Okay so
I've been promising myself I'd do this because people keep asking and I hate having to retype it every damn time.
Essential: I never play without these.
Skyrim Script Extender
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
Practical Female Armours
Gameplay: Quest mods, general AI scripting, gear changes, etc.
Frostfall - Makes Skyrim a place where the cold can kill you.
Realistic Needs & Diseases - Now you need to eat, drink, and sleep. Also makes diseases considerably more debilitating.
Ultimate Follower Overhaul - Provides a variety of follower management options and allows for multiple followers. A bit old and creaky, though.
Cloaks of Skyrim - Hands out faction capes in levelled lists as well as a variety of hand-placed unique ones. Looks snazzy and is Frostfall compatible.
Convenient Horses - Makes owning and riding a horse much, much less of a headache.
Trade & Barter - Adds variety and MCM control over merchant bartering prices.
Loot & Degradation - Enemies carry smithing-improved versions of the gear based on your level. MCM configurable to turn on or off features like paying blacksmiths to temper your gear.
Deadly Dragons - Makes dragons tougher.
The Paarthurnax Dilemma - Lets you tell the Blades to eat it and keep Paarthurnax alive.
Run & Hide - NPCs hide indoors from dragons.
When Vampires Attack - NPCs hide indoors from vampires.
Small-Town Merchants - Adds additional merchants (and/or innkeepers) to places like Karthwasten, Ivarstead, and Morthal that were missing them.
The Dance of Death - Allows you to configure the frequency and parameters of killmoves.
Bandoliers & Bags - Adds gear that lets you carry more stuff. Looks best on armour.
Infinite Charge Daedric Artifacts & De-Leveled Items - Daedric items never require being recharged and various quest rewards (e.g. the Shield of Solitude) are set to always be their best version.
Even Better Quest Objectives - Quest objectives are more descriptive and useful.
Hunterborn - Adds a cleaning, skinning, and harvesting mechanic and level system to looting wildlife, new alchemy ingredients, and new items. MCM configuration of various features.
Bounty Gold - Allows MCM configuration of the gold rewards for bounty quests, because getting 500 gold for killing a dragon at level 80 is kind of dumb.
A Quality World Map - A much more detailed world map that shows a great many small roads you might otherwise miss.
Simple Taxes - Owning homes or horses costs money now.
More Cooking Pots - Adds usable cooking pots to a lot of places (e.g. the Winking Skeever) that really should've had one to start with. Pairs excellently with Realistic Needs.
Leather Tents & Bedroll - Camping equipment. Pairs excellently with both Realistic Needs and Frostfall.
Long-Lost Smelters of Skyrim - Adds smelters to all the vanilla blacksmithies that lacked one.
Think To Yourself Messages - All vanilla notifications are now in first-persion ("I" instead of "you")
Weighted Items - A whole raft of previously weightless items, such as keys and arrows, now have weight.
Totem of Hircine Quest Always Available - Ibid.
Stormcloak Robes - Mage robes in the Stormcloak colours. Equivalent to Expert College Robes with a supplemental stamina recharge enchantment.
Imperial Robes - Mage robes in the Imperial colours. Equivalent to Expert College Robes with a supplemental health recharge enchantment.
Better Archmage Quarters - Adds functionality, mannequins, and storage to the Archmage's quarters.
Really Radiant Raiment - Radiant Raiment now sells every piece of unenchanted clothing in the base game
Pickpocketing Chance Caps - Allows pickpocketing chances to reach 100%. Having a one in twenty chance at blowing lifting a single septim from a sleeping drunkard when I can steal steel plate off someones back without them noticing was just plain ridiculous.
Perfect Touch Perk Works on Essential Characters - Ibid. Stealing the clothes off Maven's back is always fun.
No Psychic Lock Knowledge - Can't see what rank the lock is.
No Empty Tag on Empty Containers - Can't tell if something is empty.
Leather Backpack - A thing to carry other things in.
Immersive HUD - Hides the HUD elements when not wanted. Configurable with MCM.
High Hrothgar Shelter - Adds a small cabin on the path up High Hrothgar, right where the frost troll jumps you. Handy for Frostfall users.
Fortify Weapon Block - Makes a number of the Block perks work with weapons as well, unless they specifically say "shield" in the description.
Fires Hurt - Duh.
Dragon Plate Is Superior - Swaps the armour rating of daedric and dragon plate armours.
D13 Faster Get Up - The animation for getting up after knockdowns goes faster, both for you and for enemies.
Companions More Radiant Quests - The Companions will always have radiant quests available for you, regardless of where you are in their questline.
Uthgerd Go Home - Uthgerd the Unbroken will actually use her house.
Lore-worthy Nettlebane - Adds a small damage bonus against Spriggans to Nettlebane
W.A.T.E.R - Improves the look and flow of rivers and oceans.
Wet & Cold - When people are in the rain or snow they look like it.
Apachii SkyHair - In the mass of model hairdos there's a few ones I quite like.
Apachii SkyHair Natural Rexture - But the base textures are far too glossy for my taste.
Ponytail Hairstyles - More hairstyles!
Static Mesh Improvement - Dramatically improves a bunch of low-quality vanilla meshwork.
Distinct Hold Guards - Each hold has a different armour look; they're no longer palette-swapped Stormcloaks.
Book Covers Skyrim - Unique meshes and visually distinct covers for every book in the game. Looks fantastic.
Improved NPC Clothing - Higher resolution and better looking clothing for everybody.
Enhanced Distant Terrain - Makes far LOD terrain look much better. Particularly noticeable with waterfalls.
Better Shaped Weapons - Swords are much less oar-like.
Unique Uniques - Unique items have unique textures and meshes.
Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - A much better hair texture set than vanilla.
Guard Dialogue Overhaul - Guards are less insulting and more responsive to what you've done. They still talk about arrow-knees though.
Improved Closefaced Helmets - You can see people's eyes even if they're wearing a heavy helm.
Relighting Skyrim - More lights and torches in civilized areas.
Sexy Boats - Despite the name, these are SFW and just meant to make the various towns, boats, and cities look better.
Sexy Riften
Sexy Solitude
Sexy Towns & Villages
Sexy Whiterun
Sexy Windhelm
Sexy Winterhold College
360 Run and Walk - Lets you walk towards the camera by pressing 'S' as long as you weapons are sheathed.
A Matter of Faith - Adds priest and worshipper robes for each of the Daedric Princes.
aMidianBorn Ebony - Awesome rework of these gears
aMidianBorn Nordic Carved
aMidianBorn Orcish
aMidianBorn Targe of the Blooded
Argonian Sneak Tail Twist Fix - Argonian tails no longer pivot 90 degrees when sneaking
Ashara Romantic Outfit - Radiant Raiment Replacer - Turns the Radiant Raiment Fine Clothes into a unique ballgown.
Bigger Argonian Tails - Dur.
Better Circlets HQ - Dur.
Breylna Tweak - Changes Breylna's hairstyle and slightly alters her face.
Clothe Dead NPCs - If you remove a corpses' equipped clothing, they will automatically swap to anything else in their inventory. If they are nude and you give them clothes, they'll put them on.
Clothing Show Jewelry Fix - Makes jewelry be visible on clothing more often.
College Boots on Corpse - Adds a set of College boots to the mage corpse in the Helgen torture chambers.
Colored Dragon Armor - Dragon scales are different colours, why shouldn't your armour be as well?
Delphine Wears Armor of Blades - Dur.
Elisif the Fair - Emphasis on Fair - Tweaks Elisif's appearance.
Female Mannequins - Dur.
Hold Border Banners - Adds neat looking hold banners where major roads cross the borders.
Ladies Ragged Trousers - Makes the female ragged trousers similar to the male ones-- i.e., trousers.
Makers Mark Ingots - An excellent retexture of the various ingots, with different engraved marks on each kind to represent where it came from.
Menu Shouts Written in Dragons Language - For example, the words for Unrelenting Force are written as "Fus Ro Dah".
Mjoll the Lioness Facelift - Tweaks Mjoll's appearance.
Morthal Fortified - Adds a palisade and gate to Morthal.
Noble Wedding Dress - Fancier wedding dress.
Opulent Outfits - Mage Robes of Winterhold - HQ mage robes with distinct colours for each school and distinct designs for the different ranks.
Prince and the Pauper - Adds variety to the clothes children wear; noble children get fancier stuff than the orphans.
Rens HD Shrines - Very, very nice looking shrines to the Divines.
Respectful Guard Animations - They'll salute you when they say something nice about you. Goes well with Guard Dialogue Overhaul.
Roadsigns Redone - Roadsigns are easier to read.
Shiny Rings Amulets Circlets - Dur.
Skaal Kid Aeta Coat - Aeta gets a warm fur coat instead of the default children's clothing.
Thalmor Justiciars Headquarters Actually Are Thalmor - Adds a bunch of Thalmor to the Thalmor HQ in Solitude for your mass-murdering convenience.
Thundering Shouts - Adds some nice OOMPH to that good ol' shoutan fightan.
True Alteration Armor Visuals - Cast Dragonskin? Now you look like a dragon. Awesome stuff.
Ulfrics Clothes For Women - Makes the female version of Ulfric's clothes look like the ones he's wearing instead of the fur-trimmed cloak it turns into in vanilla.
Uthgerd the Unbroken Skyrim Facelifts - Young - Tweaks Uthgerd's appearance to make her look younger but still battle-scarred.
Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge - Why the fuck should an Argonian gasp for breath when they surface?
Wilderness Thieves Wear Thieves Guild Armor - Dur.