Skitterdoc 2077

Has the background for V been decided, or are they not going to have enough of a presence for that to matter?
I haven't decided, yet. Generally speaking I prefer the Corpo V background because that is the only one where V and Jackie have a long time friendship before the game started, although we weren't told exactly how it was started (maybe in Mexico?)

I like this better because I love the V/Jackie friendship where they are life-and-death brothers (or sister if you're FemV.)
David should have been 2-3 when the story started and maybe 3 or 3.5 when Taylor saw him first (he was talking but unusual words/names were difficult for him), so now, 20 months later, he is probably closing in on 5-6 years old, maybe even going to school during the day. It is 2064 right now, so a 5-year-old David would still be ABOUT 17 by the time of Edgerunners.

So I was 2 years off, I suppose that wasn't a terrible guess. Speaking of little David, I'm curious if we are going to see Taylor and Gloria building her little home/office med clinic. I could see this clinic altering the course of Edgrunners quite a bit, since David will likely grow up much more knowledgeable about what medications are commonly used for certain things. Not to mention that I wouldn't be surprised if Gloria stops scavenging as many implants, once she can make some decent cash with her little shop. David may not have a Sandy to find in the house. I suppose he might go to Taylor once he wants to start getting implants since his time staying in her apartment would have convinced him she is a secret ripper doc with all the equipment there. Plus Doc seems like another shady ripper that Taylor may end up having issues with, and we had some hints about what happened to the last one that she pointed out.
Changed the paragraph where Taylor decapitates the gang member, because it did seem like she was moving a bit slow to allow him to turn even slightly, so I changed it so he started turning as soon as she started moving up from behind her patient:

I slowly stepped around a patient, hoping the slow movement wouldn't startle him as I was unspooling enough monowire. However, he must have been at sufficiently high tension because as soon as he saw me moving from the peripheral vision, he started turning rapidly, with his arm carrying his pistol traversing like a tank's turret. I abandoned stealth and threw out my left hand, fast and I got a glimpse of a shocked look on his face as the wire to coiled around his neck like a snake. I didn't waste any time and just yanked back quickly with my offhand, causing his head to pop off with a gross plopping noise. Thankfully, he hadn't fired his weapon, and I glanced around to see if anybody around had noticed, but no one had.
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Nice chapter thx for writing it
Fun taste of gang wars and there chaos wonder if there fixer sold them out to 6th street
I'm imagining that if Taylor hadn't been there Kiwi would have gotten shot in the face and her team would have dumped her... making her start not trusting anyone else
The only downside was it was form-fitting, and I meant very form-fitting

"I'm worried about people seeing me."

"Isn't that the point of a stealth suit?"

I was not exactly lying nor exactly telling the truth. Objectively speaking, I was barely over seventeen. But I had been living a life three times the speed as the average person for some time now, so subjectively, I considered myself a couple of years older.

"I'm old enough. Really!"

"Yeah right. You're 17."

"But it feels like so much longer."

"Everyone feels that way about school."
I haven't decided, yet. Generally speaking I prefer the Corpo V background because that is the only one where V and Jackie have a long time friendship before the game started, although we weren't told exactly how it was started (maybe in Mexico?)

I like this better because I love the V/Jackie friendship where they are life-and-death brothers (or sister if you're FemV.)

Jackie and corporate V met doing an op involving the Mexican cartels. Presumably Jackie was V's translator and cultural guide.

My personal speculation is that Jackie's father was involved in the Cartels and that's why Jackie was chosen as Vs intro to them.

As for the op? I suspect it was much the same as Abernathy's Cape Town ploy. Only theirs didn't end so well. Possibly because of Abernathy.
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I tried wearing a pair of shorts over the suit, but it looked very stupid.

Not surprising. You pretty much have to be Superman or Batman to have a chance of pulling that look off.

Also, I agree with the earlier poster that said Taylor should get a holster. Way better than a purse or fanny pack. And no one in Night City will even blink at her openly packing. I prefer a strong side on belt holster, personally, but a drop leg or cross draw holster can be easier to get to when sitting.

I am actually rather glad that late 80s early 90s slang has pretty much completely died. Even when it was popular it was cringy as hell hearing people constantly saying things were bogus, radical, or bodacious. Just go back and watch early episodes of the Simpsons, everything Bart said was stuff you would regularly hear from teenagers, and it was awful.

No kidding. I grew up in the eighties and nineties, and I distinctly remember hearing Bart the first time as a kid and thinking something along the lines of, 'Who the hell talks like that?!'
Not surprising. You pretty much have to be Superman or Batman to have a chance of pulling that look off.

Also, I agree with the earlier poster that said Taylor should get a holster. Way better than a purse or fanny pack. And no one in Night City will even blink at her openly packing. I prefer a strong side on belt holster, personally, but a drop leg or cross draw holster can be easier to get to when sitting.

No kidding. I grew up in the eighties and nineties, and I distinctly remember hearing Bart the first time as a kid and thinking something along the lines of, 'Who the hell talks like that?!'
She does have a holster, it's on her thigh and that is where she keeps her normal everyday carry pistol, which is a Militech Omaha electromagnetic pistol. She was thinking about ways to conceal a small pistol so she could smuggle it into places like Afterlife where they don't allow her to carry but don't actually search her.
She does have a holster, it's on her thigh and that is where she keeps her normal everyday carry pistol, which is a Militech Omaha electromagnetic pistol. She was thinking about ways to conceal a small pistol so she could smuggle it into places like Afterlife where they don't allow her to carry but don't actually search her.
That doesn't come across in the chapter at all. The context that thought comes up is the developing situation with the Diablos gang leader and together with the fact that she's now wearing an armored skirt, which does limit access to a thigh holster, leads to the thought that she isn't packing at all in that scene.

Also, an inbound or shoulder holster under a jacket or a ankle holster and the aformantioned loose fitting full length cargo pants is still a better choice for concealed carry than a purse.
She does have a holster, it's on her thigh and that is where she keeps her normal everyday carry pistol, which is a Militech Omaha electromagnetic pistol. She was thinking about ways to conceal a small pistol so she could smuggle it into places like Afterlife where they don't allow her to carry but don't actually search her.
Honestly, install a smart gun into her arm, and that way she is always packing heat.
Its what I would do. Instead of the big fuckoff canon, build a cyberware arm that opens up to reveal a smart gun. That way you can keep your monowire cyberware.
Honestly, install a smart gun into her arm, and that way she is always packing heat.
Its what I would do. Instead of the big fuckoff canon, build a cyberware arm that opens up to reveal a smart gun. That way you can keep your monowire cyberware.
We actually DO have energy weapons in Cyberpunk. Get something like an Iron Man hand cannon thing, firing out of the palm. Since this isn't actually comic book "everything ever invented fits in a dime-sized gadget" stuff, the workings would be in her forearm, though.