Skitterdoc 2077

My ex was a cop and she was constantly complaining that women's clothes are a pain to concealed carry. She would always bounce between the smallest gun she could in a normal waistband holster, or wearing a jacket all the time with a shoulder rig. Given Taylor's personality and mindset, I would expect her to use her hair to conceal a weapon as canon Taylor did with her bugs. Two pistols on her upper back/neck so she can grab one with either hand, and it lets her use a surrender motion to reach for weapons. I think she would like that since a lot of her actions and plans seem to involve quickly switching tactics.
There's this new cutting edge tech called holsters. They come in a variety of forms (hip, inbound, tight, shoulder, ankle etc) and allow for easy carry and access of handguns.
Much better then purses they are.
For females, and adventurous males, the purse has the advantage that you can wear a slinky skin-tight number which can't possibly conceal a holster and still have a gun with you. Not that I'm suggesting that Taylor needs to wear slinky skin-tight outfits - I like my head attached to my neck and my bits unpunched.
The cyber-psycho Euralio Alma has some kind of plasma gun, but the thing is gigantic. The tabletop has some laser and plasma weapons as of 2020, but they all look like pretty big weapons, not something you would incorporate into your body with a single exception (2-Shot Capacitor Laser: This microlaser is designed to produce a very powerful pulse of limited duration (3D6 for each one-second shot). Range is atrocious (10 meters), and recharging requires plugging into a power socket for one hour. However, it can be a particularity effective weapon for assassination or silent attacks.). Plus I don't really think she would want to add more high-energy gear, especially when she is already generating too much heat for long-term stealth operations.

The kind of thing I could see her going for is something like an under-the-tongue saliva gland replacement, something that can spray a few different chemicals. Her gas grenade anesthetic, some kind of poison, and maybe breath freshener.
And now you all, together with Dead Space Remake made me remember that Bonesaw made her spine prehensile and that have needles that could basically hijack other bodies
The Dead Space thing is that she basically could do a Divider and separate her head and put herself in another body

So yeah Tinker are bullshit and Taylor Shard is very bullshit when given the chance
The only downside was it was form-fitting, and I meant very form-fitting. I solved this issue partly by wearing my normal ballistic vest over it; it covered my breasts and stomach area, although now it would take a little longer to cool due to the heat trapped between the vest and suit! Still, the suit did a lot better job than the heatsinks included in my implant, so it was still overall a good choice. I could still drop to an externally visible eighteen degrees or so within thirty seconds, even with the vest.

I tried wearing a pair of shorts over the suit, but it looked very stupid. What I settled on was a sort of belt that carried a lot of my immediately useful supplies and extra ammunition. It made me feel kind of like a superheroine, and attached to that belt was an armoured skirt in the same colour as the netrunner suit, which was mainly for my modesty. I had the same woman make it after telling her about my concerns. It didn't look like a normal skirt, as it was made up of individual armoured strips, which made it a lot easier to move in.

The woman called it a pteruges, which I had to look up. She thought it was preem, though. Honestly, all I needed was a domino mask, and I would have fit in with the cape scene back in the Bay wearing this, so I privately quite liked it too.
... Taylor what did I say about becoming a femme fatale! That fact you are adding a battle skirt for modesty does not nullify the issue! If anything it makes it worse!
. Frowning, I just activated the paralysis pads on my fingernails and casually swiped his arm like an annoyed housecat. I didn't draw a lot of blood, but four deeply red lines were visible on his arm as he yanked it back, bleeding slowly.

That was good enough, and it only took him a couple of seconds of looking confused and terrified before he slumped to the side, falling out of his chair, and twitching.
Oh! You used your lethal cat scratch in combat too! Yes, I know it is 'Just a paralytic" but when you paralyze someone so bad they have a 50/50 chance to live it is lethal!
... Taylor what did I say about becoming a femme fatale! That fact you are adding a battle skirt for modesty does not nullify the issue! If anything it makes it worse!

Oh! You used your lethal cat scratch in combat too! Yes, I know it is 'Just a paralytic" but when you paralyze someone so bad they have a 50/50 chance to live it is lethal!

I'm curious if the fingernails were supposed to be completely her shard's idea, or if they were based on the old scratcher cyberweapon from the tabletop games. The drug injection system is defiantly new, but it would be funny if she had developed them entirely from first principles and basically came up with the same thing.

