Huh. Another deadlock...seeing as this just keeps happening with me, a friend off of SV made a suggestion as to which of these should be given the big dance, so here they are:
[X] Three Complete Lunatics
A Knight running an ice-cold stand that appears to be in the business of making crepe cakes hands the package off to a Club led by two cats - a Japanese Bobtail, a Russian Blue and...whatever the long-eared alien-looking thing with them is. Some kind of bunny-cat?
None of them looks even passably normal even if one were to turn them into humans. The bobtail, Bitzer, rocks a full jet fighter pilot's helmet done up in rich red, pure white and deep green like he's a Christmas candy and just wears pants with suspenders...or maybe that's a parachute harness...with no top. It's somehow even weirder than if he just wore a shirt. Then there's the Blue, who goes by Zero, with unnatural hairline-thin seams on his body, a breather mask and augmented reality goggles that obscure his face, a red cloak and a futuristic suit with prints on it all pointing at the idea that maybe he's not entirely biological. Finally, there's Hildegard, the...cabbit? Rabicat? Whatever. The huge, long ears and Mad Max-ian scavenger look of too little chrome and black leather make her look like a unique nut in a group full of them. They're surrounded by other Super Kemono: all of them dress similarly, borrowing bits of each other's dress so they all look like crazy, yet still somehow huggable, wasteland scavengers.
The Knight hands them a box about the size of a stereo and carefully instructs them like she'd had to repeat this several times already: "So, look. This stuff has to reach Strawberry Hill, and that means it's gotta get into the town, hear me? If it gets smashed up, we're toast!"
"Heyyyyy, no worries, lady! You're talking to a Club where it's a megawatt per ton or your money back! We'll get it there for you in time for coffee!" Bitzer proudly boasts, before leaning in and asking "'ve got a pot on, right? Like, percolating and everything?"
"Just get going, will you?!" she snaps.
"Alright, we'll talk about it when we're back."
"Come on, we don't need your back teeth wiggling while we're driving. Let's bounce," Zero says, his mask fitted with an effect that gave him a deep, mechanical, Darth Vader-y rumble almost deliberately at odds with his language and bearing.
"Yeah, we're burning daylight. We need to go."
Nyan1 files out of Le Fay Palace to the underground parking structure, where their assembly of equally insane-looking vehicles all sporting big multi-cylinder engines, screaming multi-rotor rotaries, howling turbojets or shafts, or all three in some cases, wait.
Nyan1: Three Complete Lunatics
A crazy Club from one of Rumble City's most colorful districts, the Fryers, considered where the city goes to eat. They're a threesome defined by their specialties: group leader Bitzer is obsessed with turbine power, his right hand Zero is a genius with all things rotary, and one of the top members, Hildegard, refuses to work on a piston engine with less than a double digit cylinder count. What unites them all is their deep obsession with power: they famously claim to customers that they never sell something with a power-weight ratio of less than one megawatt (that's 1,341 horsepower) per ton, and they've never gone back on that promise. The result? Beautifully-engineered gems that everyone is terrified will blow up on launch.
Affiliation Dice
Solo d10
Buddy d8
Team d6
[This is the first part of a dice pool built in MHRP. Basically, it gives a die based on if you're Solo, meaning you're alone, with a Buddy, which means you're with one or two people, or a Team, where you're obviously with more. It describes how well you work under any given circumstance. The Nyan1 Club is statted like a single character, so if it's just them, they're obviously Solo.]
Distinctions (d8 or d4 +1 Plot Point)
Three Styles, One Roof
More Courage Than Sense
Pint-Sized Mad Scientists
[Distinctions are sort of like Aspects in FATE: you can add them to a dice pool as a positive thing for a free d8, or you can take a d4 and one Plot Point to invoke them negatively. Plot Points are your "you get to cheat" points, adding extra dice from Power Sets, allowing the player to automatically do counterattacks without waiting for their opponent to roll a 1 in their pool, or triggering special abilities and powers. See, that way the d4 is doubly risky because if you roll a 1 on dice - any dice, it opens the way for bad guys to do all sorts of bad things, like activating Limits and creating Opportunities that can be exploited for free counterattacks and other nasty outcomes. On the other hand, some characters can play off this pretty well - as you'll see further down.]
Power Set 1: Nerds With Gnarly Skills
Bitzer d10
Zero d10
Hildegard d10
Crew Guys d6
SFX: You, You And You: Spend a Plot Point or establish in a Transition scene for free that the Crew Guys are a group. Their presence in a dice pool is now represented as a pool of three d6es. Up to two of these dice can be removed to mitigate damage.
