[X] Plan Making Forays Into the Occult
-[X] Read a book (Occult): You have several options on your new bookshelf. Pick one and start to see if it can help with your ghost problem.
--[X] Fundamental Occult Forces (Ernesto)
-[X] Dig for Occult Info (Brain): Dark web, forgotten message boards, old newspaper: it's impossible that you won't find a lead on your Occult issues by performing a deep search. Start looking and see what you find. (Ernesto)
-[X] Explore the City (2d6 flat for quality): The City is an interesting place with interesting places where interesting things happen. Or if you are unlucky, you get in the wrong place and at the wrong time.
--[X] Temple (John, Mercy)
-[X] Recruit more muscles: Felix and Fulvia have contact with other people. They can even find someone reliable or loyal if they are lucky. (Can be used to recruit more Security Guards or replenish losses) (Felix's Guards)