Implanted metal or carbo-glas fingernails. The incredible sharpness of the material makes these as deadly as razor blades (1D6/2 per hand damage). Scratchers cut on the bias, requiring the user to slice crossways, not rip downwards. Most people lacquer their scratchers, making them indistinguishable from normal nails (the enamel has no effect on the sharpness). These are not considered lethal (and therefore black market) cyberware and can be purchased in any local clinic.
The thing about energy weapons is that, for the most part, they were lost as a result of Bartmoss doing a fucky wucky with the Net, along with a great deal of other cool shit. Thanks Bartmoss, hope you're enjoying your fridge nap.
Bartmoss: the man smart enough to create and destroy the first Net, and dumb enough to think it wouldn't turn into another tool of corporate exploitation.
I'm curious if the fingernails were supposed to be completely her shard's idea, or if they were based on the old scratcher cyberweapon from the tabletop games. The drug injection system is defiantly new, but it would be funny if she had developed them entirely from first principles and basically came up with the same thing.

Implanted metal or carbo-glas fingernails. The incredible sharpness of the material makes these as deadly as razor blades (1D6/2 per hand damage). Scratchers cut on the bias, requiring the user to slice crossways, not rip downwards. Most people lacquer their scratchers, making them indistinguishable from normal nails (the enamel has no effect on the sharpness). These are not considered lethal (and therefore black market) cyberware and can be purchased in any local clinic.
She actually mentioned those in the chapter where she did her nails, they seem to use a different system that's not quite as good at cutting.
Spira-sensei! I need halp(lol ain't that the truth), I see other crossovers set in Worm where protagonists a have a cool power to be sure, but far from enough to save the world. I ask myself, what's author's endgame?
What can Cyberpunk do against Endbringers and Scion?(or any other fantasy power/technology on that level). Someone countered that question with, endgame? What's author's midgame? Uff emergency burn patients incoming!

So, even though you don't plan to finish the Cyber Taylor on Earth Bet side-story, have you ever thought how she could do anything there besides live out for a few years until the world ended?
So, even though you don't plan to finish the Cyber Taylor on Earth Bet side-story, have you ever thought how she could do anything there besides live out for a few years until the world ended?

"Riley (Bonesaw) triggered with the QA bug controlling power" - from the first post of this story

So it will probably go like: Through some convoluted circumstances Cyber Taylor jailbreaks the current holder of Queen Administrator (i.e. Riley) and everything goes the same from there.
"Riley (Bonesaw) triggered with the QA bug controlling power" - from the first post of this story

So it will probably go like: Through some convoluted circumstances Cyber Taylor jailbreaks the current holder of Queen Administrator (i.e. Riley) and everything goes the same from there.
Forgot about that, but what if she didn't, if there is no QA host?
Spira-sensei! I need halp(lol ain't that the truth), I see other crossovers set in Worm where protagonists a have a cool power to be sure, but far from enough to save the world. I ask myself, what's author's endgame?
What can Cyberpunk do against Endbringers and Scion?(or any other fantasy power/technology on that level). Someone countered that question with, endgame? What's author's midgame? Uff emergency burn patients incoming!

So, even though you don't plan to finish the Cyber Taylor on Earth Bet side-story, have you ever thought how she could do anything there besides live out for a few years until the world ended?
The (semi-)obvious answer is that the Endbringers/Scion get hacked.

Cyberpunk is about the crossover between the info-sphere and the physical, and the Entities avoid/destroy civilizations which are 'too much' of a risk. Might the Cyberpunk link be a backdoor into an Entity weak point?
Forgot about that, but what if she didn't, if there is no QA host?
Just have Scion suicide and the Endbringer go asleep due to PLOT. Move the focus to parahumans and their effect on the world instead of worrying about Scion and the Endbringers and ruin the rest of the fic. Really ask yourself what you like most about the setting of Worm. I doubt most people will be answering Scion or the Endbringers.
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Didn't also Riley insect-choked Jack Slash in the process? This would give Bet more time.
In my AU he was stung to death by a thousand wasps. She didn't kill all of the S9 that day, nor save her parents, but managed to survive and without Jack Slash around they just kind of went their own murderous ways after that and were rolled up individually later by the Protectorate over the years.
Spira-sensei! I need halp(lol ain't that the truth), I see other crossovers set in Worm where protagonists a have a cool power to be sure, but far from enough to save the world. I ask myself, what's author's endgame?
What can Cyberpunk do against Endbringers and Scion?(or any other fantasy power/technology on that level). Someone countered that question with, endgame? What's author's midgame? Uff emergency burn patients incoming!

So, even though you don't plan to finish the Cyber Taylor on Earth Bet side-story, have you ever thought how she could do anything there besides live out for a few years until the world ended?
Realistically, Zion committed suicide. Despite Khepri going all out, she and her host weren't really enough to stop him.

So if you're asking what CP Taylor can do, well, that depends on the knowledge that exists. Riley in that universe has the QA bug controlling power so she might be able to be a Khepri, where as CP Taylor might be the key part in making the parahuman plague in Ward, or some other thing.

Since Zion basically killed himself, there are tons of ways to accomplish that without necessitating the same powersets that canon Worm had. Some of it depends on knowledge that the canon cast didn't get in time in Worm, but that could be changed as simply as a new/different Cauldron vial without the same restrictions creating a Thinker who maybe could see around the edges. Maybe Smirugh helps them gank Scion ahead of time, if indirectly, because she wants to control the network, etc.