SFX: Areas Of Expertise: Alter pools in the following manner according to circumstances:
If rolling for something concerning turbines or jet propulsion and Bitzer is in the pool, step his die up by 1. Additionally, if Bitzer is in the pool, you can use the Acrobatic Expert d8 Specialty.
If rolling for something concerning rotary engines and Zero is in the pool, step his die up by 1. Additionally, if Zero is in the pool, you can use the Combat Expert d8 Specialty.
If rolling for something concerning piston engines with 10 cylinders or more total and Hildegard is in the pool, step her die up by 1. Additionally, if Hildegard is in the pool, you can use the Psych Expert d8 Specialty.
Finally, during Transition Scenes, all three of these SFX are normally considered triggered.
SFX: Working The Problem: Spend a Plot Point or activate on an Opportunity to add Bitzer, Zero or Hildegard to a roll any one of them is a part of, stepped down by 1. Their Specialties also trigger. Alternately, you may inflict the d6 Complication "Too Many Cooks" on yourself to activate Working The Problem.
SFX: Crazy Enough To Work: Spend a Plot Point to reroll the entire pool. You must take the second result. Alternately, you may inflict the d8 Complication "What's The Matter With You?!" on an ally for a reroll.
Limit: Group Dynamics: Shut down any one die in the Nerds With Gnarly Skills power set and gain a Plot Point. Roll against the Doom Pool or take an Opportunity to regain that die.
Limit: Shorthanded: The Nyan1 Club can show up to scenes shorthanded, missing up to one or numerous members. Their SFX, Limits, and dice are shut down for the entirety of the scene unless circumstances permit their arrival.
Limit: Called Shot: Enemies can call a certain single character's die while declaring an attack. On defense rolls, they must be included in the pool and cannot refuse. This goes for characters in the power set that are actually present there; an enemy can't call an attack on any one member that isn't present for some reason or another.
Power Set 2: A Megawatt Per Ton
Sleek, Sexy Bodywork d6
Aviation Construction Methods d8
Attractive, Yet Inadequate, Tires d6
Detonol Fuel d10
Dyno-Breaking Engines d12
Weaponized Car Parts d8
SFX: The Answer To Everything: Dyno-Breaking Engines can be split into 2d10 or 3d8.
SFX: I'm Giving Her All She's Got!: Add a die of the player's choosing to the pool, but the player then inflicts it on themselves as Physical Stress.
SFX: Cue The Music: Roll against the Doom Pool during a Transition Scene. If successful, the Effect Die the player rolled becomes an Asset representing a hastily constructed contraption of the player's choice that will only last that Scene.
SFX: Undocumented Feature: Spend a Plot Point to gain a d10 weapon of the player's choosing as an Asset for this roll. Spend two to make it an Asset for the entire Scene.
Limit: She's Gonna Blow!: Take a Plot Point and add a d8 to the Doom Pool for every failure rolled with an Undocumented Feature or Cue The Music Asset.
Limit: Finicky Systems: 2's count as 1's for any roll including Dyno-Breaking Engines or Detonol Fuel.
[Here's where it gets crunchy and where the lion's share of interesting stuff in MHRP character sheets happens. In a dice pool, you're obliged to take a die from each Power Set a character has, which is why most cap it off at two Power Sets. But that's not all; you can also trigger SFX, which are cool special dice tricks that may or may not require Plot Points to trigger, or Limits, which let you get Plot Points for exploiting your own weaknesses or rolling 1's.
Another little lesson in MHRP's language: Transition scenes are the bits in between each bit of action, where basically no fighting is kicking off, and the Doom Pool is the GM's own "I get to cheat" pool. Furthermore, Complications are essentially an alternate damage track, except instead of dice just being used as a way to keep score on a five-point track going from d4 to d12, they actively work against the target in some way. Complications can be stepped up with successes that target the Complication in question until they go past d12, at which point they actually force the target out of a scene entirely. Finally, an Asset is an extra die that can be added to the player's pool.]
Vehicle Master d10
Science Expert d8
Tech Expert d8
Menace Expert d8
[Specialties aren't just extra dice to add to a pool: they're also useful for making Resources, another type of extra die that lasts a Scene. This is free, but it requires a Transition Scene to trigger and the Resource is stepped down by one - for example, if you created something with Science Expert it'd be an extra d6, not a d8.]
Milestones and advancement are normally planned out with experience points based by character, but I want to do this more by narrative. I want to see what you guys do with this garage full of idiots.
So for now, what I want to see is...well, to sit tight while I craft an opening to the starting fight.