[X] Plan Listen to Addams
-[X] Alicia Parks/Slayer-01
--[X] Dual Swords
-[X] Rebecca Rogers/Slayer-02
--[X] Machine Gun
-[X] Ryan Anderson/Slayer-03
--[X] Single Sword
-[X] Task Force 1
--[X] 3 Slayers
-[X] Task Force 2
--[X] 23 Mechanized Infantry, 2 Combat Helicopters, 2 Transport Helicopters, and 2 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV)
-[X] Task Force 3
--[X] 1 Combat Tank and 3 Experimental Tanks
-[X] Utilize Tanks to defend routes to evacuation sites for civilians, use Transport Helicopters to pick up civilian survivors out of combat zones while Mechanized Infantry, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and Combat Helicopters are utilized for rapid deployment and engagement against Biomorphs to cover the evacuation of civilians and assist National Guard and Military Forces. The Slayers meanwhile are deployed to all fight the Titan Biomorph(s) and destroy any Biomorphic structures that could be maintaining the Breach.