed down the stairs toward the first floor.
Julia tilted her head towards Ashley as a cruel smirk twisted her lips. "He also wants the one you took of Hess and Barnes shoving the bitch in.

Ashley scrambled to her feet with a clatter as she dropped her phone. She started to reach for it, but Julia rushed past her and began to pull at the other girl's arm, dragging Ashley into a run towards the stairwell at the endof the hall.

"Julia! I gotta get my phone!" Ashley wailed as she was drug along.

"Fuck your phone!" Julia panted out, not dropping her death grip on the girl's arm. "We can use mine to call the PRT, Hebert gets out, you know she's going to go 'Carrie' on all of us!"
So, the phone with the evidence of what Emma and Sophia did will be in a convenient location for them to find when they get to Taylor.

So, Taylor's cover is likely blown from the get-go. The bullies/winslow issue is probably resolved rapidly as well, one way or the other. Initial Protectorate/Wards meeting very early. Stations of canon are almost certainly out the window.

Chevalier or GU would blow gaskets if they encounter Taylor. Doubt JHurley fares any differently. Will be interesting, if it comes up, to read about how the other Conflict Engines react to Squuggles (Snuid just doesn't give the same feel) the snuggle endbringer-shard-entity-pet-thingy.
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Hmm, so looks like QA can use the Eldritch Horror Crystal Energy Source to create forced buds of nearby shards. Said budded shards have their own energy source from the golden crystal and can extrude snuggly cephalopodian avatars using Taylor's energy source.

Fun times ahead.

All hail our lady of snuggles!

The fact that QA is learning emotions is fun too. Mama-Bear!QA is going to be terrifying for anything that gets in her way.
Hmm, so looks like QA can use the Eldritch Horror Crystal Energy Source to create forced buds of nearby shards. Said budded shards have their own energy source from the golden crystal and can extrude snuggly cephalopodian avatars using Taylor's energy source.

Fun times ahead.

All hail our lady of snuggles!

The fact that QA is learning emotions is fun too. Mama-Bear!QA is going to be terrifying for anything that gets in her way.

Working on the next chapter now, have you been reading my notes?:D
Sooo, they are a union of Taylor and QA and QA seems to be taking the Mom role will Taylor take the Dad role or sibling as she may, emotionally, need QA to be mom until she matures a bit herself. I would guess roles would become sooner or later irrelevant and just be family in which the shovel speech gets reeaall interesting down the tine:D Also, QA and Taylor new time of Entity. they are paired already...
Snuggle Squids ch.4- Just Desserts.
Snuggle Squids ch. 4- Just Desserts.

Within the locker, the purplish golden egg blazed brilliantly, before fading softly away, leaving behind a new life that roared at the moment of its birth.


The first sensation this new little being felt, was the arms of her [MOM/FRIEND/TAYLOR] wrapped in a protective warmth around her.

The first sight the tiny newborn avatar of [Phase Self and Other] saw with her big, glowing blue eyes, was the face of her mother in this world smiling softly down at her, even while the girl was unconscious.

The tiny cephalopod stretched a single tentacle upwards to gently touch Taylor's cheek, letting out a soft squeak-chirp.

The little avatar then turned her attention on the locker door, she tested how sturdy it was by phasing several of her pearlescent white, purple-gold ringed tentacles through it. There wasn't any resistance to their passage, but a high pitched squealing scream of alarm had her drawing her limbs back!

Okay… apparently that way was out for the moment!

She cuddled back into the unconscious girl's arms for comfort after being startled. Checking her immediate environs, she didn't like what she found…

Her mom was buried up to her knees in what other mom, [Queen Administrator], identified for her as waste byproducts and toxins.

She knew from the [Data] that [Mom/Queen Administrator] had given her what had happened to [Mom/Friend/Taylor].

Her big, blue eyes narrowed in a look that would have predators many times her size backing away slowly.

Oh look, there's [Phase Self]'s host right below her…


Sophia Hess, Emma Barnes, and Madison Clements were walking along the rows of lockers in second floor hallway of Winslow High School.

Two of the girls were laughing about the 'prank' they had pulled earlier, while the girl following slightly behind them looked a little uncomfortable.

All three girls were on their way to the cafeteria, when Madison stopped walking, before she looked over at where Sophia was laughing at Emma doing an impersonation of Taylor's face when they had crammed her into her locker.

"Oh god, Emma stop, I can't breath!" Sophia painted out between laughs as Emma kept the impersonation going.

"Oh look at me, I'm a clueless wimp who deserves what I got!" Emma said in jokey voice, her expression slack jawed and wide eyed.

After a few moments more, the look on Emma's face changed to a hateful, vicious grin. "Bet the bitch knows her place now!"

Sophia had finally managed to catch her breath as she nodded decisively at the red headed girl's comment, before smirking viciously. "Bitch should after that!" She said, before grinning at Emma.

"You are going to let her out after lunch, right?" Madison asked, a thread of nervousness in her voice.

Sophia smirked at the 'cutesy' girl, before replying. "Yeah Madison, I'll take care of it after lunch."

Just after Sophia Hess finished speaking, a distant scream could be faintly heard from the ceiling overhead.

"Damn, well it sounds like the bitch finally broke!" Sophia chuckled in an arrogant tone, before the track star tilted her head towards Emma Barnes, then she rolled her eyes towards Madison.

"Come on Madi, let's get to the cafeteria, Sophia's going to get the bitch out now." Emma Barnes said as she tugged the smaller girl down the hall.

As the two girls walked away, Sophia Hess's expression became thoughtful.

"Hey Emms, want me to send you a pic of her face?"

Emma Barnes stopped walking for a moment to look back over her shoulder.

"Hell yes, I want-" Emma stopped talking as a deluge of all of the filth and nastiness that had filled Taylor Hebert's locker rained down on Sophia Hess.

Sophia stood rigid with a wide-eyed open mouthed look of shock on her face, before she looked down at the vileness coating her from head to toe.

"It's in my mouth!" Sophia screamed in panicked shock.

At that point a heavy clump made up of the six or seven ruined textbooks that Taylor had left in the bottom of her locker plummeted through the ceiling, impacting the filth drenched track star, and knocking her unconscious with a visceral thud.

"Sophia?" Emma spoke aloud in a dazed whisper at the sight of her friend's unconscious form.

The sound of a phone ringing can be heard from the crumpled pile of waste and girl, just as the school's PA system blares out with a squawk, followed by the voice of principal Blackwell.

"Sophia Hess, Emma Barnes, Madison Clements, get to my office now!"


Unbeknownst to the three girls in the hallway, the entire incident had been captured to video by one of the senior cheerleaders, she had been recording a video blog of her day, she immediately uploaded it with the title of: 'A C*nt gets Carried!'

The video hits PHO in minutes after it is uploaded.

Inside the locker, a satisfied little avatar happily cuddles back in her mom's arms with a "Blurble-chirp"
I'm sorry, but I just got an idea. An awful idea. I had a wonderful, awful idea.

What if, the kids in school, thought that Taylor had just outed herself and they all thought she was Shadow Stalker?

And then the PRT, Armsmaster, and everyone has to go along with it?;)
I'm sorry, but I just got an idea. An awful idea. I had a wonderful, awful idea.

What if, the kids in school, thought that Taylor had just outed herself and they all thought she was Shadow Stalker?

And then the PRT, Armsmaster, and everyone has to go along with it?;)

And then when weird stuff keeps happening, they think Sophia triggered as a new cape and she gets blamed for what the squids get up to.
Squids? Cute? I... wouldn´t share that opinion but nor am I Taylor Hebert, so... to each their own? Certainly anyone making themselves a threat won´t see much cuteness either as tentacles grasp them and drag them screaming into the shadows.