SnaxQuest (A Bugsnax-related Quest)

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Will you uncover the secrets of Snakadia?

SnaxQuest. Sumus quod edimus.

A Quest by Shiki Ouji and RecklessPrudence
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Over the centuries, humanity has made numerous advances in understanding the world around it. Many living beings, of flora, fauna, and fungi, of various different clades and many different taxa have been discovered, analyzed and cataloged in the collective knowledgebase of the species, from old outdated models to newer ones that are then superseded by yet newer ones. They constantly strive to understand more of the natural world around them, even as their progress and expansion threatens that same biosphere, all the way back to figuring out that mammoths and eagles were obviously both animals, yet vastly different kinds. At the same time, the culinary art has evolved hand in hand, ever since the first early hominid discovered that edible things tasted different when combined with other edible things, then that many could be cooked in the then-newly-harnessed fire. Humans and their ancestors have constantly searched for new flavors and combinations to satisfy their palate and taste, destroying entire species and nations in the endless quest for new culinary experiences.

Yet, despite all the time that has passed since the birth of these arts, new discoveries continue to expand the enormous catalog of human knowledge, whether they are new ingredients or new species... especially with what happened one short year ago. Seismographs all around the world picked up a telluric movement of colossal force towards the center of the Pacific Ocean, and from there arose the panic of a possible tsunami...
But instead of a tidal wave, land appeared from the depths of the sea, rising rapidly... and revealing a colossal island, curiously - seemingly impossibly - filled with terrestrial vegetation. Moderate hysteria among certain portions of society followed, from the 'ancient alien' crowd to the 'Atlantis' one to, more prosaically, governments and militaries grappling with new strategic concerns.

Subsequent satellite imaging - virtually every government, research organization, and private company that owned satellites capable of doing so directing their cameras and other more esoteric sensors at the new island, whose very existence as anything other than an active volcano and little else promised to upend decades of scientific understanding - revealed an even more impressive fact from the few cameras sensitive enough, namely the presence of unidentified bizarre creatures that appeared to be mixes between common terrestrial animals and prepared food dishes. Ones that obviously had no reason to exist in nature, having been created by humans at some point in their culinary exploration - shish-kebabs, burgers, even lollies - and more, the ones that seemed to resemble fruits or other unprocessed foods were not their unmodified, ancestral, forms, but those after centuries if not millennia of cultivation and selective breeding on humanity's behalf! The island, dubbed Snakadia by some internet smartass, combining 'snack' and the mythical 'Arcadia' and, in true Boaty McBoatface fashion, was adopted so widely by the public that all attempts to name it something more 'dignified' or 'traditional' ended in failure, has never been studied, governments worldwide decreeing it off-limits as jockeying for position among the halls of power for the massive new island was vicious and cutthroat… until now.

A group of people, interested in Snakadia for various reasons, joined together in a single, organized, illegal, expedition to bypass the multinational combination naval blockade and quarantine effort in order to study this unprecedented new landmass.... You have been chosen to be part of this expedition. Will you be able to discover the mysteries of Snakadia? Will you be able to wrangle the competing interests and egos of those with you, to handle anything else scientifically unprecedented that occurs, and explore the first truly habitable undiscovered country that humanity as a whole has had in millennia, with all the unknown threats and challenges it will contain?

This is SnaxQuest. Sumus quod edimus.​

In this Quest, you will have to make choices that could radically change future events. The first of which is this: among you, in addition to simple volunteers and scholars, 5 VIPs have also embarked, people considered the leaders of their respective fields, and due to their experience it was decided to put one of them in charge of the expedition... but who? Perhaps Theodora Von Rogers, renowned explorer and archaeologist? Or Marco Bitterlich, well-known Nobel Prize-winning scientist, with doctorates in multiple fields? Maybe it could be Peppino Quadriglia, Michelin-starred chef and owner of an international chain of restaurants? What if it was NiKi, the most famous streamer in the world? Or Roger Door, the architect who designed and built the most important buildings around the globe?

[ ] Theodora Von Rogers (+ Exploration)

[ ] Marco Bitterlich (+ Science)

[ ] Peppino Quadriglia (+ Cooking)

[ ] NiKi (+ Fun)

[ ] Roger Door (+ Construction)