[X] Elegant Bar Furniture: Quite expensive considering your current money situation, but from the photos, you have seen they would be money well spent and the style would improve the appearance of your bar. (9 funds, your Bar would provide +2 more funds per turn, for a total of +4).
[X] Gambler's Den Green Tables: Gambler's Den is a local company which produces tables for dice and card games, something that you currently lack and would represent a good attraction. (8 funds, you get a new upgrade which would provide +3 funds per turn).
[X] Elegant Bar Furniture: Quite expensive considering your current money situation, but from the photos, you have seen they would be money well spent and the style would improve the appearance of your bar. (9 funds, your Bar would provide +2 more funds per turn, for a total of +4).
[X] Midnights Slots Machines: Midnights is the nickname of a company outside the City specialising in Casino furniture and machinery. It's not the top in fact of the quality, but their machines are quite good on the eye and surely an improvement to what you have. (6 funds, your Slots Machine would prove +1 more funds per turn, for a total of +3).