I once wanted to write a Worm fic where the MC killed Butcher, but instead of ending up with all the butchers inside his head, the last butcher stole his body and he ended up disembodied inside the Butcher's shard. A shard insurgent!
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Realistically, Zion committed suicide. Despite Khepri going all out, she and her host weren't really enough to stop him.

So if you're asking what CP Taylor can do, well, that depends on the knowledge that exists. Riley in that universe has the QA bug controlling power so she might be able to be a Khepri, where as CP Taylor might be the key part in making the parahuman plague in Ward, or some other thing.

Since Zion basically killed himself, there are tons of ways to accomplish that without necessitating the same powersets that canon Worm had. Some of it depends on knowledge that the canon cast didn't get in time in Worm, but that could be changed as simply as a new/different Cauldron vial without the same restrictions creating a Thinker who maybe could see around the edges. Maybe Smirugh helps them gank Scion ahead of time, if indirectly, because she wants to control the network, etc.

I once wanted to write a Worm fic where the MC killed Butcher, but instead of ending up with all the butchers inside his head, the last butcher stole his body and he ended up disembodied inside the Butcher's shard. A shard insurgent!
I was thinking, you can't count on him suiciding or trying to make him suicide, since just knowing about it creates a butterfly even if MC does nothing to change canon. Also I hear it was a phyric victory.
There is a Butcher fic, I had it on my list to read, but you know how it is, I never got to it and then removed it lol.
Since Zion basically killed himself, there are tons of ways to accomplish that without necessitating the same powersets that canon Worm had.
I don't know, I think this post illustrates quite well how much luck and bullshit was needed in canon and how much stuff most fics that kill Scion in other ways tend to ignore. I don't think it's impossible, but I also don't think that there were so many different ways of killing him.
I don't know, I think this post illustrates quite well how much luck and bullshit was needed in canon and how much stuff most fics that kill Scion in other ways tend to ignore. I don't think it's impossible, but I also don't think that there were so many different ways of killing him.

Remember that the creator of Worm hates his fan base, and actively changes his story and plot whenever someone points out a plot hole or has better idea than what he did. And keeps doubling down on the worst elements, over and over.

I for one think that had Jack not set Scion off, that he would have been on auto-pilot and slowly died as he tore off parts of himself. Taylor's shard was never suppose to be activated for use as an example of what Scion was doing to himself. He was slowly tearing himself into pieces, a slow suicide.
I for one think that had Jack not set Scion off, that he would have been on auto-pilot and slowly died as he tore off parts of himself. Taylor's shard was never suppose to be activated for use as an example of what Scion was doing to himself. He was slowly tearing himself into pieces, a slow suicide.
IIRC Dinah predicted killing Jack would push a GM-like possibility back 15 years or something, rather than 2. So if we acknowledge that, however Scion ultimately goes was likely to involve a lot of dead people.

On the flip side, she did say that it wasn't everyone dying. Just a significant portion.

IMO the thing to keep in mind is Scion is inherently unpredictable-- that was the problem, the reason nobody could just ignore him. Sure, he might have just died quietly in a corner, but he could just as easily decide to smash continents. For all his hype, Jack Slash isn't a god-- the fact that he was able to persuade Scion to go nuts so quickly is indicative of just how fragile his (relatively) human-friendly behavior was.

But either way, if Cyberpunk!Taylor, or anyone else, had like 15 more years that's a good chunk to work with.
But either way, if Cyberpunk!Taylor, or anyone else, had like 15 more years that's a good chunk to work with.
You can make a good case that the only way to 'win', reasonably cleanly, is to change the rules of the game. "I taught you everything you know, but I didn't teach you everything I know" is not a game you want to play against your teacher (the power-supplying Entities).

Cyberpunk Taylor knows she's from another world, which introduces new variables into the situation, which she can hope the Entities haven't accounted for. Maybe she can use that to 'win', but if she's realistic she'll know it isn't likely. But, that she's 'in' the world at all might suggest there is potential access to outside resources, and that's an avenue she might consider exploring. A DIY 'Outside Context Problem', all for Scion/Zion?

However... Even realizing how... drastic she is going to have to be is a major issue in itself - nothing really suggests, so far, that she's likely to acquire that information. But, we don't know how deep her research into powers and shards has got, and might be going...

Can she get into the 'Shardnet'? Data-mine The Thinker? (Say, via Leet's shard, which is allegedly one of the few 'natural' Thinker ones.) Can she get (an unchained) Dragon on-board?

But, I guess, that is all Sidestory stuff, as this story isn't set in that group of universes. :)

Oh. And yes. I don't get to write other authors stories, except as omake. :)